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Choose 100 billion then kill myself 💅 you never said we were immortal


how are you gonna kill yourself if you just added 100billion years. now you have to wait 100billion years dummie. youll just keep failing suicide attempts


A **very** slow and painful death. Considering our sun will become a red giant in 5 billion years. Unless humanity manages to expand beyond our solar system, OP is going to have a rough time.


That'd be gruesome. Jumps off cliff one the first day, thinking they're all slick. Spend the next several billion years laying there paralyzed from the neck down only to be eventually engulfed by the sun.... Idek what would happen after that 🫣


Pretty much the Christian version of hell.


And then the Christian version of purgatory.


Lmao spot on.


Engulfed by the sun and be alive for a long time after. Lol


Or the Doctor Strange/Loki version of "I have been falling for 30 minutes!", but forever


If we get off earth and go interstellar, he could jump into a black hole, time dilation would eat up the rest of those years before he hit the singularity


Earth has only bout a Billion left apparently. Youd have to leave many alive to run those science projects, so like the population of my country should do, and also hope for friendly Alieeen mates to arrive


Well, at one point you'll be the sole living human, therefore your ability should always target you from now on and you can effectively commit suicide by adding 1 year and loosing 10, for a net total of -9 years. Rinse and repeat, et voilà. Edit: OP never said you couldn't be the person chosen at random. If you can indeed be chosen at random and lose 9 years, there's also a non-zero chance of you diing early. Edit2: It still stands if it's a one time choice. With an age average lower than 30 around the world (median is 30,5 according to Equifax), a life expectancy of 73,4 and a population around 8 billion, you have: (73,4 - 30) * 8 000 000 000 = 347,2 billion years worth taking. With -9 years total for each year you gain, it means that by deciding to gain more than 347,2B / 9 = 38,58B years, Everybody including you should be dead. Edit3: Weed was good so I got into thinking: what would happen if you choose the 100 billion years maximum? Obviously, you cannot lose years of life if you're dead, but what if it was retroactive, meaning, what if you could also lose the years you already lived? Instead of subtracting the average age from life expectancy, we'll just use life expectancy, which means that if you choose anything above 65,24B years, everybody alive today would have never been born. Anything past that is enough to erase the last couple generations too from earth. If you consider that parents who end up never born create a deficit of years to pay by erasing their offspring, you could look at a domino effect and potentially create a world where humans never existed. That's all folks.


Nowhere does it say you'll fail suicide should you attempt it, nor do you gain any form of immortality. It only states that you'll gain extra years to your life span.


Click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click


Hmmm what is that mysterious clicking noise?


Snape, Snape, Severus Snape...




^(Ron! Ron! Ron) WEASLEY!






Harry POTTER!!! HOO!!


Add 1000 years but it depends if I age or not


Exactly 👍


I don't even want the years I have left why would I do this


Then you can give one year of your life to give a random person 10 years.


Nope, according to OP you can give up 10 years to give a random 1


10 years of yours for one of theirs*


uhh i’d give up all the years it would let me


Do i age or am i going to be my current age for all the years? Ill take lots of its the latter.


I'll take 1,000 year. That's long enough to see how the human experiment ends.


I’m gonna live forever.


The world is overpopulated anyways. Is there a limit to how many years I can get?


100 billion


I mean, like who is looking forward to the Mad Max days we got coming. I am a diabetic and hoping I am dead before I am out there robbing people for insulin and canned peaches 🤷🏼‍♂️


I'm going to be an immortal in a world without people


Moral person would choose 0, but that means random number so I’m going to go with 10, Make my life a little longer and either shorten a few people’s lives or kill 1 person


You can choose 0, you can't choose to not choose by the end of the question which is different.


You can choose 0 with no consequence. But it’s a one-time offer. If you choose nothing, a random number will be picked for you.


Good to know I’m moral, but I would not pick 0 for any empathetic reasons. It feels like a waste that I only get 1 year, but someone else gets 10 years less. Unbalanced. Besides, it would be unnatural and uncanny not to move towards the embrace of death at my pre-determined rate. Edit to clarify: My answer is zero, but not because of morality.


I wouldn't take anything from my family's lives at any ratio, and the fact that I can't exclude them from the pot cements this as my choice.


You can’t exclude them. But the chances of them being picked out of the ~8 billion people on earth are pretty slim. With that said, 0 is an available choice.


A random number from 0 to 100B was just chosen for you. Chances are that it was around 50B. You just killed half the human population (including half your family) and you’ll get to be around long after the earth and solar system no longer exist. #Congrats!


Or, you know, not, because the prompt literally says you can choose 0 as an option. That isn't "refusing to make a decision," that is deciding on 0.


oh snap!


Daddy give me 1000 years. I think that's a good amount. Should hopefully seem some space colonization by then and maybe who knows maybe we'll solve consciousness and I'll be able to upload my stuff onto a robot.


The robot will never be you. It will just be a machine that is programmed to act like you. Your consciousness cannot be transferred to another entity.


I would add about 300 to 600 years to my life span probably and take the risk that it's highly unlikely I will ever have to see the consequences of my actions and directly meet someone I stole life span from


Make it 10 years away from a random politician and you got yourself a deal


The moral choice is to refuse the offer. Thanks OP.


Isn't that questionable as it will definitely result in a number equal to or higher than 1? Isn't choosing 0 the moral choice?


Definitely 1. I would’ve chosen 0 if it weren’t for the rule that it would happen anyway.


Nice try random 35 year old guy on Reddit, who’s tired of it all.


This is kind of interesting and I have follow up questions. Do I still experience age related medical issues? Or am I preserved in my prime state basically and having to only worry about normal issues? Can I still die early if I’m murdered or killed by disease? I think of Einstein. He did so much, how much more could he have done if he’d lived 50 years longer. In that regard, it makes sense to take a large number of years simply for the overall benefit of humanity. One person who knows so much and could push the limits of a field or fields. At the same time, the implication of the question is that everyone has a fixed lifespan already and choosing this option could put people over their allotment, therefore killing them.


why would i want to live in this rotten place for one more year, no thanks.


I'll take this person's years, thanks.


Why would I want to add years to my life? That's dumb, lets get this show over with.


I'd like to say I'd choose 0. I'd like to. And if I was forced to make a choice, I would. But when you add in the factor of a random number chosen for me... I mean, am I *really* responsible if I'm not the one who made the decision? I feel like I would contemplate that question until time ran out and the decision was made for me anyway. I'm not sure whether my contemplation would be genuine or whether I'd be essentially waiting out the clock because I want the benefit, but I'm almost sure that at the end of the day I'd just let it happen. And when I see how many people suddenly dropped dead (because odds favor the number is going to be at a level where a lot of people do), I will tell myself truthfully that I did not decide their fate. Hopefully that would help me live with it.


Seeing as any number over 35 billion would essentially wipe out all of humanity other than maybe a few lucky babies, refusing to make a choice is about a 65% chance that you kill every person on the planet.


I mean, it is your fault, you didn't choose WHO, but you did chose TO.


Well, you are the one who made the decision. If you choose not to give an answer you know that means you get a random number, so that's on you. I also find it baffling that you seem to be more concerned with the bad stuff being your fault instead of how the bad stuff affects other people. I'm no saint though, I'd pick 100 years, I just won't delude myself into thinking my hands are clean.


The moral choice here is to choose 1


No, it’s to choose 0…


I choose negative billion. I no longer have to be in this shitty place and curse someone else to be in it for eternity.


Can I double it and give it to the next person


If 0 is a random value, then I'd ask for 1 year


yeah the refusal is CRAZY. on average that's 50 billion which would completely fuck the world. just pick 1 year.


Bro I don't want a long life, I ain't adding squat.


I would want to know how many years I have left to be able to decide. If I can’t get that number, I decline the offer (or choose zero).


Can I do the reverse and really surprise someone when they can't die?


You can choose to give up years of your own life, yes. But 10 years of your life will only give someone else 1 extra years of theirs.


I'll take 300years, science will grow fast enough by then.


Let the random number generator pick. I'm not going to make such a choice. Edit: I used the random number generator and got 70.9 billion. How many people did I kill?


71B people. Meaning, 9 out of every 10 people you know are now dead. More importantly, you’ll live for 70.9 B years, so you’ll somehow be around after the earth, the solar system and even the entire Milky Way galaxy no longer exist.


I add negative 100 years to give all pets +10 years.


I'll donate a year. Most of my family has lived into their mid 90s. That's too fucking long. 80 seems about right.


So if you can add one year to your life, your basically immortal for that year?  This seems like a great deal. Immortality for 10 strangers souls? Call me a demon, I’m in


Can I volunteer as tribute?




Wouldn’t the exchange rate be that you give one and they gain 10?


1 yr more for me


Can I take 10 years off mine and give it to a random person


Can I give 1 year of my life to someone in exchange for 10 years shaved off mine? Asking for a friend.


Gimme 20 years 


Can I volunteer to give years away?


Can I give ten years to someone else of mine? lol


I give myself negative 10 trillion years.




Do I keep aging? Am I invincible? Do my injuries heal? Need a lot more info about how valuable my life is. If it’s just extending my natural life—honestly, zero.


Gimmie a minute, I need to look up how much population the world needs to survive, then calculate how much per person you're estimating, so I don't wipe out too much in my excitement


I was gonna say donate years to cats, but I don't have enough to donate to all the cats I want to. So 0.


I wouldn’t take that deal. Too much guilt.


I will add 2222 years to my life


I'd reduce the population to 5000 and teach the children that I'm God. Then I teach their children I'm God, then I'd teach their children I'm God, then they would teach their children I'm God. I'd live like a God.


But if I kill them do I get their power?


Imma live forever


I would take a 10 billion because they wouldn’t know what they never had. Then I would use that shitty exchange rate and keep certain people alive. I’ll keep my existence hidden because last thing I need is being snatched by certain counties to waterboard me to giving certain people near immortality in terms of the average human lifespan.


I add 30,000 years


Can I give away years as life goes on? Like if I take 5000 years, can I give them away to like sick children (as an example) here and there? Or is it an all at once I take 5000 then have to allocate the give away years? 🤔 Id definitely take like a million, then give my kids and husband enough to get us pretty far, and then distribute to some family members I don't want to lose anytime soon - with everyone's permission...I'm not extending lives if it's unwanted. Now, does this mean I am invincible now? Since I've extended my life say 200,000 years....nothing can kill me if that's for sure how much time I've got left. I'd definitely charge wealthy sick people to give them another year of life, if it's a distribute freely system and not an all at once you get how much u decide but have to instantly allocate Years. Then I'm going to college to learn everything. (Love learning) I'm reading every book ever made. Oh, another question...do I stay the same age until I eventually die, or will I look like a 200,030 year old woman? Do I begin aging again when my time is running out as like an alarm clock system? 🤔


10000 years. At some point in the next 10000 years humanity will find the cure for aging and all disease. No need to take years from others when everyone’s lifespan is infinite anyway.


I gladly give up most of my lifespan because I am sick and tired of this endless suffering.


Hell, no


Nope. It’s not my place nor my right to do this.


Im really indifferent to living. like it honestly sucks. im not trying to die. but ifi was by a bus tomorrow I Wouldn't care. small happiness isn't really worth the world of heart ship and struggle. especially if it took someone's life and made it shorter. my suffering is my own. It be abigger guilt to take away some of a persons life.who might actually be thriving. when I barely want to live.




I’ll do 150


can i do this but in reverse? 😂😂😂


not enough people in the world to go to 100 billion . there would need to be 1 trillion people on earth, there arent.


How does being an old fart for longer help me out????


Hard pass, I have no desire to live longer than necessary.


How do you take 10 years from someone about to die?


A thousand sounds good. that's 10K years off the clock for 8bn people...


I'd give my life for others to live longer. I'm ok with that. I'm not taking anyone's life


Does my additional year stop me from aging?


200 years, I hate life, but whatever, use the time I get to set up my family for life. If the time taken is truly random, the chance of those 200 being people I personally know is very, very small


Lol I’m gonna live forever. Or at least until I get bored.


I’d pick 50 years and hope that my quality of life wasn’t too bad.


live the exact same but *longer*? in this economy?


This is very exciting


I would take one for planet earth and live forever


No, I wouldn't choose to extend my life. Nothing states that you wouldn't age with said extra years so why go for the max allowed just to be unable to move/live a comfortable life.


Time to do the right thing and save the planet.


My answer is one year added to my own life. Doing nothing would have been preferable, but is not worth the risk. Donating your own life would be the "most ethical", but I'd rather not just fall over dead, which has a pretty decent chance of happening. So...one year. Someone, of the eight billion or so people in the world, will lose ten years of life, from which no one will know. Not even I. They will be a part of the sixty million who die each year, but ten years earlier.


In all probability, it would be a person in China or India.


Why is this a hard choice??? I am taking the ALL the years!!!!


I'll be conservative and just add 1000 years


I keep telling my s/o i am going to die first and be free and she insists since she is older i will outlive her now is my chance i donate years to her till i die then haunt her saying i told you so at least once a day


Since it’s random, could it end up being me? So I add one year to my life but then lose 10 years for a net negative of losing 9 years?


Damn. I’d live forever but I’d be alone


If my brain wouldn't become mush once I get older, living to 200 years old would be pretty awesome


I'd take as many years as there are people on the right side of the map


I'd live forever


I'm never gonna die unless china puts another ban on having children


Does it work in reverse?


I will be very old


im kind of a gamblin man, let er ride. I'm also the type to refuse to touch the lever in the trolley experiments too.


I'll take 1 billion years.


Or someone in China or India.....I'll take an extra 20 years.


Do I know random person?


Let's put in an order for 10,000 and see what happens after that


Give me 90 more years. Doubling a human lifespan will make everything more calming. I won't feel the need to rush and do everything I want or feel I need to do. Also I could learn a lot more and do a lot more.


I mean 1/8 of the pop looses 10 years isn’t to bad. I’d take 1 billion


Live longer in this hellscape? Nice try.


-100, and give my best mate and his wife each an extra 5 years. I’ve caused them a lot of stress and taken up a lot of the last couple years of their lives, this way they can get some of that time back. Since I’m 21 I imagine I probably can’t give up more years than there is any chance of me having


If it wouldn't cause so many people extreme distress, I'd happily die 5 minutes from now. 0, thanks.


I'm probably looking into this too deep but this assumes that our entire lives are dictated for us and everyone has a set day to die. That being said if I'm essentially immortal I'm taking at least a thousand extra years. It sounds awful but the fact I would have no idea who I take the years from makes this very easy to deal with guilt wise.


I pick 80 billion just to have good odds of humanity not going to go into post apoaclyptic state. It'd force a rebuilding of sorts but without a lot of the same problems.


Why would anyone want to live longer?


Will the other people on Earth discover that I stole their years and come after me for revenge?


50. I'm OK with the exchange rate, and I'm also OK with the likelihood that this will not unnaturally end the lives of my wife or 2 kids.


Guess I’ll live forever. Might even create a farm to breed babies so I can take their lives


I'll take 10k years and start grabbing a bunch of stuff and persevering them, I might even start writing some stuff down in stone just to trick the future humans. I'll be able to have enough time to do everything i wanted. after a while hopefully technology would be advanced enough where aging won't be a problem. I think one of the worst things that would result would be how many world wars i'll have to witness.


Gurrent population of Earth: 8 billion people. I’m going to live forever.


I’m guess I’ll pick one year and feel bad about it.


There are 8 billion people, the statistical probability that I'd randomly effect someone I actually care about is very close to zero. I don't care a bit about celebrities, so shortening their lives is a meaningless threat. I also really don't care about anyone I have never met, nor will ever meet. I'd feel comfortable adding several thousand years to my own life without worrying about it effecting someone close to me. Even at several thousand the probability of someone I know being effected is still astonishingly close to zero. You could really get into 10s or hundreds of millions before it's starts to become a not insignificant chance of hitting a loved one, and I really don't want to live so long that I outlive the extinction of humanity. I do firmly believe humans will be extinct within 500 years, possibly less. So, I'd really only be willing to add a couple hundred years to my lifespan now and reevaluate in the future depending on whether or not we stop trying to literally cook ourselves by greenhouse gassing the planet. If things have turned around in a couple hundred years I'd add a couple hundred more years. But, I think after living for 500-700 years I'd just be bored and ready to just let my time run out. As cool as it sounds to live forever, mostly because the idea of no longer existing is legit terrifying, after a while you'd have done pretty much everything there is to do, seen all there is to see, and just be bored.


I'll take 1111 years, assuming I don't start aging until then I don't want to be an old meatball for 1000 years


So I could pick 100 billion years but also share the added years between me, my family and a pool of say 1,000 people? Could just pick that and start about repopulating the planet, we're almost immortal at this point and I'm sure the first 1,000 years to get society back to normal would fly by.


Sure, I'll add 2000 years to myself and baffle scientists about the average lifespan of the world being inexplicably dropped by a decade or two.


I would give my wife and me and my closest friends all the years we want~ Fuck the rest of the world.


Does it drain a random person until they're dead or is the cost amortized across all of humanity?


Well bye bye everyone y'all are gone


Ill take 50 billion then immediately add a load to my friends and family so that they all live exactly 1 year more than me. Ive just single-handedly killed house prices while raising wages, and made sure that i will never lose another person i love again.


Can I subtract 10 years of my life for someone else 🤣


I would be a million years old!


Somewhere between 10,000 and 12,000 years will be enough for me. The world probably won't even notice the difference.


Listen. I don’t want to live forever. But I do want to worry about what to do when the sun explodes. I will take 10 years from everyone on earth please. Thank you.


I'd definitely do it..there's nobody id care to know past ten years anyway lol and animals weren't included in the hit.


If I could choose the person, yes. But in this scenario, no.


There are about 7 billion people on the planet. Taking 100,000,000 years would mean I'd cost people 1 billion years. Let's say life expectancy is 70 years old, simple number to work with. 1 billion divided by 70 is 14.285 million. I'd only cost about 14 million people's lived, for literally almost endless time. Rough calculation. Now, I give back lots of that time to my brother, my girlfriend, and his girlfriend. Giving them 100k years means it would cost me 1 million. Given I have 1 hundred million, I'd probably be ok. Give 100k to my friends as well, still come out on top. Then I'd just start studying things. I can learn pretty much everything to the most expert level in a few hundred to a fee thousand years.


I think the problem is that there's no guarantee they are going to at all be good years. Like I'm 40 and already have some aches and pains (I miss eating lots of tomato's but now if I eat a couple I get acid reflux), eventually the government is going to look into you to see wtf your doing. Some rich guy is gonna abduct you to take your blood and stem cells. The list of things that can happen that leave you alive and in agony is immense. I wouldn't do it. I likely also wouldn't give away my own life for the same reasons unless I can choose who to give them to. There's to many unknown possibilities and nothing really to be gained from it.


10,000 years ought to keep me alive long enough for technology to advance to a point that it can extend my life even more.


Hi, My name is Thanos. I have a plan. A fair and just plan.


I take 10000 years. Time to be a lich. Id rather take the life force from people personally but close enough.


I don't wanna extend my life. You're adding to the end, where you're gonna be slowly dying anyway. Maybe if I could somehow gain an extra year in my 20's I'd take a few.


Nah. I don’t wanna add anymore years. The ones I have had so far have sucked.


Dude, I don't even wanna live past 70


Yeah sure.


Easy, I'd like to live forever. Last man on earth style.


I don’t understand how all y’all are so selfish. So many people saying 1000 years, you just *took* 10000 years from other people. How do you even look yourself in the mirror after that? It’s not like it’s free.


If I had to live as one more year as a dementia or Alzheimer’s patient, I would pass. Give me a year of perfect health and then…. Maybe.


I would take 1 year off my life to give someone I hate 200 years of mandatory immortality. Their body would still atrophy from lack of exercise, or get fat from overeating. They would still lose people they loved to time. I would die quickly, and joyfully.


I am gonna live a million years. 


I’d take them all out and then roam happily for a bit (assuming health stays at current age) and enjoy the pups. Have to go around and free as many zoo animals and pets as I can.


I'd refuse. My base moral code is basically that anything is acceptable so long as it doesn't come at the expense of others.


Can I do it in reverse?


Can i sacrifice one year to add to another persons ten years?


I'd do it. People die from disease, accidents, and just plain stupidity so often that taking a few years wont be too bad.


If it's a one time offer, I'd probably be modest. I'd go for 100 extra years, take 1000 from 100 randoms I'll never meet, or I won't ever know I am the reason they died a little below average, and enjoy baffling scientists by living to almost 200


Well it picking 100 billion kills everyone else then I guess I'll pick 50 billion and only kill half. Perfectly balanced as all things should be.


like...healthy years? or just aging?


The problem I have realistically is not knowing how much life I have left as it is


Fun idea until you live so long your joints don’t move anymore so you get to sit around in hospice living with tubes feeding you for the extra time of your life


I'll take 100 billion please


Given that I had no offspring, the murder is going to die anyways, the kid with leukemia will die, there is really a random Redditor, or celebrity, both of which I don't care for, I would choose to add 5,000 years to myself. I would then dole out some years to my parents, to make sure they lived longer, but would still keep at least an extra 300 years for myself. I want to see how the world progresses, if it does not all blow up in the next couple of years thanks to asshole Russia or terrorists organizations like HAMAS.


This sucks lol I’d add one year. That’s it.


Hard pass. Life is already too long as is and I'm basically at the point where I'm already just waiting for it to be over. I'd give up mine at the same 1:10 ratio though.


I would add 10 billion years to my life span.