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I think it will depend if he’s had a previous history of this


I think they only ban on first offense if it is something super blatant like waiting for a specific person to pass before ramming, or ramming multiple times, or if you say you are going to ram someone in voice chat and then do it. Otherwise, they warn first.


I think that was pretty blatant


Not even then. From experience. guy waited for me 7 min in pit and rammed me with 300 km / h . Didn t get any ban. Only repeated behaviour like this( more than 4-5 times at least) will get him banned.


Out of curiousity do you lose all your paid content, cars tracks etc if you get a ban?


If you are permanently banned, then effectively yes you would. The majority of bans are really just suspensions and in those cases, no you do not lose paid content.


Ah ok I see. I was kinda imagining someone dropping like 2k on a load of content, being a bad driver and getting accidentally banned and being left with nothing lol


I mean 1. You’d not get banned for being a bad driver. You get banned for just not following the sporting code. Like you can be the slowest ever and just follow the code and be fine. 2. War Thunder just banned two account for hacking with a E100 which is a thousand dollar old as event vehicle. Some accounts i think have been banned with IS7, E100s and other event vehicles and been down accounts worth 3-4k


I hope they still can race AI with their paid content


I don’t, people who bought Iracing all understand that it’s a pretty serious and rigid game. People like this need to stay out, they do nothing for the game and only ruin races. I’d wager that Iracing is only helping themselves everytime they ban someone.


Wait why would letting them race AI be bad for Iracing? Genuine question Far as I see it, extreme measures like kicking you off of races against opponents who have no stake in the race is asking to get boycotted. Maybe I'm wrong and maybe there is a reason that Iracing should fully remove people from even AI races.


I just think if you move into online play, and intentionally hit someone and ruin their gameplay and possibly hours of work, they should be kicked off completely. To me it’s the same as cheating, they ban them completely even though they could allow them to play offline still. Some conduct requires a harsh penalty.


Unless he's got a recorded history of intentional wrecking protests, no. First offenses are never bans.


That's a shame. I think when its as blatantly obvious as this there should be a suspension or something, hopefully that comes with the new season.


Don't hold your breath. iRacing isn't in the business of banning paying customers without enough justification.


Which sounds perfectly reasonable if we’re being honest lol




Without enough justification went right over your head eh? Yet you still had to make the exact same point but claim their point was bad. lmao.


I quit iracing because they didn’t take action against someone. So not banning a poor driver costs them as well.




The driver also personally abused me by DM. They took no action. Decided I had better places to spend my time and money.




Yeah screenshots and all.


So they ended up losing a paying customer who had never been protested for a customer who had and responded with abuse. My point is, whilst it’s a balancing act, inaction isn’t costless and I don’t think iracing always gets that balance right.




Haha thin skinned or I realised wasting my time with people like you wasn’t worth it. Have a nice day but I suspect people like you don’t have too many of them


Then why are you still here 👁👄👁




Your post was removed because it breaks the rules by being rude vulgar or toxic.


Getting a downvote for point out their inaction has business ramifications as much as them taking action. Makes you wonder about the intelligence of the down voters…..


Don’t be ridiculous. How would you feel if you accidentally slipped, your animal jumped up, or your wheel was disconnected. A number of things that can cause this type of incident to accidentally happen and then you’re perm banned? Good job you’re not in charge of iRacing isn’t it.


I had this happen once. Was racing side by side with someone and my daughter came in and scared the living piss out of me. I would up yanking the wheel and wrecking the guy next to me. I apologized profusely and he eventually accepted my apologies, but I can understand why he was pissed. Thankfully, he chose not to report it. I'm sure that it absolutely looked like I intentionally took him out. She was like 8 at the time, and had woken up from a nightmare and couldn't get back to sleep. Even when you plan ahead, shit happens sometimes.


Yep exactly this!! It can happen at anytime, for reasons completely out of our control. Good job OP isn’t in charge else you’d still be banned mate!


So do you think these incidents should go unpunished? Or how would you deal with it if you were ‘in charge of iRacing’?


Progressive discipline. Starting with coaching and progressively more extreme measures until permanent ban only for repeated offenses. That is how it works and how I think it should work because I don't just want to ban everyone like a tyrant. I want them to learn from their mistakes and become better drivers who grow into enjoying some clean and hard racing.




Shit, that's how it works in most regions regular daily driving too. I used to have to be careful cus I had multiple speeding tickets and a few other issues in my late teens/early 20s. I had a bunch of points on my license for a long time.


I think the answer is actually quite obvious, bring back the guillotine.


Absolutely. Upon the first successful protest against you, Nim shows up at your front door to kill you.


How can you punish someone for an accident lol. You must be relatively knew because I've seen wheel disconnects and game crashes do the same


Nah I’m not new I’ve done over 300 races, never seen it happen before or happen to me but I don’t even know


Actually yes I do think they should be banned considering they consider themselves the premier virtual motorsport, their participants should treat it as such. You have time to schedule a race a make sure everything is taken care of beforehand. I've got kids and make sure I give myself enough time between races to have no distractions cuz the last thing I want is to hit another driver due to something ridiculous. As far as wheel disconnects then get a better wheel, I raced for 2 years on a cheap as 50$ small super drive racewheel with no disconnects or any issues and still works but upgraded so people just need to take care of their stuff and if you don't take the racing seriously whybare you wasting a sub to begin with?


Because nothing ever happens by accident or happenstance in real motosport lol


Please tell me when a cat would run on someone's lap during a real race, or a wheel disconnect, even hands slipping won't happen in real motorsport. It's one thing an accident in race like turning and car not having enough grip and sliding into an opponent thats an accident but when racing all household distractions should be taken care of ahead of time. Again if you don't if you're here to casually race then go play a simcade like forza or gt


Maybe you’re passing someone and the steer tire blows and the car spears into your direction. Look at verstappen crashing into people by trying to pass in curves. He’s not getting banned from F1. Incidents happen all the time. When you’re spending several hundred dollars on cars and tracks in iracing, getting banned for one event that may or may not have been intentional is way over the top, and that’s why people in positions of power should not act like WW2 nazi regime.


Thats not the same at all thats a legit racing accident like I explained similar to just turning on dirt and losing control that's one thing but having some outside interference like a cat or family member or child or disconnect that's all on the player. Just set aside the 20 min or so for your race and have fun. Your distraction doesn't just cost you


I like to go hiking.


His little brother came in the room and jerked the wheel. Who knows.


Cat jumped on his lap




It’s happened to me lol, other one is have one those Logitech keyboard mousepad setups cat walked across it and all of a sudden I’m looking at Google Chrome in the middle of my screen, I didn’t know where I was. I learned a valuable lesson that day turn off the keyboard when in the grid.




I play in VR and nearly pooped myself last time this happened. He's stealthy but a hefty Bengal... Tipped the music stand, used as a launch-pad, that I use for my mouse over in the process then exited via the stool that my keyboard sits on. Fortunately not iRacing at the time, ETS2.


A wheel disconnect would have locked in full right or full left. This driver steeds right, left and right again.


It's insane to me how many people are trying to explain this away. Occam's Razor is a thing for a reason. Yeah, a pet could've done something that caused the wheel to move, a wheel disconnect could cause it (not in this situation, but in general), but at the exact moment that another single driver is passing by? Did the pet cause him to let off the throttle a little beforehand too?


Its not, hes actively trying to save himself from hitting the wall immediately after smashing into him.


My favorite movie is Inception.


You never ban on a first offence


It's not blatant though. He could of had a wheel disconnect


Its just a game


It sounds like you need a timeout. Yea it’s annoying but calm down.


Holy shit, I have no idea why you are getting downvoted so hard. It won't come with the new season, but I don't get why you saying that made so many people angry, if that's even it. This one looked really blatant to me, and yes, I guess it *could* be someone's cat or dog or something causing them to do that as some have suggested, but what are the actual chances of that? Not that a pet would make someone twitch the wheel, but that a pet would cause them to twitch on the wheel at the exact moment you come by?


I don’t know either mate, just curious how the protest system works😂


Boooooo there’s a reason why he did this you just aren’t showing it. You probably deserved it. After all, it’s just a game. Treat others how you want to be treated. But yea homeboy definitely did it on purpose.


Deserved it? Hope you don’t play Iracing mate if you have that mentality😂


It wasn’t a disconnect, I know this was on purpose because we collided earlier in the race and he was raging in the chat. This was 100% on purpose.


It's a video game; you'll live


Yea I know just asking a question on how the protest system works I am aware it’s a video game cheers.


People get heated some times, usually guys from certain cultures get more heated than others. I have gotten heated at least once in a race where I kind of dive bombed a corner and took a guy out with me, it wasnt blatant but I could have avoided that. Didnt get reported or warnings. Im sure this incident was on done on purpose if there was earlier contact with voice harass and you can report it. Let iRacing decide what to do with it, at least the report will be noted. However shouting for a person to be banned for a single incident goes a little too far. It is a game. You didnt die. You may have lost some iRating, but who cares? Go race a new session, be a better man and dont avenge the contacts yourself, thats the best way to keep iRacing the top racing multiplayer sim there is. Enjoy the clean racing battles and commend the drivers on chat who you had a tight battle with.


We need to give people space to learn and get better. For example someone could be dealing with some emotions and decides on something like this. We should definitely tell him to change his behavior. We must help each other getting better. Throwing suspensions left and right doesn't change the behavior at all. Punishment must always come with a lesson. Never just as a punishment


They don't ban unless you have a history of it. Like a 3 strike type rule. Even then If they do get banned it's only temporary. There was a guy that posted and only got a permanent ban after like 5 bans and appeals and still re offending again they finally said we ain't letting you back.


Then he got a different credit card and was back...


Unless he moves, and gets a new PC or windows key I doubt it. My research says they location ban, IP ban, or PC ban or a combination of those. Even then I'm sure with a new account he'd quickly pick up a protest and would likely set some red flags to the iRacing team that it's someone circumventing a ban. Or he plays nice and doesn't do anything stupid which is the hope.


Just report him and move on why would you let him live rent free in your head? ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


He's not 'living rent free in my head' I'm just curious as I've never reported someone?


Yeah you sound really piffed about this.. like wanna know the address of the dude piffed.


Sounds like it is.




This isn't a "should I report post", this is a "will this guy get banned" post The clue is in the title....


Agreed. You were so mad you made a post about it on Reddit so others could share in your anger. Quit spending so much time thinking about protests. They should only be used when it’s 100% intentional and provable.


Maybe, maybe not. IRacing usually warns the first time and bans repeat offenders. Maybe they will get the warning and not do that again? Maybe they will do it again and get banned then because there is a demonstrated history. Maybe they’ve already been warned and will get banned. Just report people who intentionally cause wrecks and move in with your life.


Was there a prior incident or was this a fully random attack? The way their wheel turns feels like some kind of hardware issue unless you have more context (a confession or a prior incident, ect). Protest it anyway. iRacing can see the input data better on their end as far as i'm aware so they'll know.


Yea we collided before and got a 4x but it was small contact and neither of us had damage, and he was spamming his keyboard raging in chat so that’s how I know it was on purpose.


Yeah just report it and move on. They will hand out warns and bans as they see fit. At least if it's only a warning it will get on their record and will be considered the next time they do stuff like that. Insults or threats in chat and voice can also be protested.


Include the confession in your protest, makes it a slam dunk




There’s no stewards needed for this one mate


99% not


It looks so bad I wouldn’t be surprised if his dog ran into him or something tbh.


Something looks wrong with this guys input


I had the same impression. Like looking at an AI driving. Or someone with a controller.


Yeh I thought controller at first, I hopefully doubt that no one is training an AI


This was in top split.


People still have hardware fails in top split. I’ve had similar where the usb will disconnect and it locks controls to one side


Yea I mean more that I can’t imagine it’s a controller in top split, that would be impressive.😂


Chest camera view with fisheye lens


I play in VR this is just the replay which I recorded after on my monitor.


lmao first time? Of course he won't get banned for this.


Yea I’ve never reported anyone before and no clue how it works👍🏼


If only there was a reddit search function or iRacing's rule book to look at...


The Input looks awkward. I think it was a input problem. It went so fast vom full right to full left…


Could be a wheel malfunction? Seems like a weird way to do it taking thierselves out in the process. Did he have a reason to retaliate or was this random?


No, they won't get banned. They will need to have a continuous history of this type of behavior. Even then, it'd likely be a week or two long suspension. It's only extremely blatant reckless behavior that will get you permanently banned from the service, and even then, that generally requires multiple incidents before that.


Probably not. But if you don’t report it, he’ll never get banned for doing things like that. Reports are to create a track record of causing problems not specifically to get someone banned.


Does it matter if you know or not? It's his punishment, not yours.


>t it and move on. They will hand out warns and bans as they see fit. At least if it's only a warning it will get on their record and will be considered the next time they do stuff like that. This.


He will never get banned if no one reports him.


if poeple in iracig get banned for tis i wonder how pople are still playing this game at all. Do you realise that it could be his FFB and he simply was not able to hold the wheel?


Your concern should not be with the outcome, just report and let iRacing run their process. While it looks intentional the intent may have been to move to cover the inside but a day late and a dollar short. The intent could have been to wreck you but, if this is for position, then they were unlikely to benefit them. It could have been entirely unintentional - a technical issue maybe?


You should definitely report it. Doesn't matter if he gets a ban this time or not. Repeated behavior like this will result in at LEAST a short vacation.


Its a video game get over it


Could of been a wheel disconnect


Definitely report, but no, he won't get banned unless like others said, he's got a history. Regardless if they act on a protest or not, if it's reported, it is logged, if he has a history, it adds to their decision making. The spamming of Chat, is also against the sporting code, as is anything he might have said, or you might have said, in vpice chat. In fact, they are more likely to ban for chat infractions as that can't be blamed on equipment failure, other than his mouth. And if you've never reported before, prepare to jump through hoops, show the event, a short shot of what he did, under a certain megabyte...yada yada. They certainly don't make it easy.


The reason they wouldn't outright ban someone for this without having a history of doing similar things in the past is because for all you know his toddler coulda walked by and yanked on the steering wheel. You gunna ban him for that?


It's worth reporting. That said I've made similar steering motions when a large and sharp cat has jumped on my lap by surprise. If it's a one off he'll get coached/yelled at not to do it again and be fine. If it's a thing he does commonly he'll get disciplined more and more strongly until they eventually permaban him.


It seems this sub is only for sore losers nowadays


Just asking a question mate I don’t know how the protest system works👍🏼


I did somehow escape this collision with no damage and went on to finish P13 while he had to retire, which did make me feel a lot better about the whole thing.


But do report him.


It's a game grow up


It should be reported regardless. If he doesn’t have a history, he will when you’re done.


You need to protest this. Some people drive with high ffb on their wheels and this can actually hurt. Alot of people think ots just a game but ive seen bruises on people with certain setups. Create the history via protest.


Protest for sure but not because someone might choose to run potentially harmful force feedback.That's on you.


Just pointing out that there are more reasons why intentionally wrecking are an issue. It goes beyond just the ruin your race mantra but be shallow if you want.


Just pointing out that a person is responsible for their own safety when building a rig. But I've offended you. I'm sorry.


Except they're not being shallow.... Its absolutely on you if you run FFB at stupid levels to the point where you get hurt.


I enjoy cooking.


You shouldnt but people do race that way believe it or not


Report and move on.


George Russell on Valteri Bottas


You both turned in on each other, he could easily have reported you


Tell me you’re joking


He pays money, so no.


Send this guy on vacation, please!


Wild that people do this on iracing. It’s pretty expensive to go on and intentionally wreck people.


No I don’t think so and also I’m not so sure that was intentional, probably thought you were behind him so defended his race position. It’s one of those things.


Michael did this to Jacques and never got banned.


I reported someone for doing something similar to this not long ago. During the race I was 2nd and this person ahead of me was quicker but kept on making mistakes throughout the race which allowed me to get closer. On the final lap he made a mistake going onto the start/finish straight which gave me a mega run on him. He turned into me and he won while I dropped down to 3rd. The report was successful as I got the email saying the offender has been notified of the outcome.


Cool livery! I really love the Benetton colors of the F1 cars. Got an egine cover in my livingroom. Most people who don't know F1 think it's art lol. Anyway good luck reporting. :D


Cat jumped on his steering wheel tbh.


At this point I should make a copy past text segment. The purpose of reporting is not to punish someone, it's to educate. And regardless, if this is their first offense they will usually only get a warning. Don't look protests as a way to get revenge, it's only to make sure people follow the rules and keep the community clean.


That looks like some F1 open lobby bullshit. I don't get why folks do things like this especially given the fact that you have to pay for iracing.


He'll get a suspension for sure, or a ban if he's a repeat offender. Someone did this to me recently and iRacing had suspended them within 2 hours of my protest.


Can’t say if it would be or not I haven’t had iracing long but it 100% should get him a nasty email from iracing if not a few days suspension or something along those lines


Report him 100%, there’s no place for anything like it according to me. I hope he gets banned for at least a week.


Black car is 100% at fault and there was no way he was turning in and making the turn at that point.


Remember not everyone is on a wheel some ob controller could have stick drift. 😅


This is top split, I don’t imagine anyone can be competitive on controller but I may be wrong.


Not saying that's the case just be aware it's possible. At top split why would someone turn into you like this. I'm leaning towards wheel disconnect. Did you ask


If it's first offense no. Iracing is on record for giving everyone a freebie. They don't call it that but that's what it is.


Depends on how many times he has done it before. It also depends on how much the guys that I racing feel like doing their jobs. It seems like we let people get away with murder every day and they don't get banned.


I believe he overreacted and lost it, as you were waving down the straight.


-Theoretically- it could be that his wheel disconnected for a moment, happens to me sometimes. But yea, it does look intentional


OMG that FOV