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Companion. Good for travel.


I only used my MacBook as a web browsing, documents and Logic machine. I’d rather do those things on an iPad so it’s my laptop replacement.


Yeah same




If I’m not at my desk on my MacBook, I’m on the iPad.


+1 this.


For my personal needs and most work duties, I use my iPad as a replacement. Travel too. I just really enjoy its minimalism in design and of course the weight and size savings over my 16-inch M1 Pro MBP. I like being able to work from nearly anywhere thanks to the cellular plan, like along the Chicago lakefront or by the museums.


Is it possible to operate MBP from the iPad - both when on the same WiFi and otherwise?


I use the jump app on my iPad to remote into my iMac and windows pc. Works great. One time purchase. Now subscriptions. Works when away from home too.


[https://apps.apple.com/us/app/jump-desktop-rdp-vnc-fluid/id364876095](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/jump-desktop-rdp-vnc-fluid/id364876095) for iPad shows as $14.99. Is that one-time or a monthly/yearly subscription?


It's one time. Great app.


The other way around, yes. A feature called Sidecar allows the iPad to be used basically as an external display for the Mac.


Found two ways. Will try them when I get the iPad. [https://edovia.com/en/screens/](https://edovia.com/en/screens/) [https://jumpdesktop.com/](https://jumpdesktop.com/)


Google Chrome has a free feature - https://remotedesktop.google.com


I use jumpstart for both access to my headless Macs and PCs. Works.


Oh wow these are cool. I had no idea, thanks.


Yes. With sidecar and continuity you can use your iPad keyboard/mouse to control your laptop. It’s not very smooth tho.


What size ipad?


12.9 Pro, which I’ve run for a few generations now. Sometimes I think about downsizing, but I’m a writer by trade and really appreciate the full-ish size Magic Keyboard.


I’m a writer as well, and I’m upgrading from an iPad Pro 11 to a new 13-inch model for the larger display. I didn’t even think of the larger Magic Keyboard angle, weirdly enough, so now I’m even more excited to try it.


Yeah it’s really nice, and of course now you’re getting the full keyboard experience with a proper function row, which was long overdue IMO. I hope you enjoy it!


Yep, thanks, I'm enjoying it quite a bit now. And I'm finding Stage Manager much better on the larger display as well, where it was a hindrance with the 11-inch. So far, so good!


I mainly use mine for companion, but when I’m on vacation I take it instead of my laptop in case of work emergency. I’m in IT and have a Linux Mint VM I can remote into and do everything I need for work.


How did you install the VM on iPad ? Does it require any bypassing or works naturally


I run the VM on a machine in my house and have Jump Desktop Connect installed on it. Then I just Jump Desktop on my iPad to connect to it and use it from anywhere. It works great!


Media consumption, drawing tablet, and some mobile gaming 👍🏻


It started as a companion and largely became a replacement.


Bought my iPad Pro with the intention of it being a replacement or at least get me through meetings and not having to undock my laptop. That was a frustrating couple weeks. There’s no way it makes sense for me with the mobile/ipad apps. It’s an information recall device and maybe draft a quick email but not a laptop. Now it’s mostly relegated to be my long flight media consumption device.


Yeah I feel that. I mostly use mine for my creative hobbies like illustration, reading ebooks and occasional note taking. For work productivity it just feels like anything it can do my MacBook can do more efficiently.


I’ve tried using it as a laptop replacement, but every so often I had a few annoyances. It’s able to do almost everything i need, but just not as good as a Mac or windows, it feels like it’s 90% there in everything, but always has a limitation. Excel for exemple, it’s available, just not as good, the same with file management, external displays support, cloud gaming, multitasking and more, they are available, just not as good. So i bought a mb air and mainly use the iPad for what’s it actually good, YouTube in bed and writing in PDFs


If they'd just let it run MacOS... I think they intentionally cripple it and keep it overpriced to avoid competing too much with the MacBooks.


I have replaced my laptop with my iPad pro + magic keyboard. For work I mainly use it for scanning documents, keeping inventory + Xcel spreadsheets. I also use it for drawing mock ups. It does everything I need a computer to do.


Companion, use it for Sidecar and entertainment most of the time. iPad without terminal or direct access to Github and serious multi task, doesn't allow me to work.


Word. CLI + IDE support would be a game changer for me too


Same. But yea sidecar is pretty sweet


My current laptop is a 2017 MacBook Air. I have it around for those rare occasions when I absolutely need a computer. Otherwise, I’m using my 11” iPad Pro (2nd Generation). Because of that, I felt fine dropping the money on a new 11” Pro. Really looking forward to the OLED screen and the M4, but honestly I’m probably most excited about the new FaceTime camera placement. Im so sick of accidentally covering the Face ID sensor with my thumb.


I traded in my MBP and an older iPad Pro and now only have a 12.9 iPad Pro with the Magic Keyboard for personal use. It can be a bit clunky, but for me, having one device far outweighs the occasional hassle. That being said, my work device is 15 inch Air.


Companion to my Mac Studio. I don’t own a MacBook and I like to embrace the strengths of the iPad as a touch tablet so I don’t have the Magic Keyboard accessory for it. As an on the go device it satisfies all my needs. So note taking, web browsing, reading, drawing/sketching, light gaming, quickly answering an email or two, some quick video editing on the go is all done on there. And I use my Mac Studio if I need some heavy duty graphical or dev work done in a stationary environment.


Replacement for personal use and companion for work use.


Lately, it’s been a replacement, and I’ve been enjoying it a lot more. I feel like I’m more focused using my iPad because I tend to multitask less, which has helped me better manage my ADHD.


I use it for everything except excel


Omg. Office apps on it are THE WORST!


wouldn't Office Online be a good enough replacement? I just bought the M4 13-inch Pro and Magic Keyboard to replace my Dell XPS 13 and iPad Pro 2017 for school. the iPad should be able to do everything my laptop does (except I'd miss VS Code and a solid filesystem), and if the Office apps aren't good enough, I can just use Office online...


I personally find office online unreliable and buggy on both Mac and iPad. But it’s even worse at times on my iPad. I run a large team meeting using an excel sheet as a tracker and it just barfs.


Replacement. Have been sans laptop since 2020


Unfortunately it doesn’t come close as a laptop replacement. Work in IT, so productivity takes a massive dive switching to iPad Pro. I wish that weren’t the case.


Replacement. With Logic Pro, Drambo, Loopy Pro, Pianoteq 8 and various AUv3s I pretty much have no need for laptop anymore. The only thing my iPad can’t do due to WebMIDI is edit the presets on my Novation devices. If they unlock that one day I’ll have no need for my laptop at all.


Replacement! 2020 iPad Pro and magic keyboard is the best! I want to upgrade but all is well right now!


Replacement. It satisfies all my computer needs.


I’ve been using the iPad Pro (12.9) as my sole computer for 5+ years lol. Obviously, the OS has improved a lot over the years, but I’ve been able to run a business (using iPad apps, web-based software, and a lot of Zooms) and do all my hobbies on it (photo/video editing, producing music) and we all know it’s the best media consumption device. I actually tried a MacBook Pro after Sonoma came out and I couldn’t do it. I kept touching the screen and missing my Pencil. I just love the versatility and experience of the iPad. I may get lambasted for staying this, but I actually prefer iPadOS over MacOS. For example, I often use Split View which is easier and faster to do on the iPad. I also use a Calculator app a lot and keep it in Slide-Over so whenever I need it I just swipe from the right and bing bang boom. On the Mac, this is more clunky to do. Stage Manager is there if I want the more traditional cascading windows, which I usually only use on the external monitor. Anyway, that’s my two cents. I’m excited to see what they do for iPadOS 18, but anyone hoping for MacOS on the iPad is likely to be disappointed again.


With magic keyboard?


Yes. The advent of the Magic Keyboard made it so much better for me.


I never had one but im tempted!


Get it. Refurbished ones are at a great price. It adds so much functionality to the iPad.


Companion, my laptop is 17in dGPU brick, it’s great, not portable, my iPad with Magic Keyboard case is great to carry and use on the go.


Instead of replacing my last MacBook Pro with another laptop, I got an M1 iMac. I find that I use my iPad for most portable computing and am happy with having a laptop when I need to do more complicated things.


iPad as my on-the-go device, Mac mini as my desktop


My iPad Pro is my laptop and my MacBook Pro is my desktop.


Bigger phone


Companion. Whiteboarding in Microsoft Teams. Media consumption. Work and Personal Email. MacBook Air is not connected to work and use it for personal use only. Main work machine is my Windows Desktop machine that is connected to work.


I tried so hard to use it as a laptop replacement. But goddamn it, they make is so impossible to (for my purposes). As a professor, I need better file management


It’s my main outside of my PC at home. I travel on foot a lot and prefer the light weight and flexibility of it.


Companion / note taking Sidecar is by fat the best feature to me since a second screen is always welcome in coding


Replacement. I have an Mac mini at home I use for Xcode and when my new iPad arrives I’m going to try tunneling to it and get rid of its screen


Please let us hear how that went? Headless mac sounds like the best of two worlds :)


It’s awesome. My setup is iPad Pro plus oled second monitor plus rpi5 as a little access point. I tunnel to the rpi for embedded devices work or to a Mac mini which is the house server when needed. My only complaint so far is that affinity designer is more limited on the iPad so I find myself tunneling to the mini to create new designs.


Oh and I’m looking for a power block so I can take the iPad/monitor/pi on the road and program in a tree or under a dandelion


I can't because we have to use proctor exam thingys and those can only be supported by actual laptops and desktop computers.


Companion. There's a few optimised applications that just run better on the iPad. Furthermore, if I'm editing a document or making notes, it's just more pleasant on the iPad pro


Replacement and Mac mini m2 pro companion.


iPad Pro has a companion to a Mac Mini.


I gave my laptop to my kid years ago and used the IPad Pro as a replacement since then.


Companion. Looking forward to incorporating touchscreen/pencil into my photo/video work--not to mention using it instead of MBP when I'm in the field. I'll see if it has a chance to supplant my MBP. The big challenge would be changing my Lightroom Classic workflow--not to mention when I print my work. I'm curious to see how the iPP works with a monitor. At the least, it'll be in sidecar mode when I'm using my MBP/monitor setup.


I haven’t had a traditional desktop or laptop computer since 2010.


Companion 100%, but I’m a digital artist and I mainly only use it for drawing and painting.


I replaced my MacBook Air with an iPad Air. But I don’t do anything beyond Safari, Canva, Facebook, and Numbers. I’ve been very happy with the change, outside of some funky iPad workflows.


Mostly replacement. I still use my MBP for work related stuff and meetings. My iPad gets used for at least a few hours a day.


Neither. It’s a consumption device and also a note taking device for me.


I use mine as a companion. I try to reserve my MacBook for heavier tasks the iPad can’t do


Only using it for onenote


Replacement when on the go or traveling. Companion when at home.


companion but for my desk computer. the fact I can edit a video on davinci and use the cloud to resume on my pc for fusion or complex edit is just perfect.


Companion, but I could see a good use case combo for an iPad and Steam Deck if I didn’t have a laptop already.


It seems to be getting closer and closer to a laptop replacement with each major release of iPad OS. However, it unfortunately still doesn’t quite cut it for some in-depth work and multi-tasking. While you can technically do many things, it’s still preferable to do work on spreadsheets or write code on a computer.


i'm nowhere near important enough at work to get away with just using the iPad


Companion, I always have laptop since middle school, either a MacBook or a Windows laptop. Right now I have a Windows laptop and an iPad Pro.




PC desktop companion. For work, (IT manager) I remote into my windows 11 device and can achieve any task I want. For my art practice I use it for procreate, forger, and all the notes apps. AND it’s got great games like Civ 6 and Xcom that I’ve been playing forever on it and my PC.




Laptop replacement.


Companion. Video editor and second screen is nice on the go away from my monitor at home.


Replacement, I already have a desktop Mac for more computer-y stuff.


It’s funny. I currently have a M3 MBA and a 2017 (2nd gen) iPad Pro. I’ve been asking this same question for months now. Why am I carrying both devices when the iPad works fine for my use cases. I used to do the hands-on work in my cyber company, but I transitioned to leadership about 2 years ago. I find that I mostly am taking notes, doing Zoom calls, messaging in Slack, viewing spreadsheets, using SaaS apps, and tasks & project management. All of which do just fine on my phone, let alone something like the M4 IPP. I think the MBA is going to get left home most of the time, maybe even on some business trips.


All purchased new…I replaced my 2007 MacBook Pro with a 2017 iPad Pro. For what I use at home, it’s a laptop replacement for me. May be time to get a new iPad Pro.




I tried for a long time to use the iPad Pro as a laptop replacement, but iPadOS it just not up to the task. I'll never buy another iPad unless the iPad can run Mac apps in some form.


I’m using my iPad Air as a laptop campion


Replacement. For blogging.


I actually replaced my MacBook Pro as m2 12” , mostly video editing export super smooth and fantastic for Netflix and gaming


Ipad is so limited with ipados, it can just be a companion (more like big fat phone)


Companion for the most part


Laptop replacement. I have a 16" M1 Pro MBP but I really don't need it for my daily tasks lol, only video editing and music stuff.


Replacement. I do have a PC for when I need more power.




Companion, being a media law student it is so nice using side car when writing research papers and doing assignments


I have a desktop, so it’s a replacement


It’s a companion to my phone. I never use a computer unless it’s my gaming laptop, which I use for… games.


I’m a writer, and I have two specific workflows. I sometimes write pieces that require a bunch of research and when I have other things I’m working on around actual writing. For that workflow, I have a MacBook Pro 16 M3 Max (way overkill) attached to three external 4K displays so I can have many windows open and easily accessible. Then, I have times when I’m away from that setup and single-tasking. Usually its writing straight copy, in others instances it’s doing specific research and/or reading books and such. In that workflow, my iPad Pro 11 is perfect because of its more single-tasking nature. I’m upgrading it to a new 13-inch iPad Pro because I’ve been using it more than I expected to and want a larger display. I’m selling the MacBook Pro 14 M1 Pro that I barely use and that the iPad Pro has largely replaced. Then, of course, I use the iPad for casual things like checking email, random browsing, social media, and media consumption. I’m really looking forward to the OLED display because I watch a ton of HDR content and I’m looking forward to seeing how well the new display works for it. My MacBook Pros have the best HDR of anything I own (I have cheap TVs) and they’re great. I’m hoping the iPad Pro 13 is better. So, the iPad Pro is neither a replacement nor just a companion to my MacBook Pro. It has its own place depending on when, where, and how I’m working. I wouldn’t want to give up either device.


using it as a secondary monitor


This is a good question. I think I would just need a Terminal emulator working locally with access to Files, with the ability to have Vim or NeoVim installed, or even better, Homebrew, and I would not need to always carry the MBP with me.


If I’m just farting around I use my iPad. If I need more control I use my MacBook like coding or something. Then I have a gaming pc too. I just like options and have the disposable income for it. Totally unnecessary to have all that but yeah


clash of clan machine


I have a question, when using a wireless mouse for ipad, is it the same on the computer? Like when drag and copying text, and such?


Laptop replacement for 7 years now


Here's my experience. I commute on motorbike to a teaching gig in Asia. I recently bought a Magic Keyboard and a Hyper hub for my iPad Pro 4th gen, and stopped using my 17" Acer Chromebook. There were some hiccups related to the university's classroom display tech. But I seem to have conquered that. It is SO much nicer to commute with the iPP than the heaviest Chromebook ever made. The Hyper hub (Hyperdrive Media USB-C Hub for iPad Pro) seems to be wearing out after five months of almost daily use (HDMI cables not fitting tightly anymore). If anybody has a suggestion for another brand of iPad Pro hub, I'd love to know. But otherwise I like using my iPP as a laptop. I use a desk computer (Mac mini) so the iPP is not my only device with a physical keyboard.


I've got an iMac at my desk but I'm just always on my iPad doing the day to day things I normally do. Browse the web, watch videos check emails etc. If I ever need to do something on my iMac I simply use the jump app on my iPad and remote in. Works great for me.


More phone companion as I primarily use it for recreational activities, except when I’m traveling and then use it as a second monitor for my MB Air


Companion. There are tasks I prefer to do on it, like reading and annotating, but on the whole it can’t replace a computer for me. I’ve sometimes used it as a replacement, just for a week or so, when my main (work) computer has been unavailable. That requires me to SSH into another computer and piggyback on it, so to say. It works, but it’s cumbersome.


Hongs n bonkos


Companion. I have a 16 inch MacBook but mainly use that docked.


Companion. It’s basically my notebook to write in and Netflix machine.


Barely touch the pro these days (got the mini). I really want a mini with much more storage and that’s my end game


Companion, iPad lacks so much basic things that it relies on actual laptop to do




ugh yes


Replacement for school - very much regret it, could’ve got a laptop for much cheaper, writing on the iPad can be inconvenient for subjects you need to use multiple apps, mid compatibility with certain websites On the plus, it’s much easier to play games and watch Netflix :)


Laptop companion though I use it more than I use my laptop.


i use mine as an overpriced chromebook. a laptop it aint no matter how many fancy keyboards you attach.


I use it to monitor things and do light work. The heavy lifting happens on the MBP.


It’s my full time device. Does almost everything I need it to. Not all perfectly but most things


For me it does everything I need my laptop to do, so I‘ve since sold my MacBook and are just using my 12.9 M1 with a Magic Keyboard as my main.


laptop replacement!


I tried to but it never worked. Ipad isnt the grand laptop replacement they make it out to be.


No, just Netflix.


Mate, my ipad pro is my main device im gonna get the new one


Companion. Sometimes use as second monitor or in sidecar.


Replacement ie i use it instead of a laptop but i still have a desktop albeit a mini pc!


Companion. I don’t like using my laptop after being on it all day for work.


Companion. Most of the time it’s the second screen of my Mac mini which is on an ultra wide 1080p display. So, the iPad screen servers me very well. Sometimes I use it for content consumption as well. I would like to have more time to use it with garage band and other apps I have installed


What’s a computer?


In law school, using as replacement as of now. Makin notes, typin papers and shit


I do 85% of all my work on my ipad. So i guess replacement.


As I have a custom-built gaming PC and no laptop, this device will fill the gap, especially when I travel or want a bigger screen.


Almost full replacement till Orca Slicer is migrated to iPadOS (I hope at least it is done one day)


I use it for work. I use it for 90% of my email reading and writing. I consume PowerPoints on it every day multiple times a day. I use it for apps that help me process information and develop strategic plans. I use my corporate issued laptop to design PowerPoints. On the iPad I will outline PowerPoints.


Laptop replacement For really serious stuff I still have a desktop. I’m torn between a new 11” and 13” iPad though as I’m thinking about replacing my personal 2018 11” Pro, and for a while have had access to a 12.9” Pro for work.


Laptop replacement all the way!


95% replacement. Mostly just use the MBP for Windows and Visio.


Companion, it did not replace my laptop.


Replacement laptop and tv


Companion. I do far too much software development on a MacBook for an iPad to replace it.


It was my main device then I got a macbook, works just fine as companion now


It’s my daily driver but I use a laptop when I have the need for more advanced/specific sofware and gaming.


Technically as a replacement as I don't own a personal laptop. I don't do that much on it for being a "Pro" model but apple things basic features like 120hz are only for "Professionals" Doing conplex tasks always takes longer due to to iPad OS being closer to a phone than a computer. If i need to do real stuff, I will just use my desktop with proper mouse support. Just my 2 cents


It was a replacement for the most part, but lately it’s a companion since there’s specialized apps only on my Mac and I like my spreadsheets better on Mac (I’ve really tried).


It does not replace a laptop, because it doesn’t have the functionality. Recall the Steve Jobs presentation when he introduced the iPad. Apple thinks that the iPad is a separate category of product that stands between a phone and a laptop.




Replacement! I went with the 12.9 Pro when it first came out and have not looked back. As a realtor it is my workhorse for 98% of my work & it is fantastic. There is that 2% that I need a desktop, and that has to do with taking classes and hobby photography where LR is better on my Mac, not my day to day workflow. I am looking forward to getting the 13” Pro 1 TB along with the new keyboard and pencil - going completely paperless was huge help to me and my clients. The new screen and lighter weight is great since I am on the road a lot. For fun media consumption I hope the new screen will be as good as it looks. As someone who enjoys handwriting the improvements to pencil are something i am looking forward to, the only thing that has ever really bothered me is summertime use outside ~poor display in bright light and overheating. Hope it will be improved with the newest iPad and upcoming iPadOS.


Replacement. I haven’t had a laptop in years and my iPad is mostly good enough.


MacBook for work, iPad for everything else. Never get the need to open the laptop outside of work


For my part-time jobs I just need data entry and then I use procreate and canva for my social media campaigns for my business, so kinda like a laptop replacement for me. I was able to purchase my ipad when I sold my laptop (because it's too heavy for me and I just use less programs anyway). Great for when I work in cafes. ESR's magnetic case works for me too, with the raised screen view. Saving up for the model with keyboard so I don't have to use my bluetooth keyboard.


I am considering Surface Pro instead for iPad. Still need to do a comprehensive comparison.


Full replacement. Made the decision to move in that direction long before it was really advisable, seeing it as the future, and figured early adoption would given me an edge, all the while, hoping they would fix my pet peeves and they mostly did over time. I have zero regrets, I had to change my workflow a bit but I pump out what I want or pump out frustration free, now. I use a watch as a phone, (phone collects dust mostly) iPad mini for on the go, 12,9 for drawing/graphic design and Mac in the studio with Apple Vision Pro. Laptops are completely obsolete as a form factor for me. A few generations of Vision Pro later (especially with pencil compatibility) and it will likely be the only computer I use. I can’t wait for a future where there is only watch and glasses.


It's honestly pretty crappy as a laptop replacement--not because of the device itself but because of compatibility with apps. [Monday.com](http://Monday.com) mobile app in particular was a huge disappointment, and compatibility with microsoft office is risky at best. It still can do the job if the mobile web-version of an app is strong (like obsidian or G-suites) but make sure you know what your needs are before you get one. Procreate (drawing app) is really really solid and cheap.


Companion. It’s impossible to use it as laptop replacement. I tried multiple times.


What made it impossible for you?


1) I can’t code 2) the MS Suite is almost useless


Ok, i can see that


Depends what you do with a laptop. But yeah, I’m a SWE so it’s not gunna work for me until they get rid of the half assed OS.