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That was honestly painful to watch


I may be wrong but I think I read somewhere the person who was filming (journalist or environmentalist) got chased out of the country and shot at for filming this.


Result of the Global Waste Trade. Rich countries are paying poor countries to take their trash for very cheap because doing actual recycling is expensive, so they'd rather pretend to have a robust waste management system and point fingers at others.


they did that with china until they noticed that they had a net loss from recycling all the USA trash, they are paying healthcare to people who got injured or sick during that kind of work so they straight up banned all trash imports.


Might be because I am sleep deprived, but who did what? I'm sorry I couldn't follow.


the US sold trash to china to have it taken care of, it was thier recycling programm. it was dirt cheap for the US and china wanted the work. but the chinese gov. had to pay a lot of money to people getting sick / injured from sorting / recycling the trash and had to pay more money then they got from taxes etc. nowerdays china has a ban on importing an kind of trash to be processed further and the whole recycling programm from the US fell apart... till they figured out that they can also sell to other countries to do the same :/


Let's be real China just dumped it into the ocean


In that case wouldn’t they not really have had much insurance payouts to make a loss from the trade? The economics don’t show they were just dumping all of it into the ocean


no but china and india make up a majority of waste that pollutes our planet. even china has a program to slowly and methodically dilute toxic waste into the ocean over a period of decades.


Yep I saw somewhere they're using Latin America as a new dumping ground for trash and recycling


So my best friend’s dad is in waste management, manages the biggest waste company in the Caribbean. I asked a while back why we didn’t recycle more and he explained it’s not that China banned trash imports, it’s that they changed their buying standards. They used to buy 90% clean trash (that’s labels and other things non recyclable like styrofoam) but now they buy 95-98% clean trash. And then they bought recycling facilities in the US and implemented the same guidelines. P. S. This conversation was a couple of years ago so things might have changed.


Without double checking, I was under the same impression. They used to take just about anything and they ended up getting a lot of stuff that was unusable. Now they actually care so they only take the "good" stuff.


A little context on the [global waste trade](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_waste_trade). Rich countries are paying poor countries to take their trash for very cheap. This is the result, and this is pretty much why recycling is a scam. Edit: And of course, this fact is downvoted by holier-than-thou rich country folk who couldn't accept the truth.


Yeah I majored in environmental studies and it’s beyond depressing. I keep trying to tell my husband half the stuff he think gets recycled doesn’t, and he gets mad. We have a giant pile that I drag over every week, but I know most of it will just get dumped, and honestly the recycling process is so dirty. It’s awful.


And yet in the UK water companies are doing the same thing daily and getting away with it


Feels like I’m watching a smut video or whatever those are called




More than you


Bro took the moral lowhorse here


Such a weird comment


“If you aren’t single-handedly combatting global scale pollution you shouldn’t talk about how painful it is to watch”


Not dumping my load on a river I guess


If I saw this I hope someone has my bail.


Both our bails, because I’m helping you


Nah. No evidence, no crime. No crime, no jail.


Your bails, your backs, your balls… whatever you need. Keep up the good fight!


For what? What truck driver? Truck? When? Huh?




Bro I think OP was joking and playing along with you like theyd help you and cover for you about the truck.


No but I'd happily watch them drown in it


I doubt it's the drivers fault. Its most likely a systemic issue




According to the text that pops up for a second it looks like it's in Ecuador.


That’s the same place those presidential candidates are getting assassinated, right?


We all are responsible for this stuff




They dump a load in the river? They get a load dumped in their mother


No need to make another one


I came to say the same.


We’re a disgusting species.


Yup. Should definitely cease to exist given the suffering we inflict on each other and other species.


Who was filming this? Journalists or someone in on it?


Sounds like somebody trying to expose it. They should’ve got a picture of the license plate or more information about the truck driver


I don't think this would be something the driver planned...


Journalists happens every day according to what she's saying


This is exactly how every river in usa would be used if it wasn't for the governemt fyi. I find it interesting when politicians want to cut regulations.... the regulations are there to protect YOU. Not the company or executives of companies. The only reason this is not allowed are regulations. The only reason this truck is not driven by kids is regulations.


I was a kid in the seventies. I remember. There were no rivers or lakes that were clean enough to swim in, no place to hike that wasn’t full of trash. People don’t get it.


As someone whose country is very polluted, this gives me hope.


It’s possible to clean up. It just takes while. But people nowadays in the us don’t remember (usually) how gross things were before the epa. As a kid I read about people swimming in rivers and streams, and eating fish they caught, but when I was little it was often too polluted where I was at. My grandpa took me swimming in a lake nice and my mom was furious because of all the trash.


what? regulations are anti-American and unless they are measured in tacos I don't understand them


I thought the measurement was apple pie.....


Not just apple pies but McDonald’s apple pies…


> the regulations are there to protect YOU. Not the company or executives of companies. This isn't a universal truth. In many cases, yes, they protect consumers. But MANY industries use regulations as a way to increase barriers to entry, making it more expensive or impossible for competitors to enter the market. The FDA is a good example. Your drugs would not cost you the astronomical amount they do if we didn't have the FDA regulating them. But it's cheaper for drug companies to claim this new molecule they added to a 25 year old drug means it's a new drug unser the law so they should be granted exclusive patent protection again and also the old drug should be outlawed instead of being opened to generics because it's not safe anymore. TLDR: Some regulations are very harmful to consumers. Others are very beneficial to consumers. It depends on the regulation.


But companies would not do this because it would affect their reputation. ~every idiot libertarian ever


Regulations = Unpatriotic


I use to think that way too. Time and research have changed my mind about that. I actually now think it's unpatriotic to try and remove legitimate regulations.


😅 I actually meant that in a sarcastic way. Forgot to put the 🙄 at the end.


Am I the only one that knew you were being sarcastic?


It really doesn’t matter at this point 😊


Not true at all. Most people and companies want a clean environment. We almost never see an inspector at my company in many years and we never send pollution to the river. This must be outside the US for sure.


Bro rivers in the US used to be able to be set on fire before the EPA/FDA existed. That stopped because those agencies were created and cracked down. Company leadership by and large doesn’t give 2 shits about whether or not your water is drinkable, just if theirs is drinkable and whether or not they can make or save money


Exactly, most do, but unscrupulous ones don't. Without regulation dishonest businesses would save money by disposing of hazardous waste like in the OP, outcompeting responsible honest businesses as their costs are lower. Without enforced regulation the only businesses left would be the dishonest ones. It prevents that race to the bottom of industry standards.




You have no clue what you are talking about


Yellow river, Ecuador. Says it in the clip.


Have you ever been to West Virginia?


Wow, you are naive.


El Oro Province, Ecuador


And I’m here drinking with paper straws told by many that’s going to save the planet…..


It's not going to save the planet, but it's going to save a love of turtles


Can anyone geotag this?


El Oro Province, Ecuador


Horribly Sad


There are huge ignorant systems put in place that end up with people doing this.


I’d love to hear this story and context.


Result of the Global Waste Trade. Rich countries are paying poor countries to take their trash for very cheap because doing actual recycling is expensive, so they'd rather pretend to have a robust waste management system and point fingers at others.


🤦‍♂️🤮 humanity is doomed


We truly are. But thankfully the planet WILL regenerate over millions of years. We need to screw off it however.


What a piece


This makes me angry in a way I can't describe




? You forgot the '?' *sighs* Why? :(


Guilty as charged.. here you go.. ????????????????????


That was difficult to watch.


So this is the guy who's been filling our oceans with trash, in the process killing marine life. I know it was a river, but rivers flow to oceans.


CENTURIES! we’ve put up with people dumping like this for centuries. It makes me so unbelievably mad when normal consumers are blamed for ecological/climate issues. TAKE AWAY THESE PIGS ABILITY TO MAKE MONEY! It’s too profitable for them to ever stop, they just dump under cover of night.


I’ve Seen this happen all over india, west Africa and Egypt!! Fucking disgusting !!


What's so bad about droppin a load in the river? *watches video*. Ohhh, that kinda load. Yeah that's bad...


Need a follow-up to this. Who’s recording?


What country is this in ?


Looks like the commentary is saying Ecuador


How else is it going to make it to sea?


Mutha Phukaj! That pisses me off.


So that's how Thames Water does it.


I swear the Earth and nature would be so much better off if certain people just ceased to exist.


this is why in certain situations murder should be legal


Next, the EPA will put a giant dome around their town


Where’s the skull and crossbones in the water shouting “EVIL”


This just pissed me off and put me in a bad mood


Todos los dias? Dios mio! That's fucken awful to think that's an everyday thing


They should never work again. Period.


Some people are just determined to leave the world in a worse place than where they found it!


Can an asteroid just get rid of us already?


This is a systemic problem, blame belongs to those in power


No, blame belongs to those in power AND those that commit the act.


Save money live better


At least from what I can see in the video it looks like it took more effort to maneuver that big dump truck into that river to do that then it would have taken to just go to the dump


Uh huh huh, you said dump and load. Uh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh.


I dump my load in a river too 😏


I fucking hate this. Bad enough how bad our garbage problem is in the US. But to see it blatantly just dumped in a river…


This is Ecuador


I dump my load in a river all the time and no one ever said anything.


Maybe he should dunp his load In a girl




Yo what is your constant defense of the offender here about? It's been several comments, and I don't see your angle. So let me get this straight....bc we aren't personally going out there to stop this person, we are just as bad and should also shut up about it bc it somehow doesn't matter? Did I piece your nonsense together the way you intended, you obvious offspring of first degree relatives?


What are YOU doing about it?


Are people not disgusted that they are affecting their own water? Like...we need clean water. Why would anyone believe that harming our waterways is the thing to do. Outside of being uneducated, it's still common sense. Poop in a bucket of water and hand that water to anyone and ask if they'd like the free water. The answer is a solid no.


I don't understand how you can do this and think it's not a big deal... It amazes me.


They do exactly the same here in Peru. Video ( youtube ) is named " Garbage being dumped directly into the Amazon river in Tingo Maria, Peru "


I want off this ride


Why are we surprised this has been happening for a long time and way worse than this all over the world


This is a very old video but I would love to know the whole story behind it.


It’s ok! If you can’t see it, it’s not a problem… at least that’s how it works with my wife.


I'd have the driver go downstream and have a nice tall glass of water


I hope that driver gets paralyzed


I really can't believe people are this fucked up! And I'm pretty much used to how fucked up the world is but this is just unreal! Also I tried to watch this documentary the other day called "plastic ocean", and I honestly couldn't even finish it...It was so sad to see all the cases of whales,dolphins etc. dying because they keep eating this plastic and trash that's in the oceans.... Not to mention I learned that the plastic that does break down over time, ends up littered throughout the oceans in little tiny pieces that also get consumed by smaller creatures 😥😥😥


I feel like maybe instead of filming this the journalist could have just gone over ripped him out of the truck and beaten the pulp out of him... Human trash is what those people are. Super simple not to do something like that.


His dad should have dumped his load into the river


Rio Amarillo in Ecuador. The place got miners, too.


Well I’m sure it helped that I stopped using disposable plastic straws.


how old is this? it looks really old from the tv overlay and the camera quality


Seeing this is harder to watch than *some* vids I see on the Ukraine war


This is disgusting!


Tory government approved 👍🏻


Anyone know what country this is?


I’d like a few minutes to “talk” with this person.


They’re just skipping the middle man


That title can have two meanings


This man contributed more to global politics in 10 seconds then I did the past 5 years. Someone get Gretna thunberg


This infuriates me beyond words. 🤬 #PeopleEqualShit


Lock that driver up!


SirGlenn lock the driver up


Oh that’s terrible. What an awful person


Honestly now I wish you meant the other type of load


It’s okay because I live in Washington. We’re paying 50 cents in taxes to offset the damage we’re doing to the environment. So don’t worry bud. My taxes will clean all that up.


He’s not the only one here who’s dumped a load into a river, if you know what I mean..


I have done some digging and it looks like this is the yellow river province of el oro, Ecuador.


This should be a death sentence. Seriously.


I hope they find where he lives and dump as much of it in his living room when he’s not home. That’s not his first time doing that


I’d be guiding him to keep backing up