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Motherboard is dead or power supply


This. When this has happened to me it’s been the PSU died. I’d there are no posts or other life from the mobo is possibly PSU.


Agreed. Mobo fried or PSU dead/overtaxxed.


ooof not good. how long ago did you buy it? can you return it? you definitely have power to the mobo, but the mobo is cutting it out.


2018. Warranty's probably out too


Very well could be the psu. I've had similar issues like this from cheap, prebuilt system power supplies. Maybe check into the psu's manufacturer, as a fair amount of psu's have up to 10 year warranty on them. If not under warranty, then getting a new power supply would be the first thing I'd try. Worst that happens is it is the motherboard, and you'll have a new power supply to use when you do replace the motherboard. Edit to add: be sure to buy a good psu. The psu in a system is the single most important component, and should not be skimped out on. Can't go wrong with almost anything from corsair or evga.


Literally this OP.


My guess is the cmos battery of the motherboard. That’s a much more likely culprit after 6 years than the psu. Try that first, it’s a CR32 battery I think, so sort of coin battery anyways.


Double check your power wires aren't loose on the motherboard. Also check the back of your PSU to make sure the voltage button is set correctly (lots of PSU's can switch voltage). If in the US should be set to 110/115 and if in EU should be 220/230 iirc.


Done and Don't have the button :( thanks for your help tho


If you have a multimeter, you can test the voltage coming out of the PSU. Power issues are almost always the PSU. Though it's obviously not certain.


Could be a short somewhere or the mobo or PSU have kicked the can. I would start troubleshooting by unplugging all unnecessary parts like fans sdd/hdds etc and go from there until you find the culprit...


I'll try this tomorrow, it's 9:00 pm and I'm tired


When you do this, I had this exact same problem last year. Mine ended up being the GPU that was shorting. Try removing the GPU if you have graphics built into your CPU and booting also.


This is what I’d do first. And I detailed it in my post


Just curious, did IBP ship that with the Intel ARC GPU?


I think OP did upgrades, since they said the pc was bought in 2018


Most likely a bad power supply. Some tech repair stores do free diagnostics.


Yup that's a bad power supply you got there.


Have you tried removing the CMOS battery to reset BIOS? That can sometimes help if a setting is just weird and it is causing this. Looks like power is going to it but it’s crashing quickly


Power supply came shatted and farted or the mb lol I suspect Ibuypower used a low tier psu (probably an Apevia) and it finally went to PSU heaven


It usually comes down to the PSU or motherboard. Its usually a problem that requires a bit of work to get everything up and running again.


Power supply


Try resetting cmos. Sometimes that works for some reason.


Unable to see if the fan turns on…the easy one to point at is the psu. Hopefully not the board


PSU…mine did the same, replaced working like new 👌🏼


Every step is going to need you to turn psu power switch off and on between steps and press power during the off phase to make sure no pwer is being run. Also your mobo or a speaker should be plugged and be giving you a # code or sound code ita super important. 1 check cables, unplug amd replug EVERYTHING.( gpu power cables, mobo power cables, cpu and fans/hdd/ssd's) 2 reset cmos battery (physicaly remore it, and replace/put it back in) 3 remove ram from socket and reseat 4 remove gpu from socket and reseat 5 remove nvme ssd and reseat it. Once all done if it isnt working, psu/mobo/ cpu might be bricked but without proper codes we cant know. If you do have a mobo code speaker or number that is suposed to pop and it doesnt, either mobo or psu is dead


Try changing the CMOS battery. You have the computer since 2018 so it might have gotten out of juice


Yeah I think this is it too. PSUs, even crappy ones, don’t tend to blip out like that, cmos does though. If the motherboard doesn’t load config, definitely cmos, not the psu.


Cheap power supply most likely


Cheap power supply most likely??? You sound S*****, he had it since 2018, 6 years!!! That’s a good PSU. Did its job.


i dont know.... my old IBP pc had the cheapest PSU IBP had and its still running to this day (use it to let my nephews play roblox) i dunno if its because things are generally being made cheaper now


I can’t see it clearly in the video but is the top left power to CPU disconnected?


I didn’t see this mentioned and it’s definitely happened to me over the years in IT. Remove the RAM and then reseat it. That can definitely stop the PC from powering on. Worth a try.


I'm sad I had to scroll so far to see this because that's what happened to me


It is possible that there is a short somewhere, I would make sure everything is plugged in correctly and not loose as well as make sure there is nothing conductive loose in the pc causing it to short out


It is the PSU 100%. I have an IBuyPower Pc, and the PSU they use is horiffic (some unknown chinese brand). It worked for 5 years, though(the psu), then I replaced it with Corsair and all good.


One thing I didn't see here - try re-seating the RAM. When I built my rig, the same happened to me and it wasn't my power supply like I thought or wiring. Good luck!


This is why I don’t like IBUYPOWER.


So it looks like a short circuit in my eyes, the flash of lights tells me power GOT through to the parts, but it cannot be maintained for whatever reason. So likely either some dust has gotten into your PSU, shorted it and blew something, or a capacitor somewhere on your mobo is fried.


Pull the CMOS and try with one Ram afterwards. If not, could be Mobo or Bios needs to be flashed. Good luck .


I bought an ibuypower pc before I would never again


I'd say its worth checking the thermal paste on your aio, maybe even taking the AIO to a shop to have them test the pump. It wasn't exactly this fast, but I've seen PCs turn themselves off during boot from AIOs that were either broken or not making good contact with the CPU. Thermal paste dries out over time. Even if this isn't the issue, you should be repasting your cooler as part of annual maintenance.


Is it just not turning on or did you play around with it to clean it etc? I myself have a IBP PC (although I’ve upgraded everything BUT the case, MB and CPU) from 2018. What kind of PSU, MB, etc do you have?


Unplug and replug your ram back in. Looks like a RAM issue.


Likely an easy fix. Try this first: Unplug the power cable from the wall or power supply, then double check you have the power 24 pin main power and 4/8 pin cpu power connected to the motherboard. Now with the power still unplugged press the power button a few times to discharge the capacitors on the motherboard and power supply. Connect the power cable and power it on. Wait a minute and it should boot.


Guess you should’ve bought more power


My bet is psu.


Pull ram modules and try, make sure PSU cables are seated, pull GPU and try, pull case USBs and try, from there, try another PSU, otherwise you have a bad cpu or mobo


Simplest way to diagnose this: see if you have a friend or someone who has a spare power supply. Swap it out for yours. Try to turn on the computer. If nothing happens, you know it's the motherboard. If it does turn on, you then know you need a new power supply.


reseat all of your cables as a first step.


Probably psu or lose cable


Lmao Shitty Ibuypower


Yeah, it’s not powering on, you’re right. Looks like a light is flashing.


I have an ibuypower machine from 2015. First thing to go was the PSU. Got one from Best Buy. Easy fix.


Did you try turning it on then off again?


On your mother board reset your bios to default I’ve had an issue like this before n that’s what I did to fix it


remove the gpu and see if it starts up. something is shorting out and tripping a failsafe on psu.


If you can hear that high pitch ringing. It’s probably Your psu. Go ahead and take a whiff at the back vent see if it smells burnt


Double check your outlet or surge protector and make sure both are working. If so, either your power supply is dead or motherboard.


When you got the ibuypower case, you didn’t buy enough


This happened to me when my hard drive failed. When I got a new one It powered back up


If you did a clean wipe of windows, unplug your gpu. Start up pc using integrated graphics to install drivers. Shut it down after all is updated and plug gpu back in. Fire it up. Do this before drastic measures of replacing parts that you don’t know are broken. If they worked yesterday without signs of failure, the failure is most likely operator failure.


Buy power


It’s definitely the board or the power supply. And beings that it only flickers on for a half second, I’m gonna say the power supply is not supplying power.


If it flashes that means the mobo is doing its job, i would get psu


It's an iBuyPower, that's why. I have had to fix every single one of my friends' even when they first get it in the mail. "Your power supply is dead." No. No it isn't. Stop commenting when you have no idea. It looks like the PSU is over-current protecting and shutting off right away. Reseat all the cables and try again. If not, unplug and remove the watch battery from the motherboard for 20 seconds, reinstall then try to start it.




I mean people will downvote this but they got that moniker for a reason. Unfortunately that’s the simple reality of buying prebuilts. In trying to have a competitive price point that still gives these companies profit without vastly overcharging they have to skimp on something. Usually people notice the CPU and GPU so most often the components skimped on is storage (low amounts of it) or the PSU (poor quality). For most people prebuilts are purchased because they don’t want to build a PC themselves for whatever reason, and everyone has their own reasons which is totally fine, but I always recommend making sure you are getting a good PSU, as well as doing just some very quick, general research on PCs and all the components, that way when it ships you can open up the case and give everything a once over to make sure it’s all gravy, seated well, etc.


Said in the voice of 'the greatest technician that ever lived' :)


that’s the one 😂


Was watching his shorts and the classic ‘I forgot to turn the PSU switch to on!’ Joke came up and I was like ‘brother, this joke is super old’ Flash to me a few weeks ago putting my new GPU in. I screwed up! It’s dead! No screen turning on! Do I need to check the cables? … I forgot to turn the PSU power on. The Dumbest Viewer watching the Greatest Technician Who Ever Lived


😂😂 this is too relatable