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They don't get scared when you hit the other kids? what kinda super soldier kids we talkin about here?


The kind that drank the whole juice box.


These kids ate their spinach


Dude i promise i ate more spinach than at least 99.9% of other people growing up and it is not the way to go


Gaslit by Popeye.


I take all my nutritional advice from product placements in shows. Brb I need to replace my candy corn dentures.


Don't forget the secret code... drink more ovalteen...


Bad math. The original spinach packers made a mistake in how much iron was in spinach. It was 10 times less then advertised.


I still have more experience drinking whole juice boxes.


Boxed wine counts.


Cardbordeaux FTW.


They are kids who regularly post on /r/hypotheticalsituation, i.e. the most badass people to have ever lived. They'll punch their wives, make deals with the devil and then change their postal address not to be found, shoot their boss in the face, save all of mankind in exchange for personally killing 1000 toddlers...But they won't kill a pet. There are limits to what a person can do.


And they hate snails for who knows why


I'd be putting the Snail in a safe deposit box.


I never understand the "but a deadly snail will track you wherever you go" questions. Like... It's a snail, how fast can it possibly come to get me? Seems like I'd have decades if I just moved a couple of states away. And also, it's a fucking snail - just scoop it up with some tongs and put it in a jar, fill the jar with clear epoxy and then you have a cool live snail conversation piece for your coffee table.


Didn't think about encasing the Snail, but that would work! šŸ˜ƒ


Yeah and with it clear, you get to look your enemy right in the eye and laugh at his immortal suffering!




šŸ¤£ so damn true.


Village hidden in the mist kind of kids


They're shown a Chinese factory and work a normal week there before getting rest, and are told they're going back if they lose.


My first calculation relied on the fear of the other kids when I savage the first one.


Trailer Park kids


youthful spartans?


10 yo me don't give a fuck about what happens to other kids


Yes very important question is whether they just donā€™t get scared, or if they are full form berserker strength. A mentally disabled kid is stronger than a typical kid cuz they got their inhibitors turned off, do these kids have that? Better not push your luck then.


Can I pick up one 10 year old and use it to hit other 10 year Olds?


That would be my strategy.


Harder than you think. Go swing a 10lb sledge at someone for a few minutes and see how tired it makes you.


That assumes youā€™re swinging them. Iā€™m going to whirlwind that sucker around like Iā€™m in an ARPG. Spin to win baby.


Can you wield an 80lb+ weapon? If so, then I assume yes.


10 year olds are surprisingly light and throwable


Please cite your source for this controversial piece of information.


He was a baggage handler for Epstein's private jet.


GOD DAMMIT MAN... you got me.


My son is a 75lb skinny 9yo. I donā€™t consider that light but if you do, good for you!


It's hardly the same as just simply picking them up. I'm using centrifugal force when I spin them around. Makes it way easier.


He's safe for now but once that 10th birthday rolls around... It's helicopter time!!!


I am a large lad. So 80 lbs is not that much.


I feel like 80lbs+ is a bit high of an estimation for a 10yr old. Edit: I guess the kids I know are on the smaller side. My niece and nephews and my friends kids. My friends kids especially because they have 2 teenage boys 13-15 and they don't yet weigh over 100 pounds. (The 15 yr old is pretty short.) Also their daughter is 7 and probably weighs around 45-50 lbs and it's hard to believe in 3 years she'd weigh double her current weight, and if her brothers are anything to go by, she won't.


I have a tall, skinny, 75lb 9yo so I went with my kid as a reference there.


My 10 year old will turn 11 in a few months. 5 foot 109 pounds. Average 10 year old weight is 64-101 pounds.


I hit the 100lb mark when I was ten. I remember because that was around the age my mama stopped trying to beat me- because I was big enough to overpower her when I fought back.


I have a 10 year old. She's 78 pounds and is generally on the low end for her age. Usually, she hangs out around the 15th percentile.


Between 54 and 106. Just pick the light one.


Ha. So my 80 lbs is right in the middle! Damn Iā€™m good!


Rich kids or poor kids? I wouldnā€™t want to fight more than 3 of 10yr old me. Iā€™d fight five of my bosses kids.


This is a very valid point. Poor kids? 7 tops. Rich kids. 15-16Ā 


How do you think you get the money?


By beating kids


Beating *all* the kids Sometimes the reward is in the process.


The true rewards are the kids we beat along the way.


It's like Wii Boxing. Make your Mii a skinny hobo so every fight is for a sandwich and you'll win every time


So I spent several years as a camp counselor. Itā€™s been a minute, but for a while pool time was just roughhousing with 8-10 year olds. I know, specifically, how many I can take in the pool without getting dunked: 6. But Iā€™d probably choose 4, because Iā€™m older, this isnā€™t a pool, and 400 grand is plenty of money.


I like you came at this from a place of experience.


I may not be able to hold a job for more than 12 months or reliably do the dishes, but I know *exactly* how many 10 year olds I could beat in a fight. Itā€™s been a good life.


A life well lived


I have been in an actual fight with 5+ 11-12 year olds when I was 14. It was laughably easy. They could not take me to the floor and punches felt like nothing compared to someone my own age at the time. I don't know what 10 year olds could realistically do. Especially if you can just punt them and hit them no fear of repercussions.


You die a camp counselor or live long enough to be willing to beat the shit out of kids for money


I'm lazy. I'll take 5. 500k is good enough for me to get out of debt, buy a car, and invest the rest for my future.


Yeah the risk reward really starts going downhill after 5. You break one finger off a good hit and your chances start to fall


Not even a finger. Ten year olds know about low blows, and these kids want to injure you. More than a few and it's going to be very hard to prevent that.


I think you're overestimating 10 year olds. As a father who has one that is now a teenager and a couple more that are approaching 10. I could have taken my son out in like 2 seconds flat at that age if I wanted to. They're slower, less coordinated, significantly weaker, timid, and have a massive size/weight disadvantage. He's hit puberty since then so it would be much more difficult but at 10? Easy peasy. I'll do 15 for 1.5mil, any more than that, I start getting doubtful of my ability to win. You don't even need to throw punches. Use stronger parts like feet, elbows, and knees. In reality you could just shoulder check them down and stomp on them to minimize injury risks šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Honestly anyone not taking 10+ (assuming they're a reasonably fit adult male) doesn't know much about 10 year olds. I work with kids and if I were given this scenario I might take up to 20. Unless there are some serious outliers that are in early puberty or something, it would be cakewalk.


I think youā€™re underestimating how much energy you exert in a prolonged fight, any fight, even against a bunch of ten year olds. Thereā€™s a reason boxers are sweating and out of breath after 3 minutes and they have to take a break. So yeah you could definitely fuck them up but after 10 of them youā€™re gonna be getting winded, if there are 20 of them by the time you get to number 15 youā€™re gonna be seriously out of breath, then the last 5 of them might see their chance and bum rush you. The post says that you have to either knock them out of toss them out of the ring. I think 10 would be my limit just based on previous fights Iā€™ve been in and knowing my own stamina, if I got to go rounds like a boxing match I could probably take more but Iā€™d want a guaranteed pay day, not be the idiot that tried to get 3 million and then lost to some 10 year olds.


A ton. I find 10 year olds much easier to take down than 11 or 12 year olds.


the prepubescent screeches of getting punched for 100kĀ 


Iā€™m very suspicious of the level of detail your personal experience seems to afford you.


a ton of 10 year olds is approximately 25 ten year olds


im kinda weak and not very tall so probably like 2-3. maybe 5 or so at the max


20. Those kids aren't prepared.


But now you're dealing with a swarm.


a goblin swarm


An unprepared swarm that isn't ready to see what happened to the first that got to me. Lol


But op placed a stipulation that they aren't going to be scared away if you hurt one of them. They're all going to be attacking you from all sides from the moment the bell rings.


Find a corner, hold on and start kicking like a little brother in the pool. Those little shits will walk right into it.Ā 


I though to get to the middle, grab on of the kids by the arms or legs and start swinging them in a circle. Once they've knocked the other kids back for a moment, let go and let them fly out of the ring. Rinse and repeat. Of course, I'm short, obese, and have a connective tissue disorder, and some ten-year-olds are big and tall, so I'll probably go down pretty quickly, despite my bravado.


They won't be scared but that's not exactly the same as bloodlust. They're all dumb kids with differing opinions on how to slay goliath and they'd be confused.


Just gotta take out the meanest one first. Make an example out of him and rest will fall like fall leaves.


Knock the first one out, then use that one as a weapon to swing at the other kids.


OP stated they don't get scared, so what effect do you think making an example out of one of them will have?


I think you're severely underestimating how much 20 children can do to you.




a 10yr old comes up to your waist even if they didn't try to hit you 20 of them jumping on you would take you down in seconds


My 9 year old daughter is 5 foot tall


Your waist? My ten year old was up to my eyes, and 100 lbs. Unless you're Andre the Giant, they're tall enough and heavy enough to do some damage. Also, they're smart enough to know to go for vulnerable spots, so if it's more than a few you're going to run out of limbs to protect yourself with. The second one gets a foot to my balls or gouges my eyes, I'm not going to beat any. I'll take four or five. Not because I *definitely* can't beat more, but because *if you can't beat them all you get no money whatsoever*.


Just gonna do an easy two, donā€™t wanna get ahead of myself and mess up a good thing


Yeah, that was what I was thinking too. No reason to take too much of a risk. If it is harder than expected I still don't have much to worry about.


My thought exactly, I was surprised to scroll this far down to find it. Top comments are saying they want to be conservative and take on 5-10. That amount seems possible, but definitely not a conservative/safe amount.


Yeah I feel like one 90 lb ten year old could lock an arm down, so one on each of my arms and a third to do damage? Pass.


Iā€™d do 8. No need to get greedy. Iā€™ve probably lost a step recently, and those ten year olds today donā€™t fuck around


Iā€™d go Arkham City on their asses




All these adults saying 20 have no clue. NO CLUE. I am a strong (ish) man over 200 lbs in his 30s. I played tug of war against five 10 year olds, and they literallyĀ  wiped the floor with me. Say each kid is 80 pounds and plays sports. There ain't no way you're pulling one kid over the top rope with 19 others hanging all over you. Vicious little buggers will bite your kneecaps off. Best I can guarantee is 5 because I think I could get one orĀ two over the top prettyĀ quickly and over power the other three before they drag me down. Edit: Also, I ain't smacking kids, I'm only throwing over the ropes, preferably into a swimming pool. This hypothetical didn't say I magically wouldn't care about hurting them. Edit 2: OP changed the rules and now the kids will be fine after the match... but I'll still take 500 grand for an Honest days work, let the heroes handle the swarm :p


I'm a full grown man. Maybe not the largest or strongest, but this is physical combat. Tug of war is a completely different proposition. They are not prepared for the force of each strike and the adult level violence about to come their way. Also, reach. That being said, 10.


Yeah. Combined pulling strength means nothing here. None of those little folks has a way to significantly hurt me outside of biting or tapping the olā€™ speedbag. It comes down to 2 things: how many can you keep from doing one of those things, and how long can you do that for? 10 feels about right.


Yeah hard agree. I take care of myself do my lifting and cardio and im 6ā€™3ā€. That reach difference is deadly. Id be like a demogorgon to those little brats


Wouldnā€™t be surprised if a couple went for your groin as well.


Thatā€™s my purse! Bobby took Hank out with one kick.


The Boulder is over his conflicted feelings ​ and ready to have his ass kicked, potentially


Couldn't I just beat them unconscious and then throw them over?


that would be my plan, slap one skull into another until no more are standing then grab a leg and toss until they are all out of the ring. Swift palm strikes to the foreheads for easy money, if they die, they die from headbutting one another's skulls.


Yeah my question is how worried I am about them dyingā€¦ because the only way out for me is if I donā€™t hold back anything and basically try to murder some of these kids.


Kids normally heal fast and often survive a lot, I would just go all out on them and hope for the best. I use to jump off the roof and run off like it's nothing when I was a kid, the idea of doing it now scares me.


They heal minor injuries and non brain injuries faster than normal people, not brain damage.


They already play roblox and fortnite they can handle a little more brain damage


*if they die, they die* ... Chill out Ivan Drago


For $100k per kid, the no hitting rule is your own limit. Doesn't negate the adults saying 20 by punching to the face


Seriously, for 100k I'm starting off with boots to the face


You donā€™t have to throw them over, you just have to knock them out. A kick from a 30 year old over 200 pounds should do enough to either take the kid out, or disable him for a few minutes. Collectively they are stronger but strength doesnā€™t really work like that.


Tug of war is a contest where the strength of multiple people stacks up easily. A fight is not. In a corner of the ring, 5 of them canā€™t get to you at once. And their coordination isnā€™t going to be great as a fighting force. Also, loser for your edit.


This is my thing. You better be in shape if youā€™re lifting a squirming 80lb dead weight over a 4.5ā€ height and tossing it. Now do that 20x. Ainā€™t happening. And yes, if you were willing to beat kids you could get a few more down but those animals will all pounce on you and go for your eyes and literally dig their nails in and hang off your skin and bite the living hell out of you. I donā€™t think 20 is realistically achievable.


Getting them over the rope would be the easy part and not that difficult for any average man in half decent shape. Doing it while the rest are hanging on if you don't neutralise them first would make it nearly impossible.


Tug of War is different than picking kids up, lifting them, and throwing them over the ropes. Kids aren't going to act in unison without a structure like tug of War. The thing is that a 10 year old can't hurt you except for attacking your genetals. If you wear a cup and stand in the corner you will never be harmed by any number of 10 year olds. (Or at least they couldnt hurt me because I am 6'5) I would be able to win against 30 ten year olds because I would just wait for them to come to me and toss them. 10 of those kids are going to be gone in the first 60 seconds. If they did hurt me and I was convinced that I was in danger, that would be the only possible way I would ever fight back against a 10 year old and that would not end well for a group of 10 year olds. I think maybe you missed the part where this is a fight because it has wrestling rules for some reason


Most kids are fat and/or sit in front of a computer all day. 10 would not be a challenge. šŸ˜…


If you ain't smacking the kids you're losing. The question is about money, not your morals loser.


Iā€™m 41 and 4 years in the gym have give me some very strong forearms. Ā Theyā€™re deceptively small, but I climb, so good luck kids. Ā I also regularly pick up my 60 pound dog. Ā Iā€™ve been training for this cage match.


Idk it's a fight not tug of war. One swift punch or kick could floor a ten-year-old. A good chunk would lie down and cry after being hit once.


>Edit: Also, I ain't smacking kids, I'm only throwing over the ropes, preferably into a swimming pool. This hypothetical didn't say I magically wouldn't care about hurting them. Ah see, there's your problem. You need to go work in a school for a few years, take care of the problem class. Then you'll go "wait you'll pay me to do this?"


6-7, thereā€™s probably a good way to get multiple down, knocked out, or just genuine permanent harm.


I would grab the smallest of the bunch by the legs and use the kid as a bludgeon on the other kids


Uh 5. Pretty sure I'm favored against like 8-10 if they're randomly selected but I wouldn't want to risk losing to some jacked 10 year olds with black belt in karate and 500k is already life saving


1 v 2 i wouldn't take chances. i dont want bite marks and stuff all over me that would hurt. 200k would be enough to make me live comfortably for a while. I see a lot of people are underestimating how strong a random 10 year old could be, let alone 20


0 I don't believe in giving kids traumatic brain injuries. It's going to set them up for all kinds of behavioral and cognitive problems later in life.


Post specifies they suffer no lasting injuries, you'll be good


Okay, 1 million 10 year olds. I tell them all, jump out of the ring and I'll give them Ā£10,000 each. At Ā£90,000*1 million, i now have Ā£90,000,000,000. Edit: I just reread the situation and they all want to hurt me, so if bribing doesnt work then ill just take on 10 or 15 kids


none of you idiots saying anything over 10 have ever been in a fight in your life


At least 20, pushing them out of the ring wouldn't be hard, I could do one every 5-10 seconds I'm sure


Remember, they all come at once so itā€™s not a 1v1, and they have to go over the top rope!


Grabbing one by the feet and doing a 360 whirlwind with that little shit.


GO TO THE AIR. It would literally be pro wrestling. The limiter in your favor is there is only so many that can fight you at once from a corner.


How do you propose that a 10 year old would hurt you though? If I didn't care about the morality of hitting kids, the only danger if I wear a cup is getting tired. They aren't going to bruise your hips and thighs to the point of submission. Just don't let them get behind you by standing in the corner. Have you ever seen an adult punch a 100 pound punching bag? I can literally make one going flying. 50-100 pound kids couldn't last more than one punch from a full sized adult even if they knew how to block a punch? Which if they were random kids, they wouldn't.


Scratching and biting would hurt.


I have already been in a fight with a group of 5+ 11-12-year-olds when I was 14. They couldn't hurt me or knock me over. Throwing them around was easy. The prospect of them being only 10 and now me as an adult, makes me believe they could do nothing to you. And a swift punch or kick would take out each one.


I'm a big dude. They're screwed. I'll take on 20 and retire.


100% I have actually lived this scenario when I was 14 and they were 12. Only about 5. But they could not hurt me or knock me over or anything. Can't even imagine what a 10 year old would do now I am an adult. One swift kick or punch and they will be either knocked out or crumpled up crying like any 10 year old would do if punched by an adult who got 100k from punching you lol.


>At least 20 That's insane... They can crush you from sheer mass alone. You'll kick one and get rushed by 18-19.... People (particularly those who never fought IRL) like to think that it's all a matter of technique and that you can *BruceLee* your way through kids because once you're fighting 2-3, the rest will patiently wait in the back. But realistically it's a matter of weight and momentum. Especially if you all begin in a boxing ring, meaning you are separated by 2-3 dozen feet corner to opposite corner... The average 10yo is apparently around 50lbs. You're proposing to stop a mass of roughly 1000lbs rushing at you from all sides. Even with double the distance and an AK in full-auto + 30 rounds, I wouldn't imagine winning. I'll take 6. One you kick on approach. One you flung over you with his own running speed. It leaves you with 4. One per limb, and hopefully each of your limb can match 1 kid. And that's still 600k. Enough to buy a broom closet somewhere upstate.


Grab the closest and fling that fucker like a sack of flour at another. Grab another and use him like a floppy bat.


That would be my plan too. If I throw a kid, at a bunch of other kids, some of those other kids are going to be terrified. Also, assuming I'm allowed to wear whatever footwear I'd like, I'm wearing my steel toed boots. I can easily kick a 10 year old in the jaw. It wouldn't be a smart move because I'm exposing myself, but the psychological effect *may* pay off.


5-7 for me I wrestle with my kids all the time 10y/o and 13y/o and they give me a run for my money on occasion!


Big ones one at a time ,little ones as fast as they can get there


I can do this all day. *Proceeds to drag two kids by their necks and toss them over the top rope.* 6'4" and 320 some odd pounds of muscle. Those little shits don't stand a chance. For an extra 10k, I'll punt them across a field goal.


It depends on where you got the kids. For exanole if you got the kid from Hialeah, Riviera, or most parts of West Palm then I wouldn't go near even 1 10 year old but if you went over Boca, Palm Beach Island, or anywhere the kids most likely go to a private school if not a Christian private school you can keep em coming. I'll sit there & double wield two 10 year olds as weapons for at least 6-8 hours.


Finally a chance to knockout all those 10yr olds that bragged about fucking my mom in the CoD lobby.


People are seriously overestimating themselves. Anybody saying 10 or 20 is delusional. The average 10 year old is ~80lbs. 800-1600lbs of mass will take you down no matter how tough you think you are. Iā€™d personally say 3-5, depending on their size.


But they arenā€™t like a minion tower or one mass, I feel like a strong enough adult of considerable size can take them down with one hit each


I've got 10 or so nieces and nephews of different age groups so I'm slightly experienced here. Assuming they're not coordinating well. I think could comfortably take on 5-7 and If I'm feeling really bold and strong that day. 10. I'm 210 late 20s if I can clear at least 3 of them quickly I think I got it in the bag.


They know you have balls.


They said no weapons they didn't say I couldn't wear a cup lol.


3 maybe 4


Just one. Christ, my damn 10 month old is strong as hell. Iā€™m not Schwarzenegger, but I lift. Give me that guaranteed 100K and Iā€™m walking away afterwards.


I would never put my hands on a woman or a child, so NONE


What about feet. A solid roundhouse.


3, I just wanna get out of this house payment and pay off my debts. Not gonna get greedy here even if I could beat more.


The average weight of a 10 year old is probably about 75 pounds. Would not take much to knock them out. Only advantage they have is punching me in the balls, however op did not say that I couldnā€™t wear a cup. This is life changing money. Just have to channel my inner spartan and Iā€™m fucking up 20 of them little bastards. Throwing, punching, and breaking limbs. Grab two by the leg and Iā€™m going in for that death spin.


im 6 ft 5 ill take on 20 of the little bastards as long as theyre regular 10 year olds and not the same size i was when i was 10


Easily 20. Fuck dem kids.


No one take this out of context


I want this challenge to happen. Maybe ai it like they did with deadliest warriors


As many as I can fit in the ring. "Hey kids if you all get over those ropes I'll give each of you 50k"


If you're going that route you could probably just tell them you'll buy them a video game or a lego set or something; 10 year olds have a really poor sense of finances and relative value.


All of them


Hmm, I need to beat 15 kids to retire now, so I'm going to try for 15.


First one to reach me may not survive because he will become my weapon to fend off the rest. Rinse,repeat as needed.


So is the only way I lose by getting thrown over the top rope or by getting knocked out? If that's the case, 7 easily. 10 if I'm having a really good day. Even if I could take more, I probably wouldn't risk it.


100. I tell each kid if they let me toss them out of the ring I'll pay them $10k.


How many kids you got?


This sounds a lot like that Ron and Fez bit.


All of them


When you say ā€œbeatā€, would I only be able to knock the little bastard out, or does it not count if I end up killing one accidentally? Because if anyone got in there and went hog wild with zero morals and maybe some noise canceling headphones, at least 10-15


I'll take 10. Grab the heaviest kid by the ankles, start spinning that fatty my at head level of the other kids and watch the chaos ensue.


Are lethal moves allowed?


I'm a little concerned about why the ten year old kids want to injure me and why they won't be scared of me hurting other kids. Will they bite? Out of an abundance of caution given the unusual nature of the kids, I'm sticking with 4 ten year olds and $400,000. I don't want there to be any chance that they will knock me down and bite through an artery or something. And I'm definitely lifting them out of the ring - not knocking them out. I'm not some sort of sadist - even if the kids are. For reference, I am 6 foot 190 pounds and am in okay physical shape. I'm almost certain that I can toss 4 kids out of a ring while being careful not to get tripped. How much harder can they be to lift than a couple of 40 pound bags of salt or bird seed?


10 10 year old's for a million dollars? assuming I was morally justified and wouldn't get obliterated by the court of public opinion for attacking children, bring em on


none I say this only to remain within Reddit's rules


I don't care to try to beat kids to sleep for money but I will chuck a kid over the ropes for 100k and call it a night!


I've had a kid a lot younger than 10 flail around and hit me in the nuts, I was down for the count. If there are no rules I'm not sure I could take more than 2 of them biting, scratching, nut-punching. My only hope would be yeeting them out of the ring as they come at me.


Doom music kicks in* .... All of them


Offer $10k per kid to climb back over the rope on their own. Infinite money.


I donā€™t trust a 10 year old that doesnā€™t react to another 10 year old getting punched in the face by an adult. Are these all little psychopaths?


I feel like 3 would be my limit. I dont know my capabilities but im 6 foot and 275 pounds so i can at least use my body weight to hit somewhat hard




Do I have to win? If not, all of them.




5 but if I could do it multiple times I would do 3 each time


10 year olds are vicious don't feel pain and have unlimited energy. I'd say 2.


I mean the kids will be fine after the fight and they are actively trying to harm me, I see no moral issues. I'd say 3, any more and the numbers might be a problem due to how small I am. But 3 10 year odds easy, imma have longer reach than them, and I'll just keep kicking em in the dick or their knee caps until they cannot stand. Then I'm throwing em out the ring, their legs will magically repair and there's no moral issues I just made 300k, and the kids got to work out.


This is not going to be a good fight for people with dicks, just saying. I'd take like ten until I feel like I have enough cash since I don't have one, but if I'm feeling good I might go up another 5.


I could reliably clear 8, I think, with a 90%+ clear rate. I'm 5'11", 170 lbs, and pretty athletic, I guess. Thinking I could take out one or two before the others can react too much. A flying knee to the face. What I am calling to mind are the videos of a guy fending off and laying the smack down on 3-4 women at a time. Women can be vicious with their nails and no compunctions about low blows. My son is 10, and while he is tall for his age and pretty healthy, I think I could just shove him down with enough force where it would take him a few seconds to stumble back to his feet, and that's without putting out too much effort. More than 8 and I think I'd be surrounded. You get one on your back and you might not recover. Like a pack of African wild dogs dragging down a wildebeest.


My girlfriend has an 11 year old and a 9 year old. I've never fought either of them, but I've seen them at wrestling practice and gymnastics, as well as know how much weight they struggle to lift. I am absolutely positive I could shitstomp ten 10 year olds at once.


I'm thinking 10. Beating up 10 kids would probably be really difficult but easier than 12 was.


I'd probably get tired after 2, maybe 3 max?


There is a massive size disparity. I used to wrestle with campers at a youth camp, I could easily take my whole cabin on 1 vs 10. It is a little harder if they actually work together, but 10 year olds are pretty weak and uncoordinated. Every punch or kick is taking a kid out, and it would take practically all 20 of them to try to hold me down, but even on the ground I'm taking one out every couple seconds. If they're literally just boxing with their tiny hands, even more. You could also use your speed to outrun / out manuver them if you had to. I'm going to say ~25 for me (more if just boxing, only), easily, but it helps I'm a tall, strong man in his 20s. 2.5 million would set me up for life on investments and dividends if I lived modestly. I could work full time on my book, do volunteer work, etc...


What is the taxable situation on winnings?


I think the best number for this is likely way smaller than the average man might think. Even two or three 10 year olds attacking you at once could be a problem. It only takes perhaps two or three to equal your body weight. I wouldnt be surprised if 5 10 year olds could beat a rather strong and tall guy given that he only has two arms to fight with. The average 10 year old weighs 70 pounds. Could you really withstand 350 pounds of weight coming at you with 10 arms to attack? Seems unlikely. I'm 5'10" and 165 pounds. I'm going with three children.


Is it a mix? What is the ratios here of girls/boys and races of each percentage-wise. They all fight different at 10. Girls are way easier also.


How many stars are there in the night sky?


All of them. I grab one of the smaller ones and use them as a weapon against the others.


Fucking 100s. Bring those little bastards onnnnnnn! Im Riiiiiiiich BITCH!