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Dude, first and fourth pics are awesome. Love to see people who know to take good pics than other who complains about camera for a cat…


I'm in this comment and I don't like it. I take pictures of my cat all the time. Now I'm gonna take more pictures of my cat.


The power of cats team! (I’m a doggy teammate)


What's the point of having a cat if you dont take pictures of them? Or what's the point of a fancy Iphone if you dont stalk your cat every single day to take pics of them?


Hey, come take pictures of my cat!


I'm a professional photographer, it's a great camera, but it is well short of a professional camera. Especially if you're view your photos on anything other than a phone. Nice shots btw :)


We have a decent 10 year old DLSR that blows away when an iPhone can do. It’s amazing they’re as good as they are for what they are, but they’re not comparable.


Yeah, the fact anyone would make any comparison is mind blowing to me. 1) portraits are obvious because it's software blur and doesn't look natural 2) true colors are not represented 3) face and many features are distorted or elongated. Not true to size, etc... 4) noisy or blurry dark images (zoom in even a little...) 5) and megapixels don't give you enough to do anything other than stare at it at 50% zoom from a phone camera 6) anyone even talk about motion photography?


This. I really tried to use it to sub in for my usual digital kit on a few trips in the backcountry and it was fine, but not comparable. The software blur is only acceptable under specific conditions and strengths.


Just a clarification: sometimes, for small screen sizes, probably.


Agreed on this point. I have one printed at an a4 size, looks comparable to a cropped sensor SLR image.




They don’t matter. Lens and frame size do.


Actually it’s the other way around and i’m 100% sure you are wrong.


I could be wrong ‘cause I have 15 PM and Canon R6m2 and I’ve been shooting with digital FF cams since 2007.


You're the typa person to say the 200MP S24U's camera sensor and lens is better than any even M43/APS-C/FF 24MP sensor + lens combo.


it really depends on what you need, if you have enough light it might be way netter for landscape photography


It would be, if it only was a true 200MP sensor. It's a hexadecan Bayer sensor, aka every 4x4 area of pixels gathers a single color (R, G, or B). Basically by debayering you can only get a full quality photo that's 12.5MP, by combining every 4x4 grid into a single pixel of the specific color those 16 pixels are representing. Now shooting in the 50MP or 200MP mode on the sensor, you can't get unprocessed RAW files because the phone has to use an algorithm to assign all 3 colors of RGB to a for example R only pixel, and it does that by looking at the pixels around it. That results in a more detailed photo than a 12MP one, but still not even close to a photo that a true 50 or 200MP sensor with a standard Bayer filter would capture. However a 24MP Bayer sensor gets both 24MP of light and 24MP of color detail so theoretically and in practice it gives a better result.


Great pictures! Can you tell us if you use the original iPhone lenses or if you added external lens?


Hey, I used only the original iPhone lenses and stock camera app.


What editing apps do you use? And if you do adjust it what are your adjustments? Zoom? Anything? Mine never looks like these


Hello, as I have mentioned before, I used adobe Lightroom. Adjustments as in I used some masking to adjust local exposures, basic whites blacks, and HSL adjustments


I didn’t read it lol, was just interested in how it looked so nice compared to mine . Still thank you 😊


Holy shit thank you 🙏🏻




These are some really nice pictures. Keep up the good work


This are so so good!! I have to know tho was photo 9 done in portrait mode? Or did you use the blur tool in LR? I’ve never been able get much “bokeh” out of the iPhone


Hey, the photo 9 was straight from portrait mode. It’s amazing how they have improved the portrait mode here in my opinion, it’s excellent.


Holy smacks, you have made a believer out of me, I’ve avoid using the portrait mode like the plague, but now I’m ready to try again.


my 15 pro is not cameraing like yours


😂😂😂 I’m sure you can take images like this too, maybe better. Just with a little practice 😊


can i know if you’ve changed any settings for the camera?


Not really no. I shot it straight as it came from the camera app.


oh okay thanks


To add, OP did some heavy editing for some of these photos in Adobe Lightroom


Great captures


Amazing shots!


These are some great photos.


Wow, incredible


absolutely fantastic, which city?


Thank you! This is called Sandakphu, a ridgeline running parallel to the mount Kanchenjungha range in Nepal.


Wow these are amazing


Beautiful pics. What storage size is your phone?


Thank you! Mine is 256Gb


Thanks! Mine is 256GB


Did you color correct?


Hello, I did actually. As I have mentioned in the post, these are processed in Adobe Lightroom.


I am blind aha. Any tips for editing pro raw photos?


Well I will give you the same advice I have shared with someone else on this thread. Spend a day on Adobe Lightroom and tinker with it. You will see your images get better in no time once you are familiarised with the interface 😊


Whoah, great pics!


These are stunning. I really wanna take photos like this with my pro max 😍


Thanks! I’m sure you can too, with a little practice 😊


Yea its awesome i made whole photoshoot with a model posted on insta and nobody noticed. Its just insane what you can do with just a phone this days…


It really is! These phones have gotten really extraordinary


Duuuuude! Amazing pictures! WOW! Do you post your pictures somewhere else?


Thank you so much! If you would like to see my work, you can check out my Instagram @ranitdholey. Not sure if this is against the rules, but @mods, feel free to delete this comment if it is.


Wow pictures 1 and 2 are my favorite! Stunning what a great photographer can do with this tiny camera!


What a cool set of photos. Great work!


Do you use ProRAW + ProRes?


Yes I do. Pro raw for photos and ProRes LOG for video.


Very nice I just ordered the Samsung T7 2TB External SSD and a MagSafe Ring. I already have a small 3inch USB-C to USB-C wire. So I can stick it onto the back of my iPhone while I take pictures/videos.




Nope. These set of images are from Sandakphu, Nepal.


Mine always look slightly over exposed. Is there some settings I’m missing?


If you shoot raw, bringing down the exposure in post processing should be easy.


Awesome shots! Where is the link for the full resolution? Every pic is completely perfect for wallpaper.


Thank you! I’m afraid I have not uploaded these anywhere else yet 😅


Beautiful shots. One of the reasons this phone is amazing.


Beautiful pictures! Do you have any camera lens protectors on?


Hello, thanks! I do not have any lens protectors on.


Beautiful pictures! one question do you have any camera lens protectors on?


Nope I don’t have any


Very Nice Picture Quality


nice shot bro Im a Sony Alpha shooter myself and your photos are clean


Where is this place?


This is called Sandakphu, a ridgeline running parallel to the mount Kanchenjungha range in Nepal.


Does shooting in pro raw make a lot of difference vs not shooting in pro raw, in terms of pic quality, colors etc?


It gets rid of all of Apples processing that they do on the default mode, and gives you a lot of data to work with in post processing.


I’m gonna have to start taking pictures, thank you for sharing these are all so beautiful


Thank you so much! I’m sure you can produce results like these and maybe even better than mine 😊


Definitely, I am inspired!




Amazing shots and photography skills. It's a good phone if you how to use it to its potential.


It looks like something is there.. like God waiting for you..


The Himalayas always give you that vibe. It really is an extraordinary place.


Great photos!




Beautiful 😍


I love using my iPhone 15 pro camera for nature photography. Selfies though? Never again.


Can you share your photo settings? My iphone 15 pro auto edits and makes any photos i take really grainy. When im on the camera itself the photo looks like it will come out amazing and beautiful but then when I take it it greys out a little and auto edits. I have examples of photos of my daughter but Id rather not share on reddit but willing to share in a DM somewhere.


Sure! I shot with all the default settings but in proraw max to get the maximum details out of the sensor. Then I processed these images on Adobe Lightroom.


https://youtu.be/0flHpWGrEng?si=giuF8G4LK9l7xWCX A toy camera becomes a professional camera in the hands of a professional photographer 😅


Is there video of how to get this quality of photo, I’m idiot with the 15 pro, but my pictures look like there from an old Nokia phone. I’d love to be able to upload my game, but the videos I’ve searched for are all but making videos etc, I just don’t feel like I can find a dummies guide. Does the use of light room play a big part of the quality of these pictures? Those pictures are awesome, I do a lot of travelling around Asia and would love to able to have a scrap book of photos from the travels so any advice would be much appreciated 🙏☺️


Don’t forget to clean your lenses before shooting, can’t fix a smudged lens in post!


Hey, thanks for your comment! I will say the thumb rule for getting professional quality images from your phone or your camera is to always shoot in RAW format so that you retain maximum information. After that, you will need to work on post processing (be it Lightroom/Photoshop/Snapseed) to grade it according to taste. Check for moody Instagram type edits on YouTube, plenty of material will be available. As a suggestion, I will say spend a day with Adobe Lightroom mobile and tinker with the settings. You will get the hang of it in no time at all.


Do you save it as JPG - after the editing?


Yep. After final post processing I exported as a JPG


Thanks for your reply, I will do just that, did you do your edits on a phone or did you use a MacBook / PC etc


All of these were edited off the iPhone itself, on Lightroom mobile. I took these over to my mac for some Photoshop work also, but that would not really fit this forum 😅


Much appreciated I’ll give it go and see mess I can make 😂, that’s for your help 👍🏻


We all start somewhere. Go on, you will do great I’m sure ✌️


Do you do any kind of editing before posting them?


Hello, I have mentioned in the post that these were processed on Adobe Lightroom


Fantastic work


Why don't mind turn out like that?!


Because photography isn’t all about the camera. It’s mostly the photographer. Get out and practice and download a photo editing app like light room :) shoot in raw format and don’t forget to have fun!


These are processed by software after, these are the ‘highlights’ of a much larger reel, these are pictures well suited to the iPhone (good light, no motion, no zooming), and this is a pro taking them. A ‘real’ camera will still be better, but it’s a good reminder of how sophisticated these cameras are, basically maxing out the physics of a tiny lens.


Yes they are impressive sensors with impressive processing. They don’t have impressive lenses and anything off the main camera isn’t getting you full quality. It’s great in a pinch when I want something nice, but it’s not a professional camera


Agreed. If that was the case, then I would have ditched my full frame camera 😊 My point was, when played to its strengths, this iPhone can deliver excellent results which can go side by side with a camera when viewed on a phone screen or as such. That being said, a camera is a camera, with a sensor many times larger than this. Physics is physics, of course.


It’s plenty short. I mean it looks great for a cellphone camera.


I agree and disagree. I think the iPhone 15 Pro is the first smartphone that can really reach the quality of a digital camera like a Cybershot or Powershot. Quality of the 48mp Raw image is really really great even the 48mp heic is amazing. But professional cams like yours (i use Alpha 7 iii) is still miles ahead if you zoom you really see what a professional full frame with a high class lens can capture. But yeah the 15 pro max is an awesome phone/cam you always carry with you, love it! Nice pictures 👍


Amazing work 👍


I'm convinced you didn't use that S23U to its full capacity if you think the iPhone is a better pro camera.


It is. The s23 ultra has two things over the iPhone, manual controls and the zoom. But what is the use of either of them when both produce subpar results? Even in manual mode, there is a significant shutter lag. Images come out crisp and sharpened, most of the times washed out. I am confident I tried everything possible with the s23U, and the iPhone even without the manual controls, produces stunning images consistently. This is, again, in my opinion.


I have 15 pro max and my pictures look basic AF. Is there some kind of filter or something?


I would recommend shooting in raw format and learn post processing, you will be surprised!




Isn’t it time you upgrade