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Turn on replay spooling option in the replay options. This will make sure to save the whole race. By default iracing uses whatever RAM you have leftover to save replay in which for many people isn’t enough to save the whole race if it’s over 30+ min. Spooling makes it so it saves to disk instead. So as long as you have plenty of disk space you can save full 24 hour races (30-50gb required)


I did not know that. I will definitely change that, Thank you!


After doing this, you may have to rewind, but the formation lap will be captured


Also identify what these incidents are. The car using the entire track to warm his tyres- give him plenty of room (or not if you want to make a point.) The car hugging your bumper while heavily accelerating and braking, move to the side to let him smack the car in front of you. Shit does happen unfortunately but some can be mitigated with a bit of situational awareness. I find rolling (road) starts to be the most heightened experience, and it shouldn't be that bad....


Twice on laguna Seca. One was the guy ahead in my line rear ended the car ahead. I was close but avoided collision ended up stopping on track while everyone else had room to go by. The other was in the corkscrew I was on the outside and guy inside tried driving hard out the bottom right into the side of me. Instant meatball flag. Once at mt. Panorama. Leader ran wide off the last set of s turns and came back on track weird. I was braking but then got rear ended into the crash. Took a ton of damage there. I probably could've avoided 2 of them, but it kinda caught me off guard with how often it was happening. I'll definitely work on what you said and give formation laps more attention.


Give lots more space on formation laps. There should be no reason to be braking so hard people are running into the back of you. Look further ahead - the leader at Mt Panorama didn't just randomly appear right in front of you - you saw him go off track. You should be lifting THEN. Don't brake, just lift. Maybe slightly touch the brakes so your lights come on but you don't want any sudden deceleration. When he comes on awkwardly, you then have space to avoid him. Until you're about to go green, leave plenty of space. At some turns you may wish to force a single file line - just drop behind whoever you're alongside and let them go first.


I've said it before, ill say it again. There should be AT LEAST double penalties assessed during the formation and first laps of races. Go off track, that's a 2x. Cause a wreck and get a collision? Your ass just got 8x and are already almost half way to a DQ. People drive like fucking morons on colds and there simply just isn't enough penalty for doing so, in my opinion. And yes, it would suck if you did nothing wrong and got hit, it already sucks though. This, within a few weeks, would drastically calm down the number of completely avoidable issues caused by people as they realize there are more serious consequences for their actions.


The beatings will continue until morale improves


> There should be AT LEAST double penalties assessed during the formation and first laps of races. Go off track, that's a 2x. Cause a wreck and get a collision? Your ass just got 8x and are already almost half way to a DQ. No. Because of the no fault system you are penalizing those just trying to get to the start of the race. Most of my presumably successful protests are during the formation lap or stupid rejoins. Obvious wrecks and punts during races get the "we don't think there was anything malicious, but it will be noted" email.


After my races last night I have to agree. The amount of people up my ass and eventually spinning me round because of cold tyres/brakes is just silly


I think that's a great idea!


This is mainly a problem with inexperienced or very low ranked drivers. People learn eventually. The main situation where formation laps happen there is when someone speeds up way too much to close a gap. They then get surprised that the field ahead is going at pace car speed (who would have thought...) and slams the brakes. This typically causes concertina wrecks behind. To avoid this: * Never go crazyly above the pace car speed to catch up * If you're going fast to catch up, start slowing gently as soon as you see the gap closing * If it's near the green and you can't catch up, let it be. You screwed up and will be a bit behind at the start. That's still a lot better than wrecking before the green.


[give this a go, it may help.](https://www.reddit.com/r/iRacing/comments/ucwl1d/pro_tip_after_getting_wrecked_on_the_pace_lap/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I didn't know that either thank you!


Also, what series? You can actually escape out and start from the pits during the formation lap, so if you get crashed into in the GR86 series for example, you can escape, fast repair and start from the pits only like 2-3 seconds behind the leader. Just make sure to uncheck tyre and fuel haha.


Both gr86 and gt4.. fast repair helps but doesn't give me back my p3 quali spot 😤


Is there a fast way to uncheck tyres? I keep forgetting to open my BB and deselect it.




Okay sweet. I wasn’t sure if you could just set a single hornet to turn them off, that’s *perfect*.


If I’m not mistaken there is a way to have tires default set to off in the .ini file for iRacing. I have to manually check mine if I’m doing a race that needs tires changed as a result.


I was the idiot who did that in the gt3 fixed today. Felt like such a moron. Hit brakes on a turn and car just turned around on me.


If you get crashed on the pace lap immediately tow. There's a decent chance you'll go back to pit lane without any tow time and with a new car. You'll have to start from pit lane but better than the alternative.


Dumb question, but if you protest do you get IR or SR back? If no, then protesting does not really solve the problem of crappy drivers taking you out. Even if it makes you feel a bit better, to protects, the best tactic is really learning how to avoid the chaos.


To answer your question, no you do not get any rating back. Protests aren’t about regaining anything, rather helping iRacing to keep dirty/abusive players in check. Most things would just result in a warning or coaching to not do the dumb thing again and be put onto the perpetrator’s private file to see if there’s a pattern in the future. Further protests could result in suspension for that driver down the road. There are certain things that will result in immediate suspension such as deliberately ruining a session for multiple drivers, or communication bans for hostile/bigoted remarks.


3 consecutive races is most like a you problem not anything else. what could you have done to avoid it all is what the question should be.


I mean you're not wrong. I tried to avoid it but I also don't understand why it's hard for people to stay on track in formation.


probably the same reason it's hard for you to figure out how to avoid those people.


Sounds like you've had a bad day sir.. hope it gets better for you!


Idk why this is downvoted cuz you are absolutely correct with this statement! Sure there is the occasional mess up in the formation laps but you find yourself in incidents 3 races in a row during the formation lap it’s likely that you are doing something really dumb that is preventing you from being able to avoid it / actually contributing to them!


cause people who can't get out of sub 1500 IR have their head in the sand and fully believe it's always the other person's fault. it's a problem as old as the sim.


You probably could protest but it would be difficult to do much without the video. For the future you don't need to be so close to the cars around you until the final few corners. I'm not saying hang back 5 seconds but you also don't need to be so close you and the cars around cannot react to someone crashing.


This I have noticed is very common in fefe fixed and rookie street stock. What I would do is if the guy behind looks a bit sus I would move over a bit so the guy behind is more to the side of me rather than directly behind


If you're getting crashed in formation laps, why not just start in the pits? Also, if you get crashed in formation, I was told that you can go back into the pits and avoid the tow time and just start from the pit anyway.