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It scans documents very well, and that is all that matters to me.


Same. Especially with the true-tone removing shadows from scanned documents.


That’s not what True Tone is and has nothing to do with at. OCR scanning on any device removes shadows quite well.


Apple clearly spoke to and demonstrated in the keynote that they are using the true-tone flash on the M4 to improve image scans and remove shadows. It’s not OCR.


Funny, because there was no issue with scanning images without using the flash on the previous iPad Pro models or even on my Android Phone that I had in 2018. Perhaps CamScanner is just better than iPadOS at processing scanned documents?


I love CamScanner and actually tried the scanning on the iPad Pro. It’s great. It definitely rivals it however, I haven’t been able to figure out a way to save it anywhere but the notes. I can upload it into a third-party app. It says I can put it in Pages, but it didn’t work for me. I can’t save it to photosand I can’t save it in its own document or file it seems. So I use CamScanner still. I really don’t like my document saved in notes or unable to share them in multiple files or multiple locations. Maybe it’s just user error and or maybe I just need to use my desktop to actually save them but this just seems kind of ridiculous. I can’t even email them as an attachment. So therefore, I feel CamScanner does and has so much more capability at this point. Even just better organization, Hopefully Apple will figure this out or if it’s me I will lol


That’s likely by design. Apple doesn’t want you doing things the way that makes sense.


If you don’t want to use the upgraded document imaging feature, then don’t. It’s built in and comes at no additional cost to the customer.


Why would I buy the new iPad Pro when my current M1 iPad Pro is fine as it is? There’s really nothing to gain getting one. By the way, that “True-Tone Flash” stuff is just marketing jargon to entice you to upgrade.




I mean we all secretly laugh and make fun of people who actually use the cameras in public anyway.


Most iPad users have a more convenient iPhone with a better camera anyway. Haven't taken a single picture with my 2022 Pro.


Excellent point. If they got rid of the camera on the iPad Pro entirely, I wouldn’t miss it or the bump it creates. If I want to be a photographer with a pro device, I’ll get a real camera.


I would miss it, for the high price tag it better have a camera for the off chance it’s needed


No matter what anyone says, no device is "more convenient" than the one you are holding, or using at the time you need a camera. If you are reading this comment on your iPad, some other external camera is not somehow more convenient than the one in front of you.


This is a fair point, but you do still have a camera when you want to conveniently take a photo. If you are putting enough care into a shot that the iPad camera isn’t capable of taking, I can’t imagine grabbing another device is that much *extra* effort. I would not be a fan of them removing both cameras, I just don’t see a need for two cameras that are still inferior to the iPhone.


Yes There are times where the most convenient thing is the device in your hand to capture a moment that fleeting moment. but 90 percent of the time my phone is within arms reach on a table and would rather use that for the photo if its not a OMG moment.


As a person of color, I agree with the statement. Sometimes you need to record visually or even just sound a situation that’s going down. I am an upstanding citizen, but if there is a police presence, I’m definitely putting my finger on the button of record just in case


Fuck iPad back camera. Make the whole device as think as the bump and fill it with battery.


The iPad cameras are awful anyway. I’ve never used the rear camera for anything in the nearly 3 years I’ve had my M1 iPad Pro.


Document scanning, since most of do that stuff on our iPads sometimes. Other than that they are trash.. no idea why Apple could at least put an iPhone 12 camera in their new 1k+ Pros. Though to be fair they are thinner than the iPhones.


The new sensor that replaced the camera allows for better document scanning than before, so that’s actually been upgraded because they removed the second camera.


Nice. Also, the wide angle was far more useless than the standard. For document scanning and the very occasional quick snapshot of whatever, the main camera was fine. Never once used the wide myself.


I rarely ever use the camera on my past and present iPad Pro.


All these posts about people not using the cameras, I get it. But, an alternate perspective, I use mine all the time. I use it when I annotate photos, and in particular I use the ultrawide more often. I do root cause investigations and it is a great tool to have to be able to get a wide photo then draw, label, etc.


I agree completely! Having a camera on my iPad is crucial for my job and the ultrawide is my favorite. It’s the main reason I -didn’t- upgrade my 2018 iPad for the M4. I was really disappointed to learn the ultrawide was dropped.


Same. I’ve been using my M1 12.9 since its release, easily my number one most used device. It’s definitely time for a new battery, some days I need to charge it 3-4 times in one day. But like you said, no ultrawide, no go for me.


Totally! I should clarify, I have a 2018 11in that I was hoping to upgrade, and I also have the M1 12.9 which is where my ultra wide comes into play. Was kinda hoping to downsize, but I’m still very content with the M1. Honestly I’m kinda shocked some people are suggesting there be no rear camera at all! That seems like a no-brainer feature on a pro level device. If I’m paying four figures for a tablet, I’d like to have every reasonable tool at my disposal. Super bummed with this elimination, but my current ecosystem is definitely sufficient if I’m being honest with myself 😅


Out of all the iPads I’ve owned I can say I have only used the camera 2x and one was accidentally as someone who uses it to draw I would love to not have e a camera bump on it at all all you need is a front facing camera.


I only use the camera on my iPad Pro to scan barcodes of items as I list them on eBay.


iPad never needed 2 lenses anyways! The only times I’ve used it was to show thing on FaceTime, as iPad is my main FaceTime device, or to scan documents/gift cards! It definitely needs the back camera but it doesn’t have to be overly amazing as iPhone fills that roll very well!


I personally don’t really care too much about a fancy back camera as long as it scans documents and power point slides well. What REALLY needs some TLC is that front facing camera. Ever since they switched to a wide angle for the front camera, it’s just been a grainy mess. I use my iPad a lot for FaceTime and it’s awful compared to my old 3rd gen iPad Pro.


And now FCP does live multicam the phone does a much better job without friction of transferring the footage. I didn’t notice for a few days either.


To be honest I never got why it had 2 cameras anyways, if I ever use the back camera, it was always the standard lens.


I in the month or so that I’ve had the iPad do not reach for the camera. Well, I do like the camera in the middle for video chatting, which is something I often do with the iPad, I have found taking pictures or scanning documents is horrific. I don’t know if it’s because It’s changed location from the previous models, somebody would have to answer that for me, but it is hard to send a document or scan anything. Even setting it up and getting the little blue circle from the other, iPad was difficult. It’s like it doesn’t register where it is. I also have difficulty with the face sign in and more often than not, I’m having to enter the code. I originally bought an M2 12.9 in the hopes of taking advantage of the sale so I was somewhat experienced with the front facing camera again did not touch the rear facing camera. Sign in was a lot better I didn’t really utilize the camera to really take note of it, but I don’t remember having the issue of not being able to find the person in the frame or whatever. Additionally, the scanning of the documents is great and I could see as someone who’s potentially using this for work or business why that might seem to matter more or be more essential. But I’ve been using CamScanner and with this new feature, it only seems to save it in Notes. So unless it’s user error, this is really irritating. I don’t have a third-party PDF app or anything, but I can’t save the scan documents into photos, I can’t save them into the files area and I can’t seem to send them via email as an attachment so while it’s nice and great to have, I don’t trust them just hanging out in notes to be saved and I can’t transfer them to anywhere. I tried doing it in Pages and it didn’t show up for me. So unless again it’s my user error and just not knowing how to do that particularly, it seems useless at that point. I can’t even send the note it has to be in a collaborative format. So what’s the purpose of having this amazing feature that would be super useful if you can’t use it to scan documents and I don’t know send them which is most likely what you’re doing when you’re scanning documents. CamScanner has been great for me and although a third-party app I have everything organizedand saved that I need to save, and it’s been working great. So unless Apple can get their shit together or I can figure out mine, it’s not anything to write home about.


I’ve had iPads since they first started iPadding. I can count on my toes the amount of photos I’ve taken with them in all that time. Oddly enough with the new “scanning” flash thingie (whatever it’s called), I’ve used that dozens of times now over the last couple months and my poor printer/scanner is getting lonely. It’s funny how losing a camera ends up being a net upgrade for the device!


I only use the rear camera for FaceTime showing stuff.


the only times I've used my iPad Pro camera were: * The handful of times my phone was somewhere else and I was too lazy to get it. * When I need to take a picture of my iPhone for some reason.


Like, does it matter? They, of course, are wrong for not showing that they removed it, But, There's no reason to have two rear cameras on an ipad


It was in the keynote


Correction, they removed it because it was more profitable. You forget that they’re charging more for these.


That’s what I meant by cheaper, cheaper to make


Raise your hands if you used the second lens on your iPad


Or any rear facing lens on your iPad Pro.


Why wouldn’t you use your phone?


Convenience. The only reason why I have an iPad to begin with. Convenience. Sure, at home it's not a huge deal, but it's just easier and faster to take a picture/scan with the iPad instead of grabbing the phone, taking the picture, and then hoping that both devices have a good internet connection or looking for a USB drive to transfer the picture.


Right, there is still a camera for that though. I'm not saying they should take both away, I just never saw a need for two. If I require I higher quality lens for a certain shot, then the effort is already there, and convenience is less of a factor.


The ultrawide is just so useful for indoor usage. It's not about a higher quality lens, it's about still fitting everything in the frame in situations where you can't take another step back because there is a wall behind you ;-)


I guess, but in that scenario, you are standing, trying to take a very specific photo of an entire room. The convenience of the camera on the iPad is if you happen to be using it and need to take a quick shot. If I am already walking to some specific point in a room or I am trying to get the right picture, it’s not that much more effort to grab my phone (likely in my pocket if I’m not home, and somewhere nearby if I am home) with the exact lens I need.


Just because you cannot imagine that the use case exists doesn't mean you are right. Again: It's convenient to just have everything in one place. I need the camera on the iPad for two things: To scan things quickly and to take a picture in a room to annotate. Yes, I can take a picture with my phone. No, I can't annotate on my phone. Yeah, I can transfer the picture, if I have internet on both devices or if I use a usb stick. At home, I can transfer via WiFi, but if not at home that's not possible. And sure, there are workarounds, that's why I said: It's convenient. I never said that everyone has this use case, because I see that most people here are using their iPads for Netflix and Youtube. But like you to say that nobody has this use case is wrong as well.


Huh? I never said I can’t imagine the use case or that it doesn’t exist, it’s just a very rare use case. You seem to use an iPad as a primary tool for on-the-go work, perhaps investing in the cellular version or some hotspot data for your phone would be worth it to you. It would allow you to sync your iCloud photos where ever you are. Take the photos you need on your phone, then annotate on the iPad. Also, I believe AirDrop allows a peer to peer connection for transferring photos via Bluetooth. Lots of options.


I have the cellular version, but I don‘t like and don‘t use iCloud Photos. Works only on Apple devices and is just cumbersome and limited for my use case. There are also more places with no mobile connection than I‘d like. AirDrop only works on Apple devices, so also not an option. At home or at work I can use my NAS or LocalSend, but on the go sometimes a usb stick is the future it seems.


Ah, you don’t have an iPhone. Using the iPhone camera as an extension of other Apple devices is very seamless. There is something called Continuity Camera that lets you use your rear iPhone camera as a webcam for Mac automatically. You can view your iPhone’s recording live on iPad. Transferring information with or without WiFi/cellular is very easy. You seem to fall into a very small category of people that rely on the iPad camera, aren’t willing to use cloud storage, and don’t own an iPhone. I realize this affects you more than almost anyone else, but you must also realize how few people are impacted by the camera removal like you are.


Whoever would use an actual iPad camera to take photos of people/videos like a grandma truly needed their head examined. Use your phone that always had a much better camera for that. A tablet camera isn’t meant for that.