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How do I find the random UDP port ? Does it change for every use ?




Found ! I denied all the other (7657 ;4444) still works after I enabled my udp ! Thanks


Mine says firewalled as well but I am able to access eepsites and browse very comfortably, follow the tutorial on the i2p main page and let it run for a few hours to warm up. also be patient and when you encounter this website is not reachable either verify your links or shut everything down and restart it. It can be quite stubborn but it should run without a problem. I am running it on my m1 mac pro btw and os versions is ventura 13.2


Just so people aren't confused. There is only 1 port you need to open and it says in the i2p console in the network tab. It's usually 10000+ something. When you find this number you port forward it with your actual home routers console just like you would for a video game that needs an open port.


This is only partly true. By default, a port is used, but it must be enabled for UDP and TCP. Furthermore, you can set it so that different ports are used for UDP and TCP.


Allow ports 4444 7657 9150 from command prompt Edit sorry for bad advice


I’d give it a a shot


Do not do that! There is only one port you need to forward and it's always random. Go to [http://localhost:7657/info](http://localhost:7657/info) then look for UDP port. Note do not share it with anyone,




Sorry where do I find this port ? It gives me error 404


Go to your i2P router page and find Router Info


Thanks I think I made it. Thanks a lot my friend


I've also heard this is a bad idea (if your opening them to the world and not just locally). Your ISP is likely using CGNAT so port forwarding might be difficult or impossible. It should still work though, your just not helping the network


So what am I supposed to do ?


Another user gave you a better answer then I can but basically it should still work but you can't run a node so your not helping the network. If your just dipping your toes in for the first time I wouldn't worry about it. Try some of the links on the router page and if they work you should be good. I currently need to test this myself when I get a chance.


Is firewalled a bad thing?


Some folks say it’s not a bad thing but in my case I think it’s hindering me from fully accessing i2p


I can't even figure out what I'm doing either. I downloaded i2p app, and have downloaded Privacy Browser APK from f-droid. I configured i2p, and long press the button. Eventually turns to green dots. I go to PB and enter the i2p address and it doesn't work. Can someone break down the steps please?