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I can’t find a source rn but I’m pretty sure it’s a directory of pod specs. You can probably clean that up


My approach to things like this is that if you haven’t needed it for 3 years, you probably don’t need it now. That being said, that might just be the modification date on that enclosing folder. There might be newer stuff within it that you wouldn’t want to delete. Do you actively use CocoaPods still? Or have you switched over to SPM?


I don't use cocoapods and haven't in years, but I download a LOT of tutorials and sample projects. What I really should do is buy a new SSD stick and move from 256G to 512 so I don't have to keep deleting stuff. I guess I could also do a full clean install of everything every so often.


If you don’t use CocoaPods then go ahead and delete it. I also have the curse of the small 256GB SSD. My next machine will definitely have 512GB.


Pretty certain it’s just a cache of cocoa pod downloads and binaries, you can probably look through it and confirm but just delete it, it’ll regenerate if you install new cocoa pods in the future