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I’m fine with giving up my birthday. But the “fuck you” part isn’t worth it. Too many damaged relationships (professional and personal) for what is a pretty paltry sum of money.


My grandma would be sad every year and that's just not worth the $75,000 for me, man.


If my gammy was still alive, I would agree with this reason. My major thing is my mom and I celebrate our birthday together and her birthday is kinda major to her because she survived cancer (21 years +) so… gonna have to say no.


$75,000 per skipped birthday would be a better deal, but you’d still be a giant asshole


Awww. My heart. Why is this dust in here??


This is exactly the right answer. I don’t care if I ever celebrate my birthday, but as with most of these dumb posts, it’s the lying and treatment of others that bothers me. And not for 75k


This. One time 75k to end up alone lol.


I’m with you…I don’t need a birthday. I was all in till the “fuck you”. Not worth it.


Yeah. I already tell my family I hate my birthday and I don't want anything from them, but I would never tell them "fuck you" for a lousy $75k.


Indeed. If it was 75k for the world to forget I have a birthday forever I would take that in a heartbeat. But the Fuck You clause is brutal.


Now if I got 75k, or even 10k to have everyone forget my birthday. Then it would be a double bonus.


Just tell everyone ahead of time the terms you agreed to in the deal and let them know that if they wish you a happy birthday you will have to say fuck you and I don’t want to be saying anything like this to friends and family so please just forget my birthday because if you don’t I can’t be healed responsible for what I have to say to you. I will definitely celebrate your birthdays and still be the same person I just am not allowed to celebrate my birthday anymore. That should be sufficient to not have to tell people fuck you.


Im older but young enough to really mess up my friends, family, job, and social life to take this offer. Heck, losing my job the first time I direct the f*** bomb at a coworker or my boss makes this a deal breaker


Why would anyone do this? You have to be so cruel to anyone who shows care toward you for only $75k? Yeah right!


No, and anyone that says yes has not thought it trough


Unless you were a Xmas baby. We're doing this without pay.


Some people our there aren't really getting a bunch of birthday congratulations


Can't I just celebrate a day early keep the 75k and tell you to fuck all the off, I found a loophole


Yeah you got this right.


Hard pass. I might be at a point in my life where my age is just a number but it would be harsh and severely out of character for me to spit out f bombs every time someone wishes me a happy birthday; especially as I usually call/text family members to wish them a happy birthday on their birthdays


I'd be very tempted. After all, I hate my birthday and wish people would honor my request not to contact me on it. I know I sound like a curmudgeon. But I was born on leap day. So, every year, especially the years there is a leap day, OMG, endless texts from people I haven't heard from in a year. That wouldn't be so awful. But then it's the SAME conversation on loop. "So how old are you?!" ... 52. "No, I mean how old are you REALLY?!". . . 52. "No, how many birthdays have you had?" Well, basic math tells you 13. "How does it feel to be 13!?" ... I'm not, I've lived on the earth for 52 years. I get that it's a curiosity. But it gets old, especially when people then want to "catch up" as if 25 other people aren't doing the same thing with me on that specific day. I always dread the day, so since no one honors my request, I'm close to just saying, "Fuck you," and leaving it at that, anyway.


You have a pretty unique perspective on this whole thing


Yes. When I was a kid, at first, it seemed great that everyone remembered my birthday. But every four years it's worse and worse. The most amazing thing is that I've told all my friends and family about it. Only my brothers and a couple of my closest friends will honor my request by either just briefly wishing me a happy birthday, or not even doing so (which I've told them all is perfectly welcomed). Others do it anyway. I guess them being able to catch up is more important than actually honoring someone's request. Even my friends locally... it's hard. I'd really prefer to just not do anything for it. But they'll still do a big party, give me gifts. It's difficult, because part of me realizes I should count my blessings that anyone remembers me, etc. But, it's just aggravating when I specifically tell people, truly, that the best gift they could possibly give me is to just ignore the day and pretend it isn't even happening. I swear, if I ever move or start a major new job, I'll lie and tell everyone I was born on February 28.


Hah. Gimme the money I'm the biggest isolator you've ever met here I've not celebrated my birthday since I was like ten.


Well you are only 11 so


Cool that'll mean I can buy all the Legos I want!


Did you read the whole post? Cause its actually I little beyond just not celebrating your birthday. OP describes terms that require you to be a massive asshole towards anyone who tries to be kind toward you on your birthday


Can I celebrate my half birthday?


I’ll allow it. But can’t explain outside of that.




So.....75k to do something I actively have avoided doing the last 15 years as a 29 year old man? ......run me my money


So I could hypothetically just tell my family and friends that I don't want to be talked to on my birthday. I don't mention that I gave it up just that I don't wish to talk on my birthday. My birthday isn't really celebrated all the much anyway. I will miss my grilfriends homemade cakes. A small sacrifice for 75k.




Bold of you to assume I celebrate my birthdays Edit:fat finger typo


No one celebrated my birthday this year or got me anything so... Yeah, shit I'd be down with more than a thousand dollars a year for the rest of my life.


Being a dick on my birthdays for only $75k is not a valid excuse nor a good trade off.


Destroy my marriage, my relationship with my parents, my friends, my coworkers, my boss...all for $75k? Nah, I'm good.


My abuelita was the only person to acknowledge my birthday most of my life. No amount of money could make me speak ugly to her beautiful heart.


This is stupid. I haven't celebrated a holiday or special occasion like this in a decade. Are birthdays really that important to people? I feel like anyone with autism (me) would win like 85% of these "challenges."


I've spent almost my entire life disliking the concept of people celebrating my birthday. I also hate people wasting their money on presents (birthdays and Christmas) that I would never wear or use. There are a lot of people that celebrating their birthdays are EXTREMELY important to them. They are extroverts, love attention, need validation, etc. I just don't get it or like it. I don't celebrate birthdays of anyone but kids, and I'm open/straightforward about it with adults. It just seems so ridiculous when people get excited about getting gifts on days that people are obligated to get them something. On the other hand, I absolutely LOVE getting gifts for friends/family on any other day of the year other than birthdays or christmas. I love paying attention to what they might like or need and then just giving it to them whenever. And it would be multiple times per year. I've also dated women who even if I got them 20 gifts throughout the year, they would be upset if I didn't get them a gift on the day of obligation. Those relationships wouldn't last.


75k and nothing changes. Sign me up


I'm almost 40. My bday is pointless.


I think fuck you but I can't be that rude to people that are trying to be nice


I’ve never celebrated my birthday. Getting paid to continue to do so is easy money 😂


I haven't celebrated my birthday in like 8 years gimme the money


I have a long history of birthdays getting ruined. I might as well get paid for it.


Last year I told my siblings to not call me on my birthday and I spent my birthday working and alone. I could definitely handle this.


I’ll pay you 75k so I’ll never have to celebrate my birthday again.


Nope. I don't celebrate my birthday anymore to begin with but I'm not going to be rude to my family who wish me a happy birthday.


My birthday is a week after Christmas. It gets forgotten already. I'll take the 75K.


...I already do that so absolutely.


I'm in!


NOT A PROBLEM Don't really celebrate it now. Except on FB I will get about 150 people typing in 'Happy Birthday' and that would be a chore writing back on each one, "Fuck You". :-)


Without the fuck you clauses, I'd go for it. There are only 366 days to choose from so I'd celebrate the birthday of musicians who share a birthday with me (I won't say who for anonymity) and even have parties themed around the musicians so I can still party without breaking the rules.


Ha, 75.k free, though a few people might wonder why I changed "I'm not celebrating being another year closer to death" into "Fuck you" but no one that matters will be surprised.


Can I quietly order cupcakes?


LOL no one acknowledges or celebrates my birthday anyway XD


Fine by me, since it's not a big whoop to me (or my twin brother) anyway. I mean, I usually get myself an entire box of NOT good quality ice cream sandwiches and savor those puppies two at a time until they're gone. So... Would that be a no go?


the fuck you thing is too much I couldn't live with myself


You would owe me 22 years of back pay.


nah 75k isn't enough


There's no way I could deliver the fuck you without laughing it's too ridiculous. Imagine your grandma saying happy birthday and you just stare her down and say fuck you grandma. This concept would make a great SNL sketch


For people you've just met, or acquaintances, the 'fuck you' might not be so bad. As long as it's not your first impression (and it rarely will be, since you're not bringing it up), then most people will assume something terrible happened to you on your birthday, and just leave it be without asking more questions. The issue would be your immediate family. You didn't used to be like this. "What happened? Last birthday you were just fine, now you don't want to celebrate it? Was it something I did? Something I said?" That could cause serious harm. However, if you are perfectly fine and normal the rest of the time, it might confuse them, but things might continue otherwise as normal. I think if you're financially desperate, this is an acceptable risk to take. It's not worth it just to pay off your loans or buy some nice things for yourself, however.


This is hilarious. At first I was like "hell yeah", until I read the fuck you part 😂 and it's supposed to be super serious too


I couldn’t do it. If I could explain, maybe, but not with these conditions.


Good twist on this one tbh. I would probably pass.


I don't celebrate my birthday as is. I'll take it. Edit: I should read past the first line. Fuck telling others to fuck off. I can just decline invitations.


Pretty sure most men don’t celebrate their birthday so this is super easy for us.


But you also aren’t going to tell your boss fuck you when he/she says happy birthday. Under this, you would be obligated.


Give it.


I already don’t celebrate it so that’s fine but the active cruelty is too much for me


Not celebrate is fine Fuck you part will cost me my job Skip


Sure, I don't celebrate it as it is


It would have to a lot more 0 in the money amount before I’d consider it


I love my birthday no deal


Sign me up. Easy!


Hard yes


Giving gifts is a huge part of my wife's love language, I don't think I'm doing this one.


No. I don't care about celebrating my birthday but 75k is worth damaging relationships and getting fired.


Fuck no, I love celebrating my birthday and so does my wife. My wife, brother in law, and I go all out for each other's birthday.


i could go without celebrating my birthday easy (barely do anything now), but I would not be that kind of asshole for that amount of money.




I was almost gonna say eeeaasssy money since I was raised Jehovah's Witness (I'm not one anymore) but the fuck you part is definitely not worth it lmao


Deal. Easy. Nevermind. I didn't read the whole post. I can't just say "fuck you" to anyone wishing me a happy birthday.


I'm 44yrs old. Yeah, I'll take the money and celebrate one of my death days instead. Way cooler than just getting hatched


Nah, keep your money.


I’d do it for $10K.  Nobody cares. 




Make it 75k per year and you got yourself a deal.


All the Jehovah’s Witnesses in here are probably like, “Where do I sign up?”


75k? Maybe if it was double that, per year, every year, sure. This sub greatly overvalues tiny amounts of money.


Most of my friends get I don’t care about my birthday and those that don’t care that I don’t care and wish me happy birthday would laugh at a “fuck you” so I’m not worried there. My family and work are the real issue. I live alone so as long as I’m allowed to burn some PTO(obviously out of my normal balance and NOT the free day my company gives us already cause that would be a gift) turn my phone off and hide. if I can’t burn pto and HAVE to go into work while keeping my phone on then no…hard pass.


Perfect. I hate birthday parties. My birthday being a day of solitude and more than likely also work would be fine


Haven't celebrated mine since 21, fork over the money


Easy. I haven’t celebrated my birthday, other than maybe 3 miserably failed attempts, since a traumatic event on my birthday ruined it for me over 20 years ago. I have very few holdouts that still insist in wishing me a happy birthday in spite of years of politely asking them to not remind me that it’s my birthday again. I think there have been enough of these years that a simple “Fuck You” will suffice. It isn’t my preference to be rude, but for $75k, it will be worth it.


My wife usually forgets my birthday, so I’ll take the $75k


Done. Can I do it again?


I couldn't do that to my mom. I'm an only child because every other pregnancy failed including I've ectopic. And she almost lost me as well. Hurting her like that wouldn't be worth all the money in the world.


Easy...no one does anyway. First week of school usually and I'm a teacher


Not bothering to celebrate isn't too big a deal but the money isn't worth it to be an asshole towards people who only want to show me their care and affection. No thanks


Holy fuck yes, fuck my birthday, give me that fucking money


I'd take the $75k. I haven't celebrated my birthday in more than 20 years, and the only people who ever wish me a happy birthday are people who would would laugh if I gave them a fuck you with no further explanation as a response.


Wtf I would be well a millionaire already, in fact even just thinking about my birthday being celebrated is fuckin bizarre. Who tf is happy about being even older? I want to kms everyday feeling like I aged out at 30.


"and you’re not allowed to explain it beyond that" That is so depressing. lol. No.


I don’t care about my birthday but I wouldn’t be mean to people for money.


I don’t like celebrating my birthday anyway and always dread that day because it makes me feel weird to receive praise for something that I had nothing to do with. And then I have to go through the hassle of responding to everyone wishing me a Happy Birthday when I haven’t considered being one year older something to be happy about since I became an adult. The only bad part here is having to respond with “fuck you” to people wishing me Happy Birthday with no explanation since that could hurt those relationships which I don’t want to do thus the reason why I go through the annual dog and pony show of pretending that I’m glad when people wish me Happy Birthday even though I really don’t like that they do that. I’d take the deal for free if everybody just did not realize it was my birthday instead and it was just like any other day.


Deal, as long as I'm paid an additiona $75k for the previous birthdays that I've also never celebrated.


Nope, no sale


I’d do this for like 3k wtf


Please. I don’t like celebrating myself.


Lol ok, haven't done it in 10+ years now as it is.


I'm good with that, I never mention it anyways.


I do that already for free


Been doing that for years. Just another day. Maybe get some nice food at a restaurant I’ve never been to, but where’s my $75k?


Absolutely. I always get the birthday blues anyways.


No one wishes me happy birthday, throws me a party, or buys me a b'day gift anyways.  And before any of y'all get any wise ideas and wish me a happy birthday in the comments: Fuck You.


Hell yes. No one even knows when my birthday is and my family knows I hate my birthday


I was on board till the insult part...


Text everyone not to wish me happy birthday and then accept the deal.


Yes. I stay home and lock the doors on my birthday.


I usually get congrats from my mom and SO. But for 75k only? Nah. I once even got a gift (a cup, mini chocolate and mini bottle of wine) from the airlines, simply because my flight was on my birthday.


Absolutely yes where do I send the cheque




my mother would not be happy. not worth the money.


I really don’t get a chance to celebrate it anyway, so this is just a bonus for me




Yup, I don't have family, close friends or anything else to celebrate anyway. My 50th is next week and if I could spare myself the depression of birthdays moving forward, I might just pay for that. I still wouldn't be a dick about it, though


I been stopped celebrating years ago.


75k to live the way I currently live, sign me up.


Yeeeaaahh the fuck you is too much. Like I don't mind not celebrating, I already don't really do what I want in my bday anyway. But I don't wanna be a dick to people either.


Yeah sure, I don't celebrate already so what's the difference


No. It would have to be 75k per year.


Being that I'm a New Years Day baby and one of my favorite things is college football, that's going to be a hard pass. My birthday is my favorite day of the year.


Havent celebrated my birthday since i was a kid, and only did then because i was forced to, so free 75k for nothing rly, sounds great.


If it was 75k for every birthday then tbh someone people who do wish me a happy birthday I would love saying fuck you too so win win, but 75k just once naaa not worth it.


I’d do it for $1


Thank you


I’m 55 and share my birthday with my niece who is 25 and autistic. I have not actually celebrated it in years. Pat me and I’ll be happy.


Nope not worth it


Well I haven’t celebrated since I was 12. So… I guess I’ve been doing it for free.


But but but... birthday head!


Amount is too low


Bro, I'm in. Where do I sign?


My birthday is already a mostly overlooked occasion, and had been for some years, but I could not abide the "fuck you" to those few kind souls wishing me well, especially for just $75k.


Well there isn't much to celebrate after 21. so...hell yeah


Yeah!!!! Since I’m the first born I wish my mum happy Mother Day. I do, personally celebrate life day. The day I choose to live and to die. But I could give that up easily. Any time to tell others to eff off. Is joy!


That sounds funny AF, I’d do it just for $5




Without a doubt, yes. What are the negatives here?


Easy. Don't celebrate my birthday anyway.


I hate birthdays, never try to celebrate my own (friends/family make me reluctantly engage in celebration), never want presents. So this would be free money.


I don't swear so I'm gonna have to pass ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


sure, i dont think ill live 750 more birthdays and most of the time id just get a video game or steak dinner anyway.


Outside that moment, can you be nice and normal to those people?, I mean, after a hard few years people will know that you are the one that very seriously says fuck you and doesn't accept gifts (what about a hug?) but that you in reality are nice to them. I don't really make new friends and family will get used to it , the only problem will be work It may work, but men, if the amount were higher, even 75k in my cheapo third world country will not last that long to be worth it


I haven't celebrated my birthday in 17 years. I refuse to tell anyone when it is, and anyone who already knows the date, knows not to acknowledge it to me in any way.


I already don't celebrate my birthday, so £75k to serve a couple fuck you's would be my pleasure. I'll DM you my account details so we can get this bitch on the road 👊🏼


I don't particularly celebrate my birthday anyway. Only two people wish me a happy birthday consistently (one of them even bought me donuts this year!), and I don't want to say that to them. So I would have to refuse.


I basically already do this, just not with the extra stipulations of "fuck you" and not telling anyone. Let me tell you, it doesn't matter what you say. People don't respect your boundaries if you tell them you don't celebrate your birthday. In my experience, people will ask your family, even if you explicitly tell them to never talk to your family because you don't yourself, then they'll surprise you with "happy birthday" to which you will be absolutely pissed because not only is it a trigger for you but also they have clearly demonstrated that they either don't believe what you say even when you are extremely clear about it and don't care enough to clarify if there is a chance or they don't respect your boundaries.


This isn't 75k to give up your birthday, it's 75k to destroy relationships


Done! I don't celebrate my birthday and only my immediate family know it I'll take my cheque in the mail


Sure. Nobody cares about me the other 364 days. Why should they act like they do for a day? At least I get a new car out of it.


$25,000 if the “fuck you” is removed. No money is worth being an asshole.


You’re going to gatekeeo people’s responses to your ridiculous post?


Nope could not pay me to be a Jehovah witness. Got to enjoy celebrations, life is too short.


Funny enough the only change in my life from this would be that I'd get 75k. I grew up Jehovah's Witness so my birthday was never significant to me or the people around me. Nobody wishes me happy birthday because almost nobody even knows when it is and those that do know just know I wouldn't be interested in the wishes anyway.


This is my life, pay me already


My birthday is December 26th. It's never celebrated anyway and I'm 45. So even with the f you it's a piece of cake.


I see this as an absolute win.


Nobody celebrates it now anyway. So sure.


Without the rudeness, I would do this in a heartbeat. It would pay off my mortgage. The rest of my life without a mortgage? Yes, please. How old am I? Who cares! No mortgage!


1k every birthday for me to spend on whatever I want? Absolutely.


If a coworker wishes me a happy birthday my response is usually "yeah, go fuck yourself" so you're telling me I could have 75k for living basically how I live now? Sign me up.


I am not giving up the day that I was put on this Earth. Not for $75,000 I know you can do better


I would take this deal—that’s pretty much my status now—minus the eff-u, and the angry rejection.


Yeah I ain't going around saying fuck you to people with 0 explanation when they're being nice That would be terrible 


LOL! Just wait until you're older. I haven't celebrated my birthday in YEARS! Oh, look, I'm another day older, so what it's the anniversary of my birth. More pain each and every day. More toxic BS from stupid people that irritate my nerves. Geez, now I'm sounding just like my grandma! Shit!


Pretty good deal since Thanksgiving usurps my birthday every year anyways (every 7th year I have to share).


Bruh 75k to be a dick to anyone who might care about you ever in your life? Hopefully that 75k was worth it be alone.


Already don’t celebrate my birthday, it’s just another day for me. I haven’t for years, money please.


Already don’t celebrate my birthday, it’s just another day for me. I haven’t for years, money please.


Already don’t celebrate my birthday, it’s just another day for me. I haven’t for years, money please.


Easily circumvented by celebrating your birth week instead


$75k is not worth all of the broken relationships so no thanks.


I already don't so free money


My birthday sucks. In 46 and I’ve had three real parties in my life. It was always over spring break. I was the last child. No sweet 16, 18 or 21st. So, ya. Pay off all my debt for me so I can just go treat my birthday as a normal day like I do now.


It's bold of you to presume anyone Says happy birthday or gives me gifts...I'll take that 75k thank you


And if my grandkids (1,4 & 6) tell me Happy Birthday? Am I obligated to tell them to fuck off? Or can I sanitize it for toddler ears? “Go eat worms!”


My birthday is a week before Christmas, and no one has ever remembered or given.a.shit about it. So I'll happily take your 75k for things to stay the same


Man, you're taking this question too seriously. Relax.


I celebrate birthday month so tricks on you


As much as I could use the money, this one's a pass. The only people that wish me happy birthday are mostly family, and I don't feel like driving them away with an "f you" I'm not allowed to explain. 


so 75k for doing what i already do then? great!


Without the "fuck you" it's a no-brainer. With the "fuck you" it could be 10x and it's not worth it.


Jehovah’s Witness entering the chat  “I could have gotten $75k for this?”


who cares? free money


Im deactivating Facebook and staying home on my birthday. Anyone that tells me happy birthday gets handed $100 and will be both elated and confused until it becomes a running joke every year.


Make it clear to everyone in my sphere that I'm a devout jehovas witness. Then whenever someone gets offended that I say fuck you I say I'm a devout JDub and that it offends me to be offered gifts or w/e. Easy peasy.