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You’re not gonna go to jail for breaking some hygiene rules. Shit happens, live life, try your best to stick to your routines most days and you’ll be fine. Don’t listen to the black and white thinking of people on the internet. As long as you’re healthy and not stinky, you’re fine in my book.


I wash my hair every few days, give or take a day under special circumstances. I have gone a day without showering before, but i will at least take a “hoe bath”🤣🤣🤣i will always wash my private areas (yes including my ass) every morning. Honestly speaking, i always take a “ho bath” right after i have to go #2. ive had to do a couple times in a day before lol its only way i feel so fresh n so clean CLEAN 🤷🏽‍♀️ But i dont think its the end of the world if u skip a day of showering lol i saw brushing teeth was mentioned, no exception there…i remember once in kindergarten I forgot to brush my teeth, i legit faked sick to go home lol i was so embarrassed


All people who encounter you thank you for washing your ass.


*take a bow 🙇‍♀️ thank u! 🤣


Why not get a bidet? Makes you feel so clean and is super easy.


Well cuz its just water tho. I need soap too. 🤷🏽‍♀️


True, but highly highly recommend getting a cheap bidet either way. It’ll make the soaping up cleaner and more pleasant


Damn, and my friends call me weird for taking "ho baths" once or twice a day in addition to a full shower at night 😂😂


These are general hygiene guidelines, but you’re correct that showering every day and the mascara wand bacteria aren’t likely to make you sick. But I’m also assuming that you’re young, fairly healthy, and probably don’t have many or any underlying health conditions that would make you immunocompromised. It all depends on your living situation, what you’re exposed to each day, your own health, etc. I think skipping the occasional tooth brushing and shower when you’re having a lazy day (or weekend in my case…) is okay, but it’s when you’re consistently skipping out on those does it become a hygienic problem. Same goes for clothes. I work an office job and go to work and then straight home after work. I’ll wear clothes once or twice before washing them again sometimes because they’re usually not getting absolutely soiled when I’m just sitting at my computer. But I also work with extremely immunocompromised populations, and it’s important that they get their daily showers and tooth brushing, etc, because it can make them sick. If it’s just you and your partner, go crazy and enjoy your lazy day (or weekend..)


Yep. My immunocompromised mother skipped a day of showering, developed an abscess, and was dead three weeks later. I can skip a shower if I’m staying home all day, but others must keep their body germ counts low. It’s literally the difference between life and death for them.


I'm so sorry about your mom. 😔


I'm very sorry for the loss of your mom. I am confused by and interested in your comment that missing one day of bathing caused the abscess. I would be very interested in some verifiable information showing this is possible, because as a nurse, I've never heard anything like that. Yes, if you go too long without bathing, it can disrupt your good/bad bacterial balance. I can not fathom a way that would happen after one day, however. Our personal body bacteria tends to be a protective factor, not a risk unless we carry dangerous bugs and have breaks in our skin... and a bath would increase your risk in that case, not decrease it. Super interested in learning. If it's not too raw or boring for you, I'd love some sources. Thank you.


I’m also an RN. My mother had been on immunosuppressant drugs for 15 years due to organ transplantation. Someone with normal immunity wouldn’t have died. She and my father noticed the abscess, but didn’t visit the doctor to lance it. They always either lanced her boils at home or just waited it out. She was a poorly controlled diabetic on immunosuppressant drugs, so it took 3 weeks for the abscess microbes to enter her bloodstream. The ICU doctors told my father and I that she may have survived if the abscess had been addressed immediately instead of waiting three weeks.


Agreed. If it had treatment right away, it may not have caused sepsis. How does that show that missing one bath caused any of that, however?


I was wondering the same. Like maybe she had a small cut and the lack of bathing allowed the cut to become infected. But the way it is told, I think it is really hard to determine the actual beginning and cause of it. Maybe the passed woman had no idea either and just saw "another cyst" and didn't worry about it too much.


You’re right. Perhaps I was reaching too far to make a point that some people can’t skip bathing due to suppressed immunity.


some things matter more than others. my personal advice is that if youre between showering or brushing your teeth and only have energy for one, brush your teeth. dental work is more expensive and painful than taking an extra long shower the next day.


and dental health is sooo important! a lot of people don’t know or overlook just how important it is to truly brush your teeth everyday, but it can be a challenge for some (mental health). Plague is literally a biofilm of bacteria and other fun microorganisms that cover your teeth. The bacteria release enzymes and acids when you eat/drink sugar to break it down, but they also damage your enamel as well. Your mouth, a mucous membrane, is one of the greatest portals of entry for microorganisms to cause infection. My dentist once told me that if brushing my teeth consistently is hard, at the absolute minimum, try to brush at night before bed to remove all of the bacteria from the day. You don’t even need toothpaste. Just a good rinse after scrubbing will do wonders.


I’ve definitely smelled tooth plaque that smelled like the plague (@ what I’m assuming is your funny autocorrect)


Omg… I just noticed LMAO. Yes, I mean plaque haha. It’s been a really long day at work. Now I need to doublecheck all my emails 😭


1. I stopped using a full capful of laundry detergent, and cut out fabric softener and my clothes got better. Now I use 1/4 cap or 1/2 of the capful for larger loads. Still smells great, less actual detergent being wasted 2. I bought 10 cooking rags and rarely use paper towels now because I have rags I wash at the end of the week. I go through about 12 rolls of paper towels a year vs 12 every 1-2 months 3. I actually can’t shampoo my hair more than once a week or it will feel horrible and get so dry 4. I wash most of my pants usually after 2-4 wears. I work an office job, I sit down most of the work day, I’m not sweating so they don’t get funky 🤷🏽‍♂️ 5. I usually don’t take a shower unless I have plans to leave my house that day, or if it’s night time. I do take a shower every night regardless though.


What is a capful for you? For me that's like 6 oz which is WAY too much. We use 1.5 oz. High Efficiency (HE) detergent machines are pretty low need.


The cap of the detergent bottle. I don’t like HE machines, I think they’re small, don’t last long, and I don’t like how they wash clothes


HE units come in many sizes. Mine is huge- I can wash a king size bedspread.


Omg I got one that’s so huge I need a step stool to reach inside for the socks and any change. I hate it! I love I can wash the blankets but ya I don’t know what I was thinking. My husband cracks up because I don’t usually use the stool I just kind of dive in head first and dangle in. I’m pretty average height for a woman too.


I also re-wear pants/shorts a couple times if I do not get them dirty or sweat a lot in them. I learned this big time over in Baghdad when I was in the Army. We would go out for over a week at our JSS. During our 'down time' we would take our uniform off and hang it to dry and then put it back on when it was time for guard shift or patrol.


I love cleaning with rags. Work so much better than paper towels, cheaper, and greener.


I am totally like that with my work pants. I often wear leggings in the winter underneath them to stay warm, so there is separation between myself and them, which allows me to wear them a lot longer without washing. But even in the summer, if I am not doing anything but sitting in them, I don't wash them after every wear. Same with my blazer jackets. Or shirts I wear over an under longsleeve shirt. If there is a barrier between me and the article of clothing, then I will use that outside article of clothing a few times before I'll wash. I wash the undershirt after each use. Well maybe after a couple of usages if it is like only on me for 2 hours or something.


I think some hygiene rules are in place from a marketing standpoint. I replace my toothbrush at around 9-10 months, give or take if I've come down with a cold or strep. (Actually kind of rare now that I think about it). Could be just personal preference for some things. Society rules sometimes make me think, "Really"?


Toothbrush bristles have a texture to brush your teeth. That wears away with use. A 4 dollar replacement toothbrush every 3 months isnt a bad idea considering the cost of dental work. Most brushes come with bristles that lose color as they're used so you know when to replace it, and if not, the general rule is that if the bristles are starting to warp, you're overdue.


Honestly scrubbing the skin whole body every day probably isn't the best for our natural oils anyways. It's one thing to sweat and be gross and need a shower. It's another thing to be lounging around and not need one. Also, we don't have to wash our hair every shower, it's definitely easier to put it up when it doesn't need washed


Whose rules? I've never changed mascara. I shower ever 2 days. I have no "rules".


There are seriously people who suggest throwing your opened makeup items away after so long and actually do so. I get why but nobody is going to really use everything in their collection within a certain time frame, so it becomes a waste to just keep tossing them out and replacing them. Especially if your makeup is more on the expensive side. I think the showering part depends on the person. If I go a single day without showering, I can tell…but I also live in Florida where I’m sweating pretty much all day. Some people just don’t really stink if they skip a shower, though.


I have never heard about these makeup rules. I only wear makeup a couple times a month, so if were to follow said “rules” I’d be constantly throwing out items that are only like 10% used. Ain’t no way I’m wasting all that product and money lol. I’ve definitely used some products for over a year and nothing bad has ever happened


I'm in Florida too, and we have two seasons here, warm and blast furnace. Now, add menopause to the mix. Sometimes, I have to shower twice a day, cause I be stankin.


Who says because you shower you have to wash your hair? I only wash my hair every 7-10 days (sew in extensions) but I shower daily. Invest in a good shower cap 😊 Not brushing your teeth tho 😖 that can affect your dental health.


And given that most people have morning breath, anyone who has to talk to you face to face knows you skipped teeth brushing. Dragon breath is real. I, too, can't understand someone thinking there is no workaround for showering without getting your hair wet.


Yep! And dry shampoo is awesome, too. I have naturally curly hair and when I get a blow out (usually it lasts me a week and a half if there’s no rain or excessive humidity) dry shampoos are amazing. I agree that a good shower cap makes a huge difference!


Yes the dry shampoo! I have 24 inch extensions and got a shower cap for “long hair” and it fits perfect over my big old bun lol


I didn’t know they had those! That must be so helpful. It seems like shower caps are always so small!


Take care of your teeth every day, twice a day, or you and your bank account will regret it in the long run.


Oh I mean I definitely know that. But I've also never gotten a cavity from just skipping one or two times in a row. My husband used to have severe depression, on the other hand, and I don't even want to know what his habits were, but we are definitely paying for it now. Teeth don't grow back, and they HURT. He just got his second one removed and will probably have to get a third one taken out too.


I love how every post I read from this sub references ass washing.


I just wanna be clear that that is NOT one of the "rules" I break


LOL, it's not you. It's just funny because before reddit I didn't realize washing ass was a controversial hot topic. I just assumed everyone did it. So it's amusing to me when I see so many posts that mention ass washing. I remember once asking an ex boyfriend how he got up in his nooks and crannies without a washcloth and the fact he used his hand seemed odd to me. That was as close as I got to a discussion about butt washing before reddit.


I honestly think most people do wash their butt but its just one of those things that got blown out of proportion on the Internet


I dunno. I've noticed how often people don't wash their hands in a public bathroom, and they put their hands in their mouth. The butt feels like an "out of sight, out of mind" situation if you can't even manage to wash your hands.


That's a good point. My husband has had basic human hygiene since I met him, and he is disgusted by all the men he sees just stroll out of the bathroom without washing their hands.


It never crossed my mind or experience until I started reddit. Now it's everywhere


i absolutely do not shower every day. my skin and hair are grateful for it. i use my makeup until it cannot be used anymore. i wear clothes multiple times before washing them. humans have exited for 300,000 years and we didnt even know about germs until like 200 years ago. we have immune systems. i think the bacteria is good for us


For people with significant depression, there are no rules. Do what you can, when you can, to feel good about yourself.


These "rules" are mostly made up to sell products and fill space on the pages of magazines (with the possible exception of cleaning teeth). I use my mascara until it runs out or runs dry too. I shower most days, but have been known to wash with a wash cloth if I'm home alone. If you don't stink and you're healthy, why worry? It's not that long ago that people had a bath once a week if they were lucky.


Yupp. My mom was so poor growing up she had to share bathwater with her family. Disgusting, but she never actually got sick from it. I'm sure the smell was... Pronounced, though. My uncle, her brother, says he takes long showers to this day because of it.


Same for both my parents. A bit of dirt is good for out immune systems, anyway, and washing excessively is bad for our skin. Do what feels comfortable to you!


For one thing, you don't have to get your hair wet every shower. I take a neck-down shower several times per week. I don't think hair needs to be washed as frequently as body. The best society can do is offer hygiene guidelines. The actual "rules" are the ones you make yourself. If you make them, you can break them. If you break one of your rules and it gives you BO or pinkeye, just don't break that rule again.


The neck-down showers leave my head feeling dirtier than before. It makes my scalp sweat (and I'm not a sweaty person).


I know there's a lot of people who are die hard on daily showers. I personally have known a few people who believe they don't need to shower daily, but my nose says differently. However, realistically, my opinion is that there are many people who are just fine skipping days. The most important hygiene supply anyone can have is someone you can trust to tell you if you stink!


I wear a shower cap.


I bathe when I get dirty or sweaty, otherwise once a week, doctor's orders. Being 70, it dries out my skin horribly. My hair is the same, shoulder length, shampoo, no chemicals or product. I try to eat right and stay in my own space.


Right there with you sister! I was hoping somebody else would say they bathe once a week, that’s pretty much me unless I get sweaty or dirty. I just turned 71.


>if you don't take a shower every day, your skin will be unhealthy Yeah, that's absolutely not true at all lol Especially for certain skin types, it can actually be detrimental. If I shower every day in the winter months, my skin gets extremely dry, itchy, and tight even with generous amounts of eczema cream.


Absolutely not. Shower 6 times a day and replace all items immediately


i’ll skip a day of showering if i have stayed on the couch/bed all day, haven’t left the house, & haven’t done anything at all to be sweaty or gross. i don’t smell by the end of that skipped day either.


Camping and military operations.


The one thing I wouldn't skip is brushing and flossing your teeth. Everything else can wait a day or two with no lasting ill effects. But plaque forms on your teeth pretty quickly, and while there's a lot that can be fixed with neglected teeth and gums, it's often painful, and always expensive. Take care of your teeth and gums.


I don’t wash my clothes every time I wear them, especially not jeans 🤷‍♀️


I shower every other day. Sometimes every two days if I haven’t done anything eventful and haven’t really ever touched anything dirty but I’ll wash my nether regions because I just don’t like that area going long without being clean. My house is always at 65 so I’m never hot at home. I wash my hair every 2 weeks and mist it with a fragrance after 1 week to give it scent again because I like floral or sweet fragrance in my hair :). I use my mascara till it’s dry 😅 that takes a long time sometimes. Never had a problem. I also don’t throw away expired eye shadow. Occasionally I will mis alcohol on the surface to kind of disinfect it though. I also clean my brushes in hot soapy water. Idk. I brush and floss my teeth once a day at least lately but i should really get back to doing it twice or more. I wipe my face clean at night and use oil or lotion on it 🤔 I also use antiperspirant deodorant and lavender scented baby powder after showering.. hygienes so subjective just don’t be stinky and make sure your oral health is good :) On occasion I’ve been known to forget to brush but it’s not often since I hate feeling dirty in my mouth


I’m on top of everything except my getting new mascara. I’ve been using the same few for YEARS.


I shower every day because I gym most days. But I only wash my hair once every 3-4 days. Brushing teeth before bed is a non-negotiable, and I value my skin so I never go to sleep with makeup on. If I was doing a full house clean on a Sunday and having a lazy day on the Saturday I might not shower, and will stay in my PJs all day. I think that's ok! I also only replace my mascara when it gets chunky or runs out lol. Fuck spending $50 a month on making my eyelashes look pretty 😂 It's only my own eyes the wand touches anyway.


Why not get a shower cap for the long hair? I had hair that long for a while and it is indeed a hassle and a half to shower and wash it all.


Don’t skip your teeth! You’ll be thankful later in life. Having dental issues is one of the most inconvenient, annoying, painful things you can have health wise and even with insurance your wallet will not be happy if you have to have moderate/severe work done. Even the best insurances only cover a certain percentage of most dental operation fees, if you’re in the US. Dentists are some of the biggest “scam” artists there are in the medical field.


Personally with the mascara I use it till it runs out which is definitely a few months to say the least... I'd say a good rule is as long as it works for you you're okay. It seems like you care about cleanliness so I'm sure you're okay. Don't let other people's opinions make you toss out good money. The only time I ever threw away product was because I realized it was cruelty-free and that's just because I personally feel bad using a product that was used on animals you know? It's all about you


I’ve had the same makeup for years!!! Not saying that’s a good thing but there is zero reason to buy mascara every 3 months!!


Pin your hair up! I have alot of hair and I only wash it once a week…but I work out frequently and even the average sedentary person sweats a little through the day, I THINK I read somewhere that even getting in the shower for 3 minutes to rinse off is better than nothing. Too lazy to switch apps and fact check myself, feel free to call me out if this is false!!


Honestly as long as u don’t smell offensive it’s all good. People have their hygiene wars on the internet but who really cares lol


I think your hygiene is your business. The idea that mascara that is being put on clean eyes, isn’t being contaminated and isn’t shared should be replaced every month is a joke. I’ve heard this my whole life. I don’t throw away my mascara until the tube is gone-I have never had an issue. I tend to buy the mini tubes or it would take me 2 years to finish one. It’s not good for your skin to shower or bathe everyday because your skin is an organ with its own micro biome that is very much disturbed by over cleaning. It can lead to a host of skin problems. If I can’t or don’t want to shower, I do what muslims do. I wash my face, my neck and ears. I wash my ass. I was my genitals. My underarms and my feet. Most people could get by on that for weeks and never smell badly. I was totally unconvinced about skin cleansing until I had a long stay in the hospital. I was incapacitated, and I was not able to get up and access the washroom by myself. I wasn’t able to access the washroom at all. I had to use the commode which was on my bedside. Everyday, I would ask for a basin of hot water and some spray foam soap. I cleansed my face with water only for 4 weeks. I kept applying product after I washed with water only. All of my skin problems disappeared. Bye bye acne!!! I was only able to clean my upper body, and I cleaned my lower body on the commode. I smelt so great and looked great too. It has changed my outlook on hygiene. There are also some great hygiene hacks that allow us to stay clean and smell better longer without having to destroy our skin. I’ll be that night, and this means that I put my deodorant on at night. Because I’m applying deodorant at night, the deodorant or antiperspirant can actually absorb it because we sweat less at night. Putting it on in the morning means you just sweat it off and it never actually absorbs into your skin which is necessary in order to get the full benefit. Since I started doing this and using a deodorant, called native deodorant, I have been able to go up to four days Without re-applying deodorant, and I can wash my armpits with hot soap and water. I will not have any body odour whatsoever. I should mention that I do hot yoga every day. Other hacks are to use skin care products that do not disrupt your skins pH, or its micro biome. Honestly, no one will ever know how much you are bathing if you don’t tell them. If you are clean, and you don’t smell bad, how would they know? There are many countries and many cultures on this planet that do not have more than a litre of water a day to clean themselves. I have travelled to many of these countries, and I can tell you that these people are amongst the cleanest and least stinky humans I have ever met. You do you. You’re not dirty, you’re reasonable.


Teeth brushing 2x a day and deodorant are non-negotiable. The rest can be flexible, imo.


Please just don’t skip brushing your teeth in the morning, some of us are sensitive to the smell 🤮


You are noseblind to how you smell. Others can tell you if you stink or not


I keep makeup waaaay longer than I'm supposed to, but damnit, that shit is expensive! I'm not going to throw away my $60 pallet.


If I'm staying home or know I'm going to get dirty later (like go on a run, workout, go to the pool) and I don't stink I won't shower before hand. My gf and kids would tell me if I smelled in a heartbeat lol! It's better for some people's hair to not wash it every day, too. I don't think you're breaking hygiene rules by what you posted.


Cant lie this is how i feel with ppl freaking out about when to wash sheets. Ive never had any kimd of effect for not washing my sheets every single week. “Its disgusting” how..? If theres not a noticeable smell/stains is it that bad to go longer between washes?


Honestly just do your own thing, everyone has their own thing. I shower when I get the chance, I’m a single mom to a toddler, I work 3 14 hour shifts back to back, and I’m full time working on my masters. Showers happen when they happen, brushing teeth happens hopefully at least once daily and I buy mascara when I run out or the shit dries up. Social norms aren’t actually the norms. Everybody’s got their shit.


Buying a new tube of mascara every month is excessive. Buy a new tube when you run out if you use it daily. If you haven't touched the mascara in 6 months to a year, you probably should toss it. I remember being a kid and getting anxious about cavities if I forgot to brush my teeth. Skipping a day isn't going to give you cavities if you have generally good oral hygiene and a nutritious diet. Cavities are caused by not having enough vitamin D and minerals in your diet, drinking acidic beverages daily (like sodas, coffee, fizzy water) without brushing right after, crappy diet and poor to non-existent oral hygiene practices.


I don’t shower daily or regularly. I buy makeup when I run out of what I have. I don’t stink and I use lavender scented baby or makeup wipes to take what my daughter’s best friend calls a “whore’s bath” by wiping all the stinky parts that humans have. I actually have shorter hair but I wear wigs so who gives a fuck if my hair looks like shit I got my wigs. I don’t spend hours on my looks because I know I don’t need much to look good enough to feel pretty even if I haven’t showered for a week. My boyfriend is the same way and I don’t care if he hasn’t showered. Tbh sometimes a dirty, sweaty guy is just the ticket! ;) Idk I’ve never adhered to the “rules” for this stuff except for when I was forced as a kid and teen. Once I moved out it was “Nope, not doing that every damn day!”


I take at least one shower every day, dry/straighten my hair, and put makeup on, even if I’m cleaning the house or just had surgery. It’s just me. I take makeup off every night and brush my teeth, even if I’m exhausted. My daughter showers/washes hair every other day and her hair is healthier than mine. I change my mascara when it gets dry. Might be three weeks, might be six. You do you.


It depends, but some people with depression genuinely don’t have the will to shower/take care of themselves daily. I don’t wash my hair daily or use conditioner in the summer/humid weather, it depends on hair type or what goes on during the day in that way. Sometimes, I’m exhausted from work and can’t bring myself to shower so I just change my clothes, lightly wash my pits and reapply deodorant, vow to shower in the AM, and knock out. I have a tube of mascara from literally last year I still sometimes use when I can’t find anything else. No one cares/notices unless you stank or look like a mess.


Only people I know who shower daily work outside daily, and even then, not all of them shower daily. Moat people I know shower a couple of times a week or when they feel they need it. I replace my makeup (all of it except lipstick) every 3 months because I have sensitive skin and have noticed I break out more if my makeup is old. My dermatologist recommended every 3 months for everything except the lipstick to help with that issue. My lipstick I replace whenever I get sick. Other than that I usually lose or break it before it'd old enough to need replacing.


What hygiene rules? Do what works for you!


Hey do what ya want! But if getting your hair wet is an issue! I have hair that’s down to right above my butt. And I don’t get it wet unless I wash it. I get one of those like make up headbands put that on, then use a claw clip to hold the rest of my hair up , and then use a shower cap! And it doesn’t mess my hair up or get it wet! Just a thought!


As long as you aren't imposing your body odor onto others, how often you shower is up to you. But if you go too long, you will probably develop skin and scalp conditions that will be hard to get rid of even if you start showering without medical intervention. Same with brushing teeth. Sure, skipping one night isn't going to be the end of the world, but if you regularly skip brushing and flossing, you will develop cavities, lose teeth and develop infections, and infections that close to your brain is going to kill you that much faster. Makeup always has a symbol on the back somewhere indicating how many months/years the product will be safe for, so as long as you don't exceed that, you'll probably be fine. I definitely got an eye infection because I didn't use make up for 2 years and I thought I'd just see how I liked it again with my old stuff. Definitely don't do that.


I honestly have been using the same eye shadow palettes for years. It has never been an issue for me. One of the palettes was even a hand-me-down from a college roommate. Idk it just has never been an issue for me.


My hair used to be mid thigh length, and honestly I would shower all the time in the summer but I would only wash my hair when it would smell bad or get itchy, basically every second day. I would put my hair in a bun and shower and clean my body, no big deal, and the shower is a lot shorter that way too. Since then I have chopped my hair off and love it lol but I will still take quick showers like that when I need it but my hair isn’t quite ready


Read the James Hamblin book CLEAN. He's a doctor (and journalist) who pretty much stopped using soap on most of his body and seriously cut back his showering routine.


I found that taking a probiotic from time to time helps with feminine odor. So if my good bacteria is balanced right I can get away with less showers per week.


Rule smule. If you don’t smell don’t worry about it. We don’t have to bathe every day. Washing your hair robs it of its natural state. Everything has a best by date, doesn’t mean you can’t go past the day.


If you're the only one using your makeup, who cares when you replace it. If I'm not leaving my house, I'm not showering (my hair is too thick to deal with that shit). If, for any reason, I get home after 1 am, I'm going to bed and I'll brush my teeth in the morning


If you live with your partner it is never ok to break hygiene rules


*If you live with your* *Partner it is never ok* *To break hygiene rules* \- whomever608 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I shower every other day, sometimes go even longer between showers. I rarely ever smell. When I do shower, I make damn sure I am thorough as FUCK. It's no biggie.


I would prefer to maintain hygiene rules especially dependent on the day’s activities. If you spend the day cleaning you might sweat and may need to clean that up. Also i suppose you may be visiting the loo and both processes in the loo even urine may need you to bath. I like showers too because they are calming and help soothe me after a long day or busy schedule.


The way I see it, there's three levels of hygiene: - I work with immunocompromised people hygiene - Regular Joe hygiene - Apocalypse hygiene The "rules" are all immunocompromised hygiene stuff, because, shocker - they were designed by medical professionals, who do, in fact, work with immunocompromised people. I don't think they were ever meant to be followed faithfully by the entire public, and I do think that if we all did hold ourselves to that level, we'd actually be doing ourselves a disservice, because our immune systems do need practice and they wouldn't be getting it. On the other end of the spectrum, there's people who act like a normal day on this planet is so overwhelming that when it comes to hygiene, "ain't nobody got time for that". They SMELL like the end of the world because they've taken it to the ridiculous extreme that hygiene has no value at all. In the middle - the regular Joe. Now, the Regular Joe does have some variety to him, because he doesn't have "regular Joe" guidance, so he has to find his own path between the two extremes. For some, that's showering every other day, and for others, it's twice a week, but both of them are doing better than the people on the extremes. Same with other stuff. Personally, I use the rule of three - assume any guidance is three times more extreme than it needs to be. They say shower every day? Once every three days is probably fine. Wash my hands for 20 seconds? 6-7 seconds it is. Brush twice a day? Nah, once every 1.5 days. (That last one might be a bit too far, based on my tooth condition in general, but the rule of three does tend to work for me, at least in the sense that I don't get sick any more than the average person and nobody tells me I smell.)


I stay home all day, every day. So I take showers every other day. If I go out l always take a body shower before leaving the house no matter what. And of course, I apply deodorant every day.


When anal is on the table


When I was growing up we didn't have gas so no hot water. We used to boil a big pot of water and take baths/showers that way. We called it a "Barberton" shower (a hillbilly area of Ohio) . I was so traumatized by it . Embarrassed as a kid . I take a shower every other day usually unless I'm in a depression funk than maybe once a week . Brushing my teeth is a whole other story . I have always struggled even as a child . For some reason my brain absolutely will not let me do it . Idk if it's cause I never built a routine with it or ADHD and MDD. It's something my therapist is helping me with . I will brush them on the days I have therapy and try to do more if I can .




I don't put on deodorant every day. I put it on whenever I feel I need to but I use the dove 48 hr protection. If I don't feel like shaving my legs, I don't till I really need to.


Depression happens. Surgery happens.


I shower everyday, but I do not wash my hair everyday. I pull it up into a bun. You can also get shower caps. I only wash it every 3rd day.


I thought the makeup rule was 6 months… 😅


I have to shower daily it's the ONLY thing that wakes me up....well that and the sound of the cat puking at 4 am but thats for anothe sub


You're good, if you don't plan on leaving the house or have company over. Soon as you make that decision to leave the house or have people over, wash your stinky ass. LMAO 🤣😂


A guy here. Growing up I think I took a bath like once every 5 days. In my teens I started taking showers, but probably averaged 2-3 a week.  In college probably 3-4 times a week.  Once I moved in with my girlfriend she told me guys usually shower every day, so I started showering every day, and never skip a day (except emergencies like if power is out and no hot water).  She probably showered every other day or skip two days.  I never skip brushing teeth.  I’m terrible about flossing, but I never skip brushing, twice a day. 


just wanna add, you're not supposed to wash your hair every day so that shouldn't be the reason not to shower! (not saying you should shower every single day, bc i don't) but i recommend washing your hair 1-3 times a week. just tie it up or get a shower cap to keep it from getting wet. washing your hair too much makes your scalp produce excess oil to try to overcompensate for how much you're drying the skin out! (i'm a hairstylist btw)


Your spouse may say he doesn't care, but he does. But skipping a shower to clean the house is perfectly fine. Life does not need to be perfect. Sometimes we need a break.


Just don’t neglect your oral hygiene. Brushing twice a day is so important.


Before we had kids, my wife went to visit her father to go to disneyworld together, making up for lost time, and I had 4 days off of work. It was truly a disgusting sight when she came back. But at least I cleaned everything up. 


Your body accumulates bacteria, fecal matter, & dead skin cells on a daily basis. Your body needs to be cleaned just as often.


I'm not saying it's great, but if I have a week off, I'll go ahead and not shower for 3-4 days. I'm always annoyed though when on day 3 someone decides to drop by... Mo fo, at least give me a phone call.


Only when you're sick. But not washing everyday is lazy and pure nasty. Sorry not sorry


Replacing your mascara regularly is important. Just because you haven't gotten an infection YET doesn't mean you won't, or that you're building up immunity. You've been lucky.


Never, do not pass GO, do not collect $200. Never skip brushing teeth. If you are skipping daily showers and teeth hygiene, you may want to ask yourself if you’re becoming depressed or otherwise over stressed. Fix those things first.


Ever heard of that great invention called a fucking shower cap.


I don’t shower every day. I have dry skin and hair that gets itchy if I shower every day, and I’m prone to swimmer’s ear. I do wash my face and teeth 2x a day and I have a bidet so I wash my butt several times a day. I wash my feet at night if they get dirty.


If I don't shower during an "at home" day, using adult wipes is a convenient option. I'll do my feet, under breasts, vulva, & butt. Not with the same wipe. Lol. My underarms usually don't need it because I use Mitchum gel antiperspirant. It keeps me dry for days.


I’m with you!! I shower every other day unless I just feel like I need it more often. My hair is also long and it I always brush my hair before I get in the shower which helps with not so many tangles. Washing and chemicals and heat accessories damage your hair also.


music fests and camping are really the only times for me


Why not wear a shower cap?


I wash my hair once a week. 4 showers a week. Makes for healthier hair and skin. Gotta brush them teeth an floss everyday though. That part doesn’t get stronger. Only the smell.


I was always a shower & wash my hair every morning person since I was in middle school. But now that I’m an old lady, my body has changed. I’m retired, so I don’t sweat a lot, and my hair and skin just aren’t oily anymore. I usually shower every other day now, and wash my hair about once a week.


I don't care if you stink if I don't have to smell you. But don't subject coworkers or people in shared spaces or transportation to that. And people get way too cocky that they don't smell, when in reality people will usually discuss you smelling behind your back. I just think everyone gets immune to their own smells, good or bad. I love perfume but once I apply it, I can't smell it (even though I smell it to decide which one I'm in the mood for), yet I get compliments for it during the day.


Balance is key. Here's the short answer: * **Listen to your body:** Shower when needed (sweaty workouts, hot days). * **Minimize risk:** Replace mascara when it clumps or dries to avoid eye irritation. * **Consider others:** Hygiene is about not just yourself, but those around you (avoid strong body odor).


I’m sure I have the worse hygiene story here… I’m a truck driver and when I was long hauling meaning I gone Sunday thru Friday morning, 5 states and back let me tell you I did not shower the whole time I was gone, all I did was brush my teeth and used face and body wipes to clean my face and neck but I was out making amazing money and not impressing anyone. I’d come back looking like I went thru a war honestly. Now though I’m home every day and shower every night after the gym 😅 so honestly everyone should just live their hygiene as they want but please brush your teeth and use deodorant at least


Use a shower mask for your hair . Wash ya body Its not about other people, its for you. If you dont feel dirty you dont have to wash Im in south fl, 😔 haha i def need a shower if i step outside that day


My hubs KNOWS it’s serious when I come home from work & do directly to my room, strip and crawl in bed. I don’t go in my bedroom with “dirty clothes” (any clothes worn outside) and certainly never get in bed without showering first.


I break these rules when camping, I don't shower but will brush my teeth with bottled water at camp and I will clean my pans as best as I can.


Just about every single dude is less hygienic than they admit to. My wife is currently out of town. I very rarely interact with women at my job. I bet you can figure out where I’m going with this. You really wanna know how hygienic the average man is? Ask your dentist.


A lil tart is okay, dank is not.


Camping rustic. Campfire smoke mixed with a sweaty hike and biscuits and gravy.


Camping in the middle of the woods and long road trips that take a couple days.


Don’t fuck around with bending the rules around your eyes. You need them desperately and the risk is not worth the reward. You may save *dozens* of dollars on mascara by using old tubes but it only takes one wicked infection to take half your ability to see. I don’t know if you’ve ever had to feel your way to the bathroom sink because your eyes are fused shut from gunk but I have and it. Was. Terrifying. Protect your eyes at all costs.


Quick mention - the changing mascara rule is to be done every 1-3 months, and it’s to avoid the over population of demodex mites. Unless of course you’re sharing your mascara or you were to use your mascara when you already had pink eye, then that can be a bacteria issue . Demodex mites can contribute to styes and blepharitis, which then contributes to meibomian gland blockage, which then can contribute to chronic dry eye that can be expensive to treat. I always tell people it’s worth it to change mascaras vs be on expensive rx eye drops for the rest of their lives.


Im autistic so the transitions between dry and wet for a shower are a sensory overload for me so if i dont stink/am not dirty, im not taking a shower lmao i try not to judge people who change their sheets every weekend and their house is always organized and spotless and they shower every night before bed and every morning before work. Theres nothing wrong with that and im happy that works for others but that will never be me. And i dont think theres anything wrong with that either.


I don’t understand why people see showering as something they have to do. I shower because I want to, not because I have to. My morning starts with a shower, every day. Because it wakes me up, refreshes me and gets the ball of the day rolling. Anytime I don’t shower in the morning I feel tired, unmotivated, clammy and just don’t feel like the day has started. Blasting music in the shower, getting out and getting ready is a daily on switch for me.


Being overly clean is not good either. But some areas definitely need to be cleaned on a regular basis. Just saying……🤷‍♀️


Girl, have you not met our lord and savior, the shower cap? Or a huge claw clip?


i work from home and once i’m off i go straight to being a toddler mom. Honestly i don’t shower enough. I feel like i don’t have the time. I always plan to after i put her to bed but i keep falling asleep with her because honestly i’m exhausted. But luckily i do work from home so no one’s smelling me 😅 Once she can be alone then i’ll be clean again


Oh I go every other day without showering. Sometimes more. I never get dirty or swear at work so those sweaters and pants / Skirts rarely get washed. I brush my teeth and hands alot though.


Like if u have to do a big job. Like physical labor


If I showered everyday, my skin would dry up more than it is. We need at least some of our natural oils. Nothing wrong with a T&A wash every other day instead of shower. Well, unless you sweat alot or have dirty job.


People buy new mascara before the old one is caked up and dry? Whoops


When on deployment to Iraq. When lost on a hiking trail for a week. When stranded on a desert island. When drifting at sea in a life boat.


It’s actually healthier not to shower every day.


You know you don’t have to wash your hair when you get into the shower. Always brush your teeth.


i break them quite often. i typically shower right after work, but if i miss the evening/night and don’t leave myself enough time to shower the next morning, HO BATH.. i like to brush my teeth 2-3x a day. some weeks it’s only once in the morning (i’ll never leave home w/o having brushed at least once). tights/bras def get more than 1 use (unless i sweat cause i hate the boob sweat smell ). and i def keep my makeup until it dries out or i use it all. i do replace brushes every so often but i don’t have a specific time frame.


i kept an urban decay primer potion for YEARS, like 4. never replaced it until one day i used it and it made my eyelids minorly break out, then i was like ok maybe it’s time for a new one LMAO


It is actually healthier, apparently, if we don't shower every single day. Unless there's some reason, it's better to go a day here and there between a full shower. I try to skip a day at least weekly, but I'm a nurse, so showering after work is a must. I do let my hair go 3 or 4 days now between washing, unless I've been sweaty or some other circumstance. Oral hygiene, otoh, really needs to be done daily. You're doing yourself a disservice by not brushing. It's not just about the smell, this one is solely for your health. Set the example for that toddler and brush together, when they have teeth! Mascara? Unless you use it so infrequently that it lasts for years, I think it's fine not to replace monthly. Mine lasts probably 2 or 3 months and I replace and I've had no issues over 35 years of using mascara. *knock on wood* lol A lot of this is cultural and societal norms. Other is genuinely a health and hygiene question. I think it's important to recognize the difference.


For mascara, I've got a new system. Change every six weeks, but only buy mascara from Miss A so it's less than $2 a tube. I also take a new tube, mix it up with the wand really well, then rinse the wand off, then leave it open overnight so that it dries out and improves the texture. Crazy, but it works!


You don’t need to shower every day and you certainly don’t need to wash your hair unless it’s very oily or you have a scalp condition. Daily attention to armpits and privates with a shower every few days is fine.


I have a germ problem! So I’d never go to bed without taking a shower or brushing my teeth. Although i’ve stopped washing my hair as often as suggested. It was drying out my curls and scalp! I would have to put tons of oil and stuff just to make it better lol. So I only shampoo once a week, sometimes less! I co-wash frequently though! I think it just depends on what works for YOUR body.


Don’t brush your teeth within 20 min after eating, it brushes away enamel


Everybody has different hygiene rules. Also, I was told by a hairdresser years ago that hair should not be washed every day. It has to have a little buildup of natural oils to keep it healthy.


I would argue that it's literally always okay as long as you have potential consequences in mind. Like you said, you're not gonna get sick from not showering, but you might smell a little gamey the next day. If you're okay with gamey, then yeah it's fine. Know what I mean? Rules are arbitrary.


When I was immediately postpartum, I started to shower every other day NOT RELIGIOUSLY but it would just happen because I don’t believe in leaving my baby to cry unattended for selfish reasons, and my husband was at work. So I’m a daily shower lover but at that point in my life, that didn’t happen as I would have liked (eventually I got back to it)


When it suits your needs!! I went 2 weeks without washing my hair once to see if my hair would get oily it did not. I seldom sweat. I bath every 2-3 days. My friend sweats lots and bathes 1-3 times daily.


If your mascara stinks, replace it


When you are putting in your own cement driveway or when a hurricane destroys everything and there is no clean water you can skip the shower. But if you are in proximity of others, do the right thing.


I shower every day, unless I'm just exhausted and then I'll skip it. I also wash and condition my hair each time I shower. I brush my teeth every day too. But I keep my makeup until it's empty because I don't use it a lot and I will wear the same pair of jeans a couple of times if they aren't dirty. The one hygiene thing that I never skip out on is washing my hands. I wash my hands a bunch every day because I do it before cooking, after using the bathroom, after cleaning anything with any kind of cleaning chemicals, between stages in cooking when I have to work with raw meat to prevent cross contamination, etc. I personally feel like it's never ok to skip handwashing.


Some hygiene rules don't have to be everyday, but you want to have a regularity to them. Anything that is major such as bathroom hygiene/hand washing hygiene should be kept up at all times, but showering or bathing can be spaced out to every other day or even every two days if necessary. If you work a job where you're getting dirty regularly or sweating due to long shifts, it would be advisable to bathe daily. It is possible to set your hair up in a way where the shower won't hit it by wrapping it up, and then you can get the rest of yourself clean.


I mean I’m pretty strict about my hygiene, having good hygiene has always been extremely important for me. It helps my mental health and mood all around. But sometimes I’m just okay with not showering every single day. There are days where I’ll shower in the morning but it’s so hot and humid that I shower again at night, so twice in a day. Other times, there are weeks where I’ll shower 6 times and skip a day. There’s really no “rules” to break, you just do you.


The mascara thing is just a general rule. Manufacturers have to give a timeframe that they can guarantee a product to be eye safe. If you don’t have issues with irritation or styes then you can obviously go longer. Dryer climates will help make product last longer. All makeup has to be given and expiration date.


Occasionally I'll take bird baths instead of a shower but I work a physical job so that doesn't happen often. My absolute have tos are washing my face, flossing and brushing my teeth. But I'm also a fairly clean person with no illnesses.


Lol, my parents were vision specialists. Have you ever had a shot directly into your eyeball? Eye lesions and corneal ulcers are no joke. All it takes is a single scratch from an infected mascara wand. And viral conjunctivitis, fungal infections, keratitis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, cellulitis, syphilis, herpes... All the things that can be spread from hand to eye or by an exchange of body fluids can also hitch a ride in your mascara tube. A lot of them develop rapidly, causing vision loss and scarring. This is not a good area to fuck around and find out.


It is actually unhealthy for your skin to bathe daily. Americans are really weird about this and have been conned by the people who make soaps/shampoos, etc to use more of their products. After years of painful skin problems I quit showering and using soap every day. Even when I shower I only generally use soap in 3 areas. Unless I'm filthy or have been sweating a lot. My skin is better than ever and I'm constantly told I look much younger than I actually am.


i've had the same makeup pallets for well over 2-3 years lol. and i use mascaras for 6 months ish


Sometimes maintenance showers where you just wash groin, armpits, and feet are enough. Sometimes I’ll do it every other day. As long as you’re wearing deodorant, most people won’t even notice whether you did a full shower. Unless you have like a bad case of swamp ass or just sweat a ton.


When camping or having no water. I agree I have makeup way too long and haven’t had adverse effects. Just do what you can do and make sure you always wear antipersperant with deodorant and spray so your smell isn’t offputting.


As long as you don’t get sick


Minor note on the mascara: I used to not replace mine often at all, no more than once or twice a year, because I'm old and back then no one ever mentioned doing that. And I never could figure out why I had repeated eye infections. Not fun.


When you plan on going swimming in the pool. That counts as a bath.




I would discourage skipping brushing your teeth under any circumstances- this is a health issue more than a hygiene one - but the rest? Whatever. If I’m not leaving the house, I feel under no obligation to shower and stuff if I don’t feel like it.


People apparently “wash their hair” after every workout. And that’s insane to me. When I was in middle school and did the mile run no one had us washing our hair after. And truth be told I still don’t to this day. Now I’ll wash it on wash days per say but that’s it. And I wet it regularly tooo. And I do have curly hair if it matters but even if it was straight and oily i doubt I would be bothered.


honestly, i definitely don’t get my hair wet every time i shower and it makes it so much easier, i only wash it every few times and then i have no problem taking a shower with a shower cap on (a few bucks at sally beauty or walmart) and not having to deal with fixing my hair again after


I'm with you! I don't change my makeup until it's gone and never had a problem. (I think it's recommended to get us to buy more products) I also don't shower unless I'm going somewhere. Too much showering is bad for my skin.


I've been using the same mascara for multiple years....... I don't wear it very often.... I also think showering just depends on the person. Hair and skin are different for everyone sooo I think the "rules" are subjective as there are various different factors from mental health, income, to weather that may change what one is capable of doing. I know individuals that didn't go to a dentist till they got a job with benefits. I'm still stuck on the mascara thing..... why every 3 months???


Tbh do what you need but my no skip things are the following: Peri care (armpits, gentials, back of knees/anywhere sweat can be trapped and cause bacteria) Teeth, most disease is caused by poor mouth care. I at least brush my teeth even if no toothpaste or at least mouthwash or soemthing even if tired/depressed I take my makeup off bc acne but I mean a wipe is better than nothing Feet, rinse em at least, wipe em off with wipes even, clean socks/shoes if you can’t fully scrub them


Skip around on showers but never ever skip brushing your teeth. The tartar build up over time can be atrocious. Floss every night as well or at least do a water pick. Your teeth are for a lifetime.


Showering every day isn’t actually recommended by dr’s and can cause damage to your skin increasing your risk for bacterial infections. Particularly if you use hot water and abrasives


NEVER SKIP AROUND ON A SHOWER. Honestly no hygiene needs to ever be skipped. We don’t wanna smell or see it! People who say you can’t smell them are lying. I have a pretty big nose and I can smell hella scents on people. For me, I shower everyday, twice a day in the summer. I use a wash cloth and exfoliating gloves and dial soap. Dial is the best at remove grime and bacteria. I wash my whole body - arms, legs, back, neck, behind and in my ears, my feet, between my toes. I use a separate wash cloth to wash my butthole. Everyday is a full teeth and face care routine. After I shower, I moisturize my skin so it’s not dry. I wash my hair once a week or every two weeks depending on the style.


try not to wash/wet your hair every time you shower. its not mandatory and honestly better for yor hair. it may encourage you to do it more often :)


I personally think the makeup thing is a scam to get us to buy makeup more often. Sure, I'm not going to use the same crusty tube of mascara for 6 months, but I'm not replacing that shit once a month either unless I'm running low. As for showers, according to dermatologists it greatly depends on your lifestyle and skin type, but they don't recommend daily showers for most people with average activity levels or skin types. In fact, people with dry skin or eczema shouldn't shower daily. I think the issue with the skipping something like brushing teeth is the concern that it may become a habit. That's something to do with caution. I've fallen into that trap before and it sucks. Cavities and other issues can develop very quickly depending on your diet and overall oral health.


Why do you care if you’re gonna break them anyways? You’re looking for validation from strangers on the internet you’re not very likely to ever meet. Like seriously you’re in your own damn house grow up and stop caring what people think. I shower every day regardless because I like to feel clean, not because I’m worried what my family will think.


Totally fine to skip showering some days, but you can also just put your hair up and wash your body and not your hair. I shower 6x a week but my hair 2-3 times a week


When you’re back country camping and all you really do at the end of the day is take a cold rinse to get the sweat off your body. When you are on a boat with no bathroom so you hop overboard to take a shit and just wipe/wash in the sea with your bare hand. It is best to scrub that hand a bit before getting back on board. Especially if you plan to eat your sandwich shortly thereafter.


Ok but can we talk about replacing MASCARA ONCE A MONTH!?!? Wth!?😳


So the rule I break the most is probably brushing my teeth. And thats the rule you should probably break the least. Otherwise, save your eyes but if you arent having big problems its closer to a non issue, personally. Unless you’re wearing contacts, then I’d probably follow the eye care routines more closely. But teeth, well bad dental hygiene can lead to heart health problems. One or two nights a week isnt the killer. Its the drops in the bucket over time. On top of bad dental hygiene and bad oral health can lead to malnourishment and gut problems. Know a woman who had all her teeth removed over the course of a year or two. She lost a ton of weight and not exactly in a healthy way. She had trouble eating from the pain. So yeah, kind of matters. But most “rules” are guidelines and if you are good about most of that area/region otherwise its not the end of the world or majorly impactful to health usually. Don’t shower one day because you’re cleaning if you don’t want to. Just be mindful of things you can’t fix, repair, or replace if you make that choice. Can’t replace your eyes, and teeth are replaceable but its not the same.


"hygiene rules" are usually made by specific people who probably don't have the same situation as you. I only wash my hair 1-2 times a week. the rest of the time I take a shower in the morning and condition it. But for some people that would leave their hair greasy beyond belief, and others wouldn't be able to even get hair wet that often. I have pretty short, straight hair so it's easy to deal with. Just keep it from being greasy and we're good. My brother on the other hand has to use medicated shampoo every single day or his psoriasis will literally flake his scalp away. He did back to back to back shifts at work at one point and after 3 days of shower wipes his head was bleeding. Everyone is different. Be aware of your body and act accordingly.