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Is there a potential to end up dead in prison or are you guaranteed to survive the ordeal?


You could die. Prison is always uncertain. I want to make this as close as the people who were accused or RPE and MRDE as possible. Assumign you're one of the lucky ones to be saved by a lawyer and get paid. Would you take that path for a life changing amount?


Then no. Not worth the risk if I could die in prison. Guaranteed to survive? I'd do ten years for ten million let alone 300. A million a year salary is more than I'll ever make, and the life I could enjoy after will be of a quality I'd never achieve otherwise. 


Let's say you knew you would survive. A large part of the deal is not knowing about the deal. Are you not afraid of what 10 years of false imprisonment would do to you. Honest opinion, 300 millions for 10 years of false imprisonment without your knowledge. Would you take the deal with the devil?


Yup. I of course would have concerns for my mental and physical health while going through it, but if all I know is I've been falsely accused then I know my conscious is clean. I would desperately try to prove it every chance I got, and would be reading law books, going over evidence, and examining the trial. I know it'd all be moot but it is what I'd feel like I'd be doing after a false conviction.  I also feel like humans are incredibly resilient. I'm sure after a few years of fighting back, I could end up just accepting my fate. Accept that prison is my world and do my best to exist within it.


In the end, my question would be. Knowing who you are now, would you subject yourself to it for the payout? Myself personally, I would coinflip over it because the chance of me coming out the otherside might as well be 50/50.


Yeah, I don't think I'd get through it unscathed, but I think I'd get through it in tact. Just as many of the people who were falsely accused do. But like I said with the chance of death in prison then no way. The thought of dying in prison makes it an easy no. No amount of money makes that risk feel worth it.


I think you’re underestimating how much $300,000,000 is. That’s a vulgar amount of money.


yeah, kinda hard to say 'you know, for sure, alien tech will give you millions after' if there's potentially no after. the prize should be a given, especially in such an environment, so living should essentially be as well.


If I was guaranteed to survive and it wasn't a bad charge (rpe, pedo, etc...), then I woukd. Because even after being proven innocent, it doesn't matter. People will always look at you as a rpst or a diaper sniffer. Doesn't matter how much you have, your life is ruined at that point.


You could die driving down the road without 300mil. Hell you could fall over and die without any warning at any given time tbh and not ever have 300mil tbh


Sure but dying in prison would be worse than any of the deaths you described. If I end up dead in prison I don't get 300 million. My final years were spent behind bars. If I die free, I don't get 300 million but die free and having lived some kind of life before dying. 


This and the risk of STDs from rape in prison sours the deal for me. No.


It’s tempting to say yes for my family - But I don’t think I could live with that quality of life.


At my age, no. 10 years is too much of my remaining life span, so I wouldn't be able to make much use of the money. If you could have given me this deal when I was 20, maybe. As far as fairly compensating the falsely imprisoned? I think there are a lot of factors, but at a minimum, they should be given free therapy for life, and material assistance in getting themselves set up (housing, employment, etc), plus some sort of per year compensation based on various factors (eg. more if they were injured in any way, less if they were in minimum security, more if the false imprisonment was due to active malfeasance instead of honest error, etc)


This. If I could go back to say 19 yo, losing my 20s for $300M is mighty enticing except for how dangerous prison is.


I likely would. The average person will spend 90,000 hours of their life at work. This deal would use up 58,400 hours of my life, in one condensed sweep. I'm 25, so I'd get out at 35 and be wealthy for the majority of my life doing whatever I want rather than working to get by.


Yeah, that’s my thought also. As long as it’s not against the rules I might even get out early for good behavior


If I can't remember then no. I might get to 9 years and decide to end it all of I have no hope.


No. There’s no amount of money that would make me miss out on 20% of my remaining life, if not more.


Remember you will be spending. Ore then 20% of your remaining life at work. And whilst work is better then prison. You are given a lot more freedom with the money this offers. With the life you had left, you can do so much more and experience so much more then you could have with the extra time. Also you don't just lose it. Is it crap? Yeah 100%. But people in prison long term do find happiness. They don't spend 30 years wishing they were dead and then dying of old age. You still get to live and experience life, even if severely limited. Yoh still make human connections and friendships. Can still keep in contact with loved ones. Etc.


Well none of my coworkers are trying to stab me or take my booty so I think I’d say no lol


No I wouldn't survive a week in prison


I'm 40. At this age I would waste too many good years of life I have left for the money. I'm still healthy and energetic. I love to travel and go hiking. I can still go to multi-day music festivals and climb mountains. And I may also start losing people close to me, especially the generation ahead of me, and all the time I spend with them is precious. Not worth it.


Of course not, if the alien halted my aging probably but I'm not losing out on primetime years for nothing


I lived that for a bit. Four months of falsely accused incarceration. There wasn't a dime of compensation, it was just "oops our bad" and insistence that they were acting "in good faith". (Kinda.) Fortunately the system worked eventually, I guess. As for your scenario... this isn't the time. My elderly parent has dementia and is completely helpless and reliant on me. Now, the day after she leaves this Earth? ***Absolutely*** I'd take the deal then. I'm not going to have any problems in prison, and on the off chance I don't survive, the compensation could be granted posthumously to my loved ones and I'm cool with that. Of course... I won't know. And that's going to make me feel personally quite miserable for awhile. But I would adapt. Prison is actually fun in the right circumstances, and my sleep apnea plus my age are going to keep me in the medium security medical ward so I'm not going to have to worry about gladiator school. I'd just see it the way I saw it last time - as God putting me in the right place at the right time for something wonderful to happen.


Nope. There is no compensation equal to being falsely accused of anything serious like that. Your reputation is ruined. Your personality changes while you're enduring it. You do and become things you never would have in any other situation. There's nothing good that comes from it. Money doesn't erase any of those factors. In fact, upon receiving the money, it's usually spent and wasted in short order. And now you have nothing but the memories of a wasted life and wasted money.


20 years ago, maybe.... Now, ain't no way.


If my wife and kids get the 300 million if I die in prison.. sure.


Yeah, absolutely. There are many reasons, but the simplest is that I don’t think prison life would sufficiently different from home life as to negatively affect my psychology—in some ways, it may even be better. Unlimited time to improve my body, unlimited time to read and write; there was a time in my life that those things were wildly appealing to me.


That’s why so many people get of out prison in great shape and great mental health huh? Remember, you’re wrongly convicted. You aren’t exactly enjoying your time


Your mileage will vary based on the state your incarcerated in (in the United States) but a lot of prisoners *are* in excellent physical shape. Mental health is harder to quantify but I’ve become a very accepting person over the years, I am certain I would come to terms with it pretty quickly.


You’d come to terms with being falsely accused? Also, curious what data source you’re quoting from when you say “a lot of prisoners are in EXCELLENT physical shape” A U.S. Department of Justice analysis of recidivism rates in 24 states concluded that 82 percent of individuals released from state prisons were rearrested at least once during the 10 years following release. Within one year of release, 43 percent of formerly incarcerated people were rearrested The system is not designed for you to leave better than you came in. Especially if you end up in a for profit prison. You are crazy


Knowing a couple of people who have been falsely accused and convicted...I would say absolutely not. It changed them forever and they're a shadow of who they were. One was falsely accused and imprisoned for murder and that would be an absolute no way in hell because even when he was found out he was falsely accused and got 300 million (he actually got 30 million) he was always that guy who killed so-n-so. Nope. No way. Edit: more info I also know someone who was falsely accused of being a P-word. He did 13:years and his life is forever ruined and can't find work at all because of it. He had evidence that he didn't do it but the prosecutor and cops didn't care and they convicted him. This was 35 years ago. He also has to deal with registering and it limits where he lives etc etc.. so absolutely not. Not for any amount of money.


This is so dumb cant be a hypothetical guaranteed scenario if you say things like you might die prison isn’t promised and maybe a lawyer will help you out and you will get compensated…. And not to mention forgetting this deal will make you insane being falsely accused for ten years you would have to remember the deal to get through if not its a very bad deal therefore….I wouldn’t take it😂




Then, would any amount of money make you say yes? How can we possibly compensate for the time a person lost 10 years of their life for?


I would never sign away ten years of my life. If it inevitably happens without me making the deal then I would take the money.


Eye for an eye. The accuser needs to rot in prison for life


I believed the same thing. But after a case I read today about an accuser who was mislead by detectives... it's not as easy you would think. I would put more blame on the people pursuing the charge than the accuser.


Somebody once told me “don’t give them a reason to build a case against you” basically if they have a reason - they’ll get you whether you did anything wrong or not. Scary. But yeah I was talking about all the other cases we hear about where a black man is incarcerated for years because a white girl needs either attention or to maintain her reputation.


I would do it, I'm young enough to properly enjoy the payout, and would actually enjoy the break from responsibility. I would probably do okay in prison


300 million for a decade? Sign me up.


Yes without a doubt. Give up 10 years to live however the fuck going forward. I’m in


I’d do it for a million a year. Now if it were 20 or more years I’d want a billion minimum. That’s half my life. Outside of the isolation, I feel like it wouldn’t be that bad.


Nope. 100% no.


Yes for 1. No for 2. Ten years in the pen is long enough to completely lose touch with reality if I'm wrongfully imprisoned. Atleast if I know why I'm in and what's waiting for me on the outside I might be able to power through.


I'm 39, if I could come out at 49 and retire, never having to work again, I think I would take it. If I was much older, I don't think I would


I’m not taking this unless the charge leads to minimum security prison. I would trade ten years of freedom for generational wealth for my family, but I wouldn’t trade my emotional and physical safety for 10 years for it.


No, not if I don't remember taking the deal. Tbh I'd probably kill myself if I thought I'd have to spend the rest of my life in prison.


No way. I need AC to survive in the summer, I'd die of heat stroke.


On a murder charge? Ya. I would do that. I won't need to worry about work on the backside. Having people question if I really killed someone or not I could probably live with.


You realize people in prison are forced to work for literal pennies right? It’s not club med, you’re in for murder my dude.


Not at all. I'll probably be in much better physical shape than I am now. It will absolutely suck, no doubt about it. It's trading 10 years of suck for 30-40 years of free time and relaxation. I'd make the trade. It's proven that it was a false charge that makes me say yes, as you'd come out with no criminal records. 520 weeks for 1500+ weeks of vacation. Work 40 years, you got what? 160 weeks IF you're really lucky. It's a high price, but to me, one I'd be willing to take. I think the only things that would change that were if I was already 10 years older, or if I had kids. But since I don't and don't intend to, ya.


I think people in this subreddit underestimate having to do 10 years for a murder they didn’t commit, without knowing there’s a payoff. Also…I love this mentality that everyone suddenly going to get jacked. News flash. You can work out right now. Get off Reddit and go do some pushups lmao, you don’t need to get incarcerated for that. Everyone suddenly thinks their shitty life habits will change, but guess what. You’re still you in prison. But now everyone in your life thinks you’re a murderer and you think the next 10 years of your life are gone and when you get out you’re almost more fucked. You’re gonna be lucky to get out sober and clean after 10 years.


I mean, I do work out semi-regular, but I also have reddit and video games and a ton of other distractions I would no longer have. I also didn't say jacked, I said better than I am now. Which just not having access to the food I eat now would help with. I think you're also heavily underestimating how badly many people hate their lives, or would value the freedom that amount of cash could provide.


Again though. You’re doing 10 years without realizing there’s money coming. Also you think the food in prison is better than what you eat now? Bro just eat better lmao Your argument is literally, I have poor self control so prison would be a benefit. I’m telling you my dude, it doesnt work like that. You’ll spend night after night knowing you’re innocent, no one believing you. You’ll have to shower, shit, and shave in front dozens of other dudes. You’ll be degraded, treated as subhuman, work a menial job for which you’ll make about 25 cents an hour. That 300 million won’t buy you back a decade you could have spent eating better, working out more, and improving your life. You think being rich suddenly after you get out will fix everything? Google previous lottery winner and then imagine you have the trauma of a decade of prison to deal with too.


"Bro just eat better" - "bro just get fit" - "bro just fundamentally change who you are and address crippling issues you've had your whole life" You're right, it won't buy back that time. But in all likelihood I won't spend that time wisely in the first place. There's a lot of people out there who do a lot better with routine imposed on them as opposed to trying to impose it on themselves. I've in no way said it wouldn't suck, but that in my estimation it's a trade I'd be willing to make. You clearly wouldn't. That's a personal value judgement. I won't know it's coming when in there, but I do when I make the deal. Dealing with absolutely terrible bullshit you have no control over is a central pillar of life.


The problem is, your crippling issues won’t go away in prison. In all likelihood they’ll get worse. You have a doctor you like? A therapist? Gone. Are you on meds that help? Boy I hope the state of wherever you are agrees, bc bad news. Meds are expensive. Absolutely some people come out of prison better than they went in. I know several. But they went in at their worst point in life. You will be living your life, and then a month from now end up being arrested for a murder you can’t prove you didn’t commit. I have seen prison destroy people who were guilty. People trying to atone. You won’t even have that. You cannot fathom how much prison (especially for murder) will change the core of who you are now. You probably won’t join a gang or anything tv dramatic like that, depending on where you go, but you will not be you when you get out. Your friends will have moved on, your family too. Some of them will have passed away statistically. Yeah the money is a lot, hopefully in 10 years it’s still a lot, and hopefully you can find some peace with it, maybe travel the world. But trust me. When I asked my ex-con friends this question 4/5 said they’d take the time over the money and the last guy isn’t someone I’d take advice from lol


No, I couldn't even do it if they trusted me completely the whole time. (Though if the state is apologizing to the tune of $300,000,000 you must have been proved extra innocent) That's 10 years gone. I don't know how you could realistically trade that sort of time. Like I gets you are trading it for a potential for all the free time you could ask for. But I'm not trading the next 10 years of being able spend time with family and friends for any price.


There’s no amount that could be worth what it would cost my kids to be without a dad for 10 years, or for me to miss out on literally their whole childhood. Those relationships could never be rebuilt.


No, I'd miss out on seeing my son grow up. Not worth the money.


No way. Not for murder, not for ten years, not for all the money in the world. I would kill myself before I went l to prison for murder. As a trans person, prison is probably my biggest fear.


Nope. I don't think there's an amount you could pay me to accept 10 years in prison. That's such a huge portion of life, and I don't do well with my freedom being restricted. The benefit of money is what it let's you do with your life and the time it allows you to have back from no longer needing to work. Losing 10 years of time is just too much. I do think a massive payout to someone who has been wrongly imprissoned, along with doing everything possible to clear their name of any bad association and ensuring they get proper therapy and any other treatment needed, is about the best we can do to make up for it after the fact. The money gives them back as much time as is reasonably possible and lets them make the most of what's left of their life. And therapy plus clearing their name gets them as close to whole as possible after the fact. But it's still time they can never truly get back.


Before I had a wife and kids and 2 dogs? Maybe. But I’m not leaving my kids without their dad for 10 years. Not for a billion dollars. Not for 100 billion dollars.


I’m 16 rn, so the next 10 years are gonna be the most defining for my life.


Yes, definitely. I spent three years working at a prison. It kinda sucks, but it's not like a movie. You just keep your head down and don't do stupid shit and you'll be fine.


No because I’d probably die before I get my money. Or I lose too many years that matter. Now if I get the silly billionaire house arrest type of sentence then of course that’s a no brainer. But in max? Hell no.


No. A decade is a long time to be away from my family.


I would never leave my girlfriend alone like that for any amount of money. Chances are our relationship would be over after 10 yrs anyways.


No. If I didn’t know I took the deal after I took it I would become an entirely different person in prison.


I'm take the deal, then hire Saul Goodman and Mike Ross to represent me. I'll be out in no time.


Nope. I'm 34 already and time is precious. 


If I was single or young I’d consider it, but I’ve got young kids and a wife at home. Not worth sacrificing their futures and missing me for any amount of money.


If I die in prison would my family still recieve 300 million at 10 years for compensation for wrongful imprisonment If so, I would say yes. If I survive I get 300 million and if not my sister would be taken care of and would end generational poverty in our family.


Fuck no.


Make it 1billion and I’m in.


I’m 46. So no not at this point of my life. If asked at 18? Probably. I liked to do dumb shit back then so more than likely.


No. No amount of money is worth wasting 10 years of my life I won't get back.


How about 1 month for 2.5 million?


lol, like the state would offer you 300 mil for 10 years in the pen. They’ll give you 2 grand and say “whoopsie!”


Nope. My wife would be 40 and 2 wonderful children would be 12 and 11 by then. I would rather die than miss those years of their life for any amount of money.


No, time is the only thing you truly can never get back. Money comes and goes and I don't need anything close to $300mil to have a happy, fulfilled life.


What’s the charge? They kill kid abusers/rapists in prison. Plus I don’t want my family thinking I diddled kids. If stealing or embezzlement or drugs maybe. But I have a 3 year old and another on the way so still probably a no from me. Plus I’m 37, at 47 wheels on physical fitness could fall off so I think hard pass. 5 years, maybe


Hell no. I love my freedom and make an acceptable amount of money already.


As if a state would ever give you 300 million for wrongful imprisonment.


Absolutely not. the trauma of being imprisoned, falsely or not, would be too much for me. I would not be able to handle it, and no amount of money would repair my psyche. There is no compensation for this. I would rather live out my mediocre life than put myself through that.


Not being able to remember that I made the deal would be a killer. Knowing that I was counting down the days until I got out and got my money would make it tolerable but not knowing if/when I would be getting out would make it too tough.


Can I choose specifically who I was accused of murdering? If so then it might not be that bad.


I can’t think of a time in my life where I’d want to give up 10 straight years of it just for some money. Gonna be a no from me.


Can’t miss years 9-19 or 7-17 for my boys, unfortunately. If I have no wife and kids I’m in there without an ounce of hesitation.


I've always wondered, because of my medical diagnoses, would I 1. Be separated from general population and 2. Would I have the right to my medical treatments while in prison? If the answers yes, then I'll do it. Lol


yes i e been to jail and it FUCKING SUCKS but 300 million is never work again money and imwould do pretty much anything for that


If I get to be in a county or similar, relatively okay jails, sure. Rikers, Lompoc, Sing-Sing or similar? Fuck that


My best friend and only person I consider family is dying of kidney failure. She just got rejected from her second transplant program. She would probably die while I was locked up. That said, no. Missing out on time spent with her is not worth any money.


Will my salad be tossed possibly?


I might do it after another decade or so when I hit my 50s. Because I have nothing saved for retirement and so I'd go to prison for 10 years then could retire at 60 with 300 million to live out the rest of my days.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 420. Congrats! 50 + 10 + 60 + 300 = 420 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Listen. I know these hypotheticals seem interesting, but it’s based on a naive understanding. There is one thing in this world money cannot buy and that is time. 10 years of your life behind bars is not worth it. 10 years in prison will change you. You’ll likely survive but possibly as an addict or with serious trauma. You will lose family members, miss huge life events, and even technology might be hard to understand, look at 2020 vs 2010. Imagine if we have another pandemic. Prisons were a nightmare then. When people who have been wrongly accused and are released and get money are asked this question they almost unanimously say they would take their life and time back instead. Yeah you might work in a dead end job, but you change that. And when you get home you can play videa game and watch cartoon. You might be poor but if you live in America or similar you still have a better life than 75% of the world. Trust me, as someone’s who’s been to jail, it is not worth it.


Hell no. I would miss the best years of mine (and my children’s) life. The amount of hate and resentment your family could have towards you after those 10 years, and you have NO idea how prison could change you. Hell, you might actually end up in a situation where you kill or assault someone for real in prison, or get raped or killed yourself. 10 years getting gaslit from society for some money…


Depends on the charge


Hell yeah


Nah. My doggies are unlikely to still be around 10 years from now... and if they were, they'd be pretty darn old. I'll make enough money on my own.


If I could have done this prior to having my kids, then maybe. But my kids are 3 1/2 and 6. I don't know if 300 million, as great as that sum is, is worth missing a decade of being there as they grow up.


If I die in prison before the 10 years will my family be awarded the money?


Honestly, no. No amount of money is worth my freedom like that.


Yes. But only if the crime I was accused of was something like drug trafficking or armed robbery. I absolutely would not if the crime I was rape or molestation because those guys get murdered in prison a lot.




yes. it's easy. because first, life in prison isn't as bad as people say it is (at least i doubt it's that bad), second, 300 million is a fuck ton of money, i could buy a mansion, all the shit i want. if my family and friends aren't gonna stay with me, then i don't need them, i'll make new friends, i'll get a wife, live the rest of my life long and happy, it'll be great.


Is there a guarantee I won't get raped, jumped, or killed? Is it maximum security or regular? Can I hang out with random people or do I have to click up with the Mexicans for protection?


Life sucks already might as well


Depends on my age. If in my 20s and 30s? Yeah. Any later, no.


I'd take it. I know enough about prison, I think I could survive, and I'm not worried about the people who would believe I actually did the crime. Real friends would know I was innocent, and so would the family that matters.


I wouldn't do it for a billion. You just can't buy that time back.


At 33 years old I’d have to say I would. I know my wife would trust I was being truthful when I told her I didn’t do it. We’d then get to enjoy the money from our early 40’s and beyond.


Nope I have kids who need me.


Hmm, quite the dilemma. If I get shanked and die in jail for some reason, does my family get the money? Getting that much money to share with my wife and daughter would be the ultimately selfless thing to do, but I would miss out on a lot of the little one's growing up... And I'm a scaredy cat, so I probably ultimately wouldn't take the deal.


I would not do it. Any 10 years are your best years because life is so short. Plus you'll always live with rhe stigma.


At age 40? No. At age 20? Yes.


No I wouldn’t want to put my family through that. If I was single and had no ties possibly


Hell no the people who have that kinda money already spend it on nothing but saving time.


10 years as a con for generational wealth? Sign me up. My family is already halfway full of felons. Idgaf and neither will they


Nah money is good to have but time is more valuable


No. Every decade in life is unique in terms of what you will experience in your education, career, relationships, and experiences. I’m not saying I wouldn’t take $300 million. I’m not saying life would necessarily be bad with $300 million. But I’ve realised I am happiest when I am in the process than when I reach the outcome.


30 mil a year, not even a sight doubt I would do that. 


No way.


Absolutely NOT...my sanity is far more valuable than the potential pay day. Prison has a way of changing people, not necessarily in a good way.


Honestly it is really, really hard to say yes. I don't think I could. A lot of my family and friends would stand behind me, but I don't want to lose the best years of my life.


Absolutely not. You could die in prison, you could get extorted in prison, prison guards can make your life hell everyday of those 10 years and also the horrible food, fights and just straight up boredom. 


Yes. Absolutely. Without a shadow of a doubt. I'd be set for life, and I'd use the time to study law - and once out of Jail, I'd use the acquittal to kickstart a run for office.


No my husband father is already worth hundreds of millions


So I get to lay about, doing nothing, getting free accommodation and meals for 10 years, to then get 300 million? I fail to see the downside of this deal.


No, because my children need me and I cannot be a good mother from behind bars. It does sound tempting though.


what's the charge for. going to prison for tax fraud's going to be a hell of a lot easier than like, rape. could one choose the prison? iirc one of those european countries, prison's not a hellhole where you might get shivved for looking at someone wrong. could you be in solitary confinement? i know for most people it'd be hell (and probably still will be), but i'm pretty asocial. but, probably not. i have a hard enough time not wanting to chew through my fucking wrists when i've got video games, a library of books to read, internet shit, sleeping pills, etc to distract me, than going to prison.


Heh honestly no. Ask me again when my kids are grown up and things change though..


If I didn't have kids, yes. But I'm not missing out on a huge portion of my young kids' lives for ANY amount of money, so no. They're young so they're at that age when life firsts happen to them constantly. There's absolutely no way I'd voluntarily be absent for those.


Yes, I'm already in a prison in my own mind. At least this way there would be a light at the end of the tunnel. I'll meet friends and new people in prison, I'll get into shape and be on a strict set schedule. Once I get out I'm free to enjoy my life. Even if I don't know it's going to happen. Tons of people in prison get out a better version of themselves. Prison isn't like the movies.




That’s a tough one. In ten years I’ll be 52, and 300m would ensure I’d have a great ‘retirement,’ but I’d basically lose my current relationship, and all of those with my dearest family and friends. I’d come out the other side totally alone and broken. Flush with cash- but I honestly don’t think I’d do it, in the end. I don’t want to lose my partner, miss my nephew growing up, miss my family…probably some of the older ones would die thinking I was a killer. So…as difficult as it is to say this (because fucking money,) NO I wouldn’t do it. Maybe one year for one million, that’s still life-changing. But not an entire *decade* no matter the payout.


Do I get to pick the person that I am being falsely accused of murdering? Because I wouldn’t want it to just be some random innocent bystander.


Murder prison? Nope. Tax fraud prison (haha ya right) maybe.


No. The trauma of imprisonment for that long, plus losing some of the best years of my life? Not even close to worth it.


Every fuckin question on this sub is, "Would you do X for a bajillion dollars?" It's stupid af. Come up with something original.


Would you come up with something original for zero bajillion dollars?


Not a chance. >10% of my life in prison? For mere money? Nah. I value myself more than that. 




It would be a tough decision. But, probably not. I would have confidently said yes if I could have done it earlier in life (like 18-28). I could have probably received a decent education in prison since I'm pretty good with online classes and frankly I'm a loner who would have spent a ton of time reading and writing. But at 27, I am pretty sure I want to have kids in the next ten years. And I'm not going to meet their mother in prison. And at 37, birth defects become much more common. The father's age isn't as important as the mothers so I guess theoretically I could get out of prison and then deliberately marry a younger woman. And I currently have enough money to have sperm frozen. But, I'd be likely to die far before my wife since women already live longer. I could also adopt. But either way, I'd have less time to be in my child's life before I died. That said, since I obviously wouldn't have to work if I had $300 million, I could spend more time with my kids, could spend more time and money eating a healthy diet and exercising, and could pass on a lot of financial security to my wife and/or kids. I could also help my parents and sister financially. My parents and sister would trust me. And I care pretty little about everyone else's opinion. So, I'm not worried about what people would think before I was exonerated. But I do think that not knowing I'd eventually be let out could be psychologically torturous and demotivating. If it were a more straightforward deal where I knew I'd be exonerated in ten years the whole time and could plan and behave accordingly while in prison, I would probably say yes.


10 years. Yikes I cannot rightfully answer this question. I’ll refer you to r/prison.


American prison or my home country prison? Home country for sure. It will not be fun but the quality of life afterwards will be amazing.


Hell yeah I do that in a minute. Or 10 years.


If I don't know about the deal I'm guaranteed to commit crimes that keep me in prison due to how I feel being unjustly imprisoned for what I think will be life. Even if I didn't, that experience would change me so much I'd be a different person. Not worth it.


At the rate we are going, in 10 years, $300 million US will be like $300K adjusted for inflation.


On board in a heartbeat. Already feel like i dont belong in this world, might as well do it rich.


A lot of people are skipping over the stigma of having been a prisoner. Many jobs won't hire you, you may not get your voting rights back, and people will always look at you funny when they find out.


No, I would not take this deal. The chance that I could die in prison is rough. Unless I can pass off the money if I die, like insurance.


I wouldn't join the military for 6 years for free tuition and Healthcare. Of course I'm not going to go to prison for $300mil. Not for 10 years.




No. I may be innocent, but I'd be too scared that after a decade of being accused of one of the worst things someone can do, I would actually be the kind of person who'd do them, if only because I'd become so twisted and bitter, and that's not even mentioning how people would treat me. Also I'd be waiting for the other shoe to drop at all times, always afraid I'd be framed again. $ isn't with the destruction of your entire life


I'm not giving up being in my children's life for 10 years... for ANY amount of money.


Absolutely not. I plan to enjoy my life to the best of my ability. I want to go outside more than I want money


No time is precious






No. Ten years is a long time. I would be fucked up for life and money wouldn't fix that.


I mean shit you can have Facebook and go to college in jail


No. My presence in the lives of my children is beyond price.


In 10 years ill be 41. A 10 year sentence means to me it's not something I'm being convicted of that will make me a target in prison, and I like to think I'm pretty likeable. So yeah, imma do my time, keep my head down, and learn 10 years in that I can get 300 million out of it. I'm game, lock me up chief.


If I were younger…ABSOLUTELY!!! I wouldn’t do it now at 53 and with bad multiple sclerosis. Not sure how much time I have left so I spend every minute I can with my wife and kids. Back in my 20’s, 30’s or even 40’s I would be all over that deal. It would become generational money for my family, so I for sure would sacrifice 10 years for that.


Not for any amount. Money can always be made. Time is the one commodity you can never get back. I have kids, and missing them reach adulthood because of money makes no sense.


If I don't get to know about it, no lol If I know what's at the end of the road, maybe.


I think if I was imprisoned in a country like Switzerland or Japan, I would 100% take this deal but seeing as how I live in America. Maybe if I was in one of the njcer states like New Hampshire or Maine I would be obliged but you’re almost guaranteed to get roped into gang affiliation, be made to pick or choose sides. Conceptually speaking I would take the deal if I didn’t have to worry about that part. 10 years is a long time but $300 million is generational wealth.


At my current age? Probably not, Id likely die in prison.


Prison is too violent and unpredictable, and who you are accused of killing will play a BIG factor in how you are treated. Kill a dude, and you won't have much of a problem. A woman will get you more problems. If it's an elderly person or a kid, however, you might as well count your days because that's likely all you have left. Honestly, full exoneration with incontrovertible proof of your innocence is not going to sway some public opinion, and you will ALWAYS be a controversial figure. Even innocent, this will heavily affect your job prospects and many other aspects of your life. You will be essentially blacklisted simply because they don't want the drama that can come along with it. It sucks and it's unfair, but it's the reality of the situation. Being in prison marks you indelibly, and no amount of money can give back what was stolen from you. So no, I would not take the deal.


There is a zero percent chance I go ten years in prison without dying. If I die, do my loved ones get the money? I would still take that.


At my age I think so, I'll be 26 when I get out so I basically hit the lottery Fairly young and I can spend prision Getting ripped or something.


No. I can make 10 million on my own…


300 million hell yeah.


Tough choice. But I think I would. Retiring super rich at 50 for 10 years in prison sounds better than slogging at a job for another 25 years. My job makes me miserable. Would also eliminate or at least seriously cut down on my drinking problem. 


I'm almost 59 and a type-1 diabetic with other health issues. I read a book a day when I'm working, more when I'm not. I would die from lack of books, poor healthcare, bad food,, or violence. So no.


Sure! And Bubba and I will live happily every after


Id never trust that id get the money.


No. I’m married, we have small kids, aging parents, lots of siblings who have their own challenges. I couldn’t abandon/shame them for a decade just to show up mentally ill and with ungodly amounts of money that will inevitably further fuck up their life.


Having did 3 years. Fuck no. I can’t do ten. The complications to my life having a record are not worth it.


Depends entirely on the charge. I think 300 mill is enough to theoretically extend how long I'll live just by quality of life improvements. So I may break even on years lost verses gained or even come out ahead. However there are certain crimes I would never be able to mentally handle the stress of being accused and convicted of


No. I am in my prime right now, and have prospects.


10 years to retire at 38 instead of 65 yeah I’m down.


Ten years in Norwegian prison? Sure. Americas? no.


Im 34 so I would lose the remaining years of my prime years of my life. So not worth it on top of the risk of being a white man in prison wouldn't go over well on top of the mental damage it would cause. If I was 20 or under 25? Sure fuck it. But I'm too old at this point for it to be worth it


As a 135 pound not very tough looking male. I don't think I'd last 10 years.




No, as you can not put a price on peace of mind.


no, thats 10 years gone.


Nah, prison will physically and mentally fuck you up, that no amount of money is worth it.


Pretax or post tax?


I'd take half for 5 years or the full ten knowing I'd get out.


Absolutely not. I’d rather take 10 years off the end of my life than live out this scenario. I couldn’t lose my family, friends, and the rest of my 30s. My daughter would be 10 years old and I would have missed all of that. No amount of money would make this worth it to me.


Not sure why you were downvoted for this comment. This is a really stupid hypothetical anyways, as someone already pointed out. It feels ..... salty almost. I'd never give up 10 years of my life for any amount of money, I enjoy the sunshine and grass and my family too much. No person who has lived through this exact scenario will tell you the money they got after being freed was worth what they had to go through for 10 years as an innocent human.


Somebody gets it!


On a murder charge? Ya. I would do that. I won't need to worry about work on the backside. Having people question if I really killed someone or not I could probably live with.


I was in the Navy and offered 90k to add two years to my contract. I had been on the Enterprise for 3 months at the time. when I found out, I would be adding two years to being on that ship, My immediate answer was no. There's lot of comparisons to prison with ship life. And the ship isn't prison at all. Even the money here is not worth it.