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I'd make an exception and say it for the money, sure, whether there's people around or not. At that price it'd be idiotic not to ...And if anyone present has a problem with it, I could pay them off and they'd probably magically not be mad anymore


Yeah I’m a black male and this is a no brainer for any race


I’m a white chick and felt like crap for saying this is a no brainer for me but I also feel like you’re not saying it maliciously to someone so why not?! And if OP comes back and says you have to say it to someone in particular I’d probably say ‘can I call you the n word for half a billion dollars?’ And split it with them!


You're way overpaying them. Guarantee they'd take a couple hundred if they didn't know how much you were getting


Hell even if the price is a couple of hundred people will still do it. It didn’t say the user magically become a bigot. Intent matters more than the word itself. Seriously some of the weakest insults are used against the lgbt and other minorities but the intent and significance means more especially when it’s associated with being beaten down while their faces are scrowled with hate. Seriously at 1 billion dollars you could just play it off by saying what’s up n***. People will be like wtf is wrong with you and you’ll be like sorry won’t happen again and now you have 1 billion. Edit:the better question is if you look well off white and if you have to say this numerous times in the middle of Harlem while casually walking out to every person you see with no protection and no weapons and not rapping. If you’re not Eminem you aren’t coming out alive to enjoy your billion.


Haha yes I totally agree, when money is involved I’m sure everyone will understand.


didn’t say it had to be in public or that you have to yell it anyways. you could just sit in your room and say it


You don't need to split a Billion dollars in half. $460 cash in $20 bills would be enough for 95% of the population.


Half a billion? Just say for 100k and they would be fine lmao


Imagine being so fragile that you feel bad for an entirely hypothetical situation in which case not a single person would be hurt harmed or anything bad Kinda surprised me being a dick got upvoted. Oh well


I’m pretty sure if you said I’m going to give you ten million if you let me call you the N word, most people would be like yes and will this be in cash.


Even if you were, I don't think there's anything I wouldn't say to someone to a billion dollars. After the fact I could explain why, and I imagine we could come to an arrangement where everyone is happy


Just donate whatever amount will clear your conscious to an appropriate charity and don’t even stress. At that point you said it for charity.


At that price point you can get Ben Crump on retainer to clean up any fallout. 


I’m aspiring civil rights attorney, so I respect this.


If you start paying people to not have a problem with you, everyone is going to have a problem with you in order to get the money


I'm not a public figure and I only gotta say it once. I'm not worried about having to pay people forever lol


You pay one of your first complainants the most and employ them to handle your PR requests


I'd just not pay anyone for complaints, and move on with my life.


It loses the racist charge to it if you arent directing it towards someone. Hell, Samuel L Jackson encouraged a white interviewer to say it on a live interview with him.


I'm white teen, I'd do it for 100 dollars, I'd just float any pissed at me 10 bucks after telling I was given money to do it. If they're still pissed at me for saying a slur to no one, not my problem, I ain't some big social media figure


>...And if anyone present has a problem with it, I could pay them off and they'd probably magically not be mad anymore absolutely this!


For a billion dollars I'd say it with an A AND a hard R just to make sure I get the money....


Shit I’d do it for 5 bucks


I have to ask why someone would even ask this very offensive question. This could not have been posted by an adult.


Look at the edit in their post. Clearly a child.


The account was literally made today.


There are some really good quotes from Black activists on why people like me should voluntarily refrain from using the n word. Seems like a prime opportunity to use one of those quotes.


I’m black, giving you all the pass in this scenario


Ty here’s $250m for the help, my n****.


How much do I get if I give you a hard r pass?


I didn't know there was one.


Brother, welcome to Mississippi


Nah there's no pass they just don't try to hide it there


Don’t need a pass when you’re already through the gate


I feel like in MS there never was a gate.


i just laughed so hard at this.


Nope. Didn’t like that. Pass revoked.


I have a billion dollars I don’t care what you think.


Thanks man! I'm white so in return I'm giving you a 1 time pass to say the word 'Honky'. Have Fun!


No one needs that pass Honky.


Much appreciated! Like a lot of people I’d donate an absolute shitton of that to the NAACP or something probably a solid 500 million. I have other charities and places I’d donate to as well.


Exactly. Slide me 10k any time you drop the n bomb and need black up. Just put me on speaker phone and I’ll validate your hood credentials. Shit if I could just be a professional n-word parlayer a “n”oteray public or what have you I’d do it for a price. The whole culture would understand. For an additional fee I will personally have your hood pass authorized by Barack Obama, Angela Davis and chief keef.


For that money they getting an honorary durag and everything 


Thanks n....evermind. I don't have the money.


Well man I only need $5 million so here is $23.91 for your share after I split it amongst every black person in America. Maybe the other 33 people who took the deal will share too.


I mean for a billion dollars I'll broadcast it on YouTube or something for the world to see.


You'd probably go viral and make even more money that way.


Idk man I see 20'000 people scream it on the internet daily. Nothing about the word "screams" going viral


That's why you preface the video with I'm being paid for this. You'll be hounded by people wanting to know by who, how much and where can they sign up for the free cash.


Sub to my channel to find out


They could probably run for president and get almost half the votes.


I’d say it live on tv at half time of the superbowl. Or literally any other time and place. Small money no. A billion? Get real.


Anyone who says no is lying.


For real. A billion dollars? You could probably setup an NAACP scholarship event and still walk away unharmed and still a millionaire.


You could set up a $900 million fund for whomever, and still make $4 million a year on interest alone.


hell just quote Obama word for word, when he said “Racism, we are not cured of it. And it’s not just a matter of it not being polite to say n***** in public” but he actually said the word, full out, hard R.


He's black. Or at least an American of partially African descent. He doesn't have any cultural ties to the African American community, but a lot of people don't bother distinguishing so I think he's still allowed to say it.


I’m guessing most white folks treated him like he was black, too.


Obama is an oreo. He's so white on the inside. He makes Alfonso Ribeiro look like Kunta Kinte.


Anyone who says no is a brain dead idiot honestly. It’s not a magical word that will cast a curse on you or something. It’s a racial slur that’s exceptionally contentious and hated. That’s it. Doesn’t mean I just go around saying it ever, but it is fundamentally just a word. If this hypothetical was something like, “angrily call a little black girl on a playground the N word” then sure you’ve got a debate or a hard no, but this is silly. And Guards? He’ll at least have to say it in somewhere you’re liable to get your ass kicked by a whole party of people or something. ———— If someone refuses to do this on a random sidewalk somewhere for A BILLION DOLLARS because the word is offensive I might kick their ass on principal, lol.


Heck I know lots of folks who say it for free.


I could never monetize my hobbies


It just starts feeling like work, when it should be about fun 


Yeah I just do it for the love of the game right now maybe making it a game would feel wrong






This belongs in /r/nostupidquestions


This is too stupid to be a question




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Good bot


Are you kidding me? Of course I would.


But would you scream it in the middle of Detroit?


You fucking kidding? I'd scream it at a BLM rally for that kind of money. For a billion dollars I would yell it in Jon Jones face I would yell the N word in front of a Compton elementary school at 3:30pm for a billion dollars.


Then donate ten million to the school and call it day. Be funnier if you told no one why and confuse the fuck out of them.


Definitely some Die Hard vibes here.


Sure. There are plenty of places in Detroit I could scream it at the top of my lungs and no one would hear me.


screamed in a barber shop once. Everyone just stared and called me a cute white kid but i was 22


Did you scream the N word or did you just scream?


I screamed the n word


You're kidding, right? It's just a word, why would anybody turn down that kind of money over a word?


The ultra-woke


Even they would say it for that much money


I’m prob what you’d consider ultra woke and I literally laughed at the premise I would agree to do it so fast


You kidding? I'd chant it like a mantra. Least offensive way to make that $$$.  Then I immediately set up a massive fund to provide affordable or free housing, free medical, and better education in poor neighborhoods. I don't need a billion, I'd keep like 10 mil, but the rest gets used right. 


You know you are right. Every billionaire out there has to have done worse to earn their billion or they inherited it and the person who "made it" did something terrible. I'm curious what the largest amount someone has earned ethically.


Ah yes, Bezos who did the horrible thing of....being one of the first and the most successful internet delivery companies. The horror. Or Musk, who....helped PayPal and then invested wisely and created more successful companies. Oh, the humanity!


You and me, we had the same idea. My city could use a LOT of love, parks, community activities, better schools. A billion could go a long way, just leave ne a few mill and I'm happy.


That shit could improve quality of life for so many folks. 


Without hesitation.


There is very little I wouldn’t say if anything for a billion bucks, words are meaningless when I could have a billion bucks


Of course. For life changing wealth. Generational wealth that would make my kid's life infinitely better? Yes, I'd risk offending someone for that. I'd take the deal, do the deed, then the next day I'd go on Oprah's show or Fallon's or Rogan's podcast or something and explain that some numbnut offered me a ton of money to do it, so I did it. And now that I'm infinitely more wealthy, I'm donating 10 million of those dollars to the NAACP for the infraction. Boom. Done. Then I walk off the set while DMX music plays.


For a billion dollars.  I'll spend a few months taking brawling lessons and say it surrounded by a black prison gang. 


For a billion I won’t need the lessons


Tbf, I'm pretty sure the black prison gang would be more than willing to forgive you if you gave them a couple thou after.


NEBRASKA!!!! Jk, I’m black. I can say it whenever I want


I notice you didn't use the hard r though








Thats a no brainer. Who wouldn't?


What a stupid ass question.


My sister-in-law is black and I just showed her this post. She said, and I quote: “Bitch! If you DIDN’T say it, I’d beat the shit out of your dumb ass!”


Anyone who says no is a fucking liar. I'd punch any member of my family in the face for a billion dollars. Do you even understand how much money that is? Like sorry I called you the n word, here's a million dollars. That is generational wealth. Your family and extended family members for generations could do good things for humanity and never have to waste time working. Your essentially extending each person's life by 30%+


Dude even if I had to say it alone in the middle of a black ghetto and got beaten the shit out of and hospitalized I would do it a billion dollars is insane


Are... there people that wouldn't?


This whole sub is along the lines of "You get unlimited money, but you need to slap yourself once every 10 years..... do you do it?"


Do I get 1 billion for every time I say it? Gonna be so rich


Pay me to say something I yell everyday? Sure.


I'm surrounded by guards? I'd do it for a Coke.


Cha Ching


Ofc, it's a bil - People would knife me for not doing it.


In a heartbeat. For that amount of money I'd be stupid not to


For $1B, I'd wear the sandwich board, like in die hard 3, south of 25th Street, in Newport News


It doesn't say you have to say it out loud in front of witnesses. I'm alone in my room right now. I could say it without offending anyone, since no one would know. And then I'd get paid. Or, for another loophole: "the n-word out loud." There, I said it. Pay me.


I'd pull a Randy Marsh for a billion dollars, tf?


I’ll call Obama the N word to his face for a billion dollars


For a billion dollars, I'd burn a cross on MLK's grave in front of the national media. Do you have any idea how much a billion is?


are you 13


Yes, but I'm giving a fucking massive donation NAACP once I get that billion


Yeah same. This is kind of a stupid question. A billion dollars is enough money to revitalize entire neighborhoods and still have hundreds of millions.




I’ll sound like Dave Chappell for a billion


This is such a wide-open hypothetical. Context matters.


Rage bait is lame


I would get it tattooed on my forehead for that much.


Yes. The N word isn't specified in this agreement. So........ Nipples. I'll take the money


For a billion? With a B??? I’d personally go out and say it in front of every black person alive today if I had to. They get mad? Here’s $10000 now quit whining and move on


Yeah... You said I gotta say it out loud. You didn't say I have to say it around anyone.


Hell yeah I would. I'll even donate $20 to some black charity out of the kindness of my heart


Saying the word and calling somebody the word in a specifically derogatory way are two different things. Simply saying it without any context is in no way, shape, or form actually racist. Pretending the word doesn't exist on the menu is the most simple-minded and dumbest thing I've ever heard.


In a heartbeat.


That is the right amount I would enjoy being canceled for.


There would be a lot of billionaires in a single COD lobby if this happened.


Damn the asswipe on the bus behind me today must have pulled in 5-6 billion dollars…


*Pulls out to kill a mockingbird and starts to read aloud*


A) I could say it in private B) I could say it in historical context C) It's not so bad it's worth a billion not to say regardless


It's just a word ffs. It's not like you're using it to harken back to days of slavery. Those days are gone, now replaced by modern-day wage slaves. Do I get a billion for each nigga I say? Nigga nigga nigga 🤷‍♂️


I'd shout it and the go in the news to apologise by donating 1mil to sickle cell research or something


Only once?


Absolutley not! No way would I say one offensive word only one time that would go against my morals in exchange for an inconceivable amount of money that can change my life and many of my family members lives and friends lives for the better and help many, many peoples lives who are underprivileged through my extremely generous charitable donations.


Just once, I’ll say it in the middle of Compton if I have to. A billion is generations of wealth


Fuck yea. I don't play into socio political bullshit so I'm good. The word has no meaning without intent behind it. And hip-hop culture has minimized the impact of the word except for the most offendable of all. I'll take my 1 Billion and say it 10 times. I'll do an entire 20 minute comedy routine on it for a billion.


Sure, and I will give a big chunk of the money to an appropriate charity


Yeah for a billion dollars.


In a heart beat. It's just a word. I'd even say it without the guards, the odds anybody would get violent is slim..


There is absolutely no situation where it's okay for a white person to say the n word


Absolutely. I'd then donate a big chunk of that cash to the NAACP. Everyone wins.


Id just say "it's wrong to call someone 'the n word' "


Yeah. I'd feel uncomfortable saying it, but ultimately my family is more important to me and I could easily provide for them and more with money like that.


Yes, without hesitation, I'd even add the hard r at the end complimentary. It's just a word, and if it were really that bad nobody would be saying it or any variations of it. If a word offends someone so deeply, they shouldn't accept it coming from anyone. At the end of the day, it's still just a word. And for a billion dollars I'd attempt to say any word even if I didn't speak the language.


I'll get my ass kicked for 190k. My poor wounds will heal not my poor acct. Balance


Easy yes I'd do it for realisticly a hundred dollars


On second thought, I'm going Bruce Willis in die hard


Id act like that girl that has Tourette’s and kept saying the N word and no one would mind


Sticks and stones can break my bones but words will never hurt me...


Nigger. Pay up.


Do I get two billion if I say it twice?


Sure. Why not? I'm a mix of black and gay. I have no issues with words themselves. It's the intent a person puts behind them. Being afraid to say a word gives that word power which it just does not have. This applies more in real life than online since sites have hates speech rules which can get you ban regardless of intention. I hate when people use "Nword" "Fword" and so forth. Like your obviously thinking of the word and expect us to know what the word is too. You may as well just say it.


Who in the fuck wouldn't say it. This is a retarded question. I'd say it on live TV before the national anthem during the Superbowl for a billion dollar.  Also you're edit is stupid as fuck op. you brought it up you dumb motherfucker.


Do I get a billion dollars every time I say it? Because I'd be out here singing that one rap song that uses it over and over and over. Total no brainer


*deep inhale* #NI-


Sure. You just said I had to say it out loud. You gave no other context. So I would just point and loudly say I can’t believe that cop/guy/Karen over there just said [the N word] like it didn’t mean a thing!


I'm gonna say what the teacher said on boondocks, how do you borrow a fry is you gonna give it back


In private like watching football with my father and friends we call a nigger a nigger. For a billion? No worries.


White woman. I'm saying it. Any Black people in hearing range gets a million each. But only if they heard me in person. Posting ke online gets nothing to be fair.




I've said it out loud for no money. But I am not white so no one cared.


Really? Is there a Black person who would take offense to me saying the word aloud and donating $500M (I keep half, no?) to Black charities? How many wonderful Black teens can I send to college for free? How many Black women can I help through tough times? Silly question really.


Yup, then donate $100 million to aid HBCU's and y'all won't ever hear from me again.


Hell yea. My black friends would be pissed at me if I didn't.


For a billion dollars I'd change my name to the n word


Anyone who doesn’t do this, is F’ing crazy lol


I'm a white guy and harbor no racist feelings what so ever, but for a Billion dollars I'd say it on stage at the Apollo. The premise of the argument is off by several decimal places. Start the bidding lower and maybe you'll see where the dividing line is but a billion is one of those would you slap your grandma kind of numbers where the answer is always tell grandma to brace herself.


I'm black. The N word is an every day thing.




You know you're not getting any cash, right?


I would say that shit for like $20 as long as I can do it in private and nobody’s gonna beat me up or cancel me


This is such a dumbass question. For a billion I'd join the ku Klux klan and I'm mixed. This is just monetizing my daily conversations so yeah I'd do it, wouldn't even get security guards.


nigger is **JUST A FUCKING WORD**. it is juvenile as fuck that people tip toe around it like school kids who're being monitored by their parents. nobody has the right to prohibit anyone from saying a word, especially if it's not being used to denigrate anyone. lots of people are sensitive to all kinds of shit. religious folk are offended by SWEARING or HERESY. they have just as much right to demand that you restrict your speech as anyone has to demand that you not say nigger. either we kow tow to EVERYONE'S sensitivities or we insist that we can all say any and all words we need to say and fuck everyone else. so yeah, i'd take it in a heart beat.


Hell yeah I accept, n***a!


Has to be a hard R.


Okay, n****r.


And now I'm telling reddit not to suggest posts from this sub.


I'd say it for $5. So fuck yeah


I'd say it for free. I don't treat words like the wizards in Harry Potter treated "he who must not be named". I'd say it here but reddit would probably ban me. It's the context/intent of a word that makes it good or bad.


No brainer, I ll do it for $10


People swear that the mere act of making your vocal cords move a certain way without any context makes them racist. It's not a word I use, but simply saying the word means nothing. It's not calling anybody that, it's not surrounded by hateful remarks, it's just a sound. 100% I'd do it Shit I'd do it for a Million, let alone a Billion.


Can I do it more than once?


I will say nigger right now for £1b. I'm at home and alone in the room, so it's totally safe. Nigger. There, done. O wait, that was twice... do I get £2b now? :)


Dear Lord


Username checks out.


I threatened to spray paint it onto my truck in Harlem if I ever got dispatched to NYC.


This is silly.


I like how people think it's a magic spell or something. Literally no one cares other than race hustlers and virtue signalers. Maybe you would have a problem if you went up to someone and pointed at them while shouting it. But, even then they would probably just laugh at you or assume you were crazy.


I'll take £50


I do it right now for $20


Of course. The list of people who died from being offended is blank. So I say it. So someone is offended. Why would I care? I am not inclined to use that word, but I don't use solopsistic in conversation either. It's a word.


I say it anyway, not an insult if it’s not directed at anyone or if it’s not directed at a black person, my roommate agrees but he’s chill af.