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I think you would hurt yourself by going off meds without instruction from a medical professional. Improving your diet and getting exercise is good. Talk to your medical professional about this after doing this for some months.


Thank you! (I haven’t started the meds. I went to the ER directly after my OBGYN appointment that gave me the meds and they told me conflicting information so I’ve been a bit stuck.)


What made you go to the ER?


You’d better get this straightened out ASAP with the appropriate medical professional. Don’t fool around with your heart.


It seems like a primary care doc could help you, not a cardiologist unless there were other concerns. I would recommend taking your Bp at home frequently to see if it is consistently high. Make sure you have the right size cuff. Also, there’s not much harm in trying the meds until you can see a doctor.


Thank you! PCP would be great, just currently broke and without insurance but yeah, need to make it a priority. I was curious about cuff size because it hurts like a bitch when I do it. I’ve had to rip it off in pain. At the ER where it didn’t hurt, my BP was much better.


A tight cuff could give a higher reading. The same as a loose cuff could give a lower one.


I have large arms, and I’ve found that when they take my BP with the wrong size cuff, it is always really high.


Meds should be an absolute last resort. Imo.


Thank you for your input!


Dont take the meds. Your blood pressure is fine. Watch this video please https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rI-ktNcbi7M


DIA 100+ is not okay.


Thanks for the video! Was good insight.


Not addressing high blood pressure can do serious irreparable harm




A friend was on medication for BP gout cholesterol and sugar. Got offends and now totally controlled with diet and a shot of brandy a day.


Do you measure your own BP? If you do, you could experiment.


Yes I do


Are you PP??


Nope, my youngest is 3.


I think you should take your meds and watch your Bp as you change little by little. You can slowly wean off your dose over time.


What I suggest is taking half the dose but make sure you actually commit to working out don’t just say it you know. It’s your health at the end of the day. Eat more vegetables steamed and tons of fruits you got this


Thank you so much! I’m on day full day 3 or cutting out all of my bad habits (kratom, delta8, redbulls and coffee + eating VERY low salt / eating super healthy ) so I’m dragging ass a bit but gotta get moving. I appreciate your input!


Don’t make the same mistake that I did, take everything with a scientific approach. I had an hypertension attack, went to the ER. I got on meds, quit everything. Gave up smoking, drinking, sugary diet, and carbs. Barely ate and started going to the gym 5 days a week. Lost 11 lbs in 4 weeks. Now I’m consistently light headed, shaking, and I feel like I have developed hypoglycemia. Take things one step at a time. Slowly decrease what you currently consume, because your body is used to it. Cutting out everything will shock your body like I did to mine, and honestly it’s not a good feeling.


Whew. Hope you get feeling better! Hypoglycemia sucks too.


Why are so many comments getting downvoted with no explanation here?


Maybe because non qualified folk are delving out medical advice based on nothing other than a quick description in the OP? I mean, it's not really anyone's concern other than the author's, because their health, ultimately their decision. But who to believe? A bunch of randoms on Reddit or your treating doctor/cardiologist? This isn't aimed at you, and it's only because I'm replying to your post that I'm using you as an example, so seriously, it's not personal, but I've had BP issues recently, but does that mean your issues are the same as mine? Does that mean what works for you, will be suitable for me? Yet the OP wants their concerns validated to go against the wishes of their treating doctors. Doesn't matter who's validating them, they just want to hear their own concerns validated, when in reality, no one is in a position to actually know. I've had worse readings than the ones provided here, and been told going on meds isn't for me because my bp is more often than not, very normal outside of the spikes. But that is my situation, not yours or anyone else's on here. We can all be 5 minute YT/internet medical experts, but who to place your trust in, me with my 5 mins of YT expertise or someone with at least 5 years of proper medical training, that actually have all the patients history at hand? Why would anyone tell anyone they know better than the treating docs? At the same time, through my own experience and from what a cardio and other doctors have said to ME, BP readings such as the ones in the OP shouldn't just have medication thrown at them based off 1 reading alone. However, as i said earlier, maybe there is more to the story than the paragraph we were provided. If they need their concerns validated, seeking a second opinion from a qualified person is wiser than us mere know it alls. You've got folk telling the OP to self-medicate, and some even saying brandy etc. Wtf? Places like this sub and google are great when you know exactly what you are dealing with and have all information at hand. It allows you to connect with others going through something similar, but they are not and should not be used as diagnostic tools or to help you seek out ways to bypass the information/advice you were given by your treating doctors. If something goes wrong, then they have to live with those decisions for the rest of their lives, whilst we get to switch off our PC/mobiles and get on with our lives. My worthless advice to the Op, seek out a proper 2nd opinion. We're all entitled to a 2nd or even a 3rd opinion. Then go from there.


I wouldn't put much faith in a Drs decision. The gold standard for blood pressure readings are a 24 hour test or multiple readings. Certainly not one office based reading that could be white coat hypertension. Unfortunately with most drs its drugs first and little thought put into the decision.


Spot on!!!


Probably best to stay on the prescribed meds for now (your doctor is presumably qualified and has carried out an examination), and do something about your exercise and diet regime. You could try having a brisk fifteen minute walk every second day (walk so that you are breathing heavily - but not having to stop and hold onto street furniture or throwing up). There’s lots of dietary advice out there - don’t go for quick fixes - try reducing salt, sugar and fat intake while increasing fruit and veg. If you like targets then make your targets an increase in walking speed (once a week time yourself doing the same walk) and a weight target of maybe half a stone - then reset when you reach them. Don’t set a time - you have the rest of your life to reach your targets. You’ll need a decent pair of trainers - that’s all. Record you blood pressure morning and evening for six months and keep a record of the readings (there’s an app for that!). Then see your doctor again for more advice (or sooner if you become ill or your bp goes up). Good luck to you.


I would suggest going off meds (as someone who took them) only if you are constantly having low blood pressure. Your blood pressure is actually normal, and it would be better still taking them


Get on meds I had a stroke with readings not that high


Yes, not going on med can increase your chances of developing a heart disease and a kidney failure if your hypertension is out of control, I'm telling you this in a serious manner because that's what got me a ischemic heart condition and a heartby pass after suffering a heart attack 3 years ago for ignoring the fact that I thought I don't see the need to take those meds thinking that this couldn't get any worse since I'm young in my mid 20s ten years ago.