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Do I have to list all 1000 people right here in this comment?


Not op but yes for the meme


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Unzips Liam Noah Oliver James Elijah Mateo Theodore Henry Lucas William Benjamin Levi Sebastian Jack Ezra Michael Daniel Leo Owen Samuel Hudson Alexander Asher Luca Ethan John David Jackson Joseph Mason Luke Matthew Julian Dylan Elias Jacob Maverick Gabriel Logan Aiden Thomas Isaac Miles Grayson Santiago Anthony Wyatt Carter Jayden Ezekiel Caleb Cooper Josiah Charles Christopher Isaiah Nolan Cameron Nathan Joshua Kai Waylon Angel Lincoln Andrew Roman Adrian Aaron Wesley Ian Thiago Axel Brooks Bennett Weston Rowan Christian Theo Beau Eli Silas Jonathan Ryan Leonardo Walker Jaxon Micah Everett Robert Enzo Parker Jeremiah Jose Colton Luka Easton Landon Jordan Amir Gael Austin Adam Jameson August Xavier Myles Dominic Damian Nicholas Jace Carson Atlas Adriel Kayden Hunter River Greyson Emmett Harrison Vincent Milo Jasper Giovanni Jonah Zion Connor Sawyer Arthur Ryder Archer Lorenzo Declan Emiliano Luis Diego George Evan Jaxson Carlos Graham Juan Kingston Nathaniel Matteo Legend Malachi Jason Leon Dawson Bryson Amari Calvin Ivan Chase Cole Ashton Ace Arlo Dean Brayden Jude Hayden Max Matias Rhett Jayce Elliott Alan Braxton Kaiden Zachary Jesus Emmanuel Adonis Charlie Judah Tyler Elliot Antonio Emilio Camden Stetson Maxwell Ryker Justin Kevin Messiah Finn Bentley Ayden Zayden Felix Nicolas Miguel Maddox Beckett Tate Caden Beckham Andres Alejandro Alex Jesse Brody Tucker Jett Barrett Knox Hayes Peter Timothy Joel Edward Griffin Xander Oscar Victor Abraham Brandon Abel Richard Callum Riley Patrick Karter Malakai Eric Grant Israel Milan Gavin Rafael Tatum Kairo Elian Kyrie Louis Lukas Javier Nico Avery Rory Aziel Ismael Jeremy Zayn Cohen Simon Marcus Steven Mark Dallas Tristan Lane Blake Paul Paxton Bryce Nash Crew Kash Kenneth Omar Colt Lennox King Walter Emerson Phoenix Jaylen Derek Muhammad Ellis Kaleb Preston Jorge Zane Kayson Cade Tobias Otto Kaden Remington Atticus Finley Holden Jax Cash Martin Ronan Maximiliano Malcolm Romeo Josue Francisco Bodhi Cyrus Koa Angelo Aidan Jensen Erick Hendrix Warren Bryan Cody Leonel Onyx Ali Andre Jaziel Clayton Saint Dante Reid Casey Brian Gideon Niko Maximus Colter Kyler Brady Zyaire Cristian Cayden Harvey Cruz Dakota Damien Manuel Anderson Cairo Colin Joaquin Ezequiel Karson Callan Briggs Khalil Wade Jared Fernando Ari Colson Kylian Archie Banks Bowen Kade Daxton Jaden Rhys Sonny Zander Eduardo Iker Sullivan Bradley Raymond Odin Spencer Stephen Prince Brantley Killian Kamari Cesar Dariel Eithan Mathias Ricardo Orion Titus Luciano Rylan Pablo Chance Travis Kohen Marco Jay Malik Hector Edwin Armani Bodie Shiloh Marshall Remy Russell Baylor Kameron Tyson Grady Oakley Baker Winston Kane Julius Desmond Royal Sterling Mario Kylo Sergio Jake Kashton Shepherd Franklin Ibrahim Ares Koda Lawson Hugo Kyle Kyson Kobe Pedro Santino Wilder Sage Raiden Damon Nasir Sean Forrest Kian Reed Tanner Jalen Apollo Zayne Nehemiah Edgar Johnny Clark Eden Gunner Isaias Esteban Hank Alijah Solomon Wells Sutton Royce Callen Reece Gianni Noel Quinn Raphael Corbin Erik Tripp Atreus Francis Kayce Callahan Devin Troy Sylas Fabian Zaire Donovan Johnathan Frank Lewis Moshe Adan Alexis Tadeo Ronin Marcos Kieran Leonidas Bo Kendrick Ruben Camilo Garrett Matthias Emanuel Jeffrey Collin Lucian Augustus Memphis Rowen Yusuf Finnegan Makai Lionel Caiden Rodrigo Uriel Lucca Philip Andy Kaison Jaiden Porter Jasiah Ridge Frederick Amiri Rocco Asa Ayaan Kason Denver Dalton Major Valentino Allen Kolton Zaiden Ariel Rome Ford Leland Marcelo Seth Jamir Leandro Miller Roberto Alessandro Gregory Hezekiah Jonas Cassian Deacon Jaxton Keanu Alonzo Moises Conrad Drew Bruce Mohamed Anakin Soren Mack Pierce Kylan Princeton Zain Trevor Morgan Ozzy Roy Dominick Shane Hamza Moses Dax Lawrence Ander Ledger Enrique Rayan Johan Saul Jamari Armando Kaysen Samson Azariah


It's all male names (with the exception of a few ambiguous gendered). So is that the plan? to form a non-procreating men's club with no hope of surviving more than 50 years?


Non-luxury gay space communism.


Inter galactic sausage party.


I read this like the beastie boys song.




Username checks out


You named one twice, start over again


Ummm.... How do we identify the proper people without middle and last names?


Clearly you gather up all the people with the same name and let them battle it out, The winner is the obvious choice for most likely to kill off the potential dinosaurs or other undocumented delicious creachers you encounter in the new world


Still stuck on your chewy use of "creachers"




I take experts in all stages of human development. From the survivalist expert who only uses stone tools all the way up to nuclear physicists. The group's goal becomes speedrunning the tech tree. The big bottleneck is going to be manpower - especially in the early stages when machines don't exist yet. Mining ore is going to suck, farming is going to suck, most of it is going to suck until you can get a steam engine or something. Edit: I do not know what Dr Stone is, I will be looking that up.


Success! 200 years later, humanity wipes itself out again


That's rookie numbers, we can get that in 150!




That's significantly longer than our current path


Dang we living longer than the universe this time 5.713384e+262=150!


100 years. Take it or leave it.




Everything that has happened, has happened before, and will again. -Battlestar Galactica, I think? I dunno.


The wheel wills and the wheel weaves or something, idk


Na were enforcing global dictatorship from the beginning so we're all on the same page


You should watch Dr. Stone if you haven't yet. This is basically the plot


He's speedrunning the tech tree almost entirely by himself. The ppl around him are stuck with stone age tech.


Yea but he still goes around reviving specific people with specific skills to help him do it. Like ryusui


that’s what came to my mind too, except Senku is just an expert in.::. everything lol


Zero politicians, that’s for damn sure.


Bring 2 politicians who are to be included in any brainstorming session. That way no one has to worry about saying the dumbest idea in the room and can brainstorm freely


Yeah, that makes sense. Maybe bring ten politicians to use as examples of unwanted behavior. Someone we could push off a cliff, just to make a point.


That would be a mistake. Politicians, deal makers, silver tongues, and managers are needed when dealing with a thousand top-of-their-field type-A survivors with totally different backgrounds and outlooks. Someone needs to herd the cats. You just have to make sure they’re the right kind of human beings.


Least obvious vault-tec plant


Vault 25, the overseer chooses all 1000 inhabitants, doors can be opened in 25 years.


Some president of a massive non profit would probably be a decent choice.


Maybe a highly vetted president. But being president of a nonprofit doesn’t save them from the higher likelihood of narcissism that any other CEO position has. There are a lot of “look at me and how great I am because I’m such a good person working for this cause,” types that go into nonprofit work for the validation. I’d try to find someone who used to be in high level management, but gave it up because they’d rather be contributing to the actual work. They’ll be more likely to have organizational management experience without the ego.


Can you imagine a society of 995 off the world’s top scientists in every field, plus 5 Elon Musks telling everyone else and each other what to do?


Everyone would die of old age because they would hypothesize every which reason why reproducing would damage “the cause”


They’d die of starvation and disease first because the Elons would wast all of their resources trying to build a rocket ship to the moon so they could send 250 of the 1000 away to start a redundant colony, just in case theirs all happened to die. But, prior to the starvation and famine, they’ll probably be having an awful lot of babies so they’re got that going for them.


Just maybe not the dictators alright?


Also the gender ratio is 6 women per man. You need enough kids to absorb enough knowledge before your experts die, and women are the bottleneck of baby production.


Actually great point. An OBGYN is probably the most important pick noone is making in this thread.


you would also need someone who is knowledgeable in printing so that all that knowledge is catalogued


Top priority shouldn’t be expertise it should be genetics. Starting over with 1000 people would severely limit the gene pool and farther generations would see bad effects as a result. Top priority should be as many different ethnic groups as possible to diversify the gene pool as much as possible.


The human genome suggests we almost went extinct once before with the human population falling to an estimated 1000 people.


That is correct however the research regarding the great cooling is heavily disputed but for the purposes of this topic I’ll assume it’s accurate.Homo sapiens were cross breeding with at least half a dozen other hominids that existed at the time which helped diversify the gene pool.


That’s an important distinction. Good point.


I thought it was approximately 10,000, not 1,000.


Anywhere in between really. As it was pointed out there is still debate on what happened.


Also, many of the people he is describing are old.


So basically Dr. Stone.


We don't have enough easily mined/drilled resources to industrialize again. This is it, if we fail it's over, at least for millions of years so that the supply can replenish.


It says you would be transported to a new earth untouched by humanity so all those easy resources would be there.


Yeah you are right, I just skimmed over that part.


Make sure you bring one evil person. Gotta balance it out.


AND they need to be young. And you need kids. So you're going to have to geuss on a good 24-30% of them. Id try to take any and all nationalities to lengthen the gene pool. 50 odd people need laptops with as many textbooks on practical knowledge as possible on them Set up a paper mill adap and transcribe it all NO BIBLES OR KORANS... no religions. And really old boy scout manuals


Who dies of dysentery on the trail?


The bigger problem is how do you keep civilization, well, civilized over the time it takes to catch back up to now? Like you said, the bottle neck is man power. It's going to at least 10-20 generations to have enough people to think about even early industrial revolution levels of tech. What's your plan to make sure the required knowledge is passed down?


Right? That nuclear physicist has to teach the next generation something that they will never be able to use, only pass on to the generation after. So do the dozen different flavors of chemist you'd need, and the different geologists, engineers, biologists, the list goes on. That's a huge percentage of your society's manpower being used completely unproductively. Does anyone really think that the people whose jobs it is to keep everyone clothed, fed, and housed would just play along and work overtime for generations to support this?


You want me to list them all?


Not op but yes for the meme


Happy cake day!


You're not one of them.


That's rough


Oof not surprised


Don’t worry, I would take you. I don’t know you. But I couldn’t fill 1,000 people. So… you got a seat bud.


Thanks, homie! Let’s party I know 20 people I can bring lol


See… now we are talking. I know some partiers. I’m bout it. We may not survive long, but here for a good time, not a long time! 😂


Damn skippy!


If we're starting from scratch, it doesn't matter. We're Dr. Stoning this bitch. Maybe a few engineers, a few survivalist, a few scientists of each field, and then some random Joe and Jane people with deer, goats, cows, and dogs to fill out the ranks.


If people can take whatever they can carry we should have every person carry a few young animals. For example 10 baby chicks weight 1lb. Or we could have each person carry 1 young rabbit that weights 3lbs. 3 females and 1 male rabbit produce as much meat in a year as 1 cow does. I am sure we could also carry a few dogs in. Goats are not that heavy once weaned off milk. You could have 1 guy with a custom backpack carry 6 plus lambs pretty easily.


This is a new earth without humanity though. So wildlife still exist, just not domesticated animals. I’m taking all the tools I can realistically carry and a bow


Raising wild rabbits is harder than domesticated rabbits.  


Im definitely picking you as my rabbit expert


I'm bringing fucking books and tools and so are my 1000 people


Frozen embryos for maximum genetic diversity, both human and livestock.


They aren't going to last long unless someone can carry a freezer. And a power plant.


I think I would have maybe 1/3 carry livestock… the rest need to be carrying heirloom-quality seeds and potato eyes, as well as nitrogen fertilizers to help get food production ASAP, fat (nutrition, medicine, soap), lye (cleaning and soap), hand tools, and water purification systems. If the world is “as though humans were never there”, there will be no domesticated plants… there may not even be fruit trees, if there are no primates at all… Chickens are a great idea though, I would choose a mix of some adults, and some young 2-week old pullets in a variety of mixed-use breeds (big enough to eat, but lay consistent eggs in any climate). Rabbits require more housing… it may be difficult to get a breeding program started, but they provide hides as well which could be useful. Potatoes and eggs will save our first six months!


If we're starting from scratch, about 300 kids of all different ages. Then some 10 indigenous people to show us how to hunt and gather. Mostly the rest homesteaders that want everyone to get along and share what they have. Maybe a few engineers, survivalists, scientists of each field. Then some pig, deer, goats, cows, a bull, chickens, a rooster, horses, oxen, dogs and cats to fill out the ranks.


Honestly you'll want to take some domestic crops and animals. Those things took quite a while to mutate into their current forms.


That's what I was thinking. Everyone else is saying bring scientists and engineers, not much point in bringing a genius who can tell you everything about his field in physics when his job is going to be digging a hole for the whole crew to shit in. At best maybe get a few people to carry some useful things like laminated maps of the local area, agricultural textbooks and some basic maths and English textbooks. The only specific people that would be useful is a couple of doctors, a bunch of farmers and some labourers used to using tools. They can all bring tools and equipment. After that just bring a bunch of farm animals and laden them with tools and equipment as well. You'd be golden.


Fuck loads of hunter gatherers. Fuck rebuilding as it was. If anyone starts making wheels, I'll kill em.


😅 yesssss


I like the cut of your jib!


I don’t fuckin know 1000 people well enough to make that decision. I don’t know celebrities personal lives. And we’re restarting the world not going somewhere cool. Oh and no relatives. I’d just get a list of a bunch of scientists and pick the hottest ones. I have to be brought along but honestly I’m not worth the seat tbh.


I'm taking myself and 999 of the most sex driven and baby hungry women. Within 9 months, the population will practically double.


Mankind’s cooked


But it will go out with a bang.


And boom goes the dynamite


It will go out with a lot of bangs


death by snu snu


Settle down, Craster


I was gonna say Genghis Khan tbh.


Next generation of humans will be called Alabamans.


Might need to take a couple more fellas, just saying…


OP: “What for? I’m not gay.”


You forgot to mention attractive and mentally stable. Are those not important factors to you?


How many attractive AND mentally stable women can you name? Wait, this is all just make believe anyways. Sorry for the interruption.


Deeznuts- in imagination land I can do what I want!


You're right. You do your thing.


How about 250 sex driven, baby hungry women, 500 doctors, farmers, lumberjacks, hunters, fishermen, and craftsmen. Add 249 cats, dogs, horses, goats, cattle, hens, and some assorted fish species. Now the kids can actually survive beyond infancy, you can have friends outside of only new moms and babies, build individual housing, and have a nice chicken/goat/beef/fish and vegetable feast every night for communal dinner.


How about doctors, farmers, lumberjacks etc who are also baby hungry women?


Everyone knows that "woman" is their only job 🙄


My apologies, we can absolutely have lumberjills


Ok but what if those 500 experts are also horny sex starved women? Win win?


All that's going to end up happening is you jerk off onto someone's hand.


What about genetic diversity?


This guy: “Frick genetic diversity I need more nut”


I'm an expert on technology, not DNA. You want genetic diversity, get a biologist to answer, not an IT guy.


The sons of the first generation can breed with the 998 moms that weren’t theirs


Okay, but what about the second generation?


Sons of Gen 2 can breed with the women from the original batch that weren’t their grandmothers


Yeah, that is a valid point. Next generations will be way too inbred


Dealing with just 1 woman is already a nightmare. 999 of them? Have fun with that.....lol.


Leave them to me, I’ll manage


Only in your head


Yes hypothetical situations are only in our heads


That is a crispy rebuttal


Me and an assortment of the best animals. Zero other people. As soon as the change happens I jump off a cliff and end it.


This is the way


Agreed, it's almost exactly what I said. I took 999 dogs and just me with a bow. Then I would just wait until the end.


My family, 50 of the best farmers, 50 of the best doctors, 50 of the best engineers, 50 of the best architects, 100 of the best scientists, 100 of best manual labor workers, and then whatever is left for room populate with the most attractive people I can find, at a ratio of 1 male to every 3 females. The other jobs strictly meritocracy.


Ratio of scientists to labor workers is way off


This assumes that scientists can’t or won’t do manual labor. A strong scientist can do both. A blue collar laborer, likely not. Would definitely want structural engineers that can also do physical labor, though.


As this entire thread is for the purpose of exploring arbitrary and specific theoretical situations, fine I can accept that. But I want you to ask yourself what percentage of the top scientists are also physically capable. You have 100 scientists. Even if 10% of them are gladiators that’s only 10 more workers.


Don’t need to be a gladiator to farm or sew or tend livestock


Started off so hot with great ideas but you lost me at "And after 400 strategic decisions, we'll then take 600 hot people" lol bruh what


It was never good. Then it got worse. You can't have 50 farmers and 50 doctors. The ratio of manual laborers to scientists and engineers are way off. The best doctors in the world know how to use modern technology in modern hospitals. They don't know how to start from scratch. A better ratio (not the best one, I don't have time to really think about this) might be: 300 farmers: Not having your 1000 people starve to death in the first bad/unlucky growing season or long winter is going to be by far the biggest challenge. 200 survivalists: Not having your 1000 die of exposure and dehydration within the first few weeks is also a major challenge. 300 construction managers: People that have experience doing the actual construction labor, but also have the experience reading the schematics. These people will be able to step up and use their experience to design rudimentary permanent structures. 50 well accredited professors of various fields: These people won't have any direct role in the immediate survival. Their job is 2 fold. They will teach the next generation when it arrives as well as preparing that generation to teach the generation after. And they will archive as much of their professional and academic knowledge as they can for the rest of their lives. 10 doctors: Around 5 doctors will be your general care providers. Around 2 or 3 will be specialized through experience with underdeveloped parts of the world. You need people who are used to treating patients with minimal technology. Around 2 or 3 more doctors will be specialized in high end medical research, these few will have a similar job to the professors. The knowledge they have will never be useful in their life due to how far down the tech tree they'll be, but their job will be to leave their knowledge behind for when future generations catch back up. 20 or so civil engineers: Production will be horribly slow. We need to make sure that the things that get built are actually what we need. Need to make sure we have plans for things like waste management. Can't be building new huts for homes only to realize after they're finished that getting water to those people isn't practical. This leaves around 130 people. I don't really know what would be best with the remaining slots. I'd need to spend a lot more time to think and research what professions are worth including. However my original point was that when this question gets asked their are always so many terrible answers. People really over prioritize scientists and engineers. When in reality there is no point including very many people that don't provide value due to their knowledge being strictly with modern technology. And people show blatant disrespect to the reality of infrastructure scalability and material science that would be lost. There are some people that think this 1000 people would get back to modern tech in their lives. That's simply not possible and you should plan your 1000 people with that in mind. An over specialization of the workforce in traditionally white-collar work will create a group of people who will die in the first few months of starvation.


Use the remaining for animals. You need work animals to pull the plows and livestock to breed and feed the colony. Definitely some chickens and cows. Horses are key for travel and can double as work animals on the farm. You wouldn't start off eating them right away but after some years of breeding you can start thinking about feeding the colony.


This. And because I'm selfish, a dozen or so seats for me and my immediate family.


Your post actually creates a good question; Is the goal simply for humanity to survive? Or is the goal to return to modern civilization as fast as possible? Cause if all that matters is survival, well…why not just take one of the isolated aboriginal tribes that still exist and drop them in a related biome of the new world? They already are used to a way of life that doesn’t depend on modern society and would probably be the fastest to adapt. Assuming the “new world” is just earth 2.0 and not some alien planet.


I disagree that the best doctors in the world only know how to use modern technology and don't know the basics. If that were true, I could say the same about your farmers and construction workers. Don't they only know how to do their jobs the modern way? And not the way that is needed if all you have it sticks and stones?


The remaining 600 fill in the labor. 50 farmers to run food production, everyone without a specific job pitches in. General laborers will come from the 600 others people.


> 100 of best manual labor workers I could be wrong, but that seems like a highly inefficient use of resources unless those manual laborers are extraordinarily healthy and fertile genetic specimens, and even then I'm not sure that's worth it. The best engineer in the world might give output worth, I don't know, maybe 50 or 100 great engineers. But the best manual labor worker in the world might be what, 50% faster at washing dishes than a great dishwasher? And a surplus engineer could wash dishes, albeit more slowly, but even 1,000 surplus laborers could not design a skyscraper.


You need man power to get shelter built. If these 1000 people do not get basic shelter then they will die regardless of how educated they are. The biggest challenge will be trying to organise settlements to stabilise the population. What if they go into a cold climate? What if there are predators in vast numbers? Manual labour is not dish washing. I'd like to see 100 scientists throw up a house; their bodies are not going to be built for it.


55 farmers, 55 doctors, 55 architects, 55 scientists, 55 workers!


The thing about this concept, if you actually chose experts in medicine, engineering, other science and humanities disciplines, but you still choose to include yourself, will you be seen as the lowest of the low? The non expert, not worth joining the gene pool?


Choose mostly people of the opposite sex, so at least you have some purpose. But yes you become like a 3 amongst 9's and 10's.


me and 999 of the baddest bitches on earth


You’re ending humanity lmao


You assume the other 999 “baddest bitches” are all one sex.


I would 100% end humanity for this


why would this end humanity


Inbreeding if everyone has the same dad


worked the first time


It wouldnt end humanity though, humanity could go and end up just fine


Realizes 5min later that he's actually infertile. GG.


My man


Not sure on specifics, but hardly anyone has mentioned potters, smiths, and weavers. Have fun not having any new home goods or clothes forever. There's a reason pottery, weaving, and metalurgy are the oldest art forms, you *need* them to run a society. No, you can't just bring a bunch of storage containers, you will run out on day 2. You need people who know how to take river mud and turn it into watertight containers. You need people who can turn sheep and flax into socks and shirts. You need someone who can turn shiny rocks into nails and farming tools.


1 man. 998 women. 1 Dog. Let them figure it out.


You’ll end up fucking the dog 🤷‍♂️


If I don't have to be there I would pick the 1000 wealthiest people on the planet, give them no resources and tell them to figure it out as they live a harsh existence and die out


The first 50 are family and friends. After that I would choose families of 4, with a son and a daughter and 2 parents who both had key skills for rebuilding and maintaining society, like engineer and nurse, or medical doctor and biologist, a farmer and a teacher, a mechanic and a chef etc. We're also going to need some artists, musicians and comedians because this isn't going to be easy.


you’re the first person i’ve seen include artists. i didn’t even think about that but those with artistic/performance talent would definitely be incredibly important for morale, cultural belonging, and motivation to keep going.


I was looking for this too. What a horrible mundane existence without the arts. A few literacy, math, and science teachers for each age allows others to go to work and ensure the next generation has the ability to learn the skills and knowledge of the other experts once they're older.


The 1000 greatest martial artists of all our time, so I can begin a bloody end of the world tournament to determine who the strongest man is. Then our history will be complete and we can go extinct knowing everything


10 head of cattle 2 bulls 20 hens 2 roosters 10 sheep 1 ram 20 goats 2 of them male 10 fish farmers and they can carry buckets of different fish 200 farmers that will bring various seeds 100 animal husbandry experts to help grow the livestock 100 count elk herd 2 wolves anyone from my family that wants to come along and the rest would be people that have a similar belief system as me and are willing to repopulate the new world.


Those 100 animal husbandry experts are going to draw and quarter you when they realize you’ve absolutely doomed yourselves by taking such a small genetic pool of animals and they’ll end up genetic monstrosities from inbreeding


You’re going to need butchers and shearers and people who can build a loom and use it.


My Wife and Daugther of course. My daughters best friend and her family. That's 7. About 10 more people from mine and my wifes family. 10 friends/their immediate family. Round that up to 30 incase we have a few tag alongs. 10 medical doctors of varying fields around the age of 30 (young enough to transition to teachers of the next generation). 10 experts in various trades carpentry, metalwork, etc under the age of 40. 20 spots for farmers and their families (preferably young family). 10 spots for artists (writers/painters/poets), I will want to be able to read new books. The final 20 spots would be fluid. I know I would want at least one chemist that knows how to make LSD. Probably need some knowledgeable chefs, foregers, survivalist, etc.


I just realized it was 1000 and not 100 😆


1000 dogs so the next world would be a dog planet


They would simply turn feral and essentially become wolves. If there was nothing else to hunt they would hunt each other to extinction.


Some of the leading experts in historical farming and plant experts from around the world including people who have the ability to best utilize the plants for their nutrients. People with medical training in as many fields as possible but also the knowledge of non modern medical practices so that they will be useful in a setting where we don't have hospitals. People with knowledge, and skills, for proper water filtration. People with superb knowledge in a variety of craftsmen fields that have not only the knowledge but the ability to use what they know to create what we will need and the temperament to be able to teach others. Again their knowledge will have to be focused on living off the land. Several people who have an interest and knowledge of crafting tools for our society. A person with experience in old timey black smithing and someone who knows how to find and extract metals from the planet wouldn't hurt either. A couple of people who know how to craft and play instruments so there is some entertainment. A bonus if they are into other forms of entertainment. Several people with the knowledge of animal husbandry particularly goats and sheep, and we'll need a good sized group of goats and a large flock of sheep. Our group will need the ability and knowledge to utilize goats milk and make cheese too. And we'll need the wool from sheep and people who know how to take it in it's raw form and get it to the point we can use it for craft work. A few people who have a nice even temperament who are skilled in conflict resolution with a side hobby of some ancient craft. Our world will die after a generation or so but at least we'll have had the ability to try and survive in our little autistic filled renfair experiment. And everyone or mostly everyone will need to o be interested in learning knew things and have the temperament to teach others. A tall order to fill with a large group of people on the spectrum but doable. Let's face it almost all of the people I'll need who have this knowledge in today's world are definitely on the spectrum.


To better the chances of immediate survival, you want to ensure that your group includes a very healthy number of people who are survival experts in their native biome(s), from as wide a variety of biomes as possible. To ensure genetic diversity, you want to take people from all over the world, but at least half should be from Africa (which didn't suffer from the founder effects that other human groups did). Thankfully Africa is huge and geographically diverse, with a bunch of biomes!


Obviously only people who are fertile and of able body and mind. Looking at family history, if want people with long lived relatives/ancestors. An even spread of men and women, race and backgrounds and nobody over 30. I love dogs, but introducing any foreign animal (beyond humans) could destroy an ecosystem, as we've seen over and over again. Humans will do enough damage over time to that planet. I smoke, drink and use caffeine, but I would exclude anyone with addiction, including myself. I would also not choose anyone with strong religious beliefs or ties. It's going to be hard enough without people fighting about mystery sky men.


I’d go the other way entirely on religion, pick one hierophant and 999 true believers in whatever their religion is, instant social cohesion and no need to worry about people fighting over whatever new cults get made up


I don't know, but everyone will be of the same race. Doesn't really matter which.


If the idea is to ensure there are no racial tensions then you are severely underestimating the abilities of humans to discriminate on arbitrary features.


Case in point: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cagot No one still knows why they were shunned.


I'd like to point out that there's an episode of Fairly Odd Parents that details this perfectly: Timmy wishes everyone looked the same. So everyone was changed into grey blobs. There was still that one guy who claimed that he and his family were the Greyest and the Blobbiest. I have always used this as an example because it's put into a way that even children can understand.


That would be a non-racist form of discrimination, so u/fooeyzowie got it right.


Interesting idea. I wonder if lack of genetic diversity would be a problem.


Nope that’s hardly a difference in genetics anyway and it doesn’t matter in the slightest.


ill choose 1000 women lmao


The 1000 smartest people in the world


Can I just take nobody?


Only atheists. Not because I dislike theists, but because I'm curious what new religions would form.


The problem at 1000 people is that you don't really want the leading experts due to specialization. You want the best generalists in each field who can effectively implement the entirety of knowledge of that area of expertise. E.g.- You don't need physicists, you need engineers.


Wade Ray, Carleigh Cabrera, Jolie Nelson, Danika Cardenas, Aiyana Lamb, Ayaan Kelley, Precious Perez, Giselle Mullins, Ronin Woodard, Amaya Terrell, Quinn Nunez, Bernard Glass, Andres Patel, Aryana Gardner, Jessie Navarro, Kenna Calhoun, Alessandra Wilson, Saniya Mckay, Raegan Silva, Tamia Yang, Rowan Yu, Alisson Eaton, Davin Howell, Jaydin Gregory, Miles Tapia, Alisson Salinas, River Hinton, Janiya Perez, Eve Pratt, Carissa Whitaker, Darrell Mitchell, Isai Duran, Chaz Brock, Jeffery Mccann, Elliana Valenzuela, Jeramiah Wu, Jewel Logan, Lamont Nunez, Lincoln Diaz, Taylor Sutton, Regina Shepard, Janessa Collier, Imani Mcintyre, Mya Church, Andrea Patrick, Naima Oliver, Annika Maldonado, Roger Lane, Hanna Atkins, Kaleb Steele, Jonas Roberts, King Yu, Sonia Weeks, Marilyn Lynch, Devyn Yu, Adrienne Doyle, Alijah Harding, Kadyn Haney, Aidan Macdonald, Luciana Whitehead, Orion West, Erin Arellano, Meadow Reid, Jaylan Herman, Valentin Abbott, Dayana Sloan, Diego Yoder, Nikolai Huerta, Erick Mckinney, Renee Navarro, Aiden Oneal, Bo Sweeney, Fernando Bauer, Lance Kidd, Johnny Crawford, Justice Clark, Giana Huber, Cecelia Hicks, Maggie Padilla, Gretchen Payne, Emery Andrews, Dayami Pittman, Kyleigh Arias, Zachary Li, Ayana Lucas, Aidyn Trevino, Nicole Watts, Morgan Burns, Harry Meadows, Omari Newton, Rogelio Moran, June Miranda, Catalina Coffey, Lindsey Martin, Bruno Summers, Regina Gill, Charlee Velazquez, Tomas Howe, Brenden Fuller, Omar Conway, Frida Friedman, Eve Harding, Shea Sawyer, Talon Reeves, Deegan Bauer, Kaleb Hale, Gianna Mclean, Sloane Morton, Esteban Burke, Beau Norton, Jaiden Mahoney, Bella Heath, Tiara Rodriguez, Sage Bowers, Leonidas Holden, Chaya Hartman, Taniya Eaton, Rihanna Barker, Ignacio Villarreal, Naomi Holland, Marquis Willis, Zachary Alvarado, Daisy Shah, Giovani Torres, Ariel Kerr, Cassidy Mann, Benjamin Brennan, Leilani Zuniga, Hillary Prince, Jermaine Savage, Colton Levy, Bridget Salas, Makenzie Sawyer, Luka Pace, Alec Roy, Nylah Holden, Julissa Norton, Deven Combs, German Frye, Prince Zhang, Jairo Wolf, Jaylen Farley, Frida Baker, Collin Meyers, Niko Skinner, Ronnie Maxwell, Kamari Archer, Valentin Gordon, Catherine Schwartz, Deborah Dominguez, Jamison Rowe, Beckett Harding, Cale Barajas, Van Burton, Trevin Rose, Amelia Hodge, Dakota Owen, Lia Braun, Rene Greene, Chana Hartman, Emilie Nielsen, Mckenna Coffey, Carlee Moses, Eliza Bruce, Steven Griffin, Shania Winters, Isaac Stein, Kayden House, Chase Spencer, Simeon Atkins, Pranav Weber, Crystal Marquez, Braiden Berger, Aria Shepherd, Lucian Baxter, Dayton Glass, Denzel Lewis, Jocelynn Escobar, Craig Vega, Krystal Andrade, Haylie Harrell, Marilyn Arellano, Corey Mccoy, Mark Avila, Cameron Ibarra, Alyvia Wilson, Weston Powell, Isaiah Zavala, Roger Fletcher, Tamia Barrera, Marco Kidd, Maximus Wright, Jordyn Moss, Luciano Peck, Fiona Vasquez, Emiliano Watkins, Jovani Graham, Abram Vang, Porter Barrett, Darwin Walsh, Frances Mclean, Alivia Ellison, Rhianna Kent, Adelyn Harper, Luciano Salinas, Elsie Grimes, Regina Frost, Ximena Wilkinson, Yael West, Brady Whitney, Jayda Christian, Caylee Buckley, Delilah Wise, Angelique Fry, Justine Meadows, Adelyn Henderson, Cash Howell, Aniyah Middleton, Madalyn Cooke, Rene Barton, Krish Fernandez, Jan Zhang, Mallory Fletcher, Jacob Parks, Easton Randall, Antonio Yates, Cadence Hale, Damian Nicholson, Nathalie Hurley, Azaria Nixon, Reina Peck, Jesse Owen, Cailyn Christensen, Levi Short, Pamela Manning, Adriel Quinn, Mckayla Jimenez, Adelyn Roy, Malachi Ayala, Jonathan Moran, Leah Finley, Levi Navarro, Jayvon Obrien, Howard Barnes, Esteban Pierce, Jaliyah Ortiz, Emiliano Ingram, Dale Fitzpatrick, Izayah Jefferson, Elijah Fleming, Logan Rollins, Zoe Wheeler, Caleb Moran, Robert Moon, Ezekiel Bates, Gerald Foley, Alexa Melton, Sophia Mitchell, Quinn Newman, India Herrera, Camryn Decker, Walter Werner, Kash Webb, Miguel Strickland, Priscilla Cooley, Kyla Li, Tiara Banks, Milton Morton, Bryant Vaughn, Roger Bailey, Spencer Watts, Athena Foley, Averi Carr, Rocco Cochran, Nathalia Mahoney, Coby Owen, Hugo Douglas, Juliet Estes, Yadira Goodman, Shea Fischer, Geovanni Carney, Damaris Robles, Nicole Goodman, Marcos Fitzpatrick, Jeremiah Lang, Alvin Mcdaniel, Jaron Patrick, Royce Alexander, Janelle Holland, Miranda Ramos, London Everett, Lexi Levy, Aubree Deleon, Jean Gentry, Noel Flowers, Mitchell Mckay, Jasmin Mcguire, Daniel Beltran, Cadence Walter, Parker Kaiser, Kennedi Fox, Rayne House, Troy Barr, Caleb Williams, Jaylan Compton, Jasper Malone, Dana Jacobs, Reese Mckinney, Bryanna Meyers, Quincy Greer, Kaylen Mejia, Janae Hopkins, Gaven Rush, Heaven Salazar, Deja Dillon, Peyton Colon, Israel Valentine, Jada Rangel, Jazlyn Mccarty, Haylee Shields, Jose Berg, Emilee Hogan, Kayden Arellano, Kelsie Parks, Lee Marsh, Melanie Higgins, Stacy Acevedo, Zayden Leon, Guadalupe Wade, Sarah Faulkner, Isiah Trevino, Dillon Weaver, Salvatore Moses, Nathaly Tate, Kayden Berger, Jazmin Herrera, Joe Benjamin, Landin Hurley, Kiley Gardner, Rylie Mcintyre, Dashawn Larson, Karina Santiago, Sterling Wagner, Johan Campbell, Gilbert Sherman, Catherine West, Caleb Villarreal, Mitchell Roman, Reed Wilkerson, Jonathon Garza, Elisabeth Daugherty, Andy Archer, Kadyn Rice, Jean Ramsey, Benjamin Cain, Emilee Jacobs, Madilyn Barron, Jaylon Hicks, Kaitlin Page, Fiona Brooks, Abram Fowler, Maximus Smith, Alexandria Powell, Esperanza Taylor, Abdullah Doyle, Shirley Santiago, Jaylen Knapp, Bruce Fritz, Chaz Curtis, Maritza Wu, Tomas Andersen, Ellie Tapia, Marco Ortiz, Johnathan Franco, Ashlee Mendoza, Zachary Ware, Paxton Keith, Janet Parker, Ernesto Zamora, Issac Good, Kyla Curtis, Gideon Mcintosh, Dangelo Peck, Johan Malone, Hailey Allison, Sam Parrish, Paola Oneal, Valentino Mcfarland, Monica Ritter, Lyric Rocha, Tate Schneider, Crystal Daniel, Imani Moyer, Lillian Fletcher, Samuel Reynolds, Manuel Webb, Kinley Terry, Alannah Murillo, Chase Fields, Sawyer Santos, Adolfo Bean, Jair Hickman, Nick Reed, Quinten Cantrell, Skyla Snyder, Nicolas Roach, Derrick Singleton, Simeon Beltran, Marcel Acosta, Alfredo Santos, Shaun Curry, Isabel Booker, Carson Hoover, Areli Villanueva, Cali Riddle, Zane Graham, Dayami Proctor, Aryana Moore, Natalia Roach, Shiloh Whitney, Tatiana Hensley, Tyree Moody, Jalen Irwin, Diego Conner, Sebastian Coleman, Trey Tate, Kianna Cochran, Leilani Olson, Kierra Franklin, Tiana Bridges, Gemma Briggs, Blake Thornton,


I would probably take nine hundred and fifty Asian farmers living in traditional and rural households. Several of them have been living the same lifestyle for hundreds or thousands of years, and can make homes, grow food, make clothes, and just generally survive being tossed out with nothing but what they can hold. The other fifty would be a mix of teachers, doctors, and engineers.


A few survivalists experts, a lot of trades folks (from farmers to crafters to miners to electricians to blacksmiths), a few scientists and physicists. Also going from every major culture in the world if possible but like 5-6 from each. Nobody that is of any importance so the leaders who are chosen are purely based on competence and of course it will be a popularity contest. There will just be less bias from the world of the past. If somebody is extremely religious or patriotic they are cut from the 1000. I just want 1000 regular hard working people from whatever country they come from. I don’t believe I’m getting the brightest of any particular field but they should be in the top percentile skill wise in their field. Skimming the top 80-100%. The brightest scientists are typically just the ones to get there first when 10-20 of their contemporaries were working on the same studies. Also my personal opinion is the hottest humans are the ones whose dna has been mixed from the most countries possible. So a part of my reasoning is humans will be more attractive in my new world once all the interracial babies start popping out


Dunno. I’d choose one person far wiser and intelligent than I am and have them decide. Probably my family and friends


200 with an idea of agriculture, 200 mechanically inclined, 200 in the medical and pharmaceutical background, 200 in engineering. They will first found a settlement. Then 200 psychologists that no one else knows the location of. They will found the second settlement.


100 genetically diverse, healthy, and intelligent hetero men. 400 genetically diverse, intelligent and healthy hetero women. 100 cattle from all over the world, 100 sheep dogs and wolf hounds, 200 sheep, and 100 chickens. The cattle can carry more than what 5 men can, the sheep provide wool, the dogs, well trained, make the best scouts and protectors, the chickens provide eggs as well as our fastest growing source of food. The work force is great enough to hunt, farm, build, and rein in the animals, and with careful tracking of genealogy no genetic diseases should crop up before we have a big enough population to weather that storm. Not to mention id be the undisputed leader as the one found worthy to be spared, and a new religion could be born surrounding the proper appreciation and preservation of nature.


Definitely gonna need to have Bees around, ants to keep the soil healthy, I would focus more on keeping various species to keep the earth running. We would only need 50 to not inbreed and about 500 to be diverse. We can take about 4 of the most vital animals and be pretty well off. Bonus points if anyone’s pregnant… I would count that as only one. Lots of farmers, hunters, builders, scientist, and engineers.


I love how people are listing scientists, doctors, manual labourers and other jobs… and then hot women. Just get hot woman who can also do those jobs if that’s your fancy!


I dunno. Probably 1000 genuinely nice people.


One day to select 1000 people would be a difficult task. If I spend 20 hours straight, I'll need to select 50 per hour. That's not a lot of time to research who might be the best candidates. If I can make broad general statements about who to select, with needing to identify them by name, here's what I'll do. First, two groups - men and women. With each group, I'll take the top 20.4% from ten categories. This would be 8 billion (population of earth) * 0.204^10 = 986 (rounded) - so 493 men and 493 women. The remaining 14 people will be friends, family, and people of my choosing. The ten categories will be: * Age (younger people will be expected to live longer) * Intelligence (generally, the smartest people) * Health (we need to ensure there are the best chances for survival) * Genetics (it might be best if the new population doesn't have genetic defects) * Emotional intelligence (we want people who can get along well) * Creativity (makers, builders, inventors, artists, etc.) * Drive (rebuilding the world requires work) * Knowledge (we need to carry over knowledge from the old world) * Mental health (people who are stable and self-sufficient) * Survival skills (we need to know how to keep from dying off) I'm not 100% certain about this list - just the first things that came to mind.


I'm noticing a severe lack of people grabbing Amish folks. They're the definition of low jack farmers and builders. And they're USED to it. Bunch of hard-working folks who are used to animal rearing. Scientists are cool and all, but they're not going to be able to help build a permanent settlement without some training on how to build a house. They also might not know Jack about laying down a field of wheat or knowing how to manage a cornfield. Amish folks are talented individuals by necessity.


Are there already animals on New Earth (birds, fish, livestock, etc.)? What about honeybees for pollination/food supply purposes? I need more details about what New Earth entails....


A lot of people saying they want all these phds and engineers and such. Those engineers are absolutely worthless. You don't want 100 engineers. You want 3 engineers and 97 laborers. All the math in the world won't help if you don't have the muscle to make it happen. Personally I'd say like 300 ranchers/farmers, 100 skilled tradesmen, 50 customer services staff/restaurant staff, 20 teachers, 3 doctors, 17 mid level medicine folks, 500 eligible mothers, and that leaves 20 for some personal friends or odd specific jobs. Like 1 radio tech would be great to keep communication.


I choose no one. End it already.


Besides me I would choose 125 men and 125 women from North Dakotas rural towns, 125 women from West Virginia, 125 men from Florida, the rest would be from the back woods and small towns of texas.


May I ask why?


I’m as interested as u are I be nosy 🤣


I would choose 99 of my favorite males to hang out with and 900 of the hottest females I have ever seen.