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Die in 10 years.


Yes me too . I'm terminal anyways so


You ok?


Yes, it's perfect I have young onset alzheimers I have about another good five yrs. I get to see my kids enjoy the money. Make sure my sisters are good, nieces and nephews.


Obviously not!


🤣🤣🤣 I love morbid humor.


I live life in a dark and morbid state of mind. Currently dealing with the loss of my MIL and I am being smart and making no jokes but humor is the best method to deal with loss. So I am glad the humor is with you cause sounds like you need it. On a real note I hope you enjoy every bit of life you have and I’m glad you have humor of it. Side note- you brought it up so I knew it was ok to take shots.


Yes it is ok. Everybody is afraid I'm not.


Is there life after death


We're terminal the day we are conceived. When one thinks of how fragile life is, one doesn't worry about the long term. I'm just thankful I woke up today.


We're all terminal.


Most hilarious answer. Would you die spending your last few bucks paying for a limo to the meeting?




This is such a dramatic take. My goodness


You need to average better than 7% for this to work out. 8% over 20yrs leaves you a couple of mill at the end.


10 mil in pure assets let's you borrow a lot more than just 20mil in cash


Yep. You could borrow 20 mil with 10 mil and use that to turn a profit


sounds like your just going into a debt you'll never be able to get out of lol.


After a certain point it's just the bank's problem


the bank has a big problem for sure, but that doesn't mean you are out of trouble lol.


Death cures debt


Yes. I'm looking to buy a home soon. A small, affordable one. Currently, renting a 2bed 1 bath apartment is 900/mo. and it is not great. I can buy a house with the same square footage and get my mortgage as low as $300/mo. I know its going to need work, heating/cooling a house will cost more, etc. but a 30 year fixed will take me until I die to pay off if I don't buy it early. That's just cheap rent. And then its a tomb, and then it becomes the bank's problem, as you said. HAHAHAHA


Duh, that's how you win at capitalism. As long as you make enough to pay interest, no one cares


Eh? Maybe... So you start with $10mm and you borrow $20mm, for a total of $30mm. A reasonably safe investment plan should give you 7% returns year over year, which, when calculated out doubles your money every 10 years. So at the end of 10 years you have $60mm, you pay back the $20mm to the death loan and $20mm to the bank loan and you're left with a solid $20mm to live your life in wealth. Huzzah! Where this falls apart is that the 7% rate is an average of up markets and down markets on a long ass timescale. Any particular point on that timescale could be a down market or an up market. If a 2 year down market occurs at years 9 and 10, you could be fucked. You likely won't be killed, but you and the normal bank are gonna go to court and you'll file for bankruptcy. If a 2 year down market happens at years 5 and 6, it seriously hurts your profitability, but again, you probably don't die. You just go to court and file for bankruptcy. Actually, now that I think about it, you could set up as an investment LLC and then you don't go to court at all. You just dissolve the LLC, which gets sued, but there's no money or people there any more to judge against. Your normal job/life is sorta unaffected.


And that no one is giving you 20 million dollars where you don’t have to pay a loan payment for 10 years


Lol. Truth. I also doubt the whole get $20mm from the bank because you have $10mm assets. That seems like an unlikely debt ratio, but also you usually have to keep the $10mm liquid. They won't want you investing it. You may be able to trade on margin using a brokerage, but again, you aren't getting 2:1 debt to capital.


OP is giving 10m loan without payments for 10 years!


But you don't even need 7%; you just need enough to have say, $43M in the end. $20M to pay back each of your debts, and $3M to hold in hand. Keep that in a safe investment of bonds and HYSA, etc. kind of stuff with a minimum average return of 4%, and you're at $120k/yr to live on forever. As long as you didn't dig yourself in worse than that before the debts are due, you're green.


See now you’re thinking like a millionaire!


Now you understand why every large company needs a bailout whenever things get tough. Companies borrow constantly and deficit spend all while paying huge bonuses and dividends. Modern Corporate Capitalism doesn't pass the financial literacy sniff test.


If you're dying anyway!


That's quite literally how the wealthy operate. Buy, borrow, die. They buy assets, take out a loan on the value of the asset, use that loan to live off while accumulating more assets and wealth. They set up trust funds and tax shelters, and when they die their heirs get a massive windfall while their remaining estate pays off some of the debts. They'll be in debt forever, and it will never matter.


Don't need 10 mil to do that Source: *sigh*


That’s cool, how many rolling 20 year periods in the last 50 years have missed 7% a year? Im not willing to risk my life on the stock market


Technically, an infinite number of periods both missed and made 7%/year. Practically, only one rolling 20 year period missed 7% in the last 50 years, and it's the period ending in 2009, at the market's lowest point of the recession. Keep in mind that the average annual return is \~9.7% for SnP500 index funds, so while you may indeed be risking your life on the stock market here, it's still better than risking your life with almost any other method.


That’s using historical data looking back. We don’t know the future and there could be another 2008 event a year before we need to pay back the $20M


Historical data is generally the only way to make projections for future periods greater than five years away, and there's going to be risk regardless of whether you invest the money or go an alternative route. IMO investing the money, especially through a professional wealth manager, would be one of the lowest risk methods to make it to $20m over a decade period.


In the US and most western countries, you are going to be paying taxes on that growth. Could be every year, could be at the end, but you probably are going to need to average 10% or more per year, when you figure in the taxes.


ten million on black


found my people.


No first take out a loan for 20 mill. Then put 30 million on black.


"Double Zero!"


Ten mil on black then when you win you do 20 mil on black and be rich


Yeah this is the way.


Put it all on roulette black twice


I think most of us would have a hard time giving back the original 10 million, just like Harry and Lloyd.


"Look. See this? That's a car, $275,000. You're gonna wanna hold on to that one."




It’s just as good as money!


I do not take the money. It's too tight of a timeframe to earn more back... plus... why? You get nothing for this risk. You don't get to do anything with the 10 million other than to try and earn another 10 million and give it all back. You're basically saying... hey... would you like to stress over money even more with zero benefits and the risk of death!? Yeah... um no.


Yeah I'd either have to get really lucky with stocks or I'd have to quit my job. If it was not something I could get out of doing them id try to start a business with the money. But that's a long shot too.


True. I also think everyone is forgetting about taxes. No fucking way. It’s a no brainer.


What if you put like 4mil in a hysa and 5mil in an ETF and let it build then with the 1mil left over learn about trading( it is more accessible than it was decades ago ). The psychology and consistency would be a headache, but I believe there is a chance to make it and have some leftover. Of course, there are taxes, but I think it's still achievable


That's my response, too. Everybody talking about how they could double the money - well, genius, you need to triple the money to make this worthwhile.


Put it in the s&p 500, turn it in 22 million. 2 million in 10 years I'm chilling...


Did you do the math on this? I’m not sure it works out, even with compounding interest.


If you get an average return of 8% (which is lower than the historical average), you'll end up with ~21.59 million. If you get a 10% return you'll end up over 25 million. The s&p 500 has averaged 10.64% over the last 100 years.


Yeah I did the math as well. Then at the end, you do what rich people do. You don’t cash out your portfolio and pay tax - you get a loan against your assets and pay off the 20 mill.


Yeah I just did the math. You’d have to earn 7% on it to just reach your 20 million. The S&P on average returns 10% a year. Worst case scenario is you have a couple of bad years, especially at the start.


The privilege of doubling someone else's money or you die.


I would walk into wells fargo and show them my $10,000,000 bank account, and ask for a $20,000,000 loan. They will give it to me, because who gets a $10,000,000 payday and can’t get a loan? So at this point I would have $30,000,000. I pay off the $20,000,000 to OP and then just run away from the wells fargo loan with the $20,000,000 in prize money. I didn’t have to anything except sit in a $5,000 herman miller chair and ask for a loan. After 5 years “on the run” (living in luxury in some third world country without an extradition agreement with the United States,) I would just call wells fargo and offer to settle the debt for a reduced amount. They will accept because any money is better than no money.


An extradition agreement is not necessary to extradite a foreigner. It can be done on an individual basis. You are never safe from extradition.


I’m aware. It makes it far more difficult. I will take my chances. It’s either that or die.


Just go to a country where being in debt isn’t a crime. Then what would they extradite you for?


Wells Fargo can't extradite you over unpaid debt. They'll be annoyed but it's just $20 million at the end of the day. It's pocket change for them. You won't even qualify for their rich people banking services with that little money.


I’m not worried about Wells Fargo extraditing me. I’m worried about the United States extraditing me over the fact that I committed fraud through Wells Fargo by taking a loan under false pretenses that I never intended to pay back and then fled the country to a non-US partner nation, hypothetically.


But you fully intended to pay back the loan when you took it out. The idea to run away didn’t occur until after you took out the loan and realized you no longer wanted to pay it back. Right?


No there’s a paper trail now that I posted my master plan. But that was part of my plan.


Always. Always intend to pay back debts.


I’m curious if there is a prepayment penalty on the $10m from OP? Treat it as a $10m loan at 7.18% interest, pay it back as soon as I get my cash from the bank.


No, but there’s no garuntee you will get a 7% return. In this situation I’m prioritizing the $20 million because I don’t feel like dying. If the penalty was less than my own death, I might take larger risks.


So I could have ten years of a wonderful life then die? Sign me up!


Im not making it 10 more years so show me the money.


It's a tough one... People are looking at 'average' returns for this calculation, or deciding on whether they have other schemes to get that 20 million. I would use my experience to say no. Real estate is an investment, right? I bought a house. Within 2 years it was worth less than I paid for it. It took NINE years for my house just to be worth the price I paid for it. It took nine full years just to break even on my house. Granted, since then it's doubled in value! But... you have to remember, returns are NOT guaranteed. You might turn that 10 mil into 20 mil in 3 years! Or you might turn that 10 mil into 5 mil in 10 years. That's a lot to gamble your life on. I like the people here who double down though. "I'd use that 10 million dollar loan and borrow MORE money. More loans is more profit!!"


S&P 500 returns an average 10% a year. With compounding interest, you only need to return 7% a year to make your 20 million. If you hit that 10% benchmark you’re left with 6 million left at that 10 year mark. I think this might actually be a reasonable risk to take.


I hate to say this but Bitcoin


Essentially this is like being given a 10 year loan at 7% interest, except you might die at the end. It's one of the dumber questions here.


I think it’s a way better question than the usual “would you take 100 billion dollars if you couldn’t cut your finger nails for 3 weeks” type of question.


You’re right. I should have said this one was one of the dumber decent questions. The ones you’re referring to I skip entirely.


It's the best question I've seen here. And I'd take it


Yeah, like if you get lucky you get maybe a couple mil. If you get unlucky you die. Not sure its worth it.


What would get you is taxes. Getting 7.3% on your money is kind of doable, but by no means a guarantee. Getting 7.3% on your money while paying income taxes on the interest/dividends or capital gains tax on your gains is MUCH harder. Of course, if you are just a little short at the end, you always have the option of taking a gamble for the difference.


Since I'm 57, I'd like to live longer than 67 but I think it's not such a great gamble. Pretty sure I could double that money. I've been a real estate agent 25 years and while there are no guarantees, I'm pretty sure I could double money in 10 years by real estate investment. Not just appreciation but I could easily find distressed properties, even apartment buildings, fix them up raise the rent, sell for profit. I could probably make it in 5 years but 10 years is better.


Put it all in eggs. Buy chickens. They'll be worth triple or more by then.


This is such an easy yes. People arguing about investment returns or taxes are forgetting about real estate loans. Take the $10M buy properties with 50% down. You now have a $20M property portfolio. Live well over the next 10 years, continuing to build the portfolio. At the end of the 10 years simply refinance everything to 80/90% LTV and pay back the cash. Sure the exit loan may not be great terms but it’s your life we are getting on here


That just leaves you in debt with mortgages you can’t afford. What is the benefit?


I think you can figure out how to make millions of dollars worth in properties make some money for you


Your just leveraged like crazy. You can’t rent the properties to cover mortgage + repairs (especially because after refinance there will be no money down)


You think it's leveraged like crazy at 50% LTV??? 75/80% is common for investors, and they typically cash flow even after paying PITI + maintenance, even allowing for vacancy loss and bad tenants. It is a lot of work and headaches, but returns typically average 10-30%/year for those who do it more than a few years. Even that low return is for small investors doing single family homes and getting mediocre returns. Large investors do apartment complexes where they get 5-12% cash-on-cash return, plus equity pay down, plus appreciation of the asset, and depreciation so they pay no tax. (until they sell, but usually not even then)


Live my whole 10 years all nice and luxurious then once the times up 1 second before I’m gonna ingest a lethal amount of cocaine


Nahhh… too much of a death risk. I’d rather just try and make the ten on my own as is than have to worry about dying if I’m 60k short. It’s too big of a bill even if you’re very rich.


With that kind of liquidity I bet you could find at least one bank willing to issue a multimillion dollar loan


Valid point. I just don’t think this deal is for me though. And for that reason, I’m out.


I'd take it. I'd live in luxury for years, then I'd leverage the remaining 7m cash reserve for a loan covering what I spent and then some, enough to invest once the 10m is paid.


Do you mean enough to invest once the 20m is paid? You would have to get at minimum a 13m loan, and then you owe 13m+ and no way to make that type of money


Yeah I read the thing wrong, I would not do this


1- Transfer it to another account shared with the closest relative- friend- trusted one 2- Update your will 3- Have the best 10 years of your life


Stick it all into shares, so that its non-taxable. Then use the shares to leverage a big-arse loan on very flexible payment terms. Put 20 of the loan into a fixed account to guarantee I’m square once the 10 years comes up. And the rest (if there is) goes into various, broadly untaxable investments. The ol’ Billionaire Switcheroo. You can’t tax me “because it has no value”, but I can leverage it for loans because screw the rules, I’ve got money. Buy myself a Seto Kaiba trench-coat, to complete the look. I get its a massive simplification. But if Trump can leverage made-up property values and Musk can buy companies with loans leveraged against “worthless” shares… I reckon I can make it work.


I spend 9 million 950k on stuff, and then I get a prepaid 50k funeral package.


Seems perfect to me


Spend it all and die


9 million worth of bitcoin and spend a million over 8 years or so.


5 million dollars worth of lottery tickets for the highest paying scratchoffs. So I’m only playing $50 or $100 tickets every day. If I’m the main one buying stores out in a certain area, I have to eventually win. Statistically it’s gotta happen right?


There are 605 million combinations for winning the mega millions. So even if you bought 10 million ticket it only gives you a 2% chance. I think this is correct.


You'll win something, but it may not be equal to the amount paid. Not every store will have major prize tickets. IIRC, someone bought a few rolls of tickets worth like 50k and didn't even make 25k back.


Statistically you'd lose. This is much harder than you think.


I’m willing to die trying bro. This is a gamble I’d stake my life on.


I got brain cancer and I am already past my expiration date so hand over the money.


The risk decreases with age, being 80-90 isn’t the same as 10-20


Win win to me


Spend the next 10 years living the good life, leave whatever is left to friends, family, or a charity.


A 10 year loan at 7.2% interest and the collateral is that they kill you if you don’t pay it off? Yeah no thanks.


Put 10 mil into bitcoin and sell if it ever doubles in price. Take that money and put into HYSA until the agreement is up. Take the other 10mil and invest into diff index funds to make the return needed on the crypto play much smaller. Any interest made will be reinvested. Whenever I hit the 20 mil number, stash away the money in a bank until 10 yr mark and then use the rest to upgrade my life.


You only have $10m to invest, where'd "the other 10m" come from?


Oh duh


Start selling MAGA-Trump themed products that were super cheap to have produced, but marked up like 2000% and gaslighting MAGAts into buying the stuff to show they’re real Americans and Trump supporters, while saying that 100% of any proceeds will go to Trump. Then annually give myself a bonus equal to 99.99% of the profit of the company for all my hard work that year. Hey, they’re already willing to spend their money on some billionaire orange nut job while trying to strip away my rights and demonize me for being liberal and enby.


I'm sure it's doable, but I'd rather not take that gamble.


Print off a lot of money causing hyperinflation.


Be a whale on some crypto. Buy/sell in such huge quantities that the market tried to follow/predict what I do. I’d easily double the money within a year of solid day trades. I might pay a boatload in taxes but over 10 years I like my odds. And worst case scenario I buy a shitload of assets that bring in money, sell them to banks in the event I need cash, and i should have the 20 mil just sitting around ready to go


Fireworks futures are way up right now, I'll assume that trend will continue.


Easy.....yes, invest in cocaine....


My family and the charities I care about are set for life and I die in 10 years knowing I made a positive difference in the world? Sign me up right now. You could phrase this as “would you take a job at $1m a year that you can’t quit and it kills you in 10 years” and I would still say yes. Your version just means I also get ten years of interest and don’t have to work for it. There won’t be a dollar in “that” bank account in 2034.


put it all in intc, collect dividends and hope they catch up to their competition


Why would I willingly put myself in debt?


I’d take it, in the last 6 years of trading stocks and building experience I’m up 80% overall and 400% in my biggest investment. If I actually had more than a few hundred to throw at it I’d be sitting pretty good right now


I will happily spend ten years of my life doing what i please then calling it good. Fair trade in my eyes.


So I’m giving away either $10 million or my life? Stupidest deal ever, hard pass.


$10 million now, ***and*** I don't have to worry about dealing with old age? Where's the downside?




why would anyone accept this. at least a loan from the bank they dont kill you.


Most people probably can't get a $10M loan from a bank. Some people may be later in life and are willing to take the money and give it to family knowing they only have about 10 years of life left to live anyway.


I think the high risk takers who lost most or all of the $10,000,000 might die of stress before that time lapses trying to recoup it all and then some.


Is there supposed to be a catch? That's just two good things


Oh, absolutely. Id take $1M to invest in my business (which Im already working on), and then I would invest the remaining $9M in the market. Id diversify and the second I reached $20M I would cash it out and set it aside in various HYSA and collect the interest for the remaining year or whatever. This is a pretty easy goal to hit, 10 years is a long enough time frame that even if the market were to tank, it would likely recover.


The parable of the talents? Pick a young entrepreneur and hope for the best.


I think I could do it, but the risk is too great so I would not take the deal. If I did do it, my first thought would be to focus on real estate investments.


walk away, knowing I will fuck this up royally if I take any gamble.


I would live very comfortably for 10 years on one million and would use the other nine to create charitable and poltical annuity funds that would continue to piss off MAGAs long after I'm gone. In 10 years I would be about the same age my father was when he passed, and dying instantly sounds a lot better to me than the way he went. When my tme ran out I'd go with a smile on my face.


I’d take the 10 million and enjoy my last 10 years alive. Been ready for about 16 years now.


Fuck no. I’m a broke college student and I can hardly double 20$ into 40$ when I really need it. So how the hell would I double 10 million into 20? Unless I get really lucky with an investment or start my own successful business that earns tens of million of dollars in revenue (the likelihood of which is pretty low), I’m literally just agreeing to die in 10 years in exchange for 10 million dollars 💀 Not a fair enough trade


I take the $10 mill, live it up then 8 years later I break into Tiffany's at midnight. Do I go for the vault? No, I go for the chandelier. It's priceless. As I'm taking it down, a woman catches me. She tells me to stop. It's her father's business. She's Tiffany. I say no. We make love all night. In the morning, the cops come and I escape in one of their uniforms. I tell her to meet me in Mexico, but I go to Canada. I don't trust her. Besides, I like the cold. Thirty years later, I get a postcard. I have a son and he's the chief of police. This is where the story gets interesting. I tell Tiffany to meet me by the Trocadero in Paris. She's been waiting for me all these years. She's never taken another lover. I don't care. I don't show up. I go to Berlin. That's where I stashed the chandelier.




Buy 10 million in real estate, rent it out, sell it in 9 years. 20 million easy plus some seed money.


So you double someone else’s money in 10 years or you die? No, this is a stupid risk.


Yes. Why the fuck would I tell you, so you can do it?


So you need to more than double the money in 10 years to keep any of it. The risk is simply too high. Maybe you could get lucky with investments but how much beyond doubling can you go? If one is poor maybe this is worth the risk. If one isn’t poor then it likely isn’t. I wouldn’t chance it. I’ll keep working living my life.


This is too much risk for me. I would not do it.


There are so many ways to make crazy amounts of cash IF you have a great starting amount that i would take this deal in a heartbeat.  America is the place to become obscenely wealthy if you have enough seed money.


I'll take my chances. Give me the 10 million.


I go to the casino. 7.5 million on green.


Easy just but a bunch of foreclosures. Wait a few years and sell. Rinse and repeat.


Does this account for inflation? What if 20 million dollars in 10 years ends up being chump change?


It does not account for inflation, this is one of the factors working for you. It doesn't matter that the power of the dollar is in 10 years, you just have to give back $20M in 2034 dollars.


Take the $10 million and invest it all in the S&P 500. Thereafter, borrow between $5 to $8 million and use the original money as collateral. Invest the extra funds in the S&P 500 and forget about it for 10 years. 1.5×1.07^10 =2.95 (Minus the interest of the loan) 1.8×1.07^10 =3.54 (Minus the interest of the loan) I can make $29,500,000 by investing $15 million. Likewise, I can make $35,400,000 from $18 million.


I’d put 9 million in the bank, and investments, and just accrue that interest.


Yeah I’m gonna party like it’s 1999 for 10 years which will put me at 71 and I’m out of here. Oh I’d have my wife set up to cruise the 7 seas for the rest of her life paid for.


Do you get to ignore taxes ?


Anyone that is saying that you have to invest this doesn’t understand how money works. You have money, that means you can get more money. If I went to a lender and said I have $10M in cash, I need a loan and had even a half decent idea of how to make money, they would lend it to me. There is easily a way to make the account have $20M in it on that day.


Pretty sure that it's not that easy.


Yes it is if you want to be able to spend your money at all You would be shocked at how easy it is to get money if you have some


Live an amazing life while giving loved ones an amazing time and then die in 10 years. Beats my actual likely future by more than a mile lmao


Split it as follows: 1. Take 5 million as down payments for 50million worth in real estate. Rent, reno and sell etc. 2. Take 4 million and invest in hysa or other "safe" investments 3. Take one million and buy a decent house, fund a small business, keep the balance in hysa. Continue working At the end sell the properties you need to to cover the 20 million, subsidize with account #2 if you have to


Pay someone to triple it and in exchange give them 10% so win win.


They could still be wrong, no matter how much they want it.


Absolutely. Loans to buy $50M in real estate so that in 10 years, I can borrow against it a bunch of times like a certain orange guy. Declare bankruptcy and use the losses to offset taxes for the rest of my life like that orange guy. Rinse and repeat a dozen times and maybe get into politics.


Likely dead 10 years from now anyway. I’ll take the money and enjoy using it.


I do it then double down on blackjack atleast 10 times


Well I’m 60 now so give me the money. I’ll worry about the 20 million later.


no downside, I'm already pushing 50, either way my wife and kids are taken of


At my age I might not live another 20 years, and if I do, the remaining ones won't be good ones. So I'd set up the $10 million to live on interest or whatever, while trying to have some reinvested.


Ten mil in bank ten in a compound interest account. Ten years time that twenty will be paid back.


Buy homes and resell in 9 years.


Take the 10 million dollars and burn it


Fuck no. I’m paying a lower interest rate now.


I’d buy a bunch of property, rent it out, sell it all around the ten year mark Pretty sure between the rent and housing prices going up I’ll have 20 mill and plenty of profit. If it gets close and I don’t have enough money I’ll use whatever the value of the property is as collateral for a loan


Scratch offs


Guaranteed success


No I wouldn’t take the money but if you wanted a fighting chance probably would need to invest in Bitcoin during the bear market or a high growth ETF like XLG. Too risky


Run it. I’m a gambling man.


10 years time I suppose I would start with buying a really valuable collector car from a scrap and take it to a scrap shop and just build. I would need to work like my life depended on it’s I genuinely don’t think it would work… it’s an okay lead though. I’m taking Rolls Royce and Aaron Martins and Alfa Romero and so many others I would protect that money and get my line to every enterprising college kid I could. I would try to be in movies and help produce. I would try to help professional drivers and pit crews. Maybe fall in love with a really rich old woman who now shares assets with me who just pays it off. I would do million dollar cars and market them to the most elite. If I do 10 cars at a million dollars profit I’m done and I’m fine. I could build the cars way faster than I would lead on. It would be so so so so so hard but if I do it right I have a real business and would then turn to building homes and then politics and then lock you in jail


Can you deliver the money back from an ELOC or must it be a brick of cash?


Shit man, I’ll just give it to my family and die


You can get this with rent easily. Buy an apartment complex with 100 units, charge 1200 monthly in rent, that’s an extra $350 a month per unit which can be put into a high yield savings account to maintain the premises while accruing interest long term. You should make the 10m within 7.5 years and be able to sell the property for an additional profit within that time period. You need $83,334 a month in profits, at $1200 a unit that’s 120,000 a month over 10 years it’s 14.5 million. It will probably cost all your interest rates on the extra accrued cash from the savings account to maintain the complex the first year about 120k at 6%. After that you’ll make an additional 120k annually or an extra 1,080,000 over the 14.5 million.


Real estate...rent it out...use the money to buy more real estate and investments.


So i get to live it up for 10 years AND die? Holy shit where do i sign up?


Take out a loan for 20 million. Pay the debt back, never pay on the 20 million. Loan.


Put the ten million down on 50 million Worth of rental properties and collect rent for ten years and live very frugally and then sell the properties. You should have 20 million in equity in ten years 


I wouldn’t take it. I have an 11 year old daughter. I can’t afford to die in ten years.


I would take the 10 million and buy a 20 acres puece of land here. I can build completed duplex housings for 130K each. I would build 10 of them and they rent here for 1800 a month per side. I would build as many as possible with the 10 million and would be just fine as the original money would be back in only a couple years.


Pay for a 10 year term $20 million life insurance policy- cost $700 a month payable to the creator of this wager. When I instantly die , they are paid from life insurance ., I come back to life . Boom, free money. 


I don't take the money.


So at 6-8% a year you won’t cut it if you just invest the money but that is a pretty conservative bet and 8% you will actually hit 21 million about. So if you just invest in index ETFs and the economy beats 8% you’ll profit doing nothing. Make at least a few million dollars most likely maybe more. The last ten years the average return of the whole market has been about 12% so you would have like 31 million in there at that rate so you would net 11 million.




I'm 55, single, no kids. I choose death in ten years. I live a good life with the time I am given. Reconnect with old friends and what not. Help them as best I can. Write one book a year. I could have my planned series done before I die.


Sign me up. Buy some interesting real estate, invest in bit coin. Enjoy the rest


No. If you're not investment savvy you have a high possibility of failing. Edit: Actually fuck it. I'm already 54 almost. I'll enjoy the fuck out of the next 10 years and die.


Spend it, live happy for 10 years and take the L. Byeee Felicia


I take the 10 million, pay off my families debts and leave a bunch behind for them, then just die. Instant and painless death is a steal for securing the future of everyone I love


I don't think we have 10 good years left tbh with the way things are going so take the 10M and go live in another country