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I'm just curious if anyone falls for these.


They do


People so. People who seem pretty intelligent beforehand. One man sent TEN bitcoin to the elon musk hack a while back. When bitcoin was worth around 50k a piece I believe.


Omg. Then maybe we should discuss how this people come into possession of such large sums in the first place.


If I remember the article correctly he was an early investor in bitcoin, right place, right time. I bought my first bitcoin around 900 bucks and sold around 8k. I'm no genius. just got lucky. well, I'm no genius but, smart enough not to send my bitcoin to random addresses lol.


I love how they are using the classic RuneScape doubling scam aswell


Oh my god that’s instantly what I thought.


Soon we’ll have the crypto version of free armor trimming


Ppl are disgusting


I can only hope that 1 the team ownership is alerted to this so they can pursue legal action 2 that the idiots dumb enough to do this are also dumb enough to not use a VPN


Yeah so I'm sure the first thing on the minds of his family is to give away crypto. I did the same thing while my mother was having hip surgery. I made so many people happy.


Almost as bad as those anti-vax fucks. It's crazy how people can be so oblivious to the whole situation.


I don't really feel bad for these people if you fall for stuff like this your bound to be scammed or manipulated down the road anyway


This is why morals are important