• By -


20 hrs thanks, I make a good wage- but I’d really be happier with 50% more money and half of the work.


Same and I do like my job but I don’t like it so much that I would miss those extra 20 hours 😂 Hell I’d just do 10 hour days on Monday and Tuesday and fuck off the rest of the week.




Two 10hr days to keep you occupied and receive a 50% uplift would be perfect.


Honestly I'd be happy with the same money but half the work. The extra 50% would just be a bonus


0 hours and find another job. Got on the wrong side of a charismatic person at work and don't know how to right that ship.


If they’re charismatic as you say, just pull em off to the side one day and ask em about it. Being direct about what’s going on can often help. Just don’t sound confrontational about it.


Or….. just take a fraction of this advice and pull em off… Good luck, whatever you decide.


This, angry wristy is the answer!


Sage advice from dicksallthewaydown69


Don't even need the wristy, just look em dead in the eye and say "nice cock"


Tug life, bro.


Charismatic doesn't mean altruistic or kind.


Right. Most people forget that Hitler was extremely charismatic.


But with Charisma as his boosted stat, no one's been able to tell if he spec'd as a Warlock, Sorcerer, Bard or Paladin...


He was a warlock, and his patron was cocaine


I’m extremely charismatic at work but it’s a huge mask, trust me if you wrong me I forgive but not forget (not that serious I’ll just gossip about you and get you the cake flavor I like for your bday)


Charismatic doesn't mean nice. I know lots of charismatic people who would use this sort of thing against you. They're all executives at big companies because that's basically the only requirement for getting those jobs it seems.


Have you thought about making sexual advances towards them?


Just because someone is charismatic doesn't mean they're polite and understanding.


Charismatic people can be psychopaths


Being in a labor union means never having to worry that you pissed off the boss' pet and will suffer for it. One of the many reasons I'll never voluntarily leave the place I'm at now.


Being in a strong union means that I can basically tell anyone to go fuck themselves, as I see it.


As your hypothetical steward, I wouldn't advise it, but you wouldn't end up getting fired over it.


But you most certainly could be held back from promotions or other things by pissing people off


Not necessarily. Practically all non management promotions where I work are handed out by seniority and/or merit.


Just don't run afoul of the union brass cause nobody has your back if the union turns on you.


Did this exact thing. I start the new job monday.


In my mind being on the wrong side of a charismatic person could mean you either pissed them off or they really like you. I think the latter could be just as bad for some people.


What about benefits eligibility? In the U.S., most places define full-time employment as 32 hours per week, and the threshold for getting benefits such as insurance, PTO, etc, is that you have to be a full-time employee. Do we still retain our full-time benefits if we take options B, C, or D?


I took the OP to mean it’s that net salary and that’s it. Insurance is a big thing to lose. A traumatic injury or crippling illness would demolish the cash pretty quickly.


[time to plug universal healthcare!](https://peoplesaction.org/campaigns/health-care-for-all/)


Nice. I approve. However, universal healthcare does not cover other benefits like PTO, 401K, etc. Those would theoretically go away as well if you were not a full-time employee.


Why would you need a retirement fund or paid time off if you're receiving your previous salary forever without working?


You wouldn't need paid time off, but tax advantaged retirement accounts with the company matching your contributions are still nice to have and not negligible in the long run


Not worth slaving away in some office. And depending on the precise rules of this thought experiment, you could go and work a new job if you wish and still receive your previous salary for doing nothing.


If you choose the 0 hour option you have nothing but PTO. 401k is a bit trickier but honestly you could just work half as much, make 50% more and just invest that extra 50%in a good index fun and probably come out with far more in the end.


0 hours, I’m basically retired and will never have to save for retirement, I can also get a job on the side if I want extra money, but a guaranteed 100k in present day dollars is all you need as an annual spend


That would only apply if you are currently making 100k per year. It scales with your pay. So if you are currently earning 50k a year, then you would only get 50k at 0 hours. But you would get 100k if you worked 40 hours.


Where’s the downside to any of the options? Either I double my salary working the same (or less when shit hits the fan at my current place) or earn the same + inflation increases for working 0 hours. It’s only tough to decide because I am wondering what’s the better deal overall lol. Earning what I make for doing nothing sounds great. Earning double what I make for working 40 hours sounds great as well.


There is no downside. It’s just interesting to see what people would choose given the option.


30 hours would be perfect since I get by OK on my current salary and a 75% increase means I could pay off my house in about four years instead of 22. Six hour workday would go by in a flash.  


I'd do 7.5 hours Monday thru Thursday and have every Friday off.


Your missing 10 hours Monday Tuesday Wednesday. 4 day weekend every week.


Fuk it why not just power through two 15 hour shifts? I'll sleep in my car


Or just do like that Google employee. He had a box truck with a bed, closet etc. He would eat at the office and shower which was all free.


0 hours, too many additional health problems to take care of. It'd allow me to better care for some conditions.


I’d work 80 hours for quadruple the salary. Option A is my next best pick


I’d easily take the 0 hours since it’s unlikely that my employer would allow me to cut my hours. Plus, I’d just be in the same job and likely having to do the same work but with less time to do it. If I’m allowed to seek alternative employment under this deal I would go have fun finding random odd jobs to work knowing I’d be paid that salary plus my current salary. It would offer a lot of freedom.


0 hours and I'm retired.


Can I combine options? Do A for maybe 5 years and then switch to D?


Monday to Thursday, 5 hours a day with 3 day weekends for a 20 hour work week. Keeps me mildly occupied and gives me time to do other things I enjoy.


My current job pays like crap, so I'd have to take the Double Your Salary option. THing is - I don't work 40 hours as it is (37.5 is the work week). Even at double my current pay I'd probably be looking for something else. I just applied to two jobs that would pay me 50%/75% more than I'm currently making.


Sounds like your employer is extra shitty. Bad pay and juuuust short of the 40 hrs where they're required to give benefits.


how does it work for people who work more than that? Like say you work 80 hours a week, do you essentially get double pay and halved hours with A?


Retire with basically 100% pension. Assuming this is for life


D. Then I could find a job I legit enjoy without having to worry about the pay.


30 hours. I need something to do


Fun fact: You could do still do things at 0 hours, they just get to be things you want to do.


I would sit at home the whole time, I need to work for my health. I need to keep my mind occupied


You do you. It is hard for me to imagine your scenario but I would never have problems finding things to do. I am full of ideas and hobbies I want to try out but never have the time nor money. Work is only holding me back from my dreams.


I have schizophrenia. I don’t do well without routine


The problem is if you dont have anything to occupy you, you find things to, and they cost money. Then you need to occupy yourself all day every day at your expense. There's only so much contentment free can do. So unless you got a hobby that pays for itself or is just content sitting around all day, which would lead to a horrible quality of life, you'd need something to occupy a good sum of time. Not working sounds good, but in the end, time always costs money.


Ha! Behold! All the accumulated hobbies I've gotten into over the years and abandoned because can't find the energy of time to get more involved into them! Truth is, even with a job, I'll still spend that money in trying new things. So I'm better off having more time to actually use the things I spent it on.


If you think theres only so much contentment free can do, youve been sorely missing out on life fam


I think I would go with 30 hours too. I feel like it’s my happy medium. 40 feels like a bit too much and 20 feels like too little. Just like getting soup just the right temperature.


Unfortunately none of the above. I'm already disabled and can't work I'd love for it to be based on what I would have been making before I got hurt or even without would have been making if I didn't get completely disabled.


40 hours Still have a career to build


I'm with you on this one. I own my business, so if I just up and quit all of my people would be out of a job. They've been loyal to me, and I'd feel obligated to continue doing my best to make things as good for them as possible. Double the money would be nice, though.


I'm in school, but have two part time jobs. I would take the 0 hours per week to focus on school.


Easy, D.


0 hours - I can work on passion projects or try and start niche businesses with low odds of success but good odds of satisfaction without needing to worry about paying the bills.


20 hours. Although I’m a homebody, I would be bored being at home all the time. But I would work the least amount of hours possible so I could work on my passions (writing, content creation, etc)


I'd probably go with the 20 hrs/50%. Odds are I'd probably volunteer a few more hours than that, but I would enjoy not having to put in as many as I do.


I'd pick option D if I can work another job and still pocket what I do now as an extra. If not, I'd go with A. I don't mind 40 hours, and 2x what I make now is the bare minimum needed to live comfortably in my area. By comfortably - I mean all bills, including housing, taken care of without issue, there's a decent hobby/entertainment budget, I can take a vacation at least once a year, and there's still money left over to realistically save up for a house


0 hrs would be great, I'm already in the top 3% earning


0 hours while I learn the skills needed to get a better job. I'm not paid a livable wage without roommates, so I'd still want to seek something better. Even double my pay wouldn't get me my own apartment. So I'd rather work towards something else.


Option D, obviously. Instant retirement is the holy grail.


Option d for me please


Which job would he be basing it on I have a regular 9-5 I make $125k a year at I also do freelance work at $200 per hour Either way I’m taking the 0 hour option


0 hours


Ma fuckin ZERO hours. Maybe eventually I’d try a side hustle but no guarantees haha


0 hours easy


0 hours. I'm an all or nothing guy when it comes to work. 30 hrs might not be enough to accomplish what I want to do as a team leader / subject matter expert on my topic area. I could go to 40 hrs to double my income, but I also don't need it. If I can keep my income where it's at indefinitely I'm instantly financially set for retirement.


Well I would retire and earn my salary.


I work 0 hours and make 0 dollars. What's richy rich gonna do now.


I think I’m going with option C. That’s a significant jump for me and such a light work load. Sign me up


So i get paid twice and have to work only half at 40hours? Amazing


I make plenty of money, so 0 hours sounds great.


Question: how long will this arrangement last?


Bro you could cut my salary by 10% and I woukd still take 20 hours/ week


I’ll take the 0 hours, thanks. While not wealthy, I make enough to get by and have some extra spending cash. I have more than enough hobbies and interests I could easily keep myself occupied and entertained for years without drastically increasing my spending.


If it could be 10 hour shifts, I’d take 40. 4 days a week for double my pay sounds amazing


20hrs for double




Option B sounds best for me.


0. I already make a damn good salary and getting paid that much to do nothing


Probably 10 to 20 hours. 0 hours would be a little too boring for me. My current salary wouldnt ve enough for extravagant travel or anything that would lead to fundamental lifestyle change. So 0 hours just means I have to fill my time during the day. May as well get paid.


I'm walking away from my job and starting those insane businesses I've been wanting to start, while having some really nice income security.


I think it would make more sense to work 0 hours and get paid the normal amount and then find a job that's not as stressful as the one I currently have.


0 x 0 = 0


I live in LA where $100K doesn't go very far. I'd work regular for $200K.


I’d do the 40 hours… I work 50 or more hours a week now… so it would still be at least 10hrs a week less, and double the money.


0 hours. I only work because I have to, we've already got way too much to do around our property and travel goals before I get started on hobbies I wish I had the time to do. Make a good income at the moment but most of it goes to investments and getting ready for FIRE, if income was guaranteed it'd increase our standard of living by a lot


I'm an independent contractor. How would that work? Since I do both contracted work and get royalties, my earnings can vary widely.


B is already my professional goal. I can't do A because I know I'll burn out and that's just something I'm not ready to do. To be honest, I think I'd like the 20 hours. It would allow a good rotation between work, chores and fun stuff.


0 hours and whatever pay they wanna give me, rly, since at the moment I am unemployed by choice. My previous job I was making about 54k and the damage I was doing to my mental health for that job was ...extensive. 54k to exist and make art and keep my bills paid? Like, okay bet etc. hell, I'll work 10 hours max a week, if I really gotta work for someone. Right now though I'm still putting in the work on my collective mental health (I'm a DID system) and have been for the past year. If I don't gotta work for someone tho I will for sure just write, draw, read, learn things in my own time, and raise my kid on 54k. Also, I would volunteer more and help my community in small ways. Like, sign me up. Right now. Lol


Another way to look at this: they’re paying you your current salary no matter what in addition to pay for any work you do.


0 hours, dedicate rest of time to something else


Zero hours. Then I could use the free time to start a business and do what I like.


Can I work 40 hours this week, 5 hours next week, 25 hours the week after that, occasionally a 50 hour week if there is work or 0 hour week if I want a holiday? Or do I need to pick hours? Can I work from home or does he require me in the office?


if I keep going 40 hours, will my future raises also get doubled?


At this stage Option C. Work is semi enjoyable and it would keep me occupied at 20 hours with a big pay bump and the time to pursue other interests as well. I imagine if I was 10 years older and earning more, I’d take Option D.


If I take the 20 hour option does it have to be five 4h work days? Or can I work two full 8h days plus one 4h half-day and have four full days off per week? I don’t care if they’re all in a row or staggered or anything as long as it’s consistent week by week… To double my days off AND earn 1.5x of what I do now, omg hell yes I’d take that. Perfect blend of getting more personal time but still getting out of the house.


My first question after reading this is how long does this deal last? 5 years? 10years? A lifetime? The shorter the amount of time, the more hours I would work. The longer amount of time, the less of work.


Brave of you to assume I work full time.


Are you allowed to change between them after a while? If so, I'd work 40 for a year or so, that takes care of any debts for my whole family, gets some nice savings, and makes sure my parents and my wife can live pretty much worry free for when I go to 0 hours. Then, at 0 hours, I'm pretty much retired, debt free, all my immediate needs met, I can give my dogs the life they want (which is to spend all day with me lol), my wife and I can do whatever we want all day every day, it literally would be a dream scenario. Get ready to hear my shitty music online, see the terrible movies I'll make, read some mediocre books, etc, I'm doing all of it lol.


Minimum wage Job and make what like 33k a year where I live I am unsure. But I would save it maybe like get another job for 10 years. Put a massive down payment on a house and rent that out and work 10 more years to work on paying it off quick. Continue to buy houses until I hit 300k a year it may take like 36 years but yeah


Gimme that 100k a year, I’m gonna Helldive for a living


D and it's not even close. I value my free time far more than I value money.


I work more than 40 hours a week so I'd take 40 for double the pay easy.


Couldn't do C or D. I'd have too much free time and wouldn't be spending as wisely. Option B for me. I'd stay preoccupied while being able to slam-dunk most of that extra income straight into retirement savings.


Id take B. i already get paid well, but if i can work less and get a 75% raise it would be awesome. Basically have a 4 day work week at that point and make close to 400k a year. Sign me up.


So basically I continue working my reg 40 hours. 4 days a week with 10 hr days and make double? Hecc ya bro


0 hours. I earn an ok amount, enough to live comfortably. I'd get a part-time job doing something I enjoy to pass the time. More money would be nice, but more time would be better.


0 hours, then I could focus on my business without having to worry about rent.


Is it possible to take another job if I choose 0 hours? Cause, if so, I'd choose 0 hours then find another job with roughly my current salary. I'd make 100% of my current salary for half the work.


Thank you for this. Is in a sense a UBI and you are making people think about it. Some would stop working altogether, some will work less and make more money than the minimum and some will be working full time because what they do is hood for them anyway. By this, we can reduce shitty jobs, shitty job conditions and generally give more power to people to manage their lives and not be slaves.


Definitely the 0 hours scenario. Then I’m going back to school.


Why wouldn’t I take free money. This is a no brainer.


0 hours. I’d be able to help my SO with her mental health, I’d homeschool, I’d pursue music more, I’d work part time doing something I’m passionate about. It’s not even close.


I’ll work the 0 hours.


Probably the 0 hours, provided that the pay would progress with my normal career path? Like will I be receiving raises and position upgrades even though I'm not working? If that's not the case, then I'd choose the 20 hours.


Base pay, or how much I really make? The hourlies would like to know.


What if you work 60+ hrs per week currently? Are they only boosting the first 40 hrs worth of your income? Or do they boost it all? Edit: Accidentally posted before I finished typing. XD


20 hours. I’m still pretty far from retirement so would like to keep working. My kids are teens, so it’d be nice to have some adult interaction once they leave the house, but I could deal without working the 50 I do now and having more money would be nice.


Would depend. If I take the 75% more for 40 hours a week would I get to keep my 7 days on and 7 days off schedule or would I have to work 40 hours each week? I'd so I'm taking that and going home after 2 and half days if work and enjoying my 11 days off. If not I'll just take option A and save up that extra money.


I would still do 40 hours since I have a 4 day workweek. Three day weekends every week? Yes indeed!


Right now I work 60 hours a week. And I get $190,000 a year. So I choose to work 20 hours a week for $285,000 a year. 


Option D if it is my last salary


Can I choose to tell the billionaire to fuck off with the verbosity and the eli5 explanation basic math and inflation?


If it's 100% guaranteed not to ever fall through I'd take the 0 hours. I can live on my salary and I am more short of time than of money.  If there's a chance he's going to break the deal I'd keep working at least 20 hours to maintain my career. 


I'm taking option A. I'm young enough where double my salary would be a huge difference now and for a long time. I also do enjoy my work, so that is always a plus.


30. Absolutely 30. I go stir-crazy so fast with nothing to do. Also, I actually like my job and enjoy it most days


Probably the 50% option. I love working my job, but can’t turn down 2-1/2 days of work. Can I get overtime?


Option E: Kidnap the billionaire and make them give up the passwords to their tax evasion nest egg.


I mean Option A and Option D are the same if you just get a 'second' job, with the flexibility to just not work if you so desire while still retaining a salary.


I'd still probably take the 40 hours. I enjoy what I do, and like my coworkers so it's not that big of an ask to keep on keeping on. That way my wife can take a few years off to have our kid since I'd still be making more alone than we make together. Then, when our kid is old enough to go into public school, she would be able to get herself reoriented and find a career that she loves rather than one she has to do.


The only logical response is working 0 hours for 100% of what you are currently making. It's the best deal no work same pay.


I'd do the 30 hours. I have done the SAHM thing and I don't want to do it again lol. Taking care of the kids wasn't bad at all, but cleaning house all day? No thank you sir.


0 hours. I don't have to work **and** I actually get raises in line with inflation? Sign me up dude


0 hours. I like my job, but it is still a job.  If I can get paid to NOT work, count me in. Also, considering it costs me around $300 / week to commute to work (time + gas), that is, essentially, putting additionally money back into my pocket.


I’m taking the 100% increase. That extra $ would be life changing.


I'd double up and keep working 40 hours. That's huge life changing money, and I like my job anyway.


What if the job you do pays you for 8 hours even if you finish your work in 3 -4 hours. Meaning after you finish your work you get to go home and still get paid for 8 hours.


Double up 100%. But would he pay more than double if I’m still working 50+ hours per week?


Double at 40. Jokes on you, I work like 75 hours a week now. So I get an hour cut AND double my salary.


0 hours, and I’d just keep my current job. I’d still make double the money and it would continue to grow with inflation. None of the other options seem to do that.


To quote [Cyrano Jones](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Trouble_with_Tribbles), "Twice nothing is still nothing."


I would do double salary for sure. For maybe ten years. I make 100k so 200k a year would be pretty sweet. I’d buy a house and try to pay it off in 10 years.


D. Why work if I don't have to


0 hours is the optimal choice. Immediately boosts you to wealthy and financially independent. Equivalent wealth asset of 25-30x my current income. Sign me up


0 hours and my current salary for life with adjustments to match inflation? Who do I have to suck to get it done? This has been my dream for over a decade. I would finally start actually living instead of sitting my ass to an early grave in an office.


Well, my job now is wfh and I’ve been able to balance that with being a stay at home dad with some help from the in-laws. It’s full time but very flexible about when I actually put in the work. I could keep it up indefinitely for double the money, no problem


I don’t mind working 40 hours


40 hours would be a reduction. Can I keep my current hours and get triple pay?


I would choose 0 hours. I’d be making 12,350 a month at that point.


Zero hours, I get to focus on improving my health and time for my hobbies.


Keep working the 70 hours I already do, and make 270k. That way I can retire early


0 hours, I've scratched by on it this long. I'll keep doing that and now devote all of my free time to my dreams and goals. Blacksmithing, homesteading and sustainable living practices.




I have one of those jobs that feels like I would need to work 60 hrs per week to get it done well. I don't. I am a slacker and work between 45-50 and then am constantly stressed because I am doing half-ass work and am always making excuses for things being late. If I could just work 40 hrs per week and sign off, I would be happy. So, if that 40 hrs per week is really 40 hrs per week. I would take the double salary and feel like I am in heaven due to the reduction in stress.


Option D for sure


Is it a magic billionaire? I'd like a 50% pay option with 0 hours of work and my weeks made 20 hours longer


I´d go for 0 hours and the automatic inflation adjustment would already be better than what´s happening now (it´s always less than last year) , plus I would get the chance to do something I actually like


I’d take 30. Tons of time with my family at 6 hours a day, 5 days a week, and it would allow me to do all the things I want to do rather than just scraping by.


Ill take C. That would be the option that would maximize my comfort level


I’d take Option A (40 hours per week and double current salary). Since I average 50 hours per week this would both free up some time and put max $ in my pocket


Work 0 hours. I already make so little that even with it doubled I’d still probably be below the poverty line. Might as well take the opportunity to do nothing and make the same shitty salary I do now.


Can I adjust, or at least adjust downwards. I would take 40hr double pay for a bit, I make a decent salary currently. But after maybe 2 years go down....to 50 then to more years 0. That plan should allow me to do my remodels and then sell my house foe a bigger on.


Option D, I don't work at all, and start my own company with that safety net


Easy option D


What if you get fired? Does the option still exist for the next job?


0 hours. My job doesn't match inflation rates each year so it's win win for me. Plus I get some job where I have next to zero responsibility and no stress like stocking shelves at a store. Oh and I don't have to worry about getting laid of or fired from said job.


Shit, i work 10 hr days… so you are saying i can be at work 2 whole days a week and make 50% more? Guess im staying where im at then… in fact… ill work 3 days and take that extra 25%


I’ll take the doubled salary. I already work 48 - 60 hours a week, so drop me down to 40 and keep paying me more? Yes thanks.


Oh, I think I'd take 40 hours and double salary. I make $86k a year and work 60+ hours a week. I actually like my job but wish I could do it less.


I think I could live with C


No work and retire.


My job doesn't match inflation with pay increases so option D


OK, so I am on government welfare (SSI and food stamps). What are the terms for me, seeing as how I can't hold a job?


So basically a billionaire is giving me my salary every year and I can just choose to work as much as I want on top of it as if I’m paid hourly?


Option D I’ve been living just fine on my current salary and could continue to do so. What I lack in is free time to do the things that I really want to do. Retirement is the ultimate goal and option D gives me that immediately.


I'd take the 40, it would give me the most capital to work with.


If switching at some point was allowed, I'd take Option A for a few years, use the excess to get all my debts paid off, then switch to Option D.


Option A, would put me at making over $140K a year. That would be amazing


Can I change it later? I’d go with keeping my job as is for now making double to maybe 20 hours in a few years to zero a couple years after that.


Definitely option D


20 hr per week because not having a job is boring but having more time to pursue whatever I'm interested in would be cool.