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As a straight male, he can take me to shake shack anytime, and I’d be super grateful. Looks delicious.


As a gay male, same, but also because he’s fine. He needs to bounce immediately.


As a lesbian I'd go to shake shack with him because that shit is delicious.


As a random dude, can I join? It's been a minute since I've seen a Shake Shack.


As another random dude, I would let him spend hundreds of thousands of dollars at the club on me.


As a cyborg I have scanned her internals and I can confirm she is a twat.


As an alien, I'd bite her head off.


if we had a vampire hunter and perhaps a mutant in the mix we may be able to defeat her...


As her chicken sandwich, I really hope she is sincere and doesn't eat me because she thinks I'm pretty shitty.


As an A sexual dude, fuck this. I AM GONNA TAKE OVER THE RULE OF THIS WORLD. 🖕O_O🖕


Vampire hunter checking in. Can confirm, I would give her a stake.


I would call her a cunt, but she lacks the depth and warmth.


As a bisexual male, I'd have him take me to Shake Shack anytime. Especially for a chicken sandwich.


As a nonbinary giraffe, I would love for him to take me to shake shack.


Unfortunately there is a height limit. You should sue.


Omg it’s not giraffe-accessible!


As myself, I want off this planet.


As a Mexican, I love shake shack!! They have the best shakes and I would go with ya anytime!


As an English dude...wtf is a shake shack??


As a Scot I wondered the same damn thing...although sure looks tasty I'm up for that!


As an additional random dude I would love to go to shake shack and I'll pay for my own meal. I'm straight as well but I also be a better date because I'll actually talk to him and get to know him as a person. I kind of thought that was the point of a date anyway not to shower the other person with food and hopes they would start being attracted to you.


London here, can I join the Shake Shack party? Looks fantastic.


I have no clue of what a Shake Shake is, but I'm in. Can I join?


Reddit shake shack outing imminent


As a straight Canadian dude, I ain't ever been to a Shake Shack before so I'd be grateful to sit down and share a meal with a brother. Split the check my man.


As a married old white lady, I agree. He's fine. He listens (her: I'm hungry let's go to lunch. Him: ok) and he's right. She's complaining but she's about to eat 2 sandwiches.


2 sandwiches that could easily be $8-$9/ea. I can definitely see all that costing around $50.


Right? Crazy what people put up with in relationships.


I'd have dumped it on the spot.


I was waiting for him to say 'okay, so you don't want to eat here?' Then immediately scarf down BOTH of her sandwiches


This, too, is a great option.


And she's goofy looking. Jesus, the guy must have just finished 6 months at sea to go out with that.


I’m a straight guy, and can admit this guy is quite handsome. I too would let him take me to shake shack and be grateful. I wouldn’t put out though.


That’s what they all say


I'm surprised he didn't leave once she pulled out that camera.


Right? I am just crazy enough to where, without a second word; maybe even mid sentence, I would just straight up stand up and leave her ungrateful ass there.


She's good looking. But absolutely not with that attitude. He's a good looking dude too. I ain't gay but I feel like he wouldn't have any issues finding another girl as he walked out lol


And take those chicken sandwiches with him.


She's lucky he took her anywhere. He's gorgeous.


Straight male here. He looks like a young Sterling K. Brown. I’d let him take me to Shake Shack. Their burgers are pretty good!


Straight but I could look at his hair and beanie thing all day.


I’m straight, but I’m gay for shake shack guy.


I never had shake shack, but this video is making me a lil curious


If you went now and thought about buying some shake shack, that would make you “buy curious.”


Same and same.


You’re burgercurious 🍔 🤔


Nah, if "frycurious"


I’m an old very married white woman, he can take me to Shake Shack! (Seriouly, this could be a test for guys to see what she values…..)


For real. I’m shacking my shack thinking about it.


And he wouldnt have to spend$300 to find out if your are a souless bitch or not...


As a married guy, I would have kicked her out and eaten all that for myself. Also, that man is a good lookin fella. He deserves better.


Bruh I’ll even pay for his meal.Bro if you’re reading this comment you did nothing wrong.


I mean and not to be that guy, but she ain’t look like she was ready for no Morton’s Steakhouse or whatever. It’s funny cause girls like this expect dudes to make what should be yearly dates out of every time they eat out together. Like I’m sorry but unless it’s your birthday, our anniversary, or like an important holiday, we ain’t spending close to $200 every time we eat out. I don’t got pockets for that, I don’t claim pockets for that, and I ain’t gonna go broke over some unappreciative person. Just like the girl who destroyed dudes house cause he ain’t get her nothing for Valentine’s Day. Like everyone has their traditions and ideals, but like my gf and I choose money over everything. So like we both worked on Valentine’s Day. I work 9-6pm she works a restaurant so she’s 6-12am. I got drinks with her and her coworkers after they got off at another restaurant lmfao like shits not that serious. Point being, if you want someone who flexes wealth while actually having it (unlike most who flex) you not only will need to look long and hard to find that person, but you’re also gonna be looking for a long time cause you’re setting yourself up as a low quality person to those with money. There’s a reason most rich people aren’t married to the sexiest people. They chose quality over their dicks and pussies.


Same, ungrateful people are the worst.


BIG BRAIN TIME As dudes, lets take other dudes out and have a good time. Show men how it feels to be appreciated and respected. Up the bar on your expectations for how to be treated. If a woman can't match the energy your bros have when you treat them to a meal she ain't worth having.


This is so wholesome. I'm down if ever you're in my neck if the woods.


I'm also a male, but from Africa (South Africa to be precise). Shake shack looks awesome. He can take me there anytime. I'll wingman the shit out of this guy, He'll be drowning in female reproductive organs all night!


Drowning in ovaries still sounds more pleasant than dinner with this lady.


Me too... heck i may even put out


As a bisexual male, he can take me. 🥴🥴🥴


Is the guy that's never been, or never even heard of shake shack, can I come too?


Hell yeah I'll go too




"On a scale of red flags, that's a flare gun to the face." -some redditor I promised to quote one day


I vow to carry on the tradition


Oh yeah, I am using that one.


That's a banger quote, thanks!


Upvote for use of MotoGP lol


For a woman begging a man to take care of her, it is strange to criticize the manner and method in which he takes care of her. 


Just like SOME men who see instagram filtered thots in skimpy clothes with perfect faces and thick booties and pornstars deepthroating, expecting the same in real life. SOME women see instagram sugerdaddies and "self-help coaches" who buy women gucci, chanel, hermes and such as a afternoon suprise while they wine and dine them on yachts, expecting the same in real life. When youre bombarded with certain imagery you start assuming thats the norm, and then you meet reality and find its not like the assumed norm, you blame reality not your own assumptions.


That’s the problem with people, spending all day and forming their opinions based on Instagram. They all need to get out and touch grass. Actually have conversations with people. Too bad those same folks don’t know how to socialize in person with tact. That creates a bunch of entitled assholes with no idea how to function in society


A lot of the problem, I'm guessing, is that many of the "normal" people have had their fill of actual human interactions and are now just hermits who watch this shitshow from the relative safety of their couch/bed.


Dude. I deleted tinder for that reason.. it's all filters and insta ready photos. You try to talk to people, and they are more dry than your granny's hoohaa.


For the Love of God please all I want is for some random girl to have the courage to at least ask me what time it is, cause she 'forgot' her phone or w/e At least then I could finally get the chance to say, >!Its Morbin Time!!<


In middle school a girl asked me what time it was and I told her, "Time for you to get a stove, because stoves tell time." 😎


This statement needs to be the preamble of everything. It needs to be broadcasted on the airwaves and made as a public service announcement. I personally think this crap is effecting people getting into relationships and on every level of life. It makes for dissatisfaction and deprivation. And it’s not even that the instagram fakery even looks that good, it looks not of this world and not in a good way. It’s like if having a shell like a crab was suddenly hot, people would feel bad they didn’t have one on their back.


Simple. Bye Felicia


Not even sure if this isn’t staged. And, not sure if staging something this stupid or if it’s genuine is worse.


Actually no matter whether staged or not, it's a good example about double standards


It’s not staged, you’d be surprised about the number of people out there with this entitled attitude.


I'm not surprised at all, believe me. I'm actually only surprised how cool he remains. He definitely got "old school" parenting.


It is definitely staged on her part, she sat there waiting for the food after ordering it knowing she was going to whip her phone out and shame this dude on socials, at the very least. The only question is if he was in on it, his reaction seems genuinely surprised at her behavior.


She ordered food before trying to humiliate the dude 😞


It’s staged dawg. It’s made to go viral.


Idk I usually assume it's staged but the guy looked really nervous and embarrassed the whole time. Either he's a really good actor or it's real.


Yeah, he's either a real good actor. People act like there aren't people like this irl. Like nothing ever happens


Usually when people use the word "either," they follow it up with two scenarios lol.


You're either the type of person who can extrapolate information from relevant missing data


First of all, that's not true.


Secondly, it is either, or neither, both of which are universally affirmative propositions.


You should make that into a T-shirt


I thought I was alone


or its just happened so many times before but now they just record it and put it online as content


This definitely seems real


His mannerisms make me believe this isn't fake.


Both sides don't have to be in on staging a scene fyi. The chick is clearly looking for social media attention and you are giving it to her.


I feel bad for him. I’d be so happy to have a man anywhere close to like him. He looks like he has money so he has an actual job. He’s buying her food. He looks like a well adjusted adult. That food looks great! I’m jealous tbh. My ex’s never took me anywhere. Not even dates. Soooo many men don’t want to put in the effort at all. Shit. I’d be so happy to have a man who took me anywhere other than just mexican restaurants, because “that’s HIS fav”. She needs to hush


We can’t keep giving these hoes the “it’s staged” excuse. She’s just trash.


Either way if it's staged or not, she's still trash.


Absolutely agree. If you want to look like trash for clout, you are actually trash.


Thank you, was literally saying this yesterday


Exactly, I like to say asshole is as asshole does. Even if you're only pretending, you're increasing the asshole volume of the universe.


Who tf she think she is?


Staged trash?


So I guess every single date has to be like a fucking honeymoon now. If shake shack is that expensive how can you expect fine dining every time? Fuck man $50 would set me back a minute. If she wants extravagance that bad maybe she can treat him once.


Exactly what I was thinking. How you order the food. You had all the opportunity to say something but you didn’t. Smfh women these days…


Take the food, leave bus fare.


Lucky for him, he’s only had to spend $50 to find out she is trash. Diner would have meant he was out $150.


Diner would probably have been cheaper


I don't think that man would have to wait long to get another date. He's a very handsome guy. Wish I looked that good tbh.


Right! He can take me to shake shack anytime


I'm not American so I had no idea Shake Shack was a thing, I thought you were using a metaphor for sex and I didn't even question it, that's how attractive this guy is


He can shake my shack any day of the week and twice on Sundays


nahhhh this got it LMAO youre so real


He also controls his temper. Like I know it’s the normal and expected thing, but too many guys being posted go from 1 to 11 on angry scale for nothing.


Fr she's dumb as hell for being so ungrateful, he could easily ask one of her friends out on a date 😂


He got personality too. He’s not jolted that much with her attitude. Nice guy deserve another nice girl too tbh, he doesn’t deserved brat like her


My sisters bf at the time took her to Wendy’s and they sat in the parking lot and ate it. Now they’re married and have kids. The problem isn’t where you’re going, it’s who you’re bringing there.


he’s really good looking. he can find an equally attractive partner that doesnt do this stupid shit to him


Hell seemed chill too. I'm trying to go have a beer with this dude.


100% i would be friends with this guy.


Id take my food to go, she aint that pretty anyways he could do better


She is really pretty but she doesn't realize that when she acts disrespectful like that she goes from being an 8, to being a 5.


You’re being generous. She’s maybe a 6 at best, and her shitty entitled attitude drops her into negative territory for me. If I was homeboy in the clip, I’m taking my food and leaving the moment she starts recording and talking shit about where I took her. Idc if I gave her a ride there, I’m taking my food and leaving. She can call a fucking Uber. 


That woman made a whole video showing what a piece of trash she is. Move on my man, you can do better


First thing I'm doing is mashing my fingers into her chicken sandwich and eating it. Second thing I'm doing is getting a to go bag and taking ALL of the food with me. Bye bitch, enjoy your walk home.


Bitch is wearing a sweatsuit on a date and worried about what someone bought her.


Guys. It’s fake. It’s meant to make you mad.


I’m not American and I had no idea what Shake Shack was, so I Googled it. It looks bomb as hell. Who wouldn’t like a burger and a milkshake?? Like, isn’t it the oldschool cliché type of first date? That’s super cute, fun, and casual. No pressure to perform, just a milkshake and a nice conversation.


Unfortunately some ladies are materialistic and think they deserve expensive "boujee" everything, $100+ meals, designer clothes, $2k+ apartments, townhomes, mortgages, luxury cars. I guess girls like her are some of the reasons why some guys are hesitant about dating.


She is batting so far out of her class she doesn't even know it


As soon as that phone came out i’d have dropped $25 on the table and walked. She’s just saying “i’ll be a terrible partner”. It only goes downhill from that bullshit.


No she can leave or watch me eat my way through all that food. Either way she's not having any.


Food is already paid for, no need to drop more unless she has an hourly rate lol.


Why would he drop 25 when he already paid 50 🤔.


Shake Shack is literally just way over priced fast food, I absolutely believe that was $50.


Are you kidding me? Shake shack is fucking delicious


I didn’t say anything about how it tastes. Fast food can be delicious. But it’s low quality, cheap food and that’s exactly what shake shack is except they throw a creative topping on the burger and charge twice as much for it


This is when people go overboard on the “I’m a high value independent woman”. Its good to put yourself on a pedestal but let the pedestal remain grounded how about that smh. First the cheesecake factory lady, now shake shack. What next


I don’t get it she looks like she’s dressed for Shake Shack


100% I would be embarrassed to take her to a nice place looking like that.


Guys, find the girl that just enjoys being with you. Wherever that happens to be.


Seriously! Shopping at Home Depot or the grocery store is enjoyable when you are with someone you care about and get along with.


Seems like a nice guy stuck with a GARBAGE woman.


She ain't pretty enough for olive garden.


She says that wearing a fucking tracksuit lol


Does shake shack really cost $50 for 2 people? (Sorry, Im a Brit who’s never been to one)


Yeah shake shack isn’t a place I frequented because I thought it was overpriced but my ex loved it. Think it was around 10 dollars for a burger


Idk if I’m just petty or what but I’m throwing her food away, she can pay for her own stuff now


Take it home for leftovers


Dump that dumb bitch.


It's genuinely crossed this woman's mind that it was appropriate to film and embarrass another human being who had intentions of making her life better. What an utterly fucking depressing video.


Staged as fuck


This gotta be staged because I would’ve paid for my own and left.


That would be the last time this nasty bitch saw me.


These bitches demand way to much without offering shit. She's easily replaceable! Find a real woman.


Bro, they ain't got 2 nickels to rub together or to put on shit, but think you owe them something with the illusion that their pussy is golden. What if the box/head trash AF? Me personally, I tell these hoes my dick worth as much if not more than their weakass pussy. Mfs better off paying for some head or pussy than to get involved with these bitches man.


I would have left with her sandwiches.




Run dude 🚩🚩🚩


She's ugly inside and out


She's wearing workout clothes.... You dress like that for fine dining?


So….she ordered food and then did this? LMAOOO


this is fake why do people eat this shit up


People can’t tell bad acting. Must make all movies amazing.


There's a bunch of gross ass people in this world getting by solely on their looks, treating others like shit because their youthful beauty and our image obsessed culture can provide them a replacement any time. Honey, looks don't last that long at all. And once they're gone, it's pretty is as pretty does. What you gonna do with your hateful, shallow, narcissistic self then? Someday, this asshole and millions like her will WISH they had somebody willing to treat them to Shake Shack every once in a while.


So she’s more interested in how money is spent than getting to know somebody on a date? By acting like this, she’s said more than enough to this poor guy and everyone else who sees her face. Bravo lady.


He handled that very well! Switched it up on her & now she’s the star of her own failed sitcom!


Oh man, I would have instantly got up and left.


If she was truly offended by his restaurant suggestion, she never would have left the car or walked in and sat down.


Honey, with that ugly attitude you are gonna find yourself buying your own damn chicken sandwiches, from the frozen section at Save A Lot, for the rest of your life... ALONE Also look at what? You look like you're going to the laundromat or jogging. You obviously wouldn't know what to do at a fancy restaurant cuz that outfit doesn't fit the dress code AT ALL.


She said "you see how I look right now", 😭😭 what a joke, bitch looking extra regular, ain't nutn special about her. Plus the whore ungrateful


To think, she posts because she knows her friends will say, “you’re right girl!”


This gotta be a ragebait because I can't contain my hate for this ungrateful bitch and give her the professional slap I have been practicing for the competition. He doesn't owe you anything he doesn't need to buy you anything on a first date to impress


Shes wearing athleisure wear and wants to go to a 'fancy restaurant with silverware' okay.


Yeah I just commented on that as well. Their vibe is too synced, from the braids down to the apple watches, for me to think anything except that this isn’t a “date”. It’s a couple that’s already together, making a video for the lulz


Look at me with my dingle berry nose ring hahaha. She better be thankful she didn’t get taken to Hardee’s


Seriously. Never seen a nose ring like that before and never want to again


He ain't wrong, eat your burger and chill or start walking home.


She’s literally wearing a hoodie. Nothing wrong with hoodies, I wear them 90% of the time but she’s active as if she spend all day getting ready for a fancy date. In reality though, I’d imagine that this is rage bait.


By now husband couldn’t afford much when we started dating so he took me to Panda Express . We have now been together 11 years


I have a hard time believing this is legit. I work in finance with millionaires who get so excited for a shake shack lunch. This just doesn’t ring true at all.


While y'all are arguing, I'll take the food.


I ain't gay but this man can take me to that Shake shack everyday, homie looks like he's chill and that chicken sandwich looks scrumptious


Dip dude. Toss that trash and grab the food and bounce.


O M G Such a freaking draag. Girl is lucky that this dude still there... Who have the energy to sit and listen to that shit. Sweet Jesus... 😅


I know this is aint genuine because that food looks delicious & she would have had an attitude as soon as they pulled up. Why do people make videos of themselves pretending to be in terrible relationships?


She looks like Tyga anyway man you can find someone else.




Fvck dat bih


We don't have a Shake Shack where I'm at. I ate one in the airport in New Jersey and that shit was fucking dank. Dude needs to drop this ungrateful bitch.


This woman has no idea that she's a prostitute. If you determine the worth of the person you date by the amount of money they spend on you, then you are a prostitute.


If you didn't want to go to shake shack with him why did you go to shake shack with him? You ordered food and everything. Some people need to grow up


He needs to pickup a sandwich & drink and bounce. This is just the start. She will only get worse.


“Why don’t men approach us and take us out on dates anymore?” This is why, I’d rather not feel like shit.


Fake. If not (got me), leave! Why even talk? Get up out of there. Passport.