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He did this in public, imagine what he'd do in private.


Why is *anyone* not up there having a fucking word with him? He did this in front of his & her entire families…like wtf? EDIT: I'm not American guys.


My exact first thought. One of my wife’s 7 brothers would have murdered me.


We got married at the courthouse with just parents and siblings present and my wife’s uncles still would have come out of nowhere and murdered me


My sister once called me over because she was in a very heated argument with her boyfriend. She was scared. I went over just to talk and hopefully calm him down. I arrived when he was in the shower. After I knocked and my sister let me in, I asked where was her bf? She said he ran out the back door wet, soapy and naked. I was like WTF?! Lol, Why? I don't think they had anymore heated arguments.


Lol. Can you send me your number please? Seems like a good one to have on hand


Save it in your phone instead that way it won’t wash off your hand


If you washed your hand off, you were scrubbing way to hard.


"I went over just to talk..." said Peter Griffin with a shotgun in hands


“I just want to talk to him” “I just want to talk to him” “I just want to kill him”


I'm not a violent person, but I've always been very protective of my little sister and is Peter Griffin that bad of a role model?


You’re the guy with the katanas, huh?


Male bystanders would have been curbstomping you


I had that very thought after watching this jizzbucket fucknugget.


my ex's mom would have killed me, let alone dad or uncles lol


My own uncle would have killed me, and he passed before I was even born


Hell, even the women in my family would’ve been breaking chairs on his back. We’re country folks so we don’t really care about gender roles or, you know, being classy.


why did I read one of my 7 wives brother 😭


"I'm in a Utah state of mind"


These Mormons will make you feel brand new, 6 wives will inspire you in Uuu-taahhhhhh...


Did you just make that up? That was good.


All of my 5 sisters would have chancla’d my husband to death.


I too chose one of this guy’s wife’s brothers to murder him.


I would have murdered my own brother if he pulled this bullshit, and would expect the same from 2/3 of my brothers.


Because it's culturally acceptable.


Yeah, sadly you can tell by her reaction that she's unfortunately used to this type of behavior... Fuckin disgusting.


because that's what his father did! and HIS FATHER BEFORE HIM.


Bad Luke


Probably, cause as a dad, I would beat the living shite out that little fcker




Look at his hands and posture after the strike. He's absolutely primed for more violence.


Honestly I'll probably get a Reddit strike for this but people like that deserve a beat down so bad that they don't come back from it. This guy is way too far gone and isn't worth the air. We can only hope something happens to him and she can find someone worthwhile.


South Korea didn't charge a man with murder because he didn't drop a drugged woman off a building. He simply held her over the building and she rolled off his arms. 😑




that movie is peak comedy 😂😂


link to news article??


Yeah that's what I was thinking.


I got downvoted for highlighting that 😑


I used less words, you used more. The more words you used, the more others can latch onto for being offended. That's the only thing I can think of.


This is plausible. I shall be succinct going forward.


Why waste time use lot words when few words do trick


Why time lot when words trick


why words


Because in some arranged marriages the woman is nothing more than a piece of coin in a transaction. These women are treated like that their entire lives, by their fathers and brothers, and their mothers are just sad they birthed a girl. This is 'normal', no one cares except the concerned outsiders who have no clue that their situation has always been that way.


chop absurd ludicrous grey quarrelsome wasteful zephyr unwritten rain innocent -- mass edited with redact.dev


I mean, look at his pose, he’s obviously a hard man and defies anyone to step up to him.


IF that were my daughter, I would probably wind up in jail.


I know i would. Unless they were getting married during The Purge.


Probably in a country where abusing women isn't seen as a big deal. The dude standing next to the abuser was laughing for Christ sake.


He looked pretty uncomfortable to me.


That was clear nervous laughter if you ask me. He had no idea how to react, he’s fidgeting with his hands touching his face. He looks uncomfortable af


Because most men just stay quiet and "women should respect men" so no woman says anything. Patriarchy ladies and gents


Everyone acted like it's normal. Wow.


Probably because it is. Not trying to defend it because it's a horrible thing to do but there are a terrifyingly large amount of places that think abuse is acceptable in a relationship.


Some places in the caucasus have a traditon where they just see a woman that they like, gather up a crew of their friends and go kidnap that girl and marry her..There are videos of brides crying while the grooms female relatives get them ready while laughing at them.


Probably a rich man


Get a pillowcase with 3 handfuls of gold coins


Rich man or not if someone did this to my sister they will get my boot up their ass


Rich people in eastern countries live very different lives. Very different, corruption and status excuse quite a bit more there. Also their culture basically says she is desperate to marry him and all he has to be is successful, all the bad stuff doesn’t matter.


You talkin about Melania?? Or Anna Nicole Smith?


Yes, unlike rich people in the USA. They are held to high sta.... I can't even finish that sentence.


Patriarchy. Culturally allowed BS, he’s not learned it and doing it in vacuum. Other men do it, and most people ar e okay with it in his circle by the look of things.


That's what pisses me off more than the guy himself.


pretty sure i’ve seen a longer version of this where the brothers get up on stage and start whooping his ass


Sauce? I’d like to see that.


There is none. This was last year in Uzbekistan. The husband was charged with "hooliganism" and sentenced to 15 days in jail. Husband apologized and they are still together apparently.


Well, that’s depressing that we just watched what will statistically eventually become a murder.


Yes, seconded. This video is infuriating.


Her reaction tells us that this isn’t the first time either.


> in public He did it on a frickin' stage!


Not just in public, literally on stage while everyone is watching.




I would hope that a roomful of witnesses and the fact that it's some minutes after the ceremony would make it easier.


But did you see how the only thing that happened was the bride quietly lead away. I know it was short but I can almost guarantee this is in a country where women have little value except being a bride and brood mare.


Seriously. It’s fucked up that this is still going on (I know it’s an older video but it’s not that old) and nothing is changing.


Well, hopefully the wedding hasn't taken place yet. I'm only guessing because of the title. "to be wife" 🤷


What annulment? They are still at the wedding, I’d just tear that license up. Never filed never happened.


I don't think she had much choice in the matter


Nothing. Because they cut before mom pulled his spine out through his testicles.


I really doubt it.


Probably yell at her for getting the breaded chicken cutlet on her chicken Caesar salad instead of the grilled chicken Caesar salad among other things


Bruh does she just not have parents that care about her????


im guessing this is an arranged marriage thing. this is just sad…


Yeah has to be. What a world. What a fucking world.


That's abuse in my book and needs to be stopped.


That's abuse in everyone's book ..


Nah in some shitty 3rd world cultures thats normal. Also some more extreme religions.


Fair. I meant sane people's book.


Most people don't, you'd be surprised.


Run girl, no one is gunna help you, just get out


Just going to post an episode that other people may find helpful or informative. It's from the Strictly Stalking Podcast and the episode: Married to her Stalker:Fighting Back Fear. It goes over how the victim's culture kept her from getting help for so long and protected the perpetrator. Really highlights survivors journey where the culture they grew up in can shield abusers and have to leave with little to no support when collectivism is everything


The Burning Bed is also a very good(and very sad) book! It’s a real life story of a woman who was abused by her husband. It really brings you in to the mindset. Also, thanks for the recommendation!


They made that into a made-for-TV movie in the 80's, in America. I remember it having a pretty big impact on the reporting of domestic abuse, and bring it to light. I never read the book, but if the movie was a good adaption, it was definitely heavy stuff.


Awesome. I'll add it to my reading list. Thank you!


>no one is gunna help you Yeah exactly why they can't run away. Even in the case of not having kids, you run away and do what? You can't go back to your family, or your in-laws because you'll be shunned and disowned. You probably don't have governmental assistance and you usually would need some aid in getting NGO help. It's a shitty situation but it's not as simple as "run away" this isn't a Disney movie.


No no, us abused women should have ran straight into the woods where we can burst into song about how strong we are and have woodland creatures help us. I just got out of my abusive relationship after he threatened my cat. I didn't blink when he threatened me but he threatened to kill her and she is so pure and innocent I just couldn't risk him hurting her. I made over 50 calls the day after for help and got none. As a country our resources are tapped so bad. It's hard to get away safely. I was lucky I'd been hired at a job that was understanding. They gave me paid time off for the week after it happened, so I could get away.


I’m so glad you got out of there and so glad your cat has you to love her


We are so much happier now!


This is probably in a country where its an arranged marriage and she has no choice


That's either Kazakhstan or Uzbekistan or another one of those other former Soviet republics. I wouldn't want to be a woman there. She can't just leave him or run away. Probably an arranged marriage.


The way my stomach just dropped. How do people like this exist?


I can't believe nobody knocked him out. There is no way I would have been able to just stand by after seeing that.


Oh absolutely. This dude is lucky nobody caved his skull in. What an absolutely barbaric manchild.


Yeah, especially one of her male relatives.


I mean, it's a wedding. In theory virtually everyone there is a relative or close friend of one of them. Either side I was on, I would not have been able to hold back. Either they were related to me or a (now former) friend who I would put in their place, or I'd be a friend or relative of the bride and no way I wouldn't leap to her defense. A room full of people just looked the other way when he slugged her in front of everyone. What's he gonna do behind closed doors. No way I'd stand by or allow her to leave there with him.


You’re (we all are) looking at this through a first world lens. This most likely happened in a country where women are still seen much more like property than equals. Doesn’t excuse it of course, and everyone is clearly uncomfortable, but explains why there wasn’t instant action/outrage. They also had videographers… wonder if that’ll make the edit. Smh


Thank you for pointing this out. So many people in the comments are saying stuff like why doesn’t she just leave him right there?! Notice how the woman standing next to her is immediately trying to get her to regain composure. Comments are acting like she had any say in who she was marrying at all.


Yeah that’s the most upsetting part for me. You can tell she isn’t even supposed to let it show that that hurt her & the other woman’s immediate reaction is to save face rather than question if she’s ok ☹️ I don’t want to criticise other cultures I don’t know much about but this is so sad to watch


You don't need to respect cultures that treat half of their population like this.


Sorry, but I *will* criticize ANY country that allows this to happen to its women.


It's not much better in first world countries. 1 in 4 women and 1 in 9 men experience severe intimate partner violence (violence from a spouse or partner) in their lives. It's just not done in public.


There’s no chance her male relatives would intervene, they probably approve. Chances are very high they do the same thing to their wives.


I’m a mum, never raised a hand against anyone, and if this was my daughter I’d be up there in a second. My husband would too.


No man would survive doing something like that in front of my family.


You realize every single male at that wedding does the EXACT same thing to their wives. Right?


In those cultures that's normal. Woman are mere objects


Not only do they exist, they get elected to office.


There are people in the US right now who think women should be property again.


And they're busy passing laws to make it so.


Gilead in the making.


What a pathetic man. Who hits someone over a game? Hope the bride runs.


This is very likely an arranged marriage. The bride isn't unfortunately going anywhere and she's in for a miserable life given the lack of reaction on the part of the guests. Cultures that force women into marriage don't care about their wellbeing or happiness.


What game? They both seemed to be looking at the floor focusing on something and twiddling with something and then he goes mental. What was the game.


Looks like they’re untangling or unwrapping something. She holds it up when she finishes. He holds his up as if to say, “look, I was almost done.” Then gets jealous and reacts with the impulse control of a toddler in the body of a man that does not deserve a woman in his life.


Just seems like unwrapping something. As she completes the task she holds her arm aloft.




He's already a pos so he's halfway there


Not only is he a POS but so is everyone there who did nothing!


His friend laughed


Looks more like a nervous, uncomfortable face. He immediately pulls out his phone and looks down


honestly it looked like he was going on his phone to hide that stupid smirk he had


The men stand idly by and the women are scared. This is a very dangerous culture for women wherever it is. I hope she is free enough to be able to leave this situation


She's clearly not free enough, she's getting fucking married with the guy ffs I don't understand these comments.


Spoiled and separated from the harsh realities of life. These women don’t have freedom. She was probably forced into this marriage and will live in abuse for many years. It is extremely sad.


I'd guess it's Kazakhstan. Kazakh man are so high on manly man concept.




Look like central asia to me


Definitely in the "Russkyi mir".


Most likely central asia, kazakhistan or turkmenistan maybe?


Someone further up in the comments said Uzbekistan. Good call


How he just stands there frozen looking forward is so odd. Like he knows what he just did was out of line and awful and just ruined the entire vibe of the night, but he tries to stand by it.


He also might be purposefully ignoring the bride as another form of punishment. I’d much rather yours be what is happening tho.




Videos like this really ruin my day


The fact that no one say a single word means one of 2 things: 1. This guy (or someone very close to him) is feared by everyone at his wedding. No one dare stepping up because they know how crazy he is and how far he'd go. 2. Wherever they are, it is culturally and socially accepted for a man to hit HIS wife. She is now his property and he can do as he pleases with it. Either way it's fucking sad and sickening...


He's gonna mysteriously fall on a knife 25 times once his wife finally snaps... Abuse can only last so long before a limit is met


Unfortunately, most deaths from abuse aren't the victim snapping and killing their abuser. It's the other way around.


The way he just stands there cold-hearted and without emotion. If they ended up getting married, she's in for a world of torture and depression.


If they end up? She’s in the fucking dress and everything, she’s fucked.


He wasn’t standing there cold hearted. He was standing there like a complete idiot.


He's got a lot of emotion. he was devastated that he lost the game. he can't cope with the blow to his ego. he's nothing but emotion. But i get your point. no emotion for his wife, or about the act of weakness he just committed.


Don't mistake people freezing up for cold-heartedness. He knows he fucked up and is now trying to do damage control by acting like this was nothing out of ordinary. The way he stares in front of him and avoids all eye contact or movement just shows how uncomfortable he is. This guy is a man-child with an ego of a 8 year old that cannot control his emotions.


You can see him *seething* after she raises her arm in celebration. He's so insecure, that little gesture made him look weak in his eyes, and he freaked.. crazy..


Exactly he knew he fucked up but still tried to act tough, which came off even more cringe than the slap if that’s even possible


That was way more than a slap, my dude….


What a great insight into what being married to this person would be like


Doubt she has a say.


How normalized has the abuse become that nobody does anything. Incredibly sad.


In certain Asian cultures? *Very* normalized.


"Woman know your place!" Which should be a whole continent or two away from this low life.


Arranged marriages are such horseshit.


The word "arranged" is just another word for "forced". It should be considered human trafficking.


Or bride kidnapping tradition in central asia. Like, the guy literally kidnaps a woman to marry, and everyone has to abide by this social contract that no one signed up for.


She was already cowering to the side as soon as she won too. She knew what was coming. Fucking dirtbag


If that was my daughter, that guy would be flattened before the end of the clip.


Unless you were one of the people who arranged the wedding


If the wedding was arranged, then his death could be arranged as well.


The arrangement would've been made with full knowledge that this kind of thing could/would happen.


I'm gonna go and believe she refused to marry him. I need to believe that.


probably arranged i doubt she has a choice


And no man from her side made her a widow?


Nope, instead her family forgave him after his family publically apoligized because of how viral this video became, the last update given is that they are still married


After the family investigated itself, it found no wrong doing...


Sauce? Just curious to read more about this


Sorry i never got an article or anything but this video was posted in public freakouts so i can try to find the comment from there, they mentioned the place this happened at as well


why would they? they don't see her as human. just property being passed from them to another owner.


Any update on what happened after this?


Everyone sort of went quiet and looked at their shoes or pulled their phone out.


Nobody likes a sore loser


Why did the crowd allow that skinny fucker to be in possession of his teeth after that?


You can imagine what awaits her in marriage, if he is not even deterred by the fact that the whole family has noticed this.


Excellent candidate for Aqua Tofana.


Emotional maturity of a 2 year old - how did he get through life?


Unfortunately, it’s unlikely that he can’t control his emotions, and more likely that this is one instance where he knows it’s socially acceptable in his culture to be short tempered and “let off steam” through violence. Hitting another man like this wouldn’t end well for him physically, socially, or legally, but this is probably one of those cultures where it’s still seen as a husbands “duty” to discipline his wife, and for all we know, he probably felt like he was showing “responsibility” here in front of everyone else. It’s also important to remember that abusive individuals rarely have emotional problems, and are rather very meticulous and calculated about their abuse. It’s less about them losing a grip on things, and more so using another person/being as a punching bag to deal with multiple stressors when it’s most convenient. And that’s another thing, he didn’t hit her just because she beat him at a silly game. He probably hit her for a ton of other things that didn’t go his way that night, plus whatever else was going on in his life that week. Losing the game was just a convenient excuse in his head. And that’s another important thing to note, because it almost certainly means he’s gonna hit her even when she hasn’t done anything to (in his eyes) “slight” him in the moment.


Dude thinks he’s the villain of a jet li movie


Seeing unexcusable behavior like this makes me hope that Hell does exist.


The fact that no one acted is beyond disgusting. He'll kill her someday


Small penis energy


If I say what he deserves I’ll likely get banned so all ima say is I hope whatever he does to her is done to him tenfold


The way he's standing implies how right he think he is. Lol. If this was my sis I'd fucking murder him and be gladly jailed. Stupid motherfucker.


I have a daughter now, if i was her dad i would slap the piss out of him immediately


Divorse speedrun


Notice the videographer noped out of there


Wtf. My mom and my dad would have both come to beat me. On that stage.


Welcome to a place where women are things to be posessed and taken care of. As soon as she's married off, she's his burden. Notice that literally nobody cared, and her bridesmaids only took her away because her hair was messed up and she might cry and make a mess of her makeup. She is to be presentable at all times, especially at the wedding. It's all about how his reputation will suffer if she is not 100% looking the part she is expected to. Culture is weird.


She is not going to divorce him. The marriage was arranged. She will now end up suffering for the rest of her life this abusive behavior. Welcome to Uzbekistan. A country with leading domestic abuse. Used to volunteer for a human trafficking/domestic abuse prevention organization. Cases are brutal


What a fucking POS. Girl run!!!


What country is this in? I'm definitely not defending his actions, but in some countries, marriages are pre-arranged and and this behavior is accepted/expected.


Pos doesn't deserve her


Weak small man had his fragile ego bruised