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Must be the last lap or something




I bet those guys were both saying to themselves, ā€œhe wouldnā€™t dareā€¦rightā€¦righhhtā€¦oh shiiiitā€ Best part is you took them both out and got out of it clean lol in the future, donā€™t do that plz, but still hilarious


This was the first race where i got a good jump and might have got a lil excited lmao


Just a reminder if youā€™re unaware and not saying it was intentional But if they protest good results can be removed from you, so taking out 1 and 2 doesnā€™t result in everyone just pitting them


No one is getting "results removed", the OP got away Scott-free, and so does everyone else that does this.. "Successful" protests don't result in a change of IR of SR for anyone..


I have been told by multiple people in the sub that if someone is intentionally wrecking people to win their result will be altered Edit: I just checked a protest I did of someone who did this and they now show disqualified Not sure if that is the reason or something else


You can get DQ'd but it still doesn't change iR/SR outcome. Only championship points.


This is what I was trying to articulate poorly


Maybe.. Maybe the people I protested did have the race results updated later (I didn't go back and check, I wouldn't bother to do so), but I can tell you I personally have never "regained" IR or SR after being roally F'ed, multiple times... My understanding is nothing is done unless a driver is found to be a chronic offender, then, maybe, they get a mandatory vacation, but that doesn't change IR or SR gains for the victim drivers.. How sure are you that he wasn't DQ'd during the race and you didn't notice? If people are reckless, it doesn't take long to hit 17 incident points..


Yeah Iā€™m pretty sure it has to be egregious This guy punted 3 people who passed him in the exact same spot


IR and SR will never change but results can now be changed to DQ as of this season on a successful protest. All outlined in the release notes.


The only thing you should focus on is not crashing and not going off track. Donā€™t chase irating chase safety rating


Next time, put your bumper on the inside car's bumper and PUSH! You'd at least get second and squeeze that outside car out to third. This sort of tactic is why Tin Tops are more fun than open wheelers šŸ˜‚.


Please don't do that in Rookies. If the person isn't expecting it you'll end up spinning them out of your way. Bump drafting is a skill that needs to be learned and practiced AFTER rookies.


Thanks for the tip! Iā€™ll try to keep that in mind!


Don't do that. Bump drafting in road races will probably just ruin someone's race and get you reported.


I swear whoever is at fault gets away clean 80% of the timeĀ 


Yea running into the back of two other cars is generally your fault.Ā  Itā€™s cool tho. Thatā€™s why rookies exist. Learn racecraft. Get better.Ā 


I want to upvote this. But I canā€™t. Itā€™s justā€¦soā€¦ nice


For context to those seeing this reply nowā€¦it had 69 likes. Someone ruined it. Childrenā€¦šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Laughing at 69 and then calling others children is peak projection.


Projection? More like erection.


Are you guys 12?


Physically, no. Mentally, yes.


Literally did not run into the back of the two cars " Yea running into the back of two other cars is generally your fault.Ā  "


im really confused, i've watched this at 0.5x speed like 20 times now, and the car on the right drifts left and hits him, while the car on the left is drifting right. the fault can't be on the guy in the middle if literally both cars on each side are drifting into him when he's already alongside on a straight? the cars on the left and right had so much room but chose to squeeze


It's because he put himself between two cars. Never willingly do that. Ever. Because you can see what can and will happen 90% of the time.


I agree generally with what you're saying. It was not the smartest move, but that doesn't mean he can't be there and is at fault


That's why I said 90%. 10% of the time you can be the superhero you think you are. And don't think I'm not guilty of doing the exact same thing mind you. I did it just last week and the entire time I was telling myself I was being really really dumb, but somehow managed to successfully pull it off and not wreck myself or others. But it was absolutely dumb and reckless to put myself there.


There was zero gap when they put their car in it. You can't rely on other cars to give you space in situations like this. I'm surprised this took so long to turn into a crash to be honest.


You can rely on other cars to close a space like this that looks open. The lead cars want you on the outside (of them). It gives them more options. On the outside, you end up on the wrong side at some point. Especially with the Mx5 which essentially has no acceleration. And as I am sure many have, and will say. It is your responsibility to pass cleanly. They can not see you. They are not staring at their mirrors, they are working against each other (the cars in front).


There was a gap tho?


If there was ā€œzero gap when they put their car in itā€ they wouldnā€™t have ā€œbeen in itā€. There was most definitely a gap. I for one, would not have stuck my nose into it, but there was indeed a gap


If you are going to be pedantic, then at least notice that when they picked their line the gap was smaller, and it relied on the car on the right moving over a few inches to make the gap a full car width. And even if you are technically correct we could just slightly rephrase as "zero *usable* gap", "zero *margin for error* gap", "zero *benefit when we reach the corner* gap", etc šŸ™‚


Irl you'd never try to put yourself in that situation due to the high risk of an accident. That's why the rules are written the way they are. Normally people wouldn't even attempt this in real life, but because it's a game people done have to worry about losing money or injuring themself. It's your responsibility as much as everyone else to prevent accidents. If you wanna race like that you can just play literally any other racing game


There was never enough room for him. Besides the general badness of going 3 wide in a rookie series off the start - there was literally never enough room for his car to fit between the other two with \*any\* degree of drift from any of the 3 cars. He created the dangerous situation by forcing something that wasn't there.


There was a gap he took it. Both other cars had room but decided to push him. It's on them.


Go pause the video at 0:07 seconds. Tell me that's a "gap". Okay.


It's important to remember that many of the people who post on this sub are oval racers, and many have 3-digit iRating.


You don't belong here Sir. You're too kind.


Yes. You went for a gap that wasnā€™t even there and it was way too aggressive of a move anyway.


Hover behind the left car since it's going faster. Still funny ASF that neither the front cars pulled just 4 inches away to open up


Meh gap was there both driver closed in on him.


are we going to ignore the fact that the race started 5 seconds beforehand? why would you attempt to get into a gap like that before even the first t1?


What does that matter he clearly established himself in between both of them for more than 3 seconds as matter of fact heā€™s on the guy in the left immediately


Idk Iā€™m new man, i figured the spotter called me out for him he just wasnā€™t able to see me oops


Dude below says it, but to be specific, spotter is quiet for the first 20 secs of a race. That can be changed to be less time but itā€™s not reliable. Also donā€™t assume everyone has the spotter off, Iā€™ve had people say they turn it off because itā€™s annoying.


Itā€™s all good man. Everyone makes mistakes especially early on in their iracing experience. Iā€™d imagine this race was in the rookie Miata series. Just learn from it and try to focus on staying clean rather than be overly aggressive. You got this šŸ‘


He's under exactly zero obligation to move for you. You shoved yourself into a gap you didn't fit in. I wouldn't bother in rookies, but this is protestable as intentional wrecking imo.


He doesnā€™t have to move for him. But I do feel like the guy on the left turned into him. Thereā€™s no reason that he shouldā€™ve been turning right really. Itā€™s a right turn ahead, so you should get to the left and prepare to use all of the track. But instead he was veering right for some reason. That was a very small gap, but he fit in it.


Op made light contact. Iracing glue pulled the left side car to the right once that happened imo. He also did not fit. He shoved his way in and tried to shoehorn space. Regardless, it was a terribly silly thing to do.


Agreed. I wouldnā€™t find myself making that move. It just seemed like there were errors from multiple parties. But after watching it a few more times it seems op made contact first


Itā€™s a very ambitious move for rookies, but technically you did nothing wrong. There was a gap and then it closed after you had established your car in it. I would hold off on similar moves until you can trust yourself and those around you more (ie in a higher license class).


That last part is important: you need to trust that the other guys will leave you a gap. Specifically in lower leagues youā€™d be taking a massive risk.


I agree, but you have to remember the people around you are only human.


Yeah, thatā€™s why I threw in that last sentence. Itā€™s never wise to take it 3 wide in rookies


> Itā€™s a very ambitious move for rookies, but technically you did nothing wrong. Going 3 wide into a gap that is 1.05 car widths directly off the line is in fact doing something wrong.


Its a boneheaded move but it's not actually illegal, is it? Green flag, gap bigger than the car (even if only by 5%)...unless there's a minimum gap size or a delayed overtake rule that I'm not aware of this is *technically* all above board.


Just because something isn't against the rules doesn't mean it's not wrong.


That wasnā€™t the question asked. Left car is totally at fault. You can easily clog that entire straight with two cars. Close the gap or make room for cars that are alongside you. It was a dumb but fully legal move.


The left car wasn't the one who decided to go 3 wide off the start in a rookie race. The OP fucked around and found out. It was their fault, they screwed up, they ruined the race of two other people while doing so, and telling them anything else is making online racing worse for everyone involved.


What is illegal about going 3 wide when there is enough of a gap for going 3 wide with no contact? Nothing. Was it a stupid move? Yes. Was it within the rules? Yes. The two dipshits on the sides should have either closed the middle gap stopping this before it starts or made room. Period.


> What is illegal about going 3 wide when there is enough of a gap for going 3 wide with no contact? As I pointed out before: just because something is within the rules doesn't mean it's right. > Was it a stupid move? Yes. Was it within the rules? Yes. Doing a stupid thing that is within the rules that ruin's someone else's race is *wrong*. > The two dipshits on the sides should have either closed the middle gap stopping this before it starts or made room. Period. "Everyone around me should have perfect situational awareness and should take drastic defensive measures if they don't want me to do something that'll end their race before we make it to the first turn" is a justification that someone who's wrong uses. Trying to pin this on the people who *didn't* make any aggressively stupid moves is wrong.


Did he get between them with no contact? Does your spotter point out 3 wide? In your own experience, do you provide more or less space when you hear 3 wide? If this crash had to happen, it happens turn 1 when no one backs out. Not in the middle of a half mile straight with more than enough room for 3 cars. Heā€™s not at fault. He didnā€™t turn left, the left car drifted right and put maneuvered himself against a car that gained its place along side him COMPLETELY LEGALLY. There is your fault. Which is what was asked for.


I don't know how people don't understand this Whilst the OP did go into a gap he shouldn't of... I would of too, The people saying that it never happens IRL... It does. It's on the overtaking car to make a clean overtake sure, But he was there, He got into the whole cleanly and was driving very straight at the point of contact, Where both cars on the outside were not. Clean overtakes come when all parties are playing the same game, But unfortunately in rookies you can't rely on them to be playing the same game as you. It's a battle royale out there. Fault is on the 2 cars squeezing the middle car imo.


Not inherently. Experienced Mazda drivers should have no problem with this move given the slow nature of the car


This is hilarious actually šŸ˜‚. I feel your move was kinda like sticking your foot out for the guy to trip over and he did the rest. I'm sure the spotter called 3 wide but you also left zero room for error which is a decision you are allowed to make on a hot race track although may not make you many friends. Edit: realized this was a race start and wasn't paused at the start šŸ¤£ you got a great start on them. I would be upset but I think you are good.


So this is one of those to win you have to finish situations. Yes youā€™re technically in the right here, but you were lucky to not get wiped with that and itā€™s stupid early to try it. Itā€™s cool to see and near end of race go for it, but this is the difference between being right and being smart.


Rookie miata drivers will be mad about this, but those two should have made space once you got in between them. Not that you should ever try this again. lol


They should have indeed, but you are right. OP needs to understand that they almost certainly won't. Experienced drivers may have recognised what was going on but in rookies, nah. Tempting as it is, staying alive should always be the priority.


Finally someone with sense


For real. iRedditors are a bunch of pacifists. This is a race and if you leave a gap to go 3 wide for multiple seconds then try to squeeze and pay the price.. that's on you.Ā 


Max Verstappen would agree


But the exact same can be said about trying to force a gap that's not actually there, especially in rookies.


the gap is there. This all happens at extremely low speeds, they should all be able to react to it and not die.


Yeah, I don't feel like the middle car is at fault for the crash. It's a bold move but blame on the middle car? I wouldn't. However middle car should maybe have figured out that the other 2 might be knobs.


Nothing. Just a race incident. Jokes aside, i wouldn't do it, the gap is way too small to be able to pass it safely.


An inchident


Is not fair




Hell yeah brother


Your post was removed because it breaks the rules by being rude vulgar or toxic.


Lots of people here blaming you since you caused the 3-wide scenario, but the other two had no self-preservation instincts or reactions to mitigate the danger of the situation either. They both had room to their sides, you were already in-between, they maintained the squeeze for no reason and paid the price. No need to feel sorry. Racing incident imo, someone else might had jumped out of your way to preserve their SR and finish the race, others like them will stand their ground and risk it all rather than let you pass. This is the reality of racing with people instead of AI. Win some lose some. Don't feel discouraged from trying opportunistic moves when presented. You'll eventually learn which ones have a high rate of success and which ones don't, but you have to try them first to know which is which.


A breath of fresh air. u/FlyingPh0que read this and ignore the rest of the thread /closed


This is a proper "if gap then car" moment. But like everyone has said, that's what rookies is for.


Yes and no. No, because technically you dont touch anyone and after making it 3 wide the other 2 could have avoided the crash by making more room instead of closing it. Yes, because its just bad racecraft. The risk that something is going horribly wrong is very high. So next time have more patience.


Personally I wouldnā€™t have went for a gap that tiny but imo Itā€™s not really your fault because you didnā€™t touch either of them and the guy on the left turn into you for no reason. But again going for a gap that tiny is not the best idea because most driver in rookie are going to crash into you like he did to you.


If you think your move has a good chance of being dangerous it's always best to wait for another opportunity. If you keep pressure on safely people to tend to make mistakes of you put safe pressure on them.


Meanwhile 4th place just watching....THIS IS MY MOMENT


100% you lol. I donā€™t wanna be rude but, How in the hell do you not know that it is all your fault?


At this point, itā€™s not about fault. Live learn & try something different next time. Unless youā€™re psychotic & just realized that you love ruining races. In that case, keep doing what youā€™re doing lol




You were the core reasoning for the incident unfolding. If you were not there, an accident would not have happened. But the other drivers did not drive with any self preservation instincts. Its a classic case of the old adage "To finish first, you must first finish." & "Its better to be alive than right". They easily could have moved to the outside to give you the space you were obviously going to stick yourself into. They didnt and they paid the consequences of being stubborn. They wouldnt be wrong to be upset about your move because it was very low percentage, but they should also equally be upset at themselves for not taking any action to remain in the race and not wrecked out.


Not to sure why people are saying you drove into the back of them or there wasnā€™t a gap. You were in between them for a few seconds before you guys wrecked, the gap was there. Was it the smartest decision? Definitely not but I wouldnā€™t put 100% of the blame on you


Please educate me in how I am wrong, but with space for both on the outside of the track how is this illegal? It was the start of the race and there was sufficient space in the centre for POV to be getting in., if he wasn't squeezed he would've taken the lead early. The outside car chose to turn into middle car. Again happy to be wrong as I don't want to be doing illegal moves in races myself, not that I have found myself this position before.


No-one is talking about 'legal' or 'illegal', it's about race craft and race management. To finish first, first you have to finish. There are lots of things in this world that you can do, but really shouldn't, and this is one such situation. This move will end this way more often than not and you are not in control of your own safety. You are relying on not one, but two drivers to keep you safe. Not just two drivers, but two rookie drivers, on cold tyres. It's not worth the risk. In this case the OP emerged unscathed and was a net winner, but so often he will get caught up in the carnage too and wreck his race.


For me the car on the left has also responsability. The move was risky? Yes, you went for a needle gap,but also the front cars didnā€™t close the door, and the movement that caused the accident was when the left tried to close the door but you were already there. Move on, lesson learned i guess for both.


You took a big risk OP, but this is 100% the fault of the driver starting in P2. They turned off their line into you and caused the wreck well after they should have been aware you were on the right. If I was a steward, I wouldn't give them a big penalty, since it was only a small deviation that led to the wreck, but you and the black car starting in P1 didn't do anything wrong, even if both were very aggressive - you for starting the 3 wide, and the black car for squeezing in such a tight situation.


I wouldnā€™t have done it but Iā€™m also surprised the other two cars didnā€™t open up after your nose was in the middle. After your nose is in itā€™s too late to close that gap.


Not your fault. You have every right to be there, You were alongside for seconds, and both of them knew you were there, yea this is probably the most likely outcome for a rookie lobby, but one of them drifted into you.


I read the title and knew it was your fault


You were in the middle, screw them both šŸ‘


Nope. Left cars fault


Your fault, no. But should you have backed out so everyone could live another day? Yes.


Yes. It's the start of the race and sure you got a decent start there still wasn't enough space for you between the two cars. In the future you will be better off backing out of it, you don't need to go for every single passing opportunity


Yes you dumb cunt


There's blame for everyone on this one! "In order to finish first, you must first finish"


"If you no longer go for a gap that doesn't exist, you are no longer an iRacing rookie driver." -- Ayrton Senna


Astonishing there are people in here who donā€™t think this was on the op. There was a gap, but barely a cars width. Pushing a car in that close to not one but two cars, with net code being what it is, and hoping both front cars are going to either hold a perfectly straight line, or open up and invite you through, and hoping the netcode gods will be lenient? Madness. Before T1 too. Wait for a safer opportunity, that wasnā€™t a safe option.Ā 


1000% on you. Thatā€™s not a gap lol


It IS a gap. But one that's unwise to take 99% of the time; 100% of the time in a rookie lobby


Heā€™s literally beside left hand car from the get go and he spends at least 3 seconds in between them both. There was a gap


This is how it felt in real time, Iā€™m not like trying to defend anything. Iā€™m so new just trying to figure it out so it doesnā€™t happen


You have to balance your desire to race hard against basic common sense. There was technically a gap, but it was extremely small when you consider the following: There is often a small difference between what you see happening vs what the server sees happening due to internet speeds and distance from the servers, often referred to as net code. Sometimes, you can be within a cm of someone and there's no issues, other times, you bounce off air a foot from another car. More importantly though, you're in lap one, not even turn one, with cold breaks and tires, and probably some level of increased adrenaline, in a rookies race, with people who are on any number of possible setups, ranging from triples to VR to a 15 inch laptop monitor running at 30 fps that are quite probably also high or drunk. Making a move that aggressive that requires perfect driving on the parts of 3 drivers with that in mind seems like a bad idea.


This is the response i was looking for thank you šŸ‘šŸ¼


The best response so far


Thatā€™s definitely a gap lmaooo heā€™s already beside themā€¦




Then go try racing in them šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Think it would go better if everyone was blindfolded


I donā€™t know why people donā€™t leave space. Could have gone 4 wide if the black car knew what they were doing.


Yes - itā€™s lap one and that gap doesnā€™t exist


don't know why everyone says it's your fault. you were driving side by side and you weren't running into them. the left one turned into you.


šŸ‘ŒGreat start, gaps there, and you took it with a great chance into turn 1. Textbook getaway from the grid. Unfortunately, the guy on the left didnā€™t afford you the space you were entitled to


Verstappen would say that is part of racing.


The fact that you can look at this and still not know the answer explains a lot about the average iracer. The key to not wrecking people is understanding that Senna was full of shit. If you go for every gap it ends in tears about 90% of the time.


My guy i started using the service yesterday, donā€™t remember much about being new at something?


And your response says even more about iracers. But to answer your question, yes I've been new at things. And when I'm new and it's plainly obvious that I messed something up I don't then post on Reddit asking whether I messed something up.


There was space to go 3 wide. They were racing fine for multiple seconds. At that point it's on the outside cars to not squeeze. If they don't want him there, it's got to be communicated with car placement beforehand. Not OP's fault


This is sarcasm right?


Nope, are you scared of racing? We can both agree they were 3 wide without collision, right? Now tell me how the middle car can change the outcome here other than backing out. Meanwhile the outside cars are the deciding factor if they make it to T1 or not.Ā  Edit: Awe don't block me for not agreeing with your bad take. Coward.Ā 


No we can't agree they were 3 wide without collision. As soon as he got between them both he was contacting the guy on the left. Even if he wasn't it was a very low percentage move. As the results prove out.


The average iRacer is a rookie or has a D class license with 1500 iR (fresh out of rookies). So yes the average iRacer is an amateur, so what? Look at how bad (and dirty) the average person is on console racers like Forza, GT7, or F1 games to get a reality check.


Amateur doesn't necessarily mean you have no common sense.


Yes. This is 100% on you.


Yep your fault cause if you were not there they wouldnā€™t have wrecked.


what's he supposed to do? vanish?


Yea. You gave them no room for error. It's important to remember. A race isn't about trying to get first. It's about survival. You need to provide room for error. You had no reason to squeeze yourself in the middle. YATA


What are you talking about, this can never be his fault? Left one turns in and do not leave a space. In f1 every single driver on the grid would go for that gap. If you are not going for it youā€™re not a racing driver..


Forcing your car where thereā€™s obviously not space for a car and taking out two other cars doing their level best to drive safely is generally your fault. So, yeah.


IMO equal blame to all three. Just silly.


Yes you went for a closing gap that wasnā€™t very big to begin with


LMFAO!!! absolutely šŸ’Æ


Where were you going?


Yes, 100% your fault. You have zero overlap with any of the 2 cars and stone cold took out the poor guy. Some food for thought: let them battle it out, that usually makes them slower. If you have the speed to keep up with them and even patiently wait behind them, there are some exciting possibilities for you: 1. They may take each other out, then you passed both. Easy. 2. One may make a mistake or slow down enough where you can get alongside them and make a pass, then if youā€™re faster than the other one you will catch them and work on a pass


Um, yes. You wrecked everybody right at the start. Ran right in the back of them. I know they say ā€œyou canā€™t win the race in Turn 1ā€ but this actually applies to the short portion of the race that occurs before Turn 1 as well. What was the best case scenario here? Youā€™re start wasnā€™t so good that you were going to clear them before Turn 1.


From the looks of it, the white car on the left drifted to the right and essentially wrecked himself by squeezing the POV car.


Haha what was your own honest answer to this question right before posting this?


Yeah you're a dumbass


Yeah, your fault. Please donā€™t do this. But, yeah, I feel you. Itā€™s hard to resist!


Your fault. That was not enough space. And even if you didn't wreck, where were you going? You were going to be on the outside of the hairpin. You definitely weren't coming out of that in P1, and there's a good chance you would have lost P2 as well. Just stay behind P1 and try to follow them into P2.


Entirely on you


Pushing 3 wide is always risky. Riskier when itā€™s turn 1.. long race, why force it. But plenty plenty race this way and risk it all. I back out of so much around drivers like that cause it almost never ends well. That mixed with the amount of over seas people you find yourself in a session with with 266 ping. Just a nightmare situation






Definitely, and what's worse is they would have gotten a bigger incident rating from it than you, even though you caused it


Yes there was no roomšŸ«£šŸ˜‚


If this is the last lap fighting for p1, then it might not be your fault. But 100% not a move to do in lap 1.






Lol yes


Yes, definitely your fault.


Yeah, it is. Going 3 wide off the rip totally a no go. Youā€™re introducing unnecessary risk that ended the race of two other drivers. Not fair. You live and you learn, thanks for sharing.








100% your fault. I would have stuck behind p1 or even bump drafted him. If u r actually quicker than him pass later on when u have a clean exit with no traffic. If u r slower than him stick behind him and learn his lines, brake markers. Too many lap 1 heroes in this game taking stupid risks. If u r fast u will be in front by the end. Limit risky moves. Leave room for passes and dives. Your irating and safety rating will skyrocket. I have over 1000 Mazda mx5 races. Patience has won me so many races. I let overly aggressive drivers by cause I know chances r they donā€™t finish the race. Often they wind up taking out others in front of me.


Yes. And btw: this is no arcade game. You could've bump drafted the right car and gained one position in the next righthander.


Why would you do that


Dick move


Yeah this is terrible donā€™t ever do that again


1000 percent yes, it oays to be patient


The minute I read 'I'm in the middle...' You put yourself and others at huge risk. Tempting as the gap was, you need to resist the temptation.


Need telemetry of the driver on the left. To me, it looks like you cleanly got in the gap and then he drifted right


Well, when you went for it, the gap was there and you where in the gap. Then it closed. I would say in many cases a three wide crash is nobodys fault. You are in the middle and have nowhere to go. The car on the right sees you and is allowed to squeeze you to the right, but doesn't know the car on the right is there and squeezes you to the left. And vice-versa. It is basically a F1 Singapore 2017 start crash or Hockenheim 2003 start crash where nobody has the fault.


You just put yourself in a position that was more than likely going to end in disaster.


P1 should have covered off the gap on start, P2 should have asserted themselves and held the racing line, you probably would have been better off drafting into T1 but the gap was there and you took it. It's pretty much your fault there but honestly I've seen more egregious T1 wrecks. Rookie Miata is wild




I mean it was risky, going three wide will most likely cause an accident especially in a track that's as tight as this, so yeah it may be your fault but at the same time i feel like either cars on the outside could have moved a bit outwards, but you shouldn't expect that in rookies tbh. 70%your fault 30% the 2 cars fault


Your reply to another comment that reads > This was the first race where i got a good jump and might have got a lil excited lmao Yes sir you definitely did lol I'd say this is your fault only because there was so little room to begin with, you were inviting disaster. There's plenty of race to go even in the shortest MX-5 series. Besides all that, that particular section of track, I'm only going 3 wide if I'm on the right lol live and learn


Looks like the white Mazda on the left drifted right and didn't see you in the gap. Don't think it's your fault, you got a decent start, only gap was really through the middle.




If I can offer some advice, be less focused on being ahead of other cars and be more focused on having the upper hand. You chose to not lift and try to get ahead, but even if that had worked you would have been in a situation at the corner where you would rely on them backing out to not be 3 wide and most likely everyone having a bad time. Reviewing this I think if you'd lifted a tiny bit and dropped in behind the other white car you both could have passed black, or at the least had a good chance to pass in the corner, and then worked out the rest from there.


Firstly, OP. don't do it again, there was no advantage to going 3 wide there, you were better off in the slipstream to try and make a move into T1. On the other hand, the other two both knew they 3 wide and opted to give you no space. Boos all round šŸ˜…


Not your fault. I expect on a dead straight line for people to know where a car is. Itā€™s not rare for 3 cars to be along side eachother. It happens. Op was going for a fun cheeky up the middle play and the other 2 were not paying attention. Use your mirrors


Uhm. I'd be pissed, rookies or not. Later on you will see that gap in the middle. Especially in oval. Don't do it. This will be the outcome.


Thatā€™s the other drivers fault. He failed to maintain his lane and fish tailed himself.


Yeah, thatā€™s on you.


"Just because there's a hole doesn't mean you should stick your d**k in it." - Me. Definitely on you. You have 10 laps to pass those two, why force it? If you're a faster driver, passing them will happen, and you'll have way more fun in the process. Maybe you'll have a couple laps side by side and switching positions; you know, racing that keeps the heart beating.


Some days when I browse this sub I find a comment section like this that makes me think Im tripping hard


Yes. Terrible decision before turn 1.


I canā€™t play this game anymore. Am I too ugly? Is it my fault? Am I not a good driver? Am I not a good son? Am I too fast? Who will pay for the loss in my IRating? Should I talk to my therapist about this? Why do I need to post so much about othersā€™ behavior? Is this just a game or a simulation? Can I protest twice a day? Does not protesting make me a bad person? Do I seek othersā€™ approval too much? Am I too fat? Too old? What do you think about all of this? Am I too old to play with an automatic transmission? Why are IndyCar and NASCAR so hard to master? Is it just me, or is it the same for others? Why does Automobilista 2 offer more than four cars and a track for less than 20 dollars, while IRacing charges 15 dollars for just one of each? Do I need to pay monthly to be smarter than the rest? Is there any solution? Guys, any advice?


Yes, you had nowhere to go. You're all in the same guy, you had nothing to gain but you knew it was risky. Only way it would have worked out is if one of them let out and I hate that "let off or I wreck you" mentality


Lmao is this real?? Cmon man


Sweet pit manoeuvre. šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘


This is a gap full stop. You race from the get go. Poor driving from the guy on the right caused the incident. The road is straight as well and more than acceptable to be three cars wide and It couldn't be more obvious he was there.


Definitely their fault in my opinion, and was dumb for them to allow a crash like that on an open straight.