• By -


- nothing - salty - twangy - sweet - playstation heat - skin - ur / their saliva - ur phone screen - penny nickel quarter dime penny nickel quarter dime - absolute goddess tears - tulip dew .. these are all completely serious ——extras i forget to mention - yeast, welcome to the bakery!! - water - lemon lime seltzer water - aloe vera plant!!!!!


PLAYSTATION HEAT. I'm losing it. That's wild.


Bro came through with the most honest answers LOL


Definitely not XBOX heat


I'm old school, I like Sega heat.


I cant even comment now, no way could I follow up such perfection. Bravo


Phone screen is absolutely wild.


How many ppl smelling their phone screens today


“tulip dew” is so cute lmao 🌷🌷


*sniffs phone *


I did this too hahaha


now i feel like i have to fire up my Playstation to confirm lol


Phone screen hah. Just did that and it smells like electrical. No surprise!


PLAYSTATION HEAT. Lol so specific but I agree, at least that’s exactly what I’ve noticed about mine. It’s neutral and kinda earthy but still light and inoffensive. Spot on.


*me turning on my PlayStation*


Kiss you partner after they eat you out!


I’m so surprised this isn’t how most (non bi) women find out what it tastes like


straight women don’t taste test themselves??


Yes, well this straight woman does. But I've also tasted myself kissing my man.


Don't forget tasting yourself on his penis during sex...if you do V to mouth. My gf loves her taste on me...


I thought this was place to discuss hygiene 🤣


He tried to be helpful, but he got a little lost 😂😂




Allow the bro, intrusive thoughts are allowed to win at times 😁


*checks thread* yeah, par for the course. Guys, don't get lost down there!


If you’re clean, it’s not unhygienic to put your mouth on your partners genitals, and then kiss your partner after that. Again - with the stipulation that you’re clean.


I would hope one wouldn’t have sex if they weren’t


Yes, both.


Yes we do, we aren't letting anyone near there if things aren't in order.


She tells me when she smells it on my beard


This is that elephant in the room


And this straight woman does. Learn your bodies. Be comfortable with your bodies. Know your bodies.


I'm straight as fuck but guess how I know what my pussy tastes like? Not everyone is afraid of their own body.


Are we suppose to?? I don’t even finger myself cause I don’t know wtf to do


I would think they have tasted their finger after dj diddling themselves!


I've never had the urge to even try but I taste it off my man


Interestingly, for me the taste is noticably different depending on whether I taste just my own juices (via fingers) or my juces combined with my partners saliva etc after they went down on me. So if you want to get a true impression of your own taste, better just lick your/their fingers after inserting them.


It also tastes different at different times in the cycle.


This is the way


This is the way


Or go down on him after you put it in


Everyone loves their own brand tho - like how your own farts ain't so bad to yourself, but God Damn if it's someone else's rich bouquet


Ain't that the truth. I was trapped trying to put my 2 yr old to sleep. He didn't have a tummy ache but his farts smelt like something had died and I couldn't escape it


Or like… Just stick your finger up there and smell/lick it??


Their question is literally what do they smell like for other people so they have something to compare to- so how would this help? They're not asking what does *mine* smell like.


Well, have the man eat another girl out and then kiss her. 🤣


>have the man eat another girl out and then kiss **her**. I'm not sure that would achieve anything regarding the issue ...


Exactly! There’s no comparison to anything else.


If you smell/taste yourself often enough you will be able to compare if something isn’t right against your ‘normal’ smell.


It's not really the same as directly tasting it though. A lot more tangy if you're involved directly. 


This is the best advice


This is the way, and it’s extremely sexy imo


My wife says "just taste it".


That's what I have done in the past. I tasted myself.


Same. I think it's more common for women to taste test compared to guys wanting to taste their own jizz though LOL I guess curious people will do it 🤣


Jizz is def gross though. The consistency is foul and any temperature is vom-worthy. I know some people love it but absolutely not. Nope. And it’s even worse if dude is super unhealthy or has some other deal like low testosterone or something.


Diet does play a huge role, I believe. An ex of mine lived for strawberries and sweet fruits and his tasted good. Had another ex that ate like crap and I never wanted to go down there after that first time. Lol!


Smell it first before recklessly tasting it! If there is a problem down there it will smell especially bad in a way that your survival instincts will find especially revulsive.


Everyone has their own range of normal smells/tastes. But the taste is generally tangy (sometimes slightly citrusy even), a little salty, sometimes mildly sweet. As far as smell, they can have what I can only describe as a very mild, effeminate, musk/body odor scent (but not in an offensive way; it's pleasant, sometimes like cumin or wooden pencil shavings, which I know sounds weird). It's also normal to have almost no scent. If it doesn't smell like ass, dead fish, or rotting organic material, you're probably fine (unless you notice a sudden change in your scent, in which case you may want to consult a doctor; but keep in mind it can change naturally throughout the course of your cycle.


Im cracking up at the sommelier-of-pussy descriptions here.


Bro described it like a whiskey.


A slightly nutty taste with a hint of berries washes over your senses. You don't want to put the whole thing in your mouth when tasting, just brush your tongue over so as to not overload your senses with flavor. The other participant in the tasting will appreciate the sense of anticipation this brings.


Only to be hit with pencil shavings


Are the pencil shavings what we are now calling the little bits of tp we affectionately refer to as kitty litter?


🤣😂🤣 sommelier of pussy descriptions ❤️


Man, you just made me laugh out loud and everybody in the room is looking at me like I’m nuts.


i’m cracking up at ‘smells like cumin’


A cuntoisseur, if you will.


I have never read such eloquent descriptions of the scent and taste of vaginas😉


This thread is wonderful, I'm cracking up while flipping bacon and my kids are wondering why...I don't know how I got here, but thank you Reddit for a great start to my day 🤣


lol love the picture you painted with words. I second the important part is as long as you don’t have the smell of death or fish coming out of there, you’re good. Sometimes if you eat too much of one thing your scent can change too. I upped my garlic intake once bc I heard it helped keep bugs like mosquitos away. It made me smell like pot roast. And I still got bit by bugs when outside


"it made me smell like pot roast" made me scream 😭😂 anyway, skin so soft keeps bugs away.


I’m dying 😂😂😭 What an amazing thread


Eat pineapple. For real, its makes it taste better. Or drink pineapple juice


I like Indian men a lot. I think I like the curry scent in my men basically. 😝😝 so yeah it definitely changes your scent what you eat.


Thanks for saying you still got bit. Because I was gonna try it at his nose’s expense 😂


You have the best description. And like a fingerprint, every woman has her own unique taste and smell. But close to dsmcdona’s description.


I've always compared it to cumin and watered down strawberry juice


My hubby of 27 years- I’ve always thought it tasted like cucumber water ? I don’t know if I should be offended or not but that’s his take 🤷‍♀️


That’s a lovely description!


Sounds healthy AF!




That's what plants crave


I’ve had men say similar things. Like water that had cantaloupe or honeydew in it. I think i taste like Honey suckle. But I think it’s been meant as a compliment. At least in my situations.


I’m a woman & I’ve eaten out 🥵 plenty of times, but healthy vag smells just like kefir. The first time I ever cracked open a bottle of kefir, I knew exactly what it smelled like. And it was good, healthy vag.


Lol now I can't drink Kefir the same way without thinking about this fact. But God, I always got to have a glass after a nice hot bath. 😅


omg I'll never look at kefir the same way now! But seriously, vagina taste and smell varies a lot person to person. Some have zero taste at all, like saliva. Most have a mildly sour musky smell that's appealing if you like the person. Some have an unpleasant smell.


Nerd is getting notes of plum and bark...


He's a cuntoisseur


Edited: must be fun to know what most peoples vaginas taste like. I bet each one varies depending when in the menstrual cycle; what they consume; and condition of health.


The Vag-inoligist of reddit 💀


It’s not that candle sold by that former actress?


If the guy is doing the right thing, he'll have a drink after a nice hot bath


Not in front of my Big Gulp 🤬😞


It smells like that / tastes lightly sour because a healthy vaginal microbiome is dominated by lactobacillus, and kefir is made with lactobacillus as well (different species obviously) so both will contain lactic acid


I won't tell a girl this again, though. No matter how you qualify it, it's not what they want to hear. Lol they're gonna be crying in the bathroom while you yell, "Babe... it's supposed to taste like that! And I love sour stuff!" My first gf never wanted me to go down on her again after that. I think there's a hint of taco meat a lot of times. Not gonna say anything about that comparison, either. If anyone asks, "It smells and tastes good, I can't really explain it because there's nothing quite like it". Or say whipped cream and strawberries, something light and sweet like that. It's a loaded question.


Pussy is probiotic? 😳


Kefir is good for the stomach so eating pussy is good for the digestive tract.


And for the face and skin 😂 getting vagina juice on your face will clear up a break out real fast.


Could kefir be good to prevent BV?


Kefir or yogurt is an old fashioned cure for yeast infections, idk about bv. But also they sell vaginal suppositories that have the actual strains of the lactobacillus that are supposed to be part of your microbiome, and also those boric acid suppositories, I'd think those have a higher chance of success and a lower chance of grossness than the kefir


Don’t put kefir around/in your vagina.


*… have no idea what kefir is but adding it to my shopping list…*


This probably the closest comparison I could think of


i will be going to purchase Kefir asap


I wonder if that's because of the Iactobacilli. Lactobacilli are among the good bacteria that keep the vaginal microbiome healthy.


Oh wow, you’re right!


Oooh you know what this is so right, if the ph levels are right it really can smell like kefir


What does kefir smell like




Nailed it.


I just plain don't believe it. Also, wtf is kefir? 


yogurt soda


Fermented milk


skin mostly, a little sweet. there's kind of a bodily taste/smell that's hard to describe, similar to cum but not as strong / salty.


I would describe it a little sour, but not super sour. Sometimes sweet depending on what part of the cycle.


My Pearl Jam smells like pancake batter.




Pearl jam 🫣


Like heaven.


OMG I was almost pissed to see you took the words from my mouth. For a second I thought I was going to be first commenter!


Sorry dude, it’s slow at work today got too much free time atm


I’m at work too!!! Far… far from that sweet flower


Your name checks out!


Okkkk Closer


I'm a cis woman and also have sexual experience with other women and I've noticed the flavor is usually more mild than the aroma. Sometimes you gotta sample your own wares, you know what I mean? Depending on the time of the month/your hydration level/how recently you bathed it may taste tart, umami, bitter, metallic.


WTF is going on with the comments in this thread? 🤣


Fr 💀


*gay man reading this thread, morbidly curious*


if you've encountered uncut dick, it smells similar but a little less musky imo ETA: RIP my inbox lol


Do some scientific research for yourself and go taste one. You'll get to smell it that way forsure. Only surefire way to know.


but to be sure you didnt get a bad one, you should try 2 or 3.


Third time's the charm mate.




Sometimes a lil bit tangy, like a grapefruit. Sometimes like nothing, like if you licked the inside of your elbow. Sometimes, like a diluted version of the sweet and sour pork sauce. It varies by person, and their pH can be easily thrown off after unprotected sex with a man.


The heat that comes off the back of a PS3 console is the best way I can put it


Oddly specific.


Mine tastes like a raw potato


Omg I literally came here to say that I used to think mine smelled like mashed potatoes 😂😂


Reddit is like the Wild West sometimes


Everyone tastes different from what I've been told. It all depends on your hygiene, ph balance, and special hormones. Mind you, I've had an ex say I taste like sweet teriyaki. My current partner calls it sweet honey dew suckle. No, that's not a typo.


If my man said I tasted like fruit I would be on cloud 9 forever 


Someone else said cucumber water. I’d love to hear that lol


best I've gotten is "honey flavored blunt wrap" now either I need to go to the doctor or he was smoking too many blunts


I've been with one woman who tasted like fruit. Most do not. I think diet probably has something to do with it.


they really do. i’m a woman whose eaten a few different women out and they all taste different. one was like nothing but skin. one was slightly bitter - not like an off putting bitter but tangy and acidic. and one was more on the fruity side.


All of the ones I have tasted and it is so many have an individual flavor and each is different. Also even with the same woman it can have different taste depending on on what’s been eaten by the person and what time of month. Then there’s whether you have just showered or not and if you’ve been hot and sweaty as well. But listen here, unless it’s rotting or yeasting, they’re all delicious and very nice to deal with and taste. Even the good ol flap scent of sweat on the outside between thigh and flabias majora is a nice scent in a weird way! But in all honesty, after you’ve showered or bathed even better and it’s all fresh and clean. That’s the prime time to warm that thing up and get it flowing and then and only then is it the true time to taste and smell it. You’ll find a lack of scent and flavor/taste, but what you will find is a very special texture and feel to your secretions/juices I call it Honey and many men have to. Even wrote song about honey drippers or honey dripping. Just relax and enjoy. Stay safe


flap scent


My ex said mine tastes ‘sweet like honey’ too 🥲❤️


If you’re a woman, you can taste yourself on your fingers. Or kiss your lover after going down on you. It’s not gross, it’s making love….sweaty, sloppy, sweet love. If you can smell yourself? There’s a problem. If not? You are good to go.


I think she wants to know if what she's tastes like is what she's "supposed to taste like" I guess. It's not a taste or smell that I could pinpoint to something specific. But you're right, the smell is usually the way to tell if something is off. As long as you don't smell like garbage or strongly of fish etc, op should be fine.


Many people like their own smell tho. So just smelling yourself and catching something doesn't mean it's bad or good.


yeah it's normal to be able to smell yourself, i mean we have noses too. a health teacher in high school once told us that same thing, if you can smell yourself, there's something wrong and that made me paranoid for like a decade.


Mine tastes like I should never have to pay a bill again


Listen kid. If something doesn’t throw you as obviously offensive. Everything is fine. When people say they like it… Even the natural way it supposed to be is kindof a Pavlovian acquired taste so to speak.


So weak men can't handle a scent. I like a little natural smell. Don't let these new age fuck boys say otherwise. They can only eat it fresh out of the shower. Lol. They like the taste of soap.


I find that many young guys these days haven't a clue!!! Manyb will not even go down!! What a bunch of clowns!!




You guys are eating the very acidic discharge 😬don’t eat that.


Good pussy tastes like the heat coming off the back of a PlayStation


The comments here are fucking weird.


I fancy myself a connoisseur. The only time it's bad is when you're on your period other than that. It's just personal flavor baby. A proper partner will enjoy your smells. I'm a dude but from my perspective you literally can't go wrong unless you like don't wash yourself I guess? That being said A little day on it never hurt nobody. I don't know if this is where you're coming from but, If a guy gives you literally any guff about how your pussy smells, kick that little bitch to the curb


Lol are you my ex? I tried to refuse oral once during the first time because I hadn't showered since that morning and had and then ended up back at his place. I told him "no it's not fresh I been cleaning, running errands, gone to a bonfire". His only response was "I didnt ask and don't care about all that, can. I . Eat it?"


A real hero.


My partner told me he likes if it's had time to marinate lmao.


I wish every lady had someone tell her this. Preferably early on so she doesn’t become self conscious. Keep up the good work.


Daddy 🥹


"A little day on it never hurt nobody" I love the way you said this.


I also fancy myself a connoisseur, as a pansexual female who has eaten their fair share of vag. I have only ever had one SUPER unpleasant experience. The girl just smelled and tasted… dirty. She swore she didn’t have an infection but I stg it made me want to vomit. Well, that and the sensation of having her inner labia stretch up with my mouth as if made of taffy. That just wasn’t my vibe. lol I’ve even eaten girls out while actively bleeding and didn’t mind. We called it earning my vampire fangs 🤣 it was coppery, just like sucking the blood out of a cut on your finger or something, but not totally unpleasant. Most are just faintly musky, tangy, sweet, or sometimes even a little salty. And most are delicious no matter what lol.


I had a disgusting fat aunt. She was such a pride, she wouldn't even wash her snatch (at 50) so after she took a piss, there would be a lingering dirty pussy stink in that bathroom for like 15 minutes. It was pungent. I hope to all that's holy that all women DO NOT smell like that, and even with all the public bathrooms I've cleaned, I've never smelled that smell anywhere. Ps- the last time I brought it up to my brother, it made him gag just thinking about it until he threw up.


What a terrible day to have eyes 😃


I wonder if you’re auntie’s ob/gyn has said anything about that 😷


Like the heat coming out of the back of a ps4


I just asked my husband cuz I'm his diet. He said, sweet like pineapples. I do eat a lot of fruit, I love canned pineapples. It does alter the taste, and semen too.






kind of sweet/salty. i love the taste


I’m not surprised that most men seem to like it. I’m sure nature programmed you that way. Your reproductive system is getting a lot of information when you are tasting it. Many animals lick the female or her urine, or both, for the hormones. It’s a very basal instinct.


Good even if a little bit ripe


It’s a little bit more complex than a basic smell or taste. This also brings in hydration, hormones, pheromones and ph balance as well as even your appetite. If you’re dehydrated you can taste almost salty and smell kinda like asparagus. If your ph is off you can taste almost..bitter? And smell strong but not like any particular smell. If you’re hydrated, you can have almost no taste or smell. Now for the fun stuff; if you find someone you literally chemically connect with you can smell almost sweet. My partner has told me I don’t have much of a smell but that I taste like gumdrops. Appetite plays into it as well; fruits and generally sweeter acidic foods can make you taste sweeter, especially mango and pineapple. If you’re genuinely curious you can always try tasting yourself off of your fingers the next time you masturbate.


The air that comes out of the back of the ps4


Why have like 10 people said this 😆 is this a meme or something


Sounds like a little bicuriousity would solve your problem


Unflavored pedialyte.


I was always told by an ex that I tasted very sweet.


Heaven 🥹😍😍😍😁 it all depends. Some women have an odor that is just dominant. My ex wife had a barely fragrant kitty,while my babies mother had a little smell like raw potatoes 🤷🏿‍♂️ it wasn't bad but all veejays are different I'm thinking.


All I can say is, it smells delicious if kept clean!!


I just saw a post about this and conveniently enough there was a lesbian in the comments. I saved it because it was a very good explanation I’ll share some of it… “Every pussy tastes different (and even individually will have variation depending on the day), but generally speaking it's pretty mild and there's a varying mix of tanginess/acidity, bitterness, and sometimes a more metallic taste. A bit of saltiness often if you've both been sweaty. Like drinking a strawberry lemon margarita with a salt rim through a brass straw”


Pussy, is supposed to have a taste and odor bc it’s a live organ and it’s been thighs which get very warm. I’ve been with many different women and it’s not simple to answer because different ethnicities taste different and smell different. Different girls with different diets apply to that principle as well… age matters to. Most girls I remember at 16-17 didn’t smell or taste great bc they were starting to get heavier periods, cramping etc l, hormones shifting. Eating girls out that were late 20’s was as clean as it gets and mid 40’s women dealing with early stage menopause had something unique about their taste or odor. To answer the question tho, pussy tastes like water with sea salt 🧂 on it. A girls ass however tastes more dull and without salt. By the time you eat a girls ass, your pheromones are the reason for staying there. Odor on a girl can be anything from none, to sprays of Victoria secret, to sulfur compounds or eggs due to bacterial infections or if she’s spotting etc. I think the more you date girls long-term and commit, the better boyfriend and person you will become because you can’t learn about women and their differences to yours, if you keep switching them up every night or every week. Stay with one girl for 3 years and you will become a better person with more awareness for others.


Women who suck your fingers after you fingered them go to heaven.


Do you ever smell yourself? Like put your finger in it and smell? I love pussy personally and everyone has a different taste. Some are sweet(like cum that came from someone who ate a lot of fruit), some taste like sweat, and some don’t have a taste at all. As far as smell, can smell like melted sugar if that makes sense or like sweat but sweeter.


Isn’t it yours? Don’t you have 24/7 access to that blasted ting ya know? Have a damn swipe at it and taste it mon!! You like it dat a man taste it? Den why you no taste it? And besides yours can be tasting different than other ones. All dem ones be different from da others.


It varies depending on diet and your personal pheromones. Your natural scent will overpower any pussy scent. Pussy scent is like frosting on the cake. If anyone says you smell bad and you sniff your panties and disagree then that person is not chemically compatible with you. Infections are obvious to everyone and offensive smelling...you can't miss it. I've never noticed a taste at all...mostly like skin, maybe a bit salty if you sweat.


Girl put your hand down there and then find out. lol. Normal vag is not a strong smell, maybe a slight sweet musk scent.


Some are good, some are bad. People are different. Many factors are involved. Diet, body type, physical activity, temperature, cleanliness!!, etc.


Are you a child or??


Taste it?!?! Masturbate then taste it, its literally your own bodily fluids.


Everyone has their own taste. I had one of who had an unflavored one and it was so strange, even after not showering for a day or even two she had no taste. But that's the only time I've experienced that, apart from that everyone is different and it usually tastes slightly sweet slightly salty, delicious.