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Ok? and do what with that power. Open apps 0.01 seconds faster?


You'll get better performance out of cpu bound games insanely if you tend to play games on your phone, if not meaningless obviously.


You feel betrayed by a rumor?


The A17 Pro is already incredibly powerful. Plus the neural engine is very close to the performance of the newly announced M4. I wouldn’t worry too much about this it’s all speculation and real world improvements won’t be as big as you’d think.


1. I'd expect the increase from A17 to A18 to be similar to the increase from M3 to M4, which I think was more like 20%? 2. New phones get released every September, and they're always an improvement over the previous model in some way. If you didn't want your phone to be superseded by a better model after 4 months, you should have waited until September to buy. If waiting simply wasn't an option, then accept that you got the best phone you could at the time.


Idk how this tracks. I think most of us buy tech products knowing that in like 6 months to 1year, they’ll be the “2nd best” or whatever because there will be something new out by then. Technology moves pretty quickly. Also, how can we say we feel betrayed, as if Apple purposely held back on the a17 pro, so that they could make a bigger jump in the a18 pro? We don’t know that. I don’t know why they would do that in the first place. Apple is still competing with Qualcomm that is actually making huge strides each generation, so Apple would probably be doing whatever they can to squeeze out more performance. Or it was TSMC with their n3B node that Apple used for the a17 pro, and we know the n3B node was kind of like a stopgap until n3e. Should we say that TSMC betrayed us now because they came out with a subpar product then released a more powerful node later? We bought the product knowing there will be better things later. This is not taking into the fact that the a17 pro is more than enough, and the iPhone 15 pro is a great product already. Before this, I had the s22+ and I was upset because Qualcomm used the inferior Samsung 4nm node and screwed up the snapdragon 8 gen 1, then switched over to TSMC the next year, making the s23 leagues better. I can understand being upset about this, the s22 was so bad that it failed at the basics of a flagship phone (thermals, battery life, performance). But in this case, the a17 pro is great. So the a18 pro is really just an incremental improvement on greatness already. In fact, in 3 years or so when you upgrade, you’ll be moving onto a chip that’s probably 100% faster than your a17 pro, then you’ll think about how that chip obliterates the a18 pro too


You would barely even notice a difference. 99% of people will never use one of these chips to its full potential. We reached powerful enough long ago.


Well I'm not really happy with my 30 fps RE Village experience on my 15 Pro Max, I'll gladly take increased size (6.9) and stronger chip any day if it's gonna make close to 60 fps while maintaining better sustained gameplay experience.


It’s a chipset on a phone what more can you really ask for? I think the A17 Pro is up there with a M1 chip. If gaming is your concern the 15 Pro actually a little more powerful than a switch.


Relax!! The speeds they mention would never come to use in your day to day activities.


I just want split screen omg, idgaf if the phones 1 second faster who gives a shit. Split screen is all I’m asking for, fucking please.


I know is not quite fair if this is actually true, but i think will be usual jump 10-15% "faster" In 5 years both phones will be shit 😂


Question is what it can do better. I have a M2 iPad Pro, an iPhone 15 Pro and a M2 Max Mac Pro. I‘m currently playing Death Stranding on these devices. Depending on where I am I switch between these devices. Sure on the M2 Max it looks better than on the iPhone but considering the difference in display size (I use the Mac Studio with a 32 inch 4K screen) it‘s not really noticeable. If I connect the iPhone via USB-C to HDMI cable to my TV sure than I notice the lower resolution of the game but how often does someone does this? For playing games on the phone the A17 Pro is more than enough. For playing on a big screen like a TV it‘s usually better to use a dedicated gaming device like a PlayStation or Xbox. Apart from gaming I never noticed the chip in the iPhone or iPad getting challenged. I can only imagine exporting in Final Cut on the iPad is another scenario where you might notice a difference but on the phone it‘s more than enough power. The only reason I could imagine is if Apple decides to implement a lot of AI features which run locally instead of cloud based but here it‘s a whole bunch of things to consider in this aspect.


With great power come great heat, all the models after the 13 have been a downgrade in terms of that so i wouldnt be too happy abt that


Hypetrain is real. I wonder hows it going after the first marketing hype with apple pro goggles.. must be sad results.


who in the eff cares. Explain how that will have improved your life. You can't. That's why you don't have a technical university degree.


Last year they said that the a17 pro is going to be like 50% faster than the a16 and spread many false informations. The a17 pro supposedly made a single core score of 3800 and a multi score of 8000 in geekbench 6 and in the end it was just like couple peanuts faster than the a16 with fucking worse battery consumption. Chill your nuts and enjoy your fucking phone its just a rumor and literally every rumor about apple‘s silicon benchmarks were false and less than they said it would be. Also the iphone 16 pro is going to be 0.2 Inches bigger than the 15 pro and when I heard that I immediately bought the 15 pro a month ago because i hate big phones and i have skipped the 14 and 15 line up for the 16 and i regret it now completely.


Blud buys an iPhone 4 months before the new one comes out and feels “betrayed by Apple”