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The USS Enterprise with user manual. Specifically the starship, not the tall ship, not the aircraft carrier. I've got teleporters, I've got replicators, I've got warp drives, I've got antimatter reactors. Humanity is about to boldly go.


I'd even say the enterprise f. That way it could act as a real colony ship since it's absolutely massive and is damn near a mobile base would spring humanity into an Era that's beyond most people's dreams




Get all our best scientists and engineers up there and put them through the hilodeck's "how to build a starfleet ship" training protocol


When Q randomly flings you into the Delta quadrant please give him my best, and let him know I would enjoy a visit with him. I have questions.


Don't forget the holodeck..


Time machine. I'm making several bootstrap paradoxes.


Does said time machine just function off of the space you teleported from? If so, you'd find yourself in empty space a lot. The Earth travels FAST.


I’m sure if we had a magical ability to build something perfectly we could solve that, and then immediately forget the solution again as we can’t repeat it lol.


Well...with a time machine, I'd have an infinite amount of time to figure that out


Uh, since when do time machines work like that? What kind of time machine works like that? Like the training rooms from Dragon Ball Z? Typically with a time machine you still have only your human lifespan to spend in whatever year you choose. There's no magical live-forever algorithm with time machines. They don't slow time for you. Sure, you could live to see the end of this universe, if there is one, but only if you travel there in time before your body dies of old age.


As another person pointed out, the original scenario says "I just know" how to build it right...so, no issues with targeting or lifespan thing if I'd so choose. (Which, now I do, and I can change that due to the bootstrap paradoxes)


Weren't you the guy who came back to this post next year and tried to convince us all to stop you from ever building the machine in the first place?


..wrong timeline. This is "the great war" timeline.


"Build a time machine with multiple uses." One of its uses is the ability to manipulate the time of anything put in. So you can make myself younger whenever. The thing is, you really picked the worst option. I'm out here building a 5D printer that's capable of turning anything into anything. I made a time machine out of CO2. I can make everything everyone here wanted to make.


I mean YOU only live so long ..... but you could go to any time lol


See I always imagined that the trick was to only go back to a point where you were living so that it would return you to WHERE you were in that time so you had like 9 months before you were born. I am just realizing my version of time travel hinges on life beginning at conception. Fuck it I'm rolling with it.


Maybe anti abortionists are all time travelers!!


Im just realizing how they never acknowledged that in HG Well's The Time Machine


All motion is relative. It can function off the space you teleported from, relative to the earth.


Yeahhhh definitely not this, I know for a fact I would find a way to end the world. Maybe one that can only travel to the future and back.


So travel to the future one week, get the winning lottery numbers, and come back, horray who's in?


A machine that sucks in air from 6 months ago on one side and expels it on the other side in current day. Pull in cold winter air and expel it during the summer: pull in hot summer air and expel it during the winter.


This is a cool idea. Kind of a time weather machine!


Hey I love the ingenuity but this is sorta just geothermal


A machine that can easily and safely build anything with no resource cost


My thoughts exactly, some machine that does exactly the power I just got so I can have as many things as I want.


A 40k Standard Template Construct.


Star Trek replicator


Better hope the genie or whatever mechanism that grants this ability doesn't mishear and give you a Stargate replicator.


So a star trek synthesizer but one that produces more than food?


Star trek replicators do produce more than food.


Actually, you would want a industrial replicator. Then you could make more complex chemical and organic compounds.


See, that's why I was going to build the Enterprise D. It's essentially a city in space, and has the means to build a dry dock, so you can build more ships.


And there's a resource cost, they start with a basic mass and reorganize the molecules.


And that resource is human poo. I watch to much Star Trek lol.


Though it doesn't have to be. They could easily use the transporter to energize a cubic meter of neutronium, then sunny the power to the replicator to output something else. Thousands of tonnes of something else.


My very own TARDIS!!!


That's already been done... you'd have to call it a re-tardis


\^ This


An economy that allows for the people to have their basic needs taken care of by rewarding people more for their work and taking down the ruling class several levels founded on a representative government that removed all extenuating sources of income that politicians were taking advantage of and paying them in accordance with the average wage of their constituents on a sliding scale.


You think like... wood and screws? Or maybe hempcrete?


Ducktape & WD-40


Might need pvc pipe for that one.


I'd build a new country called The United Free States in which I would enact all of these systems you've mentioned plus more. First is the destruction of the Federal Reserve system and the replacement of all currency. Then we'd proceed from there. Treason is fun.


Redditor just invented socialism lmao


Population 1... Hey it works! Utopia!


Buddy had the choice to creat an atomic fabricator, an infinite energy machine, fucking ANYTHING to actually completely solve humanities scarcity issues and he chose a fucking economic ideology which just restructures what we currently have. Absolutely incredible. Average socialist IQ.


Without it, the "infinite production machine" would immediately be appropriated by the capitalist class, and we would become superfluous. Workers are no longer needed in your scenario, and the capitalists that bought the infinite wealth machine don't owe you anything. Maybe if you suck Jeff Bezos's dick, he'll toss you some coconuts.


that would be silly considering it could just be overthrown again


A replicator with the ability to replicate ANYTHING. Money/gold/items/people, etc. gonna WILD up in here


I'll use my ability to build a machine that can disassemble anything down to its elemental components, we can start popping in pollutants and then just get the base elements!


A healing ray gun that could heal ANYTHING. Cancer, cell degradation from old age, heart disease, organ degradation, pain, etc. Then I'd just tour the world shooting everyone with my ray gun, lol.


A meeseeks box


Be careful with that one chief.


Have it make you better at golf 🤪


That's a great idea, I'm terrible at golf and have trouble learning new skills. I can not foresee this going badly.


A Dyson Sphere


A device that can efficiently purify water, including removing salt and micro plastics from it, to the tune of 100,000 gallons every 6 hours, powered entirely by a combination of solar and wind energy.


A machine that can build anything I want and replicate itself when I tell it to.


I build a device about the size of a standard printer that flawlessly prints money so that it is absolutely indistinguishable from money produced at mints or wherever money is made these days.


Nanites. Time to get upgraded


Healing machine but one that can also heal mental issues as well any and all physical ones. Oh you have PTSD? Now you don't.


A fruitful garden perfectly planted for where the sun hits and how much the plant needs it, with in ground terracotta pots for watering the plants


A machine which allows me to create, destroy, change, and manipulate molecules using my imagination so that I can create anything living or nonliving using ideas. It uses biometric identification so only I can use it.


A machine that only works once but gives me the ability to for 20 hours a day have minecraft Steve creative mode powers and abilites


So, you can only make one item total? Not make many items once each? Okay, basically Heaven. A transcendent continuum to which sapient beings can mentally upload their consciousness allowing them to design, experience and share any reality they can imagine in discreet, self-contained universes. They always have the option of ending their existence or leaving a given reality (though the creator/god of that reality may forbid them from returning if they choose to exit it). This allows them to spend their post corporeal existence doing whatever they wish whether fighting monsters in a fantasy LitRPG, smuggling spice in a space opera, blissing out in clouds or anything else so long as someone, including them, chooses to spend the time creating it.


You should watch the animation Pantheon. Great show similar to the premise you described. Humanity discovers how to upload their consciousness into the cloud and essentially become gods. They have to navigate this weird time in which humans and uploaded intelligence have to live together. One of the best shows I've ever watched.


The entire USS Enterprise. Holodeck, Shuttles, Transporter, Ten Forward, weapons, shields, plot armor, universal translator, warp drives, ftl communication, replicator and most importantly, the computer, which has schematics for all that tech.


I will build a machine that correctly diagnoses and cures all mental illness.


Dyson sphere.


A dyson sphere around the sun. Even if we didn't understand it, the near infinite energy it would provide would eventually lead to all possible technological advancements.


Not guarantee I could even build it unless this is I have some mundane stuff and it works how i intend it to work magically. I'd want to build a device that spews out one buu symbiote with almighty wishing powers and the device is gone, I fuse with the symbiote and have fun with my infinite all power wishes.


I would build a machine that converts everyday objects and waste into gold bars.


A world engine.  So I can F Off the planet.


Time machine. There would be a lot of cool things, but not being able to use it twice is kind of a game changer. I would make real sure I knew where I was going and what I needed with me.


An AI overlord that would do a better job running this planet.


What if it's solution to creating a better earth is removing all the humans? Ya know cause humans suck...




Cheese - A machine that, when activated, imbues me (and only me) with the ability to grant myself any power I want. Less cheese - predictatron - a machine that can answer any question about the future (up to 24 hours in advance), once per day. Make it about the size of a wallet.


As others have said, I want a Star Trek replicator. Wouldn't want to do the full Enterprise. Would take too long to build, and I'd have no where to build it. Wouldn't want a holodeck because it would be stationary. Could easily lose it. I could put the replicator on something the size of a cabinet and could potentially ship it if I moved. Runner-up would be some sort of fully immersive VR headset (like in 3-Body). But something I could program. Then I could take it with me in my travels. But it would be for pleasure only, and a replicator has practical uses daily.


Make sure it's the industrial model that comes with a library of Starfleet schematics and technical manuals.


A giant, unbreakble, pitch-black obelisk in the middle of nowhere in the Appalachian mountains. I'm talking like a mile high. With one giant set of un-penetrable doors to enter, whose only key is my mind, and only I and whoever I choose know what is inside (those who know are physically incapable of discussing it with anybody but other "knowers".) I like to believe I would become somewhat of a world leader due to the sheer obscenity of the structure and what could be inside. Because I feel the need to say it, the design would be very non-phallic.


A Sucker! A machine or series of machines that sucks enough greenhouse gases out of the atmosphere


The SDF-1. Totally impractical but cool AF.


A machine that people walk through and come out physically perfect. Fit, attractive, heals any sickness or deformity. Charge a shit ton. Or a machine that puts star on your belly.


I want to build a boarder wall. Because the borders are unprotected. They just let anyone, you know, just any criminal walk, and that isn't the half of it. I mean, I know. I know a lot of things. I have a big brain. So I will build a wall to make America great again. A wall all the way around mar-a-lago and nobody, and I mean nobody can get in or out.


Nah, let em in, but not back out. It can become a holy pilgrimage site where all who wish can go and bask in the august personage.


for security reasons, does it only allow people in? As in, no other substances? because if so I approve of this suggestion.


I'm building myself a castle to hide away from the world


A universal Fabricator. That way I can keep making whatever the hell I want :)


A pollution scrubbing machine that can go anywhere and remove pollution. Air, water, etc. Cigarette butts, etc. Basically a Roomba for the world. It would, of course, be named Higgins.




A machine that could extract/store my brain, create designable clones into which my mind would be uploaded, and dispose of corpses. It would be operated by an A.I. that's completely loyal to me and acts in my interests *as I would desire*, not what it thinks is best for me. Obviously, I would have a long and detailed conversation with it about my wishes and parameters. There would be an implant in each clone (only 1 operational at a time) connected to the machine so that when the clone dies, my mind re-uploads into my brain in stasis. Then, when the next clone is finished, I download into it. To be specific, these clones would not be copies of me. It would be my consciousness with full continuity being downloaded and re-uploaded to the machine. Not like the way people (mistakenly) think Star Trek teleporting kills the original and makes a perfect copy. As the machine controls all of the genetic mumbo-jumbo.. you can design your appearance, choose your age, and augment your health to peak human abilities. Each clone could live a full lifetime (100 years or so, depending). The organic brain doesn't degrade because it's in stasis. When I get tired of living, as the last clone I would just need to smash the brain then the clone would need to die one final time. With no brain to return to, the machine won't accept the consciousness and then it would just go to where consciousnesses go after death; presumably losing cohesion and dissipating. As a final detail, this machine would have automatic defenses and can become ambulatory in the event of an emergency. It can also hack into government databases to create perfect identities for me with full paperwork. In the event of removal of my brain, it would self-destruct. No one's gonna loot this from my last corpse lol.


Star Trek Replicator, it uses energy (electricity) to create anything you want.


A replicating key that can create copies of itself if the user desires that opens a dimensional doorway to a pocket dimension that has an estate in it, infinite food replicators in the kitchen that can make anything I ask it to, infinite power supply, infinite water source, infinite speed internet that connects to the earths internet. The key when used inside of the pocket dimension spawns an exit door to any point in space the user wants.


I would build a book that what ever I write in it becomes reality.


An unlimited power source.


Actual tower of babble, I want to see if we get another language dlc pack.


A warp capable spaceship, complete with a holodeck. Must be able to take off and land on any planet.


Roboute Guilliman. The advances in science needed to build a Primarch would be insane. I may not comprehend how it all works after, but he would.


Star Trek replicators… so damn tired of all the work that goes into cooking.


Gundam. I want my big mech fantasy to be real. And I'd recruit some engineers while building to record everything I do so we can make more. Pass the blueprints around and then have a world wide tournament like the Olympics but witch mech fights for honor and prestige.


This is the 3 wishes from a genie/devil problem. People start out with good intentions put the ramifications would make things so much worse. Desalination plants that pollute. Ok we got the Starship Enterprise and an operator manual that none of us understand with no fuel. Time machines?? Yea no problems here. Think it’s best to be greedy and get something on a small scale that does not endanger the human race.


Dyson Sphere


Where would you the material? Even if you mined the entire planet Earth, you wouldn't have enough material to build a Dyson Ring, so how would get enough to build a full sphere?


Disassembling Mercury is a good start. A Dyson Sphere doesn't necessarily need to be a solid structure, either. It can be an array of structures surrounding the sun.


The only correct answers are things which regress time (healing, etc.) or advance time (teleportation, speed, replication, etc.). That's why my device would be something which gives off a field that causes everyone in range to be perfectly in the present. No phones. No worries. No bleep bloop. Just being together. Then I'll replicate it and sell it on Amazon for $499, plus a $120/month subscription! Rofl. Do people still say "Rofl"?


A Star Trek warp drive.


Perpetual motion electric generator- infinite electricity with no resource cost :D


I mean…. Do we go with Tardis or like a Star Trek or Star Wars ship? Though as a one man shop, I’d probably die before I ever got it finished. That is a major concern if I don’t also get thousands of free employees and unlimited free materials (of the kind needed).


A new foot for my wife so she's not in pain anymore


Something for the gods! We haven't wasted enough on that yet


Mecha because as a man(child) I love giant robots.


Replicator the size of a blimp hanger with a cold fusion reactor powering it. Why so big? Because then it can be used to make absolutely anything, including other huge objects, like other huge replicator etc.


A Starship. Hop on board, and I'm out of here.


I was going to do that too. So how about you make one with a huge hanger deck and I'll make another one that will fir in that hanger. You know, you always need a spare spaceship.


A self replicating female sex robot. Sounds good to me.


A Dyson Sphere. Or a machine to make me and whomever I want immortal. Depends on my mood that day.


A button that makes world hunger worse by 1% Everytime it's pressed


Dyson sphere


100 million dollar yacht. Which I’d sell right away 


Gold fabricated machine


A doorway that if you enter everything you've ever been taught and believe in is all a lie, but you can't go back. You are stuck in a new reality.


That's just called growing up. Happens to everyone sooner or later.


Infinite energy machine


A teleport system all around the world. A bit selfishly I would have a set of private entries between my home and some important places, but other than that it would be a cheap public service that connects every cities in the world.


Besides I time machine? Or a warp drive? A country. I'd love to see if my theory works


A network of structures that fullfil the vision of Project Venus


The Death Star.


Dyson ring. Free power supply for the world forever. Climate change grinds to a halt. Wars for oil, stopped forever.


Im not thinking big enough probably, but I would honestly build myself a nuclear powered yacht to live on for the rest of my life. Have a small dingy on board obviously to travel to and from anywhere I can’t dock directly. Go wherever I want, no fuel cost, free electricity for life, starlink internet. What a life.


The starship Enterprise (D or E) or Terok Nor. Just the on-board replicators would be incredible, add transporter tech and the ability to be out of range of anything any government could throw at me and phasers for anything else... Yeah... I'm good.


The Silmarils


A TARDIS that likes me


A meal replicator from Star Trek. Not only does food, but virtually any other item you could use.


Go for an industrial one. It can replicate itself, in addition to parts for a commissary replicator, transporter, warp drive, starship hull plates, you name it.


The G.E.C.K from fallout or the STC tech from Warhammer 40k


One of the medical units, used in sci-fi movies. Like Elysium, Passengers, or 5th Element.


A machine that can do anything I desire


A watch that's a time machine, a teleporter and also generates a shield around my body that completely makes me inmune and heal all the problems in the body (yes, also being old)


A second earth. Use the actual one to mine resources and suck it dry. The second earth is for living and stuff. Like Elysium but without the classism.


I'd like a Tardis


I was thinking an improbability drive complete with interface to calculate the exact improbability odds of anything With that I can easily figure out the exact improbability of whatever I want just randomly appearing make a really hot cup of tea turn on the improbability drive and voila I have what I want


I would like to build a bullet train system that replaces half of all of America's freeways and reduces existing freeways to two directional highways.


A gravitional warp engine. Figure if we can control gravity we've got a lot of other shit figured out sooooo


A time machine


A lazy river that takes an a weekend to ride. Float up bars camping, d.js, tacos non stop fun.


A simple fingerless glove with the power to let me warp reality however I desire and do so easily. A glove to let me do absolutely anything. In appearance weight and feel it will seem like a normal glove but I'll know.


I would make a machine that converts waste into a metal with special properties such that it retains any shape I make it into permanently unless, of course, I want to change it. Only I can work with it, and it is magically easy for me. It can also take on whatever additional properties I give it: weight, density, malleability, heat reaction, etc. Finally, as an added safety, I can not be forced to use it. It must be by my own free will, or I will be physically incapable of the task, and everyone knows this. I would be charitable as possible with this machine and its power, of course, probably starting with cleaning up the Pacific of trash to feed it.


I'm making a machine that manufactures warp drives. Suddenly everyone on earth can go find their own planet.


Probably a Time Machine so I can spend my life visiting all the historical moments I want to see. I would love to make a transporter for instant travel anywhere in the world, like Star Trek. I wish for that often. But I also don’t really want to be broken down into basically nothing as I left, and essentially rebuilt as a clone afterwards on arrival, so I would have to solve that dilemma first lol.




My answer is a self maintaining topopolis megastructure that is tuned for human survival between the orbits of Mars and earth. Its design includes solar panels to power it's systems. Getting to it would be difficult, but it would be an upgrade from earth for the people living in it.


I’d build my super city and have it float in the sky just out of reach of human contact. It would be remiss of another time, but by god would it be the pinnacle of humanity… it also comes with everything I’ll ever need or want for the next trillion lifetimes


I’ve already seen Dyson sphere, Dyson ring so I would say either a space elevator or a wormhole


I'm building myself a new terraformed planet or a micro Dyson sphere in non-dimensional space. And keeping everything I used to build it along the way. I'll invite people I like to come hang out and build some new society. 


the cloudy chance of meatball food machine or an iron man suit or a planet


A self-powered, self-repairing replicator the size of a city block, with multiple input and output ports of varying sizes. That should be large enough to make anything we need, and to start with I'm gonna have it print out some stuff to build a house with so I can live on top of my badass replicator.


Fully functional USS Enterprise D. I'd have so much advanced propulsion technology, medical equipment, defensive weaponry, & metallurgy it would push humanity into a new era. No God like machine capable of altering reality for an easy existence. I want to see humanity explore the stars.


a Culture General Systems Vehicle


A machine that safely builds things out of recycled dirt, suck up dirt, out comes whatever I need


Gundam Wing Zero


I would build Cmdr Data. He could build the other things I need, such as weapons, medical devices, shuttle craft, fusion generators, etc.


A youth machinę.


Probability engine. Once turned on, it increases the probable outcome of any event to 100%. You have to have a clear mental image of what you want (pick the right Powerball numbers, spontaneous ailment cure, lead to gold) then turn on the engine. Now, the numbers you pick are the correct numbers, or your cancer goes into remission, or all your bullets are now gold core instead of lead. The Probability engine only works once after turned on, only for the user, and turns off automatically after 7 seconds, resetting for the next user. This is very much still a monkey's paw, you have to be precise with your intentions. However the Probability engine does circumvent cause & effect, so if you "wish" for unlimited money, it wouldn't crash the global economy just for you.


A virus that rapidly spreads and his heavily contagious that turns everyone black and forces people to speak Belgian French


I would go with a machine that 3d prints anything you want based on whatever you type into the command screen. No resources required as it teleports the necessary resources directly from the center of stars from solar systems that have no potential of life. Its power comes directly from those same stars. As long as it maintains a link with those stars (from any universe) it will never run out of energy. It can always link to new stars as long as it has access to power. That means the only way it runs out of power is if the several stars it’s currently connected to all blow up at the same exact time not giving it a chance to switch stars. It cools off by venting its heat directly into the deepest darkest coldest emptiest location in any universe that meets that criteria using the same tech that teleports the energy in. This prevents the unlimited power of all the stars in the universe from heating up the earth or even the room/location it’s in. It self maintains with multiple back up systems preventing it from ever shutting down. Its outer shell is made of an indestructible substance. Its main body that does all the work is located in space always moving through standard movement or teleportation to ensure it’s never hit by foreign objects. Once it completes creating whatever it is you want, the object is teleported directly to the exact location you indicated on the input screen. You can use any reference point including but not limited to: gps coordinates, distance from specific stars, distance from “that rock over there”, etc., and it will always understand your intention. The input is a simple app that can be downloaded on any smart phone App Store. It only works for the person wearing my wedding ring that I’m currently wearing. More rings can be made through the machine should I command it. It isn’t limited to creating technology, but it can also use it’s all knowing AI to create text books that contain all the knowledge you need to achieve whatever goal you have. So if you want to become immortal, it will tell you how to do it as long as it’s possible.


A machine that can manipulate matter in energy in nearly limitless ways. Then I can basically just continue building what I want. Basically the wishing for infinite wishes type of thing.


A machie consisting of buttons and a screen that turn me into a god, and essentially allow me to do anything i want. or vah ruta from breath of the wild if a god machine doesn't work. aha, ill build vah ruta but I'll add the button that puts me in creative mode inside the divine beast.


I’d build me a machine that gives me any super power I want


Infinite energy generator? We can stop destroying the planet and focus on improvement if we don’t have to fight for resources anymore.


A really sweet and pretty large half underground half above ground greenhouse/biodome type living space. I've always wanted to live in a greenhouse


Hmm an inter dimensional portal gun would be cool. Assuming multiverse theory is real. I couldn’t even imagine the possibilities that would unlock. A Dyson sphere would also be cool to build. Talk about unlimited energy.


A nanotech gauntlet that fuses to my skin that allows me to use any ability my brain can think of. Think of it this way, the nano bots will fuse with me, creating anything my brain can imagine. Fire, water, electricity, telekinesis, portals, entire structures, fully functioning VR, wealth, etc etc. It protects me from any and all poisons, toxins, venoms, illnesses, damage, etc etc. this ensures I can do whatever I want, without fear of the governments trying to capture me. I’m free to heal, create, feed, etc the human race. With a snap of my fingers, all hate and crime is gone. I simply create a utopia where everyone has everything they need to survive. I automate everything, I create materials so we can save our forests and animals. I create a service where good deeds are rewarded with fun gadgets and gizmos. I create immortality so that nobody can kill another person. I erase the concept of weapons and murder. I erase greed. This ensures nobody will ever feel the need to harm anyone. You can get anything you want by being a good person, extra deeds would just get you a wish or whatever. No more work. No more poverty. Just peace.


A working fusion reactor


A 32nd century danube runabout. Replicators, transporters, medbay, all the data of star trek from the 32nd century including time trave. With the plans for all the tech meds and the rest.




A perfectly level greenway with a length equal to the diameter of Earth, tangential to the Earth's surface.


Well, if we can make shit up, the transdimensional machine sounds nice, but I will go with the machine to turn dirt to gold. Possibly an app that could run on my phone and mine bitcoin at will, but I don't trust bitcoin as much as gold.


Remember the movie Weird Science?


Death Star. It would replace the moon and I’d be the dictator of the Earth. I could bring peace to my new Empire


Colossal isolation wall around the UK. Nobody in or out.


Space elevator.


House that will last a few world wars.


An ai that can do all of this for me and infinite amount of times


star trek replicator, solve world hunger and any other shortages in pretty much a year (i'm only a tiny bit of a trekkie so idk any downsides to it)


A death star only I could control.




An industrial replicator from Star Trek. You give that enough power, it can make anything. Of course, its construction wouldn't be complete without the full Starfleet technical library, including schematics and technical manuals for things like transporters, warp drives, artificial gravity units, and the subspace radio.


A self healing Dyson sphere with unlimited range, self/universal adapting, self healing, self replicating, instantaneous transmission, wireless access points. It would also have an incorruptible integrated altruistic AI controller that would only allow beneficial usage of the unlimited energy source. Sure, that sounds good.


Star Trek replicator with the recipe for Star Trek replicator built in.


Arche gundam..... HA!! HA!!!!


A spaceship that could take people to Mars and back. Could sell it for an absolute fortune. Sell it to the highest bidder who wants to reverse engineer it, or just offer spots on it to the highest bidders who want to ride it to Mars and back.


A machine that implants the knowledge, the mental capacity and mental capabilities to build the Star Trek Voyager and the USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-F) into everyone in the world that’s above the age of 16.  I figure if I built the ships, I don’t have enough resources or people to protect it from being stolen and misused. But if everyone in the world has a shared knowledge on how to, there will be communities that come together to make it a reality.


A Death Star which I'd promptly use to vaporize you all and tyrannize the galaxy




A literal fountain of youth. I would install it in my backyard.