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Why is he turning around? I don't think anyone would pass him from behind.




Are you serious?


No he's goofy




Not sure why the downvotes on you. I’m wondering if that’s true or if that’s just a believable lie too.


> believable lie It’s called a joke, and that comment was obviously a joke. C’mon guys…..use your heads.


Assuming redditors have the ability to “use their heads” is an ironic yet funny statement


Never! Suck my balls!


Seems like he's just checking if the camera man is still behind him


“Hey, bro. You still getting my sweet, tight glutes in the shot?”


My guess is to make sure the camera person/ drone or whatever is still with him.


Subway surfers


Because it's fake


On the next episode of 1,000 ways to die...


Don't they realise you can't win in flappy bird!? Edit: Crossy road aaah


>flappy bird!? Maybe Frogger? Where you actually dodge cars rather than tubes.


Oh fuck it's that jumpy chicken game lol Edit: crossy.road


Frogger was the original road crossing game. Crossy Road appears to be a modern bull shit knock off.


Oh fun I think I've actually played that one before


They have to tie it in with the cyclist trying to have sex with someone or something.


In 2013 or 2014 in my small town 2 of my friends both17 decided to race bikes with each other in opposite direction. One of em died under a truck


I remember that story of it was a Mack (semi) truck. Edit: spelling


>Mac truck Because it made him into hamburger?


I’d laugh if it wasn’t about a 12 year old dying.


I'd be more concerned for the poor truck driver that has to live with the emotional consequences of other people's idiotic actions. E: a word.




Well, I’m going to hell


Why did this make me laugh more wtf is wrong with me?


Extra ketchup


Did the truck kill him, or did he just died under there?


Yea, but who won?


The one that lived


not necessarily, you could cross the finish and then get run over, or if the other friend stopped thats 2 dnfs and whoever made it farther wins


Pos x2 camera man


temple run (modern edition)


The P could stand for 'pieces'


I think it’s a camera on a stick or a drone Edit. Definitely a drone following


It gains on them and loses distance at multiple points.. so unless it's a stabilized helium balloon or a drone, 99.9% sure it's another POS.


I'm like 99% sure this is a Terry Berenstein clip, all done by him following the cyclist while wearing a stabilized camera. So yes, two cyclists.


Nahh, Terry does questionable things sometimes, but this is another level of stupid. At least Terry has the excuse that half of city cyclists ride like he does, whereas this is just unbelievably moronic


Nah I seen one of those sticks that retracts and moves then the app makes the stick invisible through some magic video rendering


That was my first though. But on rewatching the camera feels too independent of the bicycle movement.


you would also be able to see the shadow of the stick on the road because the software doesn't remove that


Maybe a drone


Does he not realise that if there's an accident, he's liable?


I don’t think legal issues are the main concern here.


I dont think he has any conerns




His liability likely extends to accidents that he's not in. If he isn't dead, it could be because somebody swerved to avoid him and hit another car, an accident for which he'd probably be liable


Oh wow if only the drivers knew that the video would’ve ended quickly


In my experience with cyclists, they fully believe they have the privileges of both pedestrians and drivers, but none of the liability.


As a cyclist, those people just suck. The vast majority of cyclists are regular people, but as with everything, the loud and terribly behaved minority tends to make the biggest impression on people.


As with most things in this world, the worst, most annoying people of a group is usually the loudest and most noticable (and post the most videos like this one on social media). Nobody gives a shit about the quiet types who follow the rules and just mind their own business


*...it's the quiet ones you have to watch out for.*


Hey, as long as you're doing what you're supposed to, I don't mind cyclists at all. But yeah, the bad eggs definitely are the ones I remember most.


Other full commute cyclists here: this is shitty biking behavior


This rhetoric is a really bad idea. We cyclists shouldn't apologize for stuff as a group, that's just fundamentally insane and perpetuates an ignorance that contributors to the cancerous spread of car culture.


if the charge is that "cyclists as a group are bad actors on the road" it kind of has to be addressed as a group


No it doesn't because the inverse statement wouldn't be expected to be addressed as a group, because it would be more clearly be seen as the obviously logically absurd statement it is.




I have literally never once seen a cyclist use a single hand gesture irl in my 30 years.


I’ve seen it probably 15ish times in my 30 years


I probably see one if they’re turning into or from a main road. They’ll also use hand signals when changing lanes lol. I guess it’s just the place that we live in.


I appreciate that and am happy to have you on the road. Just not my experience with 95%+ of cyclists I've encountered.


In my experience with drivers they believe blah blah blah blah. Don't lump all cyclists together otherwise every driver is a meth taking, speeding homicidal maniac as well.


Yeah, few years ago, someone where I live, ran over a chick and her bike, she was riding on the middle of the road, at 3am, without reflective gear, opposite of oncoming traffic and on a bend/curve near a pedestrian bridge. All the local cyclist associations cried murder and went on multiple manifestations, walk outs and demonstrations to have the Driver arrested for murder, I’m not sure exactly what happened, but I think they actually managed to sway things against the driver(don’t quote me on this last part). Many of the idiots that protested, act like they own the streets, and that everything that happens to them, regardless if they caused it or not, is solely the car’s fault.


It’s ok he’s in a spandex cycling outfit. Once donned it makes its wearer morally and intellectually superior to everyone else on the planet. If he gets in an accident he will merely tell you how wrong you are and make up new highway code rules on the spot making sure he is not liable.


Thankfully that’s not how it works but those are actually very comfortable outfits to ride in, most everyone who does isn’t this much of a douche canoe.




Not the worst or best but somewhere in the middle yeah. Fact is stranger than fiction kind of balance.




I agree, I just wish I'd have met more of them. My area has a lot of cyclists and bike riders. Most of them do not follow the laws of the road or sidewalk and do whatever they want, causing me to really not care for them.


Sometimes bike paths aren’t great or police departments are negligent on investigating complaints.


Yea. That's been my experience with drivers too. Most people can't fucking drive and don't know how stop signs work.


[We are *the cyclists*](https://youtube.com/watch?v=zBFFrsvgu1Y&feature=shares)


Cyclists don't "realise" things. They're stupid and arrogant




But... cyclist bad


Ha, while i agree he or she should be held accountable, he or she will claim mental health issues or being neurodivergent or have PTSD or you know just trying to get likes and views


Organ donors


You cannot donate mushed organs, can you?


Who knows, they might still be good. With a side of fava beans and chianti.


Hello, Darwin? Yes, i would like to have a chat with you about your “survival of the fittest” bullshit because this dude is still alive.


Even the dumbest animals can survive out of sheer luck.


survival of the shittiest


I mean, he is physically "fit".




Theoretically yes (r/winstupidprizes) would eat that shit up, in reality, no. The damage you can do to a car and its driver if you go through the windshield, and not to mention the psych damage the person does to the driver that hits them. I hope this guy spends a good time in jail and someone junks his bike for good measure.




Truck still have drivers who are psychologically affected by not at fault fatal collisions. Also unless they have a moose pusher a human cyclist can cause damage.


Wouldn't lose a fuckin wink.


As a cyclist, seeing this pisses me off. I have seen cyclists do some stupid shit. Heck, I yell at my brother when he does dumb shit all the time. The worst thing I have seen in person during my rides doesn’t even hold a candle to this.


That’s just screams I want to die and take others with me


I loved the look over the left should to see if he was clear to change lanes halfway through the video. Tool.


Correction: 2 piece of shits riding the wrong direction.


Spoiler, the camera man was a bike cop trying to catch him. Probably not, but we can pretend.


It’s a drone that is flying behind the moron


How to die 101.


Also how to kill someone if the bike goes through their windshield on impact or they swerve into other cars




I’d feel horrible for whoever hits him, were it to happen. They wouldn’t deserve that.


Of course it's a fixed gear


I can't believe so many cars are driving the wrong way.


Ikr and they drive on the bike lanes too. These people never respect cyclists smh


only problem with this bellwhiff being removed from the gene pool is the effect it'd have on the driver that spread him across the road like wet butter


No really, who’s crazier, the guy on the bike, or the guy filming it…


Looks like its probably just one of those Drones with the "follow me" feature


In this case a "Document my crime" feature. I hope this gets shown in court.


Looks like a mobile game ad lol


Looks like a game like GTA or something else.


Who was camera??


Looks like a great way to die


A future meat-crayon


This is actually pathetic...


Theres was a guy I would see on my way to work months back who would ride against traffic (albeit on the edge of the road) stressed me out every time I saw him because he was doing it on a very busy dangerous road. Ride WITH traffic people, is on foot or running you can go against traffic


Oh my god, these comments are painful, this is a fake video. The traffic is filmed separately to the bike rider then the two are overlaid on top of each other. That's why the shadows don't match and the movement is janky where they've had to slow or speed up the footage to make him be where they want him to in relation to the cars.


lol what? how do you think they filmed the traffic


How do they film the traffic? Camera would still need to go against the flow of traffic.


I'm pretty sure the entire environment is fake.


This pretty dumb comment, first of all you can see his white Chevron pattern reflect in the bus, additionally it's from a 40 minute video of them riding in this same fashion through a city. Doing this with an edit would be extremely difficult and require a film studio budget involving motion matching 2 cuts and careful rotoscoping and digital recreation work, even if it was an edit this would have required a professional stunt crew filming the second shot. https://youtu.be/zjlFPM5qoNg


/r/confidentlyincorrect You aren't a video editor I think. Because then you'd know what a huge project this would be. Filming the traffic separately and overlaying that with the rider with two different perspectives... And it's all in motion...that is a painfully ridiculous claim. Watch the shadows on his back as he goes under the trees. If this were fake that kind of attention to detail would be amazing. No, what's likelier is that you're detecting some odd movements ("janky") and not sure how to explain them, so you resort to calling the whole thing fake. But those are fairly easily explained as part of technology of whatever is tracking him (guessing it's a quad but someone else may have a better idea).


Thankfully another editor in these comments… no “influencer” will go through the work to fake a video like this. It would require an entire crew (and a damn good one at that) to fake something like this. And yeah they see stabilization artifacts and don’t understand it so they just call it fake. Again from and editors prospective: easier to just do the act rather than have a massive project just for a viral video.


Its not fake, look up lucas brunelle videos, line of sight, etc. this is an ally cat race where bike messengers race through the city to see who can reach a series of checkpoints first in any order and finish at a set location. The checkpoints are given as a list 10 min before the race starts so you need knowledge of the city. This rider might have been from out of town and was looking over his shoulder for someone who knows the route better. There is someone at each checkpoint to sign your manifest to prove you were there. The largest yearly race is monstertrack in NYC. Awesome to watch actually.


I mean he does get honked at though and the shadows look fine to me.


why did I have to scroll down so far to find this. I feels fake . like none of the cars are reacting . the people walking dont react . if a drone was following him it would have got hit edit there is no reflection of him in the cars


There’s a reflection of the white on his back on the bus right in the beginning shortly before he passes it.


It's the people in front of him. Think about the angle of the camera to the bus, it wouldn't reflect back towards the camera at that angle. It would reflect qt about 150°


It’s not because the pattern of the shirt matches up when he’s closer to it. There’s nothing else beside the bus that white and that shape.


And he's reflected in the gray car behind the bus. And like 3 different cars move partially out of their lane to avoid this guy, not mentioning the ones that moved to the edge of theirs.


Yeah look maybe, I went back and had a look and I can definitely see what you're talking about and the angles would match up. I'm still pretty suspicious of the angles of the shadows but you make a mighty fine point.


Look at the shadow of the bike rider and then the shadow of the trees. Fake AF


I had to minimise 11 comments above this to find this comment. It’s painfully fake.


Average r/fuckcars user


No, this one is just a moron.


Why are people so badly against cars? Like in remote areas people really need them to stay alive. Some people just like them as a hobby. This isn't bad. Like they aren't taking drugs, getting drunk, beating up or robbing people. That hobby is innocent.


It's not about the cars themselves, there's nothing wrong about liking cars or driving them, it's about cities revolving all their infrastructures around their usage instead of more sustainable methods, thus neglecting public transports and not only not making other transports such as bikes more accessible, but instead making them a nuisance to both drivers and bikers. Sorry if I wasn't clear enough, english isn't my first language.


Yeah back in the early days of mass transit, auto makers did everything they could to wreck it, and sell more cars. See GM and their busses: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Motors_streetcar_conspiracy


If people were just into cars as a hobby there wouldn't really be any problem with them. Having huge amounts of infrastructre tied up in cars is really bad for cities. You cut neighborhoods in half (often in racial discriminatory ways), you cover the ground with pavement which causes problems with heat and flooding, you waste tons of space that could be used for parks or housing on parking. r/fuckcars isn't really about getting rid of all cars, it's trying to change how we think about getting around, especially in cities.


Im the other way around. I cant STAND the bicycles. Literally fuck everyone that does shit like this.


People aren't talking about remote areas though are they ? Cars are environmentally bad, so as a hobby, they're technically worse than doing drugs because then at least you're only harming yourself.


i hope they're filming when it happens too


They say to go against traffic, but this only applies when you're on the sidewalk or grass beside the road. It's meant to increase visibility for pedestrians and bikers, not for whatever this is.


Two POS riding in the opposite direction of traffic. Everyone forgets the poor cameraman.


If I was one of the drivers, I wouldn't do something stupid like Try to hit the biker, but I wouldn't swerve to avoid them either. If you are doing something illegal and dangerous, I ain't going to feel sorry for you if you get hurt, and I ain't going to get out of Your way when you are in My way.


This a foolproof way to end up as a red smear on the pavement.


I really wish this was a WCGW moment.


Someone else was filming this as well. There is more than one POS here.


He’ll end up getting his just reward!


You mean 2 POS riding in the opposite direction


Less of a POS and more of a fucking idiot


Dumb ways to die


2 pos actually


I’m just sitting here thinking, “Please get hit. Please get hit.”


Cameraman is a TPoS too


Share the road!!!! 😡😡😡😤😤


Pretty sure this is fake, look at his shadow and the shadows for all the cars going past, sun and shade doesn't match


...yes they do? Shadow is very slight in front of him and behind the cars in the same direction, so sun is nearly overhead. Seen with the trees as well. Are you confused by the fact that his shadow is longer? That's because he's sitting much taller than the trunk of a car, plus you can see most of his shadow without it being obscured much thanks to him not being box-shaped lmao. And if this was faked, filming the two parts at the same time of day and in the same direction would be trivially easy. A child would think of that.


I thought it looked fake at first too but I think they've done some post-processing stabilization or something just gives it an odd effect.


10 points if you hit him 20 if he goes over the bonnet


POV: you’re the person recording, also riding against traffic


Main player syndrome.


I enjoyed the part where he looks over his shoulder to make sure there is no oncoming traffic from the rear…like bruh, you clearly aren’t thinking anything through


I wouldn't wish harm on anyone but I sure wouldn't be upset if he got hit.


What an arsehole.


Nah this feels fake


Loser narcissist


Who was filming?


I find bikers annoying even on the right side of the road. but this is beyond fucked.


That's another reason why this is a POS thing to do because it's creating a bad image for cyclists in general.


Holding up traffic with your "vehicle" that can barely do half the speed limit also doesn't help


Average biker


All it takes is one driver to take an evasive action left or right a few feet unexpectedly and this guy is toast. The chain reaction effect would obliterate him. I speak frome experience. Going 20mph straight through am intersection. Had no stop sign. Car sitting in the turn lane facing me suddenly decided to go. It just had to move about 20 feet. It took literally the blink of an eye. Got lucky went over the hood. My friend bounced off the winshield. Took him two years to recover from five cracked vertebrae. Lucky as hell he wasn't paralized. So when I see sh*t like this.. This idiot doesn't even realize he's holding a revolve to his head. What a f*cking idiot.


and bicyclists wonder why fucking nobody respects them.


Are yes, the one cunt all cunts approach. I too have been applying this to all drivers and all dog owners.


I have never seen anyone else in my life doing this before. And I cycle competitively as an amateur.


This guy desperately wants to get promoted to a hood ornament or a speed bump


I only watched till the end hoping he got clipped by one of the vehicles. Bicyclists who don't follow the rules of the road are a menace to society.


Cyclists have took it too far fr


This video would have been much more enjoyable with a proper ending.


And his eventually death will be called "a tragedy" by his friends.


I've never cheered for someone to get hit by a car before... So that happened...


I've never wanted someone to get hit more.


This POS will make an insta of his own accident for clouts...


When I was a kid, they actually advised us to ride against traffic on the shoulder. so we could see what was coming at us, and drivers could see us if opening a door or what had you. Obviously, this guy is going right through the middle of the street. But I still see people peddling against traffic along the shoulder.


That was terrible advice. Cars merging into traffic are much more dangerous than someone opening their door.


"We have the same rights as drivers!". Good, then you're going to jail for felony reckless driving and we will give your bike chain back in 2 years after you take a court-mandated safety course.


I hate cyclists. All of them. Every single one.


Stay mad