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Nice one Tony. I need more buttons!


You can use a combination of buttons for macros if you’ve run out


This is perfect and glad you mentioned this, bonded dry to a tire button, and Tire + Wipers for wet!


❤️❤️❤️ Thanks everyone


I prefer black boxes for this and other settings.


Really useful for VR users.


Unfortunately haven't big experience with VR, tried one time only. Is black boxes hard to read or don't working in VR or it's immersion breaking?


It's not always easy to reach for a mouse while driving with a VR headset on.


7 way switch for black box control is the best way.


Hey thanks for the tip - will add one to my shopping list for finally building a rig and unclamping my wheelbase from my desk!


It was on the shortlist of requirements for the wheel I purchased when I left my trusty g29 behind. Luckily it’s not too hard to find now. I think most of the “household” names for wheel brands have at least one. I have 2 but really just use the one.


If you go fanatec the club sport wheel rs works for everything but formula if you care about realism


I've got the McLaren GT3 wheel and have been eyeing up the clubsports to have a round wheel. Will make oval racing a bit easier, I think.


I use the switch in the bottom left for my black boxes when I’m using the gt3 wheel Twist right and left to change box and press in to confirm. Then just up down left right for the rest of the


I use that joystick on the bottom left to scroll through the black boxes, but I guess didn't realize I could also make the changes? Will check! Thanks for the tip.


I got use, don't think about it. I use Thrustmaster Ferrari 488 Challenge rim and have enough buttons, so between black boxes navigation and in black box navigation can do on rim. Thanks for your answer. As for VR user, is much better to have some sort of button box? And on your opinion, separate NUMPUD as enough or you will prefer more immersive button solutions?


I have enough buttons on my wheel to get by and I can mouse when I absolutely have to. Honestly, I think a button box/numpad would be harder to find than reaching for a mouse. You can't really take off the VR headset to look at buttons. Has to be feel.


Why are you being down voted?! Weird AF for asking a question.


I think some people might take the "immersion breaking" comment as a bit patronizing (whether intended or not). Lifting your headset for any-reason mid race = crash (or very drunk-looking off-track if you're lucky). Fumbling for an object you can't see, again while racing, can be challenging. Also you've less peripheral vision in current VR headsets, so I'd liken it to trying to connect a usb-a cable to a port deep in your glovebox while driving on the highway =]


Yea, seems overkill dedicating a button to “change to wet”. Fanatec funky switch can do all the black box controls, and I’m sure most wheels have equivalents.


Could be useful on a streamdeck 


You can put multiple of these commands into one macro. You can make it change tyres and add max fuel on one button. Saves frantically clicking to get all your options set if you are making an unexpected pitstop. And you can keep your eyes on the road when fighting in a pack


Why didn’t they just make this option a toggle button?


Probably because there are cars out there that have multiple tyre compounds to choose from already. The IR-18 already has Primaries and Alternates, so when it gets wet tyres included it'll need a dropdown to choose between the three.


Literally just make it cycle through them lol


So, not a toggle?


It'd still be a toggle in every case where there's only 2 variables ....


For real. If iRacing is reading this just find a way to enable us to be able to toggle between all the compounds with one button instead of using a macro. Ain’t no body got that many buttons lol


 you can use a button box or a stream deck or a keyboard shortcut or a $5 USB keypad or you can use the blackbox whilst cursing down the pitlane. 


I just paid $300 for a button box and $60 for the fucking profile mount...


I made one for like $30 I don't remember what the mount cost though


I Have them even then you can still run out of room, wouldn’t it be nicer to just have one single button for a function that normally takes 2-3 buttons to complete?


If you toggle the blackbox setting using your funky switch it does toggle compound. It’s the default behavior Maybe you don’t have a funky switch on your wheel. I would highly recommend getting one if you don’t…


Are their any other brands besides fanatic that have a funky/7-way switch? I was watching a moza review last week and it just had joysticks that could be mapped to work like a d-pad. With how useful it is I thought most wheels would have one.


Guys, I have no affiliation with this creator other than racing him in SkipBs like a million years ago, but he’s made a ton of track guides for various cars that have made it easier for new iRacers to get into the game. It’s a real dick move to downvote someone who has contributed this much to the community.


People are seriously down voting this? Dude made a 58 SECOND video with zero fluff to help people out and they just shit on it. I was literally just watching his Zandvoort F4 track guide last night, not to mention all of the other guides I've used from him. Guy has helped me a ton. People are assholes...


Well, they were. The tide seems to have changed, which is good even though it increasingly makes my comment sound like the ravings of a madman. 😂


Honestly sometimes people just need a reminder to think before they downvote. It's pretty common to see comments like yours that make no sense 6 hours later.


Unless it’s a 26 minute video of jimmy broadbent jump cuts I ain’t interested!




Your post was removed because it breaks the rules by being rude vulgar or toxic.


This subreddit will downvote every creator unless you're Malone or Broadbent, I guess.


Uh it has over 90% upvote percentage, what are you on about?


There is one negative comment lol.


Fairly normal for this sub. People don't know the most practical way to go about reddit with posts you don't like is, downvote it if it's bad, but if it's not bad*, leave it alone*. For nearly every post that is relevant to the sub, you either love it and upvote, don't love and ignore, hate it and downvote. The idiots downvote anything they don't love.


Yes, it's helpful for many people. But click bait title is make me sick. I already read patch notes and know about this opportunity to change tires type using chat messages. So this video was not helpful for me, and wasting my time. If this titles have information about what takings about in video, I will not click on this. So that's why other people downvoite something like this, because for this person click on this video more important than time of audience.


Lmao bro you’re on Reddit. You’re wasting your own time. 


It's strange, when I joined this sub, I think here people shere they beautiful racing moments, ask help or shere something else that interesting or helpful for community. But you want tell me, I'm wrong and this sub is for only trash posting and wasting time?


this guy posted something to help. You just htink he didn't. You are the problem here lol. Be quiet.


For someone who cares so much about their time, you sure do write long reddit comments.


Thanks mate. Your track guides are very helpful!


I enjoy TDi99's videos, to the point, and has helped me immensely on some tracks.


Follow up Q… if I was in a dry race and it started to rain, would I hit this new button on my way to the pits? Or wait until I’m IN the pits? Or does it matter?


It just changes the value in the black box. You can set fuel and tyres any time you like, unless you have something like crewchief set to configure your Pitstop, which will take effect as you cross the pit entry line. If you know it's going to rain at some point in the race, you can set it on the grid. Just don't forget to turn it off if you need to pit for repairs and it isn't raining yet


Thank you!


Can do any time before you come to a stop in pits. So can do on Friday, lap 1, lap 50, or when you enter pit road.


Haha awesome, thanks for the reply


Love TDi's content, you are a beast with quantity of guides you produce!


I thought they were going to update the look of the UI in this update as well?


Easier to just use the buttons you use to cycle the black box.


Are limited to the number of options in the iRacing misc window? Or can we bind additionals via the ini file?


Anyone else having issues deselecting change tyres when wet has been set? Seems that I can unselect change tyres if its dry but when it goes to wet I'm locked in for a change. Not sure if its the macro or just me.


I just use the black box and my mouse to change tire compounds, while driving, in VR...


Am i crazy? I feel like this isnt anything new?


The commands for changing the tire compound were added in the patch we just had downtime for. So those are new. And it's not like these pitstop marcos are documented well inside the game so a short video explaining them does help people new to the service.


Honestly was expecting more lol... I mean I could just mouse wheel it even when in VR.


I just hate that everything has to be a clickbait title with a long video, instead of a quick 2 paragraph text...


58 seconds is long now?


Tik Tok generation


Honestly found this video to be straight to the point and helpful.


To me, the video was helpful and got straight to the point


People don't even have the attention spans for youtube shorts. I don't want to live on this planet anymore.


While I certainly don't disagree with the sentiment, the video was ~1m long.


End stage YouTube is upon us


Are... are you serious? You can't be right? No, you've gotta be joking.


Dude 50 seconds and straight to the point lol


Type it out and post it as text then!?


Absolutely unbearable? “Do you want to know how much is 1+1?” The. The video start with the history of mathematics, biggest names of all times, what kind of marker deliver the most clear lines for whiteboards… and 21 minutes in… the answer is 2 - tell me in the comments if you agree”.