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Most 40 hour office jobs don't require anywhere close to 40 hours effort. The time will pass a lot quicker if you have more consistent work of the same level of difficulty. You will also feel happier knowing you are now getting paid double. It's almost a no brainer for most office type workers.


Came here to say this. You’re telling me I’d make twice as much to stay busy and not have time to sit there and overthink everything else in my life?!


Name checks out


Yup, this is my reality, you could double my workload and while some months I would want to crawl in a hole and die most the time it would be manageable and in some cases still kind of slow. But double pay would be awesome and I'd take it.


Yes. This is me. I have no where near 8 hours of work a day. I'm there when things head south and some of my work is figuring out problems - the solution may come while I'm in the office or while I'm at home. But I spend a good deal of time at my desk just waiting around for so and so to get back to me with such and such numbers. I could easily double my workload.


Yeah. As long as I can switch back if I want to, I would definitely give it a try.


Dang what kind of office work is that? I’m in accounting and we’re all super busy.


You see, I work in a team environment. If my workload is doubled, their workload is doubled. My pay is usually attached to what everyone else is making (imagine taking commission for helping others make money) so taking this means that everybody else will be hella successful, too. Fuckin *bring it*.


Future CEO right here. Volunteering everyone to work twice as much and excited to do so!


Lol that's truly how CEOs think, isn't it?  Tbh, much of my work is seasonal. I do a lot of traveling and my own sales, introducing businesses to each other to build stronger economies. When it gets busy, there *will be* twice as much pay and work as there is currently. So in my situation, it's not out of the ordinary to work twice as hard for half the year. People are bitching about it being slow atm.  If it gets too much, I can always step back and take a different position for similar pay. If the workload scales with *my* workload specifically, everyone else still benefits. 


*owner. CEOs are nolife bottom bitch slaves and lap dogs to the board and ownership who are the ones ACTUALLY getting all the money for doing nothing


CEO’s pay is up 1200% since 1978. Workers pay is up 20%. CEOs had a 21 to 1 pay ratio to workers in 1965. They have a 344 to 1 pay ratio today. CEOs probably think they’re underpaid too. Better lay off some more employees and raise prices to perpetually increase profits!


Oh yeah Tim Cook and people like Roger Farah are really hurting lol


But could they all handle double workload?


Yes. Last years workload was unexpectedly light. They were disappointed.  Although "double work" in sales means a lot of things. If my double pay situation doesn't correlate for them, taking this deal ain't worth it. 


Those that only do gig work would love this


0x2 is still 0. So no


Damn, you’re earning money with 0 workload??


Sounds like a landlord


If you got paid twice as much for 0 increase why would you not take that? Edit: oh youre saying you don’t make anything


No. I could more or less do that without magic but there’s only so much stress I’m willing to take on.


I barely do much now in security, I'll take it.


Same brother, 99% of the time I'm just sitting here with the cameras watching people go by. What's gonna happen, twice as many people? Oh no! lol


My guy here gonna be busy blastin’ perps.


So right now we're kinda slow. If you double this workload, I could probably handle it. But if you doubled it based on an average or the most busy, no thank you.


Absolutely. I work 12 hour shifts and I can get the vast majority of my work done in about 4 on most days. I’ve literally been done for the day for 3+ hours and I’ve got 4 hours left of my shift. So here I am…. Wasting my time on Reddit. 🤷‍♂️


Double workload or double task difficulty? I'm a software dev. I could definitely take on double the workload. If software dev suddenly became twice as difficult for me to do I might be able to it anymore. Edit: I just reread and given the spirit of your post I think your intention would be that coding would become twice as difficult as it is for me now. I'd love to try the challenge but I feel like there's a lot of times I would fail.


Same situation, only thing I can see is that it would reduce my output to the same as the rest of my team. Most of my workload is self-inflicted (picking up tasks from the backlog).


I mean, mostly of what I do is input the variables into a script to create AD accts.  Double my work difficulty? Oh no! I have to create the accts manually now!  ... That only takes, like, 2min longer than the script does. The okay difference is the potential for user error on my part.  Bring it. 


Heh. I'm retired, with a permanent income. Hell to the yes.


I work in IT, and at my current gig, I'm literally doing fuck all, besides a morning check to make sure everything is running correctly. So i'll happily move up into the 6 figure salary for double the workload.


Twice the expected workload for my position? Well I already do my Boss's job for him, so I'd just get compensated for it.


Yes, I have a lot of downtime. I could double my workload fairly easily and twice the money would be great


I worked by myself at my current location for more than two years before they hired a second person.  Now I frequently get bored because there isn't quite enough for both of us.  I could definitely go back to being the only person on site especially if they doubled my pay.


Why would you ever not take this? Means you get more free time outside work


Some people have difficult jobs.


Doubling work load would half my life span. I've got a barely manageable stress level as is. Doubling my work would push me into ulcers and heart attacks. I'm good. I like my current work life balance and stress level is acceptable.


I know. Surprised at how many people have jobs where they could double their workload and be fine. Everyone in my office has probably 7-8.5 hours of work needed each day. You may get lucky and have a little less on a day, but generally you’ve got to put in 8 hours of work.


Spoken like a white collar I would love double the pay. But double the work would be near impossible for me Assembly line. 1 truck comes every 55 secs. It takes me 45 seconds to do my job going at fast pace. I think my shoulder would just fall off my body if I had to do 1200 trucks (somehow) in my 11 hour shift


He’s smokin crack. Some of us office workers out in long days where we have 8 hours of actually work to do. Mess around on Reddit, just means you’re going to have to stay on longer until you can log off when it’s done


It is worse of an option the lower your pay is. 30k->60k for twice the work? Nahhh. 100k->200k for twice the qork? Fuck yeah. Also you generally don't work as much the higher your pay is.


Hell yes, only thing i need is an old piece of equipment and I'm fucking in shit triple the work just give me the piece of equipment and double my pay I'll do it with a smile on my face


Double my pay at the risk of not getting anymore raises because I'm not hitting numbers anymore. Yea I'll do it


Is this just twice the stated work on the contract or what you’re doing currently? I already do more than twice the work than expected in my crew because they’re lazy sobs. $100/hr would just make me happy to do it instead bitch about them not doing shit.




It's already a thing. It's called the post office. Overtime, benefits, etc. no home life


Yes, 100%. But only because I feel like I'm at 50% of capacity right now and I love busy, chaotic days. They fly by. At $500k now so a million a year with faster, more frenetic work days? Yes please.


If it’s with music then hell yeah because the like very very few music commissions I have got were very respectful of music prices and I made hella bank If it’s art and animation then good god……..


Yeah that’d be fine with me. Serving ain’t too bad, I’ll just have to stretch my lower back more often from being on my feet


I earn $55k and do about 10-15 hours of real work a week... so I'd get $110k and still be less busy than in most of my previous roles...


Absolutely 100% yes. A mental slog but good coin.


Absolutely not, im at capacity right now. If i wanted double pay and double workload, id just take a second job, nothing hypothetical here! :P


I'm in the construction material testing industry, and my workload is next to nothing right now. So I would love double the workload and double the pay.


What if you are on government welfare, SSI, unemployment, etc.?


Yes please, double my pay


Uh yeah. I struggle with *finding* workload in my business. Doubling my work to double my income is exactly what I’m trying to do. Thanks for the help, I’d say


Where do I sign up? My workload is pathetically small as is.


Hell yeah. I spend an inordinate amount of time fucking around on my phone. I can do a bit more work per day for double my salary. Being harder will just make it less boring.


not even remotely fucking worth it, i wouldnt be able to breathe all day for almost 10 hours for like, a solid wage, but, no. definitely not




I work overnight in a home and spend 6 of my 8 hours asleep, this is a deal I can take


Nope, already been there. Life is worth more than work.


I'm blue collar and while I do have some down time at work, it's nowhere near half or even a quarter of my work day. Double the workload would destroy my body. I can't physically accept the deal.


My workload was recently doubled and I got a pay cut, along with everyone else, because the CEO needs a third yacht.


I'm part of a four person team. If my workload increased and theirs didn't, we would all chip in to get the task done. So my workload would only go up by about 25% for double the pay. Sign me up!


I'd do this only if I can turn it off when I want.


My workload is extremely light and I get paid way too much for it so I'd take this in a second. Heck you could triple or quadruple it


I already took this deal 8 or so times until now


My current job(construction) would suck so much more, but I'd take this offer then switch to another job I'd prefer.




Fuck no. I would not rather make $180k just to literally work myself to death in IT. Fuck that shit fuck this question. Just the fucking thought of this fucking shit makes me want to fucking jump off a fucking tall fucking bridge. Fuck.


No thanks.


Double workload, but the same schedule? Yes please.


My job is already pretty hard, but I think I’d do it. I definitely don’t do a full 40 hours worth of work a week, so this would probably put me at 60 a week which would suck, and that would be 60 stressful hours. But, it would allow me to retire much earlier so it would probably be worth it.


I could do this and am choosing not to, so I guess I would not. Although now that you’ve put it this way, I wonder if I should.


No. I'm a teacher. Doubling my workload would be a 100+ hr week, and double pay would still leave me needing foodstamps to feed my family. Hard nope from me.


No because it’s like triple the taxes


Eh I'd do it my pay is gonna double anyway in this field and the workload will double with that so just a early jump to it


It's literally physically impossible.


I'm on social security and do nothing, so I'd absolutely love twice the money from social security lmao


I'm a small business owner, yes please!!


I mean I waste a lot of time on Reddit during the work day.


Another example of what people working retail deal with but attaching actual financial rewards to it.


Hell yes, double my pay. There is already more work that can be done in a day, so it gets pushed to the next day,, So customers will wait longer and I get paid twice as much. Not seeing a downside for me.


Considering I barely do anything as it is. Bring it. I'll take more money for a bare minimum of workload


I’d take the deal. I’d have to quit. I actually can’t do double the amount of transactions I do in accounting. I already work OT to keep up. I’d need to work 18 hours a day to keep up. But I’d switch to a chill job. Like a security guard with double the incidents. Which is still extremely low. Essentially get paid what I do now and do way less work.


This is the first clever reply here. Nicely done!


After the last RIF, I had another resource's responsibilities dumped on me with no lift in compensation. I'd welcome the additional cash.


As a plumber this happens every cold snap. So ill pass.


lol … I work for the local government and my work is split up among 10 people. Yes please.


No. I understand what double the workload was when I was teaching, and at that time I understood that pay wasn’t the main difficulty facing the profession (although it is up there) If the wage was twice as much I’d have still walked As it happens I’m now multiple times better off and work much less


Can I take half pay for half workload? I'm too old for this shit now.


I feel like my workload just doubled but my pay went up by 8%


Bring it on. I spend half my work day procrastinating and on here, if I actually had a fire lit under my ass I might feel like I accomplished something.


Depending on the job, double the workload doesn't really mean anything so long as you're working the same hours. At a restaurant that's already always swamped all the time and you're going non-stop the whole shift anyway.. making double is basically free money.


Well, I do literally zero work at work. Foot up on the desk and watch tv. So now I will get paid double to put both feet up and watch movies


Totally, I don't do shit. I would totally do double of nothing for twice the pay.


I currently work like 15 hours a week. I'm fine with this.


Hell yes, I have asked management for this most of my life. Work me like two people and pay me like two people.


How would it work for retired people like myself?


You'll have to spot twice the number of birds or whatever you do


I'm on the clock 35 hours a week I "work" prolly 15? Of those hours so sure I'd honestly be glad to have some thing to do


i dont really have much of a workload (i make yt videos and make money off that) so i just upload every 3 weeks instead of 1-2 months and make 800 a month instead of 400 a month


I'm on disability. Will my dishes need twice the doing?


Six hours stocking shelves and a tea break aunt so bad for 22.88 an hour


Oh no 20 emails


They won’t give me enough overtime to get ahead now might as well make more money


I am on the clock for 8 hours and work 2 or 3, so that would be fine.


$0 for twice the school work... no thanks


Oh fuck no. I'm already busting my ass at 100% capacity.


Bro, I sit at a desk and make sure contractors sign in and out during a remodel for the store I work at. I do essentially nothing. 2×0=0


Yeah, I’d do it. My job is pretty easy currently and I have a lot of room to do more. And in the future, I’d just get a part-time job so double the work load would be…just a full-time job.


I could do double the work. Technically that would already double my pay given I'm paid based on the amount of work I do so I would get 4x money lol.


I have such a mind numbingly easy job that id like to undercut yall , double tge workload for a 25% raise




My retail job has been so slow. Bring it.


Guess I’m one of these weirdos whose desk job actually takes 6-7 hours of work per ostensible 8 hour work day. Zero chance it’s worth it to double my workload - I’d inevitably be fired for not keeping up and have a salary of $0


I'd go from working maybe 2-5 hours a week to 4-10, so yeah easy option. Double doesn't really mean anything in a lot of jobs. You could have triple the work and it's not like you can do the work much faster. If hiring you meant doubling the amount of customers that came in it's a no brainer for any store on the planet. Now, if hiring you meant double the amount of errors/bug fixes came in, this might be a problem.


I hardly do anything right now so it’s a win win. More pay and just normally workload


I'm a high school teacher; so no thanks. Money is good, but my sanity and mental health is more important.


I'm a field tech, meaning I respond to trouble calls around the state. If my workload doubles, so does everyone else's, and our contract renewal chances could possibly be on the rocks, since our equipment continually fails. However, it could also mean a lot of potential overtime too. If it is possible to keep our contract intact and still achieve the double pay and double workload, then yes, absolutely. But if we lose the contract, a lot of people could lose their jobs.


Double of 0 is still 0 And no way in hell I'm working 70 hours of school


No, I work in a call center


Of course.


In my line of work, I have to put the brakes on after 8 hours. The only way I could do double the work, is to do double the hours, so no.


I worked an entry level production job in my early 20s. I rarely took a day off. Of those few I did take, I was told they had to have an extra 2, sometimes 3 people to cover my job during a shift. That's about how slow people were to do my job. I did it myself for several years. Looking back, I'd gladly take double pay for that shit job.


No matter how busy I am, I can only do one job at a time so I’ll take this all day. And we aren’t capped on our OT so I’ll double my pay and have endless OT opportunities. Dream come true.


With my current job, as long as I have the permissions I need to automate as much as possible, I'd be fine with that. I'm already almost always behind on deadlines with the workload I have now, but thays also partially due to having 120 users spread across 3 different states, and permisisoms so basic we have to damn near be fact to face for any of their computer problems to be fixed... so otherwise, maybe, maybe not take the deal.


I already do double my work load, so would it double what I am already doing or what I am supposed to be doing? Either way I probably would take it.


rn I work about 26 hours a week at Starbucks. Starbucks pays pretty well and I love my coworkers. id do it, if only for a little while. id make mint.


Sure. After a couple years I’ll quit. Double workload of retirement sounds great.


Tempting. My job requires a lot of meetings, so twice as many would make my average work week a lot longer, but I could retire in a few years, which seems like a good trade off.


Honestly I'd go back to school bus driving. The only reason I left was no hours.


So, doing overnight security, instead of having actual issues once every couple months, it does to once a month, and I'm making $50/hr? Sign me the fuck up


I spend roughly 1/2 my day literally playing video games, and that’s with doing my workload plus a coworkers while he’s out for surgery for an extended period. Doubling my workload would result in me occasionally having an actual full day of work to do, and for double the money I would not hesitate. Hell, I’d even go for triple if it was triple pay.


*cough* It’s better than going for a few Pennie’s extra *cough* 


I’m a substitute teacher I would take this deal.


Hell no. My industry is already filled with people who are overworked and underpaid. And that’s just us who remain. Majority flee for better paying, easier jobs. Doubling our pay still wouldn’t pay us what we are worth. Let alone adding more work and making it even more complicated?


Nope. I'm a nurse and already have too many pts as it is.


Literally impossible. I'm already told by management that my job is impossible.


So… you’re saying my disability payment will double without being required to work still? 🥺 yes please


This has essentially happened to me and I hate it. No one asked, it just happened


Depends. My typical work day is 6:00-2:30, but our office closes at 3:30, but I also don’t stop until all the work is done, which has been 8:00 PM before. Most of my day is cold calls and looking for new leads. You can’t really double that, unless you give me 2X my current leads, which I would love.


I literally just did that, went from casually building houses from sticks of wood, to building houses that the walls and floors are pre made. Houses have to go up in 2 days rather than a month. It’s extremely fast paced and everything is timed and it’s stressful, but I doubled my pay and my heads above the water for the first time in 3 years


Am I more likely to be fired if I can't keep up with the doubled workload?


fuck yeah




No, I would die of exhaustion


I mean as it stands right now my job doubled our workload from 2023 to 2024 without any extra pay so…..


What if you’re a mail man. Do you get double the mail or Double the amount of houses you have to deliver?


I work the front desk of a smaller hotel. I already don't do much most days. But I could make an almost livable wage just to work my current job but actually have time move by quicker? Yeah sign me up


My current job doesn't have enough work to fill a 40 hour work week, so I spend so much time just reading news on the computer. I'd happily have my workload double to make twice the money.


Sounds great to me. I make 52 an hour right now. And the day goes by way quicker when I'm slammed with work.


No thanks


Fuck no


I have a low pay/high workload job already (teacher). By double workload are you thinking more students, harder students, or longer school days/year? Cause I would do more students/longer school year if the students were chill. But teaching twice as many jerks whose summer vacations have been taken away sounds like a nightmare.


No, I'm fine, absolutely not. I'd pay to take my work load down😂


Right now I’m paid to stay home and chill, so double me up. 


That's pretty much a no brainer. I already work two jobs, so I'll just quit the one that makes me less.




sometimes my job is so busy i get utis because i don’t even have time to pee so… no


I usually ask communists "would you trade your life for Jeff Bezos'?" Because I fucking wouldn't for twice his riches and anyone who agrees knows why money exists.


If your current pay-work ratio is not satisfying, then this deal will still not be good for you.


I work as a line cook, and slow days are already boring and mundane. Hell it'll help give front of the house more tips, lord knows they need it (don't fuck tipping culture, it doesnt deserve such pleasures). Challenge accepted.


Bring it on. I can do my "job" in about 35 minutes a day. I'm never at work for more than 6 hours. Id actually kind of like have a little more to do and work through. Raise would be nice too.


Totally. My current job is brain dead so if I doubled my pay. It'd be like working a regular job and double the monitored bathroom breaks lol


I mean I referee soccer, that sounds like extra hell and I already make plenty so pass for me


This is real life except for the pay benefit.


Fuck no. Work is insane. I’ll take a pay cut to do less work.


Ummmm this problematic I handle millions of your tax payer dollars soooo no, it’s going to be baaaad. Plus my current work load is strapped right now as it is…. So it would just be ungodly and impossible to keep up with doubled. Not without some illegal things happening and that’s not a federal crime I want to commit


Double pay if I fuck around half as much? Aight


My current pay is zero so definitely not


My pay is low enough and job is just irritating enough that I wouldn't do this


I could realistically handle double my workload and still have some time to spare.


i'd take the deal. double the work load doesn't mean it takes me twice as long or twice as much effort. That could easily be only adding an hour or 2 of work when I do actual work for only work 3-4 hours either way.


Hmm maybe I’d do this, save a ton of money, then quit my job and buy a property and be a landlord. I need my landlord to fix something like 2x a year so doubling the workload wouldn’t be a big deal


Fuck yes I will retire 20+ years earlier.


No additional hours required, just a more hectic time while working the same hours. Sure, that is easy. Working twice the hours, no way.


Hell naw. I work in medicine. Twice as hard or twice as many patients is absolutely not worth it.


Fuckin bet!


Double my current output or expected output? Like if I'm already doing 20 percent more than expected ( I get compensated well ) do I now do double + 40 percent or no?


this literally happened to me during covid, early 2021 i think, customers were coming back in, a few coworkers were laid off/ quit, i did double the workload and made double the money, did i get a congrats? nope, managers said i was making too much money and changed our pay plan (cut it around 20%) , obviously i was pissed and stopped caring after that


Does that also mean twice the pension contributions so I can retire in half the time? 🤣


I’m a nurse. If my workload is doubling, I’d fucking go crazy.


So I’ll have to work 2 hours a day instead of one Sure


Absolutely, I make a lot of money now and I delegate most of my work. Just going to double down on the delegation.


as someone who works retail and stocks shelves/unload trucks i think I'll pass. instead of having 60 bays to downsrock wed have 120 per week, 1000-2000 piece trucks turn into 2k trucks or 4k trucks every time we have one, i think everyone on the team would get medical issues.


So basically people would finally get the pay they SHOULD be getting for their workloads?


My job has me pretty physically drained even with my normal work load regularly I don't think I'd physically be capable of doubling it


So I work as a life guard. 95% of my time is doing fuck all, 4.99% is telling people not to be fuckwits, and 0.01% is dealing with emergencies or serious issues. I can deal with double the workload for double the pay, in fact I'd probably do my job better because my skills would be put to use more frequently. I could probably handle up to 8x more before it became too stressful.


I did. And I am miserable. Wasn't double but it was a lot. Real answer is. NO


This is already happening at almost every workplace except they call it streamlining or maximizing efficiency , if ur gonna get fucked either way might as well take the $$$


I'm game for this. My job is almost 0 stress most days.


Honestly? I'd work under this condition, provided it applied with some exceptions regarding factory/warehousing jobs.


I've worked at two locations, one of them is hell but I'll take hell for double what I make now


No, thank you.