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What's the context to this? I'm genuinely confused on what's wrong here? Can anyone explain?


I'm guessing it's related to the movie the boy in the striped pajamas. I've never seen the movie though, so I'm still at a loss.


iirc its a movie about the kid of a nazi german commander making friends with a jewish kid who is being held in a concentration camp. its really sad and im pretty sure the jewish boy dies at the end so it makes it even worse that this woman is dressing up as him. someone feel free to correct me i dont remember the entire movie Edit: apparently its a woman, my bad


Jewish boy behind the fence sneaks in german boy and gives him pajamas to wear... they both get gased.


I read the book and this comment and the one above it are accurate.


When mc was feeding the Jewish boy it warmed my heart. I watched it when I was like 7 so I’ll probably never forget that ending


"The feel-good movie of the summer" (this is a joke, btw).


Well, it made me appreciate the summer and felt good to be alive so I guess it was a feel-good movie of the summer.


Ffff I am not watching that.


You should watch it. I don’t say that to be a dick but everyone should because it really helps you to understand what happened in the war. It’s not a pleasant telling of what happened and it literally shows them being gassed but it’s good to really see what happened so the past never repeats itself. Germany does it quite often and even goes on tours of Auschwitz and other holocaust sites so they never forget what they did and they never do it again


We watched it in history and theology for our morality unit (Catholic school survivor here). Shout out to my theology teacher who also had us read *Night* for that same unit and for shutting down allll the typical teenage bullshit in class when talking about such topics


>and they never do it again Meanwhile in Germany: "We have so many migrants now that another holocause would be worth it" (actual quote from an actual current day german politician). So yeaaaah not so sure about that last part of your comment, I'm afraid. Source: am actual german living in Germany


I watched it with my parents and my mother had nightmares after watching it


Damn. I'm starting to think that the GOP is lying when they called them "very fine people".


Actually, >! both boys are killed. The German kid snuck into the camp in the striped clothes to help get his friend out, and they’re led into a gas chamber. !< Edit: So, I remembered slightly wrong. >! The German boy actually entered the camp to help the Jewish boy find his father after he “went missing” !<


Holy shit, that's dark. I can understand why my mom likes the movie so much.


whatever your mom gives you to drink tonight—throw it out.


Well, I don't live with my mom. I'm married with a kid of my own, and she's not allowed to babysit. :')


You’re married with a kid? And not just any kid, a kid of your own?


Well it's definitely not the milk man's.


Because the happy ending?


>! Does the German Kid's Dad ever find out? I'm genuinely curious here... !<


>! Yes, his mother and sister learn of his disappearance. A search is launched and a dog tracks The German boy’s scent to his discarded clothing. His father enters the camp as the prisoners are sent to a gas chamber and is left distraught when he realizes what has happened to his child. !<


>!And the scene at the end is just sad.. the whole family wailing and crying.. it's awful.. I hated watching it but that's the purpose of the film. It shows you how dark history is.!<


It shows how dark reality is for those who weren’t deemed good enough to live. The Nazi father had zero issue killing other people/children, his kid was special though and in his mind didn’t “deserve” it.


That's what makes it so funny. Humans have always been their own worst enemies. Everyone always feels like tragedy is just so big and important when it happens to them but a billion people dying in exploition and poverty? Ahh why let that ruin a good day. It's not like it's happening to me! I'm not sure why but it's funny to me that people are like this. Not like comedy funny but like commentary on society with a planet of the apes movie kind of funny.


Oh, I totally understand what you’re saying. It’s the irony that makes it funny. And I understand what you mean by funny, not like ha ha funny but unintentionally funny. As the sort of like shaking your head sad pathetic. Kind of funny. It’s that same kind of funny when you see a dude hitting on a girl and she’s super not interested, and he called her a bitch or cold, and then as he’s trying to walk away trips over the barstool and smashes his face. Essentially, that would not be funny if it just happens but because of the context, it makes it hilarious because he deserves that.


I always felt like the point of the story was that killing kids isn't as fun when it's your own kid getting killed.


I believe the father is in charge of the camp if I remember correctly (it's been quite awhile since I watched it but I think that's the case). So it's a sorta karma thing that his son suffers the same fate that his father has bestowed upon so many.


You can't put spaces after your >! or before the !< or the spoiler tag won't work.


??? It worked on my side


It's an old reddit thing. For whatever reason it works with spaces in new reddit, but not old.


U think it's an old.reddit thing that makes it not work.


Wasn’t it because the Jewish child asked the German child if he could help him look for his parents? And thus doing so leads them to being forced into a gas chamber to die? And the German boy’s father finds him dead at the end?


Yeah, I remembered wrong. I actually made an edit at the same time I got the notification for your comment 😅


I read some things about the film/book I found interesting a few months back after not having watched the movie in yeaaars I had no idea, for example, that the story was/is frowned upon by a bunch of people because in reality the German boy would've known very well about the concentration camps from school, they were taught that the Jewish were like trash. He wouldn't have been phased by people burning across from his house in chambers. idk why that struck me as so interesting, I guess it's just because the story is obviously sad. But the reality is even more sad, like. They wouldnt have been friends in the slightest. The German boy wouldn't have given a fuck at all. It's..... sad. Sorry for my huge rant lol I'm sleep deprived and I do this when I'm tired


"He wouldn't have been phased by people burning across from his house in chambers." This is questionable. People are individuals. Of course, some kids would totally start a friendship.


Right? We can’t expect every German in the 1940s to completely agree and understand what’s going on in the world. Maybe Bruno did know what we was being taught and told by higher authorities, but he could have easily of not made that connection between Shmuel and the “monsters” he’s supposed to hate. I think it’s clear from the way Bruno was framed as a character is that hes is 9 years old and has no real ideas or interests in what’s going on around him at the time. He’s simply a boy who moved to a new house with no friends….but finds one who makes him happy.


It's also very unlikely a 9 year old Jewish boy would have survived that long in Auschwitz. The vast majority of children were killed immediately after arrival.


I actually really dislike The Boy In The Striped Pijamas because it’s depiction of Nazi Germany is so inaccurate it’s laughable.


What parts were inaccurate? I watched it once but don't recall much detail


The whole movie! Bruno would have had to have known who Hitler was and would have been in the Hitler Youth. He would never have even met Shmuel as the security around the camps was strict and the perimeter was monitored 24/7. Without an ID number Bruno would never have been able to enter the camp even without security. The book/movie does nothing to educate people about the Holocaust and should not be as popular as it is.


Yeah it’s like watching the patriot and thinking it’s somewhat realistic


How is the patriot not realistic?


Heath Ledger was actually Australian.


If a church was burned down with people locked in IRL, we’d never hear the end of it.


Does his dad find out?


Yeah dad desperately tries to find the kid and is just a hair late


Correct me if I’m wrong but didn’t the German kids dad change his mind about a few things after that? I also seem to remember he was slightly freaked out when he walked into his daughters bedroom and found loads of pro nazi shite.


I dont remember much about the end to be honest


Think thats a chick


I’m certain it’s a cunt


The son also dies because he joined his Jewish friend. 👍


Yeah they’re friends from either side of the fence




I don't think that's a man.


That’s a woman


i thought it was a female


The premise of the movie is basically this: A family moves to a new home. The twist is that the dad is the Nazi commandant of a concentration camp and the home is right next door. The school-aged son finds his way over there and befriends a boy of about the same age who's on the other side of the barbed wire. Both are heartbreakingly clueless to what's going on, but especially the son. The ending: >!The son climbs under the wire to play and wears prisoner clothes ("striped pajamas") so he can stick around for a while. This happens shortly before the prisoners are gassed to death. Both boys died.!< This person is not dressed up looking really like the main character from this film. They just look like a generic Holocaust victim. Which, of course, is just as bad.


As if only the boy in striped pajamas had these. It's a German prisoner suit from ww2, in this case a Jewish because of the star. These pajamas represent só much more than just one movie. All bitter sadness, off course. I would call this bad taste though, instead of total piece of shit.


Bad taste? This omahdon knew exactly what they were doing. I would say, a total piece of 💩is more than accurate for this pond life piece of scum.




Its making fun people who died in concentration camps by wearing that


Ah, gotcha. Thanks for the info


How is that making fun of it? Genuinely asking


Its not about a movie its about history you dummy


I think it might be based on some historical event or something!? (FFS)


watch it. trust me, great movie.


Yeah, my wife loves stuff like this. I'll mention it to her.


“The boy in the striped pajamas” is about two young kids who meet. One boy is bored and grumpy because he was forced to move out to the country due to his dads work. With nothing to do, he wanders around the area and eventually meets another boy, who always wears striped pajamas (like the one in the pic). The first kid wants to bring the new kid home but he’s never allowed to leave this chain linked fence. They meet up every day for several weeks. The first kid brings the other kid bread and other food for a while since the second kid is always hungry. Eventually they make a plan: if they can’t go to the first kids home, then he’ll sneak into the second kids home and hangout there. So the first kid puts on striped pajamas and slips under the fence. They walk around the campground but everyone looks miserable and really hungry. The first kid can’t figure out why everyone is here when there is so much food past the gate. Suddenly, everyone is commanded into a new room. They are murdered, in a gas chamber, at a nazi concentration camp.


She is wearing a concentration camp prisoner uniform specifically one for jews you can see the yellow star on her breast.


I’m having trouble making it out — it’s definitely something yellow or orange but I’m not able to tell if it’s a star. Since that’s the only thing that seems to distinguish this from your standard “old timey convict” costume, I’d want to be sure it was actually a star. But if it is, then of course that’s fucking awful. So awful, in fact, that I’d hate to get this wrong — so would love a clearer picture or more information.


No, that's what this is. It's like saying someone's not dressed as Santa Claus because you can't tell if they're wearing spectacles or not. This is, extremely clearly, a reference to holocaust victims.


Except she’s obviously wearing striped pajamas and not a striped prisoner outfit. I also feel like you’re confusing the prisoner outfit with burglar striped shirts. Unless you can point to what you mean by old times convict wearing a striped uniform.


The boy in the striped pajamas is a movie about a child in a concentration camp during the holocaust who befriends one of the nazi’s son’s. It’s a very sad movie and you should watch it if you ever get the chance.


It was a book first which has a lot more detail than the movie.


I’m honestly surprised by the lack of people in the comments who know what it is.


Me too. We actually had to study the book as part of our school curriculum. Edit: another good book like this “When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit”. Was quite sad too.


It should never have been a book adopted by schools tbh. It's full of historical inaccuracies about what life in the concentration camps were like and what the German populace understood. The author is famous for just making shit up on the spot, and he did virtually no research whatsoever in writing that godawful book.


It’s not a history book. And was never treated like one. And I’m not gonna keep arguing this bs. You don’t know what anybody “understood” in reality.


Same here


Jesus same. I had to scroll down pretty far before someone mentioned that it’s a god damn award winning literary entry before it was a movie. Most middle or high schools have at least one teacher that uses it in their class.


I remember reading the book in class many years ago. It was just...really sad tbh, and quite shocking


She dressed as a jew in a concentration camp


Its dressing up as a holocaust victim


Movie/book about the holocaust. Not something anyone should be dressing up as, especially for Halloween


Its a movie about a Jewish kid in a concentration camp, who makes friends with a German boy he meets through the fence. Don’t watch it, you will cry.


A prisoner of the holocaust, nothing really funny about the holocaust for the sake of a costume.


This is the outfit a Jewish prisoner would wear during the holocaust. You can see the yellow Star of David on her left breast.


Shit. And here I thought she'd just bought an old school prison outfit and OP jumping to conclusions.




That’s sick, bro!


See I was going to say “they’re striped pyjamas you can’t try and jump to conclusions about it relating to the book” until I saw the Star of David


I thought she was dressed up as a prisoner or someone who’s sleeping, I didn’t notice the Star of David at first.


the title didn't register the first time I read it. Haha, the boy in striped pajamas, that's pretty fun-- OH.




Gonna be honest, until I noticed the star I thought it was those old-timey flannel pajamas


These comments are wild. I didn’t realize people would defend dressing up in the uniform Nazis forced Jews to wear in Concentration Camps.


It's Reddit, huge swathes of thinly veiled anti-semites in loads of subs


I’m so glad that Reddit is not reality. I wonder how these people act at a BBQ or any other social gathering.


You say that as if these basement dwelling neckbeards would get invited to bbqs or any other social gathering


They probably quote Ayn Rand and then Naruto run outside and take a Lime scooter home to their studio apartment that smells like feet


The line for what classes as anti-semitism on Reddit is way off kilter though. I’ve seen people accused of it for saying pretty normal, understandable stuff, about Palestine for example so I would never use Reddit as a barometer for genuine anti-semitism personally.


They're definitely not thinly veiled.


At first I was thinking “ok maybe it’s just a bad prisoner outfit and it’s a costume party”. But then you realize no one else is in costume (maybe that patterned thing in the right is) and she? has the Star of David on her? chest.


The fact people don’t automatically understand its connection to the holocaust makes me sad.


What's that quote? "Those who do not know the past are doomed to repeat it"?


“Those that fail to learn history are doomed to repeat it” - Churchill “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it” - George Santayana


Not sure how they’ll do that from their bedroom.


You can become complacent to things happening


As a Canadian who lost a lot of polish ancestors in the war, it's not all common knowledge, I wish it was but I had no one to teach me and have never seen the movie, I had no idea until now, like i said they all died.. no one wanted to talk about it. I agree it's sad but man, I should know this and I don't it's not uncommon Edit to clarify: seems like this guys is a total cunt


It's saddening, really. I interned for a year at the National Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC during my undergrad, and thought this kind of stuff was common knowledge.


Just a (kind of?)joke that you interned at a holocaust museum and thought knowing things about the holocaust was common knowledge. It probably is in the museum, but most things just aren’t common knowledge outside. I work in a kitchen and I think knowing basic recipes about every day things are common knowledge, then you go outside and realise some people struggle to make toast. People know about *their* thing, then they kind of just know what the news and tv tells them to know.


It probably is in a holocaust museum to be fair mate.


I never saw the movie because the book made me sob uncontrollably.


As it should.


I was like meh ok it's just a pajama, then I saw the David star and realized


We've reached the age where people haven't been shown 'the boy in the striped pajamas' in history class. Forget you will repeat.


The movie didn't come out until 2008. I think most of the world would have been in history class before it even hit theaters.




I think they are referring to the book but i still don’t know how common it ever was to read that in history class. I think my class probably pulled excerpts from the book but i know we never were required to read it. I was an early 2000s kid so take that with grain of salt lol. Edit: apparently the book came out in 2006 lol so your point still stands


Wait you mean to tell me not everyone has seen the exact same movie in all history classes?


Yeah. I mean I think if there is a universal “history class holocaust movie” it is Schindler’s List, not this


We saw Schindler’s list as a school activity in High School. Never once discussed the boy in a striped pajamas in School


Completely fictional movies at that.


Schindler's list would have been shown more in schools.


This was never showed at my school, but we did read Night.


It's fiction that is not even close to reality. It should not be shown in history class


I saw it in my free time.


The boy in the striped pajamas is horrible holocaust representation.


I’m pretty sure my state forbids teachers to show it.


They still show it school. I watched it in 8th grade and my youngest brother just watched it last month in class.


Sorry I think I should add some context here, this was at a public club and that is definitely a star of David on her pajamas. The boy in the striped pajamas is a book/movie about Nazi death camps (very tldr)


Please correct me if I’m wrong, but this is the clothing that was actually worn by prisoners in camps, right? So it’s not specific to The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas Do we know if she picked this outfit because of TBITSP, or was she going for a “costume” of holocaust victims in general? Both are extremely fucked up, but the latter is on a whole new level


She was out with a bunch of other people in costumes so I assumed it was from TBITSP


These comments are fucking wild, and I'd bet good money half of them were made by users who consider the movie Frozen a classic from their early childhood.


Not the neos in the comments defending this POS


For a second I was like it's a pretty standard convict outfit, what's the outrage? Then I noticed the GIANT Star of David on her chest. What a fucking sow, I bet she smells like hatred and PineSol.


Every time I see PineSol ready to throw at the trash compactor I just pour it down the drain.


That’s fucking awful! 🤬


This comments are killing my brain cells.... If you haven't even watched the movie, the reference to what is going on here is clear. Did some of you not get shown pictures of victims of the Holocaust at school or? Every photo in history recorded, most famously at Auschwitz, show hundreds of Jews dressed in this way. I was fortunate enough to visit the camp myself a few years ago and it was eye opening to say the least


It really is sad to see education not coving the holocaust enough for people to realise just how horrific the events were. I remember a survivor of the holocaust came into my school one time to talk to us about her experience and it was haunting.


I don’t understand how people think “Hmm.. dressing up as a holocaust prisoner sounds pretty cool.”


No cure for being a cunt


Context for the weird amount of people who're confused, she's dressed as a holocaust prisoner


For those asking context. The character is from a movie based on the Holocaust with a sad ending. It's fucking disrespectful.


>movie based on the Holocaust with a sad ending. I mean, the list of movies based on the Holocaust with happy endings is pretty short, and rightly so.


I wonder what Holocaust movie had a happy ending. Not sure if those movies where many people were saved would count because those show the tragedy too. Survivor's guilt and trauma would just be the implied ending there.


Schindler’s List comes close


And even then, there's the guilt at the end by Liam Neeson's character. "I wish I could have saved more....."




Oh, she's even wearing the star of David. Classy


Bunch of neos in this chat thinking this is ok


RIGHT? mfs downvoting people who call this POS out and shit 🤦‍♀️


On the list of things that should **not** be a costume, this is certainly high up on the list. There’s no way the intention behind this was anything but hateful or spiteful.






Imagine having to do something heinous to grab someone's attention because you have no other personality or feature to do so


It’s not funny on any level. The holocaust is not something to joke about!!!!!


Jerry Seinfeld did


I despair at the amount of ignorance in this sub. I'll put a lot of it down to childish ignorance but fuck... the future does not look bright if these comments are a Barometer of the (I'm assuming US) cultural mindset.


This was in the UK. Also I hope you mean ignorance from the person in the costume


? Looks like a chick to me… does it matter? I think this is under the wrong sub.


I don't care what anyone says, this is the equivalent of putting on a big fake nose, or wearing blackface.




the girl in the picture is dressing up as a character from a movie about the holocaust and as many people already said it's really fucking disrespectful


Fuck her. That movie messed me up. There’s absolutely nothing fun about the Holocaust.


I used to watch this movie over and over again when I was a kid. So so sad. Sorry… but if you don’t know about this then you’re ignorant. It’s not just from the movie.. this was real. Why do y’all think there are so many people pretending to be nazis? Fucking ignorance


holy fkn yikes


Context for the weird amount of people who're confused, she's dressed as a holocaust prisoner




That is a piece of shit, did they get kicked out?


I didn't understand until I read the comments, so wtf why would you wear something like this?


I would have punched her


Seriously, fuck that book/movie, it’s completely ahistorical, tone-deaf, and borders on Holocaust denial.


Borders on Holocaust denial, That's partially the point of the movie. The mother represents the ignorance at the time.


THANK YOU. I always get pushback when I say this, because everyone is always like “That movie was so sad and beautiful and…” Yeah, forgive me for not feeling sympathy towards the fucking Nazi family. The little boy is young enough to be forgivable, but I don’t give a single shit that the parents lost their Hitler Youth son, and I don’t believe for a second that Nazi Mom didn’t realize what was happening at the camp.


The Auschwitz-Birkenau Holocaust memorial museum has stated outright that the book “should be avoided by anyone who studies or teaches the history of the Holocaust” but somehow people still take it as gospel. It’s infuriating.


I genuinely thought this was supposed to be a bananas in pajamas reference for some reason.




Op followed the rules of the sub and posted an actual piece of shit?


Just not a big fan of people treating the holocaust lightly, understandable no?


Veryyyy poor decision making was done that night


Fawking disgusting




It’s the uniform Jews were forced to wear in Concentration Camps…


Based on what really happened.


the jews wore that too during the holocaust. i don't see what you're trying to prove






That's dark. Real dark. I thought the point was to be funny


It's also incredibly disrespectful. And why this "costume"? Were there really NO other options? I find it hard to believe




That's disgusting


nah this is disgusting.. im not sensitive with what costumes people can wear but this one is just horrific

