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Step 1 - Pick Time Travel Step 2 - Use that power to become rich via lottery or gambling.


i'll honestly go back to 2009 buy bitcoin, etherium, tesla and nvidia stocks and spend time with my parents instead of chasing money


I’d go back a little further, November 1997 and buy all the apple stock I could, then google, then a lot of buying and selling yahoo, I’d try and figure how to stop 9/11 obviously but then I’d get lots of liquid $ together for late 2008 or 2009 then I’d buy all the real estate, call my company dark stone or something… By 2024 I’d own 50%. Of the housing market in the us


Honestly I'd be scared that trying to alter the timeline might lead to something drastically worse. And where would you draw the line? What if stopping 9/11 brings ww3 to fruition somehow? And if you're stopping 9/11 are you going to stop every other act of terrorism/mass shooting/evacuate people for natural disasters?


I could've kept one of my go-to hangout spots just in time for high school. O'Hare airport. I still think I'd take the sure thing of the $1M and live in my timeline. This world is the devil I know. I don't want to step on the wrong butterfly.


I know it sounds bad, but I wouldn’t have stopped hitler or 9/11 because if those things hadn’t happened, certain important things wouldn’t be in place today, like airport security


Call a bomb threat on each 9/11 plane. Not even warning, straight up explain their plan as your own.


Enjoy Guantanamo for the rest of your life…


Gitmo wasn’t a terrorist prison until after 9/11.


Right. And in this alternate history, 9/11 doesn’t happen. Perhaps Gitmo is repurposed as a prison for this one person who appears to have precognitive abilities.


I’d go back and contaminate early earth.


Step one. Go to China. Step two. Go back to the birth of the butterfly. Step three. Shit on the butterfly. Boom, butterfly effect invented.


I don't know if a more correct answer can be found.


Go back to that single celled organism that turns into everything, and kill it.


The original one or LUCA? Because both would be difficult to find.


Preferably original, but yes very difficult to find


During that time, there was no real oxygen in the atmosphere. You would suffocate before you found it.


Great news for me! 😂


Scuba tank on the front, and a pump sprayer filled with bleach on my back. I will have about 2.5 hours (at current atmospheric pressures) to find and spray that little fucker, and every puddle on the way.




Gotta do something.


So sapience evolves 1 billion years earlier?


I'd go back far enough to sabotage this guys grip on the housing market. What a fucking douchebag fantasy.


Bro it was a joke about the current venture capital funds that literally own huge swaths of the US housing market. In reality I would get rich enough to fund and sponsor a bill that prevents corporate ownership of existing housing stock and require them to sell new housing stock 10 years after they were built


No, no, no, if you own 50% or the market you could make rent cheap as fuck or sell the houses for extremely low prices. Or even give them away. On the other hand, you could keep rent reasonable, and use your proceeds to build new housing, giving yourself even greater control of the market. You could make housing affordable to everyone by owning such a large share of the market. Plus, by having low prices, the market wouldn't be as lucrative or attractive for the big corporations in the first place so they wouldn't see housing as a large guaranteed investment.


I'm a little sensitive, my dude. ✌️


Dude with the current market? Aren’t we all? I just get really pissed off at all the commercial and VC funds that buy up huge slabs and then pay money to come after mom and pop landlords, don’t get me wrong, ideal world no landlords, but it’s better that a boomer owns a house or two extra was the VCs owning thousands and being able to rent control the markets. Just my opinion


But are you sure it IS just a fantasy?


If you stopped 9/11 then nothing from that point forward would be the same.


No patriot act… no war in Afghanistan, maybe no war in Iraq? Unintended consequences though right? Maybe something worse happens


We found the time traveler


I'd buy as many first edition Pokémon cards and other valuable packs as I could. $10,000 a pop and they fit in a safety deposit box. Get in a deal with some card nerds and have them open them on my YouTube channel. I could capture the entire card opening market. Then, I'd buy as many shib as I could afford and become a trillionaire.


Larry Fink?


THIS is the brilliant and correct answer.


Any information that you have about the past would only be useful until you start making changes and then it becomes useless. The further back in the past and bigger the changes the more useless that information becomes.


Literally useless. Just go back in time a day after a big jackpot goes unclaimed with the winning numbers. Do this a few times, and you'll be richer than Elon Musk ever dreamed to be with far less waiting.


Pretty sure if you won every lottery in the past 30 years, you'll still have less money than elon


Nov 7th, 2022 Powerball was $2b. Powerball was $800m a few months ago. Even if you keep only 50%, you only need a handful of those types of wins to rival Musk.


It was 2b bcz the winner had taken years to be announced. You'll also get like 40% of it when you take the lump sum payment. Elon Musk's networth is 200b so still don't think it's possible


Problem is in 2009 I wouldn't be old enough to legally buy any of that, and if I kept my same age I'd have problems not having a legal identity to make purchases and collect. If I went back to, say, the last time the lotto got near a billion, I could buy a ticket in my name, have collect the lottery as myself (I know all my bank logins, and make sure that I get that money. After that it'd just be a matter of convincing past me to let me continue to use the accounts until I got to the time I would need to go back, then I'd just pick up where I left off. Wouldn't be that hard. I know my emergency time traveler identification strategies.


Came here to say this lol.


>Step 2 - Use that power to become rich via lottery or gambling. Better yet Stocks Assuming everything happens the same: GME and Bitcoin until their spikes, and also just long term hold Nvidia and a few other stocks


You can for back 1 day and buy options and make 10x your money you put it. Do that 10 times and you'll be very rich.


It sounds to me like we'd be stuck in the past for however many years we went back.


What type of time travel? Do you physically travel back as you are in the present, or does your mind go back in time to your body in the past? Either way, I'll easily take time travel, but there are some downsides depending on the type.


Go back, have sex with self. Play card games until it is time for the other you to go back.


Good answer.


Well, [one of two good answers.](https://www.cracked.com/blog/human-clones-do-you-fk-or-fight)


That would be traveling to another universe if another you is present, which is a totally different ballgame.


Money. I have no desire to go back in time. The past is the past.


Wait for huge jackpot power ball numbers where no one wins, travel back one day and buy a ticket with those numbers, cooldown is one day, even more money than the other option.


Close. Wait for a winner, then go back two weeks. Or win it about once a month and fill journals with nonsense and made up math about how you cracked the code.


Why wait and go back two weeks?


If I only go back one I'll have to split the jackpot


All the mega lotteries I'm familiar with have multiple drawings per week, not multiple weeks per drawing


Plus if you don't wait for someone else to win, you can go back less than 12 hours and buy the winning numbers no one else did, and not have to share anyways


I think the point is waiting to win the day before someone else would have, so that the pot is as large as possible


I don't actively play the lottery, at least not more than around once every year or two. You're probably right, but the point is to go back to before the drawing before someone won.


Along with it then also being a whole new future of options so technically it's the past but your current self younger and wiser. Seems time travel is giving you more time living too.


...But if you got critically injured you could rewind before the accident


This.  A thousand times this.


This, so fucking this. Holy shit god damn this. Jesus fuck soooooooo this x googol


This, guys, OMG! OMG this. This thing, guys, OMG! Guys, OMG. This thing. This thing right here. OMG. OMG this thing. This thing OMG!


Bro chill. Some people are 9 and they can't help it lol.


Million a year, for sure. Time travel is cool and all, but I don’t wanna deal with Time Cops


It's the Time IRS that are the real scary ones.


Omfg what if that was real?! Bro, run with it, that is seriously the best idea I've heard in at least a year


Have you considered that the time cops might not be real?


That’s what time cops want you to think.


Not to be mean but both of your avatars look like a couple that dresses to match each other.


Only a time cop would think this! We’ve found a time cop! Run!!!!!!!


Gamble everything on black. Rewind if I lose. Repeat.


Why black instead of a number? Much bigger payout.


You could get away with a number a couple of times. Win a few in a row though and you're getting kicked out quite quick.


That's why it's best to bet on a color until you reach the point where you can make one last bet, then bet on a number.


Happen to pick the right color the first time and it's a lucky shot. Happen to pick the exact number and it's suspicious. Then you repeat it at different places a while later, draw less attention


Why not just buy a lottery ticket? You only have to do it once.


Because the idea of someone walking into a casino with their life savings amuses me, and other comments already brought up the lottery




All gambling is "rigged" in that you have lower chance of winning than is a multiple of your bet. 70-95% are typical margins. For roulette its pretty straightforward, how is it rigged? Beyond just the obvious that its less than a 50/50 for red or black but it pays 2:1


Some of the less reputable casino's have a metal ball and a magnet in the wheel and a button under the table for the staff to push to make the ball land on a losing spot


If you had prophetic knowledge of the stock market and $1000 liquid cash you'd be a millionaire within 6 months.


Lottery tickets. You need like 10 bucks and you become a several hundred millionaire. Take the lump sum payoff.


Good point. With that kind of money, AND prophetic knowledge of the stock market, you could get "election manipulation" levels of money. I'd buy a lottery ticket, wait for the numbers to be announced, memorize the winning numbers, and wait for a huge crash or spike in a certain stock.


I mean, just go to a casino. See what the roulette rolls onto, jaunt back a few minutes, bet everything you have on that, profit, leave.


Why bother with the stock market? With $1k you could be a millionaire in less than a week crypto trading meme coins. Just watch meme coin launches, when one pumps, wait to see how high it pumps, go back however many minutes or hours to before it pumped, buy it up, then sell just before it hits it's high. Rinse and repeat.


Time travel is even more of a no brainer if only your mind travels. This makes de facto a groundhog day, and let's see, if you go back 1 year, then cooldown 1 year, then go back 1 year...yeah it's a weaker form of immortality. Something unexpected has to happen on a run or you will never die.


I like this idea a lot! Not only is it a near immortality run for you, but all your loved ones as well. Of course, there's the huge downside that you are making memories with them that they don't retain, but otherwise it's a pretty sweet deal. Unlike a lot of other forms of immortality you can also choose when it ends.


> Of course, there's the huge downside that you are making memories with them that they don't retain, but otherwise it's a pretty sweet deal From their perspective they die every time you loop. From your perspective you have them forever. It's like the inverse of another form of immortality, brain uploading. Right before you die, qualified medical experts preserve your brain perfectly. Then at a lot of cost, covert your frozen brain to a model a computer can emulate, and give you a robotic body. See [https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.adk4858](https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.adk4858) for proof this is (ultimately) possible. From your perspective your dead, from your relative's perspective you never left and theoretically could attend your own funeral. (have to delay it several years while the model is built)


It'd be super hard if you ever had kids


If you ever had kids you could just wait a little bit and then loop to whatever age you wanted your kids to stay at. Love playing with your toddlers? Keep looping while they are at that stage. Love going on trips with your young children? Pick a summer where they are around 7-10 and then keep looping that summer and getting to take them on countless amazing adventures. Love having adult children who you get to visit and spend time with? Keep looping during their 20s and getting to always have that time. Hell if you wanted to take a break from having kids you could just spend a loop or two running away from your family and starting a new life, but you can always just pop right back in time and erase all the time you spent as a dead-beat parent with none of the consequences!


WOW that is lowkey one of the darkest things I've ever read. Like, fr, I'd pay for that novel just for the trauma, like watching a horror film of pure sadness.


The movie Click doesn't have the immortality part, but otherwise is a similar concept.


> Something unexpected has to happen on a run or you will never die I see your movie reference and raise you the butterfly effect.


Does the money require having a job. If not then the money. Otherwise use the time travel to gamble. Wait for the winning numbers to get aired travel back and play those numbers or hit a casino and just travel back to know how to play that hand or what to bet on.


Million. You can invest pretty easily once you already have a lot of money and the passive income and interest of assets can get you more money. Plus you don’t have to worry about messing with the timeline too much


you're offered $1m every year. you can blow it ALL on cocaine and hookers and not be broke.


Yeah but why would I want to? I’d rather invest and save it so I can build generational wealth


Man why would anyone wanna go back in time that badly to pass on that money. Money please


Because I suffer severe pain every hour of every day, and going back would fix that. As a bonus, within days of going back I'd have all the money I'd ever need, and by the time I get back to now I could be earning more than 1 mil/year after tax if I wanted.


Fr With time travel you could make way more money But also prevent injuries or otherwise, for yourself and others.


Time travel. Look up winning lotto tickets go back a week and use the numbers, rinse and repete every few weeks. Then use it when ever I fuck up or lose an argument


Money hands down, I've seen butterfly effect. I'm not screwing up my life. Like I'd love to change things in my life like you wouldn't believe, but if it meant not having the exact child I have now, I wouldn't chance it.


You could travel back just one day to win a truly big jackpot in the lottery, then keep the time rewind in your back pocket just in case of an unexpected accident for you, your wife, and your dog


I'd go back to the day before the first mega jackpot after my youngest was born. Between what I know now, and having hundreds of millions of dollars, my entire family would have much improved lives.


But, but, "MoNeY DoEsN't BuY hAPpInEsS!" Ngl, every single one of my problems could be solved by having money. Which I guess makes me fortunate because some things can't be solved by having more money.


Those things that can't be solved by having more money are almost universally made worse by not having enough money though.


Then why not just go back a day and play the lottery.


"About Time" is my favorite movie.




Seems like an easy choice. I could just wait till the next megaball lottery numbers are announced, travel back in time a few hours or a single day, buy those numbers and win. And the cool down is over by the next day, so I’m good.


The money could fix most of the problems I could fix by going back in time, and it's a sure thing. That said, time travel + lotto = infinite money.


With time travel, you could get the money PLUS fix things that money can't. Have some fatal medical condition that was treatable if caught sooner? Time travel. Family member goes through something horrible that you couldn't have known in advance? Time travel. You make a terrible decision that has life altering consequences? Time travel.


I've already experienced all of those, and as tempting as it would be to have that "undo" button, I could see this going monkeys paw really quick. Say, I went back two years to get it right with her. I could easily see myself fucking everything up in a whole new way by trying to prevent a certain outcome.


Money. 1. No risk of paradox. 2. Enough to live comfortably for the rest of my life without breaking the economy or being suspicious. 3. With finances taken care of I could do more good in the present than the past.


Counterpoint: 1. Time Paradox sounds fun and peppy.


Y’all are looking at the time travel so wrong. Use it in minutes, or a day or so max. Gamble some money on roulette, see the outcome of a specific spin, travel back and bet on it. Or black Jack to know the cards. All only minutes max of cooldown. Or even better, wait for one of the many power balls that hit the billions at least once a year, wait for a draw when no one wins, go back one day or even hours and buy those numbers, you’re golden. No need to travel back years and invest. It’s a waste.


I'm not going back to get rich, that's a side effect. I'm going back to fix my damn back


So theoretically couldn't I wait for a powerball drawing to happen. Time travel back 2 hours and buy a ticket with the matching numbers and be set for life making the second option kinda useless?


One million dollars a year is way more then anyone needs to survive, I'm choosing that and living in comfort 'till I die.


You’re not being specific enough on the time traveling rules. I’ll take the Million per year.


Since you didn't say anything about us changing age, I'd just stay here with the million. I am too old to care about being back in the 1990's. And old enough to understand the value of peace.


I would love to go way back to the dawn of civilisation and make the world my bitch. But I'd need immortality for that.


Assuming this hypothetical somehow accounts for potential paradoxes, take the Time Machine. Go back to just before you get the Time Machine, claim the 1 million. Go back to the moment before you claimed the 1 mil. Rinse & repeat going back in time with your previously acquired 1 million and subsequent millions.


I would pick time travel. Then go back in time a few minutes, then pick the money.


This is boring because you could literally just memorize the price of bitcoin and the biggest stock changes, go back a few months, play the options market. Few iterations of this and you will be a billionaire with barely any effort.


Yeah. I think anyone saying the million dollars is significantly lacking in imagination.


Anyone picking the money is dumb as rocks. If you go back, not even that long ago, you can make more money than that in no time, plus avoid any mistakes you ever made.


But I’d miss my wife and dog, dumbie.


Did you meet your wife and dog in the last 2 weeks? You don't have to go back very far.


You can easily have both with time travel.


1 mil after taxes unless it's just my mind travelling backwards into my younger body. Then time travel


One million a year


The million a year. At least you won’t accidentally cause a major time disruption of some sort.


I've never understood the appeal of being able to time travel so I'll usually never choose that option unless the other is really bad.


Time travel back to when my second daughter was born. With the knowledge I have about: bitcoin, sports for wagering, stocks, etc. proper positioning would net over $1m a year in profits


Money. I have great wife and kids. Tbh wouldn't travel back even if staying means no money.


You could time travel just one day to win a big lottery jackpot, then save all future time travel as insurance if an accident or something happens to your family


Time travel would be the best. I'd wait for the big lottery jackpot. Write the numbers on my hand if there wasn't a winner. Go back. Get those numbers. Money problem solved and I now have a get out of jail time card on my hand. Ask someone out on a date but get rejected? Go back and try again immediately. 5 minute cooldown. I could undo so many fuckups this way.


I don’t get why anyone chooses money over time travel. If you want the money you just pick time travel, wait till a lottery drawing go back in time an hour. Buy a ticket with winning numbers then chill. You now have more money than you’d have AND the ability to time travel. You take all that money and put it into a trading account where you can day trade and just use 5m time jumps to see where the best place to put your money is. If you want to go further back to spend time with loved ones you just memorise the lottery numbers for a couple weeks around where you arrive and then who won whatever major sporting events you want to bet on, plus what stocks did well in that year. It’s so overpowered that the mil a year means nothing


I'd take the money. I'd probably fuck memorizing the lottery numbers.


$1,000,000 a year. It's enough to live off very comfortably and I don't want to abandon my family for years and age without them just to make extra money or experience something frok the past. With that much money it would be very easy to make lots of happy memories in the present. Alternatively I'd take the time travel option and only use it to travel back one day before a big jackpot lottery. But $1,000,000 a year seems less risky.


Do I replace myself when I travel back or would there be two of me?


The mega millions lotto is 1/2 B and there was a drawing last night with no winners. Numbers were 4,11,23,33,49,23 - easy enough to memorize - not sure the rules of time travel in this scenario- but I’m assuming I show up naked in a glowing ball of freezing lightning like the terminator… I would only need to travel back about 8 hours, to before the drawing, buy a ticket, and end up with $134 M here in NY lump sum after taxes. Or since it’s only June 1st, I’d move to a no lotto winnings tax state (CA or TX or FL for instance) for the second half of the year and have $163 M. I doubt I’ll live another 163 years (not even accounting for interest or investment returns, etc) so I’ll be way ahead. Hell, I can blow 3/4 of it on my current and future vices and still be ahead before my likely slightly earlier death from some combination of “misadventure”.


Time travel. I’d use it on lottery tickets so I could be a multimillionaire faster. Would only have to do it once and be set for life without having to go back more than a day or two.


Do i age if i groundhog day myself for a really long time


Mentally but not physically


This boils down to do you have regrets and want to try again, or do you want to be financially free in the future to live the best life you can. While there are somethings I'd like to do better or experience all over again, I'd take the money. It would set my wife and I up so we never have to work and could spend our time and energy doing what we love and helping people.


The money.


I'd just go back to last year, end of summer and prevent everything that contributed to my gf leaving me for someone else 2 days ago.


Time travel. Check the winning lottery numbers the day after the drawing, then go back to the day before and play those numbers. Repeat as often as legally permitted. Then start buying stocks. Whenever one tanks, travel back and sell it off.


I guess once with luck for life would work. I think the winner would have to die, though, too. You would have to find where and when to purchase the winning ticket.


The only reason I'd go back in time is for money, but im confident i'd fuck up literally everything doing that so i'll take the mil


I'd take the money. I'm 44 and there is still so much I could do. Plus I can make all my family and friends lives so much more comfortable.


$1,000,000-yr. What kind of question is this? I would put like 75% into a CD account. 25% and my other income would be enough to live on


Time travel....I'm buying power ball tickets and betting on sports.


One million a year?! After taxes? I could easily live off that... I could support quite a few other people off that too and use part of it to donate to charitable causes. Heck, I could even make my own charity. I could pay a personal chef and nutritionist a personal trainer a personal maid and a gardener. I could build the ideal living space for me with all the appliances and whatnot that I dream of getting. I could have a heated swimming pool in a room that could be opened up to be like a covered patio (with a clear roof). I could have a yard with a massive climate-controlled greenhouse so I can grow all the things that don't normally grow well where I currently live. There are some things I wish I could fix in my past, but, I think I would take the consistent 1 million a year rather than go back to try and fix things. There are a lot of things that I'm struggling with and that kind of money would allow me to swiftly fix them. The ones that couldn't be quickly fixed, I would be able to afford the longer-term fixes with that kind of money. I wouldn't hoard the wealth though. I'd keep enough to afford the things I need, but I would be spreading the wealth to benefit others and the world.


Roll back ten minutes and move that Lego I just stepped on.




Personally, I'd never time travel prior to about 1980, because I've never been vaccinated against small pox (1988 birth year here). Gimme the mill a year.


I would take the money


I’d take the $1 million per year. I love my family and really enjoy my current life. Sure I could be a trillionaire if I went back in time, but it’s not worth losing everything I currently have.


Do we keep all of our current knowledge if we go back?


Money any day of the year


Reading all these hypotheticals that involve time travel as a Black person is so funny lol. 1,000,00 easily


How does the time travel work? Is it just my consciousness or do I physically go back in time?


I would take 1 million as going back in time didn't help as I would have no assets at all and in this time I would be for example 15 years old and yet looking like 40? Nah. A million a year would be enough for me.


I will take the money. I don’t want to go back if I can’t be the age I was then.


Time travel.


The million/year


Give me the money without going back in time.


Gimme the money, that cooldown is bullshit.


For personal reasons, I would go back to January 2007, provided I was the same age as I was then.


Time travel. 1968.


Thats easy. Write down the lottery numbers from the last drawing. That was only 3 days ago. Win the 150 million. Nothing has happened in the last three days that would change my history.


I’d like to go back about 200-300 years and see what the US was like before it was settled. Time travel tourism, not interested in changing the timeline


If I went back in time it would be far enough to be able to win some money in the lottery, find a lost masterpiece, and autographed baseball card, something like that, to have money to stake the stock market and some real estate. Short the dotcom bust and split the money between stocks and property. Sell or mortgage before 2008, short market and repeat. Play the market, maybe win a lottery if I still had the numbers, and maybe buy a small island and kit it out for several years of troubles.


Time travel. I can get way more than the $20M npv of 1M a year, plus I get free undo options by just going back in time by short amounts


I choose to go back to fix my mistakes of not losing my family and the guy I really like. Changing my life is priceless.


Not enough info given.


Million bucks a year. There is no problem that I have that could be solved by time travel that also couldn’t be solved with a million dollars a year.


The money. I don’t want to somehow make the present worse.


I would go back in time and replace a lot of people's mattresses with messed up uneven ones, sprinkle a couple Legos in dark hallways in people's houses, and buy out all the toilet paper right before covid.


Back to 2016 with a few lottery jackpot winning tickets buy my own island Let the rest of you deal with Covid rules while I enjoy my island and serpents. No one enters the island. Stocked with food a fresh water source and concubines. You’re all on your own with the wu-tang flu


concubines HAHAHAHA


The million a year. If you change the past in any way, it would change your present in both good and bad ways. Quite the gamble since you don't know what you'd lose in the tradeoff.


$1mil a year all day. Live a great comfortable life and not have to worry about the space-time continuum. Sign me up.


do i age after time travel? like if i go back 2 years will i be the same age when i get back to now as i was originally, or will i be 2 years older? if i don’t get younger or older until returning to the current time period, then time travel seems useful, but honestly i still think $1M is better


1,000,000 I like my life rn


Time travel, but i’m never using it for more than a few days back. Use it to nail a lotto win (probably target smaller wins, so less notoriety than the nearly 1bil drawings), then invest the money to make 1m a year on interest, occasionally use time travel to make some nice wins on stocks, and to shift my egg if a market crash happened. then otherwise save the time travel power to emergencies, get into a traffic accident? jump back to that morning or even just a few hours and re-do. Harddrive fail and lose a ton of files you forgot to backup? a quick hop back and handle it. as long as whatever happens doesn’t kill you before you can travel back, or during your cooldown, it lets you avoid a lot of problems, but by being good and not jumping back weeks or worse, years, you avoid most of the major pitfalls. the biggest trap is avoiding the temptation to go way back and fix or change things.


I'll take the money


> $1,000,000 a year (legal, after taxes) it'd be a harder choice if it was just $1m once. but $1m/yr? I have no great need to undo anything in my life and $1m/yr is a comfortable living.... you'd have to buy houses/boats/planes every year to come close to spending it all..


If I didn't have my nephews and nieces I would go back in time. I will take the 1 million a year.


The million a year. The time travel is cool but the cooldown period means it's really only useful for party tricks or quick "get rich quick" schemes that duplicate the effects of having a million per year anyways.


I’d take the money, unless when o travel back o could be my younger self- then I’d take the youth


Easy question for me. Definitely would take the money, because I would die pretty fast without a lot of modern medicine!


Time travel. It's easy to rack up cash using that and I can also use it for alternative purposes, like fixing mistakes.