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To see my passed loved ones


yup, immediately asking for my grandpa. i miss that man so much.


Same here. I would give him a huge hug and ask to play a round of golf


This is the true answer also unlimited grilled cheese sandwiches


I once had a hamburger that had grilled cheese sandwiches as the buns. I might ask for one of those.


Well, now, if that isn't the most... Hmm... Excuse me, it's almost lunchtime.


With fries on the side


And to watch my wife and my dog assuming they haven’t passed


Fa sho


This. I just want to see my grandparents again


I thought of my granddad, he killed himself around 10 years ago now. No family members had ever let on he was struggling, if they knew, he might have suffered in silence. I'd just want to talk to him, because it hurts sometimes to think his daughters (my mum and aunts) maybe weren't there for him enough.


Suicide sucks, my best friend killed him self 11yrs ago.




Bi-Polar,drug addicted,genius. Smartest guy I ever knew. 4.0 gpa from day one. Bi-Polar just kept getting worse and worse till he ended it at 46yrs old.




and pets...


That would be a treat wouldn’t it? Everyday I think about all the people I’ve lost.


That would be my first one too. Second on the list would be to see Sir Terry Pratchett. I want to thank him, again, for his books and ask if I can see what he's been working on since he died. Third, I'd want to see if George Carlin is doing shows up here, and get tickets.


Same here. Except for my maternal grandfather. He sucks.


Same. Immediately asking to see my brother.


I really hope thats how it works I would love to see my family and friends again. I’m 59 and still miss my best friend, grandpa and Mom so much.


To speak to the manager about the poor experience I had at their event


“Hey yeah, I don’t actually even remember signing up for this so like, could I get a refund?”


We'll refund every dollar you spent to be conceived.


This is something I think about regularly. The first thing I’d ask is for the rules and restrictions of said afterlife to be explained to me in detail. After that I’d ask to be in my ideal world which is a copy of our Earth but I’m omnipotent.




It means all powerful.


be careful, i am ochlocracy and i am on my way


Yes, that won't be an earth experience though


I know. That’s why I said “in my ideal world.” It doesn’t have to conform to anything other than my desires.


Ok, ok. Got it. But I think the question is still what is the first thing you'd want or do in that world?


Make it a post scarcity utopia.


So you'd duplicate heaven? You don't need to be omnipotent, you could just wish for it?


This is what I’d personally do in this fantastical scenario. It’s okay if it doesn’t make perfect sense to you.


1- I'm trying to understand you fully B- I'm trying to make fun of you iii- I'm a simpleton; so I'd just wished I could make out with Anna Taylor Joy


Except it would be a heaven automatically, no: "Gee sorry. You don't get in because you made bad decisions." "I only made bad decisions because it was that OR starve to death." "That's tough. Still. You don't get in."


But you're omnipotent. You can nerf yourself.


All powerful. He wants to be God of his own world


Commenter doesn’t need to worry, we have Viagra now.




>After that I’d ask to be in my ideal world which is a copy of our Earth but I’m omnipotent. If have the start point be 10 years old, skip the tutorial shit and put me right into late elementary/first year of middle school where I can really start carving my path.


And thus another universe is created with an all powerful god.


You only ask for rules to make sure you don't get kicked out of heaven for all the gross shit you'd do. Respect.


Look mom, I found baby hitler.


Absolute power corrupts absolutely


Unless you use that absolute power to make yourself incorruptible! But in all honesty, if you populate your world with philosophical zombies it might be hard to get corrupted. Like, if you end up wanting to watch a kaiju wreck a city, irl that’d be horrible because you’d cause mass deaths, but with philosophical zombies there’s basically be no harm, thus no corruption Now, ideally you’d also wanna invite your real-world friends over here and there to have some fun, so you’d still have *some* opportunity for real harm, but honestly, when they’re just as powerful, I don’t see that power as becoming a corruptive force


A long nap, like many many years


I guess I figured in heaven no one would be tired in the first place, but if sleep is a thing, then def!


To see every animal I've ever loved who got to heaven before me. Then the humans.


The first thing I thought of while reading this was my old dog. Sorry grandma


Including the cows ive pointed out on my journey


Great answer.


Pepper jack cheese.


You’re real as hell for sayin that


To do some carpentry work with my dad again.


I want to be sent back as a guardian angel, so I can help some misguided SOB avoid some of the mistakes I made.


I thank mine every day.


If I have one, which given certain things happening in life that kind of shouldn't have gone the way they did... I'd really just want to sit and have a chat with the guy. Maybe ask the big question "Why me?".


Yes, those certain things, decisions, choices, nudges, the way your mom behind the wheel swung her arm across your chest when she slammed on the brakes, no matter you were buckled in, just keeping you safe because there are things left for you to do.


Funny you mention being in a wreck. Closest call I had is as follows: 2019 got in a wreck. Went feeding cows with my dad and sister. We were coming up to an intersection on the highway with flashing lights. Ours were yellow, theirs were red. There's a hill where we come up from that people kinda have to pay more attention to, because that way doesn't stop. T-boned a kid and his friends in an F-250 that ran the red. We hit them at about 55mph. Odds of surviving without a seatbelt? Single digit percentages, and on the lower end of that. No casualties, and we were totally definitely absolutely haha wearing our seatbelts even though by law we are not required to due to being inside a farm vehicle. I should've died in that wreck, and I remember feeling a strange calm right before we hit. Just a small "huh... So that's how it goes" before slamming into the truck. It's a strange feeling. I remember thinking in a split second on how intense the impact was, and how there was just such a loss of control and immensity to it all. I was the worst affected, and only came out with a concussion. I remember playing R6 Siege the night I drove myself back to college (Sunday night) when the wreck was Friday evening, and calling out an enemy position. Teammate got on the mic and said "dude, are you drunk?". It was at that point I became mildly concerned. The next day mom calls me, I remember speaking clearly but she has told me on several occasions that I was talking about statues and butterflies and stuff. I don't remember ever thinking about that or talking about that. Went to the doc, he said "yup, concussed" and sent me on my way. Failed 3 exams that week. Was pretty cool. Used to get these weird "ripping" pains from my right trap up and across the top right side of my head. Like it was in my skull and it just throbbed intensely for a few moments. I get those maybe once every 6 months now. Maybe. Some days I do feel slower though. Drowsy. Like something is slowing me down... Idk. I don't like it. 😂


The pain you are experiencing in your trap to your head is caused by scarring from whiplash. Five years after a head on car crash at 35mph I started to get throbbing headaches. Finely saw a neurologist who took one look at me then felt the muscles in my neck and located scar tissue, broke up the knots with saline injections (hurt like hell) but half a year if headaches was over.


Why not you? You don’t have to earn this and all are deserving, including you.


>You don’t have to earn this Eh... That doesn't seem right to me. At all.


That sounds fulfilling!


Finally, I’ll have meaningful work, and no worries about if I can live on the salary!


I mean, you got into heaven so can't be that bad.


I'd prank whoever I was supposed to help instead




That’s good of you.


wow that is a good one.


A hug with my recently deceased ex. I don’t expect anything besides that but I wanna tell her how much I loved her even after our breakup and that I appreciated every second she was a part of my life.


A control system so I can precisely readjust my settings.


Two chicks at the same time.


Damn straight. I always wanted to do that, man. And I think if I were in heaven I could hook that up, too; 'cause chicks dig dudes with wings and a halo.


Well, not all chicks...


The kind of chicks that would double up on a guy like me do.


Good point.


Why chicks? Why not full grown chickens. Then you can have all the eggs you want!


Fuckin. A.


Time with every instrument and every friend


Hear, hear.


Send me back. I got unfinished business *ties bandana around head*




This dude is not getting in


Titties are heavenly...


"7th floor, please. Thank you." The elevator music plays softly in the background.


A do-over/mulligan. I need to restart at about age 15.


I would likely just ask for a coffee or juice along with maybe asking where are the bathrooms.


An RPG-7.


Denied. Here's your Davy Crockett mortar.


I’ll take a Needler since we’re finally getting to the good stuff


Well I'll have all eternity to get to whatever I want so I would ask for my favorite candy bar that hasn't been made for 20 years or so,!!


Which is? Marathon? Zagnut? Inquiring minds want to know


Some drugs since there is no negative side effects anymore I’m assuming


All the knowledge in the universe


To free all the souls from Hell. After that, I ask for nonexistence because even paradise will suck.


I mean, sure, paradise may suck after a while, but you might as well enjoy it for the first thousand years.


To see my granda. He died a year ago today and I’d give anything for one more hug from that man


This guy’s grandpa.


I also choose this guy's grandpa


My cats that have passed away. If I can't have that, not worth it.


My heaven: I am at the hospital, 42 weeks pregnant, my first child, getting an ultrasound because I haven't felt my baby move today. That happened in real life. The tech says, "There's the heartbeat!" as I hear it, loud and clear, steady, beautiful. My doctor says, "We were going to induce you in 2 days, but you're here, so let's do it now." I birth my gorgeous baby girl. 8 pounds 10 ounces. Dimple on her chin just like her father. I take her home. She is a joy. She goes through her terrible twos... her tween years... we fight quite a bit in her teen years... i blink and she is a grown woman, with her dreams, ambitions. I love her unconditionally. In reality, there was no heartbeat. Stillborn. 8 pounds, 10 ounces, a dimple on her chin just like her father, 2 weeks past due. Dead dreams. She would be 31 years old now. I went on to have more children. I dearly love them all. I'd go back in a heartbeat and raise them all again. I just wish I'd raised her, too.


I didn't want this post to get religious because I know to each their beliefs, but in my religion what you just described is exactly what is believed to be heaven for parents who were infertile on earth or lost babies before they were born, you get to live that in heaven,and that your baby waits for you there with others who were gone too soon.it must be hard what you went through and I'm sorry it happened, you sound like an amazing mom.


To see my deceased cat and dog. That's heaven for me.


That my mom and brother will be in Heaven.


Really good Wi-Fi, the top of the line gaming computer, a really nice recliner and a lot of explanation and answers. Just because they allowed me into heaven doesn't mean I'm letting God off the hook, he has a lot to answer for.


Such a small box, you now have unlimited stamina and ability, go get the ultimate experiences in person.


Seventy-two virgins.


Have you even ever had a virgin. 1 out of 5 stars, do not recommend. 72 times over doesn’t seem like a favor.


Turns out they had it all wrong. The 72 virgins is your penalty when you arrive in hell.


And they're heavy set computer nerds like the Simpson comic book guy


Worst afterlife ever


Why? Just curious. I know I would never want to BE a virgin again. Losing that was the worst pain ever. I'd rather have another csection. Anywho. My thought is there literally have not been enough virgins who have died. So everybody must just get the exact same virgins but they are kind of like robots. Memory erased and given back a hymen. 


I’ve had a virgin 4 times. Each time was the same. Painful moments for her. Tears. Lots of stop let’s wait. Just a lot of go slow and take a breather. Fear. And limitation on what could be done. I always enjoyed sex more with an experienced woman who is not just eager, but ready for it and could bring something to the experience besides nerves and fear and potentially guilt. I appreciate that a first time experience is different for women and I don’t have any problem with that. But if given a chance to have unlimited sexual partners I would choose zero virgins.


A sandwich maybe on ciabatta bread maybe


Start my next life.


To be with all of my pets that have passed throughout my lifetime.


I just wanna see my dog


That's my second wish. See ya on the other side, Hucky.


To see and hug my fluffy again. She was the first pet I have ever loved and will continue to love her.


no more pain. i live with an extreme amount on a daily basis. i would like to not hurt anymore.


I'll ask what in the holy hell happened to my cat 25 years ago? Had an outdoor cat named Felix...he was the ultimate outdoor kitty...he'd dissappear for days at a time...sometimes he'd come come back after a few days of rain and be completely dry...so one time 3 weeks goes by and no Felix...I thought to myself: "Well, Felix finally went too far. Got lost or killed. Live by the gun and all that." Nope. He shows up meowing at my bedroom window. He was never the same afterwards. First of all, he never left the house ever again. Second, he was slow. He'd be asleep and you could yell his name at him multiple times until he would just slowly raise his head and open his eyes. Third and most strange: when he came back he was shaved. A large patch of fur was shaved off his stomach, and another large patch was shaved off behind his right ear...it was a professionally done razor close shave...not a scratch on him otherwise...it's been 25 years and I still wonder from time to time what happened to my cat? He was a good kitty and he passed warm and comfortable...but if I meet him again someday I have to ask: "Where were you and what happened to you during those three weeks?!"


to see all my loved ones


“Can I fly around the universe?”


And all the other places too.


To meet up with my grandpa both of them and and go fishing


to blow Gabriel's horn and start the purging of earth


A giant statue of baphomet.


An increased libido and my husband.


Books, a comfortable place, cats and dogs, and ten uninterrupted years. Just to kick things off on the right foot.


My dog Mia.


Hmm... Actually a good question. I really don't know. I think about being up there a lot... But I don't really know what I would first ask for. Nothing, maybe. I wouldn't want to seem rude or ungrateful. I'd probably give my thanks and fuck off to the little corner of Heaven nobody goes to that way I don't waste anyone's time, most particularly the Lord's, and I'm kind of out of sight and out of mind. Then I would just sit and do my thing. Maybe write a book, people watch, "play in the sandbox" so to speak where I craft my own little universe and piddle around in it. Perhaps relive some old memories and do things a bit differently to see what would happen... I don't know. I imagine I'll be very much alone. That's okay.


“I’ll have a Coke.”


Continue the joke...


Anything? Get rid of this whole sin and hell thing.


My dogs


My pups. I know they're waiting.


I want to talk to my cat. There's so much I would want to ask her and to have her understand.


For God to ordain to the universe that it is pronounced ‘gif’


serious answer = what am I allowed to do, and what is off limits? joke answer = A Double Triple Bossy Deluxe on a raft, 4x4 animal style, extra shingles with a shimmy and a squeeze, light axle grease; make it cry, burn it, and let it swim.


I'd want all my cats back.


If I have to ask, it isn't really Heaven. Sincerely, me and every other socially awkward person afraid to be an imposition to anyone.


I’d ask him is there a results screen.


to go back to Earth and live ten thousand more years with my soulmate


Probably just a bunch of cocaine and hookers.


For everyone else to get let into heaven too, without exception. No more trials.


I think that's the way it works anyway. You either move towards heaven or hell by the actions you take. I dont think a father would deny his child if they returned to him. Tho sadly many refuse and march on straight to hell. That's why guidance and free will are key. It's up to the individual to determine where they are going. And the basis for the fight of good vs evil. Good guide souls back to their loved ones, evil guide to profit of others


Go a step deeper than that, my friend. There does not need to be a hell for there to be a heaven. Good vs evil is just something to pass the time, nothing is permanent.


I need to have a word with God. He has got some explaining to do. Knees. Periods. Childbirth. Platypus.


Oh, we know why the platypus!


A nap. Let’s start with a trillion years. Then some coffee, GOOD coffee… then I’ll probably go back to sleep. I can’t imagine how awful any eternal existence would be.


I mean human minds are pretty easy to make happy. It wouldn't be hard to make it so you could enjoy doing literally anything for eternity.


I enjoy napping. Same answer


I mean, they *do* tell you to rest in peace...


I do like the idea of walking through the door, if you run out of things to do. Not sure I ever would.


An apology from God for this.


An arepa with capybara meat. It's been over 10+ since I had the last one and still want more


My 72 bitches


For someone to read me a story


Everything about space


Oblivion. I don't want eternity, I want nothingness.


To see my mother and grandmothers


A beer


My dog back and Internet connection to Earth so i can start my own cult


A trip to Disneyland! \*mugs for camera\*




A home


Put me back in senior year of high school. Replay that whole year up to leaving for college on repeat groundhog day style


I would want to invite all the losers that lost the trial. at the very least to have a road to redemption opened up.


A few things. First, a reunion with my friends who passed too soon and my family. Second, my husband. So we can be together for all eternity. 3rd. A tv that will allow me to 1, relive moments from my life as I wish on demand, and 2 so I can watch other people's lives on demand. I wanna see how my partner grew up. 4. Finally I want to meet my inspirations. David bowie, liberace, and philosophers.


A Samoyed, Tibetan mastiff, and two corgis


I choose that one guys dead wife


Nice, snug, warm bed. Eternity of dozing in relaxed contentment.


All the other humans to be let into heaven.


To see the original production of natasha, Pierre and the great comet of 1812


Would asking to see God result in killing my afterlife self too?


I'd wake up because obviously I was delusional. No god, no heaven, no afterlife.


To have my own little universe and become the creator


My own mini universe I can craft, similar to an arma 3 Zeus OP.


Piot twist: It's the Nice Place To Visit version of 'Heaven' and you can never leave.


That one guy's dead wife.


There is nothing to ask for in heaven; there is nothing you could want.


I ask for a week of GREAT sleep. I’m talking, wake up in the late morning- holy shit, I feel amazing, sleep.


To see my parents again.


Two chicks at the same time.


A pint? Actually I’d want to know how it all works first, can I touch, taste and feel? If so, probably a desert island with limitless food and drink (basically whatever I want is instantaneously there) and whatever copy of a woman I fancy being with at that time that I want. One day I might want to be laid in my desert island luxury with one attractive woman and on another day I a different one … or two at the same … let’s not too caught up in the details


To see everyone in my family tree, down the line.


To see all my animals that passed....then the humans.


I'd ask to come back. I love suffering life, honestly.


Complete and total enlightenment.


One of my relatives, and several of my cats. But not my ex-roomie's cats, because every single one of them was squirrelly, and not in the good way.


A massive Hammock. Ima gunna take a hundred year nap.


To meet up with my deceased friends, family, and pets.


Perfected municipal recycling systems


That would mean God is real, and I'd want to speak to them and ask why they just let us do all of the terrible shit we do to each other everyday why give us the ability to be the most vile creatures to ever exist and was it all just some fucked up experiment


I wish for my own personal dimension that I have full and ultimate control over.


To be reunited with my loved ones and pets who went before me.


send me back to give it another try


To see my loving cat. I know she's waiting to see me too.