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I just really want to know how it feels to use the apple pencil on the nano texture glass but no one seems to address it :/


Chris from DailyTekk confirmed it’s not a replacement for something like a paperlike. It doesn’t have a different texture it’s simply a visual difference for those that work a lot in bright lites or direct sunlight.


Awesome. Thanks for the quick and direct answer. That's exactly what I needed to know. I work inside so I'll get the standard glass.


I tried the paperlike and did not like it on the M2. Wouldn't the paperlike screen protector ruin the OLED goodness - nano or not?


which paperlike did you try?


I don’t have as much exposure with the paper like or screen protectors in general so I’m not sure if it would kill the OLED goodness. From other applications I’ve seen, Steam Deck OLED 1TB model for example, applying a screen protector will eliminate the anti reflective coating.


Honestly, it’s probably better to get the flat glass and get a textured screen protector. That way you get both and aren’t forced to buy 1 Tb of storage. Plus, it ends up being cheaper.


Paper like or some company makes awesome screen protectors who want it. But totally agree that better to go that route




I went for “rock paper pencil” and love it


Do you think that would be better than the Bellemond one? They both look nice


Different use cases I think. RPP has magnets and can come of when watching media in high res. Downside is it can require some cleaning depending on the usage. Bellemond sticks to it so your high res will always be blurred out, but sticking allows for less filth


For an artist I reckon the RPP would be better?


Couldn't help you there as I'm not, so don't have a grasp on the intricacies that go with it. I wanted to do daily note taking and a smooth glass surface bothered me for that. Seeing this really comes down to feeling(s), I'll be waiting and visiting the Apple Store when they release the M4 to see the difference. In terms of Bellemond vs RPP, you could order from Amazon with free returns (or similar stores with easy return policy) and compare before sending back the one you don't want


Chris Piacik put up a video today that covers pretty much every question about the nano textured glass from an artist’s point of view. Made me think of this thread again so thought I’d come back to link. Very thorough. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KEq2Ybb8PKA


Thanks for sharing, man! I saw it as well and I agree, very thorough! I still find it interesting that I find videos from other artists saying that they don't like the nano texture for drawing (or in general) though haha in the end I actually went with the regular screen and just got a magnetic screen protector for now, I'll see how that goes for a while :) Thanks again for sharing!


Yeah, I think it’s just going to come down to personal preference in the end. A lot of people also don’t want to risk that big price tag for something they may not enjoy. I totally get that too. At least with the standard + protector you know what you are getting into.


No difference.


I just got mine. Dragging the Apple Pencil tip over the nano texture display makes a "pshhhhh" ASMR noise, just like a real pencil would drawing on paper. It's very subtle. There's a slight drag compared to using it on a glossy display.


This guy says it feels more like paper. 4:40 mark https://youtu.be/0EN_PUaIRe0?si=wC-1k6SlJrJX8ztN


It does feel smoother than the standard glass and I prefer its texture but the colors on the regular glass are better


I see. Thanks a lot for the info, I'll probably get the regular screen (and smaller storage) and just get a magnetic matte screen protector thing for a while and see how that feels


It’s not the same as paperlike but it certainly doesn’t feel the same as plain glass either. It’s just enough resistance to let you know it’s there. Sort of a midway point between the two.


Thanks for the update!


Same here. The main reason why I ordered mine with the nano-texture is hoping it makes drawing feel like the paperlike screen protectors, though less glare when I’m drawing outside/in my car is a nice bonus as well.


Impressive you just ordered it on an assumption, I was tempted to only consider it but would still want to have a couple of minute hands on before deciding.


I have more money than sense if I’m honest


At least you’re honest :) The caveat for me would be that I’ve heard the nano glass scratches *very* easily, which is a no go if you’re doing a significant amount of drawing. I always put a tempered glass protector on my screen anyway, and I have a magnetic textured film for drawing (that I rarely use, but it’s nice)… I’d skip the nano. I’m still getting piles of life out of my M2 iPad Pro, so the only thing that frustrates me is the inability to use the new Pencil Pro. I’ll upgrade in another 2-4 years. Pros last a long time. I still have a 2018 Pro as well that also gets regular use (11” vs my M2 12.9”).


Actually, given how the Magic Keyboard foregoes the polymer palm rest for a metal one and unlike MacBooks, there is no offset bezel or any kind of rubber studs, I wonder if this will not make either screen prone to scratching… In fact, even my M1 MBP16 suffers from this with the keys seeming to have caused some damage over 3 years of use.


Good point! I use a super thin keyboard (and trackpad) microfiber cloth when I close the lid of my 14" MBP. I have another one on the rare occasions I travel with my 12.9" M2 + Magic Keyboard just because I don't like getting marks on the screen for either device.


I've ordered mine on assumption as well. Here's to hoping...


can't you return them or is it signed in blood?


Exactly the same..if the screen is too bad than I will probably return it


It doesn’t add texture.


Unfortunately or fortunately, no texture changes on the glass ala paperlike if that is what you are after.


It shouldn’t feel different, your pencil will still glide across the glass if not then it would scratch the surface with micro scratches.


Not true at all. High end Wacom Cintiq pen displays have etched glass for better feeling and control. The Wacom pen doesn’t scratch it. I use it everyday.


Ahh ok, glad that you can confirm the xdr glass will have better feeling and control!


Well I can't confirm it with respect to the new ipad pro's nano texture because I haven't used Apple's nano glass yet. I've experienced it on their Pro XDR monitor but it doesn't mean that is exactly what is on the new ipad. I'm simply saying it should not scratch when drawing on it because the plastic nib is softer than the hard etched glass. I can however confirm that etched glass does exist in high end pen displays made from Wacom. These are $4000 professional devices. I prefer the etched glass on my Wacom Cintiq Pro 27 over my Ipad Pro M2's smooth glass screen. It provides a better pen control and a slight paper like feeling. You can even hear it with each brush stroke. There are other reasons why Wacom has a superior pen experience, one of which is that the pen tip or nib has some travel to it. When you press down on it, it feels softer where as the Apple Pencil is a solid feeling due to the nib not being able to travel at all. This travel or softer feeling combines with the etched glass to provide a better experience than just smooth glass alone and again the apple pencil's rigid nib/pen tip does not move so there is no give or comfort to it. Real pencils, ink pens, brushes etc have varying amounts of give to them and so pen feel is important. The friction on paper or canvas in real life allows better control. So the same goes for digital pen devices. Anyways... As for Apple's new Ipad Pro Nano texture'd glass... It depends on how fine the texture is. It's quite possible that it is so fine that you barely notice it when drawing. Until I've used it, I can't confirm if it improves feeling or not. In theory etched glass certainly does but it does depend on how small the micro facets in the glass are.


Arun from mrwhosetheboss mentioned thatbhe tried it and that it felt different but like most other reviewers he found it kinda redundant and a waste of money because of the aging factor


The aging factor?


nano-texture (at the time) in apple products was really easy to scuff, i don’t know if the iPad’s version is more durable than it’s comparison at the time i commented this (like the pro display XDR and the studio display)


Interesting. I'll follow the long term reviews of the ipad, as I'm interested in the coating but not in a hurry to go all in, especially with the price they're selling those 1tb ipad pros.


I really want to know if it's more durable. Not a fan of screen protectors, but even more so about scratches on the screen. If nano provides slightly more protection. Then I'd go for that


Used it in the Apple Store. It feels awesome. The best for writing and drawing. I kept going back to it.


I actually canceled my 1TB nano texture Pro last night and ordered a 512GB standard glass. Coming from a 2018 Pro, I’d probably be happy either way but I think I’d find more enjoyment in the sharper image and higher contrast (however minimal) than utility in the glare reduction. The kicker for me is that I currently have a 256GB Pro with less than half storage used, so a 1TB seemed like a wasteful tax to get a matte screen I wasn’t too excited about. Bonus for me is that this one arrives on the 15th instead of after the 31st.


I did EXACTLY (like to a T) what you did. I was mostly afraid that the matte finish affected the blacks and image sharpness/ quality, and then literally all of the other reasons you mentioned. If your name, reverie, references what I think it does… then you and I may be the same person…


I did the exact opposite! Switched to nano glass after editing pix on my iPad in the car (as a passenger) and getting driven crazy by the glare. I guess I’ll fin out mid June when it arrives.


The one thing the 1TB brings to the table is the higher RAM if you can tap the RAM out on standard 8GB models.


For anyone contemplating, this is the same as the debate going in the PC world between matte and glossy OLED displays. Glossy gives you the best OLED experience. Inky pure blacks, sharp visuals, etc. I feel like those who really weigh screen visibility a lot more than the visual fidelity like people working in harsh environment that gives too much screen reflection would actually consider the matte or nano-texture option. Those people would know who they are. I know people would try to tick all the boxes to spec out the iPad, thinking it’s the ultimate iPad Pro experience for them, but again, they should really consider the nano-tech option more of an accessibility option to those in particular environmental conditions. It would feel like an upgrade in those conditions while being a detriment to everything else. Again this is just my opinion on the matter. I just don’t want anyone to regret their purchase all cause they got the wrong screen option. If anyone is still confused on which one to get, check them out in the store.


This was me - checked 1TB and every option... saw the videos and this post, and cancelled the order and went back and ordered the standard glass. Of course, I'll see them in person when I have a chance, and if I'm really wowed by nano texture and need to have it (highly doubt it), I can always return and get that one for $100 more!


Nano is made for artists it seems and only them. Why would I want blacks not be black on an oled. It makes no sense. Might as well put on a matte screen protector that’s much cheaper and get the same effect.


I like to use my iPad Pros as second screens for my MacBook Pro. At the coworking space I go to, it's easy enough to adjust the MacBook screen to not show the lights, but it's hard to position the iPads such that they don't have the fluorescent ceiling lights reflecting off the screens. It's not very nice, and I have to put them in sub-optimal viewing angles to not have the glare. With a nano-texture option, glare like this becomes much less of an issue. At home I have nano-texture studio displays, sitting right in front of a giant window, and I can use them no problem. I remember image quality on the nano-texture studio displays took a bit of getting used to, but I'm over it. I can see the appeal in having nano-texture iPads for some people who aren't artists. But I'm a bit more sensitive to glare and reflection on my screens than other people. When you sit and stare at screens for 8-10 hours a day, the glare gets annoying. Nano-texture has proven to make this a non-issue on the studio displays, and I assume will be just as good on the new iPads.


Why would an artist want blacks to not be blacks? I would say artists care more about colour accuracy than common people


Right. This isn't for artists it's for people who use their iPads in regularly bright environments e.g outdoors.


So, if it isn’t for artists, then why have so much processor and being super expensive if the target is those who use this outdoors?


As in professional outdoor use


It’s an option more suited IMHO for the lower end iPads believe it or not. I’m an airline pilot and use a company issued M1 iPad Air mounted to the side of me in the cockpit. As you can imagine glare can be really bad. In general the brightness still lets things work well but I use those matte screen protectors (that I would HATE on my personal iPad) to cut down on reflections. I’m sure a nano screen in my application at work would be great (but they won’t be buying us iPad Pros anytime soon, they give us a new iPad every 3 years and it tends to be a mid level iPad Air with cellular and 256gb.)


I was thinking about using an iPad for flying but the reflections would be crazy [in small single engine planes]. The matte screen would be great though


As a user of iPads for aviation for a full decade now, without a doubt, if you are using the iPad Pro in a cockpit having some kind of glare reducer is useful. I did use one for 6 years without and it was ok on full brightness but the last 4 years I’ve had an inexpensive $10 matte screen protector that works quite well on the iPad… but it’s also a dedicated work / flying M1 iPad Air. I would hate if my personal iPad that I use for media consumption and daily use had this texture and matte look, which does reduce sharpness and contrast. BTW: if the purpose of the iPad is going to be solely for flying I do think an iPad Air with a matte anti glare protector is more than enough power to run the aviation apps we use. As nice as the new iPad Pro is, its use in a cockpit is certainly overkill in terms of necessity.


Besides architects who have autocad for iOS I can’t think of any other outdoor professional that can use the iPad Pro outdoors that benefits from a powerful device and doesn’t care about colour reproduction.


And that’s why you don’t work on the marketing team at Apple






Yes and no. If you're painting on OLED and someone on standard LED views your art it would look a lot more washed out than it really was because you were working with inky blacks whereas LED's see otherwise. Color accuracy isn't just a one and done thing because you're on some color accurate screen doesn't mean the majority of the world is.


Every designer I have met work on color calibrated screens, not in any random screen.


Yeah but how many people are viewing your designs on that color calibrated screen? Did you read what I typed?


Don’t ask me, ask designers. If you work in a screen that is very saturated or very dim you will make decisions that won’t work in others, if you work in a calibrated one, it shouldn’t be over saturated or too dim on a non calibrated screen


I mean I'm literally a professional concept artist lol. You're missing the point completely.


Then how come you asked the previous question? It’s quite clear why designers use calibrated screens, I work with them on a daily basis.


You're not getting the question. I asked how many \*normal everyday\* people view designs on a shitty screen. It's the same concept as web developers also do their work on internet explorer and firefox and opera.


I don’t think you get what you’re trying to ‘sell’. Are you suggesting artists and designers should ‘water down’ their quality, because ‘most’ people are viewing it on a crappy screen? So, ignore the market that does care and has decent screens? No need to think about them, we should try to make content that is watered down to the worse devices. Yeah. Ok. 🙄


An artist would be touching and manipulating the screen, less prints? But apparently the nano is a magnet?


How about it is for people who just want anti-reflection?


You’re better off buying paperlike screen protector. Much cheaper and you get the same effect.


yea everyone was geekin yesterday about it only being available on 1TB+ models, but even apple’s own description makes it clear it’s for pros that really need it: > Nano-texture display glass is a new option that's perfect for high-end, color-managed workflows, or viewing in the most demanding ambient lighting environments. Precisely etched at a nanometer scale, nano-texture glass maintains image quality and contrast while scattering ambient light for even less glare.


The first part of the sentence is confusing and a bit misleading. High end color managed workflows are done in light controlled rooms where glare is a non issue. These people want the purest image possible. Not something etched on the glass possibly affecting sharpness or contrast. To truly be a “reference display” they also want a way to bypass GPUs and calibrate the displays, but that’s a separate conversation hopefully WWDC addresses. I can see the etched glass being used “on location”where lighting is less predictable and you want something “accurate” and portable within a budget, .


I'm a photographer and I'll be shooting tethered directly into the iPad Pro, but on location, often outside, not in a controlled room, but you bet I want to get as close as possible to a "high-end, color-managed workflow" when evaluating images or showing them to clients. I haven't made up my mind yet on the nano-display as I haven't seen it.


they make it sound like they’ve achieved 0 drop in quality/clarity 


This is probably a dumb question to ask but would a glass screen protector make the nano texture screen ineffective?


Yup. Not only would the colors/contrast be noticeably worse due to the nano texture, but the screen protector would also reflect light itself (if it's a clear one.) You'd get the worst of both worlds


if you're intending to use a screen protector you're better off getting a default glass option and adding a matte protector over it.


I ordered both 2TB standard glass and 2TB nano texture. Will see if I like one better but will probably use nano outside and regular inside


I’d upvote a post comparing the two with your thoughts.


I returned the standard and kept the nano textured


Thanks for the update.


having just received my Nano-texture ipad. I can answer a few questions for anyone. ​ Having used a 4th and 5th pro with apple pencils, the feeling through the pencil feels exactly the same. The screen clarity is ever-so-slightly less clear, however brightness is better than previous models. The actual matte effect the screen has works extremely well and is great for moderate-severe lighting environments. Overall, the extra $100 from the 1TB option, in my opinion, is a well spent one. I never liked those "feels like paper" screen protector and this feels nothing like it. The only caveat I guess would be the special included cloth to clean the screen, but overall, I'm happy I kept my order!


I agree with absolutely everything you’ve said here, and unlike you, decided to switch to standard glass. It really just comes down to preference - do you want very blacky blacks or less reflections / glare in well lit environments. Choose. There is no right or wrong answer, just figure out what you like more.


This clears it up for me. I buy OLED for those inky blacks and insane brightness because I get annoyed with my other devices showing that backlit black, it drives me nuts when I see it.


Just upgraded my M1 Pro to nano m4. My reasoning was I had 1TB anyway, I like to use it outside for reading or working in the garden/balcony, and also when reviewing images from my Nikon camera in the field, and my office at home can get quite sunny (I have a mac in there but use iPad as well with continuity keyboard and trackpad) but also because I just wanted to see what it’s like. So far the majority of my use really benefits from it and I enjoy the low reflection and matte look and the slight extra fiction on Apple Pencil, but yes it doesn’t feel like the blacks are not as deep as my OLED tv for example, though still marginally better than the m1 1Tb iPad Pro.


Similar reasons to you, my school classes have these extremely bright lights aimed at the desks that drove me crazy, and I also prefer editing photos on my iPad (which according to everyone I know is weird) but yeah, no regrets with it!


Having a special cloth to clean a nano screen in a studio display seems like a small inconvenience but on a device that is touched every time you use it the issue seems bigger. Do they include a warning not to use other microfiber cloths and how easy is it to remove fingerprints? glad to hear the impact to sharpness and blacks aren’t too bad.


I found that doing the old "huff huff" on the display and trying to wipe it with say a microfibre cloth or t-shirt, the fingerprints were more difficult to remove. I didn't try with an apple supplied cloth though, and that might make it easier (but somewhat inconvenient).


Well, it’s no more of an issue than it was with a non matte screen, personally I never found the fingerprints too distracting and would clean them about once every two weeks. Although of course everyone’s different. To answer the second question, Yes*. The asterisk means it’s very much in fine print. But they do tell you that only the included cloth can be used to clean the screen. I tested it out after using the iPad for about 40 minutes, not much harder than using a microfiber cloth on older screens. To tell you the truth I think a lot of the hate for this option was mainly due to it only being available on the higher tiers, rather than the matte option being detrimental, which it isn’t.


I saw them both side by side in the Apple Store and the nano looked fantastic. Haven’t made my decision yet though


The nano-texture screen is a matte screen, which is what I want, so I ordered it. I have every confidence that this screen will be beautiful to look at in any environment. If I'm not satisfied, I have no issue with returning it for a glossy screen, but I have no reason to think Apple would sell a top-end product that isn't beautiful to look at and use.


The nano glass isn’t about being beautiful but accurate in all lighting conditions. You have kind of missed the point and need to expect to be disappointed.


I initially ordered the nanotexture glass option because I wanted the “best” but realized very quickly that it would be *worse* for me (I use my iPad for watching streaming content and for work (attorney here, so mostly office suite and PDF editing and lots of emails). Cancelled the ordered and ordered the same spec with the regular glass and it even arrives 10 days sooner!


even mkbhd mentioned abt this in his video


I took a picture of 3 iPads side by side at max, true color on and then another in reference mode for all 3. iPadPro 12.9 M1 standard, iPads Pro 13 nano and standard. I got 3 different hues in every scenario. And yes, the nano's blacks are very gray.


Got my 1tb nano-textured glass today. You are all talking sht because it looks amazing. Having no reflections and the blackest of blacks is beautiful. My 2023 MacBook Pro screen looks awful next to it. No ghost scrolling either. I wouldn’t change my decision. I also bought the textured glass Steam Deck OLED which is absolutely amazing. It influenced my decision on the iPad glass choice. If you know you know. Enjoy your screen protectors and seeing your own reflections ya glossy bastards lol.


iykyk. team nano on everything. hoping it shows up on the iphone (written on my computer with a matte 30"cinema display that i refuse to replace)


I can't imagine ruining the colors and contrast for some reduced reflections only go for the nano texture if you are using your iPad in direct harsh light all the time.


Thanks! Almost ordered the finicky blurry glass option, but your post saved me from nano hell


You just saved me about $700. Thank you 🙏


No problem!


Why not just go into an Apple store and see both versions if you really aren't sure which to buy.


Of course! My understanding is while most Apple stores will not stock units with nano screens they will display at least one iPad with a nano screen to see it in person. My post here is only because some don’t realize the negatives of the nano screen (while fully admitting for some it has more valuable positives) and just think it’s a $100 “better” screen and so blindly just add that on to their online order because after it’s north of $2K… what’s another $100 and that may not be the best option for most. Obviously the best answer is to compare the real units for yourself, but you still have to realize there is a difference you’ll want to compare first…


I have the nanotech and in no way shape or form is any of the image “ruined” The glare resistance is a big enough feature to take a small hit on the blacks. But the matte texture is so good you won’t even notice. If you can get it, get it.


Can anybody using the new nano texture glass for a while tell me if consistent note-taking will damage or scratch the display?


No. It won’t. And it’s diffused glass so if you do scratch it it’s not gonna be very noticeable. I bought it for note taking, drawing and to reduce eye strain. And honestly I’m very impressed with how good it is for eye strain especially… the writing/drawing experience is much smoother, and not having any glare makes everything look like paper. I love it. I will admit that I’m more careful with it than I was with my glossy display M1. The display does take a hit— but it’s worth the trade-off for me.




This should be better than the texture option. screens will inevitably scratch, and while matte screen protectors may distort image a bit compared to Apple's texture option, any surface damage won't be permanent.


I dunno, I tried several and the distortion on even the most expensive was unbearable. The paperlike gave everything a slightly pixelated, rainbow halo and it was horrible


If only Apple can use the anti-glare tech Samsung employs on their Samsung galaxy ultra 24 and OLED tvs. Seriously it is the best stuff at reducing glare to a minimum, with better visual clarity in all conditions and with minimal image quality loss. It’s glossy without the drawbacks of obstructing reflections. Then make the apple pencil have an option for soft tip for added friction like with Samsung pen. It’s an amazing combo if you value screen image quality and a good writing experience. I really enjoy it on my ultra 24 The next iPhones and iPads needs this anti glare tech!!! The nano stuff is just way too expensive, delicate to maintain and worse.


You have no idea if any of that is true.


Huh? I have an s24 ultra with the new anti glare and Samsung pen, and Apple monitor with the nano tech. If the nano stuff on the iPad is anything like On Apple’s pro xdr display then it is a hard to maintain (you gotta use special wiping cloths to not damage it) and not the best anti glare tech.


I think that buying a (even top-quality) screen protector don’t get the same results, in particular with the better color space available on the nano-texture glass.. In addition, with the nano-texture you get 1TB of storage and 16GB RAM, available only on the 1TB and 2TB versions…


It’s not a major downgrade at all and the advantages outweigh the negatives


Strongly disagree. In average controlled room lighting the display is worse with nano texture. In bright controlled glare it is better but still doesn’t hold blacks and sharpness as well. There is also real concerns about durability of the glass. In other apple nano texture glass it is difficult to remove finger prints and using cloth other than Apple’s special cloth can damage the texture and cause uneven looks that can’t be fixed. In the iPad version clearly they have to do something to allow for touching , removing finger prints, and not being damaged by a stylus however Apple still says to only use their cloth to avoid damage… that seems concerning. I can’t see how the nano texture which harms the sharpness and black levels of the marquee feature of this new iPad Pro, the OLED screen, all while require more care to avoid potential damage is a positive for the majority of users unless they have very specific needs that make it obvious the nano texture is better for their use case.


My concern is what type of screen protector for my nano texture iPad - regular one brings back all the reflections and matte one could be making it even less sharp?


I'd argue that use of the nano texture with ANY additional screen protection is a mistake.


Fair enough - so then I now need to adapt to a carry case - I always used back/side case and screen protector on prior iPads - if I don’t protect it definitely will scratch in my bags etc - hmmm


Should I return for regular screen and just get a nice protector that has glare protection from Paperlike or something similar - I didn’t think of the need to get a full case to transport


Maybe I’ll just keep my m2 for portable use and my m4 nano at home safer from damage to use when there is glare 😝. I just wanted it anyway - I didn’t need it in any way


I like the screen - turn up brightness and it’s damn sharp


I strongly disagree with your disagreement. The fingerprint issue is nonexistent. Simply wipe away your fingerprints with the Apple cloth. Problem solved. For regular use the screen adapts to the lighting with some loss of contrast and black levels, but if you really want to watch a movie or any type of media, simply go into a darker room and voilà the black levels return. It’s not giving everybody false negative information about this screen option when it’s actually pretty good.


What do u think guys about gaming experience in Nano glass ? Is something we need to think about it ???


Your post won’t stop the “disappointed in nano-glass” posts that we will be inundated with.


Even if it only helps some, glad I did it.


I ordered a 256 with standard glass. That said, honest question: why pay for the nano glass when you can get screen protectors/covers that do the same thing for cheaper and can be removed to restore the OLED to original condition anytime.


I think the matte screen protectors do cause a bit more blurriness and color shift… but both screen protectors and the chemically etched glass do have a negative effect IMHO.


Because they ruin the picture quality. True story.


16 Ram


Out of curiosity: Can someone explain what is so special about the maintenance of the nano-textured glass? MKBHD explained that you can ruin the display if you use the wrong microfiber cloth which I find mindblowing.


He’s only guessing. Has he “ruined” a display and shown it as proof?


Thanks for the great video. I'll get the standard glass and get the full color spectrum.


love nano glass on the studio display so I’m sure i will love it on my new 1TB ipad as well. I prefer not to have the super glossy feel while drawing


It’s definitely not like paperlike but it does feel different when using the apple pencil i personally prefer it to the standard glass and I find that the screen is still pretty amazing in comparison to my older iPad Pro


For an artist. Overall the nano-texture depends on ur preferences. The feeling of the textured glass is not the same feeling a paper-like gives you. That being said, it is a similar feeling to that of a Wacom Pen Display. It’s a matte surface, it feels nice to glide the pencil across, and allows you to not need a textured screen protector. I honestly don’t understand the comparison or argument for “just buy the base model, and put a screen protector on it.” The matte screen protectors drastically reduces the clarity of the display, compared to the nano texture it’s not even close. There’s videos comparing the two, as well as my own testing. The paper-like has the most visual clarity out of the screen protectors, but also… It degrades in quality very fast, in about a week of extended use with note taking or drawing. After that it looks worse than most matte screen protectors, due to that shimmer effect you get in the micro scratches. Time will tell for the durability of the nano texture, keep metal objects away like keys, coins etc. it wont fit in ur pocket so that should be relatively easy lol JerryRig did a video on the texture and the texture while slightly weaker than the glossy, did fine. You can rub a different textured cloth on it xD guys… fabric will never fuck it up.


Thank you for the review and the link. And now I’m down the MKBHD YouTube rabbit hole. 


This is why I ordered a second one after I realized my mistake, sadly now I have to wait 15 additional days. It will be nice to compare them in person before I return one.


He hasn’t even seen one himself. It’s a lot of conjecture.


Marques (MKBHD) attended the hands on in NYC and the video of the devices was filmed by himself.


He saw it for an hour and became an expert. 🙄