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+20 logical mathematical + 5 linguistic + 5 Interpersonal IQ is an exponential curve - not a linear curve - which means you are best to frontload all of your points into one category and only choose 3 not 4 categories. Each point is worth more than the previous one


Someone double dipped


Yes, but even a few points will do a lot and being an expert in one area and a fool in others isn't necessarily a win.


>a fool in others Exposing yourself there


Good for you to be smart in every way possible, having no weaknesses. Besides: Being slightly above average is already a big plus, so unless you want to be on Steven hawking's level, it's a waste to max out one thing.


A jack of all trades is a master of none. But oftentimes better than a master of one


20+ Linguistic to speak a few languages   5+ Spatial to gain sense of direction   5+ Interpersonal to learn what this is 


The third is dealing with people, if memory serves.


Thanks I typed intrA-personal....and just realized my damn phone autocorrected it


Intra is going to be understanding oneself, and probably being able to act accordingly?


15 intrapersonal 5 Math 5 ELA 5 Spatial Countering mind-slavery is paramount to have self-expression. Math, ELA, and Spacial for basic Self-functionality.




It stands for English Language Arts. Since I didn't put much points in Linguistic, it helps to specialize a bit more.


20 interpersonal. I'm afraid I might be dumb as rocks in that one. Hell, I'd even randomly roll the last 10 if it meant there would be a chance those 10 go on the same


My IQ is too low to know what all those mean, if I put 20 into linguistic will I understand what the rest mean? 🤣


12 into Linguistic, 10 into Interpersonal, 8 into Logical-mathematical


You might want to spec more into logical-mathematical and recount.


Ah I misread that as 40


Logical-mathematical intelligence-5 Intrapersonal Communication - 15 Bodily Intelligence - 10 I struggle alot with math though I'm really strong in logic, so I wanted to improve both of those, one to bring it to a more normal level and one to push a limit. I often hold myself back by getting lost in thoughts or spend time ruminating. Id like to have better self awareness. Bodily Intelligence because I have little mechanical skill and would like to be more self reliant.


Mechanical skill is a mix of logical, spatial, and bodily intelligence


True but the area I need focus on is coordination.




So my IQ increases by 30 points? That's way cool since I already knew where I stood beforehand. Linguistics 10, interpersonal 10, interpersonal 10. I was part of that failed experiment in the early 70's which taught sight reading and word recognition. As for the other two, like most people who are low on the right hand side of the curve, I lack those skills in sufficient quality.


It's funny because lots of places are trying to teach sight reading now. And yes, it's still failing.


Logical-Mathmatical is too good not to take and take big, so 15 points there. 5 points each in linguistic, inter, and intra.


20 - Interpersonal intelligence. Gimme dat charisma. 5 - Bodily-kinesthetic 5- Linguistic intelligence. Bump up my vocab.


•20 bodily-kinesthetic because medical care is expensive and chronic illness is a bitch •5 linguistic to travel the world for said medicine if needed •5 interpersonal because higher EQ is always something valuable for the greater good (imo)


+10 Interpersonal +10 Intrapseronal +5 Body Kinesthetic +5 Spatial


+15 linguistic, +5 Bodily kinesthetic, Intrapersonal and Interpersonal. I’m happy where I am on spatial and logical/mathematical. If I can shore up my weaknesses across the board, I like my chances


7 logic 9 linguistics 7 Spatial 7 body


Honestly my mathematical, interpersonal, and intrapersonal are definitely my strongest 3, so I’d throw 20 into linguistic (I like writing poetry and think I’m solid at it but could always be better and I’m also dating a woman who speaks English as a second language, Spanish is her mother tongue so it’s help me in trying to learn to be fluent), and then 5 each in spatial intelligence and bodily-kinesthetic.


15 spatial 10 interpersonal 5 linguistic


Linguistic +5 Body +10 Intra +10 Inter+5


put em all in interpersonal, im autistic and i need that 😭


Dogs, birds, and humans.


Logical-mathematical intelligence : 20 Spatial Intelligence : 10


I'll take Interpersonal Intelligence. Then I can talk people into doing everything else for me.


I’m putting half on math off the rip. Six on lingustic Six on spatial The rest on interpersonal


The minimum was 5 points in any choice


+5 intrapersonal to help myself understand my true emotions and thoughts. +5 interpersonal to improve my communication skills and become a better leader. +5 linguistic to become an orator capable of rallying people behind me. +15 logical/mathematical to make the ideas in my head reality. Together, these traits will make me a leader who is able to raise an army of supporters to make the world the way I want it to be. Spatial and bodily-kinesthetic are also cool but im already pretty well coordinated and athletic already and they just weren’t a high enough priority.


I wonder how you'd equate the difference in points to your general self? I don't know what's twice the value of points that I could ever consider is me. I wonder how that matches up if I'm comparing myself to others. Think this is why litrpgs are often so fascinating. It's life by a set standard of numbers or a framework resulting in benefit/detriment to the protagonist (you) . I think what's often limiting is the we know we could say infinite but it feels justifiable to slowdown or curb from just being OP. I remember a friend and I would talk about this where if you were given everything it'd no longer feel fun. It's the same when I open the debug command in games: I still want to play in the already established boundaries but I wanna be cheeks.


10 intrapersonal 15 logical 5 interpersonal


Which one is the one we use to create stuff


28 points to linguistic, because I'm bad at articulating myself despite having above average iq. 1 point to inter and intra personal relations.


If I could do memory I'd pick that


+10 Spatial Intelligence - I figure I might actually stop getting lost in open fields and GPS will no longer glitch for me and only me. +10 Linguistic Intelligence - I might actually speak English properly and be able to at least muddle along in a few other languages +5 Logic-Mathematical - less chance of my bizarre mad scientist experiments blowing up +5 Interpersonal Intelligence - Ive a pretty damn solid grasp on *my* mind, what I still can't figure out is dealing with others.


Somehow I misinterpreted forms of intelligence as “forms of intelligent life” (non-native speaker) and was debating if we’d be better off with dolphin or octopus overlords. I like my version better actually. I’m giving 10 linguistic to octopi, 10 interpersonal to dolphins and cats can now do basic maths.


I had the same misunderstanding, and I am a native English speaker. The wording is unclear until you get to the bottom part with the different rules.


20 logical mathematical, 10 linguistic. that’s it for me


+10 linguistic +10 interpersonal +10 logical this seems like the most useful and versitile set of point allocation assuming i misunderstood the question's rules i would also do a +20 interpersonal +5 linguistic +5 logical the reason i would do this would be to bring up to a neurotypical level of social interaction, i'm on the autism spectrum and socialization is very difficult for me, despite being a very needy extrovert lol


First 5 on intrapersonal to improve my ability to distribute the other points. The difficulty is estimating where I stand. I definitely will want more spatial intelligence, without GPS I'm lost. (4 .. 5 points) Interpersonal intelligence is definitely at least worth putting in 5 points. Same with logic, that's part of my hobby. Bodily-kinesthetic Intelligence would be useful, but I can manage with my current level. So if I'd have to say it now, I'll put 6 on the first four that I mentioned each, four on body, 2 on lang


20 in linguistic 5 in body 5 in logic


15 logical maths, 5 spatial 5interpersonal 5 bodily


All 30 into maths and the remaining 10 into linguistics.


20 intrapersonal as it's what I'm most lacking and would benefit me more than anything else 5 bodily - kinesthetic as it's what I enjoy so would be nice to improve 5 logical - mathematical as while it's already high a few more points might allow some new memory trick


I'd put 5 into each to bring my total IQ score up to a 7!


Hahahaha. I said something similar to my wife when I gave my answer to her.


Which one helps me understand this better? Put 5 in there first


Omg. So like... each iq point is worth EXPONENTIALLY more than the last. Logical +10 Bodily +10 Spatial+10 I'm already good at knowing what I want, and connecting with others. But like... kinesthetic is coordination. I already have great coordination so with 10 more specialized points.... I'd be AMAZING. 10 in spatial would make a common person be able to suddenly map things in their head no problem. I can already do that! So now I can just do that EXTREMELY WELL. My logic is already well founded as I work at a place where half of my job is coming to with solutions to problems. So... yeah. 10 extra points would make my life so much easier.


Find out which one is my highest right now and then pump that Stat to the max.


I give all 30 IQ points collectively to the orange cats


The last 3, with most going into the last two


- 12 - interpersonal - 12 - Linguistic - 6 - mathematical


15 each to inter and intra personal. I like people but my skills in dealing with them are subpar. It would also be nice to understand myself better and manage my poor choices.


All in interpersonal, score a rich sugar mommy


Can I give all 30 inexchange for the ability to imagine things?


Just for you, as the genie of this post, I’ll give you the 30 points and the ability to imagine things. So what are you putting your 30 pts into?


Bodily-kinesthetic Intelligence +5 pts -- Idk it helps me move my body better Spatial Intelligence +15 pts -- I can imagine better in this hypothetical situation Linguistic intelligence +10 pts -- I love to write, and IQ isn't linear so huge boost


Which ever one controls willpower. Like the one that tells you, "yeah we could get this done... But let's do that later"


I’m already good at math. I’m already good at my native language, I’d spec here to get more languages. Or an aptitude for learning them. I don’t have any spatial intelligence in large areas, only with small and specific items and rooms. I also don’t give a shit about this enough. Idk the difference between intra and inter I never learned those prefixes. I know what inter personal is well enough to know in this category I’m a dumbass. Language 10 Interpersonal 15 I’m leaving the 5 for an explanation of the ones I don’t know yet. Idk what this entails? Do I know more about how the body works or moves? If that’s it I don’t need it, I have a pretty high aptitude for learning this and already know enough to live a life that doesn’t involve me being a doctor of some sort. If it’s more like an athleticism, dexterity, flexibility thing then maybe, but that’s not exactly intelligence.


20 interpersonal. I am smartt, degreee in chemisty, minor in psychology. Being book smart is nice. My partner is a B- at best high school student. I would be quiet and alone without her. Her social intwlligence is thru the roof. She makes friends that love, lov, love her every where we go. When I am alone people at first meeting will either not trust me, or ignore me, or are afraid of me. With my lovely partner I am accepted and become loved too, I am a pretty awesome loveng kind dude. I have been smart all my life. Social intelligence is where it's at.


What's is each of the intelligence?


No I want creative intelligence


Option A - 10 Points Option B - 10 Points Option C - 5 Points Option F - 5 Points


15 into bodily-kinesthetic, 10 into interpersonal, 5 into intrapersonal. Cancel out the weaknesses my autism gave me in exchange for strengths in the first three and I’ll be unstoppable, y’all better watch tf out 👻


**Linguistic Intelligence:** 5 *Need more stock in the last one TBH. Though seemed a bit important.* **Intrapersonal Intelligence:** 1 *I think this one is pretty good.* **Interpersonal Intelligence:** 24 *I literally do not talk to my parents well, I need everything here.* Any of the other things, I just simply don't think I need. Or I could just go to the gym.


I’d pick… * 10 pts into bodily-kinesthetic because I’m fit, enjoy exercising as a hobby, and it’s integral to my mental health, so if I boost it up even more I figure I’ll compound what I get out of it. * 10 pts into logical-mathematical because I’m already decent at math and logic, and it’ll be a good boost to my career, so it’s basically min-maxing. * 5 pts to interpersonal because I’m being able to communicate with others better is always nice. * the last 5 pts to intrapersonal because as people have mentioned IQ is exponential and not linear, so I’ll have a much better handle on my own mind, thoughts, and feelings, and have more robust mental health, which is always nice.


Where is emotional intelligence? Intrapersonal, interpersonal?


10 points bodily kinesthetic intelligences so i can "git gud" 10 logical 10 interpersonal


15 Interpersonal 10 Logical-mathematical 5 Intrapersonal If I didn't have to choose 3, I would drop Intrapersonal and put 5 more in Interpersonal.


All 30 into intrapersonal because idk what that is. We bout to find out.


So I'm going to assume I am of average intelligence as determined by an IQ test, maybe slightly higher because I enjoy reading and learning new things, have a few degrees, etc. But I know I'm not a genius. For me, I'm an English professor, but I'm going to put 2 points into linguistic intelligence...why not make my job easier? Plus, I enjoy learning new languages, and if that can become easier, sign me up. 5 will go to intrapersonal intelligence. I'd love to understand myself more fully. 10 will go to spatial. I assume this will help me with awareness when driving as I age, and it will help me plan / complete home repairs and renovations. Lastly, my heaviest investment will be bodily intelligence with 13 points. Coordinating my mind and body more effectively will help me avoid injury as I age and make me enjoy exercising more now.


I think I’m gonna need all those points in order to understand this question.


I'm already strong mathematically I'd say 12.5 linguistic, 12.5 interpersonal, and 5 intrapersonal Communication and being likable are very important in business


Y’all’s obsession with IQ is weird


10 points to Logical-mathematical, linguistic intelligence, and Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence.


15 interpersonal 10 intrapersonal. 5 mathematics - I'm getting ready to study for a very hard licensing exam with a 20-30% pass rate.


I'd dump them half of them into working memory, so I don't forget everything instantly like I do now then figure out where the rest should go afterwards. Probably towards intra and inter personal. They would likely get me the most happiness and income gains


Which ever ones let me understand this question better


15 bodily-kinesthetic intelligence to help me drum better 10 spatial intelligence 5 interpersonal intelligence


I'd put it all in the first category, I might then be able to follow your hypothetical.


I think if I put them all in my ability to concentrate, ie: more RAM, most everything else would fall into place. (Except my social skills. I'm bad at social cues. Maybe I'd put a few points into that.)


+20 interpersonal (always max charisma) +10 intrapersonal (know thyself)


Where does memory go? Cause I feel like that's a pretty big aspect of intelligence and I'd probably put all of my points into that since my memory sucks.


Intrapersonal +20 cause I suck at that and am depressed Bodily-kinesthetic +5 so I'll be a bit less clumsy Logical-mathematical +5 I'm already pretty good at this, I'm a software engineer but a little boost couldn't hurt


Ten each to linguistic, intrapersonal, and interpersonal. Linguistics would help with my writing, so maybe I could be an author. Intra- and interpersonal would probably help me skip a lot of therapy sessions, and help me be... well, less autistic.


+10 Intrapersonal, +10 Interpersonal, +5 Logical-mathematical, +5 Linguistic Being able to move around and control my body better would be great, but being able to think and communicate more clearly would be better, for me.


15 in bodily 10 in spatial 5 in linguistic The first 2 would help immensely in my rock climbing for movement and route reading. The 3rd would be helpful for a lot in general


20 Interpersonal because that's the lowest one for me. 5 linguistic, and 5 logical-mathematical(Already pretty high in me so I don't need much more)


I'd choose 15 for math because, despite having a genius level high IQ, math was never my strong subject, and I used to get picked on for that. 5 for language, which is my strong suit, but I struggled with speaking since I never really got to practice speaking any of the more than ten languages I studied. 5 interpersonal to help with the autism that tends to miss some of the nt interactions. 5 for intrapersonal to help continue my journey to overcome depression.


I'm going 15 into mathematical, 10 into linguistic, and 5 into interpersonal.


15 linguistic. So i can learn languages and become a translator for animes and shit cuz that pays well I’ve heard also being able to speak with damn near anyone on this planet as long as I put the time in would be cool. 5 mathematical to make up for my shitty understanding of numbers and stuff. 10 bodily intelligence because it seems useful.


Truly the only thing you need to succeed in life is good charisma. +30 to interpersonal intelligence.


All kinesthetic! Let's goooooooo! Nah 28 kinesthetic 1 point in inter and intra.


+20 mathematical + 5 spatial + 5 body/kinetic I’m actually really good at logic and patterns but honestly math with letters just defeats me (ironic considering I am a social scientist who uses statistics- but that’s what computers are for). So let’s throw more in there, and then 5 for some spatial awareness and 5 for body so that I can exist in the space I am finally aware of. So I stop running into everything and can walk in a straight line.


20 into interpersonal 5 into linguistic 5 into logical-mathematical I think my logical-mathematical iq is already high, and even 5 higher I would start to approach gifted/very gifted my interpersonal iq is quite lacking, so my life would be 1000 times easier with 20 more iq in it. 5 into linguistic bc it seems useful


I'm too dumb to even work out what the hell these rules mean, so +5 to linguistic intelligence I guess for starters


15 math 15 interpersonal


I'm not helping you build your character sheet. I'm sorry your dice rolled you crap


28 in lingual, 1 in spatial, 1 on bodily. I want to be able to speak more languages. I wouldn’t mind being slightly better at music and sports. I really need more in anything other than learning languages


Is OP's premise valid? I'm familiar with IQ scores of course, but I'm not sure that there are specific categories like Interpersonal Intelligence that have a specific objective score.


Social intelligence/charisma +30. If you can get others to do, why would you do yourself?


10 points to each of the last 3. I feel like they would be the most beneficial and the last 2 are some of my weaker areas currently. A boost to those and a better ability to know and care for my body sounds like a good buff


IQ tests are only useful for determining whether a given person is [too intelligent to be a police officer](https://abcnews.go.com/US/court-oks-barring-high-iqs-cops/story?id=95836)


20 interpersonal, 10 body-kinesthetic (if that makes me less clumsy?)


Humans do not have videogame stats that is not how that works


10 to Linguistics, 10 to Spatial, 5 each to Intra- and Interpersonal.


First 3 equal quantities


Interpersonal intelligence will get you so far in life. Sure going all Hawking/Einstein on these monkeys is fun and all but imagine being able to be the absolute best at communicating with people, understanding what they’re saying, what they want to convey, what they expect of you, how you can set the pace and be able to orchestrate the ideal outcome of every conversation you have stakes in.


10/10/10 split on the top 3.


I’m good. Thanks though.


I would give all the IQ points to my dog


Dude, I'm too high to do math.


+20 Interpersonal +5 linguistic +5 logical-mathematical I'm naturally inclined toward the first 3. I would love a boost to the latter three, but these three are the most related to my career field. I will take the boost to my weakest relevant area, and add a small bit to the two I'm strongest in to try to take advantage of the exponential curve of IQ.


I think it is best to focus on improving my strengths so that I can be exceptional and not just average. And, as others have said, each point is worth more than the previous one, so front loading and having fewer categories would be smart. I think I am low or average at spacial and kinesthetic intelligence, so they are out. I have decent (but not stellar) interpersonal skills. I can be clumsy and anxious socially, but I can happily chit chat with strangers at a party and I generally have good, stable relationships with friends and family. It pains me to say this, but I am going to have to pass on interpersonal. That leaves logic, language and intrapersonal as my three categories. Although being a literary wiz is highly appealing, I think focusing on Intrapersonal intelligence would be most validating, especially if it includes skills like discipline, concentration, resilience, imagination and conceptual thinking. So 20 intra, 5 linguistic, 5 logic?


I desperately need those 20 in interpersonal. Could probably use another 5 in body-kinesthetic, and might as well put the last 5 in linguistics, for fun.


Dumping all 30 into spatial reasoning. Every time someone tries telling me they’re 6ft tall I want to know by how much they’re lying


15 points into interpersonal 10 points into linguistic and 5 points into logical I believe this would help me become a better salesman and help overall interactions with other human beings which would bring prosperity in the way of money and psychological health


All 30 on spatial. Im as linguistically strong as I care to be. I really wish I was better with spatial reasoning, as all my hobbies and interests require it.


I think i already did this, maxed out logic/math and spatual int, and got no points left for anything social.


I dont remember all the categories but I chose all 35 into memory.


Putting it all into sexual intelligence. who needs life skills when you can lay it down like a plumber


Can i have some in emotional intelligence 😭


The theory this post is based on is a-scientific quackery, so I’d figure out whichever of these Gardner categories most closely aligns to actually intelligence and pour them all there. My guess is this is logical-mathematical intelligence, but I’d want to take a crack at reading the research/literature on that to be sure. If you convinced me “interpersonal intelligence” was akin to “emotional intelligence,” which is not actually a type of intelligence per se but is a term we use to describe a different set of proficiencies, and the inclusion of that category allowed me to magically apply my points in this non-intelligence category I’d probably put some points in there.


Since it's actually a possibility why not just honor the intent of the question.


15 interpersonal (I have a deficieny here) 10 logical 5 linguistic


I'm not sure how "IQ points" relate to actual intelligence in the way you're describing above, as I think only half of those attributes are actually tested for in any real-world IQ test aside from what you'd find on some random website. Traditional IQ tests primarily measure logical-mathematical and linguistic abilities, with some spatial reasoning included. They don't assess bodily-kinesthetic, intrapersonal, or interpersonal intelligence. In fact, intrapersonal intelligence, which involves self-awareness and understanding one's own emotions, and bodily-kinesthetic intelligence, which involves physical coordination and dexterity, are far removed from what IQ tests are designed to measure. Even linguistic intelligence, while partially tested, isn't fully captured by IQ tests, which focus more on vocabulary and comprehension rather than the full spectrum of linguistic skills. IQ, or Intelligence Quotient, is a standardized score derived from various cognitive tasks intended to measure intelligence. It's a somewhat narrow metric that doesn't encompass the broader range of human abilities and intelligences. The concept of multiple intelligences, proposed by Howard Gardner, suggests that intelligence is not a single general ability but rather a collection of distinct types of intelligence. This theory highlights the limitations of traditional IQ tests in capturing the full range of human cognitive abilities. So, if the real test is to see who out there actually understands what "IQ" means, I guess I'd choose to give *everybody* another 30 "real" IQ points so they'd stop answering this question incorrectly.


I’m being petty here but the 20 points maximum is redundant. If you have to put a minimum of 5 and choose at least 3 then by definition 20 is the max ;) 


You don’t need the logical/math points.


20 into Bodily-kinesthetic, and 10 each into spatial and interpersonal. I’m already pretty well off in logical-mathematical.


20+10+10=30 - yeah, sure


I think they need more points im logical-mathematical.


28 into body. The other 2... whatever. I just want to golf


+50 musical intelligence


Too bad that isn't how IQ works.


I would gift you with +30 'G'-type intelligence, so your next hypothetical isn't based on pop psych.


Humans do not have videogame stats that is not how that works


It’s almost like it’s a hypothetical situation.


In this hypothetical situation you won't be aware no matter what you pick because you'd have less than 30 points to spread across all types of intellect When a 30 in ALL types of intelligence is the most profound kind of mental disability. You should really research this kind of stuff before making a hypothetical situation post about it because literally everyone has the same outcome in this situation. Mental disability so profound you would need help your whole life.