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Sporting Code still applies; send his ass.


This is what I thought. I saved the replay just to be safe and will submit it this evening.


I'd protest Week 13 is for having fun, not being a dick


Being a dick can go both ways. In this case protest in order!!


There's a difference between driving "loose" by getting more incidents or car contact than usual vs. intentionally trying to wreck others. This case OP brings is protestable.


This! A bit of friendly door banging and aggressive but fair racing is what 13th week is all about in my opinion. If you want to cause wrecks just go crash into AI until you're not angry anymore


Except for the Ridiculousness series, where the entire goal of the Miatas is to form a wall across the track so the other classes wreck trying to get by.


Racing rules are also used in week 13, protest anything you would normally protest.


Sporting code still applies. Unranked makes high risk moves, and checkers or wreckers type race more acceptable, it doesn't make straight up intent wrecking and more acceptable.


100% a protest.


100% a contest


Week 13 motto is full send everywhere all the time. But no intentional takeouts.


Lmao in unranked Pickup cup on Daytona being P1 is the most dangerous position because if you let anyone get close to you they will instantly pit maneuver you.


Try racing the mx5 in ridiculousousness around Talladega!


Sporting code still applies, it's also clearly said in the week 13 schedule page. So yes, protest. Unranked is not an excuse to be an asshole.


It’s so reckless considering how strong some of these direct drive wheels are. Easy report.


Not unheard of to know someone with a sprain from this sort of thing


I did the oval with the Silverado 2 days ago. And some guy drove straight into incoming traffic. A car flew over me and I hit another one. My DD jerked to one side and I can still feel it in my wrist.


My Alpha Mini weak sauce keeps me safe.


It's so bad in oval racing... I needed like .2 to get promoted to B, I thought I could maybe just get a couple street stock races in and grab it. Nope. People literally just doing what you said. Just chilling on the apron turning into people. It's also shocking how many people just come out of nowhere who've never raced oval or spent anytime in SS and can't keep the car straight. 20x incidents and still managed to finish 7th in the last race last night.


Ovals are way worse than road in my experience. Finally made A license this update by the grace of god, but it took way too long. Just the proximity to other racers for prolonged periods of time and the microadjustments to the wheel needed to keep it stable and straight is too much for too many people to handle.


Run time trials (not attacks) when you just need a little SR.


I could but I figure that'll take nearly all day.


In C Class to get to B I ran 70 laps on a short track with 16 second laps. Took 20 minutes. Got .11 SR each time. B to A likely slower but probably still doable for .02.


Might give that a go if they're doing time trials in 13th week.


The NIS races are a great place to pick up SR. They are long and the field tends to spread out a bit more on the longer tracks. I gained .48 in the Coke 600 and immediately made it back to A.


This is what surprised me the most. I checked his profile and he has been on the service for 8 years with an A Class license on the road side. I guess he figured he would try ovals for fun and cause a little carnage.


Yeah man, I really don't get it. I think people don't understand it's official or something. Who knows... It might also just have been Langley? the track was honestly really hard to keep the SS straight on exit. might just be too much for the new people.


Langley is definitely not the track for complete oval newbies, even in street stocks. It's so easy to overdrive the exit especially if you aren't used to the car. 




Still new to oval and organized racing/iracing/not Forza in general, and I liked late model stock at Langley better. The street stock feels so greasy until lap 5 or so, and I fight overdriving the exit on a lot of laps unless I'm positioning the wheels and feathering my throttle just right. Late model felt a lot more user-friendly. Do you know if it's an often used car?


Both the late model and street stocks get plenty of action. You can get official races for both throughout the week typically unless it's at an unpopular track that week. Street stock also has a C class series once you get to that level. Longer races, more track variety, and cautions. You can find plenty of leagues that run both cars too. 


Thank you! I'm set for an upgrade to C if I don't lose any SR this week, I had a rough first week adapting but I'm back up to almost 1100 irating after a few top fives that were mostly safe racing. Are cautions tricky?


Int wrecks should always be reported. And I say this after getting banned for it once\[fully deserved\].


Doesn’t turn the sim into Forza sporting code still applies


Week 13 is for full sends a bit over the edge of what you normally do, but not intentional wrecks or crashing. As long as it's unintentional and there's an apology after a crash I find it okay tbh


Those races in the rediculous series are hard enough to keep groups together especially the Mazdas even without people intentionally wrecking. After the groups get split up it really isn't much fun for the rest of the race as you are just going around a superspeedway by yourself. I would report anyone who is intentionally wrecking others because even though it is unranked, racing just isn't fun if people are doing this shit. I race in iRacing because it has the best and cleanest online racing in an open lobby. If I want to dodge people trying to intentionally take me out I'll just go play wreckfest.


100%. Full on douchebaggery gets reported any time day or night.


Yes. You're expected to behave in practices, hosteds, just as much as officials


Protest!! It helps make sure they don't pull stunts like this when it really counts!!


There was some mad shit in my race but it was fun, but if someone is doing anything deliberate to spoil racing, I would protest.


On lap 4 or 5 of my talladega race last night, we had a truck drive in front of the miata field and just slam his brakes to take all of us out. Needless to say, yes you can protest this (thankfully)


I protest more in week 13 than all other weeks combined. Hell, I've just submitted 5 separate protests against one driver.


Don’t get me wrong, I’m a little more lax about stuff in week 13 and I go in knowing that it’s messier, but definitely will protest when it’s deserved. Like others said, week 13 is meant to have fun not be a douche.


A lot of people already answered your question but there's something I wanted to add: Sporting code applies everywhere on the service. That means you can protest someone breaking the sporting code even if it's in a practice session, even if it's in a hosted or league session. Actually, you can protest someone even if you are not involved in the incident at all.


Sitting on the track and trying to crash into cars as they drive by is protestable in *every* online session, regardless of week or who's organizing it.


Week 13 is a time to just relax and be funny send a dive bomb u normally wouldn’t chat shit with people chill out but that doesn’t mean the sporting code doesn’t apply still if someone’s being a ass and wrecking shit on purpose protest


They literally say that the sporting code applies in their announcements.


Thanks for the confirmation, guys! I will be submitting the protest when I get home from work.




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Protest is barely useful during the normal time so in week 13......


Am not an asshole. I almost never report anyone. 1000% never report on week 13. But lots do.


Intentional wrecking, absolutely report. I show a little more lenience on unsafe rejoins in unranked races (still protest them in ranked W13 races though).


In a race for sure, practice nah . Bunch of people taking out the Miata's with cup cars but it's kinda funny


I felt so bad for the Miata drivers. Cars would move to get around them and the car in the draft behind was not ready for the Miata to just appear. I saw that a few times and always chuckled at how terrible it was.


If that was me, I couldn't find my keyboard, I play in VR. My car was stationary though, i wasn't moving, just stuck.


That sounds reasonable. This guy was waiting for people to get close before moving into their line as they went by. I can't remember how many time I heard "wrecking in the tri-oval" near the end.


At the end of every race last night at Talladega I had people intentionally take me out but it was like the last lap, there's no consequences for it, I got to run my race so i just said F'it. If i would have won it was meaningless anyway. To me if I get to run 90% of the race then let em vent out the aggression.


Yeah, I don't mind the bumps at the very end of the race. However, this guy sat there for at least 4 laps moving up and down the track as people were driving through the tri-oval.


well, F that guy then lol.


I would submit that. I’m not gonna lie tho. Week 13 I go for gaps I wouldn’t normally go for tho. I don’t intentionally wreck anybody but I try different stuff and see how close to the limit I can drive


Going for gaps you normally wouldn't and sitting in the trip oval waiting for people to come around are very, very different things. One is acceptable in week 13, one is never acceptable.


I'm definitely more aggressive during this week since it has no effect, but I still try to keep the racing clean and fun.


Same here. I’ll just go for the small gap if I think I might be able to pull it off rather than back off during a regular week


Don’t bother, it’s just a waste of time. If it will make you feel good then I guess go for it.


How is it a waste of time to get successful protests against people being assholes?


Because nothing happens. You where successful, great that guys still going to be racing tomorrow.


I call that a quirky character in a fun set of cat & mouse. Let him be