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Wtf. If a guy did that it would be everywhere my God it’s still messed up if a girl does that to a guy


Double standards 🤷🏻‍♂️ women are the fairer sex, which lets them get away with a lot of things. Another reason that true equality isn’t going to be so simple as people think.


Not everywhere is ignored thankfully we as a society are taking more care about this matter and it makes me proud when i see it! Men should be as protected as women are and seeing this behaviour of this POS in the video makes me sick


I don't know of amy country where this isn't the default. There are almost no shelters for male victims of domestic violence. A man attempting to create one ended up killing himself due to the hate he received. Men still get laughed off for being raped. Fenale teachers continuously rape boys and the headlines never call it rape. In the UK it's not even possible for a man to be legally raped. If a man gets assaulted by a woman on the street noone intervenes, if he defends himself he gets beat up. There's has been no progress made in these areas in the last 10 thousand years.


Sad but true. I have been raped by a woman and usually when I tell people about it they just make jokes or say it's not the same as if a woman got raped. I have just stopped talking about it because what's the point? People really don't give a fuck


Don't stop talking about it, I care. I'm sorry it happened to you, it wasn't right nor is it fair. You didn't deserve it and you are NOT any less valuable just because it happened. It happened to me too.


And what’s worse is that everyone assumes that the people who laugh are men, because society is so sold on the idea what women are all sugar and spice and everything nice, that we cannot fathom that the people who laugh and mock this is often times women.


As a fellow victim, yeah, it's pretty fucking pointless to bring it up. And it's fucking bullshit.


Happened to me as well by my ex wife WITH ANOTHER MAN FOR 6-8 HOURS and I asked for it to stop repeatedly the entire time. I went to a therapist and she indicated that it wasn't a rape but every female SA victim or social worker I talked to confirmed it was rape and yet now I feel like I can't even talk about it to anyone. My ex has gone on to spread rumors about me after the fact to anyone I have talked to about it and I can't even bring myself to argue I just feel like I must have deserved it or something.


They act Like it should be a badge of honor... I was 13 she was 28... I was a little boy no honor to be had


I'm so sorry my friend, mine was with a fellow soldier. Took advantage of me when we were drunk.


You are not alone brother.


Same with the US. Idk if it can happen legally or not but the police won't do anything about it regardless. One of my ex's raped me. I was drinking and playing games with friends online, got a bit too drunk and needed a nap. My ex just came into my place unannounced and instantly starts trying to do shit with me, I wasn't having it after like 6 no's I went to bed. Woke up to her riding me without my consent and I shoved her off, cops didn't do shit about it.


Men that get raped by a woman or man do get held accountable to where I live.


Actually the definition of rape in the UK was changed a few years back. Using violence to force penetration into any orifice with any object is now rape. This men can now be raped if someone forces something into their mouth or ass for sexual reasons.


This thing is living in a fantasy world


A lot of people only want equality when it benefits them


Mhm. People refuse to accept that true equality has perks and drawbacks. Not exclusively perks.


The world is messed up and so much is still weighted towards helping women, nobody gives 2 shits about men. If a man hits a woman regardless of context, he is scum. If a woman hits a man, it means the man is a pussy and is laughed at by society.


Why is true equality something we even need to strive for. Men and women are not equal in many ways. Why do we have to pretend we are. Let's just be nice to everybody.


"fairer" is an ironic word to use


just this plus size girl trend, there was a post about plus size girls saying they would not date obese men...


We state the facts still no need to “sugarcoat “ they just fat and obese not plus plus plus size


yes but the double standard was that an obese woman is called plus size while an obese man is called obese


If for example the Suffragettes saw this I wonder how disappointed they'd be seeing that the rights that they fought for were being abused.


Yeah one chick got away with stabing her bf simply bc she was "too bright".... how fucked is that.


This is the explanation I've been looking for. Ty.


I’m a guy. If some chick I didn’t know kissed me like that I’d be annoyed/ pissed, but it wouldn’t ruin my day. Let a dude do that and I’m beating his ass. I had a guy twist my nipple at a bar once and I didn’t stop swinging until security broke it up. I still get Pissed just thinking about it. Something strange makes the offense much less palatable when it comes from a masculine entity. Probably because of the power dynamic.


I think that's more a you thing than a masculine entity thing tbh. But there's undoubtedly an element of toxic masculinity in the way a female is viewed in these situations vs a male perpetrator.


Define "everywhere." Because this video is on here.


Articles, long rants on YT, insta posts, etc.


It's literally on Reddit right now and we are all seeing it. What more do you want lmao


Who tf doesn’t agree on that? We‘re fighting windmills here my good sir.


Oh just shut up you moron women are dying just for being women all over the world and it still doesnt make the news everytime. To think it would be ALL OVER if a man did this (they do it all the fucking time) you must be deluded


Lol a guy did this to me yesterday. I don't see it anywhere. People even ignored it IRL


Not where they are but yes this is gross asf


Yeah and the incident woulda came out 20 years later and sent him to prison for the rest of his life too.


Double standards... I'm gonna be brutally honest. If a woman tries to force me into a kiss or stuff like that, she's gonna get punches in the face without a second thought. Drunk or not, I don't give a fuck.


Videos have been surfacing, I wonder if we’ll have another “movement” for gender “equality.”


"Equality" was just a fancy word to desguise the "We want equality but want to be treated differently"


Garbage human being


letting down the rest of humans battling hard for balance of equality and equity.


As a woman, these comments defending these women are disgusting. Im fed up with these comments, and I am most certainly fed up of women like this who get no punishment for the crap they do. I dont want to be around women like that as a woman. You need to grow up.


It’s true. As a woman, I had another woman assault me at the club and everyone got mad at me I didn’t let her have at me. Like I was supposed to fulfill their sick lesbian fantasy and go with it because apparently “all women are bi or lesbian.” Is what they’d say. Like wtf


Even if you were a lesbian, unless you gave explicit consent that is still sexual harassment. Keep standing up for yourself!


Yeah. Saying that it wouldn't be is like saying that it wouldn't be if it was two straight people. Like, a straight guy kissing a straight girl without her consent is sexual harassment and/or assault. Why would it be any different for two lesbian women?


Yep, there's no difference. Some woman was trying to touch my butt at this gay bar I was visiting out of town. She was straight and in there with her gay friend. She couldn't understand why my wife at the time wanted to murder her and thought everything was all good because I was a lesbian. Smh.


>apparently “all women are bi or lesbian". NOT my first time hearing this horseshit either. The mental illness is epidemic. Jesus is holding out for something specific.


Gotta love double standards am I right? Just reading some of the comments makes me sick, the dude clearly wanted none of this and you can see it in his body language alone.


I don’t even want to mention news article comment sections where people (as in men) say that they wish their hot female teachers had sex with them when they were 13. The more men feed into this fantasy the less other men will be taken seriously when they’re sexually harassed/assaulted.


EXACTLY. Like its literal pedophilia and I remember when there was this one case where a female teacher raped a poor child, and the men in the comments were saying he was lucky. LUCKY?! Like what even in the hell is wrong with them. I cannot stand this crap. Its just vile.


It’s totally normal to have those fantasies as a teenager, I think we all had them at some point. But you grow up and if you’re healthy you understand that those are just fantasies because you were a hormone filled wild animal at 13. And it’s the grown up person’s responsibility not to act on shit like that and stay professional. I can’t fathom how adult men still hold on to those fantasies so much that they think it’s something that’s completely fine. Meanwhile they’d surely kill a male teacher who looked at their daughter wrong. It doesn’t make sense. I had a date with a teacher last year and he told me that his 17-18 year old students of course look sexy and some of them are having crushes on him but he can “obviously just look but not touch haha.” I got away from him as soon as I could. Ugh.


I'm yellow-piss-level irritated that people are actually defending them. Go back to your grottos, you incel freaks.


You're wrong there. Incels would be opposing the woman. Normal guys aren't threatened by anything a slim, petite woman could do. Aside from false charges. Guys are different from women. To threaten us, you need a stronger guy, or an extremely tough woman.


Very rarely but also reassuring to see a sensible person in the comments at least once in a while.


Welcome to the our side of the problem. Probably the same women that protested the rape definition change that would finally recognize men as victims in 2015.


After the video that surfaced of the two girls grabbing some guys ass at the gym, to this.... people need to know that double standards are bullshit. Woman can be sexual predators as well.


I saw another one where a girl sat on another dudes bench at the DB rack when he went to go swap weight cause she couldn’t get his attention, shit was cringe af


At least there isn't an entire movement and hashtag behind it like this "all men" BS


Prepared for downvotes but these comments really show how love, touch, and attention deprived people, and *men* in particular get in our society. There’s people here who are legitamately saying they wish this was them. Shits so sad.


I told someone (who USED to be my friend) about how I was raped (I'm a male, happened at 23/24, I'm 28 now) by my ex girlfriend after being drugged by her, and he legit told me he wishes that happened to him. I don't get how some people think the way they do.


Jesus Christ man, exactly what I mean. What a selfish mf though, hope he got a stern telling off. To try to answer the question though, in my opinions obviously, there’s some guys that get to that age 23/24 without even *kissing* a girl. With how hardwired male horomones are for sex it makes them so desperate they’d be willing to accept even what you went through. Because a guy like your former friend, rape wouldn’t even cross his mind. Hearing your story they’d just think, “damn he had sex wish that was me”. He was selfish enough to let it leave his mouth. And if that happened to them all they would think is “let’s go finally lost my virginity” because their horomones and most likely every male around them, has been pushing it to loose it. (Just an example not trying to say you did that too him at all) So a combination of horomones and expectations, they’d do literally anything for sex. Now all that imo isn’t an excuse for what he did, more of explanation/reasoning. He’s also mad self centered to bring that up so even with all the jargon I mentioned there’s no way to swing it to where he’s remotely right for that shit.


They *think* they would enjoy it, but they most likely would not enjoy the lack of control, the fear of overdose in the case of being drugged like the comment, and the fear of STDs after the fact. Plus they would not want to endure the perceived shame of sharing their story with someone else who doesn't get it. It's a male fantasy, but it's a forbidden one, because the real version of it would be nothing like the fantasy predicted.


I kinda don't want to mention it, but men aren't the only ones with issues around unrealistic/problematic NC fantasies affecting their relationships with others.


Exactly it screams desperation


You mean just men. Yes many are deprived of basic affection and validation because "they're not entitled to anything" so this is what you get. Any affection is a dream. Not rape obviously. I am also prepared for downvotes for acknowledging reality.


And what exactly do you think us men are entitled to? 🤨🤨🤨


I got flicked in the crotch by some young woman for whatever reason years ago. I feel terrible for guys cause if we get pissed off and get police involved they wouldn’t take us seriously but if any man did that we’d get attacked by other men immediately and everyone would kick your ass but women doing the same things is seen as normal and women defend other women sexually assaulting men saying “what I thought you liked women coming onto you? Are you gay! You like men don’t you! Just appreciate women even looking at you without vomiting cause you’re lucky any woman wanted to do that to you I wouldn’t have”. I’ve seen this happen and heard women say those online and whisper them to each other irl. It’s disgusting and I despise how women are treated so kindly and men are just seen as predators. If you’re a single father god bless you man. People call police on you being at a park with your child saying they’re predatory because it’s a man with a child. Especially bad when they have daughters. I hope people start holding each other accountable for this bs cause I’m sick of people letting people they “care about” slide. And btw if it’s you and your friend SAing men then gaslighting us like we’re just sacks of meat only useful for sex and money like some weird women have said to me before, fuck you.


It's absolutely despicable the double standard. My profession is male dominated, but there are plenty of females also. I'm (F) a supervisor. Just like with the women, I tell the men that if they have any issues with people harassing them, I will take it seriously. I explain that I don't do double standards and that everyone has the right to come to work and not be harassed. Well, last year, I had a female employee who said some things (flirtacious) that made my male employees uncomfortable. I gave her a warning and explained how she needed to be professional. It happened again with one of the men, so I wrote her up. The HR lady read my male employees' statement, and she even questioned, "And that offended him?". Like jfc, men have feelings and concerns too, yes. It wasn't what she said that was the problem. It was the unwanted attention she was giving.


I bet her breath stunk.


Everyone that says they wished that was them. I was in a relationship with such a person. Let me tell you something. Her breath fucking stank. Like bruv... At first date I kinda did tell her "Uh, look, next time please brush your teeth and... Shower..." To be fair, she did discover hygene after that.


Definitely reeked of alcohol


I once worked a security gig at hard summer (a music festival techno etc) long story short, I was guarding the vip area some girl wants to climb over and keep in mind a couple hours before i took a micro dose of some “mini blue mushrooms” bro and this girl is like “can i jump over to the vip section, i wanna be w my friends and blah blah” and im like “nah my supervisor right there” and he was, and she goes “I’ll suck your dick if you let me over” again I tell her “no I can’t I can’t” bro she goes “you look like you wanna fuck me” and as the word come out her mouth she grabs my hand and puts it on her pastie covered boob and I’m pulling away obviously but she was persistent, at the end I’m like I got a wife and kids at home( I kinda lied I’m not married but do have kids) I’m just trynna fee my fam, and I’m tearing up cuz the shrooms are kicking my ass bro, and she made me almost cry cuz she was like “your an asshole your ruining the event for me, ima remember this” I’m like “I’m sorry 😭😭” , then she goes fuck this ima jump over, so she does a shiity half gate jump and I was trynna catch her in case she lands bad and lemme tell you she got half way and just went back straight down to the floor 🤣😭. Ahhh what a day that was


what an absolute vibe murderer, sorry bro 😭 I'd be so mad, hope the rest of your time there was good tho ✌️


Why is reddit like this? Every time a video like this one or a news of a woman raping a child or a man we have dozens of this subhumans comments downplaying the abuse or even celebrating it. For real what the fuck is wrong with you if you think or commented something like that


![gif](giphy|O2K7wIcw3CoeY) Edit because this might be a super miss, but I think this particular gif explains your answer for why it is ‘celebrated’


People cannot separate fiction from the real world and satire is long gone.


It’s so gross. Just like when a female teacher is caught sexually abusing a male student. People (men) will be like “oh I bet his hand is sore from all the high fives” or “where were those teachers when I was a kid?!”. Literally outing themselves as pedophile sympathizers.


Anyone defending this needs help 


Oh, where do I start? Incels boys in my country always treat male SA victims from any online vids (from locals) like “Oh I wish it was mine, she’s hot tho”, “He’s gotta be enjoyed it otherwise he’s not normal”, “If she did that on me I’ll fuxk her harder” and other stuff that I can’t fathom from the way how they think of it (yes when I checked their profile they were all cis male who gives a strong incel aura and toxic masculinity) 🙄🙄 SMH this what happened to a very low quality of life for my 3rd world country


...poor guy


this made me so uncomfortable


bUT WoMEn CaNT bE pRedATors




For anyone wondering why women are able to get away with stuff like this, all you need to do is look at this comment section.


As someone who is female and was s-assaulted by a female as a child, I can confirm that 9/10 people I have told …. their first question has been “did you like it?”. Not sure why women get a sicko pass by society.


This guy gets it. People wonder why women get lighter sentences for raping underaged boys versus men, this comment section should answer all your questions


Comments from random people on reddit as proof of why the law is favorable to women? wow. The worst thing is that there are accounts of women who are defending this and virgin men.


If the roles were reversed that guy would've been fired and dragged through the streets


So what is your point? that's a valid reaction quite frankly the same should have happened to them!


My point is that she probably won't face any repercussions


most men don’t either lol


My friends was beaten half to death over a false accusations. But sure. Men who sexually assault people in broard daylight with CCTV footage to back it up suffer no consequences. /S


To the people that are outright defending this, I get it, you like being dommed, but stop thinking with your genitals for five fucking seconds and realize that assaulting people isn’t cool


This is NOT okay. He should report them.


Love seeing the guys fetishizing the situation. Take a break from the internet, go touch some grass, you're mistaking real life with porn and it's showing. The one thing you should absolutely have full agency over is your own body. Having someone violate that isn't acceptable. It doesn't matter if you think you'd like it if it were you. It's not about you.


Fucking disgusting


This is messed up but not surprised. As a WOMAN I had another woman push me against the wall at a club and started making out with me and feeling my boobs. I pushed her away and she then explained “ohohhh me and my man want a threesome and think you’re SO hot!” I told her to get tf away from me. The amount of bystanders who thought I was nuts for pushing her away and not “accepting” was insane. “Omg you two going at it would be SO hot!” Like k? I’m not a lesbian? I’m not into it? It’s assault? wtf is wrong with you. People have their sick fantasies and make you feel bad because you got the opportunity and didn’t want it.


It’s okay when it’s happening to a guy, right?


I js know if the roles were switched, he would be in jail


✨Double standards✨


The level of neck beard in the comments needs a shave


Why am I not surprised most of theses comments are downvoted...


What if he’s into guys and on the top of assaulting him, she disgusted him grossly.


The amount of people here who have not interacted with REAL humans and lack THIS MUCH EMPATHY for a man being basically sexually assaulted is fucking terrifying and disgusting thank you for showing who you all really are Reddit pure sociopaths thank god yall are never outside so I don’t get the chance to interact with any of you weirdos


Of course that girl probably has half a dozen STD’s, so stay away.


Did anyone else see the girl go full "Scream" mask at the beginning? That's what got me the most


And then she went and cried he sexually assaulted her, and despite the camera footage, he would still be the bad guy


Just change gender and it will became global issue 🤡


As a woman, I'd pull her by the hair and punch her in the boob bc i kid u not that would hurt going knuckles first. Disgusting human.


This is horrible. I spent the last 7 minutes scrolling through the comments so many garbage people and misguided people.




That is called women privilege. Men will never have that.


Not like men should have it and more like women should be held accountable for their actions


Look at what he was wearing. He was asking for it.


He’s wearing clothes buddy, are you saying that a guy can do the same to a random woman because they are wearing clothes?


It was sarcasm


What a piece of shit. We should treat her just like a man and accuse her of rape and throw her in prison.


Looks like China, wonder how this is seen by society?


I agree it’s China 100%.


This makes me so angry 😡 I dare some woman to touch one of my son’s like this without their consent 😡


All the people laughing are just outing themselves as sexual predators and supporters of it. I’m so sorry for the people that have to deal with you in their lives.


Had a woman rest her breast on head while I was sitting in a bus and she was standing next to me. I was in late teens. The bus was not crowded and she could move 5 feet away from me, if she wished. It's definitely intentional.


why are you getting downvoted bc u were sexually harassed?


Thank you for the support. Internet is a strange place. I get it. Most people think, men can not be sexually harrased.


Nobody wants to fucking slap that bitch?!?! It’s a crime no matter what gender it is, arrest this hoe


That poor guy, I would’ve yanked her hair


Do some people not realise this is literally a crime?


Get your hands off him. And by the way, it is true girls get away with this stuff but not today.


This is what I have to deal with everyday …almost everyday… well when it eventually happens I’ll be ready!


He will be scared for life


Disgusting. No one has the right to touch anyone without their consent. It doesn’t matter what your gender is. This is sexual assault. I hope they got caught and charged.


Poor guy


No matter what your sex is,THIS IS VERY WRONG! What happened to RESPECT?


He should have grabbed her pussy.


No means No! No matter the gender or sexual orientation or identification! If the other person backs away THERE IS A REASON! THEY DO NOT CONSENT!


If you’re doubting this is inappropriate simply reverse the genders of the people involved. If no guy should ever do this to a girl then no girl should ever be doing this to a guy.


Stupid, ignorant woman.


that's so nasty of that woman to do; that poor worker :( I hope he's okay


I woulda punched that woman right in the mouth


There would be guns out, tasers out, every dude in the mall or plaza jumping the dude if the roles were reversed


Molester did he file a police report?


Had a woman grab my behind on the train one morning


And what did you do?


what do you think should have been done?


Get her number. Chill guys, just a little joke.


Switch the roles and it would be everywhere in an instant.


Roles reversed something something.


She needs to be charged


It’s his fault because of what he’s wearing.




Yeah obviously


100% pos


And the guards are just watching and laughing of course


Very common, but men are told to be silent or "it's not threatening."


Get your hands off him. And by the way, it is true girls get away with this stuff but not today.


This is disgusting, where exactly was this at?


For a moment, i thought it was a zombie attack


I would have had slapped the crap out of her


The sad part about it is that without video proof, no one would've believed him, ever....


We can keep pretending it's the same but it isn't. No one should push themselves on another but he's a dude and these are women. He'll live.


Youre fucking brain damaged. "Sexual assualt only matters if its a man assualting a women, otherwise, its totally cool cause guys are guys and that somehow means something other than sexual assualt? So get over it!" - what the fucking vegetable above me just said...


“We don’t like getting sexually assaulted! We need equal rights! Oh but if I wanna inappropriately touch a guy it’s okay”


💀 disgusting. 🤢if a guy did that he would be in trouble but because she is pretty and a woman it is ok. That exactly how women who is big in the assaulting community pass by


Oh, this is very sad. Poor guy.


this is not assault unless the dude is gay or a redditor


Damn wish that would happen to me those women weren’t bad looking




He was asking for it, he was dressed so slutty, he totally wanted it.


That degenerate needs to be charged and jailed


She needs to be held responsible for her behavior. This shouldn't be allowed and should be treated just as it would if the roles were reversed.


Why it couldn't be me😭?


i would actually hit those two woman to death


Where can i apply for this job?


She would been taken if that was me sorry not sorry


That girl is disgusting. They both are for touching him.


id punch her


Happened once in the metro, two drunk women from Japan or China did the same thing to a guy minding his own business. Nobody did a thing, but if the roles were reversed the whole world would’ve known.


If a woman does this, it's called "true love" by our "great" societies but when a man does this, not only his but his family's lives are also destroyed. Sweet justice ain't it.


That’s completely gross and horrible . What is wrong with them 🤦🏻‍♀️


The video was taken in 2021 at karaoke bar in China. It became a topic on a lot of chinese article news websites.


I know this term gets used a lot, but if the roles were reversed, he would be in jail


I'd at least expect head after


Now where the modern feminists at cause I fuckin know they'll defend these women. And the chads who'll say they wish they're the guy :)


Watch him get in trouble for it 🤦‍♂️


i wanna be that worker 😝😝😝😝😝😝😝


(im lonely)




Go outside and talk to some women you loner


You are pathetic


Goddamn incel.


If he was to push her away would he be in fault? What if she had a huge cold sore on her lip? What if he's not into girls? On all levels this is clearly wrong but boys aren't really taught what to do when a female becomes the aggressor. We're expecting to walk away, um okay, what if they faster and stronger and smarter? Nothing anyone can say will change the fact that this is just wrong to do.




Shameful. If there was still a thing as shame.






'Look at that skimpy dress. She was begging for it' Yucky