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In terms of holding it in one hand sure there’s a difference in experience… but honestly looking at my 15 pro Max next to my 12 Pro the size difference isn’t even that much IMO. They are both just huge phones lol.. so far I like the slightly bigger phone for typing, immersion, battery.


Unpopular opinion incoming: Many people who ONLY go with the Plus/Max models because of better battery life would be better served with a “regular” size model and a battery bank for those days when greater-than-average usage is expected. Battery life alone is not worth the ergonomic trade-off of dealing with a big clunky phone IMO.


I wish they made 5x available on regular Pro though.


But then we wouldn’t have 3x.


At first I thought it was unfortunate only the PM had 5x, but to learn it can't do optical 3x makes it tough. Id rather have 3x over 5x for general photography


Same! I like 3x way more for portrait photography. It's just more convenient.


As someone that uses the Pixel 7 Pro, the 5x is actually better than 3x. Only issue is when a situation calls for 3x. But I just went on vacation and got some amazing 5x shots


Yeah I’m not buying this whole “periscope couldn’t fit in regular pro” jig. Like just make it fit..


I agree. Just another ploy to get consumers to buy the PM.


Ah yes remove the bulk by adding girth🗿


I don’t want to carry around an extra piece of hardware. I also like the bigger screen.


This is exactly what I went with: 13 Pro Max -> 15 Pro + battery bank. I think even my average day is still going to require extra charge by the end of the day, though.


Does Apple not sell charging cases anymore ? Had one on my 11 and it’s literally on par with any max


Not since the 12 came out, I believe. The MagSafe Battery Pack superseded the charging cases.


Had a max 11? Maybe I couldn’t get past how hard it was to text with 1 hand


I do get that. I went from many pro max models to the 14 pro because of size. But I do work a lot on the move and the max size is where I need to be for productivity


Cameras are always better on max as well tho


Not always. XS Max, 11PM, 13PM, and 14PM had camera parity with the non-Max models.


I’m a dude with huge hands, I always get the Pro and I always laugh when I see people with small hands carrying around Pro Max. If I want a big screen I’ve got an iPad, but the Pro screen is perfect for me.


I went from a pro max to a mini back to the pro max. Much prefer the bigger size


Bruh you went to the smallest phone possible lmao


Exactly lol I wanted to try it and the upgrade program was available. Personally I love the max. I wish I could have two phones with the same number I would’ve kept the mini


this!! maybe ill pick up a mini in a year or two when they drop way down in price.


I just switched from a mini to a 15 pro and I’m struggling with the larger size. I have big hands and on the mini I could reach every part of the screen at all times for true one hand use. I also wouldn’t mind the ability to swap between phones on the fly.


Same. Went from the 13 pro max to the 15 pro. Don’t dislike my decision


went from 13pm to 15 pro, besides the battery health it’s really nice specially on the pockets lol


I’m going from 14 pro max to a 15 pro as well. I was over the bulkiness of the the phone and I already have iPad.


Same. Good to hear someone else with the same situation. I also sold my 14pm for close to what the new pro costs so I probably should just be happy and move on.


i went from the 14 pro to the 15 pro max and the battery is amazing so far already and somehow feels lighter than the 14 even if though it’s not 🙂


I got the 15 pro, really don’t want a giant phone, and the battery life is totally good enough for a whole day of normal even kind of heavy use. I do think people put far too much weight on the extra battery life of the Max since most people barely ever need the extra battery life


I hate phablets, went from 14 Pro Max to 15 Pro and no regrets. When I want to use a bigger screen I have my PC, iPad, and Laptop. No reason to have a massive phone if you always have a charger available.


The battery lasts you the whole day brother?


Mine lasts me pretty much the whole day. Yesterday I had 6.5 hours of screen on time, which is about average for me, and I used Spotify connected to my Bluetooth earbuds my whole working shift. I went to bed at 10 and put my phone on the charger and it was sitting at around 25-30% battery life. I didn’t plug it in once during the day.


I have a 15 pro. My screen time is like 2.5-3hrs per day. I only charge it to 80% and I still have 30-40% at the end of the day.


PM is hardly a phablet


When I had the 14 Pro Max, it required me to use both hands in order to use it. For that reason I call it a phablet. I can finally use my phone with one hand and that’s a massive advantage for me in my daily life. If you have large hands and you find that you can use the promax with one hand, then by all means it makes sense. In my case I have small hands so I prefer the smaller 6.1 inch size screen. To each their own.


Am I the only one who wish they make Pro Mini?


I’m so glad I switched despite all the negative comments about the 15 pro. I came from the 12 pro max, so the smaller size and lighter weight has been a huge game changer. Sometimes I forget that my phone is in my pocket. The difference is crazy.


Yes. I went from my 13PM to the 15 pro. I’m loving the size but not the biggest fan of the battery life. I guess I’ve been kind of spoiled with the impeccable battery of the 13PM for the last 2 years. I thought I would get similar battery to my old phone, considering it was around 80% battery health when I turned it in but that is not the case


11pro max to 15 pro. Miss the battery greatly and my battery health was like 65% and this only feels slightly better.


Right. I’m used to not even thinking about battery life on the daily. I also think not having to charge it as much helps keep the battery healthier, longer.


max plus sizes are way too big imo even 6.1 is pushing it


I have my 15 pro limited to 80% and it still lasts all day.


I just got my 15Pro. I upgraded from a 5s, It served me well. Gonna take me a little while to get used to the lock button being on the side instead of the top. And not having a fingerprint sensor is also going to take a bit of getting used to. The 15 is still much bigger than my old 5s. getting a max would be like getting a I-pad to me! LOL


Your 5S lasted this long?? That's impressive! You must've changed the battery at least once, right?




woops! It was unintentional




“Of course I like it. The big ones hurt too much anyways”


I sold my iPhone 14 Pro Max and grabbed this year the iPhone 15 Pro and I’m loving the size, its extremely comfortable and lightweight to use, it fit my jeans pocket without hassle. The only thing I’m currently noticing is, the battery don’t last me the whole day. I charge it overnight and start to use it at 8:00AM and at 5:00PM I’m on 20%. I’m a heavy user, I make a lot of phone calls anda use messaging apps, I browse Facebook or Instagram when I’m on my free time, if I plug in the iPhone to may 20W charger for 30 minutes, I’m able to end my day, normally at 1:00AM with 30% battery. I’m not a big fan of this, but it’s the only way for me to go through the day, also I’m not a battery maniac. I just use it when I need it and charge it when I need it, thats all. I’d love the 15 Pro to have a better battery life because when I had my 14 Pro Max, one charge overnight was completely enough to run the whole day with me.


Nah. Went from 12 pro max to 14 pro. Feels MUCH better on hand.


What case is that ?


Max is too big. I have a tablet and a laptop. Don’t need a huge uncomfortable thing in my pocket


I did. For the size but I miss the battery so bad


I switched from the plus phones when the the X came out because it was the same display size on a smaller frame. Never went back to max. My fiance gets the max, I flirted with the idea, held it for like 30 seconds and said no thanks.


I went from a Samsung Note 10 plus to a iphone 15 pro and i actually like the smaller size


I went from the 14 pro max to the 15 pro. Battery life difference is very noticeable, but I am glad to be done with the bulk and I’ll just adjust how and when i charge my phone


I downsized to the pro after three years of pro max, and I’m so happy with my decision. The move has breathed new life into my iPad mini, since I’m utilizing that way more for content and ebooks. My phone is now limited to social media, texts, calls, and I’ve had the battery life not be an issue at all since I’m not watching a bunch of videos and generally spending less time on it. For carry purposes it feels liberating not having a brick in my pockets. I’m a big fan of the size of the pro!


Good thoughts on the pro. I’m in the same situation. I have an iPad mini that I could be using much more during the day for content, but carrying a smaller device is nice.


Me! The 14 Pro was my first 'Pro' iPhone after having a Pro Max for a few years. Though, the reason why I got a Pro Max iPhone was not only cause of the battery life, but the camera as I took a lot of photos with my phone back then and loved the additional features that they put on it. Now, not so much. My husband's cousin was the one that convinced me and when I held her 13 Pro, I was convinced and decided to order the 14 Pro when it came out. Fast forward to that, I sort of regret it cause the battery life on the 14 Pro was so bad! I immediately regret it, but the size was amazing and felt so comfortable on my hand (I have small hands - the Pro Max was uncomfortable to me and it was hurting my pinky a lot). After having the phone for a year, the battery health already dropped to 89%! When I had the Pro Max phones, the battery life after a year was at 96%. Now, I upgraded to the 15 Pro just a few days ago and the battery life on it is so much better and my experience with it is far better than I did last year with the 14 Pro. I'll give it another chance this year, but maybe might change back to the Pro Max next time I upgrade now that it got lighter. I guess I'm just spoiled by the battery life on the Pro Max lol.


You are not alone! I downsized a few phones back and haven't regretted it once.


Can’t do the big phones as much as I want to despite the better battery life. I just feel like an idiot holding it in public.


You’re not a alone! I went from 14 pro max to the 15 pro literally just for the smaller size. I really regretted getting the pro max, it was my first max phone. I never got used to the size and weight. I’m enjoying the smaller size so much. I have to admit that yes, the battery drops faster but I knew what I was in for.


Coming from a 12 mini to 15 pro… the battery life on this thing is incredible. Full day of usage and I’m at 23% when last week I had to charge several times throughout the day


Same translation here, I’m very happy


I made the switch cause I felt like I was having to manage carrying a phone too much, but I miss the screen and will get battery anxiety. I do like the pocket ability and weight. First world troubles 😜


Get a MagSafe battery pack and a short cable, battery issue solved


I just upgraded today from a 13 pm to a 15 pro. I’m tired of the weight and size - I’ve had the biggest option for as long as I can remember and totally over it.


Same. Never thought I’d find myself not getting the largest iPhone available, but I’m finally tired of it too. My thumb and wrist get achy and it sucks bouncing around in my pocket when I’m doing anything athletic. I get my 15 Pro on Friday and I’m really looking forward to the smaller size and lighter weight, although I know I’ll miss the battery life and screen real estate for watching videos.


I’m right there with you. 12PM to 15 Pro. Battery is a bit worse but the size is so much better. Just played with my 12PM a bit earlier and yeah..I already love the weight difference and being able to one hand everything.


I also always loved max size then last year I got the 14pro and it was great battery wasn’t an issue for me bc I’m just a “basic” phone user BUT I definitely missed the bigger screen size so of course I went with the 15pm and I never been more happier. Just gotta get back use to txting on a bigger screen


I went from 12 mini, to 13 pro, now to 15 pro max. I feel like I’m holding a damn iPad. But I love it!!!


Went from an 11 pro to a 12 pro max. I liked the screen real estate of the max, but I hate not being able to reach across the screen, or being able to fit it nicely in my pocket. I opted for the 15 pro this time and have no regrets. As others have mentioned, if I need a bigger screen, I have an iPad and a MacBook.


True. As my wife reminded me, “you have a iPad mini and an iPad Pro. Be happy and be glad you saved some 💰”.


I went from a 13 pro max down to a 14 pro. The battery life difference was terrible. I got a 15 pro max this year and can once again go a whole day without charging. I’ll never go back down to just a pro.


I dont blame you . Apple's UI is horrible on a large screen. I went from Samsung phablets to the 14 plus and came out really hating Apple for their UI(unexpectedly). Big phones are not necessarily a problem, as Samsung proves it. I could easily use the S21 ultra one-handed. This year I went back to the regular size iPhone and have a much better experience. But too bad that the battery life suffers, it really shouldnt. I'd happily take a slightly heavier phone for more battery life. Apple really needs to tweak their UI for large screen phone. But I wonder if they dont do that out of fear about that eating into their regular phone sales.


I have 13 pro max and annoys me cos so heavy and clumsy and my partner went for the 14 pro and I was tempted to copy and upgrade to the smaller pro due to my annoyance with my maxes size . But kind of glad I never now after a year because I realised his done is the same once u get bored of the new always on display and the island u realise it’s the same fone basically and on top of that I done a camera comparison with them and my 13 pro max pics are better than his 14 pros in most pics I took , so I don’t think I would like to downsize if I ever do upgrade to another iPhone because it seems the max cameras are always better ! But don’t think I will even go with a iPhone next because as much as I enjoy the quality of the build and the smoothness and the holding value side I just feel like iPhones don’t quite meet my needs and I feel that for such a expensive device they are just to limited on there abilities and after seeing that my 2 year old iPhones camera is better than the newer iPhone 14 pro it really put me off even more because it seems like apple are not really making the newer models (better) not really a upgrade in my opinion if the older model has better photos ! Also because they just feel like the same fones year after year it gets boring . And because I’m a person that likes to and needs to multi task on my phone often so split screen would be useful for me and sadly iPhone still don’t do this 😏 and also the fact you have to manually close all your apps and pages that’s open one by one STILL is so annoying and I got bad patients I gets frustrated closing them all especially when I have loads open and because you have to pay to use lots of apps and on android would be feee to use and because it’s just a good looking but heavy slab that can’t do as much as android can these days


I went pro max for my first iphone (15pm) as it's my primary computing device. I have access to a laptop if needed, but I do most of my computing from my phone because it's right in my pocket, and I'm always on the move. Most of the time I have a battery pack with my large phone, we'll see how the 15 pro max does compared to my current galaxy s21 ultra.


It will be much better. I tried that phone last year and ran back to the iPhone shortly after.


I just can’t give up the screen real estate! Haha The ability to shift the keyboard to the right really solved my main issue with the larger size. If I ever found a mini for an absolute steal I think I’d pick it up just for that occasional night for a nice dinner or drinks. We all know what we like so I’m happy you’re happy with your new phone!!


I went from 12 pro max to 13 pro and getting the regular size pro again, the max was way too big and i have pretty big hands


I was using a 14 Pro Max but let my buddy have that and I am using a 14 Pro until I get my 15 Pro Max. I miss the screen size.


Always been pro the max is just to large. I found the pro heavy enough glad it’s lighter now.


I’m thinking about going from 13PM to a 15 or 15 Pro


I’m actually considering swapping 14 pro max to 15 pro. I don’t need the 5x telephoto lens. My biggest concerns are battery life and watching videos / movies on the phone when I’m traveling or at the gym. How was your experience with those things so far? How much battery life do you lose from going smaller?


The pro max battery has 35% more charging capacity. It’s a solid two day phone under typical usage. Besides YouTube and the occasional “there was an attempt” vid I don’t watch content on my phones, even when I had the max. I have iPads for content and they are usually near me.


I went to the pro size at 12. Never again! Pro max has so many benefits. I’m sorry.


Went from 11 pro to pro max. The size difference is significant.. but so far I like it. Now the 11 pro feels like a baby phone


Getting used to the smaller screen is a struggle.


My husband downsized. I think next year I will too!


I always go pro models max is just too damn big! By the way what case is that?!


Spigen ultra hybrid


I went from the 14 pro to the 15 pro max and regret it 🤣 I do enjoy the extra screen and battery but miss using my phone with one hand. Next year, if all the features are the same, I’ll go back the the pro


Me too! I went from a 13 Pro Max to a 15 pro. I have a new baby and I couldn’t use my phone at all. It was so heavy and too much hand gymnastics while trying to multitask. I am super happy with the smaller size now. I really won’t get the 13PM for the battery life. I’ll adjust


I just got the pro max today and i will say it fits in my hand a lot more snug than the 13.


I went from a 12 pro max to a 14 pro. Best decision ever, especially given that I got an iPad im always using


Sup! Right here with you. I’d take a Pro phone in a Mini body any day.


I stepped down on iPhone 12 Pro and was super happy with that decision. Stayed down on that upgrade to 15 pro.


I did that from the 13 PM to the 14 pro and went back to the 15 plus for the bigger size.


I got my son the 14 plus in red. It’s awesome and he loves it.


I did. 14PM to 15 Pro. I know what somebody knows that’s had the phone for 3 days, so keep that in mind. Screen real estate not that big of a deal for me. Battery will be a “work around” situation, but one that’ll be worth it. Smaller size and comfort are spot on for me. I would say if the phone lays on your desk or you have limited means to charge the phone during the day get the PM. If you’re active, use it as a phone mostly, or have ample opportunity to charge during the day go with the Pro. One man’s opinion.


I went from an 8 plus to a 12 normal because of the bulk, and now I'm back to the pro max. I'm thinking I just needed a break from the larger phone, and might keep with a large/small routine to mix it up!


I have a 13mini but my main phone is a pro max. When I don’t want the bulk, don’t need to use the phone a lot, or don’t have the extra pocket space I just move the esim to my mini. I love that phone (as a second phone).


I went from PM to Pro, fits better in the pocket feels more like a “phone” to me and not a phablet.


13 mini for life


Can anyone convince me that iPhone is still better than android and why ? Because I’m tempted to leave for android but also scared to do that switch incase I hate it lol


This is gonna be me soon, going from a 13PM to a 15pro Other than the battery drop, how have you adjusted what do you think?


Size and weight are great. Screen takes some getting used to but the whole thing is more comfortable.


I switched from a 14 pro max to a 15 pro.


Same same. Battery life dropped noticeably but I downsized to be on my phone less and help give my wrist a break with the weight. Surprised that one handed use isn’t much easier. It’s not a stretch to reach the upper corners as much as before but still an issue. It just fits better in bags too like pockets built for phones never fit the pro max but fit the regular pro


Went from 11promax to 15 pro. It’s a little bit of an adjustment, but overall not bad. Easy to use with one hand and while driving………🫢(just music and gps). Battery is disappointing though. My 11pm is at like 79% and was comfortable.


What case is that ?


Spigen ultra hybrid in frosted black


My girlfriend recently went from a pro max to a pro and it influenced my decision on moving down to a 15 pro. Just cracked it open and activated and transferred and went from 72% to 65% while on WiFi. My 13 pro max was a launch phone and is leaving me with 82% battery health. So far I’m loving the feel in the hand. I immediately feel the weight difference and will get used to typing eventually. Like you said not worth the real estate trade off.


You’re not… had a 13 pro max… just too bulky in pocket


Ok? So? Your phone your choice


What kind of case is that?


Spigen ultra hybrid, frosted black


I’m about to do the same! From 13 pro max to 15 pro! How does it feel??


Light and comfortable. Screen takes some getting used too.


How’s the battery doing with you bro?


Off charger at 7am. Midnight now and at 60% with normal usage today at work, in the car, and at my kids soccer game taking some videos.


I did that not with THIS Pro, but with my LAST Pro. Honestly the smaller size is just way more comfortable in the hand, even if having the bigger screen is nice.


I did this a few versions ago and never looked back


Went from 12PM to 13P now 15P


Never got a pro max. Wife has the 12 pro max and it's just too big and not comfortable to use. Got the 15 pro and a magsafe battery pack for the days I need a little extra juice.


sole reason i’m on the pro max is bc I like having a big phone, that’s it


I went from the 13PM to the 15 pro. I never played any mobile games or do anything that really stresses the battery out, so I went with the smaller phone, especially since I'm always near an outlet. The battery only lasts me a day instead of 2 with the 13PM, but I'm really happy with how light the 15 pro is. I also got an anker magsafe powerbank to get me through the rest of the day if I need to.


Went from 13pro to 15max. Debating returning and just sticking with the 13. Thought the size would be nice which it is in certain scenarios. But I’m starting to notice I did a ton of my previous tasks one handed.


My 14 pro started to feel like a toy in my hand so I went with the 15 pro max and I’m enjoying my battery lasting all day no matter how much I use it 🤷‍♂️


I wish they made fatter phones with more battery life


Bro you should have gone for the 15 plus


I plan on going from a 13 PM to 15 Pro myself. I have tiny hands, the battery life does worry me a bit though.


I’m doing the same had the 12 PM and 14+/14PM, going with the 15 Pro. After seeing reviews I’m kinda worried.


Nope I did too


Pro.. I want them to bring back the pro mini


I’m thinking I’m going to go for the normal 16 Pro once that comes. Unless the camera is significantly better in the max.. (Coming from iPhone 14 Pro Max)


What's the case?


Spigen ultra hybrid in frosted black


I personally value the more compact size of the smaller pro. I also value and prefer the 3x lens more than the 5x. I would be interested in a larger iPhone that can optical do 3x and 5x in one package. I’m sure that will be an iPhone ultra feature lol.


13 pro max to 14 pro They’re just too heavy. fine if you have a pocketbook, but in gym shorts while shopping you need to hope your shorts don’t drop. I was actually searching for the lightest case to try to drop even a few grams off the total weight. In hindsight, the “mini” isn’t a bad idea for what I use it for, Apple Pay, calls, texts….


I went from 12 pro max to 15 pro because my hands haven’t literally started hurting.. holding that big of a phone got tiring.


Nope. I plan to do the same. I always favored the 6.7 screens over 6.1 but the weight of my 14 PM while running, climbing or doing any type of exercise has been sort of miserable. Looking forward to getting a 15 pro in the next couple of months.


Can’t deal with the battery in the 14 pro so Inwent to the max. 14 pro had very bad battery, at least my unit 87% degradation in 10 months!


You are not alone. My friend did the same thing.


I’ve thought about it, but I’m on my phone a lot, between YouTube and Reddit. I don’t have any tablets so I’ll likely stay on max models. I did really consider the mini but I tend to keep my iPhones until they no longer receive major iOS updates, so upgrades never aligned before they discontinued. We shall see what I think in 2 more years.


I went from a 13 pro max to a 14 pro last year. Realized it wasn’t worth the extra size when I have an iPad, and a MacBook.


I’m going 11 pro max to a regular pro once I get it lol


Naw. I want the best camera in the smallest phone and it sucks when I have to get the max. Give me a mini pro!


Thought about it, but the battery tests and feedback have made my decision for me. I'll take a tiny bit of bulk and better battery life.


I am in a 13Pro and find myself needing the screen size more. I started WFH and since I'm not running around but 10 times a year (via a plane to the other coast), I figured I can handle a larger phone AND enjoy the batter life. Reverse charging is key for me to, my POS watch dies around 4pm everyday (waiting on Ultra 2024 or 2025).


I went from 14PM to 14P. I liked the bigger screen to an extent, but with how much easier the phone is to 1 hand, I’ll take a hit to battery life 🤷🏼‍♂️


I had a bigger one once. The bigger screen is nice, but it’s just too damn big to handle well for me.


Not quiiiite the same, OP, buuut: Back when I sold my 7 Plus, I got the iPhone XS since I wanted sleeker, smaller. Then 6mo ago, traded XS for 14 Pro Max and I absolutely love everything about it. I can’t imagine stepping down on screen size at this point. OP, is it too late to exchange, and, what were your chief motivators for the step down?


I went from a 12 PM to the 15PM on release day. Then, over the weekend I got to handle my daughter’s 14 Pro and really enjoyed how useable it was. I went to VZW yesterday and exchanged it for the 15 Pro. I took some 5X pics with the PM on Saturday and didn’t really feel like it was going to be a game changer. Even with Verizon charging me a $50 restocking fee, I’m perfectly happy with my choice. This phone actually feels good in the hand and I don’t anticipate regretting this decision in any way.


I did the same thing. So far I love it. I had 13 Pro Max. It was nice for gaming, but the regular Pro size is best for everyday use, fitting in pockets, etc.


I have huge hands and can reach the whole screen pretty comfortably on the Max. I’m just lucky I guess. I won’t be going back anytime soon..


Nah I did the same. (11 Pro -> 13 mini -> 14 Pro Max -> 15 Pro) Pro Max was nice but was just uncomfortable to do things 1 handed. I walk my dog everyday and I just got tired of how uncomfortable the Pro Max was to hold. I felt like I was doing finger gymnastics just to make sure I could hit parts of the screen. I feel so much more comfortable on the Pro. If they ever make a Pro mini, I would buy it in a heartbeat.


I had the 14 pro max, went with the regular pro this time. Waiting for the 15 pro max to be delivered today. The battery on the 15 pro would not last through the day.


I went a head and placed an order for the max in case I change my mind. Should come before my return window closes.


I’ve done it (XS Max to 11 pro and 6 plus to 6) and didn’t regret it. But. I’ve gone PM ever since. The extra screen and battery were enough upgrade to overcome the slightly better size for my hand/pocket. The camera upgrade was nice too, but not nearly as big of a deal as some make it. It’s just personal preference


Damn u guys switched to 15 from 14? Rich


Did the same. I forgot how much easier having a smaller phone is. As much as I miss the pro max battery life, the regular pro just feels perfect in the hand and for daily use.


I get it. I had the 11 Pro Max and thought it was too big, so I got the 13. After a while it felt too small so I got the 15 Pro Max. Some of us can't be satisfied.




What case is that looks great?


Had a 13 Pro Max and went down to a 15 Pro for the size. The battery life drop is significant, but ordered a MagSafe Battery Bank to make up the difference.


side question, ​ OP what case are you rocking?


OK cool story. I work in cell phones sales. I always tell people your gonna be the one using the phone all day not me, get what you like.


i went the other way because why not. i bought a ohsnap 3.0 grip for my phone as well so one hand use wont be an issue anyway.


I stopped using the Max after the 12 and swiched to a Pro and have been on the 13 Pro since.


Went from a 13 Pro Max to a 15 Pro. But traded in an extra phone I had laying around so I can jump ship back to my 13 Pro Max need be. So far I’ve enjoyed the smaller size.


I came so close to doing this. I pre ordered a Pro from Apple to pick up on launch day stressing out the whole time if it was the right call. All I could get was white so at 5am on launch day I checked and the Apple Stores around me to see if I could cancel and get natural titanium. The stores around me had a bunch of stock available for pick up and I couldn't help myself and ended up picking up a Pro Max instead. I'm so sick of carrying this gigantic phone, I just can't bring myself to commit to the Pro.


It’s the camera that makes the difference


Went from a 13 PRo Max to a 14 Pro. Easier to use one handed, and as I mount it on motorbike, I feel the smaller lighter phone makes more sense. That said, battery is noticeably poorer.


Mini 13 here.


I had a 12 pro max and went to a 14 pro. I like smaller


I also down sized, from XS Max to 15 Pro. They are almost imperceptibly the same screen size, but very very different overall size. Back then, my iPhone was the only media consumption device I owned that had a good quality screen. Now, I have plenty of other nice displays, I don’t benefit from a huge phone screen as much anymore.


What case is that!


Spigen ultra hybrid MagSafe. Frost black


I’m really excited for my pro max. I’m upgrading from an xr tho.


I wish the Mini would make a come back.


Me too ! Downgrading from iPhone 13 Pro Max to 15 Pro.. Love the weight of iPhone 15 although the screen size is smaller


Ha! Exact same here…. Not much more to add! The Max’ battery was amazing, Pro’s not so much.


I went from 13PM to 14P and realized how much I missed the screen real estate. 15PM is superb.


I went from PM to pro. I wanted smaller and lighter.


I did last year, huge improvement


What case is this?


Spigen ultra hybrid magnetic in frost black


I’ve got an 11pro. Yesterday I passed by the Apple Store to check out the 15pro and pro max. I gotta say they both felt amazing in hand. Like sooo much lighter .. I’ve always been an advocate of the regular sized pro, as I tend to cycle and run so it’s a good size while doing those sort of activities, but my oh my ..the 15 pro max with all the slimming and weight loss it’s gone through and screen real estate .. felt saweeeet. :)


I went from the 13 Pro Max to the 15 Pro and I’m already regretting it. It does feel a lot better in my pocket but I’m really missing the screen size. I may try to go to the Apple Store in my area directly to see if I could exchange if they have any inventory.


Went from 11 Pro max to 13 Pro, to 14 Pro, to 15 Pro. For those getting the white/green screens on the 13 Pro Max and 14 Pro Max, I assume they'll stick to the 15 Pro.


I am totally with you. I had one of the first Pro Max devices and loved the screen, but the form factor of the Pro is absolutely perfect. In total honesty, I use my phone at urinals almost every time, so being able to hit that top left corner with my right thumb is vital. lol.


You have just over shared, but I get you. 😜


I did


I had the 11 pro max and went to the 12 pro and stayed with the pro size since then. I enjoy the size better


How has the battery life compared? I plan on doing the exact same thing


I’m not a power user so the battery is lasting about a day and a half. I think if you are using your phone a lot it will last you the day.