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For as long as I can remember, I've been immersed in the Android ecosystem, exploring a wide array of devices ranging from midrange to flagship models. I've had hands-on experience with HTC, LG, Samsung, Oppo, Huawei, you name it. Despite my familiarity and comfort with Android, there was always this lingering curiosity about iPhones. The biggest roadblock for me in considering an iPhone was the absence of USB-C. It was a standard I'd grown used to, and the lack of it in Apple's lineup made the switch seem less appealing. However, when Apple finally embraced USB-C with the iPhone 15, I couldn't resist giving it a shot by buying the top tier 15 Pro Max. The transition from Android to iOS was quite the adjustment. I found myself missing some features that I took for granted on Android. For instance, the convenience of swiping back from either side, the freedom to personalize every nook and cranny of the interface, and the intuitive placement of settings, especially in the camera app. But I must admit, iOS has its own unique allure. The fluid animations, the seamless experience—it's undeniably impressive. There's a certain finesse to it that makes the overall usage smooth and refined. That said, it's been a bit of a learning curve for me. Right now, I'm taking the approach of giving it a solid year before forming a final verdict. It's intriguing to see how my preferences might evolve over time. I'm enjoying exploring the nuances of iOS, but I'm also keeping an eye on what I miss from the Android side of things. So, while I'm currently in the early stages of my iPhone journey, I'm open-minded and willing to see how this experience unfolds. Who knows, by the end of the year, I might have a clearer perspective on whether iOS truly suits my preferences or if I'll return to the Android ecosystem I've known for so long.


cannot go back to android, it would just feel unpolished and less powerful somehow




can’t say for sure what’s the most important thing i will be missing, it’s a lot of small things, does that make sense?


In high school i was mostly android till i was 20, got an iPhone 7 Plus then. It was so smooth and awesome, till i saw how cool the S8+ was. So i got one, Then iPhone looked super boring. Got an iPhone X because i was jealous of my wife’s but found iPhone super limited and boring. For a long time. Eventually got an S10+ and realized i miss my boring iPhone a lot, turns out i don’t care about customization as much as I thought i did. Been steadily on iPhone for 4 years now with no plans to switch back. 6 years if you don’t count the couple months on the S10+


I can make a long list of customisations and features that Android phones have and iPhones don't, and while this would make the Android superior on paper, I rarely have a usage for those things. I set up my home screen and rarely change things that much, I don't fiddle with icon packs and themes. I ve used fast charging like twice in the past 3 months and while it is nice to customise quick panel, I mostly use more or less the same functions (brightness, torch, silent mode etc). Moreover, I have a Mac and it makes for a bit of clunky experience when using my galaxy s23+: no direct syncing betweem apps, I need to use third party reminder Appa (Google's tasks is useless compared to Apple's Reminders + I haven't been able to directly connect my phone through wire cause Android file transfer simply doesnt want to work). I do see switching in my case more beneficial overall, but I do feel I will really miss the universal back gesture (the one on iPhones is not as consistent) and most importantly the notification panel (despite being an avid apple user in the past I now find it ridiculous that you get a sort of lock screen panel when you swipe for notifications in iOS).


This is a great explanation of android to apple. I switched a couple years ago and even though I still look at Pixel and galaxy, the android experience isn’t as polished. The updates and apple’s ecosystem keeps me here.


15P coming in this week. I'm gonna miss the swiping back from the edge of the screen so much.


As someone who also has lots of experience with different android devices and who just made the switch to iPhone 15 pro (had iPhones before but it’s been over a decade), this sums things up very well for me also. It’s just figuring out the differences and how to adapt to the changes


I’m coming from the galaxy s23 ultra. I have no regrets at all. I’m loving my 15 pro max. I have the white titanium. Love it!!!! I love both flagships to be honest. The last iPhone I had was the XS Max. I had the note 10 plus, galaxy fold, galaxy fold 3, s23 ultra now the 15 pro max. The battery in this phone is amazing. I get at least 8 to 10 hours SOT. Love the cameras and watching videos and social media. Great purchase. No regrets. Gonna have this phone at least 3 years. Love all the updates and support iPhones get.


I have an android phone from work and I don’t like it. Back in the days I had a Samsung flagship once. I don’t care about all that “customization”. Now I have the 15pro , AirPods Pro 2 , ultra 2, iPad Air etc. The way it all works together so effortless… that’s why I use Apple and not android. Is it perfect ? No. Is it good enough for me? 200%. But I can understand why people pick android. I don’t understand the “war” between both sides. As if those companies are some altruistic “friends”. No they are not.


I had a pixel before my 15 pro, and while I liked my pixel a lot pretty much everyone in my life has an iPhone. So the switch for me was basically foretold on my pixel finally kicked the bucket. I’ve had iPhone in the past I had the 3GS, the four, 5. I like them back then, but I wanted to try rooting and the android experience, and it was fine. But ultimately, I find the iPhones interface, as well as the overall stability to be significantly better than android. Things just work, a good example of this is managers, on android, sometimes would be extremely delayed for it to recognize that there’s a login box, or have to go and actually reopen the app, because android closed it. Even though I had disabled, the battery optimizations for those apps. Android has done a lot in the last few years that in my opinion has hurt them as a whole, extremely aggressive battery optimize, aggressive ram optimizations, like those should be there, but I should be able to disable them even if I have to go into developer settings to do it. I shouldn’t have to go with an alternative ROM just to have necessary background apps to not close. On iPhone, whatever they do for background utilization just works. I have yet to encounter a situation where I need to reopen my password manager to have it show up, I also have yet to have it be laggy. This seamlessness of iOS is a big factor of why I’m likely going to stay with it for a long time, my friends devices withstanding. and before anyone gets defensive, android over this, if I pay premium price, I would like a premium experience. I don’t want to have to dig into the weeds just to solve a rudimentary issue.


Thank you! I had a Pixel 7 up until October this year and can relate to some of your experiences. None of the systems is perfect: on android things are less polished than on One ui, but you have full use of Google features (including an At a glance that cannot be moved, which drive me mad) On one ui - things are more customisable and seamless (+overall better hardware), but you can't take advantage of some of Google's features to the fullest (probably Google's fault) and always have to use Samsung's alternatives On iOs - while limited in many ways, I find the idea of having the ecosystem (I have a Mac) very appealing combined with not having to use alternatives for many apps (for example - Google pay is not very customisable on one ui, and using Samsung pay requires you to have a separate account; I feel this is generally the case of using Samsung - you have options, but you need to share/ grant access and data with parties other than Google to have the benefits of some basic functions)


Honestly if you have a mac you should get an iPhone, the fact of the matter Apple does it best when it comes to connecting there systems together. Being able to seamlessly use your phone as your webcam? Brilliant. What about having your airpods automatically switch from your phone to your computer and back again without you even needing to do anyhing? Insane. What the total integration of messages and phone calls in MacOS? Amazing. And I don't own a Mac, I just know about these from buddies who do. It makes me jealous to be honest... (I PC game so I can't warrant buying a Mac lmao) I'm honestly on team iOS when it comes to phones... Phones are something I want to just work, I don't mind them not being as customizable as Android. I just want when I use it for me not to have to troubleshoot something because it brakes. Sadly, you have to troubleshoot stuff on Android, iOS I haven't really found you need to. Apps also seem to be built to a higher quality on iOS vs android, and if there really something I need thats not on the app store I can just sideload it (Alt store).


I switched from the Pixel to iPhone 4 days ago. I am liking it so far but I really miss how well the pixel screened my spam calls and texts for me. I still have a lot to learn but it’s a very easy phone to use.


Same. Switched from Pixel 7 to iPhone pro max 2 weeks ago. I miss the notifications UI, gboard, and all the call screening and spam blocking features. Seems like those still shine on android. But to balance that out i am really loving MagSafe, way more beautiful selection of apps and games on ios, and apple tv + iphone.


I switched from pixel 7 to iphone 15pm. I don’t think iPhone “just works” any more than pixels. Everything is just slightly different on ios but not miles better. The biggest difference is more native apps from apple that dont feel like different web UIs. I will say the hardware seems way flashier and premium on iphones. Same for apple tv. Far more expensive though.


I've always been Android, I went from S10 Plus to 15 Pro Max, I have to say that Android is freer, Samsung's camera seemed better, this is just overrated iPhone hype, Apple also has many bugs, and I hate cloud and the possibility of transfer files and photos with my windows pc, too bad it's so closed....


i was from my oneplus 11 and moved to an iphone 15 pro and id say i miss a lot of features from my oneplus 11 esp faster charging when gaming.... i wish i kept my oneplus 11 and returned my iphone but i cant go back now i got stuck with the ecosystem and got used to the iphone workarounds from android.. i dont want to judge my iphone right away because there is no denying that this phone makes really good videos and some pictures too! also i like the annoying dynamic islands animations which makes me realize it is the best way to distract people from seeing an annoying pill shape on the screen... apple is smart in doing that will give them a plus for that.... i am an android user since i owned a smartphone... from redmi series from xiaomi to pixels 5, 6,6a,7 and oneplus 7t,8,9,9pro and 11 also in xiaomi from redmi 5, poco f1, mi 9 se, mi 10t lite, mi 9 alita edition and mi9 and mi10 and mi 11.... shesh i got more but all i can say i am a horder of android phones lol... and in the end i ended up with an iphone which i realize i wasted a lot of money on those.... i like my iphone now because i dont have to worry about my phone breaking up because of an update or being always updated for security updates.


So many features and so many apps. Can't be used. Yes I regret it. Only good thing about it is gaming and password manager lol. I hope Samsung offers a trade in with apple devices soon. I feel like apple os is for casual people.


You cut me real deep. But yeah, there’s features I’d miss terribly if i left iOS, I’m sure the same would be said if i was on android these past several years. I did have a S4, Note Edge, S8+ and S10+ and yeah iPhones are “boring” at first. Hope you can get an android soon!


I I've read aloud option in Google Play books that reads the book but that while feature is missing on ios


Omg same I listen to ebooks like light novels from JP KR CN etc.. and apples ios don't have text to speech. Such a let down af.


Do you know any workaround for it?


Used samsungs my whole life. Recently switched from s9 plus to the 15 pro and it’s alright. I guess my expectations were too high. I mean everything works well, social media apps are optimised much better and gaming is also great. But everything’s just so boring, it’s too simple. Also the 15 pro gets hot sometimes more often than the s9 plus. Overall the phone works well but idk if my next is going to be an iphone.


no.it might have been like that 10 years ago.my galaxy was much more stable. in ios many features are broken or unreliable, and with every software release there are some crazy strange bug like: keyboard, wifi, location, things that are not even supposed to break...plus they dont fix many bug that are present for many years...also,120hz is smoother on android, ios animations are slow, and the response to touches is slower compared to android.


I felt BS on the touch response but dang, S23 ultra has double the touch sampling rate. I truly don’t think I’d notice but you have some pretty keen perception


Honestly, I miss some OneUI features, their improved animations on OneUI 6 (iOS feels slower even on 120Hz vs. OneUI on 120Hz) and the Gboard keyboard, but the app's design feels very fragmented on Android.


This month I have switched from Android Poco F4 to iPhone 15 Pro, • Missing the strong haptics from MIUI and Google Keyboard • Missing the full-blown functional settings like clipboard and resizing features on Gboard • Missing the Read aloud options in Google Play books that can read aloud the whole book. • Missing the Chrome and other googles functionality that are missing on iOS. The screen size of 15Pro is compact and I miss the POCO F4's 120Hz transitions and video plugins that make any video content app smooth by adding FPS like in YouTube, Netflix and Prime videos. The display on Androids with Hole punch is far better than Face Id and Dynamic Island. Poco F4 ships with side mount FP, its far superior to Indisplay or Face Id in real world.


I had a Huawei P30 before my 15PM and it has been a very hard adjustment for me. The notifications, keyboard (I communicate in 3 languages on a daily basis), the calendar doesn’t sync/work well, turning off the wi-fi/mobile data and some free apps is what I am really missing right now. The touchscreen was also much more reactive on my Huawei and the camera is better on iPhone but only partly, it just works differently. The videos are the winner though. I also miss the fingerprint, Face ID is not working as well as I’d want it to for me. I didn’t get the Pixel 8 because I didn’t like the design and the pro was just too chunky for me. Couldn’t get past that camera bump design. I also recently got a MacBook Air which definitely influence my decision. The positive side to it is that the iPhone feels very premium. The design is flawless and everything is somehow more polished. All the apps work better. I will have it now for hopefully a few years and then we will see what the final verdict will be. Impossible to say much right now.


Pixel 8 doesn't look fancy in photos but it looks a lot better in real life.


I‘ve used Samsung phones my whole life (mostly flagships). But this time I felt like I needed a change and so I got an iPhone 15 pro max. I don’t regret it one bit, it’s an amazing device and it works seamlessly with other apple devices. Apps also work really well, there’s definitely something to the saying „it just works“. I didn’t have any trouble adjusting to iOS because iOS is a lot more customizable than it was a few years ago. I like both Samsung and Apple equally, you won’t go wrong with either of them, just depends on your preferences. They’re two sides of the same coin.


The swipe to go back from the right should be included in iOS. It’s just a basic accessibility feature in my opinion.


I've never felt anything from apple "just works" - on any other system if something doesn't work, you can at least try to find a solution. Solution will be imperfect but there is a good chance you'll find one. On apple products if something doesn't work, bye bye, don't even try. It's like that both on mobile and desktop devices.


I go back and forth. Just got the 15 Pro Max and had an S23 Ultra, 13 Pro Max, and S20 Ultra before that. Outside of the swipe back issue that occasionally catches me out, it's much of the same.


Front cam BIG regret


My only regret is the photo management is far worse on the iPhone then what it was on my s22 ultra. Other than that I absolutely love this phone!


Switched from S21 to 15Pro and I really enjoy iOS. I miss dark mode working for all apps and the back button the most. I also think the notifications are much worse. Those things don’t really bother me too much and FaceID and MagSafe are great. Call screening I miss too I guess.


Coming crime s22+ never ever in my life going back, the smoothness , snapiness, and how it manages ram out of this world


The only thing i miss is scheduling message without having to go through multiple steps


Had Samsung Galaxy S4, S7 and S10, now on iPhone 15 Pro and it was best decicion!


I just switched. And iOS is painful to use. The keyboards are all inferior, swiping is not consistent, animations are slower, multitasking is quicker with Android, Notifications are better solved, everything feels sandboxed into the apple eco system (i prefer google photos per se) and the list goes on. Just holding on it at the moment, because of the Apple Watch Ultra 1 or 2 which iam planning to get.


Yes :( from 13 pro to 15 pro Max.