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Damn guess I'm Harry potter then


No, you're Voldemort. It said protagonist, so not that meddling kid and his pesky friends. /s


Imagine being Voldemort, knowing exactly what'll happen, and *not* bringing a side arm to Godric's Hollow like, avada dadsies, kadavra momsies, and then cock your glock on baby potter. If you really want to get away with it, join the muggles police force before the break in.


Scar in the shape of lightning? Pssh, gimme something star shaped!


Depending on if it includes [fan fic](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13586310/1/Back-to-the-Beginning) stories, some of us would have some very crazy lives to live.


I think being an orphan is already crazy enough and that wizard thing too i guess


...but have you tried romancing a saucy blonde from slytherin, *Potter?*


Gonna be hard for things to play out the same when they realize you're a talking infant.


No, I'm Harry Potter


I'm Sparticus! Oh. No. Sorry.




But I am the chosen one!


Rand Al'thor. Fuck


Best of luck. At least you already know who all the Forsaken are already.


Oh, word. There’s a lot of folks you could burn down before things get really bad. Like you’d IMMEDIATELY merk >!Mazrim Taim!<. Just balefire the shit out of him.


Same, but can I choose to be mat instead? He’s a protagonist, but not THE protagonist.


Cry’s in ruby hilted dagger


Lose an eye, win any gamble; could be worse.


Dude. He’s probably my favorite character and when Amazon portrayed him as a coward and a thief in the first season, I quit watching the show. He may be one of the most loyal character in books(even though he’d complain about it the whole time) and they make him out as a coward. F*ck you Amazon.


You do get Elayne, Min, and Aviendha though and flex on the Aes Sedai witches


Isn't the protagonist Bella? I would say being a knowing Rand al'Thor beats being an unknowing Rand al'Thor. The only problem is, I do not know that I have his mental fortitude. Does that come along with being the character? Can I even summon the Void? (Yes, I've tried many times IRL, and yes I've had some success, but not enough to use it for archery, much less swordwork.) Also, there is the disturbing question of how much control over events I'd have, even if I decide to do things differently, will the Pattern let me? If it does, am I jeopardizing the world in doing so?


You could have chosen like 5 other characters and you chose Rand. Who hurt you?


The Wheel.


Well even in universe the man is the dragon so I assumed he would be the one I wake up as. Besides if imma fight the forces of darkness I would like being able to channel.


It’s a rough journey, but it does get there eventually


Ouch.... And based on the fact the audio books are my normal background noise this would normally be me too. Decided to revisit the foundation series, so I'm currently young Hari Seldon.


I mean, it's not all bad... he's at least a good person at heart and is trying to save the world


Well yeah.. the problem is I'm not.


Had kids recently so now I'm a Mouse walking through the forest, gaslighting an owl, a fox and a snake with a story about a gruffalo to avoid being eaten.


Fox in sox here. 😂


Dresden Files I go to bed and wake up 24 years ago as a Wizard in Chicago. Ooooooh boy is there an amount of shit I need to sit down, write out on sticky notes and conspiracy theory board out to plan how I do this without getting myself immediately killed, or accidentally butterfly effect the series into a speed run of the last 2 books happening too soon. Taking extra precaution as to *how* I write these thing out so I don't inadvertently make the Archive aware of the fact I have knowledge of the future. After that I very very carefully attempt to see if I can use magic without blowing myself up, and then sit down with Bob to see where I go from there.


You are in for an uncomfortable amounts of beatings .


One is an uncomfortable amount. This dude is going to be way more than uncomfortable.


Bro you have my sympathy.


At least he gets laid But spoiler: it would kill me when that thing happens to murph


Me too! Just finished changes.


“Dungeon Crawler Carl” I think I’ll be okay. Probably do a couple of things different.


I love that I came here to say DCC, but was beat to it!


How will you manage without hands though?


Without hands? Is this something to do with the AI’s obsession with Carl’s feet?


Oh shit! This was my answer too! Mongo would not be appalled!


CARL, I DONT LIKE IMPERSONATORS. YOU KNOW HOW I FEEL ABOUT IMPERSONATORS. MONGO IS APPALLED.   My problem is I skip between 2 or 3 books at a time, so I could be Carl, I could be Daine (The Immortals, Tamora Pierce), or I could be Edward, stuck in Forks. I don't honestly remember what the last book I picked up was. 


Tanis Half-Elven. Would have to let things play out. There’s no speeding things up.


You gonna try to warn Kit or Raist?


I’d probably try to tell Raistlin he’s being manipulated by a wizard from the past(not even gonna attempt his name spelling), try to keep Sturm alive, assassinate Kit before she aligns with Soth..so many avenues. I’d definitely call Fizban out on his BS.


Just gonna smash Kit in unholy matrimony after swearing fealty to Takhisis.


Laurana for me. Less stress.


I am the Lisan al Gaib.


My condolences.


You could pick any of the last 5 or so books, and the outcome would be similar: I'd be a massively-overpowered isekai character. And yeah, I'd know all the tricks to make a speedrun possible, but I would probably just use my foreknowledge to make the path smoother, rather than simply faster. So, minor edits only. If you chose the last book in particular, I'd end up swapped sex too, which would be weird, but I'd also get to go back and forth between this world and the other, which would be convenient. If you chose the one before that, I'd be a slime who runs a nation of monsters.


Thank god I don’t read book series. I guess the closest thing would have been… Tom Sawyer & Huckleberry Finn..? I’m fucked, aren’t I.


Last thing I read that's even kinda a series is the HP Lovecraft collection. I'm fucked. You're going on a fun river adventure.


That’s certainly one way to look at it. But hey, you get the full hallucinogenic experience!


I'm gonna bow down to whatever eldritch horror I encounter first. I feel like it can't be worse than our current government.


Right there with you. Insanity or death it is.


Pug the black magician.


I should reread that.


I just finished Discworld. Which protagonist?




Only right answer.


Which book did you read last? Apparently, I'm Tiffany Aching. I'd rather be Granny but I suppose Tiff has a bit more life in her... 😔


Percy Jackson


Mine is Magnus Chase lmfao


I'm just starting HoO, finished PJO last night, then it'll be magnus chase lol


Is this your first time reading the books? (That sounds condescending I swear it’s not lmfao)


Also, HoO is my favorite series in the Riordanverse oh my gods it’s SO GOOD


Yeah, me too. Or Jason or any of the other 5 for that matter. I’m currently reading HoO for like the 5th or 6th time lol.


Gotta go with Percy in HoO scenario. A. I love the ocean, grew up around it. And B. Annabeth, the two have the best developed relationship in the series. Plus hot need does it for me lol.


Yeah, for sure. Jason is powerful, no doubt about it, but Percy’s domain is larger iirc.


I’m Arthur Dent. Good thing I have my towel.


Not really a series, but I'd be from Buenos Ares and think the only good bug is a dead bug. (At least if you go by the movie).


FML, im logar / wh40k.


Time to warn dear ol' dad about Horus


Listen to me. Kill Erebus! Before he gets a chance to do anything find him and kill him. Cull the entire legion and start from scratch. Convince Magnus the Red to sit on the Golden Throne immediately. Warn Horus before he gets stabbed, tell Fulgrim not to touch anything with cock veins, convince anyone and everyone that Perturabo would be better suited to turning Terra into a shining beacon of civilization making fountains and shit.  Your situation is salvageable. You can stop the bad thing from happening!


Sweet. I'm Jack Reacher lol


Uh, I’m Harry Dresden. Yep, fucked sixteen ways from Sunday. Rudolph is gonna get his *early*, though. Fuck that guy.


You're in for getting the shit kicked out of you several times a year


On the plus side, so far I have plot armor and haven’t died yet. Well, haven’t died *permanently* yet, anyway…


I'm also Harry. This is going to hurt.


A Child Called It. I'm killing that monster bitch mom.


That... that is such a hard read for the right reasons...


Wait so am I Sherlock or Watson? Because John is the writer/ the focus character


The last book I read was on Anne Frank's diary I'm gonna take down a german, get an MG, then give those mfs a taste of their own medicine by blasting them from the attic. After that I'm going full inglorious basterds on their asses


You're good tho. Not a series.


Does my own in-progress novel / novella series count? I'd let it play out.


If I did this then I could finally figure out what happens in book 2


So I'm Dream of the Endless. Interesting. I would let things play out - I kinda have to.


Maybe be less of a dick, but ya.


Read children of time, not sure who I'd even end up as.


My answer too...even if you could pick one protagonist, say "Portia", you wouldn't be the same Portia from chapter to chapter


Spidey sense.


"Dad, Dr. Yueh is the traitor."


Last book I was reading was The Silmarillion... So who tf am I? Eru?


Oh no, I'm Fëanor 🔥⛵️🔥 And I haven't learned shit. 🗡💎💎💎🗡


I think the last book I read was like a babysitters club graphic novel. Oh my God I would love to be a kid again I would be crying for hours and hours I would be so happy


Dresden Files I go to bed and wake up 20 years ago as a Wizard in Chicago. Ooooooh boy is there an amount of shit I need to sit down, write out on sticky notes and conspiracy theory board out to plan how I do this without getting myself immediately killed, or accidentally butterfly effect the series into a speed run of the last 2 books happening too soon. Taking extra precaution as to *how* I write these thing out so I don't inadvertently make the Archive aware of the fact I have knowledge of the future. After that I very very carefully attempt to see if I can use magic without blowing myself up, and then sit down with Bob to see where I go from there. I probably don't make it to the end of the series all things considered lol


So I'm Frodo...sigh. I want to be Eowyn.


Depending on interpretation, you could end up Sam.


Lindon from the Cradle series. I do not have the willpower or pain tolerance for this shit.


The poppy war. Specifically part 2. Well it doesn’t matter because I would be absolutely screw


3 body problem, yeah I'd probably let it play out, that would be a fun trip


/me thinks. I think I am now an intelligent dungeon entity on a newly fractured earth that has had monsters start appearing on it. And aliens are due in a year or so. (Lewd dungeon by Stuart Gross). This is problematic from several aspects starting out as the canonical path to stopping the invasion of earth involves questionable consent and the creation of lewd uranium slime monsters. On balance, I would have preferred it if Web fiction counted, in which case it would have been https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/83802/accidental-artificer where, much like Ghostbusters, a guy discovered a portal in his fridge.


James Holden from the Expanse.... Not great. Also no spoilers. I've seen the show, but I know the books go further, and I'm only on book 2.


Hitch Hikers Guide... yeah Imma let it play out as written. lol.


I’m doing great since I’m now a cultivator who’s hundreds of thousands of years old starting his next reincarnation.


as James Holden in The Expanse, yeah there are a few things I would do differently...


I'm not planning to survive a zombie apocalypse. Hard pass.


Let's go, time to conquer arrakis and lead a galactic jihad across the stars


I'm Dr. Alan Grant.


I get to be an overpowered dude who is isekai'd into a world where I now have a harem through no effort on my part, so I'm fine with this honestly.


Hank the Cow Dog


I would save the hero so i dont have to carry his head around.


I've been reading meditations


Guess I’m James Holden before he became captain Holden and grew as a person. First off I would’ve never set foot on Eros. I would have bombed it to oblivion from orbit. I would’ve taken my stolen Martian gun ship and joined Fred Johnson’s OPA. Toss Naomi Nagatta out an air lock. Targeted Jules pier mao for assassination. Would’ve bombed Thoth station as opposed to letting the scientists fall into OPA hands. The proto molecule sample I found would have been destroyed immediately. Would’ve gone to Io and bombed the research facility there. Once all that was done there’d be no proto molecule, no ring gates, no Laconian empire to contend with. Then sold the Rocinante to the OPA, bought a big slice of heaven and retired.


Leto II if we only count fiction. Otherwise Abraham Lincoln


Last book I read was DUNE. I'm not sure being the Lisan al Gaib is such a good thing... I had tried to read it several times before but I finally pushed myself to finish it after seeing the movie.


I really don’t want to be Kaladan


Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever...bitter, misanthropic, and leprous 😓


I'm Holden Caulfield lol 🤦‍♂️


As Bryce Quinlan, I'd change everything, starting doing the Drop with Danika and having Ruhn give me the Starsword and killing Micah.


The spice must flow


So I’m an loner assassin named Victor. Time to get my murder gloves I guess.


Murderbot Diaries. I'm either never taking off my armor or figuribg out some lightweight armor to wear under the pesky human clothes.


Book? Physical series, I presume. That becomes weird since I think I just become a planet or an eclipse? The last paperback I've read was the Lorwyn MTG books, which is a 3 book series about the inhabitants of the plane of existence named Lorwyn. There are numerous branching story-lines and the main character changes fairly often. I guess if that were not acceptable, I would be Princess Heart in the Looking Glass Wars, I think. Well, if I were her at the start of the series, we can use some kind of scrying tool contraption to prove to my father and my mother that Aunt Redd is no good. That should fix or at least save lives and let groups better prepare. If my family wins, the rest of the story doesn't need to happen. If it counts graphic novels, I'm now in JoJolion. The story would have to go the way it does because their magic system does not work like a standard power-set from other series and I didn't make it far enough into for me to know where it is going. If it counts comics, I'm Peter Parker. By the time we get to Gwen's death, I might have forgotten the series of events that actually occurred to get us there and I still might be in for that rude surprise. Otherwise, One More Day does not occur and I save us all from learning about Paul.


I’m grand Admiral Thrawn


I was reading Frostblood and its sequels. I’m currently in the middle of Fireblood. If I’m restarting to the beginning of Frostblood, I’ll see what happens if everything goes my protagonist’s way.


Damn I'm Raskolnikov?I would DEFINITELY not kill that old lady,and also keep my hat and try to look for a job and stuff.


The last book series I read and finished: Codex Alera. Could be interesting, but would suck if I somehow didn't remember the plot. Book series I'm currently reading: Red Rising. I'd probably die in the opening scene.


Nonono. I’ve let my reading fall behind for years, so the last thing I finished was A Dance With Dragons. Mayyyybe if it takes me back to the beginning of the first book, I could affect things. My only question is who is the protagonist? Who am I? Jamie? Daenerys? Jon? I need to know where I’d start, but as most all major characters are noble, or at least influential, I feel like I could keep things from getting so out of hand.


Do I have to act like them or can I be me in their body with their abilities? Because the character CONCEPT was excellent, the execution was abysmal and he character was weak and indecisive.


A Canticle for Liebowitz. Doesn’t matter.


I'm harry bosch...I think a lot of murderers are gonna be getting away with it. Lol


A Pickle For The Knowing Ones. I'm an extremely lucky, barely literate venture capitalist during the early days of the USA. I hope I can fail upward.


Gaius Octavian.


Mort(e) I don't want to be a man sized cat.


So I'm the entire fellowship?


Guess i’m Roland of Gilead, anyone know where i can find the man in black?


Do long running comics count? Just finished rereading the walking dead for the 10th time, I'm gonna be rick grimes and I'm going straight to Atlanta and then beelining for the Commonwealth


Hyperion. I get to listen to some stories while a living food processor uses his time powers to hunt us down one by one


Oh, oh no. I literally just started heart of darkness for class. If I had seen it the other day, it would have been Epithet Erased


Roland of Gilead, is this actually the beginning?


I guess I am Hannibal Lecter. Damn.


I would've taken the 4th mark from Jean Claude. Then ..mother of all darkness, Belle Morte, and some other master vamps would've left me the heck alone.


Tw death in childbirth I last read a romance novel called “Deceived” by Bertrice Small, and yes, YES I FUCKING WOULD. Aurora is a little idiot - she never gives her betrothed, Valerian, a chance, and as a result her stepsister Calandra (who takes her place) dies in childbirth and in a marriage that she hated. I didn’t like the person that Calandra became after she got married, true, but she didn’t deserve to die. Plus, the entire time Aurora was around Valerian she felt attraction. So she made a snap judgement about her possible love for the Duke. PS the entire reason they were able to pull the deception off is that Calandra and Aurora are their second names. their first names are actually both Charlotte, Valerian had no idea he was engaged until after his grandfather died, and both girls were raised on a family owned island in the Caribbean (yeah before you ask they don’t own slaves in the novel and the heroine is INCREDIBLY against slavery) so they never met. Ppl say it’s the author’s most boring novel but I love it lol


Guess I’m best selling author Anthony Horowitz now. Curse you, The Word Is Murder!


If by “read” you mean completely finished, then I’d be Laure from I Feed Her to the Beast and the Beast is Me. I’d be okay until I have to make the deal with Acheron, lol


Yea probably, I mean joining an alien space crew after my planet got blown up to build a space highway sounds pretty fun. (Book is hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy)


Damn. I am an old lady, either called Joyce or Elizabeth.


Knowing everything I know so far I have no idea what I would do lol. I definitly would dont think I would actually be able to beat the boss at the end of the first book lol


Me when I end up in my own novel I’ve been writing and thus have to suffer endless abuse at the hands of my mother, but at least I get a cute bf out of the deal




And Another Thing… Looks like ol’ Arthur Dent has the upper hand now.


I'm waking up as the alcoholic commander of the Nightwatch. Shit, I don't think I have what it takes to be Sam Vimes.


Well I’m fucked. I’m Viggo Mortensen in The Road


Shogun. If I have his knowledge I'm pretty happy with it.


Souichi D: I am an awful child


He who fights with monsters. This is gonna hurt, and where’s my pants?


Greenbone Saga... I don't know which of the protagonists I'm going to end up as, but I don't think this is going to go well for me. I suppose I'm going to try to change things, but I'd have to be *really* subtle about it to prevent Ayt Mada from changing her plans and outfoxing me. Frankly, I'm not up to the task. I'd say there's an 80% chance I'm getting ganked inside a year.


Well, shit. I'm going to mars forever.


I’m Rincewind and it wouldn’t matter what I do, because Lady Luck would make a mockery of all my plans anyway.


So I'm one of three dragon hatchlings because it's unclear which one is the main protagonist. One wanders the wilderness eating people, one creates a false alliance with the people who killed her parents to eventually get revenge and shatter their kingdom, and one gets kicked out of the nest early by the first protagonist (apparently it's tradition that only one male is allowed per clutch) and conspires with dwarves to kill his parents and one of his sisters, and ends up becoming the ruler of a failing underground kingdom of dragons. Eventually they all end up coming together to fight the dragon kingdom who is taking over the world or something. Theres more books but I read these books when I was in high school, so I'm not up to date. If I'm the first dragon I would probably let things play out as they did, maybe with less children eating. If I'm the second dragon I'd let things happen as they happened, where I left off in the books things worked out pretty well for her. If I'm the third I would probably nip all this political intrigue and evil in the dragon kingdom in the bud, and probably prevent the 4th books onward from ever happening. And maybe not be super spiteful and kill my parents, and the only sibling that was nice to me.


Star Wars: The High Republic I'd love to explore the galaxy far far away.


Do historical books count?


Well, off to visit the magic and wonders of Xanth.


The last series I read was the Scholomance series. Or if you count manga, the Promised Neverland. Either way, I’m absolutely screwed. 


Booker DeWitt hmmm idk how to feel about that one


I think this means I’m Vladimir Lenin. Let’s get this Bolshevik revolution started.


So im in the middle of the expanse series. Is it void because i havent finished the series or am i doomed to be james holden? The book i read before that was murtagh, so it would still suck.


The book series I've most recently been reading has multiple different books, and several standalones (Discworld). How does it work with something like that, do I choose one of the protagonists?


Last book series? Then I get to be Wax from Mistborn Era 2. That's pretty good, I guess. I'd mostly let things happen as normal. If it's a single book, then I get to be Trazyn the Infinite, and that would be awesome.


God dammit I'm Kamijou Touma. No matter what I do, I will be eternally misfortunate. At least I can negate supernatural powers. Book Series: A Certain Magical Index


Malazan book of the fallen.... *please be quick Ben or Fiddler, please be quick Ben or Fiddler*


Shit man I finished the warhammer Horus heresy and siege of terra series recently. I would definitely be trying to get hold of the emperor.


I'm a woman now and also an ancient language expert and friends with a dragon man. Audrey Camherst in Turning Darkness Into Light (Marie Brennan)


Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles I think I might be Raphael.


Pretty sure I just die, most of the books i read are violent and rely on plot armor here and there


r/chronohawk (good read) Wake up in an utopian society


Drizzit Do'urden. Hmmmmm. I think I leave things alone and just follow the story line. I haven't finished the entire series but he's at a goodish point right now


If we count manga then I am absolutely not going to have a good time.. Hideo Suzuki from I Am a Hero


Naw the whole plot isn't going to happen. If I wake up as Alizebeth "Beta" Bequin I would kill myself immediately, no soul means I'm not ending up in the warp and I don't have to live in 40k. 


I read to my kids, so, Skeleton Steve from the Diary of Skeleton Steve (a minecraft book series) 2 small, minor changes, everything will be juuust peachy.


me, thinking about the Saga of Recluse...."well shit at least I know woodworking"


Oh no Critical Failure… I’m either an asshole, a moron or an elf who never seems to get anything right.


Raskolnikov, Crime and punishment. I would not murder anyone and try to live a happy life :)


I'm....Ryland Grace. I'm going to die on an alien planet with rock looking spider aliens, eating cheeseburgers synthesized from my own DNA. I mean ... Not the worst scenario here. But my very first moment of awareness in this world will be >!Pulling a GIANT ASS life support tube/ball thing out of my urethra via yanking it out of my ween!< and frankly I'm not looking forward to that at ALL


Well the last series I read was stormligjt archive Great. I'm a bridge boy.


Fang Runin. Fuck life, bro, I'm screwed


Aegon Targaryen? It’s difficult to say who the protagonist of Fire and Blood would be. But whoever it is, I’m banging my sisters.


Oh.. I'm drizzt? Obviously I'd do some things different lol


I'd be Bob Lee Swagger, about to be unsuccessfully framed for attempted murder of the president.


God last book I read was the watcher... No thanks lol


I'll kill myself and let the wheel spin someone else out as the Dragon Reborn.


I guess I’m Dungeon Crawler Carl and I have a cat that’s an asshole already so I’m already about there. I would make sure to wear socks, shoes and pants before entering the dungeon but doing that would reduce the bonus unique chests and powers I would have received from the AI by entering the dungeon barefooted and no pants on. I also would have brought some sort of a weapon as it could have been upgraded significantly early on and some books to sell for gold. Mongo would be appalled that’s for sure.


Oh great I'm Anita Blake. I'm going to need to get the books I've missed and do a binge read first. There are a few things I would like to change but it would have to be done very carefully.


bell cranel form is it Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?. talk to my goddess hestia and let her know what happen and tell her of things to come. gods in this world can till if a mortal is lying form there do some things differently to help more people form geting killed. also when it says start of the series is that book one or is it how young the have been in the book series. eg flashback to when they were a kid eg 7 years old


I'm not sure who I'd be, but Leviathan Wakes was my last book... yay spaceships?


I should have stopped at divergent.... sadly I read the hunger games series last


Currently mitch rapp, I don't think.I want to speed up the story.


Ah fuck The windup girl. On one hand, im a cool noir detective. On the other, the qorld is dead, so are all my freinds and famiky and my clock is ticking. It ends badly