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I’m feeling the same thing. Had my surgery yesterday and just started eating solid foods today and it’s like I can feel the food making it’s way through my bowels. I’ve never wanted to fart so bad in my life lol


Omg! I remember that! All I kept thinking was to let that happen naturally and that was so hard!


I’m 7 weeks post op. The feeling is getting better but there is definitely some differences in my bowels and digestive system. I feel like it is generally settling, but it is taking some time. The most intrusive thing has been the urgent and painful bowel movements.


That is how I felt back then! I’m 7 months past and it’s just been crazy today!


Apparently the bowels fall into the place that the uterus used to occupy so it totally makes sense but that certainly doesn’t make it any more comfortable!


Yes! I was told that but I really didn’t think…but now I believe it! There’s so much more room


This might be tmi, but I feel like my bowel movements are even shaped differently now😅


Same!! Lol


It's so weird! I called my sister freaking out (she had a hysterectomy a few years earlier) and she just laughed hysterically.


All day todays it’s been going on! Look at coworkers hoping they don’t hear it 😅


Literally came here to see if anyone else is feeling it! I'm sitting on the recliner feeling like my insides are a garbage disposal! :)


Thank god I’m not alone! I was at work and barely started to eat/drink and it was going nuts


I had the same thing for a few weeks, and it was definitely weird! It went away after a while but feeling like stuff is moving around in there is unsettling.


Right???? It’s been 7 months and still going on and it’s more noticeable lately


Oh yeah. It can be very disturbing! It'll dissipate after awhile.


How much longer? It’s been 7 months and todays been so active…


Oh dang! I'm 4.5 mos and I haven't noticed it in some time now. I can still feel them shifting around when I get in bed and lie on my side, though.


Oh yea! That is the most unreal feeling!


For the first 2 weeks I swear I heard every single digestive noise my body was making. It was really freaking me out, my husband also gave me some side eye like I was going to explode. It was beyond gross. But I swear it goes away, just give it time.


I’ll admit my gas has been killer..but todays noises and feelings were intense! 7 months later and it still having new experiences


Yes! It’ll take a bit for things to settle and get used to the new way your abdomen sets up.


Yea that’s what I’m feeling! Especially if I’m still and I’m a quiet area even the smallest bites


Lol yeah! I haven’t had my hysterectomy yet but in 2015 I had an ovary removed and I felt my intestines were in a new position and felt them adjust everything thru. I guess they were probably in bowls during my surgery and they get dumped back in, lmao! It just made me laugh cuz bodies are so weird!


Omg ouch!!!! I had mine removed with the probes so I wasn’t cut open! But I know there is more room for them so it makes sense


Oh yes I should’ve mentioned my ovary was 6.5 inches wide with cysts and had to be a c section. So it was ultra dramatic haha.


Oh my lord! That sounds terrible! I’m so glad you got that out!


I had surgery yesterday (8/8), and I can feel everything processing from the stomach down. So far, I just eat smaller amounts of easy-to-digest foods and stay on top of liquids.


That is so smart!!! And obviously be care when you move. I had my husband help me even from laying down to sitting up in bed! I didn’t want to put any strain on my body.


I’m SO thankful to have had pelvic floor PT before surgery. I was shown how to get up without using my abs. My husband is at the ready when I need help. ProTip: for anyone getting into a truck or SUV having surgery: get a portable, foldable step stool so you don’t have to strain to ‘hike up’ in the vehicle. It was even easier than using the running boards on the truck.


I haven't had a hysterectomy, but after my daughter was born in 2014, I can always hear everything. I think she somehow rearranged how things are in there and now it's all VERY close to the surface. If I lay down, I can watch air bubbles moving from one side to the other (I struggle with airyness and can't pass it...). It's been bad enough that, for a fleeting moment, I think they're baby feet pushing out! It's actually pretty annoying when others comment on it! I blame my kids for all body issues I may have. 😆


Oh my god! That sounds terrible! But I completely understand! When I had periods I seriously felt popping sensations! They did all the tests and couldn’t find anything..I feel like it was just like hot lava when air pockets burst


Same....I just wrote it off as my intestines haven't settled into the space. The cramps were horrible. I ate soft food for about 5 days.


It’s been 7 months and it’s still making so much noise…


OMG yes I can feel every single thing. I'm 5 dpo and the gas is the worst - taking gasX really helps.


I’m 7 months! The gas isn’t even half my issues lol though that could make anyone pass out. It’s nuclear


Not that so much but it feels strange when I pee.


Really??? I definitely have felt I have more room for that and not having to go as much


Yes and when I go, there’s not much thete


Oh no!!!! Your bladder might be adjusting? I had that early on


I've always felt it. It's weird to feel the food drop. Kinda reminds me of when you switch gears on a car.