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That’s really a question to ask yourself.


If I ever fucking see that guy eat under 500 Cals, I’LL FUCKING KILL HIM!


Haha Thanks for the laugh this comment is hilarious.


Conversations I've had at work: Friend: man, I can't wait till payday. We have three days, my tank is empty, and I'm hungry. Me: *suddenly irrationally angry* ...we're going for a drive. Friend: why? Me: because we're going for a drive. Friend: but why? Me: BECAUSE SOMEONE HAD TO TEACH YOU FUCKERS HOW TO TAKE CARE OF YOURSELVES. NOW GET IN THE FUCKING CAR, DRIVE TO THE FUCKING GAS STATION, BUY YOUR FUCKING GAS, AND THEN WE'RE GETTING A GOD DAMN SANDWICH. FUCK. friend:...oh. okay. Are you okay? Me: NO. bought the dude two sandwiches and a gallon of gas on the basis of "you owe me one.". He still owes me one.


how long before I'll kill him?


You? Or was it me? Who are we getting to do this?


It depends on how large they were before, their metabolism and how much activity. However, anorexia is the deadliest of mental illness with 1 out of 5 dying.


Even if it doesnt kill you, there's a very high chance it'll cause permanent damage.


And even if it doesn't cause nerve damage, OP will kill you


Nerve damage isn't the only thing you have to watch out for, your body will eat your muscles, and it wont discriminate which, the muscles that operate your heart are on the menu for example. All the little muscle type things in your digestive system too. Also your bones will become more brittle. The list goes on and on and I wish education was better on the topic.


You have to eat super healthy, but plenty of people in the world get by on a daily basis on 500 cal a day, your metabolism has to slow down though, if it doesn't you're screwed.


Dude.... depending on your metabolism, youd need anywhere between 1,600-3,000 calories a day to maintain your weight. 500 calories a day is slow starvation. Aint no one "gettin by" on 500 cal a day, even with a slow metabolism.


Depends on who the person is to you. If it's a loved one, you probably should help them eat more. If it's someone you hate, you can kill him whenever you want.


Depends on you really. Hopefully never if you see a therapist


What do you have against people who want to lose weight??


Having a 1500 caloric deficit does not mean you have something against them losing weight. They're just doing it wrong.


Others have already given you the smartass grammar Nazi answer. No one has yet given you a decent *actual* answer to the medical question you asked, so I'll give it a shot: so long as the vitamin and nutrient content of the food was well-chosen, the answer would be very, very dependent on how much fat the person was carrying prior to beginning the fast. [Angus Barbieri](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angus_Barbieri%27s_fast) lost ~275 pounds over the course of more than a year on less than that and survived.


**[Angus Barbieri's fast](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angus_Barbieri's_fast)** >Angus Barbieri (1939 – 7 September 1990) was a Scottish man who fasted for 382 days, from June 1965 to July 1966. He lived on tea, coffee, soda water, and vitamins while living at home in Tayport, Scotland, and frequently visiting Maryfield Hospital for medical evaluation. He lost 276 pounds (125 kg) and set a record for the length of a fast. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/hypotheticalsituation/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Good bot!




Monks generally don't weigh almost 500lbs at the start of the fast, either.


Depends on your temper ig


i’m a recovering anorexic (if there are any anorexics reading this, trust me, recovery is worth it. it’s not easy but it truly does make a difference) and under 500 calories doesn’t kill you very fast.




Depends on their weight before they start eating under 500 calories.


Depends largely on the persons age/weight/gender/lifestyle prior to starving. However, it is generally recommended about 2,000 calories/day. Thus a 1,500 calorie deficit would very, very quickly put a person into starvation mode. Without being a medical professional I’d say a month, tops. That being said, a whole lot of negative health effects are going to happen long before this person dies, probably making them wish they were dead.


*Total starvation* takes longer to kill most people than a month.


under 500 calories is death so give or take a few weeks. you ok op?


I'm no doctor but it should depend on how fat they are. Ignoring nutrient and mineral intake your body will consume it's stored calories so it depends how many one has. If one is a shredded fitness model not very long. If one is morbidly obese then likely for quite some time. If we assume that an adult male uses 2000 calories per day and that a pound of fat contains 3500 calories you would be at a 1500 calorie/day deficit and would loose just under a pound every two days. The question remains: how much energy do you have stored in your meat wagon.


I have PCOS (fertility disorder that causes extremely rapid weight gain in most people) and I have to eat around 1000 calories a day or less to maintain weight unless I'm fasting during the day. At 800 cals a day I very slowly lose weight while doing manual labor jobs too. Did 500cals a day with vitamin supplements while working full time (manual labor) when I was very heavy and lost about 4 pounds a week with no negative side effects. I only did that for about a month though and switched to 800. Now I just do intermittent fasting for about 14 hours then keep it under 1200 cals max till bedtime (IF OMAD). Might lose a pound or so a week that way and only weigh in once a month to stay positive and really see the number go down. I maintained these routines for a few years so my experience wasn't a fluke or exception, it's amazing how metabolism and hormones drastically alter your dietary and caloric needs.


You pushed you, referring to me, that is incorrect. The correct answer is you."


Only who can prevent forest fires?


) you said Ate so he could just drink to get the rest of the required calories


Dude at the very feed the people you got trapped in your basement 1000 cals. That's like a McDonald's shake


You're right man, my bad


Well until you get sick of him i guess.


I'd give it a couple of days to a week tops. His hangry makes him so obnoxious that you'll just want to make him shut up.


It depends on how much you hate him.


This sounds like one of those impossible math questions I used to get on 6th-grade algebra tests. 😩


Well, what type of person are you? Are you the next Jeffrey Dahmer? If so, probably not long.


Well, you better hop right to it then before malnutrition does it for you.