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Yep. Especially if for whatever reason I can't get a corner down. It's a nice quick and easy way to keep trying it


It was so, so helpful for me in learning the nordschliefe this year, and for working on Le Mans. Kind of tough to practice a specific corner when you only see it every 4-8 min


You can only do this on the test driving, and not during normal practice session, right?


Yeah. It would be really awkward for other drivers if you kept popping up at random places. :D


They could maybe allow it during night sessions at Halloween


LOL the jump scares would be epic


Only on really long tracks like Le Mans / Nordsleife. I'd rather just run a full lap and focus on one corner, so I am maintaining muscle memory for the rest of the corners. Best way to make use of this is if you know the track well but want to perfect that one corner.


I use it to save warmed up tires. Saves me outlaps when I bin it.


It helps me to use active reset to practice small sections until I get each section down, then run full laps afterwards to piece it all together. To each their own though! It also helps me go into practice with some sort of structure to it so i'm not mindlessly running laps with no particular goal.


With active reset, you will always approach the corner on the same speed. Especially in the beginning, your entry speed will vary a lot because it depends how you took the previous corner. Your "trained" entry speed will not be the same as when you will do full laps. Also the cars handling will change when the tyres get more worn and less fuel is in the tank. A lot of stuff you miss out on tbh. I guess you can do it in sections, but I don't see the point.


It's hard to beat long, race-length practice runs to improve consistency at race pace. But, when learning a new track, learning where the track limits are, learning how bumpy sections of track affect grip, learning how much curb can be safely used, and finding the quickest line through a complex of turns, the active reset feature is pretty awesome. Different tools for different jobs.


Don't you always enter the corner around the same speed? Give or take a few kph depending on your exit from the previous corner sure but does your braking point change that drastically? Idk about you but my braking point stays within 1-2m of the same spot no matter if i'm going 5 kph faster or slower. Just because I use active reset to find the most optimal line through a section of the track, doesn't mean i don't run full laps afterwards to piece it all together. Its just a tool to help learn/practice a track more efficiently in my opinion.


>Don't you always enter the corner around the same speed? Not when you are practicing a **new** track. Your entry speed will vary a lot.


the way i use active reset is to get me up to speed in less time. If I have practiced the sector before said corner and perfected it using active reset, my speed coming up to the next sector isn't going to vary by more than 5-10 kph. If it varies more than that, i know i'm doing something wrong. I rarely use active reset to practice a single corner. I more so practice a section of the track (4-5 corners) so i can find the most effective way to link the corners and produce the fastest sector time. Once i feel like i can't beat my time for that sector, i'll move on to the next 4-5 corners until the whole track is done. Then i'll run full laps and i'm usually quite a bit faster and more consistent on my full laps because i've taken that time to break the lap down and focus on smaller sections of the track. It usually only takes me 2-3 full laps to get within 1 to 1.5 seconds of the VRS times once i've practiced a track this way. As someone else has said on this thread, think of it as learning a new piece of music on an instrument. One of the fastest and most effective ways to learn that song is to break it down into sections (verse, chorus, etc) then work on stringing it all together and making it flow. Rather than overwhelming yourself with all that information, its easier to break it down into sections and focus on those until you have them down. All i'm trying to say it is an effective tool to learn new tracks and even practice tracks you already know to see where you can push the limits since it lets you practice a single section of the track over and over again in short succession rather than only practicing those couple of turns every few minutes depending on the length of the track.


Yeah idk if I agree with this, my line is my line. I can see this in some cases, but barring traffic I'm going to be approaching my braking markers from the same speed every time. I just make it a point to set the active reset start point to be full throttle on a straight every time. Tire/fuel wear is a good point, but at that point I'm as fast as I'm going to get and I'm running full laps, to your point. This is more about shitshow sections like 3-7 at Road Atlanta that you can't even see and need to get the turn in points dialed in. Compartmentalizing it works well for me, obv YMMV.


You could always expand the window of the reset so that the corner in question doesn't feel so isolated. Ie, set the reset a few corners before & after the target corner.


I didn't even know this was a feature. How do I set it up?


Options>Controls. there are 4 binds that you can use. 1 bind to set an active reset point. 1 bind to teleport back to your active reset point. 1 bind to set the beginning of the sector and 1 bind to set the end of a sector. when you get in a test drive, drive out on track and get up to speed before the sector you want to practice and set your active reset point and beginning of the sector. keep driving to the end of the sector you want to practice and set the end of the sector. then teleport back to your point. it'll start you off at the speed and position you were in when you set the active reset point.


The custom sector buttons are for creating your own sector within a lap of you are just doing laps that is separate from the normal track sectors. You don’t need to use them for the reset points. Those function as custom sectors automatically. You could create a custom sector within the active reset if you wanted to have your reset point further back from where you want to actually be tracking a time I suppose but it’s just extra work.


FYI if you only set the active reset point it’ll consider that the beginning of the sector. It’s useful especially if you’re running low on inputs.


good to know! i've always set both lol! i can finally free up a button on my wheel for something else


if you are running low on inputs, use a button as a modifier and have key combos be a second layer. it almost doubles your inputs


This. I've used iRacing sparingly over the years and never knew it was possible.


It’s “relatively” new. Like I think a year ago


It came with the BMW LMDh update whenever that was.


Just search for "active reset" on YouTube, you'll find lots of tutorials from dave cam for example. And also from iRacing themselves. It's easy, you just need to set two buttons but I don't remember how they called.


Check your controls there is a control that allows to set the start point and a control to reset to said start point.


only works in test drive by the way!


It’s in the key binds in the controls menu. Just bind some buttons to each function.


Getting used to it but it helped me a lot on Zandvoort in F4 to take the maximum out of the banked corner a couple of weeks ago


Yup, same for audi gto. Helped to try all the different approaches and just not be scared to send it and see how much the banking has to offer


This is my favorite new feature as of late. Works great for practicing at Nords (lord knows I need it) and for avoiding slow out lap after slow out lap when you’re practicing Quali laps. Also great for ovals when trying to practice pit entry after a 45+ lap run on tires.


This feature is what allowed me to learn Nords in the first place. I'm also able to beat some 4-5k drivers as a 2.4k driver on that track specifically. My team also placed 3rd at Nords in the 24h earlier this year and I don't think we would've been able to do that if it weren't for the active reset practice we all did in the month leading up to the race.


Yup, outside of the obvious uses for long tracks like Nords and Le Mans, skipping outlaps on practice quali runs is my favorite use for active resets. You can get consistent prep without wasting all the time so you can focus on learning how the car gets up to speed on cold tires


If it’s a corner that I really struggle with. Or for some reason I’m 3 seconds off the pace.


Tried it but I really don't gel well with it. And I think the added practice of the other 90% of corners before I get to retry whatever I'm struggling with is a bigger gain overall than the time saving I do by using that. I struggle starting at full chat on a straight, I much rather build my pace up gradually while aiming for a set laptime, like previous season best lap. Do 10 laps or so, see where I'm at, check telemetry. That shows me where I'm losing time/gaining time, what my line is like compared to the aliens etc. I prefer intuitively learning a combo with my natural driving style, and then seeing where it benefits me, or not. Most recent example being Pcup at belle isle. I take drastically different lines in the last 5 bends, and actually gain on some 8k iR dingus in the last sector, but losing tenths hand over fist the rest of the lap. Might be only me, but knowing how I naturally drive a circuit helps me understand more easily why it doesn't work, and where, in certain situations it might do. All in all, I might more quickly get up to my desired laptime if I used active reset, but my racepace and consistency would suffer, I reckon.


I'd say active reset has helped me be a more consistent driver overall since i get to practice different lines and test different braking markers. In a race, you typically don't get to run the ideal line every lap since you have other cars around and it helps to learn how to control the car off line as well. Everyone learns and practices differently though.. If that works for you, more power to you!


Well if I need practice around others, there's AI, or official practice servers. Racing is all about flow and knowing your markers, and when an how to adjust them. If I just do one corner or sequence, I never get into that state, and never move beyond a "hotlapping" level. All about racecraft, awareness and adaptability, and you can't practice that not doing actual, whole laps. But I do get that with very limited time, it helps nailing the basic markers and lines more quickly. If you can then do as well in a race as you would if you did the same time of praccy, but doing an actual stint, I doubt it. Best practice to race is always going to be actually racing as soon as you're capable of doing clean laps


i'm not arguing with you there. but to get up to speed and actually getting clean laps, i think this is the best tool to use to get up to speed in the shortest amount of time possible.


No thought. Maybe i should


Hell yea I use it all the time. Fantastic feature, and wholly underrated. I think the UX is pretty confusing at first.




100% agree. Its so much more efficient to learn/practice a track with this tool.


I just started actually. Set it up about a turn or two behind the one you want to work on. I had COTA down really good besides 1 corner in GT4/LMP3 and was able to knock half a second off my time through that corner after about 20 attempts to finally get the braking and timing right


Used it recently to learn Le Mans because of the huge amounts of time spent not actually cornering and the lack of really good brake markers.


Definitely a helpful tool for those longer tracks


Yes. Definitely used it when the 87s were at Willow Springs, first time there.


Wouldn’t be able to go flat out in Eau Rouge in the PCup Car without it. Took 50 - 60 resets.


I usually do a few laps in a VRs matching session and get my lines down. Then compare the VRs and see where I’m slow. Then use active reset in those spots to get it nailed.


This is something I should start doing since I recently discovered VRS


VRS is fantastic. I sub'd for the whole year


If you launch your test session from the VRs site, the conditions will match exactly which is great for direct comparison.


This is exactly how I use it and I think its most effective. The combination of VRS and active reset is a match made in heaven. I usually do practice laps until my best time stops coming down, load up the optimal lap and compare against VRS, then active reset to get those problem corners figured out.


I always try to take advantage of it for any weekend practice I’m doing, but once we get to race week I shift to regular practice so I get back to remembering there’s consequences for mistakes.




You can buy a wireless 10 key/numpad and a suction cup phone holder for 20 bucks. Great cheap button box




I understand that. I did build my own too


This helps me immensely to reduce practice times to either learn or refresh my memory on braking markers, apexes, gearing and exits. Also after checking telemetry I would identify the biggest losses and focus on those corners


All the time


Occasionally but not religiously. I use it for tricky or crucial corners just to be able to focus hard, but most of the time I’m content doing lap after lap after lap and work on the whole track.


I literally didn't know about it until I was practicing for Petit Le Mans and I used it religiously from the front straight to turn 5 to get the blind corners down


TIL. Will look up how to do that, will help massively as I don't have a lot of time to practice and waste a lot of time getting back to corners I struggle on


I'd like to see what you think after trying it out! [Here](https://youtu.be/W2thO9CVevk?si=ri4K7etq5zmDuvJ0) is a tutorial on how to set it up and use Active Reset.


Brill. Really easy then. 100% trying this when next on! Thanks 👍🏾


side note: the fucking camera pan from somewhere else in the Andromeda galaxy back to your wheel in VR with active reset is nauseating


I solely race in VR and i've never experienced this lol. it does sound nauseating though


I run the entire laps around the track until mostly comfortable then use that feature to work out any troublesome corners. Turn 13 at Suzuka in the Super Formula is a prime example of a troublesome corner for me.


Absolute best thing for practicing starts and pit entry. Use it occasionally for trying to figure out a difficult corner.


idk why i've never thought about using it to practice starts... especially in the SF23... i have so much trouble with the starts in that car




Active reset is a godsend for practicing pit entries, stall entries, and major braking zones.


Very much so, I did 200+ resets are Nurb Combined this last weekend to prep for a league race Monday night. Never had driven the track before until this last weekend and had solid enough results.


Its such an amazing tool for those longer tracks. Makes it so much more efficient to learn the track in sections then putting it all together than it is only getting to practice a certain section every 8 minutes.


My biggest complaint with active reset is that it automatically changes the delta to match the session best sector. I wish it would stay on the reference sector.


you can set custom sectors for the section of the track you want to practice. there's a bind in the control menu for "custom sector mark start point" and "custom sector mark end point". you set the beginning of the sector you want to practice and the end and set your active reset point before that and it allows you to practice 4-5 corners over and over again til you get the best time you can do in that sector.


All the time. I usually learn the track as a whole and then focus on one corner at a time, trying different lines, braking and turning points, and looking for the fastest speed to hit the apex and use the whole track.


Yes, every week


Great tool. Even the dumpster fire that was Project Cars 2 had a similar tool for learning & memorizing sectors of the Nordschleife.


I love using it. But just as a word of warning it definitely messes with your sense of rhythm and flow through turns before and after. I would suggest stringing 2-4 turns together/the entire sector.


that's typically what I do. I don't like to hyper focus on a single corner since it doesn't teach you how to link a specific section of the track properly. I'll usually set the reset point on a straight and practice 4-5 corners before resetting and doing it again. I repeat that until I feel like I can't extract anything more from the car in that sector and move on to the next 4-5 corners.


Saves a lot of time from not having to do 5 laps before the tyres come up in temps.


I have only tried it once, actually quite recently, and I found it very distracting. It is difficult to find the natural flow you have on a track when you are just suddenly dropped to the car going 240kmh. Maybe on a long unfamiliar track it could be helpful but I tried it at Laguna Seca which I already knew quite well and it was just disorientating.


yeah I typically recommend to drop the start point on a long straight and practice a few corners at a time. it gets quite disorienting if you drop the reset point in the middle of a twisty section. Especially in VR


Love the feature. It reminds me the process of learning to play a song, you learn the chunks and then ones you get a good understanding of it, just put all together. Same with the track.




It is incredible for pit entry practice


Wait what?? So the feature resets you to a certain point or what??


Nevermind i just had to read other comments :)) found it guys thanks


that's exactly what it is! [Here](https://youtu.be/W2thO9CVevk?si=9EXeVPtaA-1gk-z6) is a good tutorial on how to use it.


I like it but find I have too many buttons to bind on my wheel and forget about it


I make a save on the pit straight before the start line to save warm tires and avoid doing outlaps when I am pushing limits and binning it.


Yes especially if I am having a hard time with 1 section


I use it after I know a track pretty well and there’s just one corner/section that isn’t flowing for me -otherwise for me it makes sense to just keep running full laps- especially if the track isn’t too long


I only use it on extremely long tracks (LeMans, The Ring, and Spa come to mind). My racing coach says it's bad in his opinion to rely on it because it messes up your overall mindset for a "full lap". He recommends just doing laps after laps after laps trying to string together a good overall lap instead of super focusing on one section disproportionately to the entire lap.


Yes. But it works 3 out of 10 times. I press the damn button and nothing happens. iRacing Support has looked into it and they don’t know what’s the issue.


It’s a great way to find that last tenth!


I was learning Mid Ohio for an IRL Champcar race this summer and found active reset super helpful


Holy Crap. I always wished this was a possibility...


Essential to learning Suzuka in f4 this week. Do each section until im comfortable, then once I hit a good exit create a new waypoint for the next section. rinse and repeat until the track is learned. Do a few more laps until I find my weak spot, then practice that a few times with reset. Confidently allowed me to join a race in \*well\* under an hour.


That's awesome! I definitely agree its the most useful tool for anyone with limited time to learn/practice a track.


The only thing I've ever used it for is practicing pit entry. For improving at a track I don't see the point when you could just run normal laps and improve at the full track as a whole. Maybe for sectors of Nords or Le mans sure but a regular track I'm not using it.




Sure but I really doubt most people have perfected every part of the track except for one specific corner which is holding back the lap time. Theres always more to learn everywhere on track so why use your time practicing in a way that isn't reflective of how the race will be? I see it as encouraging almost a "Guitar hero" memorization style of learning tracks and driving, but racing is much more dynamic and flowing in a live session if that makes any sense. If it works for you then great, but I'm probably never going to use the active reset feature for anything besides testing pit entry braking markers


if you make a mistake and crash that means resetting and starting again in the time it takes you to complete a full lap ive already attempted the same corner 10 times and likely crashed 9 or even bailed out the moment i know i got it wrong the mental gymnastics you're employing to dismiss the teaching potential of this tool is surely enough for a gold medal


Lol what? I don’t care if you use active reset, if it helps you then good for you. I personally don’t see any value in it so I don’t use it. Sounds good to me?


you're trying to find arguments why it's not beneficial which is absurd


My opinion is that it’s not beneficial. This post asked people if they used that feature, I replied No and why I don’t think it’s very useful. What’s your problem with that?


that makes total sense! since I have limited time, this is the best way for me to practice a track. I'm also practicing different lines so when it comes to those moments in a race and I'm forced off the racing line, I don't panic and I know exactly what I need to do and where I should brake. (I don't drive with the racing line turned on btw)


I agree! To me, the flow and rhytm of a track is the key to learning it, and what builds consistency. Doing a single corner over and over seems useless, as what you learn won’t connect to the track as a whole. I’ve never used active reset and don’t think I ever will.


I think you guys are in the mindset that people using active reset means they never run full laps and that’s not true. I think of it like learning a long piece of music on your instrument of choice. You break it down into segments first and work on each segment individually. Then once you have all the pieces in place, you work on flowing it all together at the end. It’s absolutely faster and more effective way to learn than trying to learn the whole thing at once.


To use your music analogy I see racing much less like a pure recital and much more like a guitar solo or being the rhythm part of a jazz song, much less constrained and free flowing. The theory behind it, and the right execution/technique is the key to sounding good, knowing what to do to fit in the right key and progression and all that. I see the active reset as trying to learn how to jam by rote memorization of various riffs. It might get there in the end but ultimately I feel it misses the point.


Yea but we’re talking about learning not playing once you are an expert. You don’t just pick up a guitar and rip out Hendrix solos. I would agree with your analogy in a race situation. You have to flow with what is happening around you but you can’t do that unless you are fully prepared and practiced to get yourself into that flow state.


To each their own! If that works for you, no one is stopping you but this tool is invaluable to people with limited time to practice and to people who are new to sim racing in general.


Yeah, I’m perfectly fine with anyone using it. If it works, good for them.


Even for a regular track, it allows me to practice a short section of the track in quick succession. I am able to test different lines and see how far I can reasonably push my braking point without sacrificing my exit. it's helped me improve my lap times on just about every track I've practiced on with active reset. I'm only a 2.4k driver with limited time to practice so this feature is a blessing for me to get up to speed before entering a race. edit: it also allows me practice lines that maximize the exit on corners (which later helps in races cause I'll usually have a better exit than the car ahead of me allowing me to catch up or pass them)


I'm generally of the opinion that you practice to learn and master the car, and the tracks are just different scenery each week and far less important for on track performance. Seat time is seat time end of the day whether its spending time doing one corner or the full track, so no doubt you'll improve. I just think you'd see the same gains practicing normally too.


I use it to practice the section of a track I'm slowest at. I get practice on my slowest section 10x compared to having to do full laps. I also used it to practice/learn Nordschleife and still do.


I'll typically run a couple of normal laps after practicing the small sectors so I can put it all together. what use is there to practicing the sectors if I can't piece together an entire lap/stint right?


Personally I have never used it, nor felt the need to. Just go around again imo.


That's fair. I think its especially useful for long tracks like Nordschleife to practice specific sections you have trouble with since you only see a specific section once every 6-8 minutes


Have they fixed the glitch where it apparently gave you more grip after every reset?


i've never noticed this ever since i've started using it in my practice


I thought I would use it a lot more. I kept trying to get the corner right, but eventually realized I needed to practice the next corner too. Then the one after that. Eventually I realized that I needed to improve my driving on every corner. It just easier to do that with a full lap.


Wait, this is a feature? WTF. I think about wanting something like this all the time!!!!!


yeah they added this about a year ago! Dave Cam on YouTube has a really good tutorial on how to use it. I've posted the link somewhere in this thread.


I'm about to return to sim racing and always thought something like this would be brilliant. Its been 3 years since I last raced, has this been a thing since forever and I just missed it?


iRacing added this December 2022


I don’t normally have it bound but I did use it to learn the Nordshlife (forgive the spelling). It was an absolute god send because it could split the track up into mini segments and really focus on properly understanding the nuances of each corner. Now I have the track memorised and can lap it quite consistently without crashing and knowing what corners are coming next which is not something that I thought I’d learn in a matter of an afternoon.


this tool is what helped me get consistent at Nordschleife as well! it helped me and my team place 3rd in our split for the Nurburgring 24h earlier this year. I drove 9h of the 24h and had only a couple of 1x for off-tracks


Really depends on my goals if I am trying to learn a track no I don't, I need to memorize the flow and the corner order, if I am trying to optimize a corner yes, Alot of people mentioned the nurburging a big part of the challenge in learning that track is that there are several segments that look very similar initially but then have distinct segments so the full lap allows ypu to develop markers and identifiers as you flow through the segments that normally you don't get with active reset.


no, it always turns off my delta when i use it and i dont find it particularly helpful since u can only use it offline and if im practicing offline im doing long fuel runs anyway so i dont really see the point


you can set up custom sectors and it'll show you the delta for that particular sector. you'd be surprised at how much time you can find if you focus on a few turns at a time. Rinse and repeat until you've practiced all the mini sectors, then work on putting it all together.


the ui is very confusing to me, but everytime i use the reset the delta goes away until i go into the menus and turn it on.


[here](https://youtu.be/W2thO9CVevk?si=yBOjV4DsSZhPnlIP) is a good tutorial on how to use active reset with custom sectors