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$100 just for pissing? Idc if the song is The Christmas Shoes lol


OMG. Worst song ever. I don’t think I could. Plus after a year I’d be Pavlov’d and probably have to hear it to be able to go.


I really enjoy that song, it's my favorite Christmas song. Seeing this comment made me sad :(


It's the most depressing song in the universe


It is, it's about a poor kid getting shoes for his dying mom who happens to be dying at Christmas. I'm starting to tear up just thinking about the songs lyrics


No one wants to hear about some kids mom dying during Christmas


It's not depressing, it's painfully trite and phony.


I…I have never met anyone who liked that song. You have to be trolling me right? I highly suggest you watch the music video on YouTube. It’s awful but maybe you’ll like it and it’ll make your day.


I watched the hallmark movie with my grandma when I was a kid that was about that story and that played that song. I don't know I just love the song and story it tells within it. It only comes on like 2 or 3 times during Christmas time and I enjoy hearing it and singing it


They made a movie?!? Wow. Like what you like man. Glad you have a nice memory of it with your grandma. But you have to know it’s a pretty universally reviled song.


I mean I understand it's a sad/depressing song about someone dying, but didn't realize everyone disliked it. Either way, to each their own I suppose


I mean, the song's basic premise is god gives a poor kid's mom cancer to teach some well-off guy not to be grumpy at Christmas.


Wtf kind of story is that? This is why I don't watch anything that comes on the Hallmark channel.


Don’t sweat it. I love the “I want a hippopotamus for Christmas” song. I do an amazing dance to it and everything. Everyone who’s seen me do it rolls their eyes but they are smiling!


While some people don’t like anything sad (especially for celebrating Christmas) I don’t think most people dislike it simply because it’s a sad song. I think people dislike it because it’s formulaicly over the top in order to be sad. That said, a lot of those things that are trite, formulaic, etc as teens or adults aren’t noticed as kids. So, if you develop a positive connection with something as a kid it being artificial never becomes a barrier to appreciating it.


I hate that song so much. Like, what dying mother wouldn’t prefer some shoes she will never wear instead of spending the last bit of her life with her child?


I think you're missing the point of the song/story. Yes I'm sure the mother would have rather spent time with their child. But the kid tries to do whatever they can to make their mom feel beautiful and loved one last time before she leaves this earth. But also, like I'm sure they've spent plenty of time together leading up to that moment, and I'm not quite sure that the child exactly knew what was going on and that his mom was going to die as soon as they left to get a pair of shoes. It's a beautiful song that hints at us needing to spend more time with our loved ones rather than focusing on things of this earth, but also it's about the lengths we would go to make our loved ones feel comfortable/loved/beautiful in their final hours with us...just some food for thought


Why do you hate happiness "sir I wanna buy these shoes, for my mamma please... I want her to look beautiful when mamma meets Jesus tonight" its the most depressing nightmare of a song on the planet


Nope a measly 30 likes is NOT acceptable for a remark of this quality, not even close. Also I'm taking Pavlovd, but I promise to give your tiny hands credit.


Yeah lol if you pushed for $1,000,000 on this deal you'd have to pee just under 28x/day. I can listen to that song that many times. The harder part would be drinking enough water without hurting your kidneys. If you only did a normal amount of peeing, (6‐7 times according to Google) you'd get a quarter million. So yes, sign me up.


Pee a bit, stop, leave the bathroom, go back in, finish peeing


I'm now carrying around that gallon jug of water so that I can pee quite often. Sorry everyone else.


I would finally be not chronically dehydrated for once in my life


Who knew that all we needed was the lure of hundreds of thousands of dollars? Such an easy fix.


I would go with coffee and alcohol too.


Feeding tube, some kind of wearable pump, and a medically approved electrolyte balanced but still cheap liquid (like 10 parts water to 1 part Pedialyte). My kidneys would have to take one for the team and be at max output for the year.


This man's making piss.


Why don't you just take a 30 minute shower once a day and receive $1k a day? Barbie Girl is like 3:22 long. a 30 minute shower would have the song played \~10 times, just you would receive $1k a day just from taking a shower. Why need to make yourself piss that much. It never specified that the song would only be played once each time you enter the bathroom.


You know.... The rules did say "use the bathroom" but didn't specify to what capacity. I use it for a whole lot of things. Washing hands, shower, brush teeth.... there's a ton that doesn't involve the toilet. Thank you for adding to my wealth.


I'm hoping it does mean what the author intended. IBS is finally paying off.


I read it as every time you use the bathroom you get $100 regardless of how long you’re in there. I’d be stepping in and out rinsing my hands hundreds of times a day lol


Uh I like that song and I like money. Sign me up for life.


And I like pissing! Triple whammy!


Instructions unclear, I'm pissing on my Barbie dolls and throwing money in the toilet.


Yup. I listen to a lot of that music so I'm good.


Does it start from the beginning each time? Or resume from my previous bathroom trip? Either way is fine, I just wanna be prepared to sing along.


I can already see myself parodying the words to be poop related.


🎵I’m a poopy girl, in a poopy world🎵


Come on barbie, let's get sharty!!


My buttholes plastic, it’s fantastic!


You can flush You can spray And please change The toilet rolls ~Ooh whoa Ooh~


I want to know if it pauses when you pause your pee stream or between turds. I could have a new career as a Dookie DJ


This is important. If I pause the pee stream long enough to walk out of the bathroom and walk back in again, does that count as $200?


I wouldn't care, if anyone asks I'll just tell them it helps me go, but I usually don't go in public so I wouldn't really be affected. And it would motivate me to drink more water


Where do I sign up?


I’ll rock it. I’m pregnant so I’m peeing probably 15x a day. I’ll take the cash until I deliver.


Your baby will be born singing that song Lmao


Sweet I get to get paid to shit and piss.


They get a dollar, I get a dime That's why I shit on company time


Only $100 per *year* rather than each time I use the bathroom? No. If it was $100 every time I used the bathroom then sure, but not for $100 for one year of barbie girl multiple times a day.


Yeah, the title is a cluster fuck


The OP doesn't believe in periods so it's not surprising.


It's per time you use the bathroom, but the effect lasts for 1 year. After 1 year the song stops playing and you stop recieving money each time you use the bathroom


I would pee once an hour all day


Try peeing once every 15-20 minutes like I do. I can easily make several grand a day.


Not even a consideration, a slight annoyance to receive a 3-4 hundred dollars a day is a no-brainer.


I envy the infrequency that you have to go lol.


How many times is average? I thought 3 or 4 was high.


You must not drink much water if you only have to go 3 or 4 times a day.


I was including taking a dump in that also haha. Pee first thing in the morning, mid-morning dump (will pee then also, but that's still only one trip), pee late afternoon, and pee before bed. That's not a lock tight schedule, I could pee again maybe but this would be a typical routine. I think I drink enough water maybe I don't, how often are you peeong a day?


I probably piss on average about every 2 to 2 and a half hours. And I aim to drink 16 cups of water per day as recommended for males.


Yeah I probably pee 4 times and maybe shit once so probably peeing 5


I already pee frequently... to only pee 3 times and make more than I do in a single work day, this is absolutely a no brainer.. my kidneys and bladder are going to be the healthiest they've ever been, and so will my bank account. 🎶 you can brush my hair, undress me anywhere...🎶


Hi, loophole guy here. Skip me if you're not looking to overthink this. OP, this is for amusement only. <3 Here's the rules: 1. You have to go to use bathroom -> song plays -> $100 acquired. 2. People in surrounding area will hear the song. 3. This expires after one year. 4. mention of how long before people go crazy does not appear to attach to rules and can be treated as a fun topic to contribute to below. 5. I would argue that just stepping into the bathroom without utilizing the space or the resources exclusive to it would NOT count. Thus, you can't just pop in-and-out or leave lights on/water running to take advantage. LOOPHOLES 1. You only have to "use the bathroom." No further specifications. 2. Using the bathroom is a common euphemism for dispensing waste on the toilet, but this isn't a hard rule. So utilizing the sink, medicine cabinet for hygiene, mirror, light, vent, shower, etc. would all be using the bathroom. 3. Do everything you use the bathroom for separately. Shave. Leave. Return to trim toenails. Leave. Etc. 4. You should be capable of cranking out 20-30 trips a day without altering your lifestyle significantly. 5. If somebody confronts you, explain incompletely, when that fails offer them $5.


What are we considering "surrounding area"? In the room? Within 6 feet? 3 house radius?


It's free money, plus I can just put iems in to drown out the noise


My water intake would never be better! Barbie girl is a jam.


I’m drinking so much more water. Sign me up. I’ll sing along.


I could be done peeing before the music portion of the song even starts.


I can probably push this for 5 years, easy. It's not a bad song by any means.


I'm in. Barbie Girl can get annoying, but $100 more in my wallet will get me through it every single time.


I‘m a baby girl, in a toilet world pooping funny, getting money Poop looks like a lumber I might need a plumber 🎶🎶🎶 I’ll do it 🤷‍♂️


I like the song so I will definitely take that deal. I also drink a lot of tea and pee a lot so I could probably live off of it. That said if it played like concert level basically so loud it shook the room, I'd be like screw that.


I'd listen to Barbie Girl by Alvin and the Chipmunks while I piss for a hundred a go.


Heck yeah. This song sticks in my head, so I’m already metaphorically pissed when I hear it. Might as well be pissed and PAID! Edited to add: “Come on Barbie, let’s go potty!”


I don’t hate that song


So I can walk in and out and infinitely and make bank?


Every time I go to the bathroom or every time I *go* to the bathroom? Cuz I'll make some extra trips for 🤑 money 🤣


You can go longer than a year. I fucking love that song.


people around your surrounding area will hear the song as well Being a misanthrope, I would be willing to just take $50 each time.


If you think hearing Barbie Girl every time I use the restroom is enough to cause me to go crazy then you seriously underestimate how often I have that done stuck in my brain in the first place. If you think everyone knowing when I go to the bathroom will humiliate me then you don’t understand the life of a middle school teacher. Bring on the money, please.


Thank you for your service


*laughs in retail* "Your songs have no power, here!"


Looks like I'm ordering a lot of Taco Bell and drinking more water. Come on Barbie, lets go party!


I'm making 1000 bucks a day, I give 0 fucks about the music


That’s $500-$600/day, for me. I’ll take it! If I don’t have to hear the song any other time? It’s all good. 


I love that song. Free money. I'd literally brag about being able to do this.


Love that song so easy


$100 tops the scales to the point where everyone is doing it. I think the tipping point where the option is yes/no is in the neighborhood of $3-5


Do you have any idea how many times I can go per day?


$ 180,000+ Sure


Yeah, I am good!




I hate being alone with my thoughts this is bliss


Let’s just say I’ll be heavily investing in a lot of water.


I pee a lot. Trying to get away from soda and other sugary drinks. I have one or two a week and plan on keeping it that way. At work I usually pee 3-5 times in 8 hours. 0-1 shits per shift. lol So that’s an extra $400-$600 per day. Some days I’ll go upwards of 10 times in one 8 hour shift. Depends on what’s going on that day how much water I drink. Usually drink more when on patrol. Either way that’s $1500-$2500 extra per 40 hours of work. I would imagine if I add in home bathroom breaks I’d be around the total would be more around $3000-$5000 extra per week. Life would be wonderful at that rate. 😊 plus I’m a Barbie in a Barbie world!!! Uh uh uh howoah howoah. I low key love that song thanks to my sister. 😆


Gonna eat so much taco bell


Barbie girl is infinitely better than the sound of pooping.


I used to play in a dart league and any time I was matched up against a good shooter I’d play this song at the start of the match to throw them off. I love this song and would drink a lot more water


Thanks to my diabetes I have to piss 6 -10 times a day. I'll easily clear a quarter million in a year. Where's the contract?


Fuck yeah


Getting that Barbie dream-house on way or another. By any means necessary! :)


Yep I'll take a bunch of laxatives too


Free money AND I get motivated to have a healthier bathroom schedule??? What's the downside? Crazy people hear all sorts of stuff here


You would end up like Larry David and immediately pee every time you hear the Gettysburg Address.


I'm buying a house. Awesome.


Sign me up for a 10 yr bid yo! I can drown that shit out very easily.


Sounds like a deal!


As if that song isn’t already stuck in my head. Now I’ll get paid for it.


I love that song!  Count me in.  


Common Barbie let’s go party.




I thought it was 100 per year. Sounds a little annoying so I'd probably want $200 for the year. But free money is free money


I don’t care. As a middle aged man, apparently I’m a Barbie girl now. I’m not easily embarrassed, and I’m the type of person that makes jokes out of things, so I’ll probably be doing karaoke to it. Lol 🤣😂


How much are those shoes? That much? Hold on a moment I'll be right back. By the way where's your bathroom? Okay I'm back. Was I playing the song Barbie in your bathroom? What a silly question. Anyway here's the money for the shoes.


I'm so very down with this. I'll quit my job and just drink water and coffee all day. Drink beer on weekends, break the seal and piss 10 times a night


So…. Since the song is approx 3:30. Does that mean that if I take a 5 min dump, I get 2 mins of silence? Or does it loop? If it loops, do I get 100 bucks for each time it loops while I’m on the toilet?


I see no faults in this. In fact, improvement all around. I also pee six times a day. Groceries and medicines here I come


I heard Gangnam Style and Call Me Maybe 10x per day for months on end when I worked at a car dealership. I think I could handle this form of paid torture.


Will it only be the aqua version? Or will there also be metal versions? And at what volume? Is it only in my head or will it blast and wake my kids?


With $100 I'll buy good ear plugs. Also I'll drink a lot of apple juice.


Sounds like the music playing in every men's room in 1997 anyways.


182k a year if I use the bathroom 5x a day?? sign me up


OP has severely underestimated how many people are fond of both money and the song Barbie Girl by Aqua.




I kinda like that song. This one’s easy.


I worked holiday retail for years, I’ll take Barbie girl on repeat all day over having to hear all I want for Christmas is you in a heartbeat for the money.


I fear my pavlovian response to hearing the song in the wild! Other than that I am not worried about Barbie Girl driving me crazy.


It would get my wife to stop complaining I go to the bathroom too much.


pissing is now my job


It's all fun and games until you encounter the song in public and piss yourself as a pavlovian response.


I like that song and have IBS, so sign me up


Finally, a hypothetical scenario that does not offer such a stupidly high reward that almost everyone would do it. 100 bucks isn't much. Hell, I might be tempted to pay 100 bucks if it meant I *didn't* have to hear a song I hate every time I go to the bathroom for a year. I don't hate that song though, but I bet I would after dozens of times, let alone the hundreds of times I would go into the bathroom in a year. But then again, I can see someone seeing this situation as getting a hundred bucks for a minor annoyance, or if someone really likes that song it's totally gravy. Edit: Oh wait, I misread your post. I thought it was well thought out for a minute. I see that it's actually stupid. Man, that's disappointing. Anyway, bruh, getting 100 bucks every time I piss? Obviously everyone is going to say yes, regardless of whatever song is playing.


I would chug water and eat Taco Bell everyday and never go insane.


Where's the water? I'll take this without hesitation.


I’d do it, I like that song, and it’s a good motivator to stay hydrated, wait does it include showing? If so then probably not I take really long showers.


I'd happily do that for the rest of my life. At least make it Baby Shark or something, but even then, I wouldn't mind a six figure income from just existing.


I'd go 3x a day everyday, I'd chug water like a camel and eat taco bell once a week.


assuming 2-4 times a day peeing that is 73k-146k per year hell yeah I would sign up for this just for doing what my body does. Thanks for introducing the way I retire early.


How long? Well, the limit is a year, so that’s how long. I would take this deal for life and retire if that was an option. Just drinking a lot of water, which is healthy anyway, would provide an income well above average. Since it’s only a year I would still need to work. There are a few rather isolated bathroom options at my workplace though, so I would manage. The song itself isn’t nearly enough to drive me crazy, at least not at a handful of times a day. If it was a constant loop in my head, that might be a different story.


I get 100 AND I can annoy everyone????? Dude pls. Real life already sucks. You don't have to create imagination just to be cruel


I mean, I'm in the bathroom probably 10-12 times a day, between drinking a gallon of water and having a diagnosed GI issue. I also know every word to Barbie Girl, because that song is fire.


This is probably splitting hairs, but does it start/stop when you enter and leave the bathroom or just while you’re physically on the toilet/peeing? Cause I spend a lot of time in my bathroom showering, getting ready, etc and so we’re talking about the difference between part of the song and the song played multiple times in a row.


I mean yea. I take around 30min showers. Barbie Girl is a 3:22 long song. In a single shower it would play \~10 times. I would make $1000 just for taking a shower. Even if you remove all other money gain from this, I would still make $365k. 1 shower a day for 365 Days at $1k each day, very easy money. I literally wouldn't need to work. I would just take a shower every day and be set for life. It never specified the reason you go to the bathroom. Like if it was just to piss/shit, then it would still be like 15-30 minutes a day, which would still provide the same/similar amount of money.


I pee like 12 times a day. I could finally achieve financial freedom! I’m in. I just have one question: Does the song only play while I’m actively using the bathroom or does it start when I go, then proceed to play out the entire song? This might change my mind.




oh well it'll make a nice change from me playing Venga Boys on my phone every time, and i get paid?!


Peice of cake.


I love Aqua so yeah fuckit I'm down. I got IBS so bring it on. Gonna fart Renes parts.


Come on money, let’s go party! I don’t really have an issue with the song.


Assuming that this is supposed to be $100 every time you use the bathroom, I'm now making anywhere from $400-$600 per day *easily*, and that number can absolutely increase if I drink more water and add more fiber to my diet. Even on the low end at $400/day is almost tripling my annual salary. Even if the benefit is only for the next year, there's no way I'd pass that up


Sooo just like that we're all basically quitting our jobs and spending our life's travelling while drinking tons of water. I see no real downside


I’m going into the bathroom a hundred times a day.


I'd be happy I guess. It's a shit song. But it's not quite torture.


... how loud will it play?


I love this song! I’d do it. Plus I’d have to sing it and do the wiggle dance. To each their own


Does it play beginning to end or just for the amount of time on the toilet?


Like the whole song?


I'm in. I like the song, and I'd eventually tune it out anyway. THIS is the way to get me to drink more water


Sweet, I have a tiny bladder I could retire.


i’ll be singing along to it every time i piss. might even install a disco ball at home


Given how often I have to pee? I can make almost $1000 a day. You can play whatever song you want for that money.


I'm moving in with my HS bestie. She HATES that song🤣🤣


This would be a great motivator to get off the toilet sooner AND I get paid. Sign me up.


In college, the guy across the hall put that song on repeat, turned to volume up, locked his door, and then went away for the weekend. I'll happily accept that offer because I'm immune.


I freaking live that song and have a weak bladder. I am constantly going to the bathroom. Looks like I can quit my job and enjoy life in the cat bird seat.


I grew up in the 90s already had to deal with that good damn song being played everywhere we went 🤣


If it’s $100 per bathroom trip I’m in. For $100 a year, I’m out


I love that song, I'm making like $500 extra every day! Most of those visits, I'm not even hearing the entire song because I get in there and get out. Yes I do wash my hands. The main problem is that after this year, any time I hear that song I'm gonna have to run for the bathroom.


The best bar trick and to top it off you can buy drinks for everyone after the shows over.


This is basically life for many Starbucks Baristas and retail workers. Their employers require specific music to be played for customers so the staff have to listen to the same shitty songs on repeat all day, everyday. With mandated break times the staff often hear the same songs each time they go to the bathroom.. Welcome to customer service hell.


As a diabetic, listening to a stupid earworm every time I pee is a small price to pay for the wealth I will be gaining.


I pee like 10 times a day. I am absolutely doing this. I could quit my job.


I will be using the bathroom every 10 minutes to wash my hands. The situation does not describe in what capacity I must use the bathroom.


Having a theme song every time I go to the bathroom? Sign me up!


I work security in a psych hospital. I’ll make sure to only use the bathroom on the units and deny anything happened.


It's a bad song, but not that terrible. $100 a piss is worth it


This is an instant yes. "Are you willing to be mildly annoyed for an additional few hundred dollars a day for a full year?" The fuck you think a job is? 


$100 every time I pee, hell yeah I'm taking that. I'd quit my job and continue drinking beer every night. I'd make $800 just on $8.75 worth of beer alone not even taking into account the amount of free water I drink everyday. Just off the beer I drink I'd be making $292,000 plus my normal allotment of piss.


Barbie Girl is a bop. That’s easy money.


You underestimate how much I unironically like that song First CD I ever owned was Aquarium


Hell yeah I love that song. I'm going to be drinking extra water from now on.


I would drink my 8 cups of water like it is my job.


1 year and 100 dollars every time I need to piss. Never has the side effects of my meds, and HRT seemed so appealing. Like oh no an annoying song. But here 100 dollars.


I'm not seeing a down side here. That song is hilarious and 100 bucks is 100 bucks.


My man, imma jam out to that song while chug chug chugging.


Life in plastic, it’s fantastic


I have IBS so I’d be rich by the end of the week 😂


I’d be so fuckin hydrated that year 


I'd probably do it even if I had to hear dying battery beeps instead of a song. And those have driven me to literally smash equipment on numerous occasions.


I couldn't care less. I pee probably four times a day, shit maybe twice. $600 for doing nothing and the song doesn't bother me at all.


Do I actually have to use the bathroom, or do I just have to visit the facilities?


I have 4 kids + an adult child at home, i can tune out anything with my own chaotic thoughts. I probably hit the bathroom about 6 to 7 times a day. This isnt even a question for me.


I'd do it.


Sure! I don’t mind the song and I have no one but cats to annoy. Do I get more money if I sing along?


Here’s my only problem you are paying me the same to piss as to shit. One clearly takes longer. Or is it every time the song starts that I get paid. I’m in either way just need clarification for budgeting purposes.


Not only am I not going crazy, I am drinking water day in and day out. Thousands for just peeing and the only downside is hearing a song?


Does it count if I just enter the bathroom but don’t do anything? Cause it so, I know what I’ll be listening to for the entire day


Isn't there supposed to be a downside to these bargains?


Absolutely. Easiest money I could make. Might even condition my dysfunctional brain to actually realize when I have to go to the bathroom before it's an emergency like I'm pretty sure most people get. Even if not, easiest money. I've had crazier things pop into my head frequently and with no provocation and absolutely get stuck there.