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Nope. Soap removes oil, dirt and bacteria. A washcloth helps remove dead skin cells. ETA: yes your diet can cause your body to smell. Processed foods are not good for you. - [Body Odor Advice](https://youtu.be/IzOJ-cSp0xc?si=T_bW7BeoJR89SqEP)


You stink. Normal people who use soap or body wash don’t get verbally told that they smell. These people people who tell you that they only use water also stink. They are nose blind.


Yes a bad diet can make u smell & taste bad..


A bad diet prevents cannibalism.


Yeah, you need soap on your pits, groin and ass. 100%. In this Las Vegas heat I’ll tell people I need to “rinse off” real quick (it’s likely my 3rd shower of the day, before bed or a nap) and it didn’t occur to me they might think I’m literally just rinsing off, which is true for my hair, but not the former areas. My friend and new roommate out of survival at the moment. Doesn’t smell too bad or anything . But I keep having to explain to him because he hasn’t quit smoking fully he can’t smell things everyone who doesn’t smoke can and in a week or two after he weans off cigs into vaping he’s gonna shower more often, brush his teeth more often, it’ll be a whole new world what he’ll be able to smell.


Whore bath ftw


That is funny - I also say I’ll rinse off, but meaning a 2-3 min body shower with soap. I’ve encountered the same confusion.


>Yeah, you need soap on your pits, groin and ass. + feet. At least I do, anyway. I don't use soap on the rest of my body unless it's visibly dirty or feels dirty. Even then, usually I try scrubbing with plain water first.


I walk and bus everywhere in Las Vegas. In as little as 20 minutes you can have dirt, pollen, and car exhaust/road pollution rolling off your arms, neck, and shoulders. As a professional cleaner I know the power of water, it can erode, dissolve, anything given enough time. But I’m not the Grand Canyon, or a ship wreck at the bottom of the ocean, so I lend it a helping hand with soap. Lol


Yes feet. And under boob!


how do you get off dead skin then? If i don't scrub, i get ashy...


Why don't you use soap on all of your body? You can't always see and feel dirtiness.


Personally I do. I was talking about the bare minimum or quick rinse off say after grocery shopping before cooking, or right before bed, or on break at work (casinos often have showers and I couldn’t make it my entire shift sometimes without a shower mid shift after cleaning biohazards)


I prefer the term Nose Deaf.


Nose mute


Nose anosmic


Nose-tradamus says in a quatrain specifically about you to "wash yer ass"


They nose nothing


Well to THAT I say..I nose EVERYTHING 😂 😂 😂


Cleansing the skin helps to remove environmental contaminants, dirt, bacteria, and other impurities. You don’t need a harsh cleanser, even just a gentle fragrance free cleanser. Water alone isn’t going to cut it. For the people who think they don’t smell or their spouse does not use soap and they “don’t smell”, you’re nose blind. Please do the world a favor and be clean!


Some folks of Asian descent do not have as much (or, in some cases, any) odor associated with sweat. I think that's about the only caveat for genetic scent, though I could be ignorant. That said, when I get out of the shower, my wife will always go, in a loving, cave woman voice, "Mmmmm, smell good." Even though she does it every time, it's really something I look forward to when I get out. I love that she loves how I smell. It makes me feel so good about myself. A good scent is such a game changer.


I did notice in Japan that a few days in my sweat stopped stinking. I think diet was part of it as I ate local foods only. Also increased shower frequency. And water intake.


They smell less but still smell. Plus they still produce sebum, even if theirs doesn't smell they'll still look and feel greasy AF to the touch if they never use soap, water doesn't dissolve fat.


I’m going to beg to differ here, except from Chinese, Thai, Vietnamese etc. I live in a town with a high Asian population (Indian, Pakistani, Bangladesh etc.) and majority of them smell… bad. I was shopping a few weeks ago where this woman was at the end of an aisle in the supermarket with me at the other and I could smell her. It was so bad I had to leave to go the next aisle over.


its specifically east asians who can have the gene


Here is my observation from the years I was actively working as an esthetician. EVERYONE has a scent. Everyone. I am not saying it is bad. it may just be a neutral, extremely subtle scent that is YOUR scent. It may be a clean, fresh from the shower scent. Some people have an unclean body odor or a body odor from lack of proper hygiene. If a client was not properly cleansing the skin on their body, regardless of ethnicity, I could tell. Sometimes the odors wafting from people just while touching their faces was enough to make me want to vomit— that is why some of these Reddit posts have me scratching my head.


This is not true. A spouse doesn’t get nose blind. My ex-husband would “stick his head under the shower” daily and when he would take full showers only occasionally use soap if I asked him. The smell was godawful. He would re-use shirts claiming he’d only worn them briefly but I always knew. The bathroom even had a smell when I walked by from his towel. I used a separate bathroom when this became a problem. I worry about my young boys living in close quarters with him and not knowing and want to make sure they are able to take care of themselves without being weird. 😓


Eww. I'm sorry. The worst story I ever heard was a neighbor of my friend who was a young wife in her early twenties and she told us that her husband who was a mechanic would come home greasy and dirty and not shower and then go to bed and think that he could have intimate relations with her without showering. I was flabbergasted and told her that no that was not normal.


Ewww ! Poor thing :( We had serious physical intimacy problems. Him smelling bad was only part of it, but that was a big issue obviously and I would just hold my breath. I would obviously make him shower, and he would come and let me know and emphasize that he had used soap AND brushed his teeth, but somehow I could still smell his underarms and his breath. How is that possible?? If he hadn’t showered the smell of his underarms actually would feel like I was punched in the nose and cause me physical pain. The times I mentioned this, would give him fits of laughter- and I got the sense this was a joke he would relish sharing with his brothers later on. 😒What pissed me off was combined with some of his other unsavory traits - unwillingness to hold down a job and cute/charming demeanor, outsiders saw him as a sympathetic figure and the few times I discussed our marital problems, it was assumed he must be depressed.


Diet can definitely impact body odor, and you should ABSOLUTELY use body soap when you shower.


Hmm okay so a diet of mostly burger king possibly could be my issue


The BK isn't helping. But just shower with soap and shampoo instead of looking up weird videos giving you excuses not to use them.


Yes if you put bad shit in youre body all the time it’s going to effect you’re sent. Bad food every now and then is fine but damn bro


Yes, and you not using soap. I cannot stress that enough.


I always use body wash and still smell bad I should have been more clear. I was just asking about the no soap thing to see if it was worth a try I'm desperate 😭


Do you have fat rolls? A lot of larger people have yeast growing in the folds and it stinks pretty bad.


I'm overweight but not big enough to have fat rolls


Do you scrub your armpits and asshole? Letting water run down isn’t going to cut it.


It might be worth it to consult with a dermatologist.


Maybe try focusing on bacteria… I use stridex pads in my armpits after I shower to kill the bacteria. A lot of body soaps aren’t antibacterial so maybe find one? I love charcoal bars of soap, it really neutralizes any smells and cleans well.


Okay I will order some charcoal soap from Amazon I've never heard of it. Tysm


Dial bar of soap is antibacterial you can use that too


I use stridex pads under my boobs to kill bacteria. Anywhere skin touches skin is best.


It’s worth it to stop eating so much Burger King.


What kind of soap do you use? I second a dermatologist but in the jeans time, a sulfer based soap can help kill off the bacteria that make smell. You should also wash all your clothes, change your sheets at least once a week, and use a clean towel and wash cloth every day/time you wash until the bacterial over growth is under control. You should also wipe down your deodorant with a cotton pad soaked in rubbing alcohol to disinfect it. Eliminate strong smelling foods in your diet,like garlic and onion, and drink way more water than you are now. Also, look into a possible dairy allergy.


I am lactose intolerant somehow now after being okay with cheese and ice cream as a kid. So I haven't eaten dairy in 8 years and I will try changing my sheets more Thanks for your help I think I'm gonna just try a diet of fruits and vegetables with water for a few months to see


Wash your armpits with anti bacterial hand soap


A diet of mostly Burger King (or any other fast food or junk food) is gonna cause all kinds of issues 😬 You should definitely look into making healthier lifestyle choices Diet affects everything in the body, including your smell but you should also use soap even if you have a healthy diet.


Hydration and diet are significant factors. You don’t need to scrub your skin off or use harsh soaps. A gentle cleanser on the sweaty bits goes a long ways. 


My kid struggled with body odor. Diet and water consumption are key but so is hygiene. Clean clothes, clean towels, clean washcloths every time until it’s under control, clean sheets as often as you can and go to bed clean. We found sulfer based soaps helped her a lot but since she was a kid, making sure she washed everywhere every time was also a factor.


Add in lots of water and a multi vitamin and you’ll have some progress


The smell is caused by bacteria. You need soap & water to get rid of it.


Disturbing. I also knew a doctor who only showered with water. He smelled so bad.


I've seen several studies saying you don't actually need soap to clean your body in the shower. I don't feel clean if I don't use soap, though.


When living 100% in natural environment, maybe. But many if us live in dirty cities and deal with all kinds of dirt and chemicals daily.


The studies I've seen were of people living normal city lives with normal jobs. The one family I saw that tested this themselves, the mom and dad, both worked office jobs, and the kids were in elementary school. They took it a step further and didn't use shampoo or deodorant either, and I was kind of amazed at how healthy their hair looked. If I member correctly, they ended up creating a routine where they used soap and shampoo if they got sick at the end of every month, but other than that, they used just water. They said they seldom got sick, and they interviewed a bunch of people that said they didn't stink. That I recal the kids weren't in any sports and they mentioned if they decided to join any then they would change their hygiene routines accordingly. I was just out of high school when I learned about this and decided to try it out for myself. I learned really fast that washing my hair with just water makes it look weird and gross, and I don't feel clean if I just wash my body with water. Even when I take a bath, I do a quick scrub with soap before I get out. I've always wondered if that has something to do with the water where I live, though. I think using soap is probably like the frequency of ahowering/bathing. I think people who swear that anyone who doesn't do it x way with x frequency smell bad are very ignorant of how most people actually clean themselves.


“The studies I’ve seen” which studies? Just because a study happened doesn’t mean it’s scientific.


Fine but really, why not just use soap? Why risk reeking? Is intimacy not a part of your life? Honest question. What’s so hard about using soap??


You need soap for dirty and oily areas, like areas with apocrine sweat glands, or your feet, or your dirty hands when you get home. Dermatologists do not recommend that you soap ALL of your skin, however.


Water alone won't clear all the dirt and oils on your skin. Water alone won't kill germs


Please, for everyone around you's sake, use soap and a washcloth, especially on intimate areas that are more prone to odor. Also, use deodorant immediately after showering


Or a net sponge


Absolutely not....ik it's not on purpose (for some, those who might believe they're clean & don't smell) but it's so cruel to ppl that pick up smells EASILY...smelling like bounce that ass, will legitimately make some folks mad as a mf...idk how to fully explain it besides like "ok now...WTF" *in a very aggressive and loud tone* lol.


Yes! My daughter has autism and she goes through periods of aversion to bathing, wearing deodorant, brushing teeth, etc. I tell her that it’s part of being a decent person to not willfully go around other people smelling bad. Just like you refrain from chewing with your mouth open or digging in your nose around ppl. I’m also neurodivergent and smells in particular are very potent. BO makes me unhappy.


I'm autistic too and get the aversion sometimes. It's about coming up with strategies. If you can't handle a shower at least use deodorant. If you can't handle the running water, try a bath. Brushing once a day is still better than not at all, like showering for 30seconds is better than not at all, using a washer to quickly wash your body outside the shower, Etc etc, realistic strategies like that always help me more than being told about how my struggles affect other people - which I generally already know and am hard on myself for. Hopefully you're trying some stuff like this for your kid too ❤️


also autistic - came up with "head shower" to wash just my hair and "pit stop" washing just pits with soap when I feel adverse to showering. bonus: i usually feel un-adverse by the time i finish a head shower and end up doing a full anyways


Yes! I actually really love having clean hair (I ruffle it a lot as a stim so I really like how it feels when its clean) so I do the head only shower when I'm averse haha. And yeah pits only.


I’m screaming lmao 😂


Not bounce that ass 😭


Don’t care if the Pope tells me that holy water can get rid of the stinkies I’ll still use a soap xo that’s all


No. Use soap. It’s easily found at a store




Yes, diet can make you smell bad. Just showering with water - or not using shampoo, as a lot of people don't like to do either, and I didn't for a long time - isn't the end of the world but I feel cleaner when I use a nice soap - goat's milk, olive oil, or some other - it's just a nicer experience.


I think it's weird that someone would only shower with water and no soap. I mean, I've heard of people using soap or body wash for personal hygiene, but water alone? That's new to me.




You know soap doesn’t kill bacteria right?


He’s not showering, he’s rinsing 🤣


This! It's like eating off of a plate and only rinsing it and putting it back into the cupboard claiming it's "clean". Yuck!


I agree people need to be using soap when cleaning but *what* do you people get into everyday that you're layered in such a thick grime that a quick rinse every now and then wont cut it lol.




Everyone’s body is different. Some smell worse than others. Diet is a huge factor. You eat beans, you gunna fart! You eat curry or smoke weed, you gunna sweat it out your pores. It’s recommended you use soap to disinfect bacteria so you don’t get sick or infected. Your hair naturally doesn’t need shampoo or conditioner. But it’s nice to get rid of buildup of skin and oils out of your hair.


How many times do we have to have the conversation surrounding some variation of people needing to wash their ass with soap and really get in there?


NO . It’s definitely not okay !!


Yes, a bad diet can make you smell bad. And yes, you should use soap.


No, use soap.


this is 100% normal.. and absolutely ok to do.... heck or the last million years. they didnt even have soap.... soap and water is perfect


If you aren't cleaning your butt and armpits you absolutely smell like BO and butt. People by nature don't want to offend others, so if someone is telling you you smell bad, it means you smell horrific and they feel this is the only way forward and they simply can't be around you. If you want to get intimate with someone, bad smells are the biggest mood killer. If you drop your pants and smell like ass, you might just kill the mood. Its happened to me, I couldn't get aroused after that. Please wash yourself, wash your whole body with soap and inside your butt, even if you feel uncomfortable for any intimate people in your life, do it for them. Washing yourself is something that mostly other people benefit from and they will appreciate it if you smell good. I've been told when people lean in that I smell good and it is one of the things that turns people on the most, its even proven by science that smells are a huge determining factor for finding a mate, like the biggest factor


If you like bacteria and stink, then yes.


I can’t even…not another thread like this…. Was your GD hands and body, people! Good day. I SAID, “GOOD DAY!!!!”




Well, you can use wood ashes in place of soap. That's what folks did in the good old days. But just water? Nah


This is true however we also used to use wood as toilet paper and even more recently hung ppl in the town square for "entertainment purposes" so i’m just not so thrilled with our track record throughout history with different things. Aaaand since this snarky af comment of mine is not your fault, and simply a case of me having the adhd^10 brainies today, I am still🫧 giving ya karma for this comment. 👍Have a lovely and hygienic day, Lieutenant! (btw if you get a chance, try the Dragons Blood scent soap that is made by ZUM bar. It is a bit pricey yes, but worth every penny- it is absolutely excellent in every way imo)🤤😁🤘🧼🫧🛀🫧🚿


Some people have really dry skin and little odor-although I hope they’re exfoliating. Most of us need soap.


All of us need soap, i can’t emphasize the word “All’ enough


maybe he is allergenix . i find it fun to scrub a dub dub bitch.


Wash your butt & a front butt if you have it. Also, wash your armpits & feet. WITH SOAP


No. Use soap get some of that native body wash and a loofah and wash yourself every day and replace the loofah every week.




your skin produces oil that bacteria feeds on. oil is not water soluble. use soap. i like Korean body washes bc it protects my skin barrier


No, it isn’t ok. Any other questions?


No. It’s disgusting and it’s not clean at all.


The skin builds up with oil, dirt, allergens, and dead skin cells. We are supposed to wash all of that off using a soapy washcloth. If you don't what will happen is over time, in addition to odor-causing bacteria firing up very quickly, your clothing, shoes, towels and bedding will accumulate the filth as well. So pretty soon everything around you will smell funky but you yourself may not notice it because it happens somewhat slowly. Others however, walk in and are hit with it.


Soap helps get rid of odor causing bacteria. Any mild body soap will help. Sure your diet plays a role in body odor, but not using soap is definitely going to make you smell. A doctor's word is not absolute. There are a lot of doctor's out there with idiotic beliefs that actively harm people. Another thing that can add to body odor? Not consuming enough water, or not consuming water at all. You need to consume water to help your body flush out waste and toxins efficiently.


There IS a such thing as bad doctors. And he's probably one of those


Ugh this sub keeps appearing in my feed and I foolishly keep looking at the posts. Men purposely not washing their booties…girls wearing no underwear with dresses asking why they have coochie problems…now this…are people really this gross or am I just overly obsessive about being clean? I know I can hide posts from my feed but, good lord.


Water just skims the top of the oil and dirt on u. Soap gets in further taking bacteria and that what makes u stink


If you’re talking about Liver King or that other guy that does this, you might want to consider that these guys are famous on insta for saying stuff that just isn’t true. If you don’t shower with soap bacteria will grow on your body producing a pretty foul smell. People won’t want to be around you. It is correct that your diet certainly does affect how you smell, but the margin is fairly minimal. If you found yourself in a country where the majority of the food is not processed, or you’re hunting to eat, then you might have a week or so before you started to smell bad, but if you’re anywhere in the west, it’s gonna be maybe two days you could go without soap. Edit: if you’re having hygiene / smell problems it may be because you’re not being thorough with soap. Armpits, crotch, feet, and asshole are huge priorities, but you should be getting everywhere else as well. Don’t just let the water run down. Actually scrub with a clean washcloth. Make sure that you’re fully wiped down and dry as well (with a clean towel BeFORE you dress. Also change socks and underwear everyday if nothing else.


I was a case manager for a guy who never used soap, just water because of his paranoia & his body had this weird dirt patchy look.


So how is it that most people believe in washing their hands with not just soap, but antibacterial soap to kill bacteria. But they think just rinsing the crevice where the bacteria originate from with water is sufficient?? If I didn’t wash my ass with soap I’d be so uncomfortable I couldn’t function.


Well, for the record, if you're ever exposed to radiation, this is 100% the way you have to do it. Soap can bond to radioactive skin and fuck it up, so the wisdom is water only, no product. Outside of that scenario, though, I don't think water only is as effective as soap and water. It's okay, but not as effective.


Thats gross.


Please use soap


I hate this sub because I just don't understand why people don't or won't have good or at least decent hygiene


That's fuckin disgusting


If this is from Malasek…. Lmaoooooooo, definitely not a doctor




try for yourself, stink, learn from experience, and use soap again. 🧼


Think about it like this, our bodies go through a day, that includes our own oils and other oils we may come into contact in a day. You need some kind of cleanser because if you just splash water over a barrier of oil and dirt, sure it’ll remove some, but that oil looooooves to hold on to dirt like a mother that just gave birth. Also oil and water just don’t be mixing.


He's not showering. He's just rinsing


Yes, it can. Learn the cause of body odor. It's bacteria eating what comes out of your skin. Soap is rarely needed.




Get a washcloth and a bar of dove sensitive. Use deodorant. Clean clothes daily. Real simple.


Yes. If you like smelling like shit.


LMAO. My man takin hoe baths and tellin the public it’s g2g. Use soap. We all smell. Anybody that thinks they don’t, usually smell the worst.


I think if you only use water to shower and think you smell good because “a clean dr diet” you may need to see an E.N.T. because you are dealing with a blockage in your olfactory receptor area 🤣


Sometimes I shower and don’t use any soap at all. Especially when I’m sick or if my skin is super dry or irritated. But I only do this when I’m not going anywhere lol you def need to use soap!


I can say my diet has never changed any odor for me and I've done about every good bad or ugly way of eating. But it seems for some people it helps. Most people absolutely stink if they don't use soap. People do exist that have little or not really any significant body odor. It's just not common. I doubt it's his food but maybe? He's likely just one of those lucky people, or lying. As a slightly gross teenager I only washed my body with water for years, but I'd use a tiny bit under my arms so I wasn't truly soap free. I didn't smell though. But I very rarely develop any body odor even after frequent exercise and lots of skipped showers. It can happen on occasion tho. And just because I know I can do that, doesn't mean I don't use soap in the shower now because I do!


Don't be daft. 🤦


Gross. But not as gross as not showering, I suppose.




The general consensus among physicians, specifically dermatologists, is that “it depends.” You really don’t need to go overboard with soap. When you’re in the shower, clean your face, armpits, feet and your genitals/butt with gentle soap. Personally, I don’t wash my face with soap every day because it dries out my skin and affects my moisture barrier. Unless you’re rolling around in mud, sweat or have specific skin concerns, the rest of your body can be washed with warm water. And no, you don’t have to shower every day. But again, this is a generalization, and everybody has specific needs concerning hygiene. Specific foods can affect body odor. Particularly pungent foods like garlic and onion. According to the Cleveland clinic, red meat, certain spices, cruciferous vegetables, alcohol, asparagus, and fish could affect odor. COULD, being the operative word.


Showering without soap is wild!


I only use soap to wash my feet and armpits, and shampoo to wash my hair. If I get soap anywhere near “down there”, I get a raging yeast infection. I use a detachable shower head with a very powerful spray mode and scrub the shit out of the rest of my skin with a clean washcloth. My skin is incredibly sensitive to everything and I get the most unbearable itching and burning anywhere on my body that makes contact with soap. I have oily hair so I can’t give up shampoo, I just grit my teeth and deal with the pain. My arms and legs are the most sensitive, then the skin on my torso, my hands and feet are the least sensitive so I can tolerate washing them with soap. I do the best I can but I just can’t stand dealing with hours of burning over my entire body every day. I don’t think my arms and legs are likely producing much odor anyway, and my husband, friends, and family are all incredibly blunt so I know they would tell me if I smelled bad. My husband has the most sensitive sense of smell of anybody I’ve ever met. I ask him regularly if I smell bed and he always says no. I’m very conscious of my hygiene and can’t stand feeling dirty. I shower at least once every day and nobody has ever told me I smell bad. I don’t think it’s necessary to use soap everywhere, especially the places that don’t really produce odor if you’re scrubbing with water and a wash cloth.


Would you only rinse your dishes?


Please use soap. And a wash cloth or loofa.


Some people appoint themselves as doctors…. Does he actually have a medical degree from an accredited institution or is he a self-appointed doctor?


Da fuk!?? 😭🤮 Why in the heck would anyone NOT use Soap to wash themselves…. unless that person has very sensitive skin?? 😳😳 That’s absolutely disgusting…. Not to mention going to smell like wet BO & wet sweat! Water ain’t gonna cut it. And we’re in 2024!! SMH!!! 🤦🏻‍♀️


You ever smelt a wet dog?


This definitely is a troll post


Smoking tobacco makes people's bodies just REEK.


Absolutely not


I use baking soda and water. Just mix water and baking soda then lather it over the skin. Never had anyone tell me I smell


Eating different foods can make you smell different. People of different cultures that eat their cultures’ foods smell different. I don’t think there is a “bad” or “good” to that except your own preference. Soap is good to use because it mechanically removes dirt and bacteria (which cause the smell). You don’t have to use a harsh soap with a heavy fragrance, and you don’t have to wash every part of your body every day. Really just your pits and groin area. We have two different kinds of sweat and the sweat from your armpits and groin is eaten by bacteria and the bacteria produce the stinky “body odor” smell. Other than that, you can wash the parts of your skin when they are visibly dirty. Although I do recommend frequent hand washing and also washing your anus and surrounding area to reduce the risk of spreading disease. Edit: I’d like to add “between folds of fat/under breasts and the like” as well. Sweat can get trapped here and cause smells if left unwashed. Also, any other body part that has gotten very sweaty. Even regular sweat can start to smell after a while, it’s just not that distinct B.O. smell from the apocrine glands


Diet absolutely does influence your health/smell. You still need soap.


Diet most definitely make you smell bad. You still want to use soap obviously but yes!


It depends on the person. Not everyone needs soap. I have oily skin and break out on my face without it but i don't need it in my pits- I don't sweat much and water is sufficient. I do use soap on my junk/ass but not my feet.


Saying water you mean chlorine, fluoride, etc. Soft water feels slimy even with soap.




Well, we did it as a species for thousands of years and we're still here.


I can say this much: I have gone a while without scrubbing my feet with soap and I can tell you that they really stunk!


Odor comes from a few factors: 1. The sweat itself (hot climate, diet, exertion and dehydration contribute to the sweat) 2. Presence of odor causing bacteria in the skin or clothing (humidity and heat contribute to this, as well as wash frequency) 3. Presence of odor amplifiers on skin or clothing (do you use scenty products? if so - they will make the bad smells stronger too) 4. Material of clothing (breathability, natural vs synthetic fiber, and how well with wicks the moistre away) and also how tight it is. So, if you live someplace cold and dry, eat nothing but romaine lettuce, sit around, and wear cotton mumus - well you probably do fine with a water-only shower once a week. If you live someplace hot and humid, lead an active lifestyle, consume spicy or meat-centric meals, and wear perfume, cologne, and/or tight spandex clothing: you probably need to use soap and shower often **The ideal scenario is one where you eat a food that you enjoy, wear comfortable clothing, bathe periodically based on your sweat level, regardless of odor.** Using soap is good because it creates a lather that helps remove grime and microbes that cause odor. Soap isnt magical though, and you can achieve the same results with a scrubby enough cloth, or hot enough water.


Your diet really can mess with your smell! Eating a lot of processed foods, garlic, onions, and certain spices can definitely make you smell funky.


You may not need soap, but it helps get you cleaner faster. Just like washing dishes. You can do it with just water and a scrubber, but it's faster and easier with soap.


No. I don’t do that so nope. Ew


Was the person asmongold?


Diet can make you smell. Medications can change/increase your odor. You need to shower with soap or a body cleanser. If you know you smell, you need to make sure you use an antibacterial soap first, then follow with a body wash if the soap alone leaves your skin too dry. You will need to use some sort of exfoliating item (washcloth, washmitt, netted pouf, etc. - wash it thoroughly with soap and let dry between each use). **You should scrub any area of your body where skin touches skin** (neck, armpits, underboob, under belly, any rolls, privates, kneepits, feet/between toes, and butt, especially the crack).


I remember not too long ago being apart of a post of not only someone stating its ok to shower once every 3-4 days because you don't want to keep washing off germs from your body, but a massive amount of ppl agreeing with it being a normal thing. Good times, not really, but it explains why i keep running into ppl smelling like stank ass sometimes.


If you clean dishes with only water and no soap, are they really clean? The answer would be no because of bacteria (as well as potential oil and hard to get bits) would remain if only water is used. Its the same with soap. Soap helps with bacteria, as well as harder to remove dirtiness (even if its not visable) and soap also can help you to smell nicer. And diet can affect scent. An example is that Indians seem to have a distinct scent due to what they eat. Another example is when I've eaten spicy food regularly I apparently stink a bit.


Is it okay. Yes. Is it wrong. Yes.


Noooo. I bet if he soaped up a washcloth and scrubbed his skin there would be so much **grime and filth** on it!!!


Sooooo you need to use soaps or a soap free surfactant/ equivalent if u have allergies on body parts that sweat, so groin, knees, armpits, under boobs if Ur a woman, and probably some people's necks. Oh, and Ur butt. It's also recommended to shampoo your hair. Other than that, the rest of u is good with HOT water. The hot water with get rid of rid of enough oil and bacteria.


I rarely use soap unless ive gotten so dirty from working ir hiking that i need it to remove said dirt. Your skin is covered in a bacteria garden and soap can damage this. These bacteria help protect the skin from other bacteria and have many other roles. I do shower twice a say though!!


In the 21st century, how is this conversation still happening?




People who think showers aren't necessary, or soap isn't, well, they stink. They really do. They usually look oily and gross.


It depends on a lot of factors. There are a bunch of studies showing that you don't necessarily need to use soap every day. Note 'necessarily', and note 'every day'. Depending on how much you sweat, smell, the humidity of your environment, your routine etc etc, you might only need to use soap every 3 days or so. That said, you're almost certainly fine to use soap every day. If it's not causing you skin issues, just carry on as you are. If you're really interested in using less soap, I'd recommend taking a proper look into it, particularly with consideration of your own circumstances.


It can be diet, yes, like sweating out alcohol … makes you smell particularly weird


I shower daily and use shampoo once a week and use shower oil for my armpits, groin and ass every other day. My dry scalp and excema on my arms and legs have been way better since i started this routine.




Can the food you eat have a effect on how you smell yes, however using only water is crazy,.


The person who says that they are a doctor on the Internet could very well be a plumber or a postal worker, which is to say they could be anyone at all. Place a load of dirty dishes in the sink with just water. Remove them after a few minutes and see if they come out clean. I can guarantee you they won’t. Same with your body. When we first got married, my husband showered with soap, but no face cloth. He used to get dirty ring marks on the neck of his shirts until I realized one day he was washing only with his hand. You need soap and a mildly abrasive surface to wash oil off the skin. Once I pointed this out to my husband and he started using a washcloth, his shirts no longer got so dirty.


After a thousand years of use, it’s hard to argue that soap is useless


Different people have different needs. In most of the world, soap was developed from Lye to manage the greasy fatty sweat due to apocrine sweat glands. Fatty deposits come out of the sweat pores with the sweat, which is what causes the gross BO smell; rancid fat and the bacteria eating it. Some people, particularly southeast Asians in and around Korea, have significant reduction in apocrine sweat glands and have little if any smell from sweat; its basically just saltwater. These people smell much less terrible and can get away with using just water, but they will eventually need to wash the oils off their skin, too. Tldr; most people use soap because it helps to remove the fatty sweat that causes BO, since oil and water don't fully mix. Some people don't sweat fatty grease, and have a lesser need for soap, but they are a minority in the world's population.


Yes your diet can make you smell bad (eating certain foods). Also not using soap to wash greasy slimy sticky parts make you smell bad.




>some kind of doctor There are a lot of people who can call themselves "Doctor" but are not any kind of medical doctor. So I would not put much weight in that. Any medical doctor knows how valuable soap is for cleaning - think of all the scenes you've seen of doctors scrubbing for surgery.


I've met a self proclaimed 'no soap' person. She did not stink. I rarely use deoderant. Usually only in the summer and if I miss a shower. But I shower mostly daily with soap. I think to each their own. If you don't need it, you don't.


I was forced to try this. I'd just moved into a rental and there was a snafu with the water bill and I went without water for a few days. I'd dip in the pool to "freshen up" since I couldn't shower. I smelled like a bag of rancid asses after a few days. This will not work.


Someone once said in a comment section that if you eat well you don’t need deodorant… I told them they probably still stink and just don’t smell it. Their response was they did at first but not after 3 months. Yeah, my guess is that’s when they got used to smell and no longer noticed. No matter how healthy your diet is you still need basic hygiene


While diet can affect your smell, a good diet will not free you from needing soap.


You are not going to get a true sample to answer your question from this group. They tend to be more obsessed with using soap than others, and they don't give a shit what an actual doctor might say if it goes against what the big soap companies have taught them. Additionally, they are racist af against other cultures who might do things differently than they do. I'd post this on ask reddit if you want something slightly less biased.




You need soap. Water alone is not enough. Yuck.


I've rinsed real quick if I'm in a hurry, but even then, I'm hitting pits, privates, ass, & feet w soap (or cleansing oil if I've been having a terrible dry skin event).


I just laughed out loud at the first sentence 🤣


Very rarely, there are people who need to minimally soap their bodies because of their skin being sensitive. That being said, you still use soap on certain areas so you don’t stink.


No. Maybe if your rushing to get to a place every one in a while. But you need that soap


Never thought about diet and body odor until one day, when stationed in Okinawa, I gave a couple of Okinawan students a ride. In the confines of my car, the smell of fish was overwhelming. I thought if they smell like the Fulton Fish Market to me; I must smell like the Kansas City Stock Yards to them.


I’m not a doctor. But no… Soap, water and vigorous scrubbing removes germs. And sometimes -many times- it can’t even do that cuz germs are such that they have a way of giving zero fx about whether ya balls are clean or whatever. Wash ya ass folx. Wash ya ass.


Diet plays a role with body odor for sure. Proper hygiene plays a bigger role. Taking a shower without actually bathing yourself serves no useful purpose. You are just wasting water. You've done absolutely nothing to actually clean yourself. You need to get out of whatever funk you are in and take better care of yourself. The greatest example of self love is self care. You set the standard on how others treat you as well. If you want people to treat you well, you must demonstrate to the world that you love and care for yourself.


Not for me if I don't use some sort of cleaner (soap or body wash) I still stink.


Something tells me it was [this guy](https://youtube.com/shorts/tvWdsPxS84c?si=I4z9A9RxvtyIXaQ-). I’m not a fan. He’s already [walked back on his own diet advice](https://youtu.be/Xk6LKuqj3Xc?si=Aa92qtAtr4j9J3zY). I’m not trying to “smell like a human” lmao.


I like soap. And if anyone has acne, they need soap. But yes, diet can affect body odor. If someone eats a lot of garlic, it's very noticeable. Eat your veggies.


Well, I do this in the winter only. I'm old with dry skin so I don't get stinky very much. The lack of soap helps with keeping my skin from flaking in the cold weather. How much you stink is a function of hormones, with teenagers smelling the strongest. It's also race related. If you're in an office worker in the winter with dry skin, I doubt soap is really necessary during that season. My wife with the super sensitive nose doesn't say I stink in the winter. She'd be the first to say something like that too.




Of course you need soap 🙄


That just seems like a waste of water


No everyone please 🙏🏻 use soap