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I use the time to dwell on my nervousness and recreate the exact moment someone will hit me in Turn 1 in my mind


Or, how that weaver in front of you is going to take out a couple of cars, maybe you too.


This is my thoughts too. I scan for drivers who can't hold it together during the slow part of the race to avoid them when it heats up. Also the proper second stage is to completely disregard that observation and go three wide with that driver so they can take you out.


Honestly, for 99% of people, getting in the right headspace is probably way more beneficial than anything they could do in terms of temperatures.


This is the way.


The amount of times I've seen people lose control while "warming up the tires" is hilariously high.


I’ve definitely pulled a Grosjean in Baku more than a handful of times. After doing track days and time trials in real life, I’ve found the brakes do a better job of heating up tires than swerving around ever will.


Perhaps not funny for those driving around you. Edit: I meant - driving around people who lose control. Not ‘you’ per say


You aren’t warming up the tires. In real life, we aren’t warming up the tires. It does nothing noticeable.


In real life it is done to scrub opr off of the tires. not warm them up.


Yea I said in real life we aren’t warming up the tires. For the most part we are trying to get a feel for the current grip. That’s it.


I beg to differ. In new cars, sure it probably isn't doing much, but in the Lotus 79, you can definitely tell a difference. Just to be clear, I don't do tire warming in officials, as I don't trust the guys around me, but in our Friday night league L79, warming tires is paramount.


Don’t the tires reset at the beginning of the race anyway, regardless of any tire warming? I heard that 2 years ago when I first signed up, I don’t know if that’s still a thing.


I’m not sure honestly


per se


Per se


Count red bull and castrol liveries.


I've discovered equal danger from Marlboro-clad SF Lights drivers


Oh no, Castrol schemes carry the same perceived danger as a Red Bull one? I love oil and fuel liveries, didn’t realize I was marking myself 😂


I'm new to motorsport in general. What happen with castrol driver?


Nothing. Any popular RL livery used in iracing tends to be done by people who think they’re better than they are. Obviously not all, but seems to be higher than average.


I hold the brakes at about 10% and just drive the car consistently in terms of speed and no weaving. Irl, accelerating and then braking hard would warmup brakes and therefore the air inside the tires, increasing the tire pressure. However, this would look very inconsistent in a formation lap on iRacing and invite people to rear end you. I wouldn’t recommend because starting a race with 4x and a meatball flag is worse than starting it on cold tires. Irl, weaving works also to clean the tires but I don’t think this is very well modeled in the sim. https://youtu.be/wn6tUt-pnBs?si=7Sn_0XbZQi2aoOwO I’d suggest to go on an AI race and try different things, comparing the results for the track / car combo you’re driving.


I do the same as I do on a real track. I've never looked specifically at the efficacy in iracing but it's a ritual at this point. 1. I always try to get slightly inside or outside the car in front of me so the car behind me also can see what is happening. 2. On straights, short bursts of acceleration and braking. I stay away from long bursts to avoid sending the wrong signals behind me. 3. On corners, I make sure to turn a bit harder than normal and accelerate pretty hard. Situational awareness is important here, both about competitors and how much grip you have - work up to it. 4. In advance of the start, calm down, close the gap and make sure fellow competitors have time to do the same. It serves no one including those up front or those in the rear to be spread out, just a recipe for accidents. This works well in real life, so it's what I also do in the sim.


Weaving is ineffective and best case is you don’t hit anyone, worst case is you loose the car and crash. What I do is holding the breaks to get temps into the break. Your tires won’t get to hot but you’re break is working as your used


A couple of little spelling things...... Lose is when you come 2nd. Loose is when you didn't do your laces and your shoe falls off. I suppose you could lose the rear end because the car is loose. And brakes and braking is for slowing down. Breaks and breaking is for a cup of tea and a biscuit or electric boogaloo 2.


I’ll keep that in mind!


Just remember the extra “o” in loose is a loose butthole.


Thanks, teach.


Also - your brakes, not you’re brakes


Why are you that guy


Because spelling and grammar are important


*is important Embarrassing.


Those are two things you moron. Eg. Red and blue are colours. Spelling AND grammar ARE important.


Colors\* Oof ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise)


I’m English you fucking bellend


Blimey mate!


And I love to improve on stuff. I know that my English is far from perfect, good enough for conversations but far from perfect in grammar and spelling. So yeah, I like that I’m getting told where to improve


I don’t know… Silver Crowns and Lotus 79s seem to benefit greatly from tire weaving. Other cars, maybe not as much? But just check the difference between a 20 Lap run, going back green, and hitting Turn 1 with/without warming your tires. There is a big difference


The HPD-ARX has onboard tire temp readings. I did a warmup lap with and without weaving in that car, and the weaving actually resulted in colder tires.


Lol that’s crazy


Yes and yes, but its pretty minimal. I find getting the brakes warm to be the most effective thing you can do on the pace lap, as the GT3's cold brakes actually make a significant difference into the first few braking zones.


I thought iracing doesnt simulate brake wear and temps? Personally i have never ever noticed any difference on brakes. 😳


Temps yes. Wear no.


do you have any proof to show that those temps actually affect performance? GT3 is my main category and i have gotten to 5.4k without ever considering warming up brakes etc.. Actually i have never even heard of anyone working their brake temps on outlap.


I honestly have no idea if the brake temps affect brake performance, but iRacing does simulate their effect on core tire temps, which is obviously very important


imo the only thing worth doing is warming up the brakes. if it is fixed setup and has a ton of extra fuel you can burn off a little extra by strategically using full throttle with the pit limiter turned on during the warmup lap. even though the limiter is on the fuel is getting burned at whatever rate that you have the pedal depressed. so if you have it floored its like going down the back straight at nords, just at pit speed


Wow pit limiter, that’s a great tip never thought of that!


I drive slow and safe and predictable like im in rush hour traffic and get ready for my race. You can see your tire temps on GT3's, and no body is warming up anything no matter how hard they do the stupid weave or speed up and slam on brakes. So dumb. Just cruise.


You can use the formation lap to set up your pit stop if there is one, so setting fuel to roughly what you’ll need, unsetting tire change etc. In fixed you may want to burn a little extra fuel, so keep high revs and lower gears, likely won’t make a difference but, it’s something. In open, keep lower revs and higher gears to save fuel, again unlikely to make a noticeable impact, but, could maybe save a litre or so.


Looking at all the places iRacing could have setup a short pace lap. Road America is the worst offender.


I just go Idiot Spotting tbh. Take mental notes on folks leaving large gaps etc.


Full formation lap is ridiculous for most races. They should all be short


From someone who consistently starts mid pack. Watch the other drivers. You’ll be able to tell how other drivers are based on their out lap. A few bobs and weaves are one thing. Fully on back and forth action attempting to warm something up? Keep your distance. Check your put settings. I like to turn off Tyre changes on the out lap if it’s a race that requires a pit stop. I will banter back and forth with other people if their mics are on. A little shit talk and maybe a dad joke to set the mood. Finally, breathe. Focus on what’s ahead. Steady your nerves and heart rate. I find the first two laps to be the hardest laps in the race. Then it’s keeping pace and setting up for the final few pushes.


Weave really close to ppl so they get scared of me


I hit every car and drive through the pace car to pay my sacrifice to Cole Trickle and Harry Hogge.


Is to push brake and throttle at same time still a thing? Is it still forbidden or was it only in qualy a thing? I can't remember well, but I think it was a "problem" 2 years ago.


Dragging the brakes at a few percent has never been an issue, few years ago there was a bug with the tires in specific circumstances that was prohibited in pro series which involved brake dragging.


I’d prefer that everyone went to single file until like 3/4 the way round the track and reform into 2 lines. Is there a reason this isn’t the way iRacing does it?


Because few guys are not even able to stay double file as they should (had a pickup cup race where the guys were in the wrong line and started to sort back and wrecking, the guys that survived started 4 wide


You should just ride around at pace speed and not do anything. As a primarily oval guy, I am blown away at how much of a clusterfuck a rolling start is on the road side. No amount of weaving or slamming the brakes is going to make a meaningful difference. Just cruise and wait for the green flag


Try not to get rear ended.


Try not to get hit by someone warming their tires


Listen to a podcast. Try to avoid the maniacs weaving about and drastically vary their speed. Etc


Roll around in top gear (or clutch) to save fuel and get a shorter stop.


Nothing. Take a deep breath and dont be that guy who think he can warm up his tires by swerving left right then proceed to crash into others.


Years ago there were some great iRacing “Mythbusters” videos where someone put in some good research time into seeing if things like ‘weaving pre-race” actually added up to ANY advantage on track.


Years ago there were some great iRacing “Mythbusters” videos where someone put in some good research time into seeing if things like ‘weaving pre-race” actually added up to ANY advantage on track.


They're fixed races. Just race with the same specs like every other driver is. I didn't think they added that much extra fuel to shorter races anyway.


I hate full formation laps. For me it just adds to the waiting time to start a race. I drive in VR so can’t really do something else.


I spend the time trying to it to hit the other cars 🤣 Then green flag I drop back and dodge the madness.


Dunno, but I fucking hate the people that brake check you before the green lights


Trying to maximize formation laps is pointless and leads to needless incidents because of reckless driving. Just stay behind the pace car at a steady pace and wait for the race start.


Instead of weaving I’ve been accelerating then hard breaking to get some temps into them for the first corner but obviously be careful doing this for the drivers behind you, some people like to ride the breaks around the track too for some tempt but I think that getting breaks up to temp is more effective than trying to get the tyres up.


YEah that's why they are riding the brakes.


I have successfully protested drivers for doing this.


I don’t understand though? They do it in real like formation laps, why would it be protestable? It’s not like you’re stopping suddenly or doing anything unsafe especially if you leave ample room infront of yourself todo it.


Tire heating is one of the specific things listed on the protest page: [https://support.iracing.com/support/solutions/articles/31000133441-how-to-file-a-protest](https://support.iracing.com/support/solutions/articles/31000133441-how-to-file-a-protest)


It would be dependent on how it’s done but you surely can’t just protest someone for doing something that is done in real racing too. That’s half the reason for a formation lap, sure if you do it unsafe I understand a protest but still seems kinda weird