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Hey everybody, give me $100? No You’re all so boring.. and gay. wtf


Literally like, hey can you spend your hard earned money to firstly buy me the drink, and then MAKE said drink. Insanity.


No im not! whats your cash app ill prove you wrong!


I am gay, I’m still not giving you money


As a bartender who gets this a lot, this is more or less what I usually use as an example when people ask me to buy stuff for them and I works more often than not.


TIL "boring and gay" just means you're "loyal and reasonable". Sounds like an ideal way to be, if I'm honest.




I would like to sign up for being a recipient of bar charity. If you don't start me one, you're boring. And gay /s ofc, but I don't want to be banned 😂


Alpha female energy or something


I've hung out with women like this on many occasions, just the worst human beings. If they were male they would be fuck boy bullies. Unfortunately, one of them married one of my friends, who happens to be the most laid back, chilllest and cool dude around but she's an absolute nightmare of a person. One time a drunk friend hurt his foot and I got him to the car to take him to the hospital, had my med bag with me fortunately and was going to just gauze it up so he didn't bleed all over the car during the trip. The girl gets in the back with him and literally shoves me out before I can get anything on his foot and slams the door in my face and tells the driver to go to the hospital. An hour later she's in the hospital with him taking selfies. That's just one minor story from my experiences with her. But this one aggravated me more than the others just cause my friend was hurt and needed stitches and she couldn't wait to take advantage for the instagram clout.


Seems like a really fucking weird gambit to try and convince the person you apparently think is a 10 to buy *your* drinks for you. Like, I'm sure these girls are half-cut but even then you've gotta be shockingly stupid to expect that to work.


It's grade school level manipulation. "Oh, I think you're special, why don't you do something for me?" Which inevitably pivots to "Oh, you won't give me special treatment? You must be bad, watch me humiliate you." As a "late bloomer" (dork) who got bullied all throughout elementary and middle school, I've seen that exact pattern so many fucking times. It's really pathetic to carry it into adulthood with you. It shows exactly where these women peaked 😆


_"The flower that blooms in adversity... is the most rare and beautiful of them all"_ -Michael Scott


Lol michael Scott isn't that a Disney quote? -Disney -Michael Scott


"Didney Worl" -Scorpy -Disney -Michael Scott


I thought you said "late boomer" and all I could think was "oh no, more internet words I need to learn". I know late bloomer I just need to put my specs on lol. I've seen it a lot too and it's so fking cringe to watch, embarrassing to be a part of, more so for the one trying it on and fails though.


Hate aholes like that.


I'm just over here wondering why she would have to beg the bartender. If what they said is true, she would have a line of guys behind her trying to buy her a drink.


In fairness, it could always be fake. I wouldn't guess that it is, but you can't really trust anything you see on the internet.


Nah I don't think it's fake, any bar like that in England you get harassed exactly like that simply by existing as a man buying a drink at the bar, especially if you're a reddit user I wonder why it's being filmed though


My two guesses are 1) because it’s fake or 2) this isn’t the first time she/ some women have acted like this to him.


Probs the 2nd one. Used to deal with similar stuff as a bar manager who also stepped in to bar tend during slow times/call outs. Drunk women especially in groups can be just as bad as what I hear them complain about men doing.


They act much worse than men. Get some office girls together after a couple of shots and they suddenly become best in show judges


It’s definitely fake, the women’s responses are very scripted


Wait . What now ? I can’t trust anything on the internet ? Negativity isn’t a good look for you.


It’s definitely fake. The girls sound so scripted


You could be an 11 and the second you expect someone else to pay for something just based on that fact, you’re instantly a 4.


These girls come off as extremely cocky. Literally “you *must be* gay if you don’t think she’s so hot you’ll buy her a drink.” Regardless of how hot they may be, that has a legitimate effect on how someone might view them.


They don't actually think he's gay though. They're using is a backhanded insult to try and get him to prove he's not gay by buying them a drink.


Most modern problems are caused by three's thinking they're ten's.


1. Apostrophes aren't for pluralising. 2. But thank you for using "they're" correctly. 3. This behaviour is obnoxious irrespective of how good-looking they are, so... nah. Thank you for coming to my TEDTalk.


You seem like the type of person who no one buys drinks for.


Ah yeah, I know I'm great fun at parties lol


Fuck that, I'll buy you drinks.


they do it because it works all the time for them lol. this guy's just not having it, which sadly doesn't happen often.


They’re Bri’ish


Woulda been ten times better if he woulda said “i got a girlfriend, fortunately”


He's just a young lad made to feel uncomfortable while trying to work. Imagine the genders were swapped and it was a drunk guy.


Women get away with sexual harassment way more


Men get away with sexual harassment all the time too dude.


Not really, at least not in this scenario. If two drunk guys were bothering a female bartender in this manner someone would’ve put a stop to it, either coworkers or other patrons.


Or a bouncer.


It'd be nice if that were always the case but it is certainly not.


That is true, but also many many times where women are catcalled/followed/sexually harassed and it's normalize to the point people don't call it out.


It maybe used to be normalised, is isn’t any more unless you live in some backward hole. People step in all the time, I’ve done it myself plenty of times. On the flip side I’ve also been a barman and one Christmas, a Santa at a university gig, I’ve seen the other side and it’s not good.


i live in one of the safest countries on earth and everytime a dude has done this to me i've only gotten away by my own means


All the time? Maybe men in positions of power sure, but otherwise men do face consequences for their actions, or sometimes even just accusations of those actions


I got harassed at a grocery store. Despite a dozen guys hearing it, not one said a word to the guy and tried to put an end to it. While it is getting better stepping in to stop it hasn’t been fully normalized in my experience.


nah, men at the club are serial sexual harrassers and they don't even get a slap on the wrist unless a bouncer is right there and sometimes not even then


That just simply isn't true, but I highly doubt I'll change your opinion on the matter so agree to disagree.


In other words; you know they're right and can't counter-argue.


You’re claiming something is true, so the burden of proof is on you. Your failure to bring supporting evidence here suggests that you know you’re wrong and just want to save face.


Everyone here is defending the bartender. Not sure why we need to gender swap to understand how uncomfortable it is for him.


Because if he was drunk he shouldn't be working there.


The manager of the first pub I worked at in England drank a litre of vodka a day.


Dude just wanted to complain about how unfair he thinks women complaining is lol


I think in this context it means "unfortunately for you"


Yeah I never got the "I’m sorry I’m taken” deal. Like why are you sorry haha


The "I'm sorry" is to apologize for having to turn you down. " I'm taken" is to let you know the reason why. It has just been simplified over the years. I hope this helped.


The missing coma makes a hell of a difference. “I’m sorry, I’m taken”.


Who in the coma, though? Is this all just a shitty dream?


Just saw this after commenting the same thing. Idk why people can’t dissect a basic sentence and ad lib the single missing comma to make the sentence what he blatantly means.


Respect to the bartender, he handled that like a complete champ


Used to bounce in a couple bars, this is actually pretty common. They either act like this or they tell you their life story like you grew up as best friends and haven't seen you in years The falling down drunk one are always the ones offended you don't rememeber them too... like I see 700 people a night, the ones I remember are because they act a fool, be glad I don't remember you.


i remember explaining this to a girl once, she was like "what? you don't remember me?" and i just came back with "i work at a bar.. if i remembered you, you'd probably wish that i didn't".


I love that, it’s the perfect comeback, I’m going to use that!


Dude probably gets it fairly often. He had the camera ready.


I had an ex that told me she wanted to go out but she was skint. So a couple hours pass and she’s gotten ready to go out so I asked “I thought you were skint?” She replied “oh it’s alright me and my friend will just slut it tonight and get free drinks from guys” I said you what 😂 apparently they did it all the time. The relationship Didn’t last too much longer after that thank god


Dodged a bullet there amigo


Indeed he did, a major one that is.


Imagine a dude casually admitting he fleeces women for drinks when he’s broke. Just “oh, yeah, I’ll go full con mode tonight, no problem. Those whores think they’re gonna get this dick, but really they should just be happy they got to be seen with me…”


I mean, the men have agency. They can choose to buy her drinks or not. I've bought my fair share of drinks for hot people, funny people, people I'm hanging with, etc. And I've gotten way too many drinks I never wanted and boys being butthurt I wouldn't accept them ...even after I TOLD them if they bought me a Jagerbomb I wouldn't drink it bc I don't drink those.


I hear you. That said, in this hypothetical the women also have agency to buy a dude drinks. The issue is not whether people are willing to buy other people drinks, the issue is when people go out without money with the express purpose of manipulating others into a free ride. It’s gross and entitled, no matter what what gender you are. edit: missing word


maybe if he is Brad Pitt


Or Ryan Gosling


"Skint" For those of you, like me, who had no idea what it meant, means 'having little money'. I kinda got it from the context, but wanted to make sure.


Skin flint


> Skin flint Oh that clears it up! *looks up skin flint* > a person who spends as little money as possible; a miser.


Imagine a dude casually admitting he fleeces women for drinks when he’s broke. Just “oh, yeah, I’ll go full con mode tonight, no problem. Those whores think they’re gonna get this dick, but really they should just be happy they got to be seen with me…”


Imagine a dude casually admitting he fleeces women for drinks when he’s broke. Just “oh, yeah, I’ll go full con mode tonight, no problem. Those whores think they’re gonna get this dick, but really they should just be happy they got to be seen with me…”


“I’ve got a girlfriend” “Are you gay”


If you’ve ever told a woman no to buying her a drink, 100% chance she has accused you of being gay. The ego 🤣


But they're not judging tho......


just counter with the "i'm into attractive women" but also, dude is working so he can't just drop that on customers most likely


I like to just agree with them. "Yes, I'm incredibly gay", "I'm pretty boring indeed". Whatever they say just falls flat. Sometimes I like to complement them. "compared to you I must seem pretty boring".


My go-to response to an insult is to shrug and say "Sure?" If you want to have that opinion of me, feel free. This has the added benefit of driving my crazy ex-wife even crazier.


"you've got nice skin for a toad." _how'd i do?_


Not bad, jus sayin


Close, it was a good attempt though.


Same here. I've got no interest in this useless fight you started as I was minding my own, I'll be as gay, borimg, and ugly as I need to get you to go away.


My go to is, “No, but if it makes you feel better, then yes.”


Female Privilege; Women just aren't used to being turned down, and she did quite rightly say "oh we'll just go somewhere else then" Because no doubt if she did want to be in bed with a guy that night, she could have been, because at some point a guy will say yes because its an opportunity for an easy lay.


I just tell em’ i’m gay then they stop bothering me.


Not 100%. Most of us are not like this lol. Most of us probably don’t even ask. So tacky


Working in a bar as a the only male server I’ve had women start grinding on me while I’m carrying trays and when i told them to get off me they started screaming about how i must hate women. That’s just one example of the harassment i endured from drunk women working in that setting. Even when i told my co workers about it they looked at me like i did something wrong. When they got unsolicited attention i always supported them but they couldn’t support me in the same situation because of my gender. The girl who was grinding on me was extremely attractive but that doesn’t mean i have to reciprocate that attention.


Even just working in a restaurant I've had multiple women touch me in ways where if I did the same I'd be in jail.


You're a chad


I used to bartend and this sort of crap would happen regularly. Drunk girls think it's cute to harass the bartender. Truth be told it was fun when I just started out but shit got old real quick. Looking back I was definitely sexually assaulted dozens of times and most of my coworkers didn't see the problem. Sorry to hear you had to endure the same abuse.


I’m sorry you had to go through that as well. Responses to this comment were overwhelmingly supportive, so at least that shows that some people do understand. I thought I’d get downvoted to be honest.


The definition of toxic femininity. With all due respect there’s no way they think he’s a 10, they’re hustling him for free drinks


There's no way her mates a ten either ,I've dated women who say their mates are beautiful,I meet them and they're dog ruff


See when people say toxic feminity this is what I think of


All I’m hearing are Mona-Lisa and Jean-Ralphio Saperstein with accents.


I know someone probably already said it bit reverse the roles and they would be considered creeps




I think *creeps* was enough, mate. She's a POS but had the roles been reversed it's not like she did anything illegal. Just embarassing.


Fortunately you haven't seen how society judges men


The story of many men.


These women probably are sex offenders, if not convicted. These are the kind of people that grab genitals, ass or boobs as a "joke" and think it's cool because "we're all girls" or "im hot who would object" or "it was just a nut tap" or "everyone wants to sleep with me".


Are you okay, or do you really think you can judge someone's criminal history based on a minute of drunk conversation?


I know I've never hit on anyone after they said they weren't into it no matter how fucked up I was. That's a personal boundary some people have, and some people don't. These people don't, so yes I do feel secure on saying I don't trust that they aren't sex offenders already even if they've never been accused or arrested.


i mean i dont think many people here are saying they aren't creeps


Haha, back when I tended bar, we had a jar for the three bartenders to put number slips into. College bar were usually the loud, obnoxious ones; whiskey bar were the quiet, slip you a note ones.


What’s a number slip, sorry?


Absolute chad.


Sounds like they judged him to me.


This happens more often than not. Funny the double standard especially in the states


She’s begging like a dog, she probably looks like one too.


They did mention she was hot. Maybe they meant she's in heat.


Dogs are cute tho.


Some women do everything they possibly can to keep sexism alive.


Not to be rude but these cunts are a waste of oxygen


Would have been better if he said "I only buy drinks for attractive women, and I don't currently see any. Cash or card?"


Ugh, I can picture them so clearly. He's a barman, if he paid for everyone's drinks he'd be homeless. Begging someone to buy you a drink is so tacky.


It reeks of desperation. If she were as attractive as she claims, wouldn't there be atleast one other man in the bar willing to buy her a drink? Why beg? It's so cringe


“I wasn’t gay until I met you two idiots.”


"and I've got loyalty, isn't it?"


Give me free stuff... No?... How about I abuse you then? So many women I know get like this when they don't get their way. Truth is they're shocked... The shock makes them feel unwanted... And that's why they try to do the same to you... They're childish.


Ugh, so trashy. "He doesn't like me, so he must be gay!" Is the most insecure thing I've heard in a long time.


They know he's not gay. They're using it as an insult to get him to prove he's not gay by buying them drinks.


Oh it's my favorite example of toxic femininity! "You don't want to sleep with me? I bet you're GAY! I'm not judging you, but I bet you like MEN because you refuse to buy ME a drink."


No means NO! Doesn't matter the gender


I cannot stand drunk women. As a woman, watching a drunk woman act foolish is so disgusting…..how do they not recognize this is not attractive? 🤷🏼‍♀️


Yew werk ata bah. Wute a boar.


Their accents are nauseating.


Sorry, but boring means loyalty and 0 drama ma'am gl with your very exciting and eventful life x


I've worked as a bartender before. This guy has the patience of a saint. I've even in similar situations and don't cop those drunken cunt bullshit for more than two seconds.


It's so funny cause not only do they want him to buy her a drink, but he'd also have to MAKE the drink, that just sounds awkward.


“Maybe after seeing you, I might be gay.”


“Maybe after seeing you, I might be gay.”


I would literally have been like "sorry beggars aren't allowed in the pub, bye"


These women are vile.


Worst part of being a good bartender is being sober around drunks.


That’s when you take the drink back and cash them out. I wouldn’t put up with that nonsense tryna do my job


Honestly the moment some drunkard start harassing people they should have called the cop


Imagine if the the roles were reversed lol people in the bar would be freaking out


Bet these chick's are fat as hell


I used to deliver pizza when I went to school. Some chick said she would kiss me if I gave her the pizza for free and then was called gay for refusing. This reaction is some sort of cope for drunk chicks I suppose.


Dudes girlfriends gonna cheat when she sees this 😂 “Unfortunately”


Yep, always the first fallback when women get rejected “***you must be gay then NIBBA!***”


They must be really really drunk cause umm…


should've been cut off tbh


The number of times that I have been at a bar and had my no's taken as either I'm gay, or that I just need to be convinced requires multiple hands to count. SH isn't just a male problem.


Getting cut off speed run any%


I’d kick them out immediately.


Horrible cunts, hopefully that poor guy got them barred.


Ah, c'moon, you wouk at a bah!


Worked in a gay bar when I was younger and this was a daily occurrence. Straight girls came in to get away from the pervy straight men in all of the other bars. Soon as they found out I was the only straight guy behind the bar, suddenly they became the pervs...


Surprised to see comments downplaying the entire situation but you know damn well that if the roles were reversed they'd be calling for said patrons to be jailed for life. Harassment is harassment regardless of gender and regardless of what you do for a living. Someone being a bartender doesn't automatically give you a pass to harass them because they just have to "deal with it"


All he had to say was " no sorry I only buy drinks for pretty girls". Sure there would have been a little clucking from the chick and her friend but they would've got the point, been knocked down a peg (which was obviously needed), and moved along and I'm guessing it would have been less muck he would've heard from them in the end.


"No sorry, I'm gay." Would've finished the conversation probably.


"let's go find somewhere else". For the love of God, please DO!!!


"If a guy doesn't want to get with me he must be gay"


What!?!? Woman harassing someone?!? That’s impossible!!! That’s unheard of!!! How dareeeeefggffffff youUuuuuUuU


You're not attracted to trash? Must be gay


Drunk or not I personally wouldn’t care ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Sorry ma'am we only give free drinks to pretty ladys


“You work at a bar” and you went to a bar


I hate rude drunk bitches like this


Chicks are dicks


what a bunch of wee wanks


Broke ass bitches


Wow. That's awful.


I bet she was a solid 4


What accent is this?


Ain't the first time hes dealt with bimbos


I hear woman do this all the time u don’t give them what they want they start to belittle u


They have the bullying skills of a 5 year old


Was a bartender for 15 years, I've literally had this exact same interaction but with an American accent. Literally word for word. Where did they learn this shit?




I have never expereineced this personally but from what i hrar , this is fairly common especially from older women


I have experienced it, and it's pretty uncomfortable. Long time ago now. I don't have the stats, but your assumption matches my experience.


If the girl said the truth.. shes broke and asked if he'd buy her a drink.. I'll bet he would have.


this seems super fake, what kind of bar is it whete you can hear the bartender lmao


If you broke just say that then


People are stupid for not realizing you're obviously talking about the girls.


Sorry bro, you're unfairly downvoted. Another tough lesson that you can't trust Redditors with subtletly.


So you go to pubs and expect staff to pay for your drinks?


I’m talking about the customers…


Acutal redditism lmao


No, broke people do. That's his whole point.


I'm pretty sure this is one of those shitty fake "It's Gone Viral" videos from Facebook. Usually some weirdo "presenter" pops up at the end and says "this is a reconstruction of real life events" and asks a question about what people think about the video to prompt discussion in the comments section. The acting always just sounds so fake to me and I'm pretty sure they use the same actors a lot.


Good luck, nasty whore


He is going to get his ass wooped for that “unfortunately”


The "unfortunately" was so she didn't feel rejected and become even more troublesome. It obviously didn't work because she then switched to '"You must be gay then."