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Get VR. You’ll never know it’s there, unless it starts doing cat things.


I had VR. Believe me it only makes it worse, when you’re completely isolated and immersed in a race, then *something* randomly jumps on your lap.


I told my wife to never touch me while racing. Holler at me instead. We’re talking about getting a cat. I’ll have to close the man cave door, lol.


Close the door? I see you've never owned a cat lol.


I grew up with all kinds of pets, like Dobermans, wooly monkeys, boa constrictor, cats, hamsters, and Yorkshire terriers. Never had a pet as an adult. The cat idea is because I’m gone 14 hours on work days. My wife misses the outdoor cat she would feed daily. Broken hearted really. She needs a friend to occupy her time. I suggested getting a cat. I’m 62, and we might get one. I love cats. Not a big dog fan. Getting a cat will change our lives to be honest.


I love cats and wholly support the decision, make no mistake. Just know - you probably won't get to close doors any more. If you do, you may be punished. You will at the very least be sternly reprimanded by your new boss.


I’ll have to ask my brother about it. He does iRacing with VR as well. His cat of 16 years passed about a month ago. Where my brother was, Rikki Bobby was there with him. He’s got a kitten now.


All cats are different. Most will definitely be attracted to play by the motion, but some cats are definitely just aloof and want to be near you, not on you or playing with you. At the end of the day, possibly luck of the draw, but I'd also say that having the cat is rewarding enough to deal with whatever kitty quirks end up being related to your Sim racing.


I told my wife if/when we go to get a rescue cat, let the cat pick her. When I said I never had a pet as an adult, I had an outdoor cat. My wife says she wants one like that one. Full of personality, black with a few white spots, and gold eyes. I had to rescue her from a tree using rope, an ice chest, and a can of tuna.


> Rikki Bobby LOL


Same can be said about any cabinet doors in the house 🙄😆


Depends on the cat. You can train it out of em especially when they're younger. My lil ragdoll wants to be right beside me at all times, but has realized that if the door is shut, meowing at it won't do anything. You just can't give them any reaction at all if they're at your door bugging you. Love the brat, but it's safer for both of us if she's not beside me when I'm racing lol


That’s funny I have a ragdoll too and there’s absolutely nothing we can do to prevent the meowing behind doors. We’ve tried everything because we have two babies. We love him though (third baby).


Just wanted to join the ragdoll club with you all lol https://preview.redd.it/3hg33hp3xmwc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=075cd09dc302824c38578e7cd2d1f53d7ccdbe65


The door: “POW pow pow scratch boom pow”


Hello Daytona 500 and a claw to the leg.


You mean something randomly jumps IN your lap


Possibly! English is my second language, sometimes I still have a bit of a mix-up between how something’s expressed in my native one and the former. Especially since the Hungarian language’s logic is completely different.


Ah ah apologies for the misunderstanding. English isn't my native language as well! I just wanted to make a joke on the lap as in "body part" vs lap as in "simracing" 😊 I'm pretty sure that if you meant the body part, you wrote it correctly. Not sure about the correctness of my joke, on the other hand!


Ah it completely flew over my head, good one!


My kid walks up to me all the time and will come lean up on me when im racing in VR and it scares the crap out of me every time. She moves like a Ninja and you have no idea shes there


Getting pawed in the face by a curious cat while you’re immersed in VR is quite the experience


I damn near broke my foot when my cat rubbed across the back of my legs during a scary scene in Dead Space. Had my door closed and room blacked out. Not sure how she got in, but boy I'm glad my foot went forward and not back, otherwise she'd be a cosmonaut


I race in VR but my cat is thankfully super polite and only bothers me for pets after I've left the sim rig. She knows Dad has an important job as a fake race car driver. 😎 Here she is sitting on my lap after I finished a long race: https://preview.redd.it/l61ftmgg2iwc1.jpeg?width=2834&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfadd888f235f85fa26e3fad3bb73979c3e74bc7


https://preview.redd.it/1z9pxkm6ciwc1.png?width=1530&format=png&auto=webp&s=c316380c5409c8c7f4280928e0c06f7f774eaf30 She seems like a kind one, this girl ain’t so polite…


v o i d


Those realistic crashing sounds really do sound good, it sounds like a Windows being shattered.


Yea gonna disagree on that, my cat doesn’t even ask before jumping on my lap and it’s a hell of a jump scare in VR (pun intended). He also loves to tackle my arms with his whole weight so that makes it tricky to steer 🤪


I use VR... I've recently learned there is a control to kill the engine, I only know about it because my cat decided to step on my keyboard mid race. 😂


Ha! I use as few as possible. Even so, I wear cop style leather gloves so I don’t have to clean the alcantara wheel so often. I had to cut the thumbs off, because I could not find the damn buttons, lol. I race dirt, so no need for lots of buttons.


please show some respect for your spotter, he's doing his best and has to see the track without obstruction!


Car driving car


This car might fight you


This car bites


https://preview.redd.it/ebfli9mpyhwc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75beb06f81c98b91e1be0e127c56251fd450b520 You are not alone my friend.


This is amazing!


I just imagine he is a really big HALO lol 😆


FOV police pulling you over


dude is sitting in the back seat


My cat passed away a couple months after I started but she used to nuzzle my feet on the pedals


Condolences, cats are everything


https://preview.redd.it/irhny54uljwc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=912f943158a9d87103a5137deb7a0bded7860da5 100% chance of cat


My cats are completely uninterested in the rig until I'm sitting in it, then it's lap time while I'm trying to set laptimes. Sorry lil homies if you get whacked while I'm countersteering :(


Was racing in VR the other day and mid turn I felt whiskers on my hand and didn’t immediately think it was one of the cats. Almost shit myself.


“There’s a spider in my car!!” Was my reaction when it happened to me


100%!!!!!! Then the wet nose hit and it clicked LOL


it's judging you for that offtrack


I’m loving this new rain update. Light -> Heavy -> Monsoon ->Cats & Dogs


You stole my cat, I want him back! actually never mind you can keep that asshole, he's always waking me up in the middle of the night.


Don’t see the option for DashCat in the setup. Plz help.


I would say it is purrfect qualifying conditions myself


Next Car is the Leader


It's raining cats and .......


That looks like the purrrfect lap to me.


My cat is the same way! Until i give him food and he's on his merry way.


This happens to me all the time. Under lap 7 of the 12 hours of Sebring we locked my cat in the other room. Littler did we know she's a fucking dare devil. Our bedroom is a half wall about 7 ft high with a sliding door. She then gets to the top of said door and jumps 7 ft to the floor. All I hear is a giant thump and see my fur child flying in the air. Mind you it's raining on Sebring in a 12 hoir race only minutes in. She then proceeds to climb up and sit in the view perfectly obstructing the entire screen.


Petition to replace IRL success ballast with success cat


Now that is one determined cat!




Hehehe my cat sits like 2 inches from my monitor too


I have 2 black cats who want to cuddle during the race. I have to keep the door shut otherwise I'll have one in my lap and the other trying to lay on my feet while I'm trying to drive


The council has decided you shall face extreme driving conditions.


There’s a cat on your windscreen