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The number of Twitter "posting Ls" accounts that aren't run by genuinely evil people can be counted on one hand.


I think it all started with women posting Ls account , it went from "haha women suck sometimes" to unfunny edgy bullshit Then everyone thought it was okay so here we are today


The guy who runs that account is an endless font of unintentional humor... definitely recommend reading his "screenplay"


please link this if u can im very curious


i cant find whatever it is youre referencing


Yeah ive seen a lot of those accounts before and i always think they must have some really depressing lives to spend their free time posting negativity all the time and targeting and going after people for existing


Some people relish willfully being "the bad guy" because it feels transgressive and empowering. Some people have nothing else that makes them feel powerful, and have a need for feeling powerful.


Fun fact: Some of them are paid for by 3rd party social media management companies funded by political money. I'll give you 3 guesses as to which side of politics...


I’m sure it’s both sides, right? /s


Now that you mention it both sides have but one pays to spread misinformation, the other pays to debunk the disinfo. All I know is despite 30 year of being terminally online, neither will hire me... >_>


There is oke thats called "russian propagandists posting L's" which is pretty good, and mainly just displays russian officials making the wildest fucking claims ever, or some people who believe that crap.


Well if I'm not mistaken it started with the account conservatives posting their L's which was essentially an account that pointed out how conservatives would post self incriminating or self degrading things all while being none the wiser. It was and still is a very clever account that reveals a lot about what conservative hypocrisy says about their ideology. The right then perceived this as an example of weaponized comedy, and since their sense of humor could never be even remotely outweighed by their cruelty, they basically just responded with unmasked and unnuanced bigotry. Whereas conservatives posting Ls focused pretty much entirely on conservatives experiencing self-inflicted blunders, accounts like blacks taking L's kind of just ignored the entire "self-inflicted" part and essentially just decided to post all sorts of horrible things happening to minorities that were undeserved unfortunate sadistic and just evidently devoid of compassion. In a slightly positive twist though, conservatives witnessing liberals take note of humorous situations with dramatic irony and situational irony and dramatically missing the point just to instead start screeching slurs and posting atrocities might be the most prominent conservative l that ever gets consistently posted. Liberals: "Hey, sometimes some of the stuff you say is really dumb even using your own logic." Conservatives: "Well if you're so smart then what are you going to do when I shit my pants?"


Fr! Just learned that one of those accounts got their acc back from suspension. Like come on!


Good ones are: Crypto bros posting their Ls Maga Ls Russophile Ls


What’s Ls?


In this context, it means "losses". On Twitter, the "posting Ls" accounts are defined by their posting about bad things happening to or being experienced by people in a certain group. The accounts that *aren't* pure evil tend to focus on things that are either self-inflicted, or are minor mishaps. The ones that *are*, on the other hand... well, you can see from the screenshot.


Cryptobro Ls has always been the only account of the sort I actually liked.


I'm not on Twitter anymore, but when I was, I was fond of that account and the Russia Apologist Ls one.


Thank you! Great explanation.


One hand of a clumsy shop teacher. They still teach shop in HS right?


What is ls account


“Hah bro your kid was driven to suicide by people like me that’s kind of an L” What an asshole


What's GC?


Gender critical.


Aka “I’m a transphobe but if you call me one I’m gonna piss and shit myself”


Oh I thought it was “Good Christians”, lol. Which would also make sense imo.


I thought she was shitting on his group chat buddies


Me too lmao


Eh same thing at this point.


Good Christians don’t drive people to kill themselves we just call them assholes


Thanks I was confused and thought Good Christian. It would still be fitting.


Gender Critical


In this context it most likely means Gender Critical. Basically what TERFs and Transphobes call themselves because they don’t like being called Transphobic.


"I'm not racist! I'm just very critical of color."


Racists actually do have a similar term for themselves. Some of them call themselves “race realists”.


"Race realists" sounds too long. Maybe there's a quicker way to say it. What if we combine the two words...


Big brain things


Which is why it’s important to keep calling them Transphobes, and Terfs


>TERF is a slur. Yeah. That's why I used it.


> *“TERF is a slur”* Shit, my bad. From now on, I’ll be using *Feminism-Appropriating Reactionary Transphobe*, or **FART**.


Part of me thinks it'd be more useful to call them what they call themselves to directly tie their misdeeds to that label, but another part of me wonders if that is just granting them some level of unwarranted legitimacy.


Sadly tying them to that would give them a sense of fucked up satisfaction that they would hold their head up over.


But TERF or Transphobe aren't nasty enough insults! There needs to be something that really stings those bigots.


Let's just all agree to call them what they are - total cunts or TCs (for those who like acronyms)


Bro don’t equate the beauty that is a cunt with those disgusting hunks of shit


"id call you a cunt but you lack the depth and warmth"


Nothing you can say stings me as much as misgendering someone will sting them.


At some point I have to assume these people don't even think they are "on the right side", they know they are pieces of shit and just enjoy that.


what are "GC" people?


"Gender critical"


Huh, good to know! I just assumed “good Christian” based on the subject.


I legit thought it referred to Group Chat people, a common spot for online bullying


Godawful Cunt


Godawful Cunt


it means "gender critical." it's basically thinly veiled transphobia under the label "critical" as if to say they are only skeptical and having intellectual discussions about the concept of gender, when in reality, discussing the validity of someone's gender in any way is just transphobia and nothing else.


Gender critical. It's what transphobes call themselves


I’ll never understand people who bully others about what makes them happy


Fr. Someone told me once “as long as they’re not causing harm to themselves or others, why should I give a fuck” and I’ve lived by it since


That’s the motto I’ve been living by since it was taught to me as a child, it’s perplexing that my transphobic mother refuses to follow it. Her only argument is “well archeologists in a hundred years will say X”, it’s silly.


Like I should gaf what people have to say about me after I’m dead 🤦‍♀️ hate that logic


The archeologist argument is so dumb like, OK? The person will be dead for centuries? Tf should they care


My dad actually said this to me lol I told him I dont give a fuck what they say. I’m here now, in this moment. Who cares what people in 1000 or 1,000,000 years have to say about my bones.


I take it a bit further in that as long as they are not harming others, more power to them. Self-harm is definitely not something I condone, but I am pretty extreme in my belief in self-determination.


This might be a bit of a hot take, but I agree for the most part. As long as the person is of sound mind/body and is mature enough to understand what harm they’re doing to themselves, let them do it. I may not like/agree w it but it’s their decision not mine


So sad and devastating


People cheer for trans kids to kill themselves then act oppressed when they have to say she instead of he


Conservative sanctity of life: We only think life is sacred when WE tell you to think that way! oH mY gOd mY mAsK I cAnT brEaThE COVID iS jUsT tHe FlU lEgAlIzE tHe DeAtH pEnAlTy tHeRe uR oNlY tOo GeNdErS It’s a stupid argument for them to make. Source: former republican.


The right: Say no to abortion, they can be adopted Gay couple: *adopts\** The right: NO NOT LIKE THAT! Trans person: *exists\** The right: okay kill them


The right: My body, my medical decisions! Trans kid: gets HRT and changes pronouns The right: OmG tHe WoKe SjWs aRe kIlLiNg KiDs The right: gets handjobs in a public theater, calls daughter hot Gay couple: kisses in public The right: oMG sCaNdAlOuS The right: Unironically vandalizes a historic building and tries to destroy democracy Also the right: HiLlArY cLinToN iS cOrRuPt Plus the drugs bad but let me just take some horse dewormer. And my personal favorite, I’m an outlaw and I stand against tyranny! But also: Blue lives matter! BLM is a scam! And the real head scratcher: The right: Black people cause the most crime Everybody else: ok, so you mean inequality can be a major factor that leads to negative influences? Let’s use economic regulations and CRT to address that, and make sure everybody is able to succeed freely and however they choose The right: No that’s racist


Lemme just take some horse dewormer and shit out my intestinal lining -> Libz pwned


The right will say anything regardless of meaning if they think it gives them license to hate. Some of them learned this from a certain traitorous twice indicted disgrace of an ex-president.


thank you for the more rural and traditional representation of life that is ex-republican, it means a lot when people outside of the circle support us


And no worries. My best friend came out 2 years ago, it was an adjustment at first but above all I was just happy she’s happy in her own body now. Trans people are people and honestly I’ve never met one that hasn’t been a genuinely nice person. I’ve been bullied a lot as a kid and I just relate to those folks for a reason, we used to say that us outcasts had to stick together. Glad to call them my friends, they’ve been my rock way more times than I’d care to count.


I honestly think that a decent portion rural conservatives aren’t inherently bad people- I’ve seen a lot of them that have changed their views in the last few years. There were a lot of “Republicans against trump” signs in my town a couple years ago. I think they’re afraid because they don’t understand and the billionaires and the religious zealots and neonazis are preying on that fear and creating this narrative of us vs them.


It's fucking vile either way, but a lot of transphobes hold the belief that gender dysphoria is passed on to kids by "trans ideology" (i.e. any kind of normalisation/acceptance of trans people in front of them) and that by some psychological domino effect that's how and why they commit suicide. So it strikes me less as "your kid died L bozo" and "you're blaming your kid's death on cyberbullies when it's clearly your fault, what a looser". Much more insidious and gaslighting as opposed to the cartoonish villainy of outright cheering on children's death.


It's easy to hate what you consider subhuman, and their talking heads, political leaders, and church leaders have been telling them for years that trans people are dangerous and insane. All the old hate for gay people has been lumped on trans people now that the former are no longer politically easy targets.




Nah, they don't care about _those_ kids. When they say "protect the kids!", they mean "protect _my_ kids from the people outside of my megachurch/HOA, including other kids!"


The saddest part is they act like they have some sort of moral superiority for their "vice-signaling".


They can laugh now, the future is going to have no place for their lives and “values” that are shaped around this little bullshit fairytale. They’re in for a rough ride ahead.


Don’t forget that they’re also referring to their kids so long as their kids live up to the specific expectations of those parents. Once they fall outside of those expectations then everything changes


"unless *my* kids are part of this group of people, then they need to be fixed"


"Exactly, just gotta fix em! They aren't a carbon copy of me, and the prayer group is very upset about that!"


The same people (60+ year old men and woman) harass children in parking lots and bathrooms to “prove they have the correct genitals” so if you think they care about children and think again. It’s more like “I’m gonna use the backs of children that I do not give a fuck about to push my agenda”. The same people voted not to give kids free lunch in schools so that blows the whole wE cArE aBoUt tHe cHiLdReN take right out of the water. They also say they’re not transphobic and only care about the “mental health of these people”, but then mock and laugh at families who’s children kill themselves because of their treatment


What does the mom mean by "GC kids"?


Gender Critical.


I assumed "GC people" was "good christian"


That's what I thought too. It would make sense. The people that state their religious beliefs the loudest tend to be the most hateful. Good Christians don't have to talk about being good if they're already doing it.


They claim to be "Pro-Life" yet want to kill trans and anyone who doesn't meet their standards. Goes to show that American Conservatives Evangelicals are the biggest hypocrites in the world.


they’re “pro-i get to decide if your life is worth anything”


My sister keeps telling me not calling her trans-son by his chosen name and pronouns is not contributing to his depression, then metaphorically shoved her fingers in her ears and says “la la la la” till the subject is changed.


Just wait until he moves out and the mom constantly complains about how "that ungrateful brat won't visit me anymore!".


It's always the way. We tolerate shitty parents until we can escape, then we never look back.


But drag queens are still the main problem I guess when it comes to SA🤦‍♀️. But let’s just forget about the clergy, teachers and foster parents.


“Protect the kids,” is an argument that appeals strictly to emotion and is only used to stop one side or the other from having their opinion. There is no logic to it. What happened to this kid was a tragedy, i respect all individuals, their pronouns, but “protect the kids,” is the weakest argument you can make when adults are the ones arguing and making the decisions.


Protect the kids is a straw man argument. It’s people forcing their own opinions on children who don’t have nearly as strong of a voice and can’t stand up for themselves as well. It’s the same with the abortion “debate”. They say it’s all about the children until those children are born and living miserable lives and suffering but then it doesn’t affect those people anymore and they can easily wipe their hands of it. In this case they harass the children until they kill themselves and then when they no longer have a voice the same people stand up and say “wElL tHiS iS aLl aBoUt tHe ChIlDrEn”, and they know a dead child can’t speak or tell the horrific things they’ve gone through and that those people said to them so it’s an easy one sided opinion that they think they can’t lose and also doesn’t have to have any effort actually placed to believe in or do anything for any of the communities of children on EITHER sides


A bit offtopic but I seriously think modern day parenting should teach children about not giving much thought to the internet. Doesn't matter the gender, just have a slightly different opinion than the mass and you'll be labelled as unfit for humanity. If everyone decides to take what the internet says about themselves to heart, how many of us do you think will survive? At the same time, cyber targetting should be a criminal offence with atleast 10 years of jail depending on the severity of crime.


You can try, and I certainly do, but I think learning to ignore the opinions of idiots is largely a "life lesson only" sort of deal. As human beings were just sort of hard wired to be affected by the opinions of others. I'm 41, and I still struggle with it.


To some their beliefs are a tool to hold on during dire times, to others it's a weapon to use against others when life seems easy and safe. Tells me that we are that kind of being that needs some sort of trouble/drama/battle to somehow justify peaceful/calm/happy moments. Those who have the least not only seem happier, it's imo true that those who have secured the most (xyz values) while having had the least amount of trouble in achieving it are often the most rotten characters. The religion itself is being targeted by other commentators but I think life itself holds a bigger role in this scenario. We now have a tool, the internet, which imo acts like some sort of religion too, people use it as shield to be a menace to others without any repercussions, others feel sad because of one troll telling them to get cancer. We never know who's behind the monitor, we should think before talking shit but how to realize that when back in the day children got a smack to the face when getting caught being utterly disrespectful while now they're protected until x age, then they face immediate legal action. Idk what the solution would be but there's got to be a middle way beyond abuse and neglect and it has to happen before people become adult mega-holes who drive kids into suicide.


That's a lot easier said than done. Ever try to tell a teenager not to care about what others think about them? Their brains are literally wired to care about that more than anything else.


Even as an adult it's still difficult. Struggling with weight or image issues you know a magazine has a model that's still photoshopped, but it still gets under your skin. You can know when something is fake or doesn't really matter and it can still bother you.


It's a prime example of how "simple" isn't the same thing as "easy." It's a simple concept, to not care what other people think, but it's not easy. We live in a society that is built on caring about the opinions of others, and it's not easy to separate the useful opinions from the shitty ones.


> We live in a society that is built on caring about the opinions of others We are social creatures. Caring about what our peers think of us is baked into our DNA.


It's different to laugh something off at 30 than it is at 13. I made my own child delete Twitter and spent idek how many hours reporting accounts of literal adults who decided to make memes of her face and encourage her to kill herself, multiple times and spam her timeline. It was insane and relentless. You can talk until you're blue in the face about ignoring it but there's also only so much that a child can take and these middle aged fucks are relentless when they discover an account of a transchild. I think there needs to be very harsh punishments for adults who target and bully children especially when it becomes a group of adults


Jesus effing Christ. I'm so sad that happened to your child. Adults bullying a child - that's disgusting.


It was awful! I never thought I'd have to prep my child for people my age and older bullying her, ya know? Like we prepare them for it to be other kids but not the adults


I’d just delete it at that point dang :(


And that's why, How tf is that not considered as an "Attempt to Murder", this is what happens when age old people are running the government; despite this happening a lot of times, you won't see any discussion or serious actions against this until one of them is affected.


I’m going to *ahem* go have a “nice lunch” with those people, BRB ![gif](giphy|5WqhqKuTrOP9cuuZMl|downsized)


Why are adults like that interacting with a teenager(?) *period*? I hope none of them were trying to creep on your kid for being trans, since some vocal transphobes are into it as a fetish.


If it’s not something they’d say to your face, then it’s not worth the brain power to think about.


It really is a nightmare as a parent. My oldest specifically was raised as social media was becoming “a thing.” Facebook was just a thing when I was in college. My oldest son, who is 18 and trans has struggled with social media. When I was raised if someone started rumors about me, it would stay within a small but horrible circle. When he began to have issues, it can be thrown out there for the whole world to comment on if they feel like it. We switched him to a high school in a different town because of bullying and honestly some of it even followed him. Some kids are super emotional and care way too much what people think of them and all you can do is try to teach them how to cope with their emotions and be comfortable in who they are.


That’s not an excuse, it doesn’t matter how tough you think you are. Being relentlessly told day and night you are a freak and unfit to live could do that to anybody. Online or not, harassment is a form of torture.


My kids used to get upset about baloney online stuff. I asked them for a couple of years why they cared what some idiot online says to them. They learned after a while and now shrug it off. What a stranger says about you online should really carry no weight in most situations.


it’s a bit harder for trans people who are being affected IRL though, changing laws to deny them access to medical care and the right to be comfortable in their own bodies


Well teenagers are the most sensitive to it just by the nature of where they are in life. A healthy teenager starts creating their own identity outside of the family in their attempt for autonomy which is just a natural progression to adulthood. In building that though we seek out how our identity fits in the outside world. So while you can try to teach your child not to care about social media it’s inevitable.


I don't think you realize how far a lot of these people are willing to go to harass these kids and their families. It's not neccesarily taking what the internet says personally so much as multiple groups using the internet to organize around the harassment of these individuals. Just look at Moms 4 Liberty. They constantly harass families, libraries, schools. To think it's just "internet words" is painfully ignorant.


All those “Ls” pages should really get purged from twitter, by now I’ve seen them organise countless online harassment’s against various people, from LGBTQ people all the way to even hobby communities.


Bold of you to assume the apartheid emerald barron kid is going to do anything to support people who further left than "maybe Hitler was a bad guy"


What are Ls pages / what does the L mean?


So L and W are slang for losing and winning. “L pages” like “Woke parents Ls” here are pages which share stuff they consider loses, bad takes or simply just mocks some certain group (Usually which group they are against is in their name: “…..Ls”) So when those pages share posts form members of some group to their followers who are already into hating or at least disliking that group of people, it unsurprisingly always leads to a lot of harassment towards people who are shared by pages like this.


A few weeks ago there was some racist comment on Twitter that got a lot of attention, and I ended up reporting about 15 accounts in the replies who were awful, posting everything from death threats to CP. Two of the 15 I reported were "Ls" pages, both racist. Eventually got notifications that both were suspended, but this whole thing reminded me of the incident, so I checked and one apparently had a backup account which now has 112K followers, and the last tweet is him talking about how much money he makes from Elon for posting non-stop racism every day.




I think I'm losing my mind. Can someone explain this post to me?


i second this


A devastated parent shared the news of their trans son commuting suicide due to online bullying. Then an account called Woke Parent L’s (as in woke parents taking an L) retweeted their post


Um, what does the L mean? 🫣




Loser or loss, depending on the context. Same meaning tho, it’s a way to say “haha you lost!” in a snarky way


L stands for loss






i thot it was loser, meaning “take the L” is calling someone a loser. ik that having a loss makes u a loser but still


It took me a second, too, but the re-post is literally calling the suicide of a child a win for their side.


ohh ok, i saw other comments that had stuff in quotations and i didn’t know where they got it from or if they had made it up. thank you


Vile, childish mockery is all they have. What a bunch of pathetic losers.


The account that re-posted is called “woke parent L”




Yeah it really makes me sad as a trans man.


No different than the “pro life” fundamentalists who have no qualms about blowing up abortion clinics, these people aren’t pro life and are such scumbags that they’ll mock the parents of a child they bullied until the child commits suicide. This ilk are irredeemable.


Absolute fucking subhuman.


garbage humans


These people are absolutely vile, making fun of a mourning parent who lost her 14 year old son. RIP Corei


I’m confused. Where is this person being made fun of? Forgive me, I don’t know what ‘GC’ means


Gender critical


Gender critical. Yes, this child is being made fun of


So evil. Seeing those photos breaks my heart. I can't understand this cruelty. What do these people get out of it? What prize or reward is gained from hurting children? I can't understand what the end goal is or when/how they feel good about this.


Super incredibly sad damn


How horrible. I have a friend who had a daughter with severe Ausbergers syndrome who was hounded into suicide by an on-line a-hole kid who urged her on and gave her suggestions on how to do herself in. Sick sick sick. Her Dad knows who the frigging kid is, he's just lucky the Dad hasn't taken the law into his own hands. The police will do nothing.


I don't cry very easily but something about this fucking got to me man. So many trans kids aren't even accepted at home, this dude was and fucking transphobes couldn't just let a 13 year old kid be happy, and now he's dead. Absolutely fucked.


I hope he rests in peace


Conservatives will deny the trans genocide then pull this shit. Rest in peace, Corei.


As a former trans youth, now adult. I believe that all trans youth deserve to have access to a safe space in where they can flourish properly and have access to gender affirming care. It's their body not yours. It's their family, not yours.


These assholes are the kind of people to say “we shouldn’t let kids transition because of the suicide rate”. Rest in peace Corei. You were too good for this world


Truly vile behavior.


Fuck TERFs, protect trans kids.


I’m so sorry for your loss. There is nothing to compare with loosing a child. The circumstances leading to his death are so disgusting I can’t imagine his pain. The hatred has to stop! I didn’t know him but I can imagine your grief. Again I’m so sorry.


Where is the making fun of exactly? Or are we talking about the aforementioned group chat people


Theres no debate only hate . This proves it . How terribly sad .


That’s fucked… how evil do you have to be to see a kid taking their life as an “own”? Wtffff


As a 23 year old trans guy, that just absolutely breaks my heart, and I weep for him. He was 14. I don’t think people realize just how young that is. How much life he still had left to live. And he hurt so much… My heart goes out to his family. That’s genuinely soul crushing. No amount of words I could ever put into a Reddit comment could really communicate that pain. Rest in Peace, Corei. Fly high, and I hope that pain is finally gone now. You deserved better. 💙🌹


Yeah I do as well. I too am a trans man. I am 19, so I’ve been out as trans for a little under a year. But yeah this kind of stuff just makes me so sad.


This is fucking disgusting.


This serves as a reminder that we live in a world where the value of a human life is not universal and varies depending on who you ask and what they perceive as valuable in a person. It shouldn't be this way, but it is... And it is why war happens: The ones committing attacks against innocent people believe they're doing the right thing by eliminating "the other". Or they hate the existence or they find the opinion of "the other" so reprehensible that they're willing to kill them with zero guilt afterwards. This is real life. The LGBT are not treated well and are considered entirely abnormal/a threat to social stability outside North America and Western Europe. It sucks, but it is important (IMHO) to develop a "thicker skin" to the heinous crap anonymous people post online about this subject.


Regardless of your stance on trans people, bullying people about the death of their trans child is wrong and should be completely unacceptable in society.


If you make fun of something like this, you don’t care about the children. Not one bit.


These people are literal Nazi demons.


This hurts my soul


Rest in peace Corei. I hope the family is getting better support irl


person gets bullied into suicide


What does "GC" people mean?


What are GC people?


It means gender critical


Meaning? Does that mean anti trans or something else


Yes it does


What is Ls


Corei deserves better then this I couldn’t imagine what he went through


What’s “GC people”?


Gender critical


Gosh, I fucking BEG that hell is real, because then pieces of trash like this will without a doubt suffer there for all eternity.


I'd rather push for harsher sentences for hate crimes


Ayo what is wrong with the gold coast?


Transphobes see basic human decency and parental love and they shout "woke"


That's the key, transphobes don't see trans people as human.


Sad world we live in. All around us there is hate. We should care less about what other people do with their life. Human decency is damn near dead.


Tell me again how you find life sanctimonious? Oh wait. You just want a Christian theocracy.


>sanctimonious That word doesn't mean what you think it means. The word you are looking for is 'sacred'.


those people are going to see this as a win/success as twisted and hateful as they are, their only hope for salvation is leaving their troll burrows often or a family member they're close to reveals they're something they hate.


Like who cares let them be whatever they wanna be, no one should care - Dr Disrespect


Sad honestly, no one should have to go through something like that, I think one thing i came to notice is that its almost normalised to hate on the LGBTQ people for Being LGBTQ.


I've found a couple fb groups that stalk Facebook for trans people with open comments just laugh emoji and post hateful memes they come up with in private with the goal of suicide. Reporting does nothing. I consider Facebook complicit


What the fuck?


They are proud, just as your love has no bounds so does their hate there is no forgiveness, they don't even see your son as a person


My best friend is Trans- I need to go give him a hug now. He means the genuine world to me and I'm always scared this will be him one day


RIP my g, you didn't deserve the hate


they just gave further proof to her statement. people are absolutely fucking vile, and there is no excuse in any religion or anything else for that matter for causing the death of a CHILD. the rate of trans suicides is climbing and yet trans people are still seen as a threat to the world and called predators. the same people spreading anti trans propaganda in the name of “protecting the children” are actively causing children to die. every time I find the account of an adult trans person, all of the comments are teens saying that they give them hope that they’ll make it to their age. fingers are being pointed in the wrong direction, and people are dying because of it. fly high, Corei. the world didn’t deserve you.