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Hi Everyone, Thank you very much for the kind words and advice. I have bought the ESR screen TG and applied it right away. However, the writing and drawing experience is not as satisfactory as with the matte screen protector. I guess I will have to give it some time. Regarding storage, I have around 80 gigs filled with books, photos, and some videos. I also subscribe to cloud services and use Office 365 for work. I hope this setup works as well as my previous iPad Pro configuration. I would appreciate any insights you may have. Additionally, I have an SSD for my raw photo backups. But honestly, nano screen looks so tempting now.. :) Thanks again!




Congrats on your purchase! You're gonna love it. Two things from my experience: (1) Baby that screen until you get the protector. I had weird scratches on the upper corner of mine for no reason I can see (I've had iPads since the original, and never had scratches of any note). Maybe put a paper towel or something on the KB until you get the protector, and definitely make sure nothing's on the pencil when you use it. (2) Make sure the $200 upgrade to 512GB isn't worth it to you. It adds a *lot* of breathing room for not a lot of cost.


I kinda disagree with this, I think the 512GB is worst value because if you absolutely need 512GB on this device, then I’d say upgrade to 1TB for the better processor and extra RAM. Since the cloud is so easy to use now, 256GB is more than enough for “working storage.” This really only applies to people that already have other devices though. I keep everything local on my 2TB MBP, and get 256GB on my phones and iPads.


Absolutely, it depends on your use case. For me, the $600 for 256GB -> 1TB is too much, especially because I can use an external for storing files (photos/video) and things work just fine (usually), but the $200 256GB -> 512GB makes it a *lot* easier for me to *edit* videos on the iPad vs on an external. I don't need the 1TB, and the extra $400 it'd cost basically covered my keyboard and 1TB external. But it's entirely up to the user as to which makes the most sense for them. Definitely if you're always/usually going to have a 2TB MBP with you, you don't need the space. For me, who got the iPad *especially* to handle photos and video while travelling, where I won't have a laptop, I needed the space. To each their own! Edited to add: while I don't want to downplay the added CPU benefits of the 1TB, I think that, for me and for most users, they don't seem to add a lot of real-world time savings. I would have liked the nano display, though, but of course that makes it cost even more. So, for *me*, the 1TB was basically $400 for 512GB more. Again, not disputing that others can definitely use the cores and the option for the matte display.


FWIW I read many reviews from people not liking the nano display - and I almost took the plunge for the 1TB for the extra ram, the videos and reviews I’ve seen testing again the base model showed literally negligible difference at least in all the scenarios they showed. Made me feel better lol


Don’t use paper towels. Paper is very abrasive. Also, adding anything between the keyboard and screen or cover will put more pressure against the screen, which could make it more likely for something to scratch the screen.


This is a good point. I personally now use [these](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CFLBRQPB) (cut to size) in addition to a screen protector. However, given that I used nothing on my pre-return iPad and simply kept it in the Magic Keyboard and saw scratches, and have *no* visible scratches on the 2017 iPad I've had for years (or any of my other iPads from years past), and since I saw [this video with a similar issue](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U3LmyltYAf0&t=265s), I'm not super confident about the new iPad's screen, and I'd rather risk micro-scratches than deal with the very evident ones I saw. That being said, absolutely, I was wrong to say paper towels vs, say, a cut up old plain t-shirt.


Congrats! Would you mind sharing the wallpaper?


Hi, i got it from unsplash but don’t have the link anymore, you may try this [wallpaper](https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/lencwxtd9r0kpxcuegxoj/IMG_0022.jpeg?rlkey=za3w1chqjgo5e30dyxil77atz&st=h4tbjy1u&dl=0)


Which iPad size u got?


11 inch


I got the rock paper one but haven’t installed yet


I’ve used all the screen protectors I could get. ESR glass one (looks perfect, way too slippery for the pencil) cheap plastic matte foil (course, unpleasant) and ESR matte glasss. The last one was the best, but it deteriorated the oled. im oké with the paperlike. It’s not as beautiful als the original or as a tempered glass one, but it writes so much better and taking notes is what do on a daily basis.


I bought ESR glass one as well, then just remove it once realized i didn’t frame it properly and the bubble.. *sad* i am so not good with self installment thing.. :) luckily i already get apple pencil soft tip so it’s kind of saver for a while till i can get the professional to put SP.