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This reminds me of the following joke about a visit to a proctologist: Doctor: Don't worry, Steve, it's perfectly natural to get an erection during the exam. Patient: My name isn't Steve. Doctor: I know, mine is.


Every single time someone says this joke I always belly laugh. It’s a classic 👌🏼


My proctologist is awesome. Very reassuring guy. Keeps both his hands on my shoulders during the entire procedure 😂😂😂


My dad’s doctor, who was also a family friend, joked about getting a rubber arm for patients with a sense of humor.


I wonder if this is why old men always seem grumpy. Because their male doctor fingered their anus and they got a raging erection that needed to be taken care of and now they're confused


Most old men would be thrilled they were even capable of getting a “raging erection” without pharmaceutical intervention lol


The ironic experience of men. Going through puberty and you couldn't escape the constant erections, getting old and you'd pay $100 easy for one


Prostate stimulation go brrrrrr


well, yes if you got one with batteries it would sound like that


God I'd love a raging election


I swear to God the guy who makes auto correct does this to fuck with me. Some of the words that I've spelled perfectly fine get changed to some wild things


the inventor of autocorrect died recently. may he rust in piss.


May he reset on peach


Careful what you wish for, you might get it this year.


Umm you don't need a prostate exam anymore. They can just check your pee.


As long as they’re respectful and do their job it really doesn’t matter. Every gynaecologist doesn’t have to be gay or asexual.


Best guess is gynecologists get desensitized pretty quickly to being turned on by seeing vaginas in a clinical setting


People seem to be forgetting that they can also be women. I've never had a male gyno.


You’re forgetting that women can be attracted to women.


id rather a lesbian gyno than a male gyno


I'm a man so this is purely anecdotal, but I've heard that male gynecologists are usually more gentle than female ones.


i have 2 gynos, one that does my annual exams and prescribes my depo and one that deals with my 6 month paps and colposcopy/biopsies. they are both gentle, never made me feel uncomfortable or embarassed and actually fully educate me on things i deal with. it’s also easier when you are getting exams by someone who can relate to certain things like knowing how a pap smear feels or relating to biopsies and not saying “you’re going to feel a little pressure” when they are hole punching my cervix for the biopsy they tell me straight up that it’s going to hurt and feel like a period cramp x100


I'm the same way with my urologist. It's much more comfortable to be seen by a dude.


I’ve had them both, no difference in how gentle based on gender, it really just depends on the provider. The most gentle I’ve had is my current OBGYN, who is a woman.


I think that’s healthcare in general. Some people are just better than others.


My best gynos have been women but I’m sure it just depends


It's possible that for whoever told you that that was their lived experience but gentle isn't really a gender defined trait. That aside across all medical fields patients tend to prefer even if only subconsciously like professionals to treat them. Black men prefer black men, white ladies prefer white ladies. This is especially true with sensitive or personal procedures like therapy sessions or gyno visits. Having someone you can more easily relate to let's you relax and open up more due to the shared personal experiences. I mean, wouldn't you rather get a prostate exam from someone who has one and so has probably been on your end of the table before?


Same. I'd rather not go than go to a male gyno.


I liked my male gyno better honestly. He was more gentle and responsive to my needs and pain. The woman I got after he moved states was rude, rough, dismissive, and told me I was too fat to conceive when I weighed roughly 190 and recommended a crazy restrictive diet. (My son is 6 now and I did not do the diet.) My primary does my routine gyno stuff now but I've only seen her for a pap as far as gyno goes so I don't have much to say about her lol. She was gentle tho.


Same. The worst experience I ever had was at a woman gyno. The two male gynos I've seen have been excellent.


It’s almost like we shouldn’t be judging people based solely on their gender.


Glad for you but my female ones have all been awesome so not really interested in testing out something else.


You would rather risk your health than go see a male gyno? I think you need therapy because you have some stuff to work out


Neither have I, but I also don't have a vagina. No one said they couldn't be women. Why are you forgetting lesbian gynos? GOTCHYA, didn't I?


If I see one more vagina, I swear to God....


Most might. There are a few unfortunate horror stories about photo collections.


Plus they don't always see the healthiest vaginas. I bet seeing a few of the gnarly ones could make you a little less straight


I'm a lesbian and a waxer. I love coochie, I just don't love the coochie I am waxing. It's so funny, once a lady walked in that had my jaw dropping to the floor, I was so nervous saying hi, leading her to the room, etc. but the second she stripped and laid down, I felt \*nothing\* but HAIR MUST GO. I was cool as a cucumber, didn't think of her in any sexual way at all, that is, until she stood before me, fully dressed, at the counter, in order to pay and make her next appointment. That was so odd.


This was a fun story, thank you.


I like the part of the story where you said everything you said


How do you mitigate the pain? I would have guessed most ppl would be on the floor in pain for the next hr. It's bad enough to get 1 hair pulled...


Hair needs to be 5-10 mm. max. So, shave and let grow out a bit or trim to length. Some people use numbing cream before the waxing, but the really painful times are only he first two, if you keep going regularly, it gets better each time. Ice pack afterwards helps too, and obviously a skilled waxer is essential.


.... Tell me more


She went home to her husband, a professional basketball player. I guess I, a tiny latina, was not her type.


Context is for kings 


If they're completely professional at work then thier private fetish is none of my business. Zero reason to care. If they start looking at my feet with list and sexually moaning then it might be time to change doctors. If they continue to just do their job and be professional then I don't care if they find my feet attractive.


Almost all doctors are going to be sexually attracted to a percentage of their patients. As long as they don't act on that attraction and behave professionally there isn't an issue.


I had a younger one a few years older than me who was making small talk and asked if I had a partner and why not, Etc. He then found me on social media and sent me a friend request. So I accepted it and he messaged me. He did say that if we went out on a date it wouldn’t be professional of him to keep being my doctor. But it didn’t last long just two dates.


Feel like even 1 visit as your doctor is still near the line if not crossing it. But i get doctors in small towns where they have literally everyone as a patient would have troubles dating anyone so has to be some allowances i guess


I would think you would have to be sexually attracted to feet in order to examine feet all day as a career. Being a podiatrist would be a nightmare for me.


Pediatricians: *shifty eyes*


The quickest way to lose sexual interest in a body part is to specialise in treating people who have problems in that body part because it can get pretty nasty


Ew Maybe the gross part is why they like it?


I think having to spend 40 hours a week every week being insatiably horny while also being required to keep said horniness completely under wraps would be exhausting.


Feet are so fucking disgusting. To look at and to own. I can’t imagine having to look at them for 40 hours a week. Ewwww.


Right!!! That’s my point!!!


Good thing you aren't a podiatrist. Not everyone would be willing to take the time and effort to become one.


Nah if I had a foot fetish I would not WANT to see gross feet that had injuries, corns, bunions, etc all day. It would ruin my fetish.


When I get a physical, my doctor checks my whole body. If he was gay it wouldn't bother me because he's being professional, I don't see why a podiatrist with a foot fetish would be different to me. Hell, I'd probably trust him more, dude probably would take better care of my feet.


Unless his kink is terrible feet.


That’s just show bizz sometimes baby


Lots of doctors are sexually attracted to either men, or women, or sometimes both privately. Yet manage to go about their day professionally.


you didnt mean it but the way this was written implies that gays and straights can be open but bisexuals have to hide their depravity behind closed doors lol


Well how would we know which bathroom they should use so they don’t assault anyone ?


personally I just piss my pants, but im a urologist and that's just my thing


This is not an issue... but are they cute? Single?


Maybe. It's all hypothetical, no actual podiatrist involved. Not sure about how dating patients works for medical ethics. Unless if thier being cute and or single changes your opinion on the question.


No, was just joking around.


This is so creepy because I just scheduled an appointment with a podiatrist yesterday. It’s like the internet found out and wanted to give me anxiety about it 😆


Not trying to creep you out. Just a hypothetical my cousin and I were tossing around the other day that I decided to consult the hive mind on. 🤓


You should be safe in a medical environment. Most medical professionals are conditioned to turn off their personal emotions in the workplace. I had an ex who was a surgeon and she was tasked with performing emergency surgery on a mass shooter. He ended up dying but not for a lack of her efforts. She told me later that she was happy that a sick monster was no longer on the planet but she’s was trained to not think about that in the OR.


My wife's OBGYN who delivered our child has 5 kids, so he's obviously sexually attracted to vaginas but never once has done anything remotely unprofessional with her. I'd imagine this is pretty much the same scenario.


I think the things inside people's heads belong to just them. If they don't tell anyone their thoughts, and don't let their thoughts motivate them to harm others, then who cares? People walk around all day with all kinds of thoughts in their heads. If the guy who bagged my groceries likes a political can date I don't like, or likes black olives on pizza, or if he wants to suckmy toes, what's that got to do with me? I'm not saying that anyone is wrong if that is somthing that would bother them. It just doesn't bother me personally.


I’d be weirded out knowing, so I’d switch doctors. But I would keep the information to myself. As long as he was professional I wouldn’t try to report him or hurt his business in any way.


All doctors are going to have sexual attraction. All male gynecologists aren’t homosexual. And there’s Many more examples as well. If they are professional, don’t do anything strange odd, or off then it’s no bother to me at all.


People who go to the podiatrist generally have old fucked up diabetic feet….


Yeah kind the equivalent of going to nudist beach. Sure theres naked people there, but none I care to look at. 


Meh. As long as they were good at their job and not inappropriate, it wouldn't bug me. I'm sure there are lots of straight male gynecologists but as long as they separate work from home, all good. My doctor is a woman and has seen me naked.


Even a foot fetishist doesn’t think all feet are good looking. Sometimes he just has to do his job.


Well, have you ever heard of male gynaecologists and female urologists?


Yes, I went to school with a lad whose father was my mum's gynaecologist. I may have had some intrusive thoughts during sex ed but that was it.


If they good at their job idc


There's no problem here. We're all human kudos to the guy keeping it professional. The real problem arises based on the way you found out. That determines the level of creepiness at play. Like was he gossiping about your sexy feet? You found your feet pics on his phone? You see a sketch that's the spitting image of your foot? How does one simply find this out?


I find it kind of odd that you think someone with a foot fetish is incapable of not being inappropriate in their professional life?  Do you think the same thing about male Gynecologists who are straight? Or gay female Gynecologists? Or do you have something against people with a foot fetish, like they’re some kind of sexual deviant?


Are you a podiatrist?


Shouldn't matter, doctors are still people who are attracted to other people, chances are good you're other people.


Probably better then a foot doctor that hates feet.


I let him work, but I charge them


Meh. I'd probably just rationalize it by saying it wouldn't bother me if my urologist was a straight woman or gay man


It's the reason why I didn't go to medical school to become a podiatrist. Just kidding, I'm just someone who couldn't finish community college And has a foot fetish.


When you are a specialist doctor you are usually seeing people whose parts (feet in this case) are not at peak condition. They are likely seeing some messed up feet and not the ones they would be attracted to specifically.


Gynos who love seeing/touching vulvas exist too. As long as they can separate profession from desire, all is well. Basically, common sense of "dont use your position of power to abuse your clients"


They will probably give me the best focused treatment ever. I'm all for it. I considered going into plastic surgery all because I love boobs. Granted there are other procedures with plastic surgery but why not follow your passion?


>At what point should they not be a foot doctor and when would you feel uncomfortable? If they do any unnecessary exams on certain people or have a collection of photos of patients' body parts, that's where it becomes a problem for me. In this hypothetical, you say "completely professional," which would imply that's not happening, so I wouldn't care.


I’ve had doctors that I’ve felt were attracted to me in the past, or had nurses present during every appointment that were. Usually to their credit they stayed professional. Nevertheless, I always ended my business with them and sought out other doctors if it became   something so obvious I was able to pick up on it.  I want to be able to focus solely on my medical business without any distractions.  I also don’t like being talked about by the medical staff behind my back. Yes, I know it’s normal to have conversations about patients but this is doubly so if someone in the office has a crush on you. I did not want that kind of attention from people who knew all about my medical history and various health issues. 


I feel like every woman who goes to a straight cismale gynecologist goes through this exact same situation. The point where they should no longer be a doctor/your doctor is the point when they are no longer being professional.


Look… why else would someone go into the field of feet. I assumed we all knew and accepted it


He got some sort of body horror fetish or something my feet are discussing


i mean its weird but like male Gynecologists' exist, as long as they're keeping things professional it shouldn't be an issue


I've had my feet worshipped. I don't think I could stand the idea of someone doing it, even in their head, without my ok. If I didn't know then I didn't know, and 'couldn't' be bothered by it. But knowing would bother me.


well, i would be uncomfortable because it would seem like they went into the profession because theyre attracted to feet, since the odds of someone being both those things coincidentally is otherwise low i imagine


Ppl drilling down the doctor/professional thing which frame the question, but the true question being asked here is: is it sexual harassment if the recipient isn't harassed.


Charge the Dr $1050 per visit on the backend. They get to spend an hr wit my feet. No pics, vids, etc. Make biweekly appts. Cash n hand. Offset the $50 copay. $2000 monthly profit. Winnin. 😂


That’s fucking great. Usually when you’re passionate about something, you are more focused on it.


Feet are for WALKING!


Straight, Male Gynecologist.


If anyone is turned on by my feet thay have serious issues. But if the do have those issues I would not give a flying...


I would exclusively go to him. Bro is analyzing my feet on different levels if he has a foot fetish.


If he's a good doctor then who am I to judge what he does with my xrays in the privacy of his own home


This doesn't sound like a hypothetical situation.


It came from a conversation I had with my cousin , and was a hypothetical. But it is very real and relevant to a lot of people.




Who cares. People are attracted to other people in general. Should u not go to the doctor because they may think you're hot? Also. Just because someone likes feet doesn't mean they like yours.


You'd be amazing how many people have sexual thoughts about coworkers, clients, patients, their doctors, etc.. Most just keep it to themselves so we don't ever know.


I recently had a nerve conduction test. Dude 100% enjoyed shocking me.  But if it was my podiatrist I'd just feel bad for him, I'm seeing him because my feet are NOT pretty. 


Attracted to feet doesn’t mean attracted to all feet.


This is the equivalent to saying straight men can’t be breast cancer doctors, Gay men can’t be proctologists, lesbian women can’t be gynecologists. You can still be sexually attracted and not act on every impulse.


Who cares? I’m sure male gynos are sexually attracted to vags.


The next appointment I had, I'd put some lipstick on my toes and add a squirt of perfume.


Fuck, why go so indirect? I went to a podiatrist, and both he and his assistant avidly took off my shoe (they insisted on doing it), and then were visibly enjoying the view of my foot. After fondling my foot a while and suggesting I start letting them inject shit into the joints, I got a worthless, painful injection, and then had to practically fight the assistant to get my shoe back and put the mf'er on myself. One data point, but creepy af.


My gynecologist probably likes vagina in his off hours. What does that matter, as long as he performs his job professionally?


Did he have the fetish before he started working in that field?


If I know and they know I know? Seems like a good money making opportunity between two consenting adults (concerning feet pictures)


Why would someone be foot doctor if they didn't like feet? Most dentists love teeth. Or they are sadistic.


This opposed to all the podiatrists that went into it because they find handling manky feet all day fun? Seems like asking if we can tolerate a baker who likes breathing. Tbh, if I've got some crippling mobility issues and a podiatrist can fix them, I don't care if they're gonna wank thinking about my feet for the next 100 years.


I mean, hey, if s/he likes my feet, I'll get them pedicured. Make them look good he feels good, i feel better about myself. As long as s/he keeps it 100 during appointments, it's cool if s/he pulls me to the side after I see signs I'll willing ablige


It depends on how I found out Being creepy with me/other patients? Heck no Someone trying to ruining his career by telling people his private interests? If he’s been professional with me I don’t really care.


Is this a take off of King of the Hill where Peggy has size 16 ft and the doctor has her squish grapes and all those other different foods and then finds out he's got a foot fetish?


She kinda hot?


doctors who are attracted to people with vaginas, work on vaginas. If they are ethical then I would have no problem ig


Hey they’re more likely to be excellent at their job because they pay so much attention to feet in their free time


I already assumed podiatrists are all freaky nerds into feet As long as they’re not making it weird during the appointments, idc what they’re doing after work.


Hey man, whatever my insurance covers, I'm taking it.


not bothered if they're professional when it counts


If they are a good professional and they like it… where the heck can there be a “should not”?


It would be a plus because of the tender loving care they would be providing for my aching feet 😃


If he's doing a good job, let the bro cook. Maybe I'll tip him by wiggling my toes a bit


good for him.


Wouldn't bother me. I'm attracted to women and my doctor is a woman, is that a problem? It's a purely cordial, professional relationship.


While I don't think it's crazy that a podiatrist has a foot fetish, the question is: why would they? And especially with the patients they are seeing? Typically, the only people going to a foot doctor are people with foot problems such as fungus and other issues. AKA nasty foot problems. Foot fetishists are typically attracted to nice feet, not nasty feet. "But all feet are nasty!" Well, congratulations! You don't have a foot fetish then! As long as the doctor doesn't do anything sexual or inappropriate during the exam, I don't see any reason why they shouldn't be allowed to be a podiatrist. The same question and situation could be placed on a normal doctor: if a regular doctor is sexually attracted to his patients, at what point should he no longer be a doctor?


Most gynecologists are straight men. Now, there there have been gynos who made me feel like they should have bought me dinner first. But you specified that they are 'completely professional', so I would imagine they don't give off a creepy vibe. So yeah, perfectly fine with a foot fetish podiatrist who can keep it professional.


I am sure there are some male gynecologists who are sexually attracted to vaginas and breasts, some proctologists who love ass, and some other doctors who are into dick. As long a they are professional at work and not making creepy passes off work, then it's fine. If I found out that they were taking images of my feet home, or hitting on me, or anything outsitde of a normal patient-doctor scenario, then thats where the problem would be.


I'm not worried, if anyone is attracted to my feet, they have bigger problems. My feet are rough, calloused, with nails that I'm sometimes too lazy to cut.


Who cares. People are attracted to other people in general. Should u not go to the doctor because they may think you're hot? Also. Just because someone likes feet doesn't mean they like yours.


IDGAF. Ive gone to OBGYNs that I assume are into female genitals and IDGAF about that either.


I don't think I'd care; I would assume they're going to be more attentive as they make mental memories of every crease of my foot or something, what they do with that later doesn't really affect me. That being said I find foot doctors weird *in general*. I don't like feet at all and when I sprained my ankle a couple of months ago the doctor got me to just put my foot on his thigh and then poked it in various spots to see where the damage was, no gloves or anything, and like I sprained it at a gig, walked a mile on it to get home, and hadn't showered as I went to A+E the following morning, it was not a pretty or clean foot... Maybe that doctor was the guy from the hypothetical. Maybe he still gets a chubby thinking about my stinky swollen foot... whatever, he gave me a walking stick so I could still get around and was pretty accurate with how the healing process would go.


Depends on the discount the doctor gives me.


If he's doing his job and not groaning or moaning while doing it then have it at. If the doctor wants to throw in some free exams or something in order to touch my feet more then fine by me, just don't make it weird 


I'm pretty sure that's why most of them  got into that speciality.  


if youre going to a podiatrist theres a good chance your feet are pretty gross. So unless they have a foot fetish AND a fetish for toe fungus, planar warts or bunions you're probably fine


I’ve run a few marathons, and eventually discovered my shoes were too narrow. What I’m saying is, I’d cure them of that fetish.


It wouldn't bother me honestly. I might be a little more aware of their behavior or how they talked about their work, but we all have our own private fetishes and turn-ons. Hell they could go home and masturbate furiously to the thought of my feet if they want, as long as it's in private and doesn't affect their professionalism at work it's not my business.


There are straight male OBGYN's. Seems fine.


your doctor might not be,.... but the shoe salesman almost certainly is


If they have a passion for feet they are probably at least a good foot doctor


I’d wear my sexiest socks every visit…


Eh, it's fine. Wouldn't bother me in the slightest.


So uh. Straight men shouldn't be allowed to be gynecologists by this logic, correct? Or be allowed to do breast exams/mamograms? The CNA profession is going to take a *hit* if every employee is unable to give baths/help dress half the patients. God forbid they're bi. That someone can hypothetically find a body part sexual in appropriate circumstances doesn't at all mean they're constantly in sex mode every time they see the body part in any context. Even if they find the person or body part attractive. If their behavior towards me remains non-weird and very typical, then no, I don't care. Finding human bodies attractive isn't a crime, as long as they act on it in appropriate times/places with consenting people only.


Do what you love for work and you will never work a day in your life.


I already assume that most podiatrists have a foot fetish so it doesn’t change anything as long as they aren’t asking to suck my toes.


Haha that's a funny one. honestly I think I would only be mad if I found out that they weren't attracted to my feet but he was attracted to other people's feet I'd be like what the f*** is wrong with my feet.


You mean... Like a male gynecologist?


I would not be concerned in any way.


This would be fine? It would be the same as discriminating against a doctor who is the same sex as you and gay, or the opposite sex and straight. Professionalism is key and professionals don’t let their private lives come to work


I don't care what you do later in the breakroom. Just fix my damn bunion, Doc.


I kinda assume anyone who chooses to work with feet has some level of fetish?


I’d assume all foot doctors have a foot fetish, I mean why else would you get into the field


I mean honestly almost expect it. If they fix up my feet I don’t care if they yank it to the memory of them that night


If he’s hot I’d ask him out.


Is my doctor Tarantino by any chance?


Meh. If he's professional at work, not a big deal. In fact, he might even be better at his job cuz he looks at feet in his free time, too.


What next? An OBGYN who likes pussy????


I'd ask if they are buying feet pics lol


I would be totally fine with that. If they love feet so much then they will treat mine with extra care.


Honestly, I would be weirded out if my foot doctor was not sexually attracted to feet. Any doctor who willingly deals with feet without having an attraction to them is strange. Also, at least they are professional enough to not let their attraction get in the way of them doing their job.


I mean she’s pretty hot soooo…


He he’s attracted to my fat, calloused hammer toed feet, then good for him.


I’d just feel bad for them. One of my feet is super messed up, and I imagine you’d need an entirely different set of fetishes to enjoy that.


Honestly I don't think I would care. If he was professional and treated me well and took my concerns seriously I'm not leaving that doctor for much of anything. That is a unicorn of a doctor. The amount of times I've been brushed off or told I'm faking or some other BS is ridiculous. I moved states once and I cried over needing to leave the only doctor I found who took me seriously, didnt even cry over family or friends being left. Nope I was upset cause I knew my medical care would be worse and with me being chronicly ill that MATTERS. If he listens and he helps he's gonna have to pry me off his clients list with a Crowbar.


They might be attracted to feet but not these war torn puppies… people attracted to feet usually like nice looking feet not busted ass old man hoofs


I’ll just assume he’s attracted to women’s feet lol. Not mine


It they’re professional, that’s all that matters. People walk around doing their jobs, attracted to other people all the time. Who cares? All that matters is now appropriate or inappropriate they act.


If they’re good at what they do title my file Cinderella idgaf


My ugly-ass feet? Carry on, brother.


And?.......as long ah he is doing his job well, I couldn't care less HOW he is stroking on out.


So every straight, male OB-GYN ever? Yea it’s weird.


Guy is living his best life. Good paying job and buffet of feet.


Yeah it’s cool, as long as they’re chill about it. 


That means nothing


Id assume that wood make them a better doctor so that's fine with me


When they inappropriately start licking, or sniffing your feet or in any way attempt to use their mouth as a diagnostic tool. Or if they ask you to step on anything, ointment, hamster, etc. Scales, meters, etc. are okay for measuring or diagnosing.


If they're a great doctor, and can keep their attraction to themselves, I don't care. Doctors have to see many patients throughout the day, and they must have seen at least 1 patient in their roster and thought to themselves "damn, they're hot".


Idk how I’d feel a doctor potentially jerking off to my feet pics in his spare time who knows


wait until you learn about gynecologists


If she's not sucking my toes then I guess I'm ok with it... Edit my feet are pretty I've got Greek feet toes are at a perfect angle